Ice cream decoration and serving. How to serve ice cream at home

27.04.2019 Winter blanks

Ice cream is one of the best desserts that is liked by both children and adults. This product is in every country. And for many years since its inception, it has become a constant treat at most home holidays. You can buy ice cream in almost any store. Making ice cream is almost a separate branch of design art. Consider how to decorate ice cream at home.

Which dishes to choose

One of the main components of the original approach to serving ice cream is dishes. Each family’s home service probably has dessert plates. They should be small in size and with low edges. You can use glasses or cups. It is desirable that the dishes are transparent. Do not serve ice cream in one large bowl, be sure to put it in portions.

The photo shows an ice cream decoration in glasses

If you use a wide flat plate, then place the ice cream in the center, leaving room for fruit on the sides. Put ice cream in a bowl with a special deep spoon that forms balls. If it is absent at home, you can use the usual dining room, but proceed carefully. A dessert spoon is used as a device. It differs from tea in a long handle and a less deep cup.

How to decorate ice cream with fruit

The most common products for decorating ice cream at home are, of course, fruits. You can use almost all of their types. Finely chop and peel off any peel (e.g. apples). A very original solution would be to serve ice cream directly in the fruit. A big apple is best. To do this, cut out the middle and top of the fruit. If it is very large (or the ice cream is small), then you can cover the top with a cut apple top.

The main thing is to remember that fruit is not the main component of the dish, but only the decoration of ice cream. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it and not pour too many of them. At home, cut fruit can lose its original taste in a few hours. Therefore, they need to be cut immediately before serving. They should be laid out on a dish carefully so that they do not get dirty in ice cream. The fruits should be striking and contrast brightly with the ice cream. In restaurants, the chef adds a special essence to the dish, due to which sourness appears. Ice cream at home can be flavored with lemon. It is necessary to squeeze the juice on the ice cream, and then put the ice cream in the refrigerator for several minutes. Drops of lemon will harden and add attractiveness.

How to make a kiwi flower to decorate ice cream is shown in this video:

How to decorate ice cream with chocolate at home

Chocolate is an indispensable supplement to most desserts, including ice cream. Chocolate decoration is exquisite and uncomplicated. Moreover, to do this at home is not difficult. You can use different varieties: from bitter Dutch to ordinary glaze. The traditional way is to pour ice cream with melted chocolate. For this, it is better to take milk and not porous. Many stores sell special chocolate tubes. At home, you can use the water bath. There are many options to apply chocolate to the dish. You can cover the ice cream with a thick layer of milk chocolate or make small streaks black. If fruits are present, water them too. It will look very juicy.

In addition to melted chocolate, it will look organic if you rub it or put it in small pieces. To get good chips, you should first put the tiles in the refrigerator. You can rub on any teeth of the grater, depending on what kind of shavings you want to get. Sprinkle ice cream before serving so that the chocolate does not melt and does not merge with the ice cream. At home, you can use a potato peeler or a fish knife to get a thin slice. It fits nicely on top of ice cream balls. Spread small pieces of chocolate around the edges of the dish.

How to decorate ice cream with improvised products

Making ice cream at home depends primarily on your creativity. It is not necessary to look at the photos of dishes of famous culinary specialists in order to surprise guests. Using products that are always in your kitchen, you can create your own unique ensemble. Sprinkle ice cream with pastry crumbs. To do this, put the cookies in a plastic bag and mash. Shortbread cookies will serve as an excellent platform for ice cream balls. Confectionery rolls with chocolate have become the usual touch of any ice cream dish. Candied citrus fruits are a real decoration for any dish.

  The photo shows various means for decorating ice cream.

Roasted nuts are great for chocolate ice cream. And you can use all kinds of nuts. Before frying, remove the peel. Walnuts make good shavings. To top it off, add a few peppermint or lemon balm leaves. They will not only add a twist to the visual plan, but they will also give odors that no one can resist. Thus, ice cream at home can be tasty and attractive with the help of improvised products.

Ice cream dessert with strawberries and cookies. Ingredients:
  200 g of strawberries,
  3-4 tbsp. l Sahara,
  200 g vanilla ice cream
  5 pieces. cookies (anniversary).
  Wash and sort strawberries. Remove ponytails. Put in a bowl with sugar.

Beat until mashed.

Cookies optionally crushed into crumbs or broken into small pieces.

Spread in glasses or cups in layers: cookies. Strawberry smoothie and ice cream.

Top with melted ice cream and garnish with a whole strawberry. Serve to the table.

Making an ice cream dessert with strawberries and shortbread cookies.

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Ice cream "Creme brulee"

  - 1 can of condensed milk (380 g)
  - 500 ml cream 33-35%
  - 2 tbsp. spoons of brandy


1) Beat cream well, mix with condensed milk, add cognac. Pour the mass into a container, put in the freezer.
  2) After 1-1.5 hours, get and mix. Put in the freezer again until completely frozen.
  3) You can pour ice cream with fruit, or chocolate syrup. Remember that to make homemade ice cream you need to set your freezer to the lowest temperature.

As you can see, making ice cream at home is not at all difficult. It is even more pleasant that it is made from natural products, without "chemical" additives.

Lean ice cream in 1 minute

100 gr 46 kcal

  frozen strawberries - 200 g,
bananas - 1-2 pcs.
  strawberries or mint leaves - for decoration


Grind strawberries and bananas in a blender (you can add a little sugar).
  Put the ice cream in a bowl and garnish with strawberries, pumpkin seeds or mint leaves.

  * The consistency of ice cream depends on the number of bananas.

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Hot chocolate with ice cream.

To make hot chocolate, we will need ingredients such as:

40 g of dark chocolate

1-2 balls of ice cream,

400-500 ml of milk,

2 teaspoons of regular sugar

Vanillin to taste.

Making hot chocolate.

To get started, take a conventional pan, rinse it with cold water from the tap. We take milk and pour milk and add sugar and vanillin to taste there.

We put our pan on medium heat, stirring, bring the milk to a boil, and then turn off the fire. Take bitter chocolate and break it into small pieces. Pieces of chocolate are thrown into hot milk and stir until completely melted. We prepare beautiful cups and saucers and pour hot chocolate into them and decorate a ball of ice cream on top. That's it, the preparation of hot dark chocolate is over.


   Coffee (ready) - 150 ml.
   Ice cream - 1 ball
   Chocolate chips - 1 teaspoon
   Whipped cream - 2 tablespoons

Make coffee in the traditional way and cool it to room temperature.
  Pour into a tall glass.
  Dip a ball of ice cream on top of the coffee, garnish with whipped cream, and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

Eat and lose weight - Smoothies for weight loss. What do you need to know?

If you decide to lose weight with a smoothie, then there are small secrets. They need to know and adjust their recipes.

1 secret to using a smoothie for weight loss - a smoothie is best eaten with a spoon (tea, dessert), and not drink through a tube. You need to eat, taking your time, enjoying, just relishing.

2 secret to using a smoothie for weight loss - you can eat smoothies not only for breakfast. Replace them with dinner, and for lunch, cook yourself something non-greasy, preferably foods containing a large amount of protein. You can arrange a fasting day for yourself on a smoothie - five, six-time preparation of a smoothie per day and nothing more. By the way, quite satisfying. And for 1 day it may well suit many.

What tips can you give on making a smoothie for weight loss?

Choose your smoothie consistency. Love more - take more berries and fruits.
  It is best to mix the sour and sweet tastes of berries and fruits. This will enrich the taste of smoothies.
For smoothies, use low-calorie milk, yoghurts, not ice cream, whole milk, and cream.
  Add sprouted wheat, bran, flax seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, seasonings, ginger root, celery, greens with smoothies.
  It is not necessary to beat everything into a homogeneous mass. You can use slices of fruits and vegetables.
  Be sure to decorate the smoothies. Love yourself, cook everything creatively, serve smoothies in the most beautiful glasses. And do not forget to decorate the top with a drop of chocolate and nuts. Something that can cheer you up. Just do not overdo it, and 10 grams of one or the other will not hurt anyone.

Smoothie diet like a fasting day.
  Every 2-2.5 hours there is a smoothie. Serving at a time 200 grams. You can drink green tea, water in between. No sweet soda.

A tougher version of this smoothing diet is also possible. There are only smoothies for 5-7 days.

Contraindications in such a diet are diseases of the liver and kidneys. Use with caution in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. You can alternate fruit and vegetable smoothie options. You can lose weight on such a diet by 2-4 kg per week.

It is necessary to leave a diet carefully. Slowly increase the calorie content of your diet. But don’t jump on food. Otherwise, your efforts will be in vain. And you can still plant a stomach and pancreas. Talkyland

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Mini Cherry Ice Cream Cakes

  * Chocolate wafers - 4 pcs.
  * Butter - 50 g
  * Home-made cottage cheese (soft) - 300 g
  * Rustic sour cream (fat cream possible) - 60 g
  * Cherry (seedless) - 100 g
  * Cherry juice - 2 tbsp. l
  * Chocolate black - 50 g
  * Sugar - 100 g
  * Vanilla essence (a few drops)

How to cook:

To make dessert, we need molds.

4 grated chocolate wafers on a coarse grater. Add soft butter to the crumbs and mix well.

Wrap a flat dish or board with foil or baking paper. We put our molds on paper. Divide the waffle mass in half and lay it on the bottom of the molds. Put the plate with molds in the freezer for 30 minutes.

In the meantime, prepare ice cream.

Mash the cottage cheese thoroughly with sugar and two tablespoons of cherry juice.

Sour cream or cream well with a mixer. Mix the curd mass and sour cream (cream) and beat well again.

We cut each cherry into 4 parts. Add cherries to the cream and a drop of vanilla essence. Mix again.

We take our waffle base from the freezer, spread the cream on top, equalize it with a spoon or spatula and send it back to the freezer for at least 2 hours (preferably 3-4), so that our ice cream is frozen.

After this time, we take out the molds with ice cream cake from the freezer, with a sharp knife we \u200b\u200bgo along the edges of the molds and easily shake out our dessert from the molds.

Dark chocolate, pre-chilled, three on a coarse grater and sprinkle on the sides of the cakes. We decorate with whole berries of cherries and immediately serve to the table.

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Amazingly beautiful and no less tasty.
  Servings: 8

You will need:

  1/3 cup fat cream

How to cook:

Ice cream cake with chocolate roll.

Cooking time: 30 minutes + 8-10 hours for freezing
  Servings: 8
  Difficulty of the dish: # m3_of_5
  Similar recipes: #cake_cakes #frozen

You will need:

2 chocolate rolls (300 g each)
  2 liters of ice cream (taste that you like), softened
  100 g biscuit cookies, broken into pieces
  1/3 cup roasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped
  180 g chopped white chocolate
  1/3 cup fat cream
  strawberries, white chocolate chips and silver balls for decoration

How to cook:

1. Cover a deep bowl with plastic wrap. Cut the chocolate rolls into 1 cm slices. Set aside 4 slices. Lay out the bottom and sides of the prepared bowl with the remaining pieces of roll.

2. Put the ice cream in a separate bowl. Add cookies and hazelnuts, mix well and put in a prepared form on top of slices of cake. Level the top with a spatula. Put the remaining pieces of roll on the ice cream on top and lightly press. Cover with plastic wrap and then foil. Put in the freezer overnight.

3. Put the chocolate and cream in a microwave bowl. Preheat at medium power for 2-3 minutes or until smooth, stirring every 30 seconds. Set aside for 15 minutes to cool slightly.

4. Put the cake on the dish. Peel off the plastic film. Pour 1/3 of the chocolate sauce onto the cake and let stand for 5 minutes. Garnish with strawberries, chocolate chips and silver balls. Serve with the remaining chocolate sauce.

Ice cream cake with chocolate roll.

Amazingly beautiful and no less tasty. Are we trying?

Cooking time: 30 minutes + 8-10 hours for freezing
  Servings: 8
  You will need
  2 chocolate rolls (300 g each)
  2 liters of ice cream (taste that you like), softened
  100 g biscuit cookies, broken into pieces
  1/3 cup roasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped
  180 g chopped white chocolate
  1/3 cup fat cream
  strawberries, white chocolate chips and silver balls for decoration
  How to cook:
  1. Cover a deep bowl with plastic wrap. Cut the chocolate rolls into 1 cm slices. Set aside 4 slices. Lay out the bottom and sides of the prepared bowl with the remaining pieces of roll.
2. Put the ice cream in a separate bowl. Add cookies and hazelnuts, mix well and put in a prepared form on top of slices of cake. Level the top with a spatula. Put the remaining pieces of roll on the ice cream on top and lightly press. Cover with plastic wrap and then foil. Put in the freezer overnight.
  3. Put the chocolate and cream in a microwave bowl. Preheat at medium power for 2-3 minutes or until smooth, stirring every 30 seconds. Set aside for 15 minutes to cool slightly.
  4. Put the cake on the dish. Peel off the plastic film. Pour 1/3 of the chocolate sauce onto the cake and let stand for 5 minutes. Garnish with strawberries, chocolate chips and silver balls. Serve with the remaining chocolate sauce.

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Ice cream cake with chocolate roll.

Amazingly beautiful and no less tasty. Are we trying?

Cooking time: 30 minutes + 8-10 hours for freezing
  Servings: 8
  You will need
  2 chocolate rolls (300 g each)
  2 liters of ice cream (taste that you like), softened
  100 g biscuit cookies, broken into pieces
  1/3 cup roasted hazelnuts, coarsely chopped
  180 g chopped white chocolate
  1/3 cup fat cream
  strawberries, white chocolate chips and silver balls for decoration
  How to cook:
  1. Cover a deep bowl with plastic wrap. Cut the chocolate rolls into 1 cm slices. Set aside 4 slices. Lay out the bottom and sides of the prepared bowl with the remaining pieces of roll.
2. Put the ice cream in a separate bowl. Add cookies and hazelnuts, mix well and put in a prepared form on top of slices of cake. Level the top with a spatula. Put the remaining pieces of roll on the ice cream on top and lightly press. Cover with plastic wrap and then foil. Put in the freezer overnight.
  3. Put the chocolate and cream in a microwave bowl. Preheat at medium power for 2-3 minutes or until smooth, stirring every 30 seconds. Set aside for 15 minutes to cool slightly.
  4. Put the cake on the dish. Peel off the plastic film. Pour 1/3 of the chocolate sauce onto the cake and let stand for 5 minutes. Garnish with strawberries, chocolate chips and silver balls. Serve with the remaining chocolate sauce.

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Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream
  - Cream (fatty) - 500 ml
  - Milk - 250 ml
  - Sugar - 185 g
  - Salt - 1 pinch
  - Vanilla essence - 1 tsp
  - Strawberries (fresh, cut into pieces) - 250 g

In a cup, combine milk and cream. Add sugar and salt and beat with a whisk until sugar is completely dissolved. At the end, add the vanilla essence. We let it brew for 15 minutes, then put it in the refrigerator until it is completely cooled, from 3 to 8 hours.

Divide the strawberries in half, squeeze one part of the potato squeezer (or just a fork) into small pieces, leave the second part as is. We connect both parts and set to cool for an hour.

Pour the milk mixture into the ice cream maker, freeze according to the instructions. A couple of minutes before cooking (when the mixture becomes consistency like medium-whipped cream) add strawberries, mix well and put into a container, put in the freezer (from 3 hours to 3 days). Optionally, serve fresh strawberries before serving.

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Semifredo is a delicious dessert that was presented to us by the cooks of Italian cuisine. In the classic version, this treat is a homemade ice cream made from raw eggs, fat cream and various toppings such as nuts, fruits, berries and chocolate. There are many ways to make this dessert. Today we are sharing with you a wonderful recipe for making semifredo with meringues and chocolate paste.

To make semifredo with meringue and chocolate paste, you will need:

Chocolate paste (Nutella) - 400 g
  fat cream - 500 ml
  powdered sugar

How to cook semifredo with meringue and chocolate paste:

1. Beat cream until stable peaks, add powdered sugar and mix gently from bottom to top.
2. Grind the meringues into crumbs (the crumbs should not be very small).
  3. Melt the chocolate paste in a water bath.
  4. Lay the ingredients in a bowl in layers: whipped cream - chopped meringue - chocolate paste. Repeat layers again. Garnish with chocolate on top.
  5. Place the finished dessert in the freezer for at least 4 hours.
  6. 2 hours before serving, move the dessert to the refrigerator compartment.

Semifredo with meringue and chocolate paste can be served with a wonderful mint sauce, which will add a touch of freshness to the pleasant sweetness of chocolate and cream. In this case, as a decoration, several leaves of mint will look great. The dessert is very tasty, beautiful and fragrant.

Annie Mikoshi
  Striped curd blueberry ice cream cake (160 kcal / 100 gr)

Fat-free cottage cheese (not grainy, uniform) -500 grams
  Pinch of salt
  Lemon juice - 6 tablespoons
  Sugar - 80 grams + 3 tablespoons
  Cream (10%) - 250 ml
  Blueberries - 400 grams and a few for decoration
  Words oil-75 grams
  Cookies -150 grams

Mix cottage cheese, salt, 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and 80 grams of sugar. Beat the cream (in a metal deep dish, which previously hold in the freezer, as well as nozzles for the mixer). With a spoon, gently mix the cream into the curd.
  Pure the blueberries in a blender along with 3 tablespoons of lemon juice and 3 tablespoons of sugar. Put a rectangular cupcake shape (1.5 liter capacity) inside with cling film. At the bottom, put 4 tablespoons of curd cream and smooth.
  Put in the freezer for 20 minutes. Pull the mold out of the freezer, put 3 tablespoons of blueberry puree on top of the cottage cheese and smooth it. Remove for 15 minutes in the freezer. Repeat the procedure 4 more times (how much cream and blueberry puree are enough). Melt the butter. Grind the cookies in a blender and mix with melted butter. Remove the form from the freezer, spread the mass from the cookies on top of the ice cream, tamp. Cover the dish with cling film and put in the freezer for 4 hours. Turn the cake pan into the dish, remove the pan, remove the food film. Garnish the finished cake with blueberries, dust them on top with icing sugar. Hold the cake for 10 minutes at room temperature, cut into transverse slices and serve.

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Ice cream cake

Maybe someone in childhood bought ice cream in a waffle cup, but were not allowed to eat until it gets warm, and now you wait, it naturally melts, the waffle is soaking, but still then you enjoy a creamy-waffle drink.

For 2-3 servings:
  For biscuit pancakes (out of this number of ingredients I got 5 medium pancakes):
  Egg -2pcs.
  Flour - 2-3 tablespoons (with a slide)
  Milk - 100ml
  Sugar - 2 tsp
  Salt - a pinch
  Starch - 1 tablespoon
  For cream:
  Cream 35% - 150ml.
  Powdered sugar - 2 tablespoons
  Curd cream cheese - 100g
  Wang. sugar - 1 tsp
  Tangerines - 4pcs. + 2 for decoration
  Chocolate chips
  Mix the yolks, milk, sugar, salt, flour and starch and beat well, then add the proteins and beat again quickly - the mass should be liquid, slightly frothy. Fry in a pan with a small amount of rast. butter like regular pancakes, put them on a table or cutting board and let them cool completely.
  Make cream: whip cream with powdered sugar and a van. sugar, then add the drain. curd cheese and beat again - the cream should be very thick.
  Peel 3 tangerines, remove seeds and finely chop. To make a cake: put a pancake on a plate, sprinkle it with tangerine juice, smear with cream and put 1/4 of the sliced \u200b\u200btangerines, cover with a second pancake on top - and shift all the pancakes, cream the top as well, put in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours. Then sprinkle with chocolate chips and garnish with tangerines.

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Snickers milkshake.

This milkshake is a drinking variation of the famous chocolate bar. Peanuts in combination with milk and ice cream will saturate you with energy, so that a snickers milkshake can be drunk instead of an afternoon snack. It is much healthier than coffee or tea with buns.

Ice cream (vanilla) - 200 g
  milk (cow) - 80 ml
  caramel syrup - 20 ml
  chocolate syrup - 10 ml
  peanuts (roasted) - 1 tbsp. l

How to cook:
  Put roasted peanuts and vanilla ice cream in a blender, pour in chocolate and caramel syrup, add milk. Whip and pour into highball. Garnish with peanuts.

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This dessert will decorate any table. Not only is it very tasty, it is also very simple to prepare. And it looks no worse than in a restaurant.

  Servings: 10

You will need:

1 kg of ice cream

How to cook:

2. Heat until the mixture melts and becomes homogeneous.

Fantasy dessert by Barbara Kiebel.

Cooking time: 10 minutes
  Servings: 10

Fantasy dessert by Barbara Kiebel.

Cooking time: 10 minutes
  Servings: 10

You will need:

1 kg of ice cream
  0.5 cup butter
  2 cups grated milk chocolate
  0.35 cups condensed milk
1 cup peeled, chopped and toasted walnuts
  1 tablespoon instant coffee
  Strawberries and whipped cream for decoration

How to cook:
  1. Combine softened butter, grated chocolate and condensed milk and place in a water bath.
  2. Heat until the mixture melts and becomes homogeneous.\u003dphoto-35486195_286387933%2Falbum-35486195_00%2Frev

Cheese "with orange

Delicious as ice cream)
  95 kcal per 100 grams

Cheese "with orange

Delicious as ice cream)
  95 kcal per 100 grams

400 grams of cottage cheese, preferably pasty
  70 grams of egg white
  5 grams of gelatin
  70 ml-100 water
  1 orange, stevioside to taste and 2 teaspoons of cocoa

Beat cottage cheese and proteins until smooth.
  Add the zest of orange and stevioside to taste.
  Bake in the oven until hardened. Allow to cool.
  Dissolve gelatin in water (according to the rules). Add cocoa and stevioside to taste.
  Pour the "cheese" with "chocolate" in several stages, decorate with orange slices. put in the freezer for 15 minutes, then in the refrigerator.
  Serve chilled, preferably held before serving in the freezer.

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Perhaps in the world not to find goodies more popular than ice cream. There are many versions about the history of his entry into Europe. According to one of them, the traveler Marco Polo brought ice cream to Europe from China. According to another, it was the cook of Catherine de Medici, who knew the secret to making ice cream, which was available only to the royal family.

The first ice cream was prepared manually in a large bowl. Only in 1846 did the American Nancy Johnson invent the manual freezer. The principle of its action was to mix a mixture of ice cream rotation of the freezer handle. Freezing occurred in a layer of salt with ice. In ancient Russia, frozen milk mixed with sugar was served. The first cream ice cream appeared in the city of Plobier Le Boehm. From there the name "ice cream" appeared. Austrian culinary specialists came up with add chocolate to ice cream. The Italians made a mixture of ice cream with fruits, nuts, slices of biscuit. Nowadays, the number of ice cream varieties offered by the trade is huge. You can make any ice cream at home by buying an electric ice cream. There are many ways to serve ice cream nicely. Using special recesses from ice cream, you can make balls, place them in beautiful vases and decorate with syrup, fresh fruit or berries. Previously, cafes often served ice cream in metal vases. This was no coincidence. Indeed, in them it melts much more slowly. The ice cream that you usually store in the freezer is very hard. Before serving this ice cream to the table, it must be refrigerated for thirty minutes. Melted ice cream can no longer be frozen. Coming up with the right way to serve ice cream, it will not be superfluous to know:

  • oranges, tangerines, kiwi, gooseberries in combination with ice cream - “refresh” it;
  • for vanilla ice cream peaches and pears;
  • chocolate ice cream is combined with red berries and fruits;
  • serving ice cream to children, drink instead of liquor berry syrups or honey;
  • when serving, ice cream can be garnished with whipped cream, marzipan, caramel.

You can beautifully serve ice cream at the festive table by following the following tips.

To do this, we need three balls of ice cream of different tastes (vanilla, chocolate and strawberry), pineapple, cut into small cubes, ripe strawberries, cut into small pieces, banana, cut lengthwise into three slices, almonds, cut into pieces, whipped cream in a balloon, cherry . Put the middle flat slice of banana on a beautiful dish, cut up. Put three balls of ice cream on it, decorate them with whipped cream. Garnish the middle white ball over the cream with a cherry. On the sides, put two more slices of banana. They form the "sides" of the boat. This structure can be sprinkled on top almonds and pineapple.

For him we need: a flat piece of chocolate biscuit, a large ball of vanilla ice cream, whipped cream, cherry, melted chocolate-50 grams. Put a chocolate biscuit on a plate, and a ball of vanilla ice cream on it. Garnish the top with whipped cream. Pour the ball with melted chocolate so that you get "marble" stripes. Put a cherry on top.

For this beautiful dessert we need: three balls of coffee ice cream, chocolate sauce, nuts, finely chopped, whipped cream, one cherry.

In a beautiful vase you need to put three balls of coffee ice cream, pour them with chocolate sauce, sprinkle with nuts, garnish with whipped cream and put the cherry on top.

How to serve ice cream tasty and beautiful?

There is probably no such person on the planet who would not like ice cream. This is the most popular dessert in the world. In the heat, it cools, and in the cold gives memories of the summer. Ice cream is delicious in itself, but they are also used as the basis for creating more complex desserts. This is true when it comes to a special occasion, whether it is a solemn feast, a children's birthday, a friendly party or a romantic meeting. In this situation, I want to serve ice cream in a special way - beautiful and unusually tasty.

How to serve ice cream if you want to add variety or make an impression? We bring to your attention a few ideas.

How is ice cream served for children and adults?

Ice cream is most often served in the form of balls. Use for this a special spoon for ice cream with a pusher. It looks something like this:

Before preparing a dessert for guests, it is worth practicing. Place a container of clean water nearby and dip a spoon into it before scooping ice cream.

If there is no special spoon for ice cream, it can be laid out in a bowl in the usual way or squeezed out of the bag with a pyramid. Slightly softened ice cream should be laid out in a dense plastic bag, cutting off one corner of it.

If you want to serve ice cream less routine, put it not in a bowl, but, for example, in martini glasses or for cocktails.

You can serve ice cream in plates, but always with a side.

Ice cream in cups, glasses and plates is supplemented with fruits, berries, syrups, chocolate icing, chocolate chips, colorful dragees, nuts, slices of cookies, etc.

How to serve ice cream in an original way?

1. Ice cream in “cups” of fruit

This method of serving ice cream is very popular in the West. So treat children and adults at home holidays.

Most often use oranges. It is necessary to cut off the top and discard it, then carefully remove a little pulp of orange with a spoon to form a cavity. Prepare the right amount of orange "cups", then place a ball of ice cream in each of them or fill the "cups" with ice cream using a spoon. Top with an orange with iced syrup, chocolate icing or caramel.

Similarly, apples, lemons, peaches and small melons are filled. Apples can be both fresh and slightly baked. It’s better, of course, to bake them a little, so that they become softer. So it will be easier to remove the core, making room for ice cream. And the apple itself will become sweeter. Ice cream in apples is usually poured with caramel and sprinkled with nuts.

Dessert with ice cream and melon (cantaloupe)

Tropical style ice cream dessert

How to make caramel for ice cream?   Take one glass of sugar, a tablespoon of water and a glass of fat cream. Pour sugar into a saucepan, add a spoonful of water, put on fire. Stir until the mass acquires a brown color and the consistency of a thick caramel. After this, you need to remove the pan from the heat and immediately very carefully pour a glass of cream. Stir well until smooth caramel is obtained. You can add some vanilla if you wish. Pour ice cream with cooled caramel.

2. Funny balls: serving ice cream to children

Ice cream balls can be originally decorated with fruits and berries. For example, portray a funny face of an animal or an unknown creature, using berries, dragees, slices of fruit.

Ice cream desserts for kids

Using ponytails from apples or sprigs of mint, as well as syrup or icing, you can give the balls of ice cream a kind of fruit. For example, make balls of red and yellow ice cream, lightly pour the yellow with red syrup, then stick ponytails or twigs on top. Ice cream apples are ready! Children love these wonders with groceries.

On Halloween, ice cream balls can be turned into ... eyes. Terribly delicious. You will need circles of fruits or berries, dragees to simulate a pupil and red jam syrup.

3. Ice cream cocktail: serving ice cream for children and adults

Ice cream can be served in the form of a cocktail, decorating it accordingly. For example, to make Mojito ice cream, you need to take white or green green ice cream and place it into glasses, on the bottom of which are sliced \u200b\u200blime or lemon and mint leaves. Pour in a little mint or lemon syrup. Top with ice cream and lime and mint. For greater similarity, you can insert a cocktail umbrella into the glass. Serve such a “cocktail” with a high spoon.

Similarly, you can prepare other "cocktails" with fruits, berries, cookies.

4. Maybe a cup of coffee?

How to serve ice cream in an original way? For example, disguising it as coffee. You need to take coffee pairs (preferably with a themed coffee decoration), put chocolate or coffee ice cream in cups, do not forget about the spoons. Ice cream can be decorated with chocolate chips and coffee beans.

On flat pastries (cake, biscuit, etc.) you can not apply cream, but put ice cream. Ice cream is squeezed out of the bag or laid with a ball. Filled with ice cream and tartlets.

Summer is a traditional time for soft drinks and ice cream, which both adults and children eat in large quantities. But remember - ice cream is not only eaten in the form of a popsicle or a crispy horn on a street on a hot day. It can be an excellent dessert or one of the dishes at a summer party that you can arrange by inviting guests. And then the question arises of decorating ice cream, which should be not only tasty and refreshing, but also “tasty” from a visual point of view.

Method One: Garnish with Fruits

Add an additional flavor note and beauty to the ice cream with a handful of berries or small pieces of fruit that you have or buy them specifically for this. It can be raspberries, strawberries Strawberries: useful properties and contraindications of your favorite summer berry   , strawberries, kiwi, mandarin slices Useful properties of mandarin and contraindications for delicious citrus   . If desired, you can also add mint leaves to them.

Method two: a new look at the dishes

Surely you are used to serving ice cream in small cups or creamers. Try changing your view of dessert dishes, and place ice cream, for example, in champagne glasses, large porcelain spoons, eggcups, and other containers that you have at home. Of course, in them you can decorate ice cream with fruits, for years, syrup.

Method Three: Citrus Fantasy

If you are used to sprinkle ice cream with powdered sugar, vanilla sugar, take a step towards a truly summer "design". As a decoration, which, in addition, has a piquant taste and aroma, you can use the zest of citrus fruits - lemon, orange, lime. If you do not like sour, grate the zest on a fine grater and mix with small grains of sugar.

Method Four: Sweet Chips

The combination of ice cream and chocolate is a classic dessert, and turning it into reality at home is very simple, and it’s not at all necessary to pour ready-made chocolate syrup into ice cream or mix it with crumbs. Take chocolate, which is more to your liking (bitter, dark, milk, white) and with a sharp knife cut the “chips” of small thickness. For the decoration to work out, it is necessary that the chocolate is not too soft, otherwise it will form shapeless pieces, and also not very cold and hard, because it will crumble and cut badly. Vary the temperature - put in the refrigerator for a few minutes for hardness or let it lie down a bit to soften and become more supple.

The fifth method: citrus clothes

Citrus fruits can also be an excellent “bowl” for ice cream. To do this, you need to take, for example, an orange, cut in half so that the pulp is gently pulled out with a spoon, then fill the peel, which remains in the form of a hemisphere, with ice cream, decorate and put in the refrigerator until the guests arrive. You can make several options for dessert for a party - in orange, lemon Lemon: useful properties and contraindications of acid citrus   lime.

   HISTORY OF ORIGIN was a certain cook who had a secret, which allowed him to prepare ice cream. Catherine de Medici was well aware of this cook. When it was time for the wedding with Duke of Orleans, Catherine, going to France, took with her the same cook who knew how to make ice cream. Charles I liked him so much that he received the status of a personal royal ice cream man. Charles I gave the cook a lifetime pension, setting one condition for him - in spite of all circumstances, the ice cream man should never disclose to anyone the secret of making ice cream, since cold sweets are exclusively a royal dessert. ICE CREAM One of the hypotheses about the occurrence of ice cream in Europe is that the ice cream recipe brought Marco Polo to Italy from China. He was lucky to be present at the process of making ice cream, and he could not resist the temptation to learn the magic recipe and upon returning home on his own. According to another version, it is generally accepted that it should be made.

About ice cream Ice cream appeared in the 5th century in China. The Chinese mixed snow with honeycomb in silver cubes, garnished with fruit and stored in these silver cubes. Venetian traveler Marco Polo brought ice cream to Europe in the late 18th century. Since then, ice cream has become a favorite dessert. Under Catherine de Medici, the favorite ice cream of the French royal court was ice cream with fruit, whipped cream and liquor. Modern ice cream and popsicle had their distant ancestors. In time immemorial, people suffering from heat, came up with the idea of \u200b\u200bmixing fruit juices with snow or ice. They say that such a cold delicacy was consumed by Alexander the Great (IV century BC). Specially equipped slaves brought snow to the table of the king of Macedonia from high mountain peaks and from deep caves. Cooling drinks were very successful at the court of the Roman emperor Nero (I century AD).

   WHAT IS ICE CREAM Ice cream is this. . . ... whipped (saturated with air) frozen mixture of milk, cream or fruit and berry products with sugar, stabilizers, flavoring and aromatic substances. Moreover, if earlier dairy products were the basis of ice cream (with the exception of fruit ice), now a confident trend is seen in replacing milk fat with vegetable fats. This raw material is less scarce and cheaper than dairy.

   VARIOUS VARIETIES OF ICE CREAM ARE EXISTING, FOR EXAMPLE CREME-BRULIET AND Sundae. The delicacy representing ice-like mass is used for more entertainment than for food. Creme Brulee Sundae

   ICE CREAM PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY INCLUDES: acceptance, preparation of raw materials, food and taste products; preparation of the mixture; filtering the mixture; pasteurization of the mixture; homogenization of the mixture; mixture cooling; mixture storage; mixture milling, packing; hardening and re-tempering.

   ICE CREAM DECORATION How to decorate ice cream: sweet rolls and waffles, beautifully shaped cookies, whipped cream from a spray can add a vertical - tasty and beautiful, in addition they can serve as a spoon. A beautifully laid out layer of sliced \u200b\u200bfruits or berries at the bottom of the glass and a layer of ice cream always produce a good effect. Top the ice cream with chocolate chips, confectionery powder, pieces of nuts, marshmallows and other sweets. Slices of candied fruit, chocolate figurines, chocolate sauces, whole berries are also used to decorate ice cream.

Whatever you serve ice cream, it will still be delicious, but still come to this as original as possible. Use non-ice cream glasses for drinks - cognac, martini or others of your choice. Serve balls of ice cream on a waffle or brownie (biscuit). Or on a plate with fruit and marmalade. Several balls of ice cream of different colors will always look spectacular. If you want to surprise guests - serve ice cream in cups of orange! ICE CREAM

ICE CREAM ADDITIVES 1. Chocolate syrup, chips and drops Ice cream with chocolate is, perhaps, a classic of the genre. Buy chocolate droplets, chocolate chips, and chocolate syrup in advance. However, the last two ingredients can be prepared independently. 2. Confectionery powders are sold in a huge assortment and come in a variety of colors and types - balls, stars, leaves, hearts, shavings. Sprinkle the top of the ice cream with powder to make a great decoration. 3. Fresh fruit, diced, sliced \u200b\u200bor sliced \u200b\u200bis a wonderful decoration and ice cream supplement. Pick fruits and berries according to season. 5. Nuts Remember to lightly brown the nuts before serving. 6. Gummies and marmalade Gummies can be served whole, and marmalade cut into small cubes. 7. Candy crumbs Experiment with different types of candies - crush mint or caramel candies into small crumbs. 8. Crushed cookies Mortar, such as crackers or Oreo cookies, and sprinkle on top of the ice cream. Do not forget about the contrast - you can use crumbs of light cookies for dark ice cream, crumbs of dark will be more effective on light ones. 9. MM "s (Skittles) MM" s or Skittles - will surely be one of your favorite additives. 10. Popped rice Ice cream sauces Chocolate sauce 100 g of chocolate, 100 ml of 10% cream Heat the cream to 60 degrees, remove from heat and throw the chocolate broken into pieces into hot cream. Whisk with a whisk until chocolate is completely dissolved. The sauce may thicken, if necessary, heat it. Posted by www. vkusnyblog. ru 50 g of butter, 100 g of powdered sugar, 300 g, 33% cream. Hold a small saucepan over the fire, putting 50 grams of butter in it. It should melt quickly, but not boil. Add 100 grams of powdered sugar to the oil, heating and stirring, to get a golden color mixture. Why I take the powder, and not ordinary granulated sugar - it is simply more convenient and dissolves faster and does not burn, because it is like dust. How to make powder - the task for the teapot in cooking is difficult, I just use a coffee grinder for this - 5 minutes at maximum speed, and you have a pile of powdered sugar on your table for cooking culinary masterpieces. And add 300 ml of fatty (33%) cream to the mixture, heat the cream, and mix well to achieve a uniform consistency of caramel sauce.



What could be better than a ball of delicious refreshing ice cream on a hot summer day? Of course, the best is beautifully decorated ice cream.

Ice cream is considered a traditional summer dish, but a beautifully designed ice cream can be great desserts at any other time. It can be served at birthdays, parties, name days, prom, bachelorette parties, birthday parties and even at special occasions, the main thing is to decorate beautifully. Here are five ways to beautifully decorate and serve ice cream:

The first way: original dishes.

Are you used to serving plate ice cream? Experiment! Place the ice cream in low glasses, or small colorful ice creams. You do not have transparent dishes? Put ice cream in a saucer with a slide, decorate it with candied fruit, slices of fruit, a leaf of mint, pour it in syrup.

The second way: unusual design

In a plate or saucer where the ice cream lies, squeeze a beautiful slide of whipped cream from the can and make an unusually delicious design. Sprinkle the edges of the plate with the zest of fresh orange or lemon mixed with sugar, and garnish with several thin slices on top. Depending on the type of ice cream, it can be decorated with nut crumbs, raisins, thin slices of dried apricots or prunes, pieces of biscuits, fruits, syrup. Such decoration of ice cream will give it a special aroma and piquant rich taste.

The third way: fruit and berry decoration
  Summer is a time of different berries and fruits, so why not give ice cream a special, colorful look? A handful of raspberries, strawberries, cherries, strawberries, blackberries, slices of peaches or apricot will make a cool dessert bright and fragrant. In winter, you can decorate with slices of tangerines, slices of kiwi, orange, banana or grapes.

Fourth Way: Chocolate and Ice Cream
  The classic chocolate and ice cream reception attracts many lovers of this delicious dessert. You can decorate ice cream at home is very simple. First, you can decorate ice cream beautifully with chocolate chips by rubbing black or milk chocolate on a grater. Secondly, a bar of chocolate can be cut with a sharp knife with thin chips. You will get an original decoration, especially if you use dark and white chocolate. The third way is to melt the chocolate in a steam bath and gently pour the ice cream. You can water from above or alternating layers and cooling. The fourth option is to buy chocolate mousse and pour ice cream on it.

Fifth method: citrus temptation
  Citrus fruits can be great dishes if they are cut in half and carefully pulled out. Fill the middle of the hemisphere with vanilla or creamy ice cream and decorate the top with thin slices of orange, a slice of kiwi and a leaf of mint. Such unusual dishes can be made not only with an orange, but also with a lemon.