Biscuit on kefir will turn out for sure! The most successful recipes for kefir biscuits: bake in the oven and in a slow cooker. How to cook a magnificent biscuit on kefir

11.10.2019 Vegetable dishes

The best decoration of the festive table, and at the same time an excellent addition to tea, is delicious homemade pastries, cooked by the hostess with love. What is it to bake so that the guests at the table cannot find words of delight about your culinary masterpiece - yes, everything is very simple, bake a biscuit on kefir. Delicate in taste and easy to prepare, it will brighten up an uncomfortable winter evening and warm the whole family gathered at the table with a warm aroma.

What could be easier than making a delicious tender biscuit cake? Just a little time, a list of simple ingredients - and the smell of a delicious biscuit will already be carried around the room.

There are more than enough recipes for baking a biscuit cake, but we suggest that you consider one of the simplest recipes for its preparation, including the addition of kefir to future baking.

Kefir biscuit: recipe number 1


  • — 0,75glasses (faceted) + -
  • - 4 things. + -
  • Kefir - 1 cup + -
  • 14 art. l. topless + -
  • Vinegar slaked soda1 tsp (you can use baking powder as a substitute for soda - no more than 2 tsp) + -
  • - 4 tbsp. l. + -


Dish decoration

How to bake a simple kefir biscuit - we already know. And how to embellish it a little so that it turns out tasty and very unusual - now we will consider. There are countless options for imagination.

  • For example, you can pour dark chocolate on the fragrant surface of the baked biscuit, and then crush it with coconut flakes.
  • You can beautifully place berries on top of the sponge cake (strawberries, a couple of cherries, raspberries, etc.).
  • But you can do otherwise, for this you need to put the berry fruits not on top of the kefir biscuit itself, but inside it, even in the process of cooking. It will turn out very beautiful, and most importantly - unusually appetizing.

Your culinary efforts will not go unnoticed, especially small household members will appreciate your efforts.

Cooking such pastries as a biscuit cake always causes a lot of pleasant emotions among lovers of sweets. To turn all emotions into reality, you need to bake that very biscuit cake in a special way.

This can be done by deviating a little from tradition and adding kefir to baking. The taste of the finished delicacy will not suffer at all, on the contrary, it will only become better and more tender.


  • Sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp;
  • Oil - 100 g;
  • Flour (sifted) - 2 cups;
  • Egg (medium-sized) - 2 pcs.;
  • Vanillin, salt, raisins - to taste;
  • Kefir - 0.5 l.


  1. We start preparing a biscuit by rubbing the butter on a grater (preferably large).
  2. After that, grind the butter and egg with sugar.
  3. We add salt to everything, gradually add flour and grind so that a beautiful homogeneous mass is obtained.
  4. We interfere, pour everything with kefir and begin to bring the dough to the correct consistency. The dough for a biscuit pie should be like thick good sour cream.
  5. We wash the raisins in water, then brew it in boiling water. This is needed to soften it up. When the raisins become soft, put them in the dough, then add soda.

So that the biscuit on kefir is well baked and does not burn, we grease the baking dish with oil. You can also sprinkle it with semolina or breadcrumbs. Only after that we put the dough on the biscuit cake in the form.

We heat the oven to 200 ° C, after which we just put the form with the dough in it. The delicacy should be baked for about 40 minutes. After the biscuit is baked, you should not immediately take it out of the oven. Let it stand for 5 minutes more in the switched off oven so that it can cool slightly.

The finished cooled cake can be cut into several pieces (2-3 shortcakes) and smeared with jam or any cream. So it will be much tastier.

Little cook's secrets

Butter or margarine?

To prepare a simple kefir biscuit, you always need to take oil, with an approximate fat content of 82%. It is better not to use margarine for such delicate pastries, the taste of the pie may suffer.

Another secret of using oil in the preparation of biscuit treats is that by increasing its proportions to 150-200 grams, the pastry will become more crumbly.

Checking readiness

To check if the baked cake is ready, you need to use the services of a toothpick. We gently pierce pastries with it, somewhere in the center, and then look:

  • if the toothpick is dry, then the biscuit is ready,
  • if not, put it back in the oven.

Additional Ingredients

You can dilute the taste of biscuit baking with additional ingredients, for example, icing sugar, candied fruits, orange zest, etc.

How to bake a sponge cake in this case? In fact, the recipe is the same, just during the cooking process, one of the additional components is added to baking to enhance the taste.

Kefir biscuit, in addition to being an independent treat, can be used as the basis for any cake.

Lush kefir biscuit can always be served with hot tea or aromatic coffee. You can enjoy such a special treat not only on holidays, but also on ordinary working days.

And despite the fact that a sponge cake is not a low-calorie product, it is simply impossible to refuse even a small piece of it. You and your family should certainly be pampered, and kefir biscuit is a great way to surprise and please your loved ones.

Biscuits on kefir can be attributed to economical baking. A fermented milk drink greatly increases the yield of the cake, while it practically does not affect the taste. If everything is done correctly, then no one will distinguish a kefir biscuit from butter, egg or any other. From it you can make a delicious cake or sprinkle with powder and serve with tea.

Biscuit on kefir - general principles of preparation

You can use any kefir for the test: fresh, sour, the percentage of fat content does not matter. A fermented milk drink is poured into the dough in a warm form. You need to heat it gently and quite a bit so as not to curdle the curd.

For aroma and taste put vanilla, cocoa, zest, cinnamon. Ready-made pastries are used as such, or used for cakes. In this case, the cakes are soaked in syrups, smeared with creams, jams, chocolate pastes and other sweet masses.

Biscuit baking

Biscuits can be baked in any shape and simply on baking sheets covered with paper, silicone mats. It is convenient to use detachable molds with removable sides. After greasing the dishes, you can sprinkle the surface with flour. Silicone molds can not be lubricated, they are quite convenient, but you can not leave pastries in them for a long time. Otherwise, the bottom will become damp.

Biscuits are baked at an average temperature of 180 to 200. The thicker the dough layer, the lower the temperature should be. Readiness is checked with a dry stick. You need to stick a match or a toothpick into the central part of the biscuit, then touch it. The cake is ready when the stick is dry and not sticky.

Recipe 1: Vanilla sponge cake on kefir

The recipe for an ordinary biscuit on kefir with vegetable oil. It is combined with any fillings and creams. Baking soda is used as a baking powder.

0.25 liters of kefir;

1 sachet of vanilla.

1. We break the eggs. If they are large, then you can take two pieces. Turn on the mixer, beat for about a minute.

2. Pour prescription sugar and beat for another five minutes. All grains should dissolve, the mass will become white and lush.

3. We extinguish soda in kefir. We do this in a large bowl, since the reaction will go on, the fermented milk mixture will begin to foam and increase slightly.

4. Pour kefir into the dough, you can stir with a mixer, slowing down.

5. Next, pour vegetable oil.

6. It remains to add flour along with vanilla. It is very important here not to stir the dough for a long time, a few movements are enough.

7. Pour the dough into the mold.

8. Bake until done. Take out of the mold after complete cooling.

Recipe 2: Biscuit on kefir in the oven with butter

Another simple kefir biscuit recipe in the oven. The dough is prepared with butter, which must be taken out in advance and kept warm. Some housewives, in order to save money, add regular margarine and everything also turns out great.

Oils 100 grams (softened);

One tsp ordinary soda;

1. Immediately set the oven to heat up. The dough according to this recipe is prepared very quickly.

2. We throw soda into kefir, mix and leave aside for now.

3. Beat butter with sugar for a few seconds, add eggs to them.

4. Gently, in small portions, introduce kefir. It is important that the mass does not exfoliate. Beat the dough for a couple more minutes.

5. Add the sifted flour. Now it is better to arm yourself with a large spoon and stir the dough with light movements from the bottom up.

6. Pour the biscuit mass into a pre-prepared mold and immediately send it to the oven.

Recipe 3: Biscuit on kefir in the Soft multicooker

A variant of a kefir biscuit in a slow cooker, which turns out to be very soft and tender. It is not necessary to coat it with cream, just sprinkle with powder or chocolate chips. A glass of 250 ml is used.

One glass of sugar;

One bag of ripper;

One glass of kefir;

1. Sift together the flour with a standard bag of ripper (10 grams).

2. Beat the butter with granulated sugar.

3. Add a spoonful of kefir. As soon as the mass becomes thinner, you can simply pour the rest.

4. We continue to beat and gradually introduce the eggs.

5. It remains to knead the flour, which should already lie nearby in a sifted form.

6. Stir the dough.

7. Lubricate the multicooker container with a piece of butter.

8. Pour out the biscuit mass, level the top with a spoon so that the layer thickness is the same. We close.

9. Set the baking program for an hour, then add another 20 minutes. You can put the kettle on!

Recipe 4: Chocolate sponge cake on kefir for cake

A variant of very successful and easy-to-prepare chocolate cake layers. At the same time, the biscuit is also quite economical. Used black cocoa powder without added sugar.

250 grams of flour;

300 grams of sugar;

Three tablespoons of cocoa;

1. Beat granulated sugar with eggs.

2. Add kefir with soda slaked in it, stir the mass with a spoon. The mixer is no longer useful, we take it out.

3. Combine flour with vanilla and cocoa powder. Be sure to sift, otherwise the lumps will not disperse in the biscuit mass.

4. Pour everything into the dough. We do not mix for a long time.

5. Pour into a smeared form, level the layer with a spoon.

6. We send to bake.

Recipe 5: Lemon sponge cake on kefir in the oven (with vegetable oil)

A fragrant version of a kefir biscuit in the oven, which does not even need lemons. It is enough to have a little zest - a thin yellow peel of citrus. It is in it that the whole aroma of lemon is stored. Orange zest can be used the same way.

1 cup of sugar;

1 tsp grated zest;

1 glass of kefir;

0.5 tsp. ripper and soda.

1. Beat eggs with sugar until foamy.

2. Mix kefir with soda and ripper, send to the eggs. We just stir.

3. Pour in the oil. It is advisable to use an unscented product.

4. Mix the crushed zest with flour, you can add a little vanilla. The flavor will be more interesting.

5. Combine the flour mixture with kefir mass, stir the dough.

6. Pour into the prepared mold, put it in the oven without delay.

Recipe 6: Chocolate sponge cake on kefir in a slow cooker

Another version of a simple kefir biscuit for a slow cooker. Chocolate is not needed, regular cocoa powder is used. Fat content of cream from 15% and above.

25 grams of cocoa;

1.5 cups of sugar.

1. Beat the eggs with sugar until a strong foam.

2. Pour in kefir, stir with several movements. Whipping at this stage is no longer necessary.

3. Add cream, also mix lightly.

4. Pour flour, cocoa and a pinch of soda into the sieve. You can use half a teaspoon of baking powder. We sift.

5. Combine chocolate flour with kefir mixture.

6. Pour the dough into the greased multicooker bowl.

7. Set the baking mode for an hour.

8. We don’t take out the biscuit right away, we let it stand a little more under the lid. We open gradually, otherwise the pastry may fall off.

Recipe 7: Biscuit on kefir without eggs

To prepare such a kefir biscuit, eggs are not even needed. A very successful recipe for baking, which is prepared with only five ingredients. Suitable for vegetarian menu.

1 glass of kefir;

1. Slightly heat the kefir. It is important not to overdo it so that the whey does not separate, the cottage cheese does not turn out.

2. Add soda, stir.

3. As soon as the reaction passes, the mass stops bubbling, we introduce granulated sugar. Stir until dissolved.

4. Pour in the prescription oil.

5. We introduce two glasses of sifted flour.

6. It remains to pour the dough into a mold and bake until cooked. The taste of such a biscuit is neutral, it requires the addition of cream, jam, jam or soaking in syrup.

Recipe 8: Poppy cake on kefir in the oven

An amazing version of a biscuit with an unusual aroma. Poppy needs to be washed and dried in advance. Recipe for dough without eggs.

0.15 kg butter;

One glass of powder;

Vanilla, cinnamon, zest to taste.

1. Mix kefir with washed poppy seeds. Leave for a while while preparing the rest of the ingredients.

2. Butter must be softened in heat in advance. Combine it with powder and beat until fluffy.

3. Gradually introduce poppy yogurt, continue to whisk. Stratification should not occur. We take products of the same temperature.

4. Combine flour with baking powder. To taste we throw cinnamon, vanilla, grated zest. But you can cook without additives, it also turns out decently.

5. Mix the dough with flour.

6. We shift into a mold and bake.

Recipe 9: Biscuit on kefir with berries

A variant of a very simple biscuit, in the dough of which berries are added. You can take currants, raspberries, cherries and any others, you need quite a bit.

1 sachet of ripper.

1. Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy for at least six minutes. Set the mixer speed to maximum.

2. Pour in kefir.

3. Add flour and baking powder. We stir.

4. We send the biscuit dough into the mold. Smooth the top with a spoon.

5. It remains to add berries. Be sure to wash and dry. Arrange on top in any order. No need to deepen. When baking, the dough will absorb them.

6. We put the future masterpiece in the oven, bake.

Kefir in biscuits can be replaced with yogurt, fermented baked milk and other fermented milk products. But they should not contain chemical dyes, preservatives, sugar substitutes. Many do not tolerate heat and behave unpredictably under the influence of high temperatures.

Adding butter to biscuit dough is a delicate matter. Very often it exfoliates from the total mass and is taken in lumps. To prevent this from happening, the liquid ingredient is gradually introduced into the oil, first in small portions. The food temperature must be the same.

Any biscuit will be tastier if you add vanilla, cinnamon, raisins, berries, coconut, fruit to it. There are a huge number of options and they can be found in any kitchen.

Soda is often used in kefir biscuits, but it is very important not to overdo it and put it strictly according to the recipe. Otherwise, the baking will have an unpleasant taste and a specific smell.

The beauty is that there are a lot of baking recipes on this basis - you can cook a whole range of delicious biscuits. And you don’t even need to remind about the variety of fillings: you can make cakes with honey, shift the cakes with cream and apples, or decorate with fresh berries on top.

A simple and easy eggless biscuit recipe.

The recipe for a biscuit without eggs can be regarded as a dietary one, since it does not contain a heavy rich component. Among other things, such pastries are easier to prepare, and many prefer this option, as they consider it easier. For cooking you will need:

200 ml of kefir (it is advisable to choose not very fatty, one percent will be enough);
Sifted wheat flour in the amount of 2 glasses;
A glass of white sugar;
a teaspoon of baking soda;
6 tablespoons of vegetable oil (preferably without a pronounced odor);
If desired, you can also add a bag of vanilla sugar (be careful, it is sugar, not pure vanillin) or a little cinnamon.

The ease of this recipe is that there is no need to beat the eggs to a certain density, it is enough just to mix the ingredients together. The only thing you have to try is to achieve complete uniformity of the dough, so that neither clots of flour nor whole grains of sugar remain in it. Such a dessert is baked at two hundred degrees in the oven. The baking time of the described portion is half an hour.

Tip - do not give in to the temptation and look into the oven during the baking itself, and even more so slam the oven door. No type of biscuit likes this - it can simply settle.

Recipe for cooking in a slow cooker.

Today, a multicooker can be found in almost every kitchen - modern housewives have appreciated the functionality and convenience of this device. And even such a dish as a kefir biscuit can be cooked with it. A huge plus of this method is simplicity, and therefore even an inexperienced hostess will cope with the recipe.

In order for the baking to turn out to be decent, it is necessary to strictly observe the amount of ingredients:

140 grams of flour;
120 ml of kefir (low fat);
2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
A couple of fresh chicken eggs;
Sugar - 100 grams;
A little salt;
Considering that for this option you also do not have to beat egg whites, you will need a dry mixture to loosen the dough in the amount of one teaspoon.
After mixing all the ingredients, the mixture is placed in the multicooker bowl and we set the baking mode for 40 minutes. You can get it out of the mold, attention, only after cooling and very carefully so that it does not break.

Air biscuit with jam for cake.

Another interesting variation of kefir biscuit is baking with jam, and here the latter is not used for spreading the cakes, but is directly included in the dough. The taste and color of the finished dish are unusual and very interesting.

For cooking you will need the following ingredients:

A couple of chicken eggs;
A glass of sugar, kefir and jam (it can be anything according to your taste);
2 cups wheat flour;
4 tablespoons of oil (vegetable).
A teaspoon of soda, but in its pure form - you do not need to extinguish it, since in the test the reaction will begin due to its interaction with kefir, which will give the desired effect.
The sequence of mixing the ingredients is as follows: eggs are beaten until foam is obtained, then the process is continued with sugar, then kefir and jam are added. It is very important to mix everything well, and after that gradually introduce the sifted flour. The last ingredient is baking soda. After adding it, the dough is allowed to rest for a third of an hour, after which it is poured into a mold and sent to bake. The temperature is standard - 190-200 degrees, time - plus or minus half an hour.

Dough for a delicious chocolate biscuit.

Chocolate biscuit is one of the most popular variations of this pastry. Many people prefer not to lubricate it with anything, but eat it as a ready-made dessert. To prepare a lush and delicate chocolate biscuit on kefir, we will use the recipe written in the previous paragraph, excluding jam from it. Thus, we get a standard set of ingredients. To obtain the desired taste and appearance, you need to add 6 tablespoons of cocoa and vanilla sugar. Coffee lovers can make the dessert even more interesting by adding 50 ml of ready-made coffee to the dough (but in this case, be careful - you need to adjust the amount of flour by slightly increasing it.

The dough is baked in a similar way in a form that can be greased with oil and sprinkled with a small amount of flour or semolina.

Quick biscuit in the microwave.

This is perhaps the most interesting, simple and quick version of a biscuit - you don’t even need to cook the oven to cook it, you just need a little time and a microwave.

We start cooking by mixing the ingredients: beat one egg and 4 tablespoons of sugar well together, add 4 tablespoons of kefir, the same amount of flour and 2 tablespoons of cocoa. At the end, add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and half a teaspoon of purchased baking powder. We put the resulting mixture in a regular mug and send it to the microwave at full power (800 watts) for only three and a half minutes and voila - a delicious dessert is completely ready!


Carrot sponge cake on kefir is a dish that is completely suitable for the phrase "Tasty and Healthy". In order to prepare this version of the biscuit, we recommend using the same standard recipe described in the recipe with jam. But instead of sweet jam, you should add carrots grated on a fine grater (2 pieces of medium size or one large one. Baking takes place in the same way.

It is worth noting that slightly sour kefir can also be used for baking - the environment turns out to be more acidic, which means that the reaction will definitely go as it should.

Read more about dietary nutrition http://site/recepty/dieticheskoe-pitanie

Chocolate biscuit on kefir

Well, who doesn’t love quick and simple baking, and especially when you take a minimum, and the result is excellent? Chocolate sponge cake on kefir is a real holiday cake, which you will spend 5 minutes preparing (excluding baking).

Required Ingredients:

  • Kefir - 0.5 liters;
  • flour - 2.5 tbsp.;
  • 2 eggs;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • cocoa - 3 tablespoons;
  • soda - 1 tbsp (without top, extinguish with vinegar);
  • sunflower oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • you can add vanilla to taste;
  • any jam. powdered sugar for sprinkling.

How to cook chocolate biscuit on kefir

Biscuit recipe on kefir without oil

To prepare such a kefir biscuit, eggs are not even needed. A very successful recipe for baking, which is prepared with only five ingredients. Suitable for vegetarian menu.


  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • 1 tsp soda;
  • 7 tablespoons of oil.


1. Slightly heat the kefir. It is important not to overdo it so that the whey does not separate, the cottage cheese does not turn out.

2. Add soda, stir.

3. As soon as the reaction passes, the mass stops bubbling, we introduce granulated sugar. Stir until dissolved.

4. Pour in the prescription oil.

5. We introduce two glasses of sifted flour.

6. It remains to pour the dough into a mold and bake until cooked. The taste of such a biscuit is neutral, it requires the addition of cream, jam, jam or soaking in syrup.

We offer to cook a magnificent sponge cake on kefir in a slow cooker. Homemade cakes cooked on kefir are tender, airy and tasty. Biscuit according to this recipe is a wonderful basis for cakes, pastries, desserts. To reduce the calorie content of the dish, fruit puree can be added instead of sunflower oil.
Biscuit on kefir in a slow cooker: how to cook Kefir, take any fat content, pour into a bowl. Add soda. Stir and leave for ten minutes. Instead of kefir, you can take curdled milk, yogurt without additives or fermented baked milk. It's okay if kefir has been in the refrigerator for several days. The more acidic, the better the result.

In a separate container, add granulated sugar, beat in chicken eggs. Take a kitchen mixer and beat until fluffy. The egg mass should increase in volume and become lighter.

Add egg mass to kefir and mix well.

Separately sift wheat flour. Take a spoon and add small portions to the dough. Do not use a mixer for this step. Use a spatula and gently fold the flour into the dough.

Pour in sunflower oil. Mix thoroughly with a spatula so that the oil is evenly distributed throughout the dough.

Lubricate the multicooker bowl with a thin layer of sunflower oil. If desired, the bottom of the form can be covered with parchment. Pour the dough into a bowl. Cover with a lid. Turn on the "baking" program for 70-80 minutes.

Let the cake cool slightly in a bowl. Then remove, cool to room temperature and, if desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar. Cut into portions and serve to the sweet table.

A lush biscuit on kefir in a slow cooker is ready.

Biscuit recipe on kefir with cocoa

  • Mix everything in one large bowl: beat eggs with sugar, then add kefir with soda, slaked vinegar, sifted flour, cocoa, sunflower oil.
  • Beat everything well with a mixer, grease the form with sunflower oil, put the dough there.
  • Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for approximately 40 minutes. Check readiness with a wooden skewer. Keep in mind that the cake rises very much, take the form higher.
  • Ready biscuit, do not immediately get it out of the mold, so as not to fall off, let it cool for 5-7 minutes.
  • Cooled cake, cut into 2 parts and grease with any jam of your choice.
  • Top can be sprinkled with powdered sugar or pour melted chocolate.

Here is such a magnificent and economical biscuit, and your relatives are full and you are satisfied. Be with us, bon appetit!

The recipe for a kefir biscuit from my notebook.

I will probably talk longer about this recipe than the whole cooking process.

This biscuit cake is very fast, but it turns out very lush, airy and light. I mixed all the ingredients in a large bowl, poured into a mold and baked in the oven - that's the whole recipe! Beauty and more! Ingredients ✓ Kefir - 0.5 liters; ✓ sugar - 2 cups of sugar; ✓ flour - 3 cups;

✓ egg - 2 pieces; ✓ soda - 1 tablespoon without a slide, quench with vinegar; ✓ vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons.


So, pour kefir into a large bowl.

Then add soda quenched with vinegar, eggs, sugar, flour and vegetable oil.

We beat everything with a mixer and into the oven.

Bake at 180°C until dry.

I often use this biscuit as a base for a cream cake, calmly cutting it into 3-4 parts.

After all, the biscuit is very high.

And you can eat like that. I love it with milk.

Video recipe Biscuit on kefir. 100% result. Ideal for 3D cakes

Biscuits on kefir can be attributed to economical baking. A fermented milk drink greatly increases the yield of the cake, while it practically does not affect the taste. If everything is done correctly, then no one will distinguish a kefir biscuit from butter, egg or any other. From it you can make a delicious cake or sprinkle with powder and serve with tea.

Biscuit on kefir - general principles of preparation

You can use any kefir for the test: fresh, sour, the percentage of fat content does not matter. A fermented milk drink is poured into the dough in a warm form. You need to heat it gently and quite a bit so as not to curdle the curd.

What else is added:

Baking powders.

For aroma and taste put vanilla, cocoa, zest, cinnamon. Ready-made pastries are used as such, or used for cakes. In this case, the cakes are soaked in syrups, smeared with creams, jams, chocolate pastes and other sweet masses.

Biscuit baking

Biscuits can be baked in any shape and simply on baking sheets covered with paper, silicone mats. It is convenient to use detachable molds with removable sides. After greasing the dishes, you can sprinkle the surface with flour. Silicone molds can not be lubricated, they are quite convenient, but you can not leave pastries in them for a long time. Otherwise, the bottom will become damp.

Biscuits are baked at an average temperature of 180 to 200. The thicker the dough layer, the lower the temperature should be. Readiness is checked with a dry stick. You need to stick a match or a toothpick into the central part of the biscuit, then touch it. The cake is ready when the stick is dry and not sticky.

Recipe 1: Vanilla sponge cake on kefir

The recipe for an ordinary biscuit on kefir with vegetable oil. It is combined with any fillings and creams. Baking soda is used as a baking powder.


0.25 liters of kefir;

0.17 kg flour;

0.2 kg of sugar;

3 spoons of oil;

1 tsp soda;

1 sachet of vanilla.


1. We break the eggs. If they are large, then you can take two pieces. Turn on the mixer, beat for about a minute.

2. Pour prescription sugar and beat for another five minutes. All grains should dissolve, the mass will become white and lush.

3. We extinguish soda in kefir. We do this in a large bowl, since the reaction will go on, the fermented milk mixture will begin to foam and increase slightly.

4. Pour kefir into the dough, you can stir with a mixer, slowing down.

5. Next, pour vegetable oil.

6. It remains to add flour along with vanilla. It is very important here not to stir the dough for a long time, a few movements are enough.

7. Pour the dough into the mold.

8. Bake until done. Take out of the mold after complete cooling.

Recipe 2: Biscuit on kefir in the oven with butter

Another simple kefir biscuit recipe in the oven. The dough is prepared with butter, which must be taken out in advance and kept warm. Some housewives, in order to save money, add regular margarine and everything also turns out great.


Oils 100 grams (softened);

Three eggs;

A glass of sugar;

A glass of kefir;

2 cups of flour;

One tsp ordinary soda;


1. Immediately set the oven to heat up. The dough according to this recipe is prepared very quickly.

2. We throw soda into kefir, mix and leave aside for now.

3. Beat butter with sugar for a few seconds, add eggs to them.

4. Gently, in small portions, introduce kefir. It is important that the mass does not exfoliate. Beat the dough for a couple more minutes.

5. Add the sifted flour. Now it is better to arm yourself with a large spoon and stir the dough with light movements from the bottom up.

6. Pour the biscuit mass into a pre-prepared mold and immediately send it to the oven.

Recipe 3: Biscuit on kefir in the Soft multicooker

A variant of a kefir biscuit in a slow cooker, which turns out to be very soft and tender. It is not necessary to coat it with cream, just sprinkle with powder or chocolate chips. A glass of 250 ml is used.


Two eggs;

One glass of sugar;

One bag of ripper;

One glass of kefir;

2 cups of flour;

150 g butter.


1. Sift together the flour with a standard bag of ripper (10 grams).

2. Beat the butter with granulated sugar.

3. Add a spoonful of kefir. As soon as the mass becomes thinner, you can simply pour the rest.

4. We continue to beat and gradually introduce the eggs.

5. It remains to knead the flour, which should already lie nearby in a sifted form.

6. Stir the dough.

7. Lubricate the multicooker container with a piece of butter.

8. Pour out the biscuit mass, level the top with a spoon so that the layer thickness is the same. We close.

9. Set the baking program for an hour, then add another 20 minutes. You can put the kettle on!

Recipe 4: Chocolate sponge cake on kefir for cake

A variant of very successful and easy-to-prepare chocolate cake layers. At the same time, the biscuit is also quite economical. Used black cocoa powder without added sugar.


300 ml of kefir;

250 grams of flour;

300 grams of sugar;

Four eggs;

Three tablespoons of cocoa;

1 tsp soda;

0.2 tsp vanilla.


1. Beat granulated sugar with eggs.

2. Add kefir with soda slaked in it, stir the mass with a spoon. The mixer is no longer useful, we take it out.

3. Combine flour with vanilla and cocoa powder. Be sure to sift, otherwise the lumps will not disperse in the biscuit mass.

4. Pour everything into the dough. We do not mix for a long time.

5. Pour into a smeared form, level the layer with a spoon.

6. We send to bake.

Recipe 5: Lemon sponge cake on kefir in the oven (with vegetable oil)

A fragrant version of a kefir biscuit in the oven, which does not even need lemons. It is enough to have a little zest - a thin yellow peel of citrus. It is in it that the whole aroma of lemon is stored. Orange zest can be used the same way.


1 cup of sugar;

1 tsp grated zest;

2 cup flour;

1 glass of kefir;

90 ml of oil;

0.5 tsp. ripper and soda.


1. Beat eggs with sugar until foamy.

2. Mix kefir with soda and ripper, send to the eggs. We just stir.

3. Pour in the oil. It is advisable to use an unscented product.

4. Mix the crushed zest with flour, you can add a little vanilla. The flavor will be more interesting.

5. Combine the flour mixture with kefir mass, stir the dough.

6. Pour into the prepared mold, put it in the oven without delay.

Recipe 6: Chocolate sponge cake on kefir in a slow cooker

Another version of a simple kefir biscuit for a slow cooker. Chocolate is not needed, regular cocoa powder is used. Fat content of cream from 15% and above.


2.5 cups flour;

100 ml cream;

25 grams of cocoa;

1 pinch of soda;

400 ml of kefir;

1.5 cups of sugar.


1. Beat the eggs with sugar until a strong foam.

2. Pour in kefir, stir with several movements. Whipping at this stage is no longer necessary.

3. Add cream, also mix lightly.

4. Pour flour, cocoa and a pinch of soda into the sieve. You can use half a teaspoon of baking powder. We sift.

5. Combine chocolate flour with kefir mixture.

6. Pour the dough into the greased multicooker bowl.

7. Set the baking mode for an hour.

8. We don’t take out the biscuit right away, we let it stand a little more under the lid. We open gradually, otherwise the pastry may fall off.

Recipe 7: Biscuit on kefir without eggs

To prepare such a kefir biscuit, eggs are not even needed. A very successful recipe for baking, which is prepared with only five ingredients. Suitable for vegetarian menu.


2 cups of flour;

1 glass of kefir;

A glass of sugar;

1 tsp soda;

7 tablespoons of oil.


1. Slightly heat the kefir. It is important not to overdo it so that the whey does not separate, the cottage cheese does not turn out.

2. Add soda, stir.

3. As soon as the reaction passes, the mass stops bubbling, we introduce granulated sugar. Stir until dissolved.

4. Pour in the prescription oil.

5. We introduce two glasses of sifted flour.

6. It remains to pour the dough into a mold and bake until cooked. The taste of such a biscuit is neutral, it requires the addition of cream, jam, jam or soaking in syrup.

Recipe 8: Poppy cake on kefir in the oven

An amazing version of a biscuit with an unusual aroma. Poppy needs to be washed and dried in advance. Recipe for dough without eggs.


A glass of kefir;

0.3 glass of poppy;

0.15 kg butter;

One glass of powder;

2 cups of flour;

1.5 tsp ripper;

Vanilla, cinnamon, zest to taste.


1. Mix kefir with washed poppy seeds. Leave for a while while preparing the rest of the ingredients.

2. Butter must be softened in heat in advance. Combine it with powder and beat until fluffy.

3. Gradually introduce poppy yogurt, continue to whisk. Stratification should not occur. We take products of the same temperature.

4. Combine flour with baking powder. To taste we throw cinnamon, vanilla, grated zest. But you can cook without additives, it also turns out decently.

5. Mix the dough with flour.

6. We shift into a mold and bake.

Recipe 9: Biscuit on kefir with berries

A variant of a very simple biscuit, in the dough of which berries are added. You can take currants, raspberries, cherries and any others, you need quite a bit.


0.3 kg of sugar;

0.5 cups of berries;

0.3 liters of kefir;

0.35 kg of flour;

1 sachet of ripper.


1. Beat eggs and sugar until fluffy for at least six minutes. Set the mixer speed to maximum.

2. Pour in kefir.

3. Add flour and baking powder. We stir.

4. We send the biscuit dough into the mold. Smooth the top with a spoon.

5. It remains to add berries. Be sure to wash and dry. Arrange on top in any order. No need to deepen. When baking, the dough will absorb them.

6. We put the future masterpiece in the oven, bake.

Kefir in biscuits can be replaced with yogurt, fermented baked milk and other fermented milk products. But they should not contain chemical dyes, preservatives, sugar substitutes. Many do not tolerate heat and behave unpredictably under the influence of high temperatures.

Adding butter to biscuit dough is a delicate matter. Very often it exfoliates from the total mass and is taken in lumps. To prevent this from happening, the liquid ingredient is gradually introduced into the oil, first in small portions. The food temperature must be the same.

Any biscuit will be tastier if you add vanilla, cinnamon, raisins, berries, coconut, fruit to it. There are a huge number of options and they can be found in any kitchen.

Soda is often used in kefir biscuits, but it is very important not to overdo it and put it strictly according to the recipe. Otherwise, the baking will have an unpleasant taste and a specific smell.

Biscuit on kefir is perhaps one of the easiest and most affordable for every housewife. With this recipe, you don't have to worry. that the biscuit will not rise, or fall! It always works out! Lush, delicate, airy biscuit can even be served as a cake on the table if you decorate it with chocolate icing!

For a kefir biscuit, the following products are needed:

  • 0.5 l. kefir;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp.;
  • flour - 3 tbsp.;
  • 2 eggs;
  • a tablespoon of soda (without top) slaked with vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp sunflower oil.

Biscuit on kefir recipe

  1. Beat eggs with sugar in a mixer.
  2. Add kefir, a tablespoon of soda to the egg mass (be sure to shake off the top and quench with vinegar), sunflower oil and flour. Beat the whole mass with a mixer.
  3. Lubricate the form with butter or vegetable oil, pour the dough into it.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180°C and bake the biscuit until done. We do not specify the exact time. Check the readiness of the biscuit with a match - if the dry biscuit is ready.

A sponge cake on kefir turns out to be very high, if you cut it into 2 or 3 parts, grease the cakes with jam or cream, and cover the top with chocolate icing, you get a real culinary masterpiece.

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