The chocolate is not sweeter when opened. Chocolate "Nestlé": composition and reviews

04.11.2019 Soups

Marketing research of demand for Nestle chocolate

Initially, we will analyze the chocolate market in Russia.

The level of consumption of chocolate in Russia is high, but in general it is still far from Western European. On average, a Russian eats 4-5 kg ​​of chocolate products per year, while in small Switzerland - 10.6 kg, in Germany - 8.4 kg.

In a few years, the domestic chocolate market will stagnate. If in 2012 the domestic market increased by 13.4%, then in 2013 - only by 8% and amounted to 622 thousand tons. And according to the international agency Euromonitor, sales of chocolate in Russia last year increased by only 4% - up to 550 thousand tons.

The growth of the chocolate market over the past year has indeed tended to slow down. Undoubtedly, this is due to its active saturation. On the one hand, this is a sign of the coming stabilization of the market. On the other hand, the volume of mass consumption of chocolate in physical terms is falling, the population tends to buy chocolate less often, but more expensive.

According to experts, the Russian chocolate market is potentially more capacious than it is today, however, it is difficult to reach the maximum level of chocolate consumption in the country without appropriate industry support. The active development of parallel segments of the confectionery market (cookies, cakes, waffles, marmalade, caramel, chewing gum) is also one of the reasons for the slowdown in growth.

The decline in the purchasing power of the population in the 90s turned into a serious crisis for the Russian confectionery industry. Only since 2000 there has been a stable development dynamics with an increase in production volumes. Many enterprises have managed to attract significant financial resources for the modernization of production equipment and the construction of new enterprises. As consumers have been able to pay for higher quality and more expensive products, the segment's growth over the past few years has been driven by expensive and complex products.

Five years ago, the chocolate market was full of all kinds of brands of both domestic and imported chocolate. Today, according to experts, 96% of confectionery products are produced in Russia, although foreign investors own Russian factories. The chocolate business is recognized all over the world as one of the most profitable, therefore foreign capital is actively invested in this industry. Now, probably, there is not a single successfully operating confectionery factory that does not have a foreign share in the structure of its own funds. Today, the chocolate industry is characterized by the transition of production from polypoly to oligopoly (there are only a few large manufacturers on the market).

In 2012, chocolate production was increased by large Western players - Nestle, Kraft Foods and SladKo. In general, about 160 factories produce chocolate products in Russia. Half of the market is controlled by the five largest companies: Nestle, Mars, Kraft Foods, Cadbury and United Confectioners. By the beginning of 2013, the United Confectioners holding, which owns 3 confectionery factories in Moscow (Babaevsky, Krasny Oktyabr, Rot Front) and 12 in the regions, owned 15.5% of the confectionery market. Small businesses are still struggling to compete for a place in the sun (table 2).

Table 2 - Shares of major manufacturers in retail sales of chocolate products (2013 data)

At the moment, it has become difficult to fight for both the capital and the provincial consumer, who is "spoiled" by local producers who have thoroughly studied his tastes.

Next, we will analyze the segmentation of the market and the main consumers of Nestle chocolate. In the course of which a survey was conducted on the basis of the questionnaire presented in Appendix 1. The questionnaire consists of 10 questions. The total number of respondents is 50 people.

The main buyers of Nestlé chocolate have the following characteristics:

average income (high-income buyers prefer more expensive chocolate);

accommodation in the immediate vicinity of the store;

low requirements for the range and quality of goods.

The age of the buyers is almost impossible to differentiate. According to the study, the majority of buyers are women - about 70% of consumers, 30% of consumers are men.

Let's imagine segmentation by age (Figure 1).

Less than 18 years old - 5%

From 18 to 25 years old -40%

From 25 to 35 years old - 30%

From 35 to 50 years - 15%

Over 50 years old - 5%

Figure 1. Segmentation of consumers by age

The main buyers are women between the ages of 18 and 25.

Let's imagine segmentation by social belonging (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Segmentation of consumers by social affiliation

Mostly visitors are the working-age population (Figure 2).

Analysis of the target audience in the context of the level of income per month, allows you to obtain the following data: less than 10 thousand rubles - 10%, 10 - 15 thousand rubles - 30%, 15 - 25 thousand rubles - 50%, more than 25 thousand rubles. - 10 %.

So, the main buyers are people whose income level is from 15 to 25 thousand rubles per month.

Figure 3. Frequency of purchases

The analysis of the survey also shows that the purchase is made approximately 3 times a week (33%), daily (22%) (Figure 3).

Figure 4. Buyers' preferences by type of Nestlé chocolate

So, the portrait of a consumer of Nestle chocolate can be presented as follows. Most of the visitors are the working-age population aged 25 to 45 years with an income level in the region from 15 to 25 thousand rubles, while making purchases three times a week. The greatest demand is for milk chocolate and milk chocolate with almonds and raisins. Mostly they buy chocolate for themselves (54%) and for their families (34%). Also, the Nestlé company, in the opinion of chocolate consumers, should improve the assortment.

Evaluation of the competitiveness of chocolate "Nestle"

The assessment of the competitiveness of Nestlé chocolate plays a significant role (table 3).

Table 3 - Comparative assessment of competitors

Competitiveness factor

Nestle chocolate

Alpen Gold chocolate

Chocolate "Babaevsky"


The label is colorful, artistic and eye-catching. Contains standard information as well as useful information.

The label is colorful and contains the necessary information.

The label is satisfactory with standard information, clear inscriptions and drawings.

Taste qualities

Pronounced taste of milk chocolate, complemented by taste criteria.

Pronounced harmonious taste with a delicate chocolate or berry aroma.

Pronounced clean taste, but not very harmonious.


The tile is tightly wrapped in foil and label.

The tile is tightly wrapped in foil and label. Allocate exclusive forms of packaging.

Economic strategy

There is a business plan for the year ahead.

Drawing up a plan for 6 months, the price is determined (without guarantees).

The price is set without calculations, marketing analysis of the market is not carried out.

Based on the factors presented, we will calculate the competitiveness criteria for each type of chocolate (table 4).

Table 4 - Assessment of the integral indicator of the level of competitiveness based on expert assessment

The scores were assessed on a 10-point scale (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Assessment of the competitiveness of chocolate

So the main competitor is Alpen Gold chocolate.

An integral assessment based on an expert assessment proves that the highest score in the sum of 7.5 points was received by Nestle chocolate and the smallest - to Babaevsky chocolate - 6 points.

The competitive advantages of Nestlé chocolate are:

taste qualities

economic strategy

product labeling.

So, based on the analysis carried out, we will develop an advertising company Nestle.

Nestle is the Swiss chocolate of the world's largest company Nestle Strategische Allianz. In 1866, the Swiss pharmacist Henri Nestlé invented formula for feeding babies who did not receive breast milk, and in the same year he founded the company. In the 70s of the 19th century, the company began to produce condensed milk, and in 1875 a method was invented for producing milk chocolate by mixing milk and cocoa.

The product turned out to be so delicious that in 1904 Nestle chocolate was produced in cooperation with the Swiss National Chocolate Company. And by 1907, Nestlé already had its own production facilities in the USA, England and Spain. Germany, Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Bombay. In post-Soviet Russia, chocolate of this trademark appeared in 1995.

Nestlé is a chocolate that has won worldwide recognition. With a delicate milky taste and fillings that perfectly complement it.

Real sweet tooth will appreciate the most delicious Nestlé chocolates:

  • Milk chocolate.
  • Milk chocolate with almonds.
  • Milk chocolate with almonds and raisins.
  • Milk chocolate with hazelnuts.
  • White chocolate.
  • White chocolate with coconut.
  • Milk chocolate with yoghurt and blueberries.
  • Milk and white chocolate.
  • Porous milky Aero.
  • For men with whole almonds.

Nestlé products are a real find for those with a sweet tooth. Dragees, bars, chocolates and much more will certainly be found among the assortment of the brand's products.

Features of Nestle chocolate

The company, founded in 1866, occupies a leading position in the global confectionery market and produces high quality sweets.

  • The products meet European quality standards, do not cause allergies, and are safe for adults. For a children's diet, you can buy Nestlé chocolate without fear.
  • For production, natural cocoa butter and cocoa powder are used - this gives a rich chocolate taste.
  • The use of a significant amount of milk gives desserts a special tenderness and softness.

Lion bars - a boost of energy and a hearty snack

Lion is Nestlé's most famous and popular chocolate bars. A great way to satisfy hunger deliciously and quickly replenish energy reserves.

The company produces several varieties of the product:

  • The classic chocolate bar has a unique recipe - once you taste it, you will not confuse dessert with anything else. Gooey caramel, crunchy waffles, crisps balloons and a thick layer of milk chocolate appeal to adults and children alike.
  • Nestle Lion Peanut bar is a traditional recipe with waffles, caramel and chocolate icing, topped with peanuts. Nuts make the treat even more nutritious - just one bar can replace a full snack.
  • Lion White is a bar with a nutty flavor and caramel aroma in a delicate white chocolate glaze. This is a sweet temptation that is very difficult to resist!

Sweet tooths can not only buy Nestlé bars, but also try Lion Pop Choc - chocolate balls that hide waffles, caramel and crunchy cereals under a chocolate coating. This is a famous miniature dessert - the filling completely repeats the filling of standard bars.

Dragee and chocolates for lovers of delicious food

The brand's chocolate products are not limited to bars - chocolates and chocolate dragees are offered to the services of sweets.

  • Nestle Aero chocolate allows you to experience unusual taste sensations - its porous pieces instantly dissolve on the tongue. The product contains a lot of milk, which makes it incredibly tender. Airy lightness is the best description for this dessert. Porous chocolates are sold in small bars that fit easily into a pocket, bag, or schoolbag. They can accompany you in any situation and will always be at hand.
  • For lovers of sweets, we recommend buying Smarties pills from Nestle - small multi-colored sweets in a compact package. A crispy sugar shell covers the delicate milk chocolate - each dragee melts in your mouth, has a seductive chocolate flavor and aroma.

What do we offer clients?

Clients of the site online store are always waiting for the best conditions of cooperation:

  • A wide range of products - not only legendary products are in stock, but also the latest confectionery novelties.
  • Reliable and fast delivery to all areas of Moscow and other regions of Russia.
  • Affordable price for retail customers and special offers for wholesale customers.
  • Loyal system of discounts - regular promotions allow you to purchase a delicacy as profitable as possible.
  • Original quality - we sell Nestlé products from Europe delivered by trusted suppliers.

Being our client is profitable, convenient, very tasty, and you can see for yourself!

Julia Vern 10 749 1

The progenitor of the famous NESTLE company was a successful pharmacist from Switzerland Henry Nestle, who was carried away by the creation of a product for artificial feeding of children, he officially founded his brainchild in 1867, probably without even implying that after a few decades his brand would become synonymous with quality and the best traditions in the field of production. food products. The familiar logo of the company in the form of birds sitting in a nest is nothing more than the family coat of arms of Nestlé, which he did not want to change even for the trademark in the form of a white cross that is present on the flag of his homeland.

Henry Nestlé began researching infant feeding back in the 1860s, when there was a high infant mortality rate due to malnutrition. In search of the perfect alternative to breastfeeding, he experimented with milk, sugar and wheat flour, eventually developing a new product called Henry Nestlé Milk Flour. The resulting mixture was a real breakthrough, and, thanks to its unique characteristics, immediately won the trust of consumers. A premature baby helped to make sure of the quality and nutritional value of the product, whose body rejected breast milk and all products that replace it. When even the help of doctors was ineffectual, NESTLE milk formula worked a miracle and saved the baby's life, after which it gained great trust in society and after a few years became in demand in most European countries.

How to win thanks to competitors?

In the mid-70s of the 19th century, Nestlé, led by new owner Jules Monner, began to produce condensed milk under its own brand. This decision was prompted by the desire of the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company to expand its range of breast milk substitutes. Meanwhile, new interesting solutions appear on the food market, one of which was milk chocolate, invented by Daniel Peter. Later he created his own company, which became a leading player in the production of chocolate, and later part of the NESTLE corporation.

At the beginning of the 20th century, these two competing companies merged under the name "Nestle and the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company", and after some time, factories in the USA and some European countries operated under the ownership of the new corporation. In 1907, large-scale production in Australia doubled production. At the same time, warehouses were being built in Singapore, Bombay and other Asian countries.

How to increase sales despite tough times?

During the First World War, which created disastrous conditions for the production and sales activities of the company, NESTLE sells almost all of its stocks in order to fill the shortage of fresh milk in European countries. However, in the meantime, the government receives orders for the production of powdered and condensed milk. To meet this demand, Nestlé is acquiring several more factories in the United States, thereby doubling production.

The post-war period brought a deep crisis associated with the rise in commodity prices and the fall of the currency, all these consequences did not pass by the Nestlé company. During this time, management made a radical reorganization decision and began to expand the scope of its traditional activities with the release of new products, such as malted milk, instant drinks and baby buttermilk powder. A revolutionary creation and one of the main discoveries of NESTLE was NESCAFE instant powder, which appeared in 1938 and continues to be in demand among coffee lovers to this day. And even during the Second World War, which affected NESTLE by a significant reduction in profits, the unique drink enjoyed incredible popularity and was deservedly accepted by American soldiers and officers. Thanks to this trend, sales of NESCAFE reached a million boxes by 1943, making NESTLE the leader in the coffee business, and the company's profit by the end of World War II was more than two hundred and twenty million dollars, which is double the profit in 1938.

The post-war period marked a period of diversification for NESTLE and a new alliance with Alimentana S.A. and Maggi & Company, which was the largest manufacturer of instant soups, spices and broth cubes. The result of the merger was the creation of the NESTLE Alimentana Company holding, the structure of which was replenished in 1950 by the British canned food producer Crosse & Blackwell, and a little later by Findus, a manufacturer of frozen fish products. From the mid-60s to the early 70s, Libby and Stouffer, respectively, engaged in the production of fruit juices and frozen foods, were merged into the holding.

During all this time, the popularity of instant coffee NESCAFE steadily gained momentum, the technology of drying using a low-temperature vacuum was developed, thanks to which a new brand of coffee called TASTER'S CHOICE was born.

Get out of the habitual zone to stay afloat

In the mid-70s, in connection with the beginning of the deterioration of the economic situation caused by high prices for "black gold" and the depreciation of currencies around the world, the prices of coffee and cocoa increased significantly. NESTLE is forced to adapt to changing realities and goes beyond its usual food business. In 1974, the company acquired shares in L'Oreal, and a little later became the owner of Alcon Laboratories, Inc., engaged in ophthalmic and pharmaceutical production.

Confident way to the pedestal

In the 90s, favorable conditions for the development of NESTLE came, barriers to trade were removed, and new sales lines were opened in China, Central and Eastern Europe. Since 1996, the management of the company has decided to sell some brands, such as Findus, and buy new ones, such as San Pellegrino and Spillers Petfoods.

Throughout the 20th century, NESTLE changed the direction of its activities, expanded the geographical boundaries of its activities, surprised people with new inventions and developments in the food industry. We can confidently say that NESTLE has entered the new 21st century as the undisputed leader in the field of food production, the company has about five hundred operating factories, and its annual sales revenue exceeds 90 billion Swiss francs.

2007 marked a symbolic return to its roots for the company with the acquisition of the Gerber brand, known worldwide as a leading manufacturer of baby food. Thus, NESTLE is able to fully continue the work of its founder, as well as develop the concept of correct and healthy nutrition.

How did Nestlé come to Russia?

At the end of the 19th century, a merchant from St. Petersburg Alexander Wenzel and Henry Nestle signed an agreement for the supply of milk products to the Russian Empire, from that very moment the development of NESTLE's partnership with Russia began.

In the 90s, Nestlé created a Russian distribution network, developing large-scale sales of the most popular products such as Nescafe and Nesquik. Then he opened a representative office, which in 1996 became an independent company under the name LLC Nestlé Food, which ten years later, as a result of mergers, was renamed into Nestlé Russia.

Popular representatives of Nestlé, such as Nescafe, Russia-Generous Soul, Maggi, Nuts, have been repeatedly awarded various awards in the field of popular recognition, which is an indisputable fact of the love of Russian consumers for the company's products.

Favorite coffee from Nestlé

From 1938 to the present day, the NESCAFE trademark is perhaps the most popular among all Nestlé products, at the moment it has seven lines of coffee produced. Let's talk in more detail about each of them.

NESCAFE "Classic". Granular instant coffee, produced in soft packaging and glass jars, has a tart classic coffee taste and rich aroma. Such a drink will be appreciated by fans of the morning traditions of drinking coffee, charging with vivacity and energy.

NESCAFE "Gold". Freeze-dried instant coffee, which contains different types of roasted coffee beans, balanced and harmoniously combined in one drink. In the Nescafe Gold line, you can choose soft, strong, rich coffee, or made from roasted and unroasted green beans. Supplied in a glass jar or soft packaging with a zip fastener.
NESCAFE "Montego". Freeze-dried instant coffee of medium roast. Thanks to specially selected varieties, a unique blend of the drink is created, which has an original refined taste.
NESCAFE "Gold Barista". The so-called trend in coffee production, made by an innovative development of the creation of ground coffee in instant, and in no way inferior to a drink from a coffee shop. This effect is achieved by adding Arabica beans to the ground coffee prior to crystallization. During the brewing of the product, all shades and flavors of ground grains of superfine grinding are released.

NESCAFE "Espresso". Instant premium coffee, when brewed, an airy foam appears on the surface. To create a delicate blend filled with fruity notes, Arabica varieties are carefully selected and dark roasted.
NESCAFE "Dolce Gusto". Capsules for a coffee machine, allowing you to prepare high-quality and tasty drinks at home, like in a coffee shop, while the choice of taste in this line is striking in its diversity:

  • classic black coffee;
  • hot chocolate;
  • espresso;
  • cappuccino and latte;
  • cocoa, etc.

NESCAFE "3 in 1". A small stick is a lifesaver for those who want to get a boost of vivacity immediately, perfectly combines the taste of coffee and cream. Produced in various variations: hard, soft, classic and caramel flavored.

Coffee is an indispensable drink for people leading a busy lifestyle; it is rich in antioxidants that actively prevent the aging process and many diseases of the nervous system. The variety of NESCAFE lines allows even the most sophisticated coffee connoisseur to choose a life-giving drink to the liking and taste.

Miracle drink Nesquik

Instant chocolate drink Nesquik was developed in 1948 and it was then called Nestle Quik, the second part of the name translated from English means "fast", thus the producers symbolized the speed of dissolution of dry cocoa in milk. In 1999, the brand got its current more sonorous name. The mascot of the trademark throughout its existence has been and remains the Kwiki rabbit, which, along with the name of the product, sometimes changed its image.

Tasty and aromatic cocoa Nesquik is ideal for a growing body, it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals necessary for the skeletal system and brain activity of the child. This amazing drink is produced in a classic version and with a strawberry flavor.

Nestlé chocolates - pleasure for all occasions

Chocolate bar "NUTS". Ideal for those cases when you need to quickly stimulate brain activity, and, as you know, hazelnuts in combination with chocolate do this task perfectly. In addition, the bar contains caramel and nougat.

Nesquik bar. Mini-chocolate bar produced in different variations: with crispy waffle or puffed rice, nougat and milk filling. This delicacy is especially popular with children.

"KIT KAT". A bar based on crispy waffles and milk chocolate, perfectly satisfies the feeling of hunger and keeps the feeling of fullness for a long time. For the first time this chocolate appeared in 1935 in London, since then the names and design of the wrapper have changed several times, however, the quality and originality of taste have remained the same.

Chocolate bars "Russia - Generous soul". Nestlé is a worthy representative in the bar chocolate category, produced in a variety of variations, each of which has an original composition that combines only the highest quality ingredients: dark and milk chocolate, marmalade, cookies, nuts and raisins.

Leading baby food manufacturers

Henry Nestlé began the development of his activity, taking as a basis the goal - to find a unique formula for a mixture that would be a full-fledged analogue of breast milk and would help solve the problem of lack and inadequacy of baby food. Having achieved the goal, the founder of the NESTLE company proved by his own example that you can achieve a lot in your endeavors if you have a strong desire to benefit people.

The Swiss pharmacist's case has been going on successfully for over 140 years. The company produces infant formula, mashed potatoes, cereals and other baby food products of well-known brands, which are rightfully highly valued all over the world due to the unsurpassed quality of their products.

NESTLE products are designed to provide a correct and healthy diet, bring maximum benefit to the baby, improve digestion, normalize microflora, reduce the risk of intestinal infections and strengthen immunity. All formulas intended for infants are as close as possible in their characteristics to natural mother's milk.

NESTLE's concept: both in life and in the profession

The main principle of the Nestlé company is the desire to create common values ​​and attitudes in both corporate and private life. Nestlé Executive Director S.А. Paul Bulke believes that the key to the success of any company is the desire to have a beneficial effect on society, that is, corporate social responsibility for people should arise.

Nestlé, producing high-quality and healthy food products, aims to stimulate in society the desire for a healthy lifestyle, proper and wholesome nutrition, as well as to minimize the negative impact on the environmental situation.

As part of its concept, Nestlé has successfully implemented several activities:

  • Improving product quality standards. Since 2010, the Nestlé Cocoa-Plan program has been implemented, aimed at achieving ideal quality and taste parameters for the products. The essence of the program is to respect the environment in which cocoa trees grow, as well as to the people who grow them. To this end, Nestlé participates in the development of farms, improving the social conditions of farmers and maintaining the quality of the surrounding nature. In Russia, the Cocoa Plan program began with the presentation of new KIT ​​KAT bars, made in accordance with the new standards.
  • Creation of innovative divisions within the company, the primary task of which is the development of unique food products, with the help of which the prevention and treatment of certain diseases is carried out.
  • Creation of partnerships with the Free Labor Association, which allows timely suppression of the facts of illegal exploitation of child labor.
  • Acquisition of Pamlab, a health food company.