Condensed milk. Production, Technology, GOST

16.08.2019 Soups

Given the popularity of condensed milk among consumers, you involuntarily think about organizing your own business. Indeed, the production of condensed milk is a profitable and cost-effective direction. Moreover, many confectionery companies use condensed milk to make their products. Indeed, the demand for this delicacy is huge.

But we must not forget about the existing competition. Now we are talking about products that are not manufactured according to GOST (state standard), but according to TU (technical specifications). Condensed milk, which is made according to TU, has a low cost, because non-natural ingredients are used for its manufacture. In the preparation of such products, manufacturers use:
  • surrogate products;
  • flavors;
  • emulsifiers;
  • flavor stabilizers, etc.

This circumstance can create some difficulties for novice entrepreneurs who want to produce high-quality condensed milk in accordance with GOST. However, if you position yourself as a conscientious and high-quality manufacturer, then the brand of your delicacy will be out of competition.

State standards for condensed milk

To date, there is an approved GOST 53436-2009. According to these standards, only fresh milk and additional ingredients can be used in the production of condensed milk. It is allowed to use ascorbic acid as an oxidizing agent.

Also, the new standards classify products, depending on the level of fat content:

  • fat-free condensed milk (1%);
  • standard (8.5%);
  • cream (19%).

Condensed milk production technology

High-quality condensed milk, which meets the established standards, is produced by the process of evaporating water from raw materials. After that, sugar is added to the resulting concentrate.

The entire process for the production of finished products is based on the passage of raw materials through a specific processing scheme:

  1. Assessment of the quality of the initial raw material. Milk, sugar and other ingredients must be of the highest quality. After that, the raw materials are cooled, thoroughly cleaned and reserved. If it is necessary to increase the percentage of fat content of milk, cream can be mixed with it. If you need to reduce the percentage of fat content, the raw materials are diluted with skim milk. Various stabilizers and salt are also added at this stage.
  2. The procedure for heating the original product to a temperature of 95 degrees is called pasteurization. Thus, pathogenic microorganisms inside the milk are destroyed, the raw materials are brought to a stable state. It is due to pasteurization that the product retains its liquid form for quite a long time.
  3. Cooling, after the pasteurization process. At this stage, the milk mixture is cooled to 70 degrees, after which the right amount of sugar is added.
  4. A vacuum evaporator helps the milk to reach a thick consistency. The raw material is placed in a special tank, where it is brought to a boil to evaporate excess moisture. Upon completion of the process, the products are placed in the mold, where they are cooled.
  5. A seed is added to the resulting cooled mixture, which consists of ordinary lactose. The seed must be ground into a powder, which will prevent the formation of crystals in the condensed milk.
  6. Pouring products into special containers. For these purposes, special automatic lines are used.

It is also possible to organize the production of condensed milk based on powdered milk. According to the technology, the process is similar to that described above, however, in this case, the process of evaporation of moisture from the milk mixture can be excluded. It is enough to dilute the raw material with drinking purified water. The resulting product must be kept for several hours. After that, a similar sequence of procedures is carried out, as with whole milk.

Also, the technological process provides for the preparation of condensed milk with various fillers. For these purposes, fruit additives, cocoa, coffee, and so on can be used.

Most modern producers use the so-called combined method for the production of condensed milk. The line is built in such a way that it is possible to produce condensed milk from powdered milk and whole milk.

To organize your own workshop for the production of condensed milk from raw milk, you need to purchase the USM-4 unit. The price range of the installation varies between 20,000 - 25,000 rubles. Or any other similar installation for the production of condensed milk at home.

For a small workshop, several such installations will be needed. In those seasons when prices for natural milk rise significantly, entrepreneurs prefer to use BCM-100, which allows using powdered milk for the production process. The installation cost is 190,000 rubles.

Also, the automatic line must be provided with a cooling unit, the cost of which varies between 450,000 - 500,000 rubles.

For packaging finished products, you need to buy the appropriate equipment, the cost of which is 700,000 rubles.

To purchase a complete set of equipment, you may need about 1,500,000 rubles. Of course, you can cut costs by purchasing used equipment. To find a line at the best price, you can use electronic bulletin boards or visit the official website of the manufacturer.

Obtaining the necessary documents for organizing a business

Before starting your own business, you need to think carefully beforehand. Any business needs to start with legalization. First of all, the entrepreneur must register his “newly minted” enterprise with the Federal Tax Service (Federal Tax Service). To open an activity, an LLC or IP is suitable. The following list of documents will be required:

  • certificate of accounting in the Federal Tax Service;
  • permits for activities from Rospotrebnadzor;
  • product quality certificates;
  • collection of sanitary standards;

It is also necessary to indicate when registering a legal entity. persons OKVED codes. To select a code, you need to select the appropriate type of activity according to the description. A four-digit code must be indicated in the application.

It is also necessary to ensure that the manufactured products must comply with the established GOST, only in this case it will be certified and tested.

It is necessary to pay attention to the room where the production line will be located. The room must comply with sanitary standards, have an emergency evacuation plan, and be equipped with a fire alarm.

The production process should be managed by experienced technologists. Employees should not be allowed to work without concluding an employment contract. The employer must also ensure that employees undergo a medical examination and have an appropriate medical certificate. Business organization may require:

  • purchasing manager;
  • accountant;
  • technologist;
  • cleaner;
  • Sales Manager.

How to organize the supply of raw materials for the production of condensed milk

Raw milk and sugar are the main raw materials for the production of condensed milk. Before organizing a business, it is necessary to take into account a number of difficulties that arise with whole milk:

  • the need for permanent suppliers who offer high-quality raw materials at an attractive price;
  • ensuring the delivery of raw materials and its transportation;
  • in winter and autumn, milk becomes more expensive;
  • storage of raw materials.

You can conclude a contract for the supply of whole raw materials with various farms. The more raw materials purchased in bulk, the greater the discounts.

Distribution channels for finished products

When the production process is established, the entrepreneur receives large volumes of finished products. It's time to think about its implementation. The best distribution channels are:

  • Retail Stores;
  • large companies that are engaged in wholesale sales;
  • retail point, which is open by the manufacturer.

You can also pay attention to the confectionery companies that use the delicacy to prepare their products.

Business Profitability

An approximate calculation must be carried out based on the work of the entire workshop. For calculations, we take three USM-4 installations. For one shift they are able to produce 65 kg of condensed milk. The cost of one kg is 50 rubles. The average wholesale price of one kg is 120 rubles. Monthly revenue will be about 170,000 rubles.

It is also worth considering possible risks in business, which include:

  • during operation, the equipment may fail;
  • instability of prices for raw materials, depending on the season;
  • marriage;
  • raw materials may deteriorate if the rules of storage and transportation are not followed;
  • human factor (sudden illness of an employee, injury in the course of the technological process, and so on).

How to create your brand

This is a very important issue that should be taken seriously. Some kind of inscription or an individual drawing that will be applied to the container can act as a brand. For example, "Sweet tooth", "Taste of childhood", "Teddy bear" and so on. In this matter, it is extremely important to show maximum creativity. The chosen brand should not repel a potential consumer. The logo should evoke pleasant emotions and childhood memories.

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Economic performance of the shop for the production of condensed milk, located on 50 sq. m. and, subject to the registration of the premises for rent and its equipment with three main automatic installations.

Condensed milk is perhaps the favorite delicacy of most children and adults, so this product is in uninterrupted demand. This allows you to judge the prospects for the business associated with its production. But in order to profit from condensed milk production, it is important to produce only a quality product that meets the state standard.

To do this, it is necessary to conduct a competent analysis of this market segment, as well as develop a thorough organizational plan and make preliminary calculations of the economic efficiency of a potential business.

Market analysis

The modern market for the production of canned food containing milk in Russia is rapidly developing, which leads to an increase in the sales of these products, especially ready-made condensed milk. Positive changes in this market segment are explained by an increase in consumer demand for this product from organizations engaged in the manufacture of confectionery products.

In fact, condensed milk is concentrated milk with added sugar. Modern technologies have made it possible to expand the range of these products, so on store shelves you can find specimens with various additives:

  • cocoa;
  • coffee;
  • fruits;
  • berries and other ingredients.

In addition, if previously condensed milk was only a canned product packaged in a special tin, today manufacturers use as containers:

  • glass and plastic bottles;
  • tubes;
  • plastic packaging and more.

But when analyzing this segment of the market, one must also remember the main nuance of the production of condensed milk, which is that the sales volumes of a quality product are strongly influenced by the abundance of similar, but low-grade products in the windows of retail outlets. In other words, a product that does not comply with GOST, but is manufactured according to specifications, but has a lower cost.

The fact is that manufacturers seek to save money and therefore, instead of natural raw materials, they use surrogate products, such as:

  1. Stabilizers.
  2. Emulsifiers.
  3. Vegetable fats.

This circumstance opens up prospects for start-up entrepreneurs who have decided to engage in the production of high-quality condensed milk.

Registration and organization of business

To open your own business for the production of condensed milk, it is important to carefully consider all the nuances of its organization in advance. In addition, any business must exist legally, and therefore, first of all, an entrepreneur must register his business with the Federal Tax Service. To open such an activity, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is suitable.

Required Documentation

To run a business, you will need the following list of required documentation:

  • certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • permitting documents of Rospotrebnadzor: product quality certificates;
  • GOSTs, TUs and a collection of sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Premises and equipment

When choosing a room for organizing the production of condensed milk, it is important to consider that it must comply with all sanitary and hygienic standards enshrined in current legislation. In addition, when choosing it, it is worth considering the following nuances:

As for the necessary equipment, its type will depend on the chosen production method:

  1. If it is planned to organize a small workshop that will produce condensed milk made from whole milk, then several (2-3) USM-4 units will be required. She is capable of:
  • produce up to 11 kg of finished products in one four-hour cycle;
  • has a small power and weight, which does not require large territorial areas.
  • one person is enough to operate the unit.
  1. As an alternative or additional option, an entrepreneur can use powdered milk in the production of condensed milk. In this case, he will have to purchase a special VSM-100 line. Of course, its cost is almost 10 times more expensive than USM-4, and the mass is much larger, but the device itself also does not require a significant area (1.2 sq. M.).

In addition to the above installations, for the organization of uninterrupted production, an apparatus for cooling the finished consistency and a special packaging line for packaging finished products into containers are required.

Raw material

The main raw material for condensed milk is whole milk, in addition, according to the technology, sugar is also needed for its production. So, for the production of 1 kg of finished products you need:

  • 2.5 liters of whole milk with a fat content of 3.5%;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar.

But even at the initial stages of starting a business, it is worth considering a number of difficulties that arise with whole raw materials:

  1. The need for stable and permanent suppliers.
  2. Ensuring the delivery of the product to the place of processing and its proper storage.
  3. Seasonality. In the autumn-winter period, milk is a scarce product, the price of which increases significantly.

Due to the lack of whole milk in the raw material market in the cold season or its high cost, which increases the cost of production, milk powder can act as a substitute for it. There will be no problems with its supply at all, since it is in abundance on the modern market.

The composition of 3.5% milk powder is no different from the whole product, but condensed milk prepared on its basis will have a characteristic aftertaste.

Production technology

The entire technological process for the production of a condensed product from a whole one consists in the passage of raw materials through a certain sequence of stages:

If the production works on the basis of powdered milk, then, first of all, the stage of liquid evaporation is excluded from the technological process. In this case, to obtain the finished product, the raw material is diluted with warm (40 degrees) drinking water, and the resulting mixture is passed through a filter and cooled.

The resulting product is kept for several hours to swell the proteins, after which a similar sequence of actions is carried out with it, as in the case of whole milk.


As for the technological process, only a professional should manage it. One specialist is required to work on each automatic installation. In any case, the list and number of production personnel directly depends on the selected equipment and the amount of manual work. In addition, for medium production, warehouse workers may be required:

  • accountant;
  • raw material purchasing manager;
  • finished product sales manager;
  • cleaners.

Advertising and sales market

Well-established production can bring an entrepreneur stable volumes of finished products, but in order to start making a profit from your business, you need to competently organize its implementation.

As a rule, for condensed milk, the best distribution channels are:

To establish sales relations with buyers, it is also important to take care of advertising your own production. Therefore, as part of the marketing policy, it is worth considering the following activities:

  • placement of information about the company and the advantages of its products in the media and print publications;
  • creation of an official website;
  • placement of banners and advertising posters in busy areas of the city.

You can also prepare booklets and business cards so that you can visually acquaint customers with the benefits of a particular company's condensed milk.

The financial component of the business

In addition to the organizational plan for future production, the entrepreneur must also make the necessary calculations of its economic efficiency. In other words, calculate the estimated amount of initial investment, current production costs and future income.

Cost of opening and maintaining

Suppose a decision has been made to open a shop for the production of condensed milk, equipped with three units for the processing of whole raw materials and one unit for working with the original product in dry form. For this, a suitable room of 50 square meters was selected. m., which will be issued for long-term lease. Then the amount of initial capital will be about 1.2 million rubles.

In the future, the company will be forced to make current expenses to pay:

  • rent;
  • utility bills;
  • employee salaries and deductions from it;
  • purchase of raw materials;
  • maintaining advertising.

On average, the amount of monthly costs will be 150 thousand rubles.

Size of future income

To calculate the amount of future production income, first you need to decide on the schedule of its work. If it is planned that the workshop will work 30 shifts per month, and the production day will be 8 hours, then taking into account the daily productivity of one installation (2 cycles - 22 kg), the volume of manufactured products will be 1980 kg per month.

To date, the wholesale price of 1 kg of condensed milk is 100 rubles, therefore, the amount of potential revenue per month will be 200 thousand rubles.

Payback period

It follows from the previous paragraph that the approximate amount of monthly profit is 50 thousand rubles. This allows you to determine that the initial investment will pay off after at least two years of uninterrupted production.

Starting a condensed milk business is a promising idea for aspiring entrepreneurs. It does not require huge financial investments, in addition, the finished products of such production are in constant demand. But in order to get a stable profit and have a good reputation in this market segment, it is worth producing the highest quality product.

Which of us in childhood did not dream of secretly eating a jar of condensed milk, or even more than one, from our mother? Of course, many of us wondered what and how such a coveted delicacy is made of. The veil of secrecy over the production process of the world-famous condensed milk in cans with a traditional white and blue label was kindly agreed to be opened by employees of the Glubokoe Milk Canning Plant OJSC in the Vitebsk region. Sanitary rules at this enterprise in the city of Glubokoe are akin to the rules in a surgical operating room. Complete sterility! I had to put on special clothes, sign in the appropriate journal about the absence of contagious diseases and undergo sanitization. It in itself is a very interesting procedure. Hands must be thoroughly washed before visiting the OJSC IWC - and not only with liquid soap, but also with a special antiseptic. Water from the taps of the washbasins is supplied automatically - there are infrared sensors. This is done so that workers and visitors do not touch the taps with their hands, because if one person touches it with dirty hands and the other with clean ones, then the effect of washing can be negated. But that's not all! At the entrance to the workshop, it is necessary to place both hands in a special automatic turnstile, which will pour a little disinfectant on the palms to wipe them. At the same time, the soles of the shoes are treated with a special disinfectant solution. Only after the device is activated, the green light will turn on at the checkpoint, and the turnstile will allow you to go inside. Of course, all employees of the enterprise regularly undergo the necessary medical examinations. They do not have to touch hands directly with milk and dairy products, the entire technological process is automated, but the peculiarities of food production require full guarantees. - At our enterprise, the safety system for the production of canned condensed milk ISO 22000 and the HACCP system have been introduced, the requirements of which we must strictly comply with, - says Lyudmila Duk, Deputy Production Director. - First of all, incoming milk is checked for the presence of antibiotics, because they can seriously affect human health. For this, a special device is used - the HEAT-sensor. If traces of, for example, tetracycline or other drugs sometimes used by veterinarians to treat cows are found in milk, this batch will not be accepted by us under any circumstances. If there are no antibiotics in milk, it undergoes a number of other laboratory tests that should determine the purity group of raw materials, the percentage of mass fraction of fat and, of course, organoleptic indicators - in other words, taste, color and smell of the product. According to approved methods, the milk is heated to exactly 35 degrees to determine the smell and to the boiling point, followed by cooling to determine the taste. And suppliers are obliged to bring it to the plant only chilled to 10 degrees, because the bactericidal phase of milk is preserved only for two hours after its production. A veterinary certificate stating that it was obtained from healthy cows is also required. According to Lyudmila Georgievna, the raw material base of OJSC "Gluboksky Milk Canning Plant" is represented not only by the Gluboksky district, native to the enterprise, but also by two more - Sharkovshchinsky and Braslavsky. And, although suppliers for many years of cooperation with the IWC are more than proven, and the regions themselves are environmentally friendly, each batch of milk entering the enterprise is subject to the strictest incoming control, because the safety of people depends on it. Irina Vaskovich, conducted a tour along the same route that takes place when each batch of raw materials arrives at the enterprise: from "arrival" from the farm in a milk tanker to shipment to consumers in the form of packaged jars with delicious condensed milk. - Here unloading is carried out, or, as we say, "rolling out" of milk carriers, - says Irina Konstantinovna. - What you see now is the washing of tanks after their unloading. This means that the batch of milk that arrived passed laboratory tests, turned out to be of high quality and was accepted. We also visited the receiving laboratory, which, for the convenience of the process, is located next to the receiving area. In it, IWC specialists were doing their best to conjure with cunning devices capable of detecting even an insignificant percentage of antibiotics and other substances potentially dangerous for the consumer in milk. Other devices determined the degree of purity of the product, its fat content and grade, and the organoleptic qualities were checked by laboratory assistants very simply: they carefully examined the milk, sniffed it and, of course, tried it. Today's raw materials had an excellent taste and smelled, as it should be, of natural fresh milk, and very appetizing. In the meantime, freshly arrived milk was pumped to the storage compartment - of course, through the counter. In a special window, this process could even be observed. Tanks for storing newly received raw materials are also located not far from the receiving area, just a little lower, and, of course, milk enters them only after cooling. The interior of the vault is somewhat reminiscent of a submarine: the same many pipes (albeit exclusively from shining food grade stainless steel) and round sealed hatches. It is impossible to keep milk here for a long time, because the sooner the raw materials go for pasteurization, the better. This process, discovered by the great biologist of the past, Louis Pasteur, is heating milk to a temperature at which pathogenic and lactic acid bacteria die, but the raw material itself does not boil yet, which allows it to preserve all taste qualities, useful microelements, enzymes and vitamins. Pasteurization is carried out in a special area. Of course, all the flows of "milk rivers" at the enterprise need to be managed somehow. This is successfully done by a fully computerized system, the operator of which can direct the process directly from his workplace - opening and closing valves manually, as several decades ago, is no longer required. But back to pasteurization. After its passage, milk can be stored for much longer than that not processed using this technology. It is stored in special containers, but also for a very short time, because the raw materials are already waiting at the thickening site. True, the “fate” of different batches of milk may be different depending on its purpose: for example, future concentrated milk without sugar will immediately be sent for evaporation, and sugar syrup must be added to condensed milk with sugar. And now - the most important thing. This syrup is the only additive! Absolutely no preservatives, sweeteners, flavor and aroma enhancers, as well as other food additives frightening the consumer, starting with the "E" index, are not used in Glubokoe. This is not necessary: ​​the guaranteed and carefully tested quality of the raw materials, coupled with modern processing technology, makes it possible to produce a product not with the taste of a flavor, but with the taste of natural milk, from which it is actually made. Evaporation, like pasteurization, is carried out without bringing the milk to a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius, which allows it to preserve the whole range of useful qualities of a fresh product. However, boiling with the removal of "extra" water molecules in the form of steam does not necessarily occur at this temperature: every schoolchild knows that for this it is necessary to reduce the pressure. Therefore, milk condensing is carried out in special apparatus by evaporation under vacuum. The whole process is carefully controlled - both by instruments and visually. And when the condensed milk reaches the parameters set by GOST, it is placed in a special tank. In the meantime, tin cans (still empty) and lids for them are coming from the neighboring workshop. A special machine fills the cans with condensed milk to the nearest gram, after which the container is immediately rolled up. Filled tins fly out of the car almost like a machine gun at a speed of 300 cans per minute! According to the assurances of the ICC employees, the modern production line of the Italian company Zilli & Bellini is capable of producing 450 cans of condensed milk per minute, but this speed is not used at the moment. Next, the filled, but still "unnamed" jars of condensed milk are sent to the conveyor, which delivers them straight to the labeling machine. Like all processes at the Glubokoe IWC, this one is fully automated: the smart equipment itself will stick the label, and compress it, and scroll the can during this process. The further way of cans with condensed milk, already decorated with a traditional white and blue label, runs to a machine that collects them in the right quantity and puts them in boxes. The cardboard boxes themselves are made here by another machine. The filled and sealed boxes go to the conveyor, which takes them to the finished product warehouse, and from there they go directly to the stores. True, goods do not stay in this warehouse for a long time - condensed milk, like other products of the Glubokoe Milk Canning Factory, judging by branded trucks scurrying back and forth, is in great demand among consumers. And this is a kind of "hall of fame" of the Glubokoe milk cannery, marked, however, with a relatively modest sign "Our Achievements". The awards received for product quality can hardly fit on the wall! Moreover, among them there are not only Belarusian diplomas of winners of various exhibitions and competitions, quality certificates and various prizes, but also international ones. Which, however, is not surprising: after all, the products of the Glubokoe Milk Cannery are supplied to many countries of the world. This is illustrated by the map posted here. The states “conquered” by Glubokoe condensed milk are marked on it with special icons, and the markets of other Glubokoe milk producers have yet to conquer. Click the button to subscribe to How It's Made! If you have a production or service that you want to tell our readers about, write to Aslan ( [email protected] ) and we will make the best report, which will be seen not only by readers of the community, but also by the site How it's made Subscribe also to our groups in facebook, vkontakte,classmates and in google+plus, where the most interesting things from the community will be posted, plus materials that are not here and a video about how things work in our world. Click on the icon and subscribe!

Many people think that condensed milk is a recent invention, but in fact this product appeared in Great Britain, in the middle of the 19th century. The main idea was the possibility of long-term storage Already in 1858, "condensed milk" was launched into mass production. Now it is a product loved by many, which can be eaten both separately and as a dessert sauce, or added to cakes and pastries.

By the way, the name "condensed milk" describes exclusively canned milk, in which sugar is added. In addition, there are other varieties. The sugar-free version is essentially just concentrated milk. Another popular version is boiled condensed milk obtained through heat treatment. Previously, boiled condensed milk was made at home, but now manufacturers have put this product on stream. They also produce milk with the addition of coffee and cocoa.

Since 2013, this product has been subject to GOST 31688-2012. High-quality condensed milk made according to GOST contains only natural cow's milk, sugar and sometimes water. There can be no preservatives in it, as well as in other canned food.

Considering the rather large amount of sugar in this delicacy beloved by many, the calorie content of condensed milk is 323 kcal per 100 grams of product. On average, it has 56 g of carbohydrates, 8 g of fat and 7 g of protein. Due to the high calorie content and large amount of sugar, this product should not be eaten in large quantities by children and people. It must be borne in mind that foods high in sugar can cause allergies in babies.

However, condensed milk also has enough useful properties. In it, as in other dairy products, there are a lot of vitamins and useful microelements. Among them are vitamin A, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, fluorine.

Condensed milk in cans is stored for up to 12 months. In other containers, for example, plastic, it is much less.

A delicacy familiar from childhood is condensed milk, which you can not only buy in the store, but also cook it yourself at home. Sweet, viscous, healthy treat can be eaten with a spoon, added to pastries, served with pancakes. Unlike the store-bought condensed product, there are no harmful ingredients in the homemade product - only natural ingredients. Treat yourself and your family to a delicious treat by cooking it in a saucepan on the stove, bread maker or autoclave.

How to make condensed milk at home

Store shelves offer a wide range of condensed milk. A delicious treat in a tin can was produced in different parts of the world. The modern economy has relaxed the requirements for the quality of the condensed product produced. An industrial dessert is prepared with both palm oil and dairy products, and not at all from tasty and healthy cow's milk. To avoid non-uniform crystallization of sugars and to achieve a stable structure, microcrystals of lactose are added to the product.

Housewives are looking for recipes for home cooking without harmful additives. The production technology in an ordinary kitchen is not difficult, you can cook a delicious treat without much hassle. The cooking procedure and recipe change only slightly. The dairy product is boiled with granulated sugar over low heat to the desired consistency. There are several secrets for making the perfect condensed product:

  1. Use milk only with a high fat content of at least 3% (with the exception of low-calorie condensed milk).
  2. If the freshness of raw materials is in doubt, add a little soda. This component will not allow the milk to curdle.
  3. Dessert will not burn if you take a pan with a thick bottom to cook condensed milk. You need to stir the mass constantly so that the milk does not run away or burn.
  4. Thickening of the treat occurs after cooling, so do not overcook it. Hot condensed milk will be semi-liquid.

What does condensed milk mean according to GOST

High requirements for condensed milk back in 1952 are not met today. This product contained only thoroughly purified and tested whole milk and sugar. As a result of boiling, condensed milk with a fat content of 8.5% came out. A special production technology made it possible to preserve the maximum amount of useful substances in the final product even during prolonged heat treatment.

Features of the technological process

The main secret of the technological process is long-term pasteurization at a temperature of 60 to 65 degrees. Such heat treatment does not destroy valuable macro- and microelements, vitamins, proteins, milk fats contained in a whole dairy product. Thanks to modern kitchen appliances (multi-cookers, pressure cookers), you can follow this technology at home. Even in the absence of special devices, there are methods that will not allow milk to flow onto the stove, but the temperature will have to be adjusted manually.

Condensed milk recipe

Among homemade recipes, there are many ways to cook condensed milk. Modern recipes are prepared not only on the whole product, but also on powdered milk or take infant milk formula as a basis. From natural additives, coffee or cocoa are used, which give the dessert a special taste. You can prepare a healthy treat without harmful ingredients. Follow the instructions, keep the proportions so that the treat comes out flawless. Do not increase the cooking time. In a digested dish, the process of crystallization of sugars will begin in a few days.

Classic condensed milk according to GOST

  • Time: 3 hours.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 164 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The recipe for condensed milk without extraneous additives according to GOST is suitable for true connoisseurs of the taste and quality of this sweet delicacy. Sugar in the recipe plays the role of a preservative. Even an opened jar can be stored in the refrigerator for 30 days. The cooking process is long, but you can prepare the product for the future. Condensed milk at home is prepared faster from a high-fat product. If you want a thicker product, substitute cane sugar for regular sugar. It is characterized by strong crystallization and will make the consistency denser.


  • sugar - 250 g;
  • milk - 0.5 l;
  • water - 50 ml;

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the sugar syrup using a heavy bottomed saucepan.
  2. Gradually add milk to the sugar mass.
  3. Cook for 2-3 hours until desired consistency over very low heat.
  4. You can make blanks with classic condensed milk if you pour it into sterile jars and roll it up.

Condensed milk powder at home

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

To express the milky taste, sometimes condensed milk is prepared at home with the addition of dry concentrate. Do not use water to dissolve - only whole milk. When buying a concentrate, pay attention to its composition. Avoid low-quality products with vegetable oils and preservatives. In order for the dry powder to dissolve well, set the liquid to the correct temperature - about 60 degrees. In cold or too hot milk, the powder will not disperse, lumps may form.


  • dry and whole milk - 300 g each;
  • sugar - 300 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Place a pot of milk in a water bath.
  2. When the temperature approaches 60 degrees, start gradually pouring in the concentrate. Stir while cooking to prevent lumps from forming.
  3. Boil the mixture for about an hour, stirring occasionally with a whisk.

From cream

  • Time: 1-1.5 hours.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 387 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Condensed milk is a versatile product that can be taken with you on a trip, served with tea, pancakes, used to make various creams. For those who are on a diet, even the right condensed milk is not recommended. The product has a high calorie content, so it can adversely affect the figure. If the number of calories does not scare you, use the recipe with cream. Your loved ones will no longer want to eat a purchased product, because homemade treats are much tastier.


  • cream 30% fat - 1 l;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • dry milk - 0.6 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour sugar, add cold water (about 50 ml).
  2. Heat the mass over high heat, but do not bring to a boil. Sugar should not completely dissolve.
  3. Put cream on a steam bath, add sugar syrup there.
  4. Gradually pour the concentrate into the liquid.
  5. To obtain a homogeneous mass of solids and liquids, stir the contents of the pan constantly for the first 15 minutes.
  6. Evaporation time - about 1 hour. The longer the cooking process, the higher the density of the finished product.

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 7-8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 134 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

For lovers of condensed milk with chocolate flavor, you will like the product prepared according to the following recipe. Use for cooking the milk component, in which the proportion of fat is maximum (3.5-4%). So the finished treat will come out with a rich creamy taste. Don't expect good results from skimmed milk. For cooking, take a pan with a thick bottom. Carefully grease its walls with butter - so your condensed milk will not run away when boiling.


  • milk - 1 l;
  • sugar - 200 g;
  • cocoa - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix dry ingredients.
  2. Pour milk into a saucepan, put on fire.
  3. Add mixture, stir.
  4. Boil until the volume is reduced by 2/3 of the original. Don't forget to stir.

Recipe for homemade condensed milk in a bread machine

  • Time: 3 hours.
  • Servings: 5-6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 192 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Homemade condensed milk made from milk and sugar, cooked in a bread machine, will come out white without a creamy tint. The delicacy has high nutritional qualities and incredible taste. Do not be afraid that milk will run out of the bread machine bowl. The blade will constantly stir the delicacy, preventing it from burning or rising. The taste and texture of the condensed product is similar to a quality product from the store, but it does not contain harmful additives and artificial preservatives. 2-3 spoons per day of such a delicacy will benefit the body, cheer you up and strengthen your immune system.


  • milk - 2 tbsp.;
  • cream - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp.;
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • soda - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix milk and cream, add baking soda and bring to a boil using a saucepan.
  2. In another container, boil the syrup from sugar and water. Boil until sugar dissolves.
  3. Mix both mixtures in the bowl of the bread maker.
  4. Add salt.
  5. Set the mode to Jam. When the program is over, let the oven cool down for 15 minutes, then turn on the “Jam” mode again.
  6. After two cycles, pour the mass into a jar, let cool, then place on the shelf of the refrigerator. After 12 hours, the dessert will acquire the desired consistency.

In a slow cooker

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 3-4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 312 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Homemade food is always healthier and tastier than store bought. Sweet viscous delicacy, cooked in a slow cooker, contains only natural products. Preparing it is quite simple. Combine all the products, and your kitchen assistant, the slow cooker, will do the rest of the work for you. Do not use a substitute for milk powder - only with a natural product will condensed milk acquire a creamy taste.


  • dry and whole milk - 250 g each;
  • sugar - 250 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine sugar and dry milk powder, then gradually pour milk into the mixture, stir with a whisk.
  2. When the dry ingredients are completely dissolved, pour the mass into the multicooker bowl.
  3. Set the "Extinguishing" mode to 60 minutes.
  4. Stir the mixture periodically so that it does not burn.

in an autoclave

  • Time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 7-8 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 175 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you are a happy owner of modern kitchen appliances, use it to make delicious and healthy condensed milk. The process will take you a few minutes, and the result of simple work will delight the household. Delicate, viscous, sweet delicacy is loved by children and adults. The main difficulty is to buy good ingredients. Poor quality milk can spoil the product. Be sure to take the main ingredient fresh, with high fat content.


  • milk - 1 l;
  • sugar - 500 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Dissolve the sugar completely in the liquid.
  2. Pour the mixture into jars, roll up.
  3. Put the container in the autoclave, set the temperature to 120 degrees and cook for 30 minutes.
  4. To get a creamy condensed milk, increase the time by 20 minutes.

  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 2-3 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 62 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: dessert.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

For those who are on a diet or cannot eat the usual sweets for any reason, you can prepare a special version of condensed milk. An interesting coffee taste and low calorie content make this product a worthy delicacy for diabetics and those who lose weight. You can prepare it in a few minutes. As a sweetener, a sugar substitute is used, vary its amount according to your taste.


  • skimmed milk powder - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • cornstarch - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • instant coffee - 1 tsp;
  • skimmed milk - 200 ml;
  • sugar substitute - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Warm the milk a little, dissolve the sugar in it.
  2. Mix the rest of the ingredients with the coffee and milk mixture.
  3. Put the dishes with the components in the microwave. Set the power to 800W. Boil the condensed milk 5 times for 1 minute. Stir after each boil.
  4. Cool the finished product, store in the refrigerator.

Benefits of condensed milk

Condensed milk product is a delicacy that is loved by adults and children. Not only excellent taste characteristics make it valuable for human nutrition. When it comes to a natural product made from cow's milk and sugar, it is difficult to overestimate its beneficial properties. The product contains the following substances:

  • vitamin D - necessary for the formation of bone tissue;
  • magnesium, calcium - necessary for the normal functioning of the heart and blood vessels;
  • phosphorus - for good blood circulation and brain activity;
  • glucose - will help restore strength and energy reserves;
  • vitamin C - to strengthen the immune system.

Due to the high calorie content of the product, nutritionists recommend limiting consumption to 2-3 teaspoons per day. Even this small amount of treats will strengthen your teeth, bones and hair due to the high content of calcium and fluoride. There is a lot of glucose in condensed milk, which will cheer you up, increase physical and mental activity, and improve your emotional state. Experts recommend introducing a high-quality condensed product into the daily diet of nursing mothers as a means of increasing the amount of milk produced.
