Basic standards of restaurant service. Restaurant Service Standards

09.08.2019 Soups

A very common occurrence all over the world. After all, this business is always in demand. Style, design, concept - it all depends on the capabilities and desires of the owner. But the standards of service in the restaurant - from its focus. At the counter or counter serving dishes in fast foods and bars. Many restaurants are focused on the so-called buffet, when the visitor puts everything he likes on his plate. French, English, American standards of service in the restaurant differ. If, with one dish, they put them in the center of the table in a large dish, so that the guests can serve themselves, then in the other, they are brought already served and decorated from the kitchen. There are also differences in the forms of service in the restaurant and where the food is prepared: in front of the client or in the kitchen. But the behavior of the staff should be hospitable and friendly in any style. It depends on him whether the guest wants to return, and not only on the skills and talent of the chef.

Cost is one of the most revealing numbers on any restaurant's income statement. The initial cost is achieved by increasing the cost of sales and labor costs, as shown in the costing chart.

The initial cost reflects those costs that are usually the most volatile and deserve the most attention from a control point of view. It is very easy to lose money due to weak or non-existent controls in the areas of food, drink and wages. Many successful restaurants calculate and estimate their cost at the end of each week.

General principles

All restaurant service standards say that service starts at the doorstep. How the guest is greeted, what the first impression will be, is of great importance.

meaning. So, the waiter or doorman should say hello with a smile and maintain eye contact. The guest should feel that he is welcome here and his appearance was noticed. The greeting should not take more than a minute, including the choice or offer of a table. The waiter then offers drinks. He can immediately recommend some dish of the day or the signature masterpiece of the chef and, of course, the menu. True, in some establishments the menus are always on the tables. But restaurant service standards suggest that guests should not be forced to ask or look for a waiter themselves. It is very important that the staff knows what and how the dishes are prepared and can advise the client. Often people who do not use any products ask about the composition. It is also recommended that the waiters themselves try each dish that is on the menu in order to give competent advice regarding taste. After all, the very praise from the lips of the attendants - "I recommend it, it's very tasty" - means a lot to the guest. There should not be, however, familiarity and the use of diminutive words ("pivasik", "seagulls").

Table service - 65% or less Limited service - 60% or less. . As production costs exceed the above levels, it becomes increasingly difficult to achieve and maintain adequate profits in most restaurants. When looking at a restaurant's overall cost structure, cost can be very significant, especially in relation to sales and salary costs. Some restaurants, such as steak and seafood restaurants, can have very high food costs and yet be extremely profitable. this can be seen by looking at the cost.

Ethics and aesthetics

Service standards in a restaurant also prescribe focusing on taking into account all the wishes of the guest, writing down the entire order and the number of dishes, as well as the nuances (someone will ask for coffee without milk and sugar, someone - a dish that is not too spicy or without salt). Ladies must first place an order, if children are sitting at the table, then they are served first. If guests want to drink wine, then usually a sommelier is invited to the table. Non-alcoholic drinks are served within three minutes.

Some people may be surprised that some of the most profitable restaurants in our industry have food costs over 40 percent. You might think that any restaurant can make money, let alone be very profitable, when the cost of its products approaches 50 percent of sales.

Even though their food cost is as high as 45 percent, what do you think their labor cost is as a percentage of sales when they generate sales at such a high level? In fact, their salaries, including management, hourly wages, and taxes and benefits, are probably 15 to 18 percent of sales, but let's say 20 percent of that is conservative. Suppose their marketing mix is ​​85 percent food and 15 percent liquor, beer, and wine.

Features of the work of service personnel

Restaurant service standards recommend putting sauces, salt, pepper and other seasonings on the table before the main course. After the guests try the order, the waiter should gently ask if everything is in order. You may need to change the dish. Also, during the dinner, the waiter is obliged to discreetly remove dirty dishes. Service standards in a 4 and 5 star restaurant dictate that the ashtray be replaced after every cigarette smoked. The waiter must also be within the reach of the guest and fully prepared to help him, but at the same time act unobtrusively. Before serving dessert, coffee, tea, you must also remove all dishes and seasonings from the table and put a sugar bowl. At the first request of the guest, the waiter submits the bill. It is recommended to ask if the client will pay in cash or by card, in order to come up with a payment terminal. Farewell to guests should be extremely polite. Service methods in a restaurant do not always involve tips, but as a rule, customers themselves want to reward the waiter they like. However, if they have not done so, it is unacceptable to hint, much less demand.

If their total beverage cost is, say, 25 percent of beverage sales, here is an estimate of their cost. If our assumptions about drink spending and salaries are accurate enough, you can see that his cost price is well below the 65 percent threshold. This means that even with a very high cost of food, this particular restaurant should be very profitable, as long as its remaining costs and expenses are in line with the restaurant industry averages.

Some restaurants, like many ethnic concepts, have relatively low food prices, and some account for less than 30 percent of sales. You would think that these restaurants would be extremely profitable. They may be, but often these restaurants have lower averages and are more labor intensive, so their payroll costs are much higher as a percentage of sales than, say, a steak or seafood restaurant.

Today, it is obvious that quality service is one of the main reasons why customers choose this or that establishment. Now a person can find similar services in different restaurants and cafes, and when choosing an institution, the decisive factor is not the dish, not the price, but the quality of the service. To surprise the guest, the service personnel must possess the necessary skills and abilities, in particular, service standards, knowledge of the product, the ability to recommend and sell it.

Rental and accommodation rules

Considering cost of sales and labor costs together, as cost usually provides a much more meaningful and reliable indication of a restaurant's cost structure and profit potential. Rent. The rent used here is the current payments made by the operator to the landlord for the use of the premises. Lease payments can be fixed or based on a percentage of sales. Generally, the goal is to limit rental costs to 6 percent of sales or less, excluding related costs such as common area maintenance and other accommodation costs.

On the one hand, service standards are a clear definition of all stages of personnel work, a certain algorithm of actions, brought to automatism. On the other hand, their constant implementation is a continuous process of learning, repetition, practice and refinement.

Service standards are the rules of behavior, appearance, service that employees in a restaurant must constantly and strictly follow. The staff, which every day offers the same professional service, emphasizes the high class of their institution.

Many operators want to keep listing costs at or below 8 percent of sales, but 10 percent is generally seen as the point at which listing costs start to become excessive and start to seriously impair a restaurant's ability to generate sufficient profits.

Selling Value of Thumb Restaurant Business Rules

Determining accurately the potential sales value of any restaurant requires the services of a professional business appraiser, preferably with experience in valuing independent restaurants. However, there are two rules of thumb that can be helpful for an initial, ballpark estimate of what your restaurant might be worth if you're operating in a rented space.

Good service is a multifaceted process. The style of service may differ in different establishments, however, there are unshakable rules that are the basis of high quality. These are the service standards that cover all stages of interaction with the guest and are the foundation for the three main functions of the waiter: preparation, service and sale.

The business value of a business is three to four times the annual cash flow. The commercial value of a business is 38 to 42 percent of gross sales. . On this page, we will show you how to value a business based on the cash flow method. When determining the cost of a restaurant in a rental space, one of the most important factors is the term, specifically transferability and the amount of time, with options remaining on an existing lease. Lease factors such as these and other conditions can significantly affect the value of any business.

The first and last impression of the restaurant depends on the employees of the so-called first line, the future of the institution depends. And the guest, in turn, can potentially either attract customers or reduce attendance.

Unfortunately, in our country there is an opinion that a waiter is not a profession, but a temporary job and special training is not needed here. There is a stereotype of a waiter or waitress as a person without special skills. Service is not a discipline, not an art. It's a job that's good for students during the summer season or as a last resort when someone can't find another job.

In restaurants where the operator owns the land and building, the inherent value of the business will depend substantially on the underlying value of the property. For this reason, it is difficult to value a business in a meaningful way using rules of thumb. The ultimate rule of thumb: Not every rule of thumb is right for every restaurant. Most restaurants are likely to deviate from one or more of the rules discussed in this article. The rules, as discussed above, are only guidelines, not an ironclad collection of industry mandates that a successful restaurant cannot deviate from.

However, our reality proves otherwise. A waiter can work like a worthy professional and have career opportunities. In addition, the service can be well paid. Impeccable service calls for a humane understanding of others. This does not mean that the waiter should sacrifice his own integrity or dignity. Service staff can take pride in helping others, practicing friendly interactions with guests, and knowing that they are adding value to the establishment where they work.

If your numbers deviate from these norms, it can be helpful to determine "why". Determining the reasons for any differences can be an astute process in learning the financial and operational nuances of your restaurant. Another rule of thumb says that the more you understand how your restaurant works, the better you will become as a manager. Using these rules of thumb can go a long way in helping you better understand your restaurant and give you insight into building a more successful business.

Bar supplies - 4% to 5% as a percentage of liquor sales. Soft drinks - 10% to 15% as a percentage of soft drink sales.

  • Rent - at least 5 - Own land and building - at least 1.
  • In general - from 28% to 32% as a percentage of total food sales.
  • Liquor - 18% to 20% as a percentage of liquor sales.
  • Bottled beer - 24% to 28% as a percentage of bottled beer sales.
  • Draft beer - from 15% to 18% as a percentage of beer sales.
  • Wine - 35% to 45% as a percentage of wine sales.
  • Regular coffee - 15% to 20% as a percentage of regular coffee sales.
  • Specialty Coffee - 12% to 18% as a percentage of specialty coffee sales.
  • Iced Tea - 5% to 10% as a percentage of iced tea sales.
  • Full Service - 1% to 2% as a percentage of total sales.
  • Limited Service - 3% to 4% as a percentage of total sales.
  • Full Service - 30% to 35% as a percentage of total sales.
  • Limited Service - 25% to 30% as a percentage of total sales.
  • 10% or less as a percentage of total sales.
  • Full Service - 18% to 20% as a percentage of total sales.
  • Limited Service - 15% to 18% as a percentage of total sales.
  • 5% to 6% as a percentage of total sales.
  • From 20% to 23% as a percentage of the total salary.
  • Full service - 65% or less as a percentage of total sales.
  • Limited Service - 60% or less as a percentage of total sales.
  • Rent - 6% or less as a percentage of total sales.
  • Employment - 10% or less as a percentage of total sales.
Initial cost consumes over 60% of sales in most restaurants.

Professional service in the restaurant is: a sincere smile to every guest; hospitable welcome to each guest; creating a warm and friendly atmosphere; care for guests and attention to them; constant readiness to help the guest and fulfill any of his wishes.

Service is one of the most important parts of a restaurant's success, and even great food can't make up for a restaurant's lack of great service. Proper service to each guest depends on the performance of their duties by all employees throughout the day. And no matter how tired or tired the employee, he should always remain friendly and attentive.

These are your biggest and most unsustainable costs. Some argue that a financial forecast is a business plan. Why start a restaurant if it's not going to make money? Many people who open an independent restaurant don't understand the role they have to play as an owner.

The financial section is often viewed as the most important part of a business plan. He will probably get a lot of attention and even scrutiny from potential lenders and investors. Running a restaurant is about much more than serving food and taking care of customers.

The restaurant provides service to visitors by waiters, who during the whole working day are engaged in the direct service of our guests. Qualified work, elegant appearance, friendly, tactful and attentive attitude towards guests are indispensable conditions for a culture of service and contribute to creating a good mood for guests. Waiters are required to have discipline, organization, unconditional fulfillment of all orders and instructions of the head waiter. The work of waiters should be fast, but calm and confident without fuss and haste. It should be remembered that not a single request of the guest should be left without attention. The waiter must know which of his comrades works in the previous and subsequent sectors for timely and organized entry into and exit from the hall: he must remember the order in which snacks, dishes, drinks are served, the service organization scheme for individual work and work in tandem with other waiters .

It's not a big regular waste or a local business that regularly calls in large numbers to go on orders. In fact, you probably didn't meet them and probably didn't go to your restaurant. They say that the only people who can steal from you are those you trust.

If you want to move on to the 4-week 13-cycle reporting, now is the time to get ready. For most potential lenders and investors, the finance section will be the most important part of your business plan. Many restaurants spend 2 to 4% of marketing revenue.

The quality of service largely depends on the correct distribution of responsibilities between the waiters and their well-coordinated teamwork, from providing the guest with a menu, taking an order, and ending with the calculation. Tables are set and changes are made in accordance with the order of the visitor. It is the responsibility of the waiter to be able to adapt to different types of guests, to make an effort to ensure that, because of the service provided, they feel almost obliged to come again!

Table template for recording daily sales transactions. Over the years, we've seen more than just a few independent restaurant owners get stung, sometimes badly, by clumsy accounting practices. Meanwhile, in order to make an initial purchase offer and hand over the front door key, the buyer must think a lot.

The demands placed on the editor of this journal do not leave much time for other professional pursuits, which in my case include the practice of business law. Maintaining current inventory on some of your key products is one of the most fundamental and effective of all inventory management, yet many operators do not.

When working together, employees must remember that the responsibility for following standards and getting the job done right rests with each member of the team.

Therefore, our restaurant is guided by 10 rules:

1. The guest is the king.

2. Smile.

3. Be sincere, honest, friendly.

4. Show you care by taking into account any requests and complaints from guests.

5. Remember the two magic phrases: “How can I help?” and “We are glad to see you!”.

6. Wear a name tag.

7. Be proud of your appearance.

8. Count on interaction - help your colleagues.

9. If possible, greet guests by name and try to do it before the guest does.

10. Know your job and your restaurant.

The service rules are filled with great meaning and do not complicate, but greatly facilitate the work of the staff and, in addition, can effectively protect against a picky manager or a disgruntled guest.

In addition to the usual service, banquets, receptions and other celebrations are organized. In this case, the service is carried out in accordance with the plan and instructions of the head waiter.

In addition to waiters, service in the restaurant is carried out by bartenders and maitre d's, who have special education and professional training. The staff speaks foreign languages ​​to the extent necessary to communicate with tourists. The attendants have branded clothes with the emblem of the company.

It provides a restaurant and additional services: the sale of semi-finished products, culinary and confectionery products, taking pre-orders, preparing dishes for family celebrations, and serving guests at home, consulting the population on cooking technology and table setting, booking seats.

In the evening, concert and variety performances, performances of soloists are organized.

Design and decoration of the hall. Branded clothing

The interior is conceived in a very unusual way: emotions and sensations should change as visitors move around the restaurant. For example, the hall of the establishment is designed in a classic European style and is quite traditional - large mirrors, muted, heavy lush curtains, massive sofas and armchairs covered with bright red velvet fabric. This interior creates a feeling of comfort and tranquility.

The hall is divided into three zones:

Dining room

Banqueting hall

Area for business communication (3 tables for 2,4,6 seats)

Tablecloths - light, cloth and paper napkins - green with silver patterns for the dining room, red with gold patterns for the banquet hall and white with red for the business communication area. The tables are decorated with bouquets.

During events, the restaurant hall is additionally decorated in accordance with the theme of the holiday.

Corporate clothing corresponds to the style of the restaurant, in particular, the style that is maintained in this room, and, of course, there is a company logo on it. Chefs use the standard form of Alexander from Holland.

The Muzey restaurant uses the following types of work schedules: linear, stepped (tape), two-team, combined and summed.

A linear schedule for entering work means the simultaneous start and end of a shift by employees. This schedule is used by nga enterprises working in one shift (in canteens at industrial and educational institutions).

Staggered schedule (tape) - provides for going to work at different times, depending on the mode of operation and the degree of loading of the hall of the enterprise. The schedule is used at enterprises working in one and a half shifts, with an uneven flow of consumers throughout the day. The advantage of this schedule is that during the peak hours of the hall, a larger number of workers are concentrated in production to quickly serve consumers.

Two-brigade schedule for going to work - provides for the creation of equal in number and qualified composition of teams working every other day. The average working day is 11 hours. 30 min. The advantage of this schedule is that the composition of the teams during the working day is constant, therefore, the responsibility of employees for the fulfillment of the production task increases. The disadvantage is a long working day, which causes fatigue, overstrain, which reduces the quality of work. The schedule is used in enterprises in enterprises operating in one and a half,. Two shifts, i.e. in restaurants, cafes of a general type, in specialized enterprises and fast food enterprises.

Combined schedule - can be used in those enterprises that use a two-team work schedule. For the brigade as a whole, a step schedule is drawn up, and for leaders - a two-brigade schedule. The schedule of the summarized accounting of working hours - is used in bars, wagons - restaurants, ship restaurants, resorts and enterprises serving the population in places of mass recreation. The average working day for employees is 11 hours. 30 min. They work 2-3 days or more followed by rest days. The number of hours worked per month must comply with the norms of working hours.


Muzey restaurant offers a wide range of services that can satisfy even the most fastidious guest. Below are examples of some of them.

1. Buffet - traditional self-service, in which there is one or more counters in the hall, on which snacks, first, second courses of fish and meat, vegetables, cheeses, and desserts are displayed in order. The guest, passing along the counter, can choose those dishes that he likes best. He can put the food on the plates himself, or the waiter does it.

2. Banquet(with full/partial service) - "dinner party" arranged on the occasion of some significant event or in honor of someone

3. buffet(French fourchette - fork) - a joint meal, when the invitees eat standing up, freely choosing dishes and drinks, serving themselves and using mainly a fork as a cutlery. Chairs and tables with strictly painted places are not provided.

4. "Catering"- a type of activity in which a banquet, buffet, corporate holidays and entertainment are organized in any place convenient for you. Our catering service successfully organizes corporate holidays and events, banquets, anniversaries, as well as private celebrations.

5. Additional services provided by the Museum restaurant in Moscow:

6. - Organization of weddings

7. - Everything for a wedding in Moscow and Moscow region

8. - Wedding banquet

9. - Banquet halls, cafes, restaurants for weddings

11. - Music for the wedding

12. - Videography of weddings

13. - Wedding photographer

14. - Professional organization of weddings with the participation of toastmasters

15. - Services of the catering restaurant "V.I.P. Catering"

16. - Wedding and anniversary cakes

17. - Organization of banquets, receptions, buffets, barbecues on your territory Organization of holidays

18. - Corporate holidays

19. - Anniversaries of organizations

20. - Organization of corporate events

21. - Organization of children's parties

22. - Organization of birthdays, anniversaries

23. - Show programs

24. - Rent a motor ship

25. - Salute and fireworks

26. Decoration with balloons Rent of tents, tents and awnings Rent, rental of limousines and also:

27. - Stage rental

28. - Dance floor rent

29. - Rent of light, sound

30. - Bus rental

31. - Provision of services of an entertainer, presenter

32. - Music program, D.J., Show program

33. - Phytodesign

34. Selection of premises, selection of a glade for picnics

Ruslan Dzhusupov

34 years old, managing director of the Arnau restaurant

Work experience - 15 years


I graduated from Valikhanov University in Kokshetau with a degree in "Teacher of the Kazakh language and literature." But the goal was not to become a teacher, but to learn the Kazakh language, because in 1998 they said that all the documentation would be in the Kazakh language.

In the first year in September, my classmates and I sat after classes in the park, and we began to argue on the topic: "Is it possible to get a job without experience and connections." Our opinions were divided: some believed that it was impossible, the other part, in which I was, said that it was easy to do. But we focused on the fact that it can be any work. We started the debate. And next to this park was the Dastur restaurant, and I said: “For us students, since we study during the day, we need work in the evening. For example, you can go to work in a restaurant. We will do it now." I called the guys who were on the same side with me and we went to a restaurant.

In the restaurant, when they started asking us, I considered it prestigious to say that we worked in Astana. I said this because at that time my relatives, brothers and sisters lived in Astana, and I always came to them on weekends and holidays. My sister then worked as an administrator in establishments, and when I arrived, we hung out. Therefore, having said that we worked in Astana, I knew what I was talking about. The founders listened to us and invited us to an internship as waiters.

As a result, of all our guys, only I remained to work. I started to succeed, maybe due to the fact that I had good teachers: other waiters, administrator. I am a sociable person, I quickly found a common language with them, and they accepted me into their family. Then I was lured to the round-the-clock restaurant "Lights of Kokshetau", where I joined the backbone of waiters who worked in the most elite establishments around the city of Kokshetau.

I worked either as a bartender or as a waiter, depending on the shift, I went to school during the day. I was also the captain of the KVN team, we took first place. But, despite the fact that sometimes I skipped school, I completed my first full-time education well. In 2002, after graduating from the university, on the recommendation of my parents, I went to work at a school, but after six months I quit, because it was not mine.

Then I entered the second higherher education, studied by correspondence and worked. At first I was a waiter, then I was promoted to a manager, for the entire period I worked in five establishments in Kokshetau. At some point, I realized that Kokshetau is small for me, I want something more, I packed my things and left for Astana.

Arriving in Astana, I set myself the goal that I would start my career here from a new level, the position of a manager and not lower. At that time, the most famous company in the restaurant business was Arka. I went for an interview at Farkhi Restaurant. After 1.5 hours of interview, the managing director told me that they have a rule: they do not immediately take on the position of a manager, you need to work as a waiter. I said that I came to work as a manager, we said goodbye, and I left. A few days later she called me and invited me to another interview with the founding staff. As a result, they hired a man from the street for the first time in a management position. I worked in this company for 7 years, rose from a manager to a restaurant manager.

After 7 years, I realized that I needed something new. During this period, I was invited to the Fitness Palace. I participated in the opening of restaurants: Japanese, beer, summer restaurant, karaoke and the latest - the Kazakh restaurant "Arnau". I was engaged in hiring staff, helped the directors who opened restaurants, conducted trainings, education, and at the same time was engaged in the opening of the Arnau restaurant. And when the restaurant opened, I began to deal only with it. It's been 2.5 years since then.

Now the work brings me not only financial stability, but also pleasure, I like it. I like everything, I constantly meet new people, new personalities with whom it is interesting to communicate, share something with them, take something new from them.

I like the direction of ourTorana, probably because I am a patriot at heart. I like to hear when foreign guests come to us and Kazakhs proudly talk about our traditions, national cuisine.

I can't imagine myself working in some club, disco bar, where music is playing loudly and everyone is dancing. I think my place is here, and I found it


This is one of those professions that takes up most of life. We spend in the restaurant from 12 to 14 hours a day, 6 days a week. We do not have a break, we are constantly in touch, the phone is always on, because at any second you may need help remotely. The manager can call and ask what to do in some extraordinary situation. So if we talk about the work of the brain, then we are at work 24 hours a day.

A huge plus of our profession is that employees, spending so much time at work, become close to each other - being at work it seems that you are at home, around native people. The restaurant is my second home.

Working in a restaurant is a big responsibility, and working in a Kazakh restaurant is a double responsibility. Not just young people who want to relax come here, but people come who will then form an opinion about Kazakhstan. We should be cordial, sincere, tasty and at home. We work for authority and opinion about Kazakh hospitality and cuisine.

Twice a day at 12:00 and at 18:00 we hold planning meetings, which are attended by all the staff of the hall. At these planning meetings, we discuss what were the comments, mistakes, so that everyone would know about them, and they would not be repeated. The next day, when the new shift arrives, at 12 noon, we again discuss yesterday's mistakes so as not to repeat them today. The planning system is improved every time, something is added, something is removed.

I taste everything that is served to guests. When baursaks are fried, they put a couple of things more so that I can taste it, the same with meat, dough or shuzhyk. I try everything to know what our guests are being served today. We prepare all the dishes ourselves, so there is a risk of peppering or oversalting something.

The main difficulty for me personally is that we manage people and provide services to people. Everyone has their own characteristic qualities, a person can be in a good or bad mood, even the weather affects him. Everyone needs to find an approach, to be sensitive to his mood.

We have a few rules.

"Mask Rule"- even if we don't want to smile, we have to do it.

"Telephone Etiquette Rule"- smile when answering the phone, it affects the tone of voice.

"Rule of the big and small eight"- waiters, having bypassed the area with their tables, must also bypass the area where another waiter serves. If one of the guests needs help, he should help, if there is dirty dishes, clean up.

"RuleLAST"- rule of way out of conflict situations. Approaching the guest, we must listen to him (Listen), solve the problem in favor of the guest so that he is satisfied (Apologize), apologize for the inconvenience (Sorry) and thank the guest for pointing out the problem to us (Thank you).

"Rule of the open hand". When a waiter serves a guest from the right side, he should work with his right hand. When he approaches the guest from the left side, you need to use your left hand when serving so as not to interfere with the guest.

"One step rule" - you can not approach the guest closer than one step, so as not to violate his personal space.

In addition to the rules, there are many more standards, each institution has its own.


When I went to this profession, I wanted the management to trust my opinion, professionalism, experience. 98% of my expectations matched: everything turned out the way I wanted. This makes work even more enjoyable.

Restaurant "Arnau" is like a native place for me, like my own place. I have invested here time, effort, patience, knowledge, experience and soul.


The managing director of the restaurant should be sociable, with a sense of humor. When you are alone, and there are many people with whom you work, both staff and guests - if you do not have a sense of humor, you can react hard to everything. A sense of humor helps to defuse the situation when talking to a person so that he does not feel that you are the boss, and he is a subordinate. I use catchphrases, anecdotes, jokes.

You also need patience, endurance, energy and humanity. People always remain people, everyone needs a human, sincere, good attitude.

The process and service standards in the Shafran restaurant

In the first chapter of the work, the basics of quality and quality management were considered. Now let's move on to the process of customer service. The process of serving consumers at catering establishments is currently a very urgent problem. It is best to start with a definition of "service". After all, it is the service that is the criterion, one might say, the person by which one or another enterprise is judged in the service market. Thus, it is precisely ensuring the constancy of the quality of service that is the basis, the cornerstone in the successful operation of any service enterprise.

So, service is understood as a system of labor operations, useful actions, various efforts that are carried out by the producers of a service product in relation to the consumer, satisfying his needs and providing him with the provided benefits and conveniences. Temporal characteristics are inherent in the processes of direct and indirect contact between service providers and consumers. These contacts, in essence, form what is called the actual service, the service process. The concept of "service" is close to the concept of "service", which I considered in the previous chapter. However, if the latter focuses on the very essence of the relationship between the consumer and the producer, then the service interprets these relationships as a phased process that has its own structure, acquiring a character extended over time.

In everyday life, we are constantly faced with the problem of choice - to buy or not to buy, what to buy, at what price, from whom and in what place. Each of us has our own preferences and stereotypes that govern our decision to make a purchase or not. But still, the main factor influencing the buyer when making a purchase and forming his loyalty to a particular restaurant or cafe is not just the satisfaction of his needs during service, but also the ability to exceed his expectations.

Consider the unequal specificity of service, which is determined by a different set of services at certain stages of interaction between the seller and the consumer. The beginning of the service is preceded by a period that forms the readiness for contact, both the service provider and the consumer. The manufacturer is ready to provide its services of a certain kind and nature, about which it tries to disseminate information as widely as possible. The consumer also has a need for a certain kind of service. He is looking for information about who and where is able to provide him with a similar service. These circumstances create a prerequisite for the first contact between the consumer and the service provider.

The first contact between the producer and the consumer can be direct or indirect - through technical means of communication. This is, for example, a call from a guest to a restaurant with the intention of booking a table. Such a service involves a "demonstration" of the elements of a service product to a potential consumer, the communication of information about their qualities, the conditions for their acquisition and further types of service. In some types of service, the client is provided with the conditions to actively engage in pre-sales service. At specially arranged tastings, the consumer is given the opportunity to try the product, see the process of its preparation, etc. This stage can be referred to as pre-sales service. Organizers of service activities attach considerable importance to pre-sales service. Specially selected, trained people are involved in information and reference services, in the demonstration of goods and products. They must be able to quickly and efficiently carry out all types of pre-sales services: provide the visitor with the necessary information, demonstrate services, convince him of the high level of branded service and motivate him to purchase the service.

This stage is followed by the stage of the actual maintenance itself. I would like to note that those qualities that make the service process very specific, requiring considerable experience and skill. In the course of service, the manufacturer serving a particular consumer and the consumer himself interact within a certain contact zone, which is organized differently in different types of services and at different enterprises, has different scales, and operates in different environments.

In all these cases, the distance between the producer and consumer of the service, on average, should vary in the range from 1 m to 70 cm. At the same time, a significant part of personal services is provided in the space of the extremely compressed contact zone, when the employee comes close to the client. This is exactly what happens in the process of implementing restaurant service. The main requirements for the service worker in this case are as follows: not to cause inconvenience to the consumer of the service unless absolutely necessary, not to allow him to experience painful or unpleasant sensations, to be courteous, kind. An employee of the contact zone must, with any reaction of the consumer, maintain, on the one hand, benevolence, cordiality, on the other hand, tact and restraint. In types of service with a limited space of the contact zone, many behavioral stereotypes of personnel and service procedures are standardized especially strictly and in detail.

A special service phase is related to the after-sales service. This is the whole range of consulting, advertising and other services provided after the sale of the service. In the case of catering companies, these are any activities aimed at ensuring that the guest comes back, all efforts, the main goal of which is to turn a “random” client into a permanent guest. These are gift certificates, discount cards, and VIP cards for regular guests. Now let's focus on such an aspect of customer service as building trust. What needs to be done in order to earn the trust of the client while serving the client? In this case, 10 simple and clear rules can help:

Try to act in anticipation of the client's requests. That is, it is necessary to think over all possible questions and reasons for customers to contact and try to avoid possible negative.

Not only declare, but also implement in daily work all the elements and aspects of the service that you promise to customers.

Ask your clients questions. It is possible that your idea of ​​quality service is not complete or true.

Respect the deadlines stated to the client.

When developing any corporate business process, ask yourself the question “How will this affect our customers?”. Today, we can confidently say that high quality customer service is not only a competitive advantage of the organization, it greatly affects the formation of customer loyalty, shifting the focus from the issue of price to the issue of service satisfaction. Now, in addition to the convenience of the location, a wide range, leadership in the product group, and sometimes competitive prices, the concept of quality service is supplemented with such elements as the courtesy of the company's employees, knowledge of the product, the involvement of staff in the process of choosing goods, their help and enthusiasm.

Poor service drags the organization back. Good service allows the company to maintain its position in the market. And only excellent service guarantees moving the company forward to greater profitability. Now let's turn to the standards of service in the restaurant. In fact, restaurant service is no different from the service of any other company focused on customer service. The only difference is that there are guests in the restaurant, and the word “hospitality” becomes the key in our case. It is important to remember that guests do not go nowhere: the guest you lose today is the client of your competitor tomorrow. Each company intuitively and each in its own way understands how the process of interaction with the client should be organized so that he is satisfied and votes for the company with his wallet and legs again and again. Based on the conducted research and internal analytics, the company is developing a service quality management system, in which a special place is given to service standards.

We list the main principles for developing service standards:

standards should be based on the needs and expectations of specific people. In general, service standards should be clear and measurable.

standards should be developed based on what real customers say and think about the service, while the vision of even the highest management is secondary.

standards must be achievable for staff and flexible for different markets.

standards should include from the outset all costs that may be borne by the consumer.

standards should be shared by all team members: both managers and ordinary employees.

standards must be publicly announced.

standards are necessary to measure the level of development of the company, assess the level of service and customer satisfaction.

standards can and should change over time. Once established, service standards can become obsolete in the same way as a market strategy, positioning, brand, and so on.

Service standards are the criteria necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the quality management system. Service standards mean a set of procedures and daily operations performed by staff and contributing to the maximum satisfaction of visitors. The key to the commercial success of a restaurant is the ability of its owners to anticipate any possible desire of a potential client. Standards mean not only the correct technology of serving guests, but also the attitude of the staff to their work, i.e. to visitors. Often the reason for deliberately unsuccessful service lies not in the absence of any expensive equipment and insufficient gloss of the interior, but in “unobtrusive” service, so every “self-respecting” restaurant has its own code of standards regarding:



technological process;

knowledge of a foreign language within the profession;

knowledge of the concept of the restaurant and its structure.

The standards of many restaurants determine that the staff should be: sociable, friendly, have a pleasant appearance, be able to work in a team. Compliance with the standards guarantees the stability of quality indicators: there can be no “bad or good” change of waiters, everyone always works that way. Administrator or waiter - each of them must know, understand and strictly observe professional standards.

All employees of the restaurant in terms of qualification requirements can be divided into three large groups: management (director, manager, administrator); staff working with guests (waiters, bartenders); support departments (technicians, warehouse workers). The competence of the personnel of these groups is of great importance for quality management. Restaurant management must ensure that staff have the necessary qualifications, as well as the knowledge and skills to do their job in the best possible way. General requirements for all personnel can be outlined as follows:

courtesy, friendliness, enthusiasm, interaction with colleagues, relations with guests;

flexibility, adaptability;

acceptance of responsibility, initiative;

personal hygiene;

discipline, punctuality;

knowledge of work, quality of work, attention to detail;

work with load, under stress;

the ability to complete tasks to the end;

cost awareness; knowledge of a foreign language.

Thus, service quality standards make it possible not only to ensure that each employee clearly knows what, how and when he should do, but also to objectively, completely impartially evaluate the quality of his work, which is often a very difficult task in teams. From this the next point of my work follows smoothly.

If your establishment has waiter service and you prefer to dine at your colleagues' establishments rather than your own, then there are probably two reasons for this incident. The first is problems with the kitchen. The second is service issues. We are convinced that you know better the peculiarities of the work of your institution and you yourself will be able to compile a small questionnaire for your employees. Why don't you have a little impromptu service and maintenance evaluation? Below is an example of such an attestation proposed by Pitportal.


When and how is the menu served to the guest?

The incoming guest is greeted and offered to choose a table at the bar.
After the guests have chosen a table, you need to help them sit down. Each guest is given a menu in a certain order (taking into account the gender and age of the guests). If this is a large company, then you need to move the tables.

What does the waiter say when approaching the guests' table initially?

The waiter comes to the table as soon as the guests have taken the table. It is introduced: “Good afternoon (morning, evening), my name is _________, I will be your waiter.” Offers to order drinks (aperitif).
Describe the actions of the waiter immediately after the order is accepted (To whom to inform the specifics of serving). Having accepted the order, the waiter repeats the order to the guest and says "Thank you". Feed features are reported to the chef and bartender.

How long does it take for drinks to be brought to the guest?

Drinks are brought to the guest within three minutes after the order is accepted and, when served to the guest, they must be called: "Please, your tea, coffee ...".

Describe the actions of the waiter immediately after the order is accepted (To whom to inform the specifics of serving).

Having accepted the order, the waiter (bartender) repeats the order to the guest and says "Thank you".

How long does it take for drinks to be brought to the guest? Describe the actions of the waiter if drinks are served in bottles.

If drinks are served in bottles (min. water, wine, cola, etc.), then the waiter must pour the first portion to the guest. All glass (“highballs”, “old fashions”, glasses, etc.) is placed on the guest’s table on beer coasters. All drinks are brought to guests on a tray. All portioned drinks from the bar are brought in closed bottles; glasses with ice, straws and lemon are brought separately.

What is the table setting if the order is accepted for appetizers, hot. What are the snack times and how are they served?

The waiter takes an order for snacks (hot dishes). The order must be repeated, to clarify the features of the filing. Before serving, the table is served with cutlery on request. Snacks are brought to the guest within 10 minutes after the order is accepted. In the event of a delay, be sure to notify guests. When serving, be sure to tell guests the names of their dishes: please, your Greek salad, etc. Guests are wished bon appetit.

What does the waiter say to the guest after the appetizers are served?

After serving snacks, the guest is invited to place an order for hot (if the guest did not do it right away), the order is repeated, if necessary, you need to specify the degree of roasting, the presence of a side dish, sauce, etc. After accepting the order, the Guest says “Thank you”.

Hot time.

"Hot" is served within 25 minutes after the order is accepted, with the exception of dishes for which, according to the cooking technology, more time is allocated. The guest must be warned how long the dish is being prepared.

How is a hot dish served with a side dish?

A "hot" dish with a side dish is served - the main product (meat, fish, etc.) to the guest. When serving, it is called: "Please, your medallions are medium rare."

How and when does the waiter clear the table while serving guests, and what does he say?

The waiter must promptly remove used dishes, cutlery, replace ashtrays. When clearing the table, the waiter always asks the guest for permission: “Can I take your plate (your glass, etc.)? The waiter must be careful when approaching the table, paying attention to small debris, clean up in a timely manner (used napkins, toothpicks, etc.). Remove crumbs from the table using a special cloth or a damp cloth using a tray.
After the guest has had enough of our drinks, salads, soups, hot, the waiter quickly removes the dirty dishes from the table, (the table is cleaned with a tray !!)

What are the serving times for desserts and how are they served?

Desserts are brought within 10 minutes after the order is accepted and must be called when serving to the guest. Dishes must be placed to the right of the Guest from behind; We wish: "Bon appetit."

The actions of the waiter if the guest ate and finished his drinks, but does not ask for the bill

Ask: “Would you like to repeat your cognac (vodka, juice, tea…)”?

How is a guest billed?

The bill is served to the guest in a clean folder on a clean table with a restaurant business card.

How does the waiter see off the guests, and what does he say at the same time?

Guests are escorted by the waiter with the words: "Goodbye, thank you, come to us again, have a nice day, etc."

How and for how long is the table cleared after the waiter has seen off the guests?

First of all, the table is removed (the table is removed within 2 minutes, the table is cleared and served only with a tray!!). The cleanliness of the floor under the table is carefully checked, the table is checked for the absence of chewing gum, wax. If necessary, call the cleaning lady.

What should a waiter look like?

The waiter (bartender) must be in a clean uniform, look neat. A name tag is required on the jersey. Uniform for bar workers: top - branded T-shirt, bottom - dark trousers, shoes - black and closed. Men must be clean-shaven. A neat haircut is a must. Long hair must be tied up. Uniforms must be washed at least once every 2 weeks.

Rules for serving food and drinks

Serving food and drinks by waitresses (bartenders) must be carried out strictly according to the rules:
– All work is done from a tray (except for the bar counter). When a waiter (bartender) approaches tables or paths, it is imperative to have a damp cloth on the tray for wiping tables and changing ashtrays. An ashtray is considered dirty after two cigarette butts, paper or toothpicks have been placed in it.
- Dishes and drinks are placed on the table to the right from behind the Guest, the main product (dishes) to the Guest.
- Glasses with logos are placed in front of the guest in such a way that the logo looks at the Guest. Be sure to have a stand under the glass with any drink.
- There must be napkins, an ashtray, toothpicks, spices (if food is present) on the table.
- Gravy boats, cups, cocktail tubes, etc. additional items are brought to the Guests on a separate plate with a napkin. Gravy boats must always look with the handle to the left, and with the handle of the spoon to the right. Also cups of tea or coffee. See drawing. Serve from the right from behind the back of the guest! It is allowed to cover the cutlery only wrapped in a napkin and if they are placed on the table, then only on a napkin!! Plates are taken strictly by the rim! No fingers in the plate!!

List the order of serving dishes, as well as the nuances of changing the order of serving.

When the Guest orders drinks and/or dishes, the food is served in the following order:
Aperitif (drinks before meals);
Cold appetizer;
Hot snack;
hot dish;
Hot drink.
In cases where you have doubts about the order in which dishes are served or when the Guest asks to serve something from the "out of line" list, you should additionally clarify with the Customer the order in which drinks and dishes are served.
In no case can you bring dishes "overlapped". When the cold appetizer has not yet been eaten by the Guest, and the soup has already been brought!!

How and when is the table served?

Always cover cutlery before serving. It is not allowed to have such situations when the soup has already been brought, but there is no spoon for it yet. All additional appliances (spices, napkins, etc.) are brought to the dish in advance!!

How should a waiter carry a tray?

Trays are worn with only one hand (left if you are right-handed)! It is not allowed to carry a tray, taking it by the rim or taking it with both hands. In exceptional cases, a (very heavy) tray may be carried with two hands. It is strictly forbidden to place trays on the tables of guests or on neighboring tables.

What is strictly prohibited for a waiter?

It is not allowed to turn your back to the hall, talk on non-productive topics with each other, drink drinks in the club hall, chew, watch TV, read, listen to music, etc. Consumption of food and/or drinks in the lounge will be subject to an immediate charge!! It is not allowed to sit in the hall, and even more so to lie! Mobile phones are also not allowed.


The structure of the restaurant service. Restaurant staff. Service standards. Dealing with guest complaints

1 The structure of the restaurant service

2 Responsibilities of employees

3 Working hours

4 The concept of a quality service standard

5 Development of service standards, staff training, control over the implementation of standards

6 Basic Restaurant Service Standards

7 Conflict and its nature

8 An example of a conflict situation in a restaurant

9. Actions of the leader and ways to resolve the conflict

10 Analysis of work with complaints of guests

Practical task. Development of a book of restaurant standards (on the example of the Karelia restaurant)

1 The structure of the Karelia restaurant

2 Development of standards for the appearance of employees. Schedules for work

3 Standards of Ethical Communication with a Guest

4 Standards for welcoming and accommodating guests

5 Standards for the design and presentation of menus and dishes

6 Order acceptance standards

7 Standards required when ordering

8 Billing and filing standards

9 Standards for saying goodbye to a guest

10 Application of service standards in practice (training of personnel, control over the implementation of standards)



restaurant service standard guest


St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. The northern capital of Russia has always attracted a huge number of tourists. Therefore, St. Petersburg has a wide tourist infrastructure, which is developing and improving every year. New hotels are opening, new catering networks are being formed.

Since St. Petersburg is the tourist capital of Russia, it simply needs to have and constantly replenish its pantry of hospitality. The city has a large number of hotels and various accommodation facilities. St. Petersburg is also famous for its restaurants, and often some of the best are located on the territories of any hotel complexes.

In order to succeed in the restaurant business, to compete successfully, to meet the expectations of consumers, the company must follow world service standards.

The relevance of this course work lies in the fact that the active and rational application of international service standards in their activities is economically very feasible for the restaurant business. This allows you to provide the required quality of services, organize a streamlined and continuous technological process, and ultimately leads to an international level of service in restaurants , setting a higher price level and generally increasing the level of competitiveness.

The essence of a high-level service culture is that it should be first-hand service, establishing close ties with the clientele, where the request and the ability to anticipate the client's wishes become the highest priority in the work. Service that meets international standards also implies that employees have the skills of behavior in society, communication, culture of speech, knowledge of the intricacies of professional etiquette, and the ability to conduct telephone conversations.

How skillfully and professionally employees are able to do this depends on their success in business in accordance with international requirements.

The purpose of this course work is to study the theoretical basis of the service standard in a restaurant, analyze the work with guest complaints, and develop a book of service standards (using the Karelia restaurant as an example) to improve the culture of service.

The goal is specified by a number of tasks:

Learn the concept of quality service standard

Review the basics of customer service in a restaurant

Analyze the standards of behavior and communication of staff with restaurant guests

The object of the study is the restaurant, and the subject of the study is the service standards in the restaurant.

1. The structure of the restaurant service. Restaurant staff. Service standards. Dealing with guest complaints

.1 Structure of the restaurant service

In any hotel there are a number of services. The main ones, of course, include accommodation and meals. In this paper, I will consider and analyze in detail the work of the food service, using the example of a restaurant.

The best way to visualize them is in a diagram.

Thus, we see that the structure of the restaurant service is very complex and multifunctional. And for the efficient operation of the enterprise, a prerequisite is the coordinated and professional work of all services.

.2 Job Responsibilities of Employees

I Responsibilities of a bartender

Serve visitors at a high level with the provision of a sufficient range of products of foreign and domestic production.

Be attentive and polite, follow the rules of the internal regulations.

Strictly observe cash discipline, know and follow the instructions for working on the cash - operating system.

Know the current sales prices for goods.

Correctly make payments with visitors.

Know the procedure for drawing up applications for the required quantity and range of drinks, snacks and other goods, keeping records and the need for utensils.

Receive goods and products from the warehouse or production in a timely manner.2

Know the varieties and types of domestic and imported goods, as well as their brief commodity characteristics.

Know the recipe and etiquette of making cocktails and drinks, the rules for serving foreign visitors in the bar. At the request of the guest, serve him directly at the table in the trading floor of the bar.

Know the procedure for compiling and timely submit to the accounting department in the prescribed form reports on the movement and balance of goods accounted for in sum terms.

Check the presence of labeling of wine and vodka products received from the warehouse.

Be dressed in uniform.

Ensure the proper sanitary condition of the trading floor of the bar, utility room, trade and technological equipment and inventory.

Warn guests in advance of the end of the service before closing the bar at the time set by the administration.

Passage of honey. examinations at the scheduled time and the transfer of medical certificates to the Manager.

II. Waiter Responsibilities:

Serve tables.

Timely change tablecloths and napkins as they get dirty.

Provide qualified assistance at the request of the visitor in the selection of dishes and drinks.

Guide the customer on the time of preparation of the ordered dishes.

Distribute the order at the place of its execution between the Bartender and the Cook.

Control the timeliness of preparation and presentation of dishes before serving.

Serve ordered meals.

Display the final amount of the order on the "Invoice".

Submit an "Invoice" to the visitor and make a full payment for the order with him.

Decorate the hall and serve tables, according to festive and current events.

Make registers at the end of the working day.

Conduct a monthly inventory of dishes.

Be attentive and polite, follow the rules of the internal regulations.

Know the varieties and types of domestic and imported goods, as well as their brief commodity characteristics.

Be dressed in uniform.

Be creative in your immediate responsibilities, try to be useful to the company in its current business activities. Show reasonable constructive initiative.. Duties of the maitre d'

Hall manager:

Provides work on effective and cultural service to restaurant visitors, creating comfortable conditions for them.

Advises visitors on the provision of services, ensures their familiarization with the range of available dishes and drinks.

Exercises control over the rational design of the hall, bar counters, shop windows, etc.

Ensures cleanliness and order in the room.

Controls the reception of orders by waiters from visitors.

Checks issued invoices and makes settlements with visitors.

Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

Examines claims related to unsatisfactory customer service and takes appropriate organizational and technical measures.

Accepts orders and develops plans for holding and serving anniversary celebrations, weddings, banquets.

Controls the observance by the employees of the organization of labor and production discipline, rules and norms of labor protection, safety precautions, requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene.

Informs the management of the organization about the existing shortcomings in servicing visitors, takes measures to eliminate them.

Supervises the implementation by employees of the instructions of the management of the organization.

Performs individual official assignments of his/her immediate supervisor

From the foregoing, we can conclude that theoretically, the job responsibilities of employees are very extensive, and not everyone can remember everything thoroughly. But the main thing is that each employee understands the essence of his professional activity and can apply all his skills and abilities in practice.

.3 Schedules

Schedules for going to work must be drawn up in a timely manner and this is usually done by the administrator and approved by the restaurant manager

Administrators usually work on a schedule - 2 through 2, or 1 through 3.

The waiters also work mostly 2 through 2, as do the bartenders


  1. You must arrive at work 15 minutes before the start of your shift.
  2. During a busy period, you may be required to be at the workplace at the end of the working day.
  3. The number of working hours per week, the duration of vacation and the procedure for its provision are specified in the contract of each employee.

Therefore, whatever the work schedule, the main thing is that the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is observed, and all overtime is paid.

.4 Concept of quality service standard

Today, quality service is one of the main reasons why customers choose this or that establishment. Now a person can find similar services in different restaurants, and when choosing an institution, the decisive factor is not the dish, not the price, but the quality of the service. To surprise the guest, the service personnel must possess the necessary skills and abilities, in particular, service standards, knowledge of the product, the ability to recommend and sell it.

Standard - a document that establishes a set of norms, rules, requirements for the object of standardization, in which, for the purpose of voluntary reuse, the characteristics of the processes of production, operation, storage, sale, performance of work or provision of services are established.

Service standards are the criteria necessary to ensure the effectiveness of the quality management system. Service standards mean a set of procedures and daily operations performed by staff and contributing to the maximum satisfaction of visitors. The key to the commercial success of a restaurant is the ability of its owners to anticipate any possible desire of a potential client. Standards mean not only the correct technology of serving guests, but also the attitude of the staff to their work, i.e. to visitors. Often the cause of deliberately unsuccessful service lies not in the absence of any expensive equipment and insufficient gloss of the interior, but in the "unobtrusive" service, so each restaurant should have its own code of practice regarding:

) behavior;

) appearance;

) technological process;

) knowledge of a foreign language within the framework of the profession;

) knowledge of the concept of the restaurant and its structure.

The standards of many restaurants determine that the staff should be: sociable, friendly, have a pleasant appearance, be able to work in a team. Compliance with standards guarantees the stability of quality indicators: there can be no “bad or good” change of waiters, everyone always works that way. Administrator or waiter - each of them must know, understand and strictly observe professional standards.

All employees of the restaurant, in terms of qualification requirements, can be divided into three large groups: management (director, manager, administrator); staff working with guests (waiters, bartenders, cloakroom attendant); support departments (technicians, warehouse workers).

The competence of the personnel of these groups is of great importance for quality management. Restaurant management must ensure that staff have the necessary qualifications, as well as the knowledge and skills to do their job in the best possible way. General requirements for all personnel:

) sociability, politeness, friendliness, enthusiasm, interaction with colleagues;

) flexibility, adaptation to any situation;

) acceptance of responsibility, initiative;

)personal hygiene;

) discipline, punctuality;

) knowledge of work, quality of work, attention to detail;

) work with load, under stress;

) the ability to complete tasks to the end;

) cost awareness; knowledge of a foreign language.

Thus, service quality standards make it possible not only to ensure that each employee clearly knows what, how and when he should do, but also to objectively, completely impartially evaluate the quality of his work, which is often a very difficult task for the team.

.5 Development of service standards, personnel training, control over the implementation of standards

Development of standards

The development of service standards will vary depending on the format and concept of the restaurant business. Some catering establishments correspond to a democratic style, others - traditional for the countries in whose cuisine they specialize, in the third - only ceremonial adherence to the canons of service will seem organic. Despite the dissimilarity of forms, service standards should be developed for all, without exception, cafes, restaurants and other catering establishments, because, despite this dissimilarity, guests within the same establishment (and buyers - if we are talking about fast food establishments, incl. mobile), need to be serviced in the same way.

The order of work for the development of standards:

Gathering the information needed to create service standards:

wishes of clients and managers regarding the actions of employees,

study of the most frequent customer complaints,

individual features, concept, style and principles

Adaptation of already existing templates of service standards, taking into account the information received. Preparation of individualized standards for the restaurant.

Discussion of the adapted standards with the Company's management, revision if necessary.

The basis of the service management system is clear, understandable, transparent service standards. Ideally, they should be created at the planning stage of the restaurant, be present both in chain and independent establishments. Basically, we are faced with the fact that service standards arise when a chain of restaurants has already been created. Moreover, for companies, this is rather a way of improvement, or a tool for controlling the franchisor over the franchisee. At most catering establishments, service standards, unfortunately, are not spelled out at all. But if you follow the standard scheme for creating a restaurant, this should be done at the planning stage. That is, after the development of the concept and business plan, the so-called business processes should be described, which also contain personnel service standards. If you do this in advance, the work will be much easier.


Teaching standards to employees is even more difficult than developing them. Resistance is in the nature of the worker. What is being implemented "from above" has little to do with reality - this is what most first-line employees think, that is, those who directly communicate with customers. It is much easier to develop a unique concept for a menu or interior design of a restaurant than it is to ensure that the standards of service in a particular restaurant are met on a daily basis.

How to start building a learning system?

The best option is to create a document "Standard of customer service in a restaurant." This document defines how a specialist should perform his duties. In the theater metaphor, a Standard is a scenario that includes a description of behavior - words, gestures, facial expressions - in accordance with a professional role. The standard is intended to give all staff a clear understanding of what is required of them in terms of guest service.

A topical aspect in training is the explanation of the importance and attitude of specialists to emotional labor in the service process. Since quality service in the restaurant business includes not only physical, intellectual, creative, but also emotional efforts. Emotional labor is the expression of socially desired emotions in the process of serving a client. Sometimes the client needs the friendliness of a specialist, sometimes sympathy, sometimes emphasized respect. To understand what the client feels, to choose the right emotion and express it - this is the task of a professional specialist in business. The lack of emotions that a specialist needs for a client is perceived as indifference.

Whom to entrust and how to organize the training of restaurant staff?

A competent management decision would be to delegate the task of staff training to a specialist in the development and conduct of business trainings. Business training is a special form of training aimed at the transfer and development of business skills and business technologies. Technologies in this case are clear action algorithms, a carefully thought-out sequence of steps in the process of customer service and sales in a beauty salon. A business coach is a specialist in interactive training, which is carried out in the mode of intensive interaction between the trainer and the training participants. Participants get the opportunity to try out new behaviors in situations close to real-time situations and receive individual feedback. A business coach solves the following tasks:

ü Changing the attitude of your employees towards guest service

ü Formation of their active position and change in business behavior

ü Strengthening the team spirit and the formation of corporate culture

ü Development of advanced business technologies and business skills.

There are two main aspects in any training: theoretical (what to do?) and practical (how to do?) Business training answers the question - how to do it? For example, how to establish and maintain contact with the guest, how to behave with different types of customers.

Business trainings, unlike lectures and seminars, include 30% theory and 70% practice. Thus, during the training, your specialists will not only hear about how to serve customers and sell, but also actively practice in service and sales. The activity of the training participants is achieved through interactive messages of the trainer, group discussions, exercises, video filming and video analysis, analysis of specific situations from the daily practice of serving guests in a restaurant.

Control over the implementation of standards

In order for the standards not to disappear a month after implementation, it is necessary not only to control their implementation, but also to interest managers in this. It is best to develop standards in cooperation with those who will implement and control them. This can be done in training or any other form of collective interaction. To maintain standards, it is proposed to hold daily chef meetings with waiters, administrators or managers of the hall, analyze the mistakes of the previous day and draw conclusions for the future. In addition, every day it is worth allocating 5-10 minutes for a short service training. It is also necessary to conduct a survey of restaurant visitors and unscheduled inspections. The staff will be wary of the standards of service until the employees are explained what all this is for. Then everyone approaches with understanding. Standards are a technology that explains how to act in certain situations, how to guarantee high results. And professionalism makes this technology effective .

Consequently, the introduction of service standards increases: sales growth, growth in the number of regular guests, reduction of conflict situations, growth in the professional level of staff, formation of a recognizable and positive image of the restaurant. Therefore, any catering establishment must have service standards and constantly strive to improve them.

.6 General Restaurant Service Standards

The main components of a culture of service:

Professional presentation.

Warm and sincere greeting and farewell to guests.

Guaranteed and timely satisfaction of the wishes and complaints of guests.

Understanding the needs and exceeding the expectations of guests.

The personal responsibility of each employee.

Working as a team and supporting colleagues.

Appearance standards

It is the responsibility of all employees to maintain appearance and personal hygiene at the highest level in accordance with the requirements of hotel standards;

during business hours in the restaurant and other areas of the hotel, a full set of uniforms issued by the hotel should be worn;

it is forbidden to leave the hotel building in uniform unless you have the permission of the head of the service;

The uniform must be clean and ironed, without additional items and decorations. All buttons on jackets and shirts must be fastened;

uniform replacement procedure:

the uniform changes on a one-on-one basis in linen;

the uniform will not be issued separately if there is no permission from the head of the service;

Uniforms must be returned in good condition and handled with care;

A name badge with your name must be worn on the left side of the uniform.

General appearance rules:

jewelry should be limited and simple in design:

for women - one ring on each hand;

chains must be worn under the blouse and must not be visible;

wearing chains on the ankle is not allowed;

the number of earrings is limited to 1 earring per ear, no more than 1 cm long;

men are not allowed to wear earrings;

other body piercings are not allowed;

all female employees must wear natural-colored tights, without holes or frays, and have a spare pair of tights;

hair should be clean and tidy daily;

long hair (only women are allowed) must be neatly tied back;

men should be clean-shaven daily;

men's hair should not touch the shirt collar;

mustache - neatly trimmed and neat;

wearing a beard is not allowed;

All male employees must wear black socks.

Standard for welcoming and accommodating guests:

The guest must be met within 30 seconds;

Meet the guest at the entrance to the restaurant and greet him;

The greeting should be polite and friendly;

Use wording for greetings according to the time of day: good morning/afternoon/evening;

When talking to a guest, always try to make eye contact and smile;

Find out the name of the guest and use it in further communication;

Politely ask the guest if he reserved a table;

invite the guest to follow you to the table;

lead the guest to the designated table, always pointing out obstacles like stairs or steps;

keep up with the guests and pay attention to how fast they go;

never try to push a guest;

without prior order:

find out if the guest prefers the smoking or non-smoking section;

check the possibility of receiving the required number of guests, then escort them to the table in the manner described above;

if there is no availability, suggest an alternative restaurant at the hotel or ask if guests would like to wait at the bar for an aperitif. In this case, write down the name of the guest and tell him, approximately, after what time the table will become free. If the time mentioned is approaching and there are still no vacancies, always inform the guests at the bar of the expected delay;

it is necessary to seat the guest at the table within 1 minute;

be sure to seat the guest at a fully set table;

pull out chairs for guests (first of all for ladies, following their age), then for men, and lastly for the host of the feast;

waiters around the table should always, if time permits, assist in pulling out chairs for guests;

the worker must put a napkin on the knees of the guest;

offer of aperitifs:

as soon as the guests have sat down, offer them an aperitif;

the drink order must be entered into the system immediately;

drinks must be served within 3 minutes;

use the suggestion-offer method when selling, for example, “Would you like dry sherry or a glass of champagne as an aperitif?”;

offer different drinks for lunch and dinner;


if guests are wearing coats, help them take them off at the door and take them to the cloakroom;

give the guest a number from the hanger on a plate and tell what kind of number it is;

if the guest insists that the coat be in the restaurant, pull out an empty chair next to the table so that the client can leave the coat on it;

removal of excess cutlery: remove all cutlery from places that are not occupied, i.e. remove 2 cutlery from a table set for four if only 2 guests are sitting at it;

replacement of cutlery: replace all cutlery from the standard set according to the guest's order so that it is not necessary to change them before serving individual dishes.

Menu and dishes:

The menu cover should be clean and tidy;

Menu pages should be clean, not wrinkled and without inscriptions;

The menu should represent an assortment of appetizers, soups, salads, seafood, meat, poultry, desserts;

Dishes and drinks:

The design, appearance and color of dishes should be attractive;

The assortment of breakfast dishes must meet the standard (fresh fruit, muesli, cold meats, egg dishes, etc.);

All meals must be freshly prepared;

Served dishes must strictly correspond to their description in the menu;

The temperature of each dish when serving must comply with the standard;

Portions must meet the standard;

Meals should be prepared taking into account the requests of the guest;;

Tea/coffee must be freshly brewed.

Standards for ordering and serving menus

So, if there are women among the guests, you should help them take places at the table, substitute chairs. The menu is first offered to the eldest of them. After waiting on the sidelines for a few minutes, you should kindly ask if the visitors have chosen anything. If they ask for advice on which dish to choose, the waiter is obliged to immediately and readily come to their aid, trying to take into account the tastes of the visitor.

The basic rule of a waiter's behavior when serving visitors is tact. He must serve in silence, not listening to the conversations of the visitors at the table, not entering into a conversation that is not related to service.

entering an order into the system:

Immediately after accepting the order, enter it into the system;

Open the corresponding table number and punch the order;

Orders for all drinks must also be entered into the system;

Be careful and attentive when entering an order;

Client's special request:

If a guest has special requests that are not on the menu, tell the guest to check with the kitchen;

Never say "no" to a guest. Always let the guest know what the kitchen can do for him;

Explain the guest's request in the kitchen; if it is not possible, ask about an alternative that you could offer the guest;

Always tell the guest the price of the product;


The waiter should automatically offer each guest an appetizer;

The waiter should automatically offer each guest additional dishes (if possible);

The waiter must offer the wine according to the order;

The waiter should automatically offer the next bottle of wine after the previous one is over;

The waiter should automatically offer mineral water;

If the guest does not order dessert, the waiter should automatically suggest an alternative (digestif, coffee, cheese, etc.).

Discuss the time of preparation of dishes - after all, this is an important procedure for accepting an order.


the guest asks for a check:

Print a check from the system for the required table on the appropriate form;

Before printing the check, check on the monitor whether all items have been correctly entered into the system;

The invoice must include all items and be correct;

Present the guest with a check along with a pen;

The bill must be presented in a clean case and with a working pen;

The waiter must quickly accept payment;

The waiter must return the entire change;

check closing:

credit card payment:

When paying by credit card, the waiter must verify the signature;

Cash payment:

after receiving the money and closing the check in the system, hand over the original check to the guest;

account number:

After receiving the signed check, make sure the guest's name is spelled correctly and close the check;

Give the signed original to the reception service as soon as possible.

Seeing off the guest

The guest leaves the table:

Move chairs and help with coats, if necessary, ladies first;

Thank the guests and invite them to come again;

The guest leaves the restaurant:

At the exit of the restaurant, thank the guests for their visit, wish them a pleasant morning, afternoon or evening, and invite them to come back another time.

General rules for communicating with a client: conversation

Try to talk to the guest in a way that establishes a personal connection;

A guest who feels a friendly attitude from the staff is more likely to return to the restaurant;

When receiving a tip, thank the visitor, but never show the guest who did not leave a tip the slightest sign of displeasure;

Never, in any form, ask for a tip;

All guests should be treated equally, whether they tip or not.

Thus, whatever the standards of the restaurant, management should always strive to improve them and keep up with the times. And the staff, in turn, knew how to convey the standards to the guests well and efficiently.

.7 Conflict and its nature

A conflict is a clash of oppositely directed goals, interests, positions, opinions, points of view, views of communication partners.

There are the following types of conflicts:

Intrapersonal - arises from the state of dissatisfaction with a person by any circumstances, the presence of conflicting interests, aspirations, needs.

Interpersonal - is the most common, occurs between two or more people.

Intergroup - a consequence of the clash of interests of various groups

The conflict between the individual and the group is a consequence of the collision of contradictions between the expectations of one individual and the norms of the group's behavior.

Styles and strategies of behavior in a conflict situation

An employee, entering into a conflict, can choose the following strategies of behavior for getting out of a conflict situation.

Rivalry (competition) - ("Shark")

This is an orientation to victory, regardless of either one's victims or the damage done to the opposite side. The preference for such behavior in conflict is often due to the desire to protect oneself from the psychological trauma caused by the feeling of defeat. This strategy reflects a form of struggle in which one side emerges victorious.

In the event that you, having indefinite power, are confident in the correctness of your decision in this situation;

The outcome is very important to you and you are betting heavily on your solution to the problem;

The decision must be made quickly and you have enough authority and opportunities for this;

If you feel that you have nothing to lose and you have no other choice.

You are in a critical situation that requires an immediate response.

Adaptation ("Teddy Bear")

This type of response is aimed at the maximum in relationships and the minimum in achieving personal goals. This is the sacrifice of one's own interests for the sake of the interests of the opponent. This is a setting for goodwill, for the desire not to hurt the feelings of another. By using this tactic, you simply push the problem away from yourself and the other side gets nothing in the end.

You don't particularly care what's going on;

Your contribution to this situation is not too great;

The truth is not on your side;

You have little chance of "winning".

Compromise ("Fox")

This style means joint actions with another person, concessions in their interests, so that the enemy does the same. Such people tend to offer a middle position, trying to find a combination of gains and losses for both sides.

Find the fastest and most economical solution;

Both sides want the same thing, but they understand that it is impossible to do it at the same time;

You may be satisfied with a temporary solution;

Other approaches to solving the problem seem to be ineffective;

Avoidance ("Turtle")

As one of the options for resolving the conflict, in which it is possible for others to take responsibility for resolving the controversial answer, to avoid useless tension; in a critical situation, hide in your shell. This style can serve as an effective way to resolve a situation, and withdrawal or delay can be a constructive response to a conflict situation.

The tension of the situation is too great and there is a need to reduce the intensity;

The outcome is not very important to you;

The situation is too complicated for you;

You need to buy time;

You do not have enough power to solve this problem.

Cooperation ("Owl")

A person with this type of reaction openly recognizes the conflict, presents his interests, expresses his position and offers ways out of the conflict. When resolving a contentious situation, people with this type of response try to determine what all the interests and disputes involved are. At the same time, he expects reciprocal cooperation from the enemy. The parties to the conflict come to a resolution with the full satisfaction of the interests of both sides. This style is recommended when:

Both parties are able to state the essence of their interests and listen to each other;

You have time to work on the problem that has arisen;

Solving the problem is important for both parties;

Both parties involved in the conflict have the same opportunities to solve the problem.

In conclusion, I would like to note that each of these styles is effective only in certain conditions and none can be singled out as the best.

The bottom line is to consciously make one or another choice, taking into account specific circumstances and the warehouse of your character.

So, we can conclude that the main thing in the work of any restaurant is the prevention of conflict situations.

1.8 An example of a conflict situation in a restaurant

Before the restaurant closed, two patrons asked for an extra bottle of champagne, the waitress turned them down, saying that the champagne had run out. The guests expressed their dissatisfaction and demanded a manager. The conflict was resolved in this way: the manager apologized for the refusal and brought the required bottle from the warehouse.

The manager reprimanded the waitress with a warning about further dismissal. The initiator of the conflict was the waitress, she had no desire to go to the warehouse for champagne.

The best way to resolve the conflict: not to aggravate the situation and not lead to conflict, the waitress had to fulfill the request of the guests in a timely manner, without the intervention of the manager.

.9 Actions of the manager and ways to resolve the conflict

The leader should not avoid conflicts, but constantly work on their resolution, deal with the elimination of the causes leading to such conflicts. We can see it in this diagram:

1.10 Reviewing guest complaints

Guests expect restaurant employees to quickly, efficiently and politely resolve their problems, satisfy wishes and address complaints.

How should questions and complaints from guests be dealt with?

Get involved. Spot signs of dissatisfaction early and take action quickly

Encourage the guest to comment on the service at your restaurant

Listen to all comments and complaints calmly and patiently, do not interrupt.

Never force a guest to repeat their requests and complaints.

Listen carefully without interrupting.

Find out all the necessary details.

Sorry for the inconvenience to the guest.

Thank the guest for their comments and show genuine interest and willingness to help.

Never defend or justify anyone in front of a guest.

Take personal responsibility for solving the problem.

Act according to the situation - tell the guest what action you are going to take or suggest an alternative.

If the problem cannot be resolved immediately, tell the guest what action you are going to take, specify the date, time. Tell the guest your name - by this you take personal responsibility.

If a guest is unhappy with the solution you suggested, ask management for help.

Personally check that all necessary actions to resolve the conflict have been taken and the guest is satisfied. Apologize again and thank the guest for bringing the issue to your attention.

Record all complaints received in the incident log and immediately report this to superiors.

Complaints are an important source of feedback and a symptom of larger problems to come. Their repetition is unacceptable! Guests whose complaints were resolved quickly and efficiently become more loyal and committed to the restaurant than those with whom you had no problems at all.

Main reasons for complaints:

slow service

poor quality of services

non-compliance with the terms of the order

lack of service standards

ignorance of the standards of telephone conversations

inability to listen and hear

lack of care and personal attention

lack of benevolence

inattention or rudeness of the attendants

incorrect payment calculations

late handling of minor complaints

Responding to complaints:

positive attitude towards complaints

quick and objective response to them

registration, measurement and analysis of complaints

responsible approach to responding to complaints

Standard Complaint Handling Procedures:

Keep calm.

Put yourself in the guest's shoes. Experience his experience.

Focus on the guest - put aside your business for a while.

Listen carefully.

React - apologize. It is important that the apology be: timely, personal, impeccable, understanding.

Be proactive and polite.

Find a solution.

If it is impossible to solve the problem yourself - redirect it to someone who is better and faster to deal with it.

Check it out.

Record the complaint in the report.

So, it should be noted that complaints are, of course, bad, but this is also an opportunity to show off professionalism in front of the guests, despite the complexity of the situation. Problem solving skills are a key element of excellent service.

2. Practical task. Development of a book of restaurant standards (on the example of the Karelia restaurant)

.1 The structure of the restaurant "Karelia"

I spent my work practice in the business hotel "Karelia", in the restaurant "Karelia".

In the practical part of my thesis, I would like to develop a version of the book of standards for improving the quality of service in my restaurant. After all, a really good restaurant means not only good food, but also the highest level of service. In the conditions of the modern market, non-compliance with any of these two conditions can result in an institution, if not a complete failure, then significant financial losses.

External paraphernalia, of course, is also important, but it often fades into the background, while high standards of service in a restaurant play a huge role, ensuring an increase in the profit of the institution. It is on raising these standards that everyone who wants to succeed in the restaurant business should stake.

But first of all, I would like to demonstrate the structure of the restaurant service, in which I did my undergraduate practice:

.2 Development of employee appearance standards

The basis of the appearance standard of my restaurant staff includes the following characteristics:

Ø during business hours in the restaurant and other areas of the hotel, a full set of uniforms issued by the restaurant should be worn;

Ø The uniform must be clean and ironed, without additional items and decorations. All buttons on jackets and shirts must be fastened;

Ø it is forbidden to leave the restaurant building in uniform unless you have the permission of the head of the service;

Ø jewelry should be limited and simple in design:

Ø for women - one ring on each hand;

Ø chains must be worn under the blouse and must not be visible;

Ø wearing chains on the ankle is not allowed;

Ø the number of earrings is limited to 1 earring per ear, no more than 1 cm long;

Ø men are not allowed to wear earrings;

Ø other body piercings are not allowed;

Ø hair should be clean and tidy daily;

Ø long hair (only women are allowed) must be neatly tied back;

Ø men should be clean-shaven daily;

Ø men's hair should not touch the shirt collar;

Ø mustache - neatly trimmed and neat;

Ø wearing a beard is not allowed;

Ø All male employees must wear black socks.

Ø A name badge with your name must be worn on the left side of the uniform.

Since my restaurant is located at the Karelia business hotel, you can immediately understand that the main contingent of the restaurant is businessmen and business people who often come to our city on a business trip. And, of course, the first thing they pay attention to is the appearance of the staff. Therefore, I would suggest the following uniform for metro waiters, waiters and bartenders:

the form is designed in strict colors (blue and gray shades)

if the waiter is a girl, then a prerequisite is to wear a skirt below the knee and flesh-colored tights

for the convenience of waiters and bartenders, dark blue aprons with a pocket

men must wear a tie or bow tie, matching the uniform

Employee work schedules

The start and end times of work, breaks for rest, meals and vacation schedules are established in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Start and end times may vary from restaurant to restaurant. All processing is paid.

Schedules for going to work must be drawn up in a timely manner and this is usually done by the administrator and approved by the head of the restaurant. In my restaurant, the work schedule for the wait staff is as follows:

Administrators in the restaurant "Karelia" usually work according to the schedule - 1 through 3, but from the beginning of the season, such as 2 through 2, or even 2 through 1, are also possible.

The waiters work mostly 2 through 2, as do the bartenders.

Work time. Vacation.

You must arrive at work 15 minutes before the start of your shift.

During a busy period, you may be required to be at the workplace at the end of the working day.

The number of working hours per week, the duration of vacation and the procedure for its provision are specified in the contract of each employee.

.3 Guest Ethics Standards

The essence of the professional ethics of restaurant workers.

As you know, the moral responsibility of restaurant workers is very high, since their activities are connected with people. At the same time, the well-being, mood and health of visitors communicating with them largely depend on their work. The work of restaurant workers cannot be strictly formalized. They are required not only high qualifications, but also a deep awareness of their moral duty to the guests. Here duty turns into a moral need. In other words, in professions of the "man-man" type, in addition to the general requirements of morality, there are specific requirements and norms of morality. These include, of course, the professions of a waiter, bartender, head waiter, etc.

The professional ethics of restaurant employees expresses the practically established morality of serving activities in a restaurant. What is its essence?

The professional ethics of a restaurant employee is a set of specific requirements and norms of morality that are implemented in the performance of his professional duties in serving guests. It is based on the psychology of restaurant service. Professional ethics aims to form a professional duty and honor in a waiter (bartender), instilling the skills of a culture of communication, both with visitors and with their colleagues, etc. It serves as a guide for the waiter on the available samples (standards) of morality. So, cordiality, politeness, tact, friendliness are mandatory qualities of a restaurant worker. Each of them should strive for serving visitors to this exemplary set. In order to develop the habit of complying with the requirements of professional ethics, a restaurant worker, especially a beginner, must at first control his every step. Then it will not be required, because he will no longer be able to do otherwise.

The requirements of the professional ethics of restaurant workers are recorded in a special document (the Code of Professional Ethics).

Consider the main provisions of the code in the memo "Rules for a culture of service in a restaurant":

Each guest should feel that he is welcome in the restaurant.

Every visitor is a potential guest.

A friendly look, a kind smile, combined with a businesslike behavior help to establish contact with the guest and facilitate his service.

The attentiveness of the waiter is one of the main conditions for a favorable moral and psychological climate in the restaurant service room. Inattention is the greatest evil in the relationship with the visitor.

Nothing traumatizes mentally, depresses and embitters the visitor like indifference, a dismissive attitude towards him.

Know how to control yourself, show restraint and patience. Take care of yourself, don't let yourself get overly annoyed.

Respond to rudeness with restraint and courtesy.

Never ignore the claims and objections of guests.

A sincere and timely apology is not a humiliation, but a worthy recognition of a certain guilt and a sign of culture.

Each act of a restaurant worker must be motivated and not cause the guest to doubt his fairness.

Keep your head straight and do not lower your head when you are in sight or talking to a guest.

Try to evenly distribute your physical and mental stress, do not forget about the hours of the main flow of visitors.

Stick to the arrival time agreed with the guest.

Take care of the honor of the restaurant and your work colleagues.

It is not enough for a restaurant employee just to learn the provisions of this memo. These provisions must pass into his convictions, become his "second nature".

2.4 Standards for welcoming and accommodating guests

In my restaurant, I would like to offer the following standards for welcoming and accommodating guests:

Ø the guest must be met within 30 seconds;

Ø meet the guest at the entrance to the restaurant and greet him;

Ø the greeting should be polite and friendly;

Ø use wording for greetings according to the time of day: good morning/afternoon/evening;

Ø when talking with a guest, always try to make eye contact and smile;

Ø find out the name of the guest and use it in further communication;

Ø politely ask the guest if he reserved a table;

if a table has been reserved:

Ø invite the guest to follow you to the table;

Ø lead the guest to the designated table, always pointing out obstacles like stairs or steps;

Ø keep up with the guests and pay attention to how fast they go;

Ø never try to push a guest;

without prior order:

Ø find out if the guest prefers the smoking or non-smoking section;

Ø check the possibility of receiving the required number of guests, then escort them to the table in the manner described above;

Ø if there is no availability, suggest an alternative restaurant at the hotel or ask if guests would like to wait at the bar for an aperitif. In this case, write down the name of the guest and tell him, approximately, after what time the table will become free. If the time mentioned is approaching and there are still no vacancies, always inform the guests at the bar of the expected delay;

Ø it is necessary to seat the guest at the table within 1 minute;

Ø be sure to seat the guest at a fully set table;

Ø pull out chairs for guests (first of all for ladies, following their age), then for men, and lastly for the host of the feast;

2.5 Standards for the design and presentation of menus and dishes

Ø the menu cover should be clean and tidy;

Ø the menu should contain information about the company (address, phone, working hours, name)

Ø the menu should reflect the specifics of the enterprise

Ø the menu should be printed in 2 languages

Ø the menu should present an assortment of appetizers, soups, salads, seafood, meat, poultry, desserts

Ø the menu should reflect the range of dishes that the restaurant can actually offer at a given time

Ø the name of unfamiliar dishes should be briefly deciphered

Ø information about dishes must be complete, it is forbidden to replace the composition of dishes made according to the original recipe (if the recipe is changed, this must be indicated on the menu)

Ø Names of dishes must be indicated in full, abbreviations are not allowed.

Ø it is desirable to post color photographs of dishes

Ø all dishes on the menu are listed in the sequence corresponding to the meal.

The order of the dishes on the menu:

)Signature dishes and snacks are arranged in the same sequence as all other dishes on the menu

)Cold snacks should be placed on the menu in the following sequence:




from a bird


Egg dishes


The serving temperature of cold snacks should be 7-14C.

)Hot appetizers

Arranged in exactly the same sequence as the cold

Serving temperature 80-90C

)First courses (soups) are indicated in the following sequence:


.Puree Soups

.Filling soups



Serving temperature of hot soups 75-90 C

)Desserts are listed hot first.

Cold supply temperature desserts 7-14C, hot 65-75C


Since my restaurant belongs to the category of 3 stars, the menu must contain at least 10 types of cold appetizers, 3 hot appetizers, 5 types of soups, 23 main dishes and 6 types of desserts. Moreover, at least 25% of the dishes should be classified as branded.

Dishes and drinks:

Ø the design, appearance and color of dishes should be attractive;

Ø the assortment of breakfast dishes must meet the standard (fresh fruit, muesli, cold meats, egg dishes, etc.);

Ø all meals must be freshly prepared;

Ø the dishes served must strictly correspond to their description in the menu;

Ø the temperature of each dish when serving must comply with the standard;

Ø portions must meet the standard;

Ø dishes should be prepared according to the guest's requests;

Ø tea/coffee must be freshly brewed.

2.6 Order taking and menu serving standards

After the visitor takes a seat at the table, the waiter should approach him from the left and offer the menu (expanded on the specials page) and the price list of wines (in a closed folder). If several people are sitting at the table by one company, the menu is served to the eldest of them.

When meeting visitors, taking orders and serving, the waiter must follow the accepted rules of etiquette.

So, if there are women among the guests, you should help them take places at the table, substitute chairs. The menu is first offered to the eldest of them. After waiting a few minutes, you should kindly ask if visitors have chosen anything. If they ask for advice on which dish to choose, the waiter is obliged to immediately and readily come to their aid, trying to take into account the tastes of the visitor.

Advice expressed with apparent indifference is unacceptable, when the waiter, talking to the visitor, absently looks into the hall.

If the guest does not express a desire to be helped, the waiter is advised to wait patiently. At the same time, he should never lose sight of his site, timely serving already ordered dishes and snacks to other tables, removing used dishes, etc.

If a guest asks the waiter: “What do you have delicious today? "- you should never answer:" Everything is delicious with us.

When recommending a particular dish to a visitor, the waiter must competently tell about its taste and cooking features. For example, it is appropriate to say: “Order chops: they are fried in oil, they are accompanied by a variety of vegetable garnish, the sauce is fragrant and tasty.” You should also specify how long it will take to fulfill the order.

Then the waiter can help visitors in choosing wines for the first, second courses, etc.

The order for wines must be accepted immediately after ordering the dishes in order to be able to cool the wine or bring it to room temperature (at the request of the visitor). The waiter needs to thoroughly know not only the range of wines, but also their quality, features and, in particular, to skillfully recommend certain wines in combination with the ordered dishes.

If visitors, sitting at a table, have a long conversation, the waiter can, without waiting for the end of the conversation, ask: “May I take an order?” This is important to speed up further service.

When ordering portioned dishes, it is necessary to check whether they are prepared at the production site by the specified date, and if there is a delay, call the head waiter or production manager.

An order from a visitor can be taken by a waiter, and from large companies or groups - by the head waiter. The order is recorded in the notebook of accounts in two carbon copies.

Specification of the order submission time:

When a waiter takes an order from a guest, it is necessary to warn the guest about the time of preparation of a particular dish.

This is done for two reasons:

to avoid conflict situations

for the convenience of the guest (since guests can often be in a hurry and for them the fastest dish to prepare will be the best dish)

.7 Standards Required for Order Fulfillment

Having accepted the order, the waiter receives dishes for cold appetizers in the service and makes the order. Then he goes to the hot shop and orders hot dishes. And only after that he breaks checks on the cash machine to receive buffet products. Usually, when ordering second courses (hot), the waiter makes an order for dessert dishes in order for the chefs to prepare the necessary products or semi-finished products. Then at the right time for serving, cooking them will take much less time.

When receiving ordered dishes from the kitchen, the waiter must pay attention to their design, temperature, etc.

When receiving drinks, fruits and other products from the buffet, the waiter pays attention to:

Ø For compliance with their order by name, completeness of the range and quality;

Ø On the cleanliness of the outer part of the bottles;

Ø For the integrity of factory capping and labels with a restaurant stamp: check if there is any sediment in the bottles, if apples, pears, etc. are washed and dried well.

Ø Wine and vodka products are sold from the buffet in bottles or on tap in decanters, with an individual order of 50-100 g of drink in a glass. The products received in the buffet are transferred to the hall on a tray covered with a napkin.

After the drinks, the waiter receives and serves in sequence cold appetizers, hot appetizers, soups, second hot courses, and then dessert.

When receiving hot appetizers, the waiter should pay attention to the cleanliness of the dishes, the presence of papillots on piles of cocotte makers and napkins, on the handles of chillers or handles of portioned frying pans folded in a triangle. This is necessary to protect the guest's left hand from burns, with which he holds the dishes by the handle while eating.

When receiving soups, the waiter must: put a tray covered with a napkin, a stack of warmed deep plates (plates are heated in heating cabinets or mobile electric cassettes), next to the stack of plates put a bowl of soup covered with a lid, a gravy boat or a socket with sour cream and herbs, sold separately ;

Pay attention to the cleanliness of the dishes, the temperature of the soup (for hot soups 65-70 C, for cold soups 8-15 C), the presence of sour cream and greens, served separately or in soup;

Side dishes and sauces can be sold separately from the main product, hot side dishes - in metal dishes, and cold - in porcelain.

When receiving second hot dishes, the waiter must:

Ø put on a tray with a handbrake a stack of heated small (table) plates;

Ø give the chef a check for the amount of the products received;

Ø pay attention to the correspondence of the number of servings to the order, appearance, design of the dish, cleanliness of the dishes, temperature of the dish (75-85 C).

Ø Put the dishes on the tray with the help of the handbrake and deliver them to the hall on the auxiliary table.

When receiving sweet dishes, special attention is paid to dishes served in glass, crystal dishes so that there are no chips or cracks on it.

The intervals between the receipt and delivery of different dishes are set by the waiter and visitors by agreement.

2.8 Standards for issuing and submitting an invoice:

The invoice must be submitted within 3 minutes of the guest's request;

the guest asks for a check:

Ø print a check from the system for the required table on the appropriate form;

Ø before printing a check, check on the monitor whether all items have been correctly entered into the system;

Ø the invoice must include all items and be correct;

Ø show the guest a check along with a pen;

Ø the bill must be presented in a clean case and with a working pen;

Ø the waiter must quickly accept payment;

Ø the waiter must return the entire change;

check closing:

Close the check by receiving a check from the visitor and using the correct payment method;

Pay attention to credit card payment;

Make sure that the check is closed to the appropriate card if direct access to the system is not possible;

If necessary, get an authorization code from the credit card company by phone;

Mark the card number on the guest receipt and payment printout;

credit card payment:

After receiving the credit card and closing the check in the system, present the printout from the credit card to the visitor for signature, give him a copy along with the original guest check;

.9 Standards for farewell guests

The guest leaves the table:

Ø move chairs and help with coats, if necessary, ladies first;

Ø thank the guests and invite them to come again;

The guest leaves the restaurant:

Ø at the exit of the restaurant, thank the guests for their visit, wish them a pleasant morning, afternoon or evening and invite them to come back another time.

Ø try to speak with the guest in such a way as to establish personal contact - a guest who feels a friendly attitude from the staff is more likely to return to the restaurant;

After developing our book of standards, I did some research to find out how much more efficient our restaurant has become. I reflected all the data received in the form of graphs and tables, according to which even non-professional people will understand how much the work of our restaurant has improved.

What we had before the introduction of the book of standards What happened after the adoption of the book of standards1. The appearance of the staff: Guests are dissatisfied with the appearance of the staff (untidiness, bright makeup) 1. Appearance of the staff: Guests are very pleased with the appearance of the staff (new, well-ironed staff uniform, light make-up, neat appearance) 2. The restaurant staff is not friendly enough and sociable guest 3. Meeting and accommodation of guests: v Guests were not welcomed on time v The waiter greets guests with the phrase: "Hello!" v The waiter did not help the women to sit at the table3. Meeting and accommodation of guests: v Guests were met within 30 seconds v The waiter greets guests with the phrases: “Good morning (afternoon, evening) depending on the time v The waiter always helps women and children to sit at the table4.Menu: v Only in Russian v only 6 items of hall. snacks v small selection of major mountains. dishes and soups v almost no signature dishes v the name of little-known dishes does not indicate the composition of the ingredients from which they are prepared4.Menu: v in 2 languages ​​(Russian, English) v more than 20 items of hall. snacks v 12 types of main hot dishes, 10 types of soups. v 25% of dishes are branded v ingredients are listed in all dishes 5. Taking an order and serving a menu: v menus are often served closed v guests are ready to order, but the waiter is not in the hall v the waiter does not specify the cooking time 5. Taking the order and serving the menu: v the menu is served open on the specials page v the waiter is always in the hall if there are guests at least one table and is always ready to take an order v the waiter always specifies the time of preparation of the dish6. Farewell to the guest: v the waiter does not help guests with outerwear v the waiter does not thank the guests and asks them to come again v the waiter does not wish the guests a pleasant morning (afternoon, evening) 6. Farewell to the guest: v the waiter helps guests to sit at the table and with outerwear v the waiter thanks the guests and asks them to come again v the waiter wishes the guests a pleasant morning (afternoon, evening)

10 Application of service standards in practice (training of personnel, control over the implementation of standards)

Although we now have sufficiently developed service standards, for some reason not all guests are satisfied enough. So what's the matter, why are guests often unsatisfied? Apparently, a completely unambiguous answer to this question does not exist due to the immense variety of tastes of guests. However, I would like to make some useful recommendations for improving the operation of the restaurant. They come from practice and my personal experience. Naturally, the most important role here is given to personnel who are not very eager to meet our standards or are simply not very familiar with them. The main problem seems to be that service standards are applied in a too formalized manner. Personnel, especially contact personnel, mechanically perform the prescribed actions with the same haughty expression on the face of the ever-memorable Soviet public catering. And, as practice shows, even in every detail of the process of receiving and serving guests, figuratively speaking, the soul must be invested! That is why it is not enough just to develop standards, but also to train staff to apply them in practice.

In order to implement and successfully communicate all the developed standards, it is necessary to:

ü conduct (organize) research on the degree of satisfaction of guests with the quality of reception and service at the enterprise, trends in their needs, by means of questioning;

I would suggest the following version of the questionnaire for conducting a survey of guests of our restaurant:

ü organize and carry out work to prevent abuse of contact personnel during the reception and service of guests;

ü organize training (training) for contact personnel in practical skills to comply with the requirements established at the enterprise for the reception and service of guests, through trainings, seminars, lectures;

ü develop, implement and apply a system of motivation, both material (cash bonuses, incentives, providing vacation packages for the children of employees in camps), and non-material (diplomas, medals, etc.)

After all, training is a form of active learning, usually aimed at the comprehensive development of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, at the formation of the necessary abilities, the appropriation of methods of “correct” behavior and action, the identification and development of ways to overcome typical difficulties. The effect of trainings is predetermined by a combination of a narrowly set training task and the use of a wide range of exercises and games to achieve the training goal, ensuring the inclusion of a person in the training process, using all personal and professionally significant mechanisms of a person.

The general model of all types of training is the cycle:


As a rule, training assumes the participant's initial awareness of the action to which the training is devoted, and is based on the primary level of skills. The main task of the training, therefore, is the improvement and development of practical skills, bringing them to a certain automatism.

The key tasks that can be addressed in training activities are as follows:

ü formation and consolidation of professional skills, replenishment of missing knowledge;

ü acquisition and expansion of subject knowledge;

ü formation and improvement of abilities;

ü development of new means and methods of their use, approaches and methods of work;

ü building a team and acquiring effective teamwork skills;

ü correction of shortcomings in the performance of official duties by the employee;

ü bringing to automatism skills of work in crisis situations;

ü consolidating work skills in the performance of particularly important for the restaurant.

That is why this method of staff training is the most effective. In my restaurant, unfortunately, trainings are held very rarely, maybe that's why the Karelia restaurant is not famous for its high level of service.


The restaurant is faced with the task of providing and maintaining the quality of service at the proper level, timely elimination of shortcomings in the provision of services, and developing a strategy for improving service. Studies show that the main reason for whether a customer honors a restaurant with his visit again or not is the good or bad service provided to him, and this, after all, depends very much on the standards by which the given enterprise operates. The first time a guest can be lured by good advertising, a rich interior or a varied menu, but the second time he comes thanks to the professional work of the staff and the high quality of service received earlier. The problem of quality of service is very relevant in many catering establishments in our country. Given the fact that customer requirements for the provision of high quality service are constantly growing and changing, the most important strategy is to provide a quality service that satisfies all customer needs and meets established standards.

And you also need to keep up with the times, that is, to make some adjustments to existing standards and thereby improve the work of your restaurant. Innovation in this case refers to all innovations in service - both new services and improvements introduced into established service processes. In order to improve the quality of services and improve the culture of service, it is also necessary to systematically conduct a self-assessment of service - questioning the staff about their interaction with consumers of the service and, of course, questioning visitors about the quality of the services provided. Accumulation and processing of statistics of questionnaire surveys of consumers and personnel will allow the management of the enterprise to form and document a policy in the field of culture and quality of service.

However, unfortunately, there are cases when employees do not comply with the standards set by managers in their work, do not provide the quality of service that guests expect.

Dealing with guest complaints is also a very important task for a restaurant to maintain its image. Complaints are an important source of feedback and a symptom of larger problems to come. Their repetition is unacceptable! Guests whose complaints were resolved quickly and efficiently become more loyal and committed to the restaurant than those with whom you had no problems at all.


Textbook by Usov V.V. "Organization of production and service at catering establishments"

Usov V.V. Organization of service in restaurants. - M.: Higher school, 2007. - 211 p.

Textbook Lyapina A.Yu., Chesnokova L.G., Chizhevskaya I.G. “Professions of service workers”

Grishina N.V. Psychology of conflict. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2000

Emelyanov S.M. Workshop on conflictology. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001

Website of the hospitality academy: www. nha. en

Handbook site. en