How to make strawberry soufflé. Cake "Strawberry soufflé" with fresh strawberries

20.07.2020 Soups

The strawberry season has begun and it's time to take full advantage of this wonderful time. Today I decided to make a strawberry soufflé cake with strawberries, and I prepared a recipe with a photo for you so that you can use it and prepare a wonderful dessert for yourself and your family, friends and relatives.

I most often cook a biscuit for a cake in a slow cooker. Only in it you can get a mega-porous and light biscuit, from which delicious cakes and other sweet desserts are obtained. If you don't have a slow cooker, you can still make this cake. To do this, you just need to bake a biscuit cake in the oven. Follow the recipe for all other processes.


For the biscuit crust:

  • 6 chicken eggs
  • 1 cup fine granulated sugar
  • 1.5 cups whole wheat flour

For filling:

  • 1.5 cups fresh strawberries
  • 2 sachets of instant gelatin (25 g each)
  • 600 g sour cream
  • 200 g boiled water
  • 1 cup of sugar

For glaze:

  • 4 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 6 tbsp Sahara
  • 2 tbsp milk
  • 25 g butter

For decoration:

  • fresh mint leaves
  • strawberries with ponytails (several pieces)

How to make Strawberry Soufflé Cake

  1. First we need to prepare a biscuit. As I said, this can be done in the oven or in a slow cooker. I like the second option better. We take eggs from the refrigerator and break them into a deep container, which must be fat-free. When in doubt, rub it with a slice of lemon. This will help you beat the eggs into a fluffy foam.
  2. Add sugar to eggs. If it is small, it will dissolve faster and the eggs will beat better.
  3. Beat the egg mass until it has increased by 8 times. The foam should be firm and fluffy.
  4. Very carefully and gently introduce the flour, which must first be sifted.
  5. Knead the dough in one direction, but not with a mixer, but with a wide spoon or spatula. Pour the dough into a greased and floured mold. We send to bake. In the slow cooker, cook on the "Baking" program for 1 hour. Bake in the oven for about 40 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees.
  6. Meanwhile, soak the gelatin in boiled cool water.
  7. Korzh already had time to prepare. He is tall and very porous. We leave to chill.
  8. Now let's prepare the strawberry soufflé for the cake. For this we take chilled sour cream.
  9. Add sugar to it and beat until sugar dissolves.
  10. We wash the strawberries and remove the stalks.
  11. Using an immersion blender, puree 1 cup of strawberries. Pour it into sour cream.
  12. We heat the gelatin in the microwave or in a water bath and pour it into the sour cream.
  13. Stir and get a fragrant strawberry soufflé.
  14. Cut the biscuit cake in half. We send one part to the form in which it was baked.
  15. We still have some strawberries left. Cut it in half and lay it with a cut to the sides of the form. It is better to take large berries to make it more beautiful.
  16. Pour the strawberry souffle into the mold and immediately cover it with the second half of the cake. Press lightly and place in the refrigerator.
  17. To make the cake with strawberry soufflé even more beautiful and tastier, we will prepare chocolate icing. To do this, pour sugar into the pan.
  18. Add cocoa powder.
  19. Pour milk into the pan with the rest of the products.
  20. Add the butter and send the pan to the fire and bring the chocolate icing to a boil. Turn off.
  21. Has the soufflé already caught on? Then we heat the molds in a warm slow cooker or hold them over hot water so that the cake slips out of the mold more easily. Flip over and voila.
  22. Pour warm glaze on top and immediately level it on the surface. We make chocolate drips.
  23. We decorate the cake with mint leaves and fresh strawberries, which we dip in the rest of the chocolate icing.

Bon appetit everyone!

Strawberry soufflé is an incredibly delicious berry dessert, and you don’t even want to say standard phrases about it, such as “delicate taste”, “melts in your mouth”, and so on. This is a real feast of taste! And you can arrange one for yourself and give a piece of summer at any time of the year, since you can make a soufflé from both fresh strawberries and frozen ones. Berries frozen for future use must first be thawed in the refrigerator, and fresh strawberries must be sprinkled with a small amount of sugar, mashed a little with a fork, and wait about an hour for the berries to give juice.

To prepare strawberry soufflé with gelatin, you will need these ingredients:

  • 200 g fresh or frozen strawberries;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar (this is a faceted glass full to the brim), plus a couple of tablespoons of powder for sprinkling the soufflé;
  • 20 g gelatin (that's a full tablespoon plus one teaspoon)
  • half a lemon, only juice will be needed from it.

Photo recipe for strawberry soufflé with gelatin:

1. Berries, along with the juice from them, need to be crushed. To do this, you can use any suitable kitchen appliance - a food processor, mixer or blender.

2. Pour gelatin into the resulting puree, mix well.

3. Leave the gelatin to swell in the berry puree for about 20 minutes.

4. When the gelatin is swollen, add powdered sugar and lemon juice to the mass, mix everything thoroughly again.

5. In a heat-resistant dish over medium heat, stirring constantly, heat the mass, but do not boil it! Otherwise, the gelatin will not harden in the soufflé and no dessert will come of it.

6. Remove the mass from the fire and let it cool to room temperature.
7. When the strawberry mass has completely cooled down, you can start whipping the soufflé. It is best to beat the soufflé with an electric mixer, the mass will also be whipped with a whisk, but a lot of effort will need to be applied. The soufflé is ready when the mass has turned white, increased in volume well, and began to resemble airy foam. You need to beat quickly, as the gelatin will begin to "seize" very quickly at some point.

8. Put parchment on the bottom of the mold, put it in a soufflé mold and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

9. When the souffle is well frozen, you need to get it out of the mold (if it does not lag behind the walls well, you can simply help separate it with a knife), put it on powdered sugar, cut it into identical cubes.

10. Roll each cube of strawberry soufflé well in powdered sugar.

Strawberry soufflé with gelatin is ready! It can be served immediately to the table. If not all the souffle was eaten at once, then you need to store it in the refrigerator.

Strawberry souffle is a delicious berry dessert that is very easy to prepare. To do this, take fresh or frozen strawberries. Strawberry soufflé can be served on its own or used to fill cakes. In this article, we will present two recipes for strawberry soufflé and tell you how long the cooked dessert can be stored.

Strawberry Soufflé with Gelatin - an exquisite delicacy that you can cook at home


Strawberry 350 grams Cream 300 grams Granulated sugar 2 tbsp Powdered sugar 5 tbsp Gelatin 15 grams

  • Servings: 4
  • Time for preparing: 4 minutes

Strawberry soufflé for cake

The strawberry soufflé confection is delicious and melts in your mouth. To make a soufflé you will need:

  • 350g strawberries;
  • 300g cream;
  • 5 tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 15g gelatin.

Before cooking, remove the tails from the strawberries, and then rinse the berries well. Grind them in a blender, then add powdered sugar and mix again in a blender. Pour gelatin into a small amount of water, which then must be dissolved in a water bath. After that, combine the mixture with the previously obtained berry puree.

Whip the cream, gradually introducing sugar into them. Continuing to beat, add the strawberry mass, pouring it in a thin stream. After that, the strawberry souffle is quite ready for use - it must be poured on top of the cake, which is then placed in the refrigerator. It will take about 4 hours for the souffle to harden. And on top of the finished confectionery, for beauty, you should lay out pieces of strawberries.

A dessert is prepared using the following components:

  • 200g strawberries;
  • 150g powdered sugar;
  • 20g gelatin;
  • 1/2 lemon.

Berries must first be crushed using a blender or mixer. Add gelatin to the resulting mass and mix well. Leave the mass for 20 minutes - this time is required for the gelatin to swell.

When it swells, powdered sugar and juice of half a lemon should be added to the strawberry mass. Mix all components well.

Next, the mass must be constantly stirred while heating over medium heat, but not brought to a boil. If you let the mixture boil, then the gelatin will not harden. It is important to remove the container from the heat in time, and then allow the mass to cool to room temperature.

After cooling the mass, you need to start whipping using a mixer. It is necessary to beat quickly, because in a certain period the gelatin begins to solidify quickly. If the mixture turned white, increased significantly in volume and became like an air foam - the soufflé is ready.

After this time, the frozen soufflé is removed from the mold and cut into cubes of the same size. Dip each piece of soufflé in powdered sugar, after which it remains only to serve dessert to the table and enjoy. And the rest of the soufflé can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.

To make a strawberry soufflé, you need a small number of ingredients, and it takes a little time. Such a dessert will appeal to both small sweet tooth and adult lovers of sweet products. Even in the photo, the strawberry soufflé according to this recipe looks insanely appetizing, make sure that the taste of the delicacy is not inferior to the sight!

Wash fresh strawberries and remove the sepals. If using frozen berries, thaw, do not drain the juice.

Blend berries in a blender until puree. This can also be done with an immersion blender in a deep bowl.

Pour gelatin into strawberry puree and mix. Leave the mass to swell the gelatin for 15 minutes. On the packaging of gelatin, they usually indicate how much gelatin should be left.

Squeeze the juice of 1 small lemon (or 3/4 of a large one). Strain.

Pour the sugar into the puree and pour in the strained lemon juice.

Mix the mass and pour into a saucepan. Put the puree on the stove and heat until the sugar and gelatin dissolve. Constantly stir the mass. Never let it boil.

Cool down the mass. To speed up the process, place the ladle in cold water, a bowl of water and ice, or on a balcony (in winter).

Once the mass has cooled, beat with a mixer at high speed until a lush light mass of a delicate pink color. This will take approximately 5 minutes.

Pour into any form lined with parchment paper. Refrigerate for a few hours or overnight until set.

Carefully remove the souffle from the mold, separate from the paper, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cut into squares with a sharp knife.

You can cut different shapes with the help of molds. Do not take molds with small details, otherwise the figures will not turn out neat. To make it easier to cut out the figures, both the dessert and the mold should be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

If desired, each piece of strawberry soufflé can be rolled in powdered sugar or coconut flakes. The dessert is quite sweet, so it is better to use shavings.

Store the dessert for no more than 2 days in the refrigerator.