Cabbage with beets for the winter is sweet. Cabbage with beets in jars in large pieces - recipes for every taste

30.09.2019 Soups

Sauerkraut with beets in large pieces in jars

Harvesting sauerkraut with beets, chopped into pieces in jars is very convenient, because. at the same time, it does not lose its appearance, remains juicy, crispy, and also changes color to bright burgundy. Seaming is also stored conveniently and for a long time, because a tightly closed lid prevents the development of bacteria in the jar and damage to the product.

All we need for cooking:

  • A head of cabbage, small in size, about two to three kilograms;
  • Large beets;
  • Big carrot;
  • Garlic, one large or two small heads;
  • Slightly more than half of granulated sugar;
  • Two tablespoons of common table salt
  • A few peas of black pepper;
  • Sunflower oil - depending on the number of jars, one tablespoon for each;
  • Several sheets of lavrushka;
  • Half a glass of vinegar;
  • One liter of drinking water.


  1. We start with cabbage. We thoroughly wash it and begin to clean it from the very top layer of leaves.
  2. Attention to housewives: I do not recommend using cabbage of early varieties for cooking. Onane will give a crunch when preserved and will be too loose and not juicy. In addition, later heads of cabbage will have more useful substances.
  3. We cut the head of cabbage into two equal parts, and then each of these parts into six to eight equal parts so that we get rectangles.
  4. We wash the red beets. The fruit also should not be very young, otherwise you risk spoiling the dish. We clean the beets and cut them in half, and each half into medium-sized slices.
  5. We wash and clean the carrots. There can be two options for slicing a vegetable: rub it on a coarse grater or, like beets, cut into slices. I usually use the second method, but it's up to you.
  6. Wash the garlic and cut it lengthwise into thin slices.
    Tip for you: I do not recommend using a garlic press in this recipe, because in this case the garlic does not convey its taste and aroma very well.
  7. Mix all the chopped vegetables in one large saucepan and mix thoroughly so that the mixture in the jars looks uniform. We put vegetables in jars.
  8. This step is about preparing the marinade. Add sugar, salt, pepper, lavrushka to the water, leave to cook for about five minutes. Add vinegar, and the marinade is ready. Pour the resulting liquid to the edges of the jar, close the lids, wrap in a blanket and let cool to room temperature.

For those who want to see with their own eyes how to cook this dish, I suggest watching the video:

If you wish, after two days you can already enjoy what a very tasty sauerkraut with beets you got. Bon appetit!

Georgian sauerkraut with beets

Ingredients to prepare:

  • Medium-sized cabbage weighing about 2.5-3 kilograms;
  • A large beet root weighing approximately 1-1.5 kilograms;
  • A few red peppers to spice up the dish;
  • Two small heads of garlic;
  • Two bunches of fresh celery;
  • Table salt - two to three tablespoons;
  • Drinking water - about two liters.

Let's start cooking:

  1. The peculiarity of this sourdough is that the marinade, when poured into jars, was not hot, but, on the contrary, cold. Therefore, the first cooking step is not about preparing vegetables, but about preparing the brine. We put a pot of water on the gas and begin to boil water. After bubbles appear in it, add two tablespoons of table salt, cook for literally one minute and turn it off. Let the salt water cool to room temperature.
  2. We turn to the preparation of vegetables. Thoroughly wash the cabbage forks and cut it into two equal parts. We cut each of the resulting halves into pieces, into three or four equal parts. Small pieces will help the cabbage absorb the beetroot juice well and color during pickling.
  3. Thoroughly wash and clean the beet fruit. Cut it into thin slices. This can be done with a grater, or you can do it by hand, whichever is more convenient for you. I use a grater, then the circles are thin and of equal size.
  4. Wash and clean the garlic and red pepper. You should be more careful with garlic, I do not recommend passing it through a garlic press, it is better to cut it into several parts so that it better retains its taste and aroma. Cut the red pepper into rings.
  5. We take jars and start laying vegetables. First, beets, then cabbage, and so on in turn, adding also garlic, pepper rings and celery, previously mashed in hands, the topmost layer is again beetroot.
  6. Fill jars with brine to the very neck, add a little more salt to taste and close the lid.

In three to five days, the dish will be ready, and you will be able to please yourself and your loved ones!

Recipe for sauerkraut with beets, like my grandmother's - with vinegar

Recipes for sauerkraut with red beets with and without vinegar have the same number of fans, therefore, today I will tell you about both options, and you decide for yourself which one will become a permanent dish on the table.

  • We prepare the ingredients for the future sourdough. We will need:
    Forks of medium-sized cabbage, weighing up to two kilograms;
  • Two medium carrots;
  • Garlic - one medium head;
  • Beet root weighing up to about 1.5 kilograms;
  • Drinking water - liter;
  • Sugar sand - three-quarters of a glass;
  • Two tablespoons of table salt;
  • Lavrushka - two pieces;
  • Odorless sunflower oil - one glass;
  • A little hot pepper to taste;
  • Black peppercorns - a few pieces;
  • Six tablespoons of vinegar.

First, thoroughly wash the cabbage forks and cut it in half. We cut each of the halves into several more identical small parts.

Thoroughly wash and cut the beets. Cut it lengthwise into large, approximately the same size straws.

Wash and clean carrots. We cut it into large strips just like beets.

We take the washed and peeled head of garlic and cut it lengthwise either into strips or across into plates, as you like. The main thing is not to pass the garlic through the garlic press.

We are preparing the marinade. Add lavrushka, salt, granulated sugar, pepper, sunflower oil to the water and cook until the mixture boils. After that, turn off the gas under it and add vinegar.

Pour the resulting marinade into jars, cover them and leave to cool for a day. After 24 hours, you will be able to taste the resulting dish.

Option without vinegar

The second option for making sauerkraut with beets is without vinegar. This recipe is also very popular, but I will tell you how to cook it a little lower.

We prepare the following ingredients:

  • A small head of cabbage weighing up to two kilograms;
  • Two pieces of small beets;
  • Two pieces of medium-sized carrots;
  • Two pieces of garlic heads;
  • Sugar sand - a tablespoon without a slide;
  • Table salt - two tablespoons;
  • Four pieces of allspice;
  • Half from hot pepper;
  • Five leaves of lavrushka;
  • Two liters of drinking water.

My head of cabbage, remove the top layer of leaves, cut into two equal parts. We put each part on the side of the cut and cut into about 6-8 identical parts.

Beets and carrots for this recipe should be cut into small strips. We wash the fruits and either rub or cut the beets and carrots very finely.

We fill banks. First, put the garlic, which was previously chopped or crushed, then the beets, carrots, cabbage, spices in turn.

We put water on gas, add sugar, pepper and salt to it. Bring everything to a boil, turn it off and let it cool down a bit.

Now the brine can be added to jars, tightly closed with lids on top and let cool for a day. The next day, open the jars and press the contents with a spoon or fork to release the accumulated air. Again, clog the jars and leave for four days. Very soon sauerkraut with beets will be ready!

Armenian sauerkraut

Armenia shares another recipe for sauerkraut with beets. I will talk about the features of cooking in the next recipe.

Ingredients for the dish:

  • Two small or one medium fork, not exceeding a weight of 2.5 kilograms;
  • One small beet;
  • Garlic - one clove;
  • Two pieces of chili pepper;
  • Celery root;
  • Three liters of drinking water;
  • Half a teaspoon of cilantro;
  • Pepper - a dozen peas;
  • Lavrushka - two or three pieces;
  • Six tablespoons of table salt;
  • Half a cinnamon stick.


  1. I'm preparing the brine. We put the water on gas, immediately add all the spices to it, wait until the water reaches the boiling point. Turn off the gas and let cool.
  2. My heads of cabbage, clean them from the upper layers of leaves and cut into four equal parts. We wash and cut the carrots into circles.
  3. We wash the beets and clean them, cut into thin plates with a grater or by hand. Thoroughly wash the roots and cut.
  4. Alternately put cabbage, carrots, beets and spices in jars. Pour the mixture with marinade, cover with cabbage leaves and leave for several days under load.
  5. After a few days, we remove the jars to the cellar or other cold place.

Korean recipe for spicy cabbage with beets

Like most Korean dishes, this recipe has a spicy taste, so lovers of savory preparations will especially like it.

For the recipe we need:

  • Medium-sized cabbage, up to 2 kilograms;
  • Small beets;
  • Lavrushki three or four pieces;
  • A few cloves of garlic;
  • Drinking water - one liter;
  • 3 tablespoons of table sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons table salt;
  • One second cup of table vinegar;
  • Peppercorns - a dozen pieces.

Cooking steps:

  1. Thoroughly wash the head of cabbage, cut it in half, and then each of the parts into six more parts.
  2. We also thoroughly wash and clean the beets, cut them into small strips or three on a coarse grater, as it suits you.
  3. Thoroughly wash and peel the garlic, cut into several slices, plates. Place all vegetables in a large bowl and mix.
  4. We are preparing the marinade. We put water on gas, after boiling, add sugar, salt, parsley and pepper. Cook for another ten minutes, clean the water from the leaves and pepper, then pour the vinegar.
  5. We put the mixture in jars, pour the marinade into them. Let the jars cool for 24 hours and then put them in the refrigerator.

Now you can try the resulting dish, bon appetit!


Now I will tell you about another option on how to ferment Gurian sauerkraut with beets. This is another Georgian recipe for a 3 liter jar, but with a slightly different taste.

Ingredients for cooking:

  • Head of cabbage - 2 pieces;
  • Two small pieces of beets;
  • Red pepper - 1 tablespoon;
  • Apple cider vinegar - 1 cup;
  • Table salt - 2 tablespoons;
  • Two small cloves of garlic;
  • Sand sugar - about 1 cup;
  • Table salt - two tablespoons;
  • A little over one second cup of unflavored sunflower oil;
  • A liter of clean, drinking water.

How we cook:

  1. We wash both cabbage forks and cut them into small pieces to make rectangles.
  2. We wash and clean the beets, wipe on a coarse grater or cut into plates by hand.
  3. We carefully wash off the dirt and peel the garlic, cut it into medium-sized slices.
  4. We are preparing the marinade, for this we put water, pour pepper into it, and spoons of salt and granulated sugar. After the mixture boils, pour in the vinegar.
  5. Layer vegetables in jars. Pour the resulting mixture into them, let them cool, after that store them where you see fit, but be sure to keep them away from sunlight and heat.

Today I shared with you wonderful proven recipes for sauerkraut with beets, like my grandmother's - large pieces in jars, in Georgian, without vinegar and others. I hope you and your family enjoy the meals you prepare. I wish you good luck and inspiration!

27.08.2018 42 413

Cabbage with beets in jars in large pieces - recipes for every taste

Every housewife knows that cabbage with beets in jars in large pieces is an incredibly tasty snack that can be prepared with vinegar, without vinegar, in Korean, in Georgian, crispy sweet or sour, for long-term storage, but most importantly, these are recipes that you can find further in the article...

Cabbage with beets in jars in large pieces for the winter - a classic recipe

The most popular winter preparations are cabbage, beetroot and carrot dishes - these vegetables and root crops are well combined with each other, and when properly processed, they perfectly retain not only their taste, but also a large amount of vitamins and other useful substances stored in them.

There are many recipes for preparing such a preparation as cabbage with beets in jars in large pieces, and each of them is a real delicacy in winter.

Chopped in large pieces, these components remain crispy and saturated with juice even when preserved, it is also convenient to store prepared vegetables in this way - the container can be left in the refrigerator.

According to the traditional recipe, the preparation is made from late varieties of cabbage and beets, which contain more juice and vitamins.

So, for the classic version of this recipe, we need:

  • 2 kg late cabbage
  • large beets
  • large carrot
  • large head of garlic
    To prepare the filling, you need to take:
  • 1 liter of clean boiled water
  • 150 g sand
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • allspice - 10 peas
  • black pepper - 10 peas
  • 1 st. a spoonful of vegetable oil for 1 jar of workpiece
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • 150 ml table vinegar 6%

The process of preparing such a preparation as cabbage slices with beets for the winter is quite simple and will take you a little time. A head of winter grade (an early one is not suitable for harvesting, as it is loose and will not crunch during heat treatment) cut into 4 parts in the center, then each part into four more parts across. This is the optimal size for the recipe.

For preservation, beets and carrots are best cut into cubes or chopped on a special vegetable cutter.

It is important to cut the garlic correctly! It is best to cut this fruit into slices. Passed through a garlic press or grated, it will quickly lose all its flavor.

We put all the prepared vegetables in one large bowl (it is more convenient to take a basin) and mix well. It turns out a beautiful mixture, which will look even more spectacular, laid out in a glass container and filled with brine.

We lay out the vegetable mixture in sterilized jars, tamping them a little. From the above ingredients, cook the filling (let it boil and cook for no more than 5 minutes until it becomes transparent, add vinegar at the very end). Remove the filling from the heat and immediately fill it with assorted, close and let cool. Ready-to-eat cabbage with beets in jars in large pieces will be in two days.

Recipe with fragrant marinade

Marinade plays a big role in cooking. Cooked correctly, it will make the seaming incomparable in taste! No matter how much cabbage salad you offer to your household, it will all be eaten, because it is simply impossible to break away from it! The more ingredients you add to the marinade, the richer and more flavorful it will be. To prepare the blank, we need the ingredients in the same proportions as in the previous recipe. To prepare the marinade, we take:

  • 1 liter of clean water
  • 1 tsp salt slide
  • 3 art. l. granulated sugar
  • 1/3 cup table vinegar 6%
  • cloves - 3 pcs.
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • cumin seasoning - at the tip of tsp.
  • 1⁄2 cup refined vegetable oil

Vegetables pickled according to this recipe turn out to be beautiful in color, slightly spicy in taste - this is an ideal side dish for meat dishes. Cut the cabbage and other ingredients into neat pieces, you can use a food processor for this. Garlic is also better to chop.

Mix the chopped vegetables in a large bowl, arrange in sterile containers and pour over the marinade. To prepare it, boil all the ingredients except vinegar. Vinegar is added to the filling at the very end. Pour jars with boiling brine, close with iron lids and let cool. After a day, put it in a cold place - a refrigerator or a cellar. Pickled cabbage is ready for use in large pieces in five days.

Spicy vegetable appetizer

For lovers of spicy snacks, spicy cabbage with instant beets will be an excellent option, we need:

  • medium head of cabbage
  • large beets
  • medium sized garlic

The ingredients for the dressing are as follows:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. sand
  • 0.5 cups of table vinegar 6% (better than apple)
  • Allspice - 6 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 5 pcs.
  • Hot chili pepper pod

Cut the vegetables into slices (not finely), garlic and hot peppers - smaller. In a pre-sterilized dish, lay the ingredients in layers, alternating them. A few beetroot slices can be placed on the sides. Layers of beets should come out on top and bottom.

We put the components of the marinade in an enamel bowl, boil and cook for no more than 3 minutes. Turn off the heat, add vinegar to the dressing and pour the mixture with it. We close the workpiece with iron lids and put it in the cold. The dish is ready to serve in a day.

How to cook cabbage with beets without vinegar

Another popular recipe for harvesting is cabbage slices with beets without vinegar, you will need the following products:

  • 2 small cabbages
  • 2 medium beets
  • large garlic
  • horseradish root (5–8 cm)

For the marinade, take:

  • 2 liters of clean water
  • 0.5 cup salt
  • 0.5 cups of granulated sugar
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.
  • cloves - 5 pcs.
  • black peppercorns - 10 pcs

As you can see, the main feature of this recipe is the absence of vinegar in the marinade. The main ingredients are cut into pieces, horseradish root and garlic can be grated. We put everything in a convenient container, pour it with ready-cooled marinade, press it with something heavy and leave it in the cold for 2 days. After 2 days, we lay out the mixture in containers, fill it with the resulting brine and close the lids (you can use plastic ones).

Cabbage with beets in jars in large chunks is a popular snack that goes well with meat, potato dishes, etc. And finally, a few simple tips: be sure to sterilize not only jars, but also lids; distribute the components in jars so that the beets are both above and below, then the brine will be painted over evenly; cool the jars with the lid down, then they definitely will not take off; use such a preparation in winter for making salads, for example, vinaigrette.

There are quite a few options for preparing the blank, but we told you only the most popular recipes among good housewives, each of them will delight you with its unsurpassed taste and aroma!

In winter, the most affordable vegetables are cabbage, beets and carrots, many make salads or pickle them. Such snacks are an excellent addition to the main dishes, in addition, any feasts cannot do without them. Cabbage marinated in instant pieces with beetroot is popular due to its taste. The finished snack disappears almost as quickly as it is cooked. Let's clarify how instant cabbage is prepared right now.

White cabbage marinated with beets

This recipe assumes the amount of ingredients for a three-liter jar. It makes no sense to cook less, since the appetizer will be appreciated by all family members, which means that it will quickly disappear.

Ingredients: large cabbage - 1; beets - 1 pc.; 4 cloves of garlic. Marinade: water - 1 l; sugar and salt - 1 tbsp. l.; vinegar - 0.5 cups; laurel leaf - 2; peppercorns - 10.

Wash the vegetables, peel the top 3 leaves from the head of cabbage. Peel the beets and grate coarsely. Cut the garlic into slices. Cut the head of cabbage into 2 parts and cut each into large pieces. Cabbage slices and all chopped vegetables are mixed by hand. Next, they need to be placed in a clean jar, well compacted. Now we will prepare the marinade.

To boil the marinade, take a small saucepan, pour in water, and then add all the spices to it and boil. Boil the fragrant liquid for about 10 minutes. When the marinade has cooled slightly, remove the bay leaves from it and pour in the vinegar. Fill jar with marinade and cover. Leave the cabbage to cool in the room. Place the chilled snack in the refrigerator. This yummy can be tasted after 4 hours, but it will have the most pronounced taste after a day of pickling.

Quick Pickled Cabbage with Beets and Carrots

This is a recipe with the addition of onions and vegetable oil. Each housewife pickles cabbage in her own way.

Ingredients: cabbage - 1, carrot - 1; beets - 1; onion - 2 heads; garlic - 3 cloves. Marinade: per liter of water we take 2 tbsp. l. salt, 150 g sugar; vinegar vegetable oil - 100 ml each, peppercorns - 1 tsp.

Wash and clean vegetables. Grind the carrots on a grater, cut the beets into slices, cabbage into large fragments, onion rings, and cut the garlic into slices. We fill a three-liter jar, laying the slices in layers.

We are preparing the marinade. After boiling water, send pepper, salt and sugar to the pan, pour oil and vinegar. Bring the liquid back to a boil. Hot marinade can be poured over vegetables. Let the container remain in the room until the marinade has cooled. After a while, you can rearrange it to a cooler place - a cellar, a balcony or a refrigerator. Instant pickled cabbage will be ready in 4-6 hours. It will turn out juicy and crispy with a characteristic sweet and sour taste.

Pickled red cabbage

Red pickled cabbage is also loved by many, because it is not only very tasty, but looks appetizing. Such an appetizer can even decorate the festive table and serve as an excellent addition to potato and meat dishes.

The peculiarity of this cabbage is that it is denser in its structure, that is, it is much tougher than white cabbage. This must be taken into account if you are going to marinate it. In order for its leaves to quickly absorb the aromas of spices from the marinade, it is cut into smaller pieces. It's better to chop it up. So, let's cook pickled red cabbage.

Ingredients: red cabbage (medium size) - 1; beets - 1; carrots - 2; garlic - clove. Marinade: water - 1 l; salt - 2 tbsp. l; sugar - 3 tbsp. l.; cumin - 1 tsp; cinnamon - 0.5 tsp; bay leaf - 2; peppercorns - 1 tsp; apple cider vinegar - 150 ml.

Let's start. Wash and clean beets and carrots. Grate vegetables or cut into thin strips. Wash the cabbage under water and pat dry. Chop it up with a shredding knife. Garlic can also be simply cut into slices or small cubes. Mix all the vegetables well and put in a marinating container - it can be either a three-liter bottle, or any voluminous enameled pan.

To prepare the marinade, take an enamel container. Pour water into it and put all the spices there. Boil and boil for several minutes so that the water is enriched with the aromas of spices. Now pour in the vinegar, bring the marinade back to a boil. Remove bay leaves from the pot. Pour the marinade into the vegetable slices and cover. If you want to filter the spices, drain the liquid through a sieve. After complete cooling, red cabbage will be ready to eat, although according to the recipe it is recommended to eat it a day later.

Serve pickled cabbage with second courses as a savory snack. It is also good for a feast where alcoholic drinks are present.

Pickled Cauliflower with Instant Beetroot

What needs to be prepared?

Cabbage 2 kg
- water 375 ml (1.5 cups)
- granulated sugar 4 tbsp
- apple cider vinegar 1 cup
- sunflower oil 0.5 cups
- food salt 2 tbsp
- beets 2 pieces
- garlic 1 head

Step by step preparation:

Wash beets and cabbage. Disassemble the head of cabbage into inflorescences, peel the beets, remove the husk from the garlic.

Arrange cabbage in jars.

Grate the beets and pour into a saucepan where boiled water is poured. Turn on medium fire. Add sugar, vinegar, edible salt, sunflower oil and crushed garlic to the water.

After the marinade boils, pour cabbage over it. Close the jar with a lid, cool. Place in refrigerator. Instant pickled cauliflower will be ready in a day.

The recipes presented are notable for their simplicity, because they do not take much time and do not require special culinary skills. For snacks, products available to all are used. That is why it is worth trying them out. If you make this appetizer once, be prepared - your family will ask you to cook it again, it is very appetizing, juicy and crispy. Pickled cabbage willingly eat children. However, you should not treat babies with it, as it contains a lot of acetic acid. If, nevertheless, little gourmets want to enjoy it, add apple cider vinegar, not plain vinegar, and in a smaller amount than indicated in the recipes.

This method of salting cabbage with vegetables is originally Siberian, but its name comes from the Ukrainian word "pelyustka", which translates as a flower petal. It is these associations that come to mind at the sight of square pieces of cabbage leaves, painted in a rich purple color scheme. The housewives will also be pleased that, according to most pickling technologies, cabbage with beets will be ready no later than in a day.

Cabbage pelyustka with beets - the fastest way

This recipe will help you get crispy, appetizing cabbage leaves that look like May rose petals with minimal time, and you only need to prepare:

  • 2000 g of white cabbage;
  • 350 g beets;
  • 1000 ml of drinking water;
  • 60 g of salt;
  • 60 g of granulated sugar;
  • 10 peas of pepper (5 - black and 5 - allspice);
  • 3-4 bay leaves;
  • 100 ml of vinegar.

Recipe step by step:

  1. Cabbage forks cut into squares, after getting rid of the stalk. Chop the beets into strips, and simply cut each clove of garlic into several pieces. Mix the vegetable component of the workpiece and put it in a glass jar of a suitable size. The container must be clean, but it is not necessary to sterilize it.
  2. Boil the filtered liquid prepared for the brine, pour salt, sugar, spices into it. Let the mixture simmer for ten minutes, then strain to extract the spices, add vinegar and cool slightly.
  3. Pour the warm boiled solution into a jar of vegetables for pickling. Remove the cooled container with cabbage blanks on the shelf of the refrigerator, where they can withstand exactly one day.

Recipe without vinegar

If children in the family love to crunch with beautiful pink petals of cabbage, then it is better to cook it without vinegar and a lot of spices.

In this case, you will need for one three-liter bottle the composition of the products:

  • 2500 g cabbage;
  • 400 g beets;
  • 1000 ml of water;
  • 30 g of salt;
  • 30 g of granulated sugar;
  • allspice as desired.

Kvasim cabbage with beets:

  1. After removing the damaged, sluggish leaves from the cabbage head, remove the stalk and chop the leaves into squares with sides of three to four centimeters. Cut the peeled beets in half and then into thin semicircles up to 5 ml thick.
  2. Fold the cabbage squares into a dry clean bottle, alternating them with beetroot slices. In order for the pill to come out elastic and crispy, while laying it in a pickling container, it should not be rammed and crushed.
  3. For brine in cold, but boiled water, dissolve salt and sugar crystals, add pepper. Pour the mixture over the vegetables.
  4. Set the container with cabbage in a bowl or plate of suitable diameter that is convenient in depth and leave to ferment for 5-7 days in the kitchen. All this time, we do not forget to release carbon dioxide, which is released during the fermentation process, so that the finished product does not taste bitter, but has a pleasant smell.

Spicy cabbage with beets

Fans of acute gastronomic sensations will appreciate the spicy recipe for hot-pickled cabbage with garlic and hot peppers.

The amount of products needed to prepare a two-liter jar will be as follows:

  • 1000 g white cabbage;
  • 200 g of beets;
  • 150 g carrots;
  • 2-3 pcs. hot pepper;
  • a head of garlic;
  • 500 ml of water;
  • 70 g of granulated sugar;
  • 25 g salt;
  • 70 ml of vinegar;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 3 peas of allspice and black pepper.

Working process:

  1. Rinse, peel and chop the vegetables: cabbage - in 3 cm squares, beets - in thin semicircles, carrots and peppers - in thin circles and rings, garlic - each clove in half lengthwise.
  2. Put a little hot-root mix on the bottom of a clean container for salting, on top - a layer of cabbage. Repeat the steps until the container is completely filled.
  3. Add all the ingredients for the marinade to the water, except for the vinegar. Bring to a boil and completely dissolve the grains of sugar and salt. After 3-4 minutes of boiling, remove from the stove and pour in the vinegar.
  4. Pour hot salt solution with spices to vegetables and leave the container at room temperature. After 2-3 days, cabbage pickled with pelyust will be ready. The place of storage of the finished product is a shelf in the refrigerator.

in Georgian

Cabbage piluska with beets in Georgian is known far beyond the borders of Georgia. She gained such popularity due to the beautiful color of the petals, bright and spicy taste.

To prepare a snack you need to take:

  • 3000 g of cabbage;
  • 1500 g of beets;
  • 2-3 hot hot peppers;
  • 2 heads of garlic;
  • 30 g of celery greens;
  • 90 g of table salt;
  • 2500 ml of water;
  • 30 g of sugar;
  • 15-30 ml of apple cider vinegar;
  • 5-6 peas of allspice;
  • 3-4 bay leaves;
  • 5 g coriander seeds.

Salting method:

  1. Each fork of cabbage, depending on the size, cut into 8-12 slices, then divide each slice across into 4-6 parts.
  2. Chop prepared (washed and peeled) beets, peppers and garlic into thin rings. Celery can be used without chopping, whole branches.
  3. Put cabbage and chopped vegetables with a couple of sprigs of greens in layers in a salting container. Repeat layers until ingredients run out. In order for the finished cabbage to get a rich bright color and color even between the leaves, it must be chopped not large, and the ratio of cabbage and beets should be maintained in a 2: 1 ratio.
  4. To prepare the pickling liquid, put salt, sugar and other spices into the water. Bring everything to a boil, remove from heat and pour in the vinegar. Pour the vegetables with a hot solution, put a small oppression on top of them so that they do not float.
  5. Keep the cabbage warm for a day, then remove it in the cold and after 2-3 days you can serve it to the table.

Daily pill with beets

If you really want to eat delicious pink cabbage petals, and there is no desire to wait, the following recipe will help out:

  • 2000 g of white cabbage;
  • 300 g of table beets;
  • 100 g carrots;
  • 30 g of garlic;
  • 1100 ml of drinking water;
  • 150 ml of vinegar 9%;
  • 50 g of salt;
  • 150 g of granulated sugar;
  • 100 ml of vegetable oil;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 3 peas of allspice.

Salting cabbage with pills step by step:

  1. The process begins with the preparation of vegetables. From carrots and beets, cut off the peel with a thin layer, rinse the root crops and cut them into thin circles or sticks.
  2. Remove the husk from the garlic cloves, chop them into thin slices. We remove the upper leaves from the heads of cabbage, cut out the stalk, and cut the leaves suitable for pickling into small squares.
  3. We take a clean, dry three-liter glass jar, put cabbage squares, thin slices of beets, carrots and garlic in layers. Lastly, we make the beet-carrot layer.
  4. Now for a quick marinade. For him, boil water with salt, sugar, bay leaves and pepper. After three minutes of boiling, we take out the lavrushka, pour in the vegetable oil and vinegar.
  5. Pour the cabbage with the resulting hot liquid so that the vegetables completely drown in it. We leave the container for 12 hours on the kitchen table. As soon as the time runs out, we proceed to the tasting.

The ratio of vegetables, spices and other ingredients is as follows:

  • 1500 g cabbage:
  • 300 g of beets;
  • 120 g carrots;
  • 25-35 g of garlic;
  • 1000 ml drinking water:
  • 60 g sugar;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 100 ml of sunflower oil;
  • 60-100 ml of vinegar;
  • 1-2 bay leaves;
  • 2-3 cloves;
  • 3 g cumin seeds.

Pickling sequence:

  1. Cut juicy cabbage leaves into squares of the desired size, grate carrots and beets with a grater for preparations in Korean or ordinary large, turn garlic into thin plates. After grinding, put these ingredients in one container and mix.
  2. Now it's time to roll up your sleeves and boil the marinade. Dissolve sugar and salt in water, pour in vinegar and oil, put all the spices. Bring this mixture to a boil and immediately pour over the cabbage.
  3. Place a load in a bowl with a cabbage preparation, but not too heavy. His task is not to flatten and knead the cabbage petals, but simply not to let them float. After a day of infusion, cabbage with beets will be ready to appear on the dining table.

Spicy, spicy-smelling, fresh and pleasantly crispy pickled cabbage slices with beets will become an indispensable treat on the table, and this pickle can not only diversify, but also decorate the daily menu. Every housewife can use the recipe for pickled cabbage with beets that has been proven over the years and experience: in terms of its component content, the dish is very simple and will not require much time from you.

Taste Info vegetable snacks


  • White cabbage (elastic, fresh and without rot). Take a fork weighing 1.5-2 kg.
  • Beetroot (medium size, rich color, no diaper rash) -1 piece.
  • Half a small head of garlic.
  • For a rich and quick marinade, we take
  • One liter of clean, filtered water.
  • 3 tablespoons white sugar.
  • 3 tablespoons of coarse salt.
  • Black peppercorns (can be fragrant) - 10 pieces.
  • Bay leaf - 3-4 leaves.
  • Half a cup of 9% regular vinegar.

How to cook pickled cabbage with beets

1. In the process of preparing our original Russian snack, we cut the cabbage into large pieces, removing very thick veins.

2. We cut the beets into thin strips or simply three on a coarse grater.

3. Cut the peeled and divided garlic cloves lengthwise into several pieces.

4. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and gently and put them in a three-liter glass container to marinate.

5. We make the marinade as follows - pour water into a small enameled saucepan, which is on moderate heat. After it boils, add salt and sugar, add bay leaf and pepper. Boil for 10 minutes, take out the spices and pour in the vinegar, mix.

6. Cool the marinade and fill it with cabbage. If you pour vegetables with boiling marinade, you need to be very careful, because hot liquid can get on the glass and then the jar will burst right in your hands. To avoid this, use a large spoon that will allow you to slowly pour the marinade. This method will give the jar time to warm up well.

7. After complete cooling, rearrange the container in the refrigerator, on the lower shelf. Keep in such conditions for exactly a day, after which pickled cabbage with beets can be served seasoned with sunflower oil and spices to your liking.
Cabbage with beets will be stored in the refrigerator, use an airtight container or a jar with a plastic lid for this.

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Recipe number 2. Korean-style purple cabbage with beets

Do you like moderately spicy, moderately sweet, savory and fresh snacks? This pickled cabbage with garlic, carrots and beets will definitely not leave you indifferent! It has everything in moderation: a few spices, no “bias” towards any of the vegetables, and just as much sweetness as vinegar sharpness. Try to make such a "salad" of fresh vegetables, it will amaze you with its tenderness and aroma!

For a whole salad bowl of this dish you will need:

  • 1 small fork of cabbage (or half a large one)
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 beet
  • 5-7 cloves of garlic (but you can take a whole head),
  • litere of water,
  • 2-3 cloves,
  • a pinch of cumin
  • 1-2 bay leaves,
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar (can be with a slide),
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 0.5 cups of any vegetable oil (but it's better to take refined),
  • 0.3 cups of vinegar (if you like it spicier - take 0.5 cups).

Korean cabbage recipe step by step with a photo:

Cut the washed cabbage into squares. Large or not - at your discretion, but you still do not need to chop too finely. Discard the stalk (or you can still peel it and give it to the children - let them crunch).

Wash carrots and beets, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Squeeze out the garlic.
Combine all the vegetables in a large bowl (it is best to take a glass dish with a lid - it will then be convenient to store the salad in the refrigerator in it).

Pour water into a saucepan, add oil, vinegar, salt and sugar, as well as spices - cloves, cumin and lavrushka. Bring water to a boil.

Pour boiling marinade over cabbage.

Cover the dish with Korean salad with a plate, put a load on top (in this case, it is a jar of cereals). Important: the load should not be too heavy so that the marinade does not spill over the top. Leave the cabbage to infuse for about a day.

Korean-style cabbage will be a beautiful purple color, very similar to May rose petals. You can serve it with cutlets, mashed potatoes ... And how good it will go in nature, with grilled sausages and / or barbecue! In addition, it is a good snack for vodka or other strong drinks.

Here is such an appetizer, it is also a Korean salad. It can also be made in winter - but it turns out much tastier from summer, fresh and juicy vegetables. Be sure to try making it while the beds and markets are still bursting with them!