Is coffee with milk good? Is it worth drinking coffee with milk, is it harm or good

13.10.2019 Seafood

In the East, they say that the marvelous fruits of the coffee tree give room for thoughts, fun for the soul, and also relieve headaches. Coffee here was considered a drink of warriors and philosophers: the first he endowed with strength, and the second with wisdom. The Arabic word "kava" means strength, activity. Is it good to drink coffee with milk? Let's figure it out!

Cafe au lait

The taste of a coffee drink began to open to Europeans only at the end of the 16th century, and only a century later a tradition appeared in Europe to mix it with milk.

The beginning was laid by the Frenchfamous for their creative approach to creating recipes.

By mixing brewed coffee with hot milk, they opened the world to drink, today known to all coffee lovers under the name café au lait.

What was the basis of its appearance - the desire to create a healing drink or a banal attempt to get rid of the inherent coffee of bitterness with milk - is not known for certain.

Anyway, the union was successful.

The benefits of invigorating caffeine

Coffee fruit, like a living laboratory of nature, combines many organic elements. It contains more than thirty organic acids, essential oils, protein, mineral salts, alkaloids (caffeine also belongs to them).

Caffeine also gives a tonic effect. Its insignificant amount excites the nervous system, and mainly the cerebral cortex.

As a result, the general metabolism improves, respiration is strengthened, blood circulation is accelerated, the vital activity of the whole organism is increased.

What a vigor drink is bitter of

Caffeine has a bitter taste.   - this makes many mistakenly consider him responsible for bitterness. In fact, another useful alkaloid, trigonellin, is responsible for the taste and aroma.

At high temperature, it forms nicotinic acid - a vitamin of group B, which prevents the occurrence of a number of serious diseases, for example, pellagra (vitamin deficiency). It is known that in Latin American countries, where coffee is absorbed in incredible quantities, vitamin deficiency is almost absent among the undernourished poor.

Aromatic oils, beneficial acids

Essential oils, which also have an antiseptic effect, are given additional aromas.

Thanks to organic acids - malic, acetic, citric -   the drink speeds up digestion, improving stomach function.

They are also responsible for the bitterness of the broth. Milk, when interacting with tannins, binds them, reducing bitterness.

Useful properties of a milk supplement

The taste of milk has been known to people for several millennia. Avicenna called it an indispensable drink for the elderly, and the first methodology for treating milk was described by Hippocrates.

This product is unique in balancing its composition.. It contains dozens of different vitamins, it is rich in amino acids, minerals, hormones and is perfectly absorbed.

Mutual enrichment

The components enrich each other with their inherent beneficial qualities.

At a time when the “black” ingredient removes vitamins from the body, “white” rich in these substances comes to the rescue, compensating for the loss.

Coffee in a healthy union is responsible for vitality, because warm milk is a relaxing and soothing drink.

Black coffee with milk is a smoothly exciting drink.

After drinking a cup, vigor comes on gradually and lasts about three hours.

And what's important: excitement does not change over time with oppression, which happens after taking drinks stronger.

Focused susceptibility

Caffeine stimulates processes in the cerebral cortex, enhancing a person’s reaction to stimuli from outside, sharpening the perception of reality and at the same time helps to concentrate.

Coffee and milk mix will refresh, invigorate, will increase work capacity and attentiveness. According to the experiment, after two servings, the typewriter works faster, almost avoiding typos, and drivers respond better to braking, overtaking, and high beams.

Against ailments

Often, in order to maintain the vitality of people suffering from ailments in which a concentrated drink is strictly prohibited, doctors include coffee (preferably natural) generously diluted with milk in their diet.

A weak coffee-milk mixture is drunk in chronic, dumping syndrome, and gall bladder, in the most limited amount - with atherosclerosis.

With heart failuredoctors sometimes consider it necessary to recommend a small amount of natural coffee with milk, because caffeine forces the heart muscle to contract more vigorously.

With galactosemia (a disease associated with the absence of a digestive enzyme), milk is not recommended - this is fraught with an upset gastrointestinal tract. For chronic and short-term indigestion, it is better not to drink the milk-coffee mix.

An allergy to dairy products, colitis, gastric juice and dysentery are ailments in which dairy products are generally banned.

A drink of vigor has long been famous as an effective method of dealing with headaches, in particular, caused by migraines. During attacks of the disease, the vessels of the brain are dilated, and caffeine, narrowing them, quenches the pain. The coffee-milk mix is \u200b\u200bnot as effective as, but, if the latter is prohibited, the condition still makes it easier.

Lightweight version

Making instant coffee with milk is easier and faster.than natural, and many just like its taste more.

But he cannot boast as much caffeine as black.

Usually this alkaloid in a soluble drink is three times less.

By adding milk, you can not be afraid of overexcitation.

Caffestol is almost absent in a soluble beverage.

Namely, this molecule gives the natural drink antioxidant properties. However, he is responsible for.

So for people whose cholesterol level has already exceeded the norm or there are hereditary problems with the heart, it is better to be satisfied with a coffee-milk mix.

Time to stay awake

A person wants to sleep due to inhibition of the cells of the cortex of the cerebral hemispheres. Caffeine prevents this process. That is why morning coffee helps to wake up..

An extra portion of it, drunk in the evening hour, threatens insomnia. Although there is confirmed evidence that drinking coffee and milk before bedtime helps older people complain of insomnia.

In very low concentrations, it is also sometimes recommended for children with increased activity.

The digestive system is also susceptible to the drink. After a glass of drink, drunk after dinner for dessert, the secretion of gastric juice will increase, the digestion process is activated and the food is better absorbed.


To create a fragrant coffee-milk mix, raw coffee fruits must be roasted at a low temperature in a pre-heated frying pan or baking sheet. Add a little butter - it will not hurt. Grains need to be mixed from time to time, waiting for their acquisition of a dark brown color. The main thing is to remove it in time.

Lovers of light coffee need only one teaspoon of ground beans per 200 g of water, for those who like stronger - 2-3 tablespoons.

Cezva heat up ahead of timerinsing with boiling water, put the tea leaves in it, fill it with hot water and, bringing to a boil, instantly remove. Allow 5 minutes to infuse and pour into cups.

Now is the time to add warmed, but not boiled milk to your taste. Its fat content for a healthy person does not matter. For those who are contraindicated in the use of animal fats, there is skim milk.

Watch how you can quickly and tasty make coffee with milk at home in this video:

Limited to two servings

The eternal perpetrator of disputes about the dangers and benefits of a fragrant drink - caffeine - can have both a tonic and a depressing effect. To feel invigorated, 1-2 x teaspoons of coffee per 120-200 g of water is sufficient, which corresponds to approximately 0.1-0.2 g of caffeine. 0.3 g of this alkaloid is considered by doctors one time as risky.

After drinking more than a couple of servings in a row, soon after a mood lift, a person will have irritability, nervousness, trembling in his hands, and a heartbeat. And if it becomes a habit, such symptoms can become chronic.

What is the use of black tea with milk? Learn about the properties of this drink in this article:.

Individual characteristics

The individual characteristics of the human body are also important. In the last century, physiologist Ivan Pavlov, who devoted much time to researching the effects of caffeine, came to the conclusion that its dose is not so much important as how the nervous system of an individual responds to it.

With the addition of milk, the effect of this alkaloid on the vascular and nervous systems is weakened, but moderation is also important with this option.

Pregnancy and children

Women who are accustomed to daily 2-3 servings, during pregnancy, it is better to limit themselves to a minimum amount of a weak coffee and milk mix.

And such drinks are completely useless.: Nicotinic acid contained in them can negatively affect the growth of the child. For the same reason, do not give it to young children.

Men and women

The effect on the strong and weak sex is slightly different.

As a result of the tests, it turned out that mental activity after two servings with sugar is more active in women than in men, especially in stressful situations.

In men, sexual activity increases. And with regular moderate consumption of coffee drinks, reproductive abilities also increase.

But with prolonged abuse, the result will be exactly the opposite. It also threatens enuresis and insomnia.

Caffeine is a prophylactic against male diseases such as prostate cancer and liver cancer.

To avoid the risk of developing Parkinson's disease, men will need more coffee than women, but in the case of c, the opposite.


You may notice that coffee lovers are usually mobile and well-proportioned. Caffeine, in fact, contributes to weight loss. There are several reasons for this.

Due to its invigorating effect, it pushes a person to movement, action. It suppresses appetite,   and, having drunk a portion without sugar and milk, in which there are only 7 calories, for two or three hours there will be no acute desire to eat something.

Even a couple of tablespoons of milk (not fat) and a dessert spoon of sugar will not add many calories. Accordingly, the waste energy will exceed the received.

Caffeine is a good diuretic. And such substances are just one of the constituent drugs for weight loss.

But at the same time as the fluid, the most important trace elements leave the body: calcium and magnesium. So in order to avoid serious health problems they will have to be constantly replenished.

Coffee cosmetology

Natural coffee is often used in home cosmetology.

To create cosmetics, thickener is usually used.formed in the process of it (without sugar). Masks, creams, lotions, the basis for which it serves, cleanse and tone the skin and even help fight cellulite.

Easy nourishing tonic mask that deeply cleanses the skin.: you need to take 1 dessert spoon of coffee grounds, sugar, fat milk and ground cinnamon, a pinch of salt, a little, almond or peach oil.

Mix the ingredients, bringing to a homogeneous mass and apply it on the face for 15 minutes, bypassing the areas around the lips and eyes. Then rinse with warm water.

After this procedure, the skin should rest for about an hour.

And in this video, see how to make a facial scrub at home:

A person who does not complain about his health from black morning and afternoon coffee, a gentle coffee and milk dessert for a pleasant unhurried conversation is only good. But its immense absorption, most likely will not add health.

An enthusiastic admirer of the cheerfulness drink Honore de Balzac wrote the following lines at the height of his creative years: “After a cup of coffee, everything flashes up, thoughts crowd like battalions of a great army on the battlefield.”

At the end of his life (by the way, short enough), he sadly stated: “After I returned to black coffee, my eyes twitched again ...”, and in another letter: “Again, not a line. Even the flow of coffee is not able to excite my brain. "

However, another great Frenchman, a loyal fan of coffee Voltaire, successfully lived to 84 years, and had no complaints about the subject of adoration.

In contact with

As you know, there are no comrades in taste and color. This fully applies to such a popular drink as coffee. Some people only recognize coffee brewed from ground beans, without any additives. Others sweeten the drink with sugar or add a pinch of cinnamon. And someone does not recognize coffee without milk. On the merits of such a drink, there are diametrically opposed opinions. Someone claims that it is very useful, someone, on the contrary, considers it harmful. Where is the truth? Is coffee with milk good or bad?

Should I drink coffee with milk?

What is the use of coffee with milk

Probably, coffee drink lovers will be offended to hear that coffee with milk is no more useful than coffee without milk, but this is a fact. The beneficial effect of coffee on the body is due to the presence of a number of biologically active components, such as:

  • tonic and tannins
  • organic acids
  • trace elements (iron, calcium, fluorine)
  • antioxidants

Thanks to this, coffee has an exciting effect on the human nervous system, increases its performance, eliminates apathy, lethargy and drowsiness, promotes concentration, good functioning of the digestive system. And because this coffee drink is rich in antioxidants, coffee consumption reduces the risk of many diseases.

First of all, such as:

  • type 2 diabetes
  • a number of diseases associated with natural age-related changes in the psyche (for example, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease)
  • myocardial infarction

A peculiar taste with a characteristic bitterness and aroma of coffee is caused by tonic and tanning components. Coffee also increases blood pressure, which is why it is beneficial for hypotensive patients.

It must be remembered that the beneficial components contained in coffee are not destroyed only if relatively little milk is added to the drink (several teaspoons per medium-sized cup)

If you add a lot of milk to the coffee, as well as artificial cream or sugar substitutes, the concentration of antioxidants will decrease significantly.

What harm can coffee with milk do?

Natural coffee is one of the most low-calorie foods. So, for example, a cup of brewed coffee contains less than 5 kilocalories! The fact is that this drink has low digestibility and accelerates metabolic processes. However, if you add at least a little milk to the cup, then its food energy will increase to about 40 kilocalories. If sugar is added, the calorie content of the drink will again increase significantly. Thus, fans of coffee with milk, consuming several cups of their favorite drink per day, can easily gain extra pounds, especially for those people who are prone to overweight. It turns out that this is not a very suitable drink for people who are watching their figure.

Due to the fact that caffeine has an exciting effect on the body, people suffering from nervous diseases, as well as highly excitable, prone to panic, insomnia, it is undesirable to drink coffee in any form: with milk, or without milk. Coffee and hypertensives are contraindicated, because, as already mentioned, it raises blood pressure. In some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, gastric ulcer, gastritis with high acidity, you should also not drink it. Exclude this drink from your diet should be for those people who have problems with the cardiovascular system. The thing is that the substances contained in the drink can adversely affect the work of the heart.

In addition, coffee has one insidious feature, which can be called an “addictive effect”. The longer a person consumes it, the more he must drink in order to achieve the previous effect - tonic, increasing attention, etc. If you suddenly give up coffee, there may be side effects such as:

  • headache
  • irritability
  • sharp decline in attention
  • decreased ability to focus

It is difficult to imagine the morning of a modern person without aromatic coffee. But, what if this person is a future mother. What should pregnant women-coffee lovers do? Is it worth giving up your favorite drink and how to replace it, if at all possible.

Pregnant women have their own quirks. Most of them are related to diet. Well, who else would like to eat a bit of ice cream with something salty? Along with the appearance in the menu of a future mother, sometimes truly strange combinations of products and tastes, which until now were completely not held in high esteem, some have to be excluded. Moms who are afraid to gain excess weight, with difficulty, but still deny themselves flour and sweet for the sake of their health and the health of the baby. And what about a future mother who cannot live without coffee and is used to drinking it several times a day?

The topic of drinking coffee while carrying a child causes a lot of controversy and doubt. Some say that drinking it with milk is beneficial and even recommend drinking up to three cups of an invigorating drink per day. Others are confident that such experiments in the diet can lead to serious consequences, including premature birth.

According to some opinions, excess doses of caffeine can even lead to a miscarriage. It is known that caffeine in the composition of the drink enhances blood circulation and increases blood pressure. And he has an exciting effect on the nervous system. Now imagine what is happening with the body developing in the womb.

The note! There is an opinion that coffee prolongs life if you drink it in small portions.

Some experts argue that if you drink coffee with milk, then it neutralizes the effect of caffeine at times. As a result, mom enjoys the usual taste, caffeine no longer has such a strong effect and the baby is safe. After all, if a pregnant woman wants something, then there will be a compromise even on the most dubious issues of the diet.

Research results

An experiment that conducted Danish research was successful for caffeine fans. More than one thousand women agreed to take part in it. Pregnant women were treated to coffee and monitored for their condition, but, most importantly, they kept notes about their health and changes in the baby's development. This went on until the birth. It turned out that small doses of caffeine did no harm.

Scientists also did not find significant differences in the weight of newborn babies. It turns out that from three cups of coffee, and even more so with milk, nothing will happen. Although exceeding this amount is not recommended. A fatal dose for a baby can be a dose of nine-cup coffee without additives.

Scientists also proved that starting to say goodbye to coffee or looking for a replacement should be already at the stage of pregnancy planning. As it turned out, coffee lovers are much more difficult to conceive a child.

The benefits of coffee with milk

It turns out that coffee does not harm all pregnant women. But the whole blow really takes on milk. Therefore, you can and even need to drink it with milk. As you know, coffee helps to wash out calcium from the body. For the future mother and for her crumbs, this is a building material for the full growth and development of the children's skeleton.

The baby will not wait for mom to replenish the diet with dairy and other products containing calcium. He will use existing stocks. As a result, women doom themselves in the future to fractures, bone pain, osteoporosis, low immunity and other problems associated with calcium deficiency. So, if you are a future mother and love coffee, then drink it only with milk or cream.

Terms of use

Several rules for drinking coffee will help not only to wake up in the morning, not to change habits, but also not to harm the health of the child:

  • it is advisable to drink coffee in the morning. Just not on an empty stomach. It is not recommended to abuse coffee before bedtime;
  • choose instant, granular, or green coffee. They have less caffeine. And in a drink made from green grains, more nutrients are preserved due to the processing features;
  • safe for pregnant women is weak brewed coffee with cream or milk;
  • do not abuse the drink. Drink only if you have low blood pressure;
  • for pregnant women, three cups of coffee with milk - the maximum daily;
  • an invigorating drink is known for its diuretic effect. It will help women with low blood pressure, suffering from edema;
  • reduce the amount of product consumed. Take a smaller cup and enjoy the taste while drinking in small sips.

Often we don’t even notice that we drink coffee not because we want to, but just out of habit. Try replacing this habit with something else that is just as tasty for you. For example, eat an apple instead of a serving of caffeine.

The note! Keep track of the quality of the coffee you are buying. Do not expect anything good from low-grade products. Do not buy bags with ready-made drinks such as "three in one", and even more so with flavorings.


When using most products above normal, there are contraindications. Coffee is no exception. It is not advised to use:

  • with high blood pressure. With the onset of pregnancy, it rises anyway;
  • with gastritis and peptic ulcer;
  • if you are suffering from insomnia;
  • toxicosis and headaches are not the best friends of coffee, even if it is with milk;
  • in the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetal heart is actively formed. Caffeine can cause disturbances;
  • during the risk of premature birth.

A worthy substitute for a drink

In order not to become a victim of your own experiments, find a replacement for the drink. But do not rush to opt for tea. Both black and green drinks also contain caffeine, and the latter even more than coffee. Ideally complement the diet juices, compotes, fruit drinks or jelly.

As for the taste, cocoa will be a worthy substitute for coffee, and even better try chicory. During pregnancy, it is considered one of the most healthy drinks. Moreover, its taste is so similar to coffee, especially if you add milk to chicory. The use of this drink will be a huge contribution to the health of the expectant mother. The benefits of chicory are as follows:

  • it removes toxins;
  • regulates the intestines;
  • tones and causes appetite;
  • stimulates the work of the stomach;
  • recommended by doctors for anemia;
  • calms and supports the nervous system;
  • unlike coffee, chicory eliminates heartburn;
  • lowers blood cholesterol;
  • normalizes metabolism.

The note! Australian scientists came to the conclusion that chicory cleanses and refreshes the blood, which is very important for the future mother and the good health of her baby.

If a pregnant woman is afraid to gain extra pounds while carrying a child, then chicory will help keep the figure normal. You will not have to deplete the body with diets and limit the baby in the womb with useful substances.

If you have long become an avid coffee lover, and now you are planning motherhood, try to minimize your coffee consumption. Prefer weak coffee with milk, do not drink more than three cups a day. If you have health problems, give up the drink for your baby. Chicory will help temporarily satisfy the "coffee" needs, and will also bring you and the future baby much more benefit.

Video - is it possible to drink coffee during pregnancy

Coffee with milk is popular with many categories of consumers. Studies have shown that students prefer him the most for his ability to cheer up quickly and cut off his appetite. Benefits or with milk are drunk by millions of people around the world, and fans of a delicious drink will undoubtedly be interested in this article. Let's try to figure out a rather complicated controversial issue.

Coffee with milk: types of drinks

A fragrant cup of coffee cheers up and invigorates all day. Although there is a significant category of people who do not use it at all. Some people prefer to soften strong brewed coffee with milk. Therefore, the question often arises: is it good or bad - drink coffee with milk?

There are many varieties of this drink, but among them the most popular are the following:

  • latte (only frothed milk is used for it, and three parts are taken for one brewed drink);
  • latte macchiato - a three-layer drink, where coffee powder is added very carefully, without rushing;
  • cappuccino - the technology for preparing this drink provides for equal proportions of the main components.

The benefits of coffee with milk

An invigorating drink has a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • excites nerves and their system;
  • significantly improves performance;
  • eliminates drowsiness;
  • relieves lethargy and apathy;
  • perfectly concentrates;
  • contributes to the normal trouble-free operation of the digestive tract.

These positive qualities are due to the composition of grains, which contain substances such as organic acids, antioxidants, trace elements (calcium, iron, fluorine), tonic and tannin substances.

Scientists have proven that a mixture of coffee with milk helps prevent various diseases in humans. This, for example, myocardial infarction, Parkison and Alzheimer's disease, gallstones and others.


But it should be noted that not everyone can drink coffee with milk. There is a large category of people who are strictly contraindicated in this drink. Patients with atherosclerosis, hypertension are not recommended to drink coffee with milk. Also, people who suffer from kidney diseases, glaucoma, regular insomnia and irritability should refrain from it. It is also undesirable to give coffee with milk to children and the elderly.

It is interesting to know that a cup of a fragrant cocktail will bring maximum benefit if you drink it in the first half of the day. But after a hearty lunch or on an empty stomach, coffee with milk promises nothing but harm.

Sugar contains (in a teaspoon) approximately 32 kcal. If you add it to coffee with milk, then the calorie content increases significantly. Therefore, it is better to drink the drink in its natural form, without sugar.

Is green coffee with milk good to drink?

Recently, a lot of information has appeared in the media about this new drink. The benefits or harm of coffee with milk, if you use coffee powder?

Green coffee is actively advertised as a reliable means for losing weight. Experts say that it breaks down fats several times better than black natural or instant coffee. French scientists investigated its effect on the human body for about 4 years and came to the unequivocal conclusion: it really helps to reduce weight.

In addition, the combination of coffee with milk is of great benefit to lovers of this drink, since it is an excellent prophylactic for osteoporosis.

Benefits or harms of coffee with milk? The answer to this question depends on the amount of drink consumed and, first of all, its quality. If you use the above cocktail in liters per day, and even use low-quality ingredients for its preparation and add an excessive amount of sugar, then what are the benefits? In everything you need to know the acceptable measure, then this certainly will not harm your body.


Coffee   - a favorite drink of many. Someone prefers "coffee cocktails" with the addition of milk, a variety of syrups, whipped cream, someone drinks exceptionally strong black coffee, preferring a classic taste, rich aroma. Parents who like to pamper themselves in the morning will sooner or later hear a natural request from their child: “Let me try a little bit!” In such a situation, you have to either dilute the coffee strength with water, milk, or even completely forbid tasting, motivating it with the fact that the child is too small. But, can children drink coffee with milk? Let's figure it out together.

The benefits and harms of an invigorating drink

The history of the emergence of coffee as a drink made from roasted ground beans dates back to the distant 1475, when the first specialized coffee shop opened in Istanbul. To, a pinch of cinnamon, sea salt, ginger, cloves was added to it.

Since then, the product has been incredibly popular and occupies an honored place in the trade, giving way to the sale of oil. This is explained very simply - in addition to the rich taste, invigorating awakening aroma, the drink has many useful properties, to a certain extent it is a source of vitamins A, B, D, trace elements.

Coffee has more useful properties, but it all depends on the individual, on the susceptibility of the body to the drink. I must say that in large quantities it is clearly harmful, but this is not a matter of properties, but that excess consumption of something is not beneficial in principle.

It is worth counting on the positive effect of the drink in cases where the grains are of good quality, properly fried and cooked. Useful coffee with milk without sugar:

Can coffee be given to children? How to make a drink

First you need to figure it out. Definitely, at any age, even in adolescence, drinking a strong drink is not recommended due to the immaturity of many systems of the growing body of the child. It is not worth giving coffee from your cup to try - no matter how sweet and tasty it is, it has a rich, pronounced taste, and can unpredictably affect the baby.

It is optimal to start drinking a drink (in a highly diluted form, not daily) at the age of 9-10 years, before school, during breakfast, given the invigorating effect. Good give coffee with milk to children, with condensed milk, with sugar, with cream to clean the strength of the drink. It should be minimal. Ideally, observe a 2: 1 ratio (when adding milk, and condensed milk can sweeten a drink diluted with water).

At 13-15 years old, you can already allow a teenager to use not only coffee with milk, but also one or two cups of a weak, properly brewed drink during the day (if there are no contraindications from the doctor). At this age, the body is stronger to perceive and absorb the beneficial properties of the drink without noticeable harm.

But there is a likelihood that, having tasted coffee for the first time, the child's body can unexpectedly react extremely negatively. Unpleasant consequences:

The likelihood of these symptoms is relatively small, but if suddenly the child complained, then you need to provide bed rest, drink water and wait for the doctor to arrive.

An interesting question is: can children drink instant coffee?? The answer is unequivocal - absolutely not. Instant coffee in bags is a chemical substitute that does not contain anything useful, nutritious. It consists of synthetic substances, dyes, preservatives that are not recommended for adults, we are not talking about children. This drink can cause harm in the form of a possible allergy, problems with the digestive system, teeth.

Before offering the child to drink coffee, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the properties of the main component of the drink:

  • 100 ml of real coffee without additives is about 60 mg of caffeine;
  • a child without visible harm to health can consume no more than 50 mg per day;
  • caffeine is removed from the child’s body for a very long time, tends to accumulate in different organs, negatively affect health;
  • caffeine is found in black tea, milk and dark chocolate, so that a child can get it from different products, exceeding the daily allowance.