How to make puff pastry cherry pie. Cherry puff pastry pie

27.06.2020 Snacks

Russian hostesses have long been famous for their pies. Such pastries can be very diverse: on puff, yeast or cottage cheese dough, with sweet, fish, vegetable or meat filling, open or closed. In general, the preparation of pies is a space for the flight of culinary imagination. Today we will bake a delicious frozen cherry pie.

Open cherry pie with almond notes

An open pie with frozen cherries can rightfully be called the king of baking. This recipe with photos is sure to replenish your culinary piggy bank. Shall we start?


  • 3 eggs;
  • 250 g sifted flour;
  • 250 g of granulated sugar;
  • 190 g butter;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • 0.5 kg of frozen cherries;
  • 50 g almond petals.


  • First, in a convenient bowl, combine granulated sugar with eggs and beat well. We should get a homogeneous air mass.

  • Add the baking powder to the egg-sugar mixture. By the way, it can be replaced with slaked soda.
  • Melt the butter in a water bath and add to the dough. Thoroughly beat everything with a whisk.

  • Be sure to sift the flour and add in small portions to the bowl.

  • Knead the dough until we get just such a homogeneous liquidish mass.

  • We shift the dough into a baking dish, previously greased with oil or covered with parchment.

  • Defrost the cherries and carefully remove the pits. We spread the berries in the dough, as if slightly drowning them.

  • Sprinkle the top of the cake with almond leaves. This step can be skipped.

  • We just have to bake the cake at a temperature mark of 180 degrees. The whole process will take forty minutes.

Quick bake for dessert

Don't have time to mess around with the test? No problem! Buy ready-made base sheets, fill them with stuffing and send them to the oven. Puff pastry pie with frozen cherries will be ready in half an hour.


  • 0.5 kg of yeast-free puff pastry;
  • 200 g cherries;
  • egg;
  • ½ st. granulated sugar;
  • sesame seeds.


  • Defrost the dough sheets and roll out thinly. On both sides we make horizontal shallow cuts.
  • We also defrost the cherries beforehand and cover them with granulated sugar so that they let the juice flow. By the way, you can use ordinary cherry jam for the filling, but then sugar is not needed. Bones are removed at will.

  • We slightly moisten our hands with water and gently pull the cuts, laying them on top of the berries and alternating, as if we are braiding a braid.

  • Beat the egg with 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar until smooth and with a whisk we grease the pie from above with the resulting mass.
  • Sprinkle it with sesame seeds. They can be replaced with crushed nuts.
  • Bake the cake for 20-25 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Exquisite pastries for the festive table

Tsvetaevsky pie with frozen cherries turns out very tasty. We offer a simplified version of its preparation. Such fragrant pastries can become a real highlight of the festive table.


  • 10 g vanilla;
  • 10 g of starch;
  • 200 g frozen cherries;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 0.4 kg flour;
  • 130 g of powdered sugar;
  • 300 ml sour cream;
  • 4 eggs.


  • Melt the butter in a water bath and combine it with 65 g of powdered sugar.
  • We will send 2 eggs there. Whisk the mixture thoroughly.
  • Sift the flour and fold in small portions into the egg-butter mixture.
  • Knead the dough in the usual way. It should be soft and not too sticky.

  • We spread parchment paper and roll out the dough into a thin layer on it. Then, together with parchment, lay it out in a baking dish, making sides.
  • We pierce the dough with a fork over the entire surface, and then it will not burst and swell during baking.

  • We send the dough to the oven for ten minutes, but no more, and bake at a temperature of 190 degrees.
  • And in the meantime, let's do the filling. We combine 65 g of powdered sugar and 2 eggs, add sour cream and beat.
  • Now add starch and vanilla, mix the filling so that it is homogeneous.

  • We take out the lightly baked dough from the oven and evenly distribute the cherry berries over its entire surface. Remember that you first need to defrost them and get rid of the bones.

  • Place the dessert in the oven and bake for 20 minutes.

Pie on cottage cheese dough for small households

Your younger members of the household refuse to eat cottage cheese in its pure form, no matter how much you talk about its benefits? Try to outwit the kid and bake a cherry pie on cottage cheese dough. Believe me - the baby certainly will not refuse such a delicacy.


  • 160 g butter;
  • 160 g flour;
  • 160 g of cottage cheese;
  • 180 g of granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 kg of frozen cherries;
  • 10 g gelatin.


  • We need slightly frozen butter. Grind it into crumbs along with the sifted flour. It is best to do this by hand.
  • In the resulting mixture, add cottage cheese and granulated sugar. Cottage cheese must first be rubbed through a sieve.
  • We knead the dough in the usual way, roll it into a ball, wrap it with food film and send it to the refrigerator for at least an hour.
  • Defrost the cherries and sprinkle with sugar to taste. Let's wait until the berries release juice, and put them on a small fire. We do not add water, juice is enough.
  • Soak the gelatin in water according to package instructions. As soon as the cherries boil, put it in a saucepan.
  • Mix everything, remove from heat and put in a cool place.
  • We roll out the dough according to the size of your baking dish, make punctures on top with a fork.
  • We bake it for 20 minutes in the oven at a temperature threshold of 180 degrees.
  • Then we take the pie out of the oven and distribute the berries on top of it, which we carefully remove from the syrup with a slotted spoon.

  • As soon as the juice begins to solidify, pour it into a mold. This condition is important to withstand, otherwise the cherry juice will be absorbed into the dough.
  • Without delay, we send the cake to the refrigerator and wait for it to harden. Here is such an amazing pastry we got.

Best Cherry Pie Recipes

45 minutes

270 kcal

5/5 (1)

Berries are available at any time of the year these days, why not make a delicious pie with them? A wonderful combination of sweet and sour cherries and the most delicate puff pastry is a wonderful find for any housewife. In addition, the yeast-free puff pastry cherry pie contains much fewer calories compared to fatty cakes and cakes, so you can safely include this dish in your weight loss diet. Also, if your family members are suddenly craving fresh pastries for tea on a cold winter evening, surprise them with a puff pastry pie with frozen cherries. Believe me, they will be very grateful to you.

I propose to jointly analyze the recipe for a cherry pie from ready-made puff pastry, which is prepared simply and quickly, and the result is so beautiful and fragrant that it really attracts guests and family.

kitchen utensils

  • deep container for preparing the filling;
  • baking mold. I took a form with removable sides with a diameter of 28 cm;
  • rolling pin for rolling dough;
  • sharp knife or scissors to remove excess dough;
  • gauze or brush for lubricating the dough;
  • flat dish for serving pastries on the table.

We will need

How to choose ingredients

For baking a delicious pie, you can choose both yeast and yeast-free puff pastry. The first will require additional proofing after assembly of the product, however, as a result, you will get a more fluffy cake. As for the yeast-free dough, the products with it are much more tender, they just melt in your mouth. The choice is yours, but I prefer to use yeast puff pastry.

In the store, choose yeast dough from the depths of the freezer, then there is a chance that it will not melt before you bring it home. Also pay attention to the edges of the yeast-free puff pastry in the package- if they are crumpled, then the product has been defrosted, and this can be critical for the pie.

The main rule when buying cherries: the darker the color of the berry, the tastier, sweeter and healthier it is.

For baking fruit and curd products potato starch is best, not cornstarch because the former absorbs liquid better. When buying granulated sugar, turn the pack in your hands without opening the package - if the sugar is easily poured from corner to corner, then you have chosen a quality product.

Step-by-step instruction

Cooking stuffing

Assembling the pie

  1. We put the oven to warm up to a temperature of 200 degrees.
  2. Roll out the finished puff pastry to the size of your baking dish.

  3. Then we shift the dough into a mold, level it and make the sides.

  4. Pour the cherry on the bottom and evenly distribute it over the surface of the dough.

  5. Carefully cut off the excess dough along the edge with a knife or scissors.

  6. We combine the scraps of puff pastry into one lump and divide into equal parts. Then we twist them into flagella and lay them beautifully on the cake - we get a kind of grid.

  7. We fasten the ends of the bundles and the edges of the bottom layer of dough together.

  8. Grease the entire surface of the dough with a beaten egg using a brush or a piece of gauze.

  9. We send the cake to a warm room for proofing, it will take 15 minutes.

The final stage

How to decorate a cake

  • After cutting the pie into serving pieces, sprinkle generously on each powdered sugar.
  • Also cherry pie delicious to eat with sour cream- put a tablespoon of sour cream on a plate with a piece of baking, and place a cherry on top of the sauce.
  • In addition, I advise you to coat the cake with thick sour cream or sour cream, and sprinkle with figured confectionery powder or grated chocolate on top - little kids will really like this appetizing look.

puff pastry cherry pie video recipe

Such a simple recipe for a delicious pie is a good start to a culinary career for beginners. I bring to your attention a video with step-by-step instructions for preparing the above product. After watching it, you will be able to form your own opinion about the appearance of the puff pastry with cherries and the required amount of time for baking it. Happy viewing!

Possible other cooking and filling options

As I wrote earlier, cherry pie goes very well with sour cream, so I want to draw your special attention to. This delicacy turns out to be so tasty that be prepared for the constant requests of your family to cook it more and more often. Take just a few minutes to prepare the most fragrant dessert for evening tea drinking -. The motto of this recipe is you relax, the slow cooker works for you.

Cherry pie can be prepared not only from puff yeast-free dough. I offer you a recipe that is very tasty, crumbly, delicate in taste and easy to prepare. In addition, be sure to bake delicious. It is not difficult to cook it, and the result is a very pleasant-looking and fragrant combination of sweet curd cream and sour berries. In a frosty winter, a simple and reliable recipe is useful, which is great for friendly gatherings.

Continuing the cherry theme. This year, our fruit trees delight with a harvest, we stock up for the winter: we freeze berries, make compotes and jams, and, of course, bake pies.

Cherry pies are incredibly tasty and fragrant, hardly anyone can resist a piece of it. Today I made a cherry pie using puff yeast dough.

I used purchased dough.

When preparing this pie, puff pastry should be divided into two parts, one should be made slightly larger than the other. But since I had separate layers of equal dimensions, I baked cookies from the excess of the second half.

We roll out the thawed dough, taking into account small sides, i.e., see 2 more than the diameter of the form.

Lubricate the form with oil and put the dough into it, carefully distributing the sides along the sides of the form. We prick the dough (bottom of the mold) in several places with a fork.

I prepared the cherries in advance, took out the seeds from it and let the excess juice drain (30 minutes is enough, just during this time you can defrost the dough). I mix cherries with sugar.

But since the cherry berry is juicy and excess moisture can still be released when the cake is baked, an astringent ingredient must be used. Such an ingredient can be starch, breadcrumbs or cookie crumbs. Today I used the last option.

Making cookie crumbs, I used a blender as an assistant.

Put the cookie crumbs on the bottom of the mold (on the dough).

And then cherries with sugar.

I decided to make the top of the pie a wire rack. To do this, from the second part of the test, you need to make 10 strips, of medium width. I got 2-3.5 cm each. The stripes should be slightly longer than the diameter of the form.

The first five strips are laid out horizontally, starting from the middle.

Next, we bend the strip 1,3 and 5 and put the strip in the middle.

We bend back.

Next, bend the strips numbered 2 and 4. Bend back.

Then again we bend 1,3,5. The same sequence of actions on the other hand.

Finished result.

Next, cut off the excess dough with scissors (you can make cookies from them) and pinch the dough around the edges on all sides.

Lubricate the top of the dough with protein.

We put the cake in the oven preheated to 200C for 25 minutes. After this time, we take out the cake.

Let the cake cool, remove from the mold and sprinkle with powdered sugar. In order for the powder to be evenly distributed over the cake, it is better to use a strainer.

We call the family for tea. Although you don’t need to call them, they are already right there themselves%)))

Since my dough was yeasty, the cake rose a little during baking. Lush, soft dough is in perfect harmony with juicy sweet and sour berries.

In the section you can see that there are a lot of cherries. This is a real berry firework.

Bon appetit!

Time for preparing: PT01H00M 1 hour

Approximate cost per serving: 30 rub.

Puff pastry is very convenient to use for quick baking for tea. Of course, you can make your own puff pastry, but store-bought is much more convenient. And if you want something tasty for tea, you can easily prepare a puff pastry pie with various fillings.

Today I propose to cook a puff pastry pie with cherries. Cherries can be taken both fresh and frozen. With frozen cherries, it is especially nice to make a pie in the winter when there are no fresh berries.

To prepare a cherry pie from puff pastry with frozen cherries, take the products from the list.

Today I am making a small pie, from half a 400-gram pack of dough, and you can increase the number of ingredients, only one egg is still needed, it is used to lubricate the dough. Defrost puff pastry and roll out slightly. If there is no suitable form, do as I did - just form the sides.

Defrost frozen pitted cherries, drain excess liquid. Mix berries with sugar and starch.

Beat the egg with a fork and brush over the pastry before adding the cherries. This is done in order to create a film on the dough, otherwise the juice may moisten the bottom layer too much. Lay out the berries and make a mesh of dough strips on top. In order for the strips to attach well, we also grease the sides with a beaten egg. And on top of the mesh, we will also smear the egg so that the pie is golden.

Line a baking sheet with baking paper or a Teflon mat and bake the puff pastry pie with cherries at 200°C for 20 minutes (watch your oven, the pie should brown nicely). Cool the finished cake completely, so it will be easy to cut into pieces. Brew fresh tea and serve the cake.

Cherry pies

Do you remember when your mother used to cook you a wonderful cherry puff pastry pie when you were a child? Memories can be easily revived - see the recipe with photos and videos.

35 min

375 kcal

5/5 (2)

One of the main advantages of a cherry pie made from puff yeast or without yeast dough is that without spending too much time and effort, you get a real culinary masterpiece that gives odds to store-bought sweets, for which you will have to pay a tidy sum.

Also important is the fact that you don't need years of culinary experience to bake, as I baked my first fresh cherry layer cake myself when I was 13 years old. Basically, my grandmother's signature recipe helped me a lot, who knew how not only to bake excellent pies, but also to write detailed manuals.

Kitchen appliances

  • a baking sheet with a non-stick coating with a diagonal of 22 cm or a shape (preferably detachable) with a diameter of 20 cm or more;
  • tablespoons and teaspoons;
  • deep bowls (several pieces) with a capacity of 350 to 1000 ml;
  • polyethylene film;
  • sharp knife;
  • measuring cup or kitchen scale;
  • metal whisk and wooden spatula;

You will also need paper towels and a blender, since some ingredients are best mixed with special equipment.

You will need

Stuffing and filling:


  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of powdered sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon powdered cinnamon.

Puff pastry pie works great with any kind of cherry (fresh or frozen), but it's best not to take very sour fruits, such as skewer, as you will have to add too much sugar to neutralize the acid.

In addition, pick up sour cream for pouring with a high (and real!) fat content to ensure that the mass solidifies in the oven.

Cooking sequence


It is also advisable to remove the bones from frozen cherries, since a bone caught during a meal will spoil the whole impression of the product. To do this, use a pin with a smaller head than for a fresh berry. Do not drain the juice immediately, but let the cherry lie in it for about half an hour.


In addition to vanillin, you can add ground ginger or a little liquid honey to the filling (just remember to reduce the amount of sugar), and also color it with food coloring. My family loves it when I fill in some unexpected color like green or blue.

You can also add your favorite steamed dried fruits, such as raisins or apples, to the cherries, but no more than a tablespoon, as these “seasonings” should not interrupt the taste of juicy berries.

  1. We process the dough form or baking sheet with creamy margarine.
  2. We remove the dough from a cold place, immediately divide it into 2 parts.

  3. We roll out the first part according to your shape and put it on a baking sheet.
  4. We manually spread the layer along the bottom, making rather high and dense sides.

  5. Then we lay out the filling, carefully level it, trying not to put pressure on the cherry.

  6. After that, evenly pour the filling over the berries.
  7. We roll out the second layer in the same way, but with a smaller diameter.
  8. We cover the filling with them, carefully attach the edges to the sides.

  9. Pierce the surface of the prepared cake with a fork in several places.
  10. Let the cake brew a little (for yeast dough, we extend this stage to 10 minutes).
  11. In the meantime, lightly beat the yolk and coat the visible areas of the dough with it.

It is not necessary to make a closed pie, although puff pastry looks just made for it. You can do it differently: roll out the second layer, cut strips from it and roll them into flagella, with which you cover the filling in the form of a lattice, not forgetting to attach it well to the sides, you get an excellent open pie

  1. The oven is set to heat up to 180 degrees.
  2. Place the cake in it on the middle rack.
  3. We bake for about 25 minutes, after that we do the first check for readiness.
  4. If the dough is not yet baked, let it stand for another 5 or 10 minutes.
  5. Otherwise, immediately remove the product from the oven.
  6. We give it a little time to cool and release from the form.
  7. We shift to a spacious dish and sprinkle with sugar mixed with cinnamon.

That's all, your product of amazing beauty and aroma is completely ready! Serve it whole so that your loved ones and guests will be delighted with the mere sight of this gorgeous pie.

Usually I try to get the cake on the table warm, but not too hot, and additionally decorate the dish with candied fruits, slices of fruit that do not darken or ground walnuts - my children end up drinking almost a liter of milk with several pieces of cake, not in power to get away from him!

Pay attention to the video

Watch the video on how to properly knead the dough and filling, assemble and bake the perfect puff pastry cherry pie according to the recipe just presented.

In conclusion, I would like to advise you on some more wonderful options for cherry pie from the vast collection of recipes that I came across. First things first, try the gourmet, low-calorie, which is so good for a children's breakfast before school, as well as the crumbly, “yum-licking”, famous for its heterogeneous and very appetizing texture. In addition, too busy housewives will appreciate cooking quickly and almost without the participation of a cook.

In addition, it would be useful to mention an economical option - which, despite the fact that it is cooked without eggs, keeps its shape perfectly, as well as very interesting newest recipes and.

I, as a staunch fan of cherries, have checked all the proposed recipes myself, so I can safely assure you of the reliability of these recipes.

Enjoy your meal! I really look forward to your feedback and constructive criticism, and also ask you to write exactly how you cook this wonderful cake and what else you add to the dough and filling for pies. Good luck in the culinary field!