Is fresh apple compote healthy? Canned compotes: useful or harmful

02.11.2019 Seafood dishes

To please all family members is quite simple - for this you can make compote from dried apples.


Dried apple compote has long been an indispensable component of the children's menu - people usually get acquainted with this drink at a fairly early age. This delicious drink is necessarily included in the diet of preschool children, but not only crumbs, but also adults drink such a drink with great pleasure.

The undoubted advantage of apple compote is that it can be prepared at any time of the year., because it requires a minimum of necessary products. Also, this drink is very affordable. Dried apples harvested in season are usually well stored and retain all their beneficial properties for many months.

In order to make apple compote, you need good quality apples. Spoiled apples can harm the body and even contribute to the development of food poisoning. That is why, before preparing compote, you should carefully examine the dried fruits for traces of rot in them.

Compote can also be made from fresh apples, but many people like the taste of the drink when it is made from dried fruits. They believe that such a drink has a slightly different taste. Also, when preparing apple compote, you can add other additional aromatic additives to it - cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise and other spices. This will give the finished drink a new taste and unique aroma.

Composition and calories

The nutritional value of a drink can vary significantly. In many ways, the calorie content of apple compote is determined by how many apples and sugar were used to make the drink; the variety of apples also matters. The more carbohydrates contained in dried fruits, the more calories will be in the finished compote.

The BJU of apple compote is determined mainly by the apples that were used to make the drink. So, on average, 100 grams of apples contain 2.1 grams of vegetable proteins, 0.1 grams of fat and about 60 grams of carbohydrates. If sweeter fruits were chosen for the preparation of compote, then the content of natural sugar will be higher. Calorie content of 100 grams of dried apples - 260 kcal.

Dried apples can be called a storehouse of vitamins.

Among the substances necessary for the body, they contain the following:

  • a nicotinic acid;
  • tocopherol;
  • vitamin C;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • vitamin A;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • phosphorus;
  • magnesium.

Natural sugars are one of the main components of dried fruits. Thus, their content is more than 10% by weight of dried fruits. The presence of natural sugars determines the sweet taste of apple compote.

Beneficial features

It is believed that if a child drinks apple compote regularly, he will not get sick. The fact is that this drink has an antibacterial effect. It contains natural ingredients that help fight viruses and bacteria that cause many dangerous diseases. If you drink apple compote systematically, you can strengthen your immune system, as the drink contains substances that positively affect the functioning of the immune system.

The health benefits of consuming such a compote are great. Dried fruits are a natural source of chemicals that can balance the acid-base balance in the human body. The use of apple compote has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys. This drink also helps to remove unnecessary metabolites from the body, which are formed during the life of the body.

During illness, various toxins accumulate in the body, and in this case, harmful substances appear both in the cells of the body in the baby and in the adult - his nursing mother. In order to remove them from the body, a sufficient amount of fluid is required. Doctors recommend drinking warm compotes, including apple. This will help the body to quickly cope with the consequences of infectious intoxication.

The chemical composition of dried apples also contains pectin. This substance is necessary for the proper functioning of the intestines. Scientists have found that this component is able to restore the motor function of the colon. This biological effect contributes to the fact that the chair becomes regular, and the intestinal microflora improves.

Dried apples contain dietary fiber, which also affects intestinal contractions. In order to establish the processes of digestion, a person needs to consume a sufficient amount of fruits. Apple compote can be an excellent option for filling the body's physiological need for dietary fiber. It should be noted that in order to improve bowel function, it is necessary not only to consume liquid from compote, but also to eat boiled apples.

Many mothers of babies are familiar with the problem when the baby flatly refuses to eat fruit. Usually, this resistance leads to the fact that the child has difficulty with regular stools. Drinking apple compote can help solve this problem. In order for the baby to quickly get used to drinking such a drink, you can turn the process of drinking compote into an exciting game.

Apple compote is a great dessert for people who are watching their figure or are in the process of normalizing their weight. Many diets exclude the use of foods rich in carbohydrates, however, following such weight loss systems is quite difficult. You can please yourself with apple compote, but when preparing it, you should not put sugar. It is better to choose sweet apples, but do not additionally sweeten the drink. In this case, the calorie content of the drink will not be increased due to the calories contained in sugar.

We also note that a person who wants to quickly reach the desired weight should not drink apple compote in large quantities. A couple of glasses a day instead of dessert will help bring weight back to normal faster.


Apple compote is a fairly safe drink, but in some cases, taking it can harm a person. This is manifested by the fact that after eating apple compote, adverse symptoms appear. Also, in some people, taking this drink can provoke the development of an exacerbation of certain diseases that have a chronic course.

Doctors do not advise patients to use apple compote during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer. Dried apples are rich in natural acids, and these substances can increase pain during an ulcer flare-up. You can drink apple compote after the inflammatory process begins to fade.

Also, do not abuse apple compote for diabetics who are forced to control their blood glucose levels for life, because drinking a drink can provoke an increase in glucose concentration. With uncontrolled type 2 diabetes, this is very dangerous, as it can even provoke the development of hyperglycemic coma.

People who are obese and are forced to stick to a diet should include sweet apple drinks in their menu only after visiting a nutritionist. The doctor will evaluate the possibility of adding such a drink to the diet, and will also make individual recommendations on how much apple compote can be drunk for a particular person on a diet.

Allergy or individual intolerance to apples is a contraindication for taking apple compote. In this case, the use of a sweet drink is fraught with the development of very dangerous conditions that may even require immediate medical attention and possible hospitalization.

People who doubt whether they can drink apple compote for health reasons should first of all discuss this with a doctor. The doctor will be able to assess the current state of the body and dispel doubts about the possibility of drinking an apple drink.

How to dry?

Apples have been used by people for drying for many centuries. These fruits are so loved by the people that they tried to dry them well and keep them for the whole winter. If necessary, you could take a small portion of apples and use them to make a delicious compote.

Many years ago, fruits could only be dried in the usual way - in the open air. This method of drying is rarely used until now. Drying apples in this way is quite simple, but first you need to decide what kind of fruit you need to use for drying. Many people advise choosing sweeter varieties - in this case, dried fruits will be more fragrant and sweet.

For drying, choose fruits that do not show signs of spoilage. Rotten fruits tend not to dry well, especially naturally. Also, these fruits have a significantly reduced shelf life.

After all the apples have been selected, they must be washed well and cut into slices. You can also dry the fruits by cutting them into circles. The thinner the apples are cut, the faster they will dry.

The juicier the fruit, the longer they can dry. During drying, most of the natural moisture from the fruit evaporates, and this leads to the fact that dried fruits lose some weight. So, the weight of dried fruits ready after drying is always less than the weight of apples that were used for their manufacture.

It takes several days for the fruits to dry well. It all depends on the conditions under which drying occurs. Ambient humidity and ambient temperature affect the rate of evaporation of natural moisture from cut fruit. That is why lovers of dried apple fruits recommend drying apples in warm and rather dry weather. Thus, the fruits will dry out sooner and turn into dried fruits.

Modern housewives have quite a lot of useful technical devices in their home arsenal that make life much easier. With their help, making dried apples is a fairly simple task. So, you can cook this delicious dessert using a microwave, an electric dryer, or even a conventional oven.

Cooking time for dried apples when using technical devices is noticeably reduced. So, dried fruits, when cooked in the oven, will be ready, as a rule, in 5-7 hours. Dry apples should be at a relatively low temperature - up to 60 degrees. In this case, the fruits dry well, but they cannot burn.

After the dried apples are ready, they should be transferred to a container where they will be stored. If necessary, you can take a small amount of fruit and use it to make a delicious compote.

How to cook?

Making a delicious compote from dried apples is quite simple. The classic recipe for making apple compote at home includes only three products: apples, water and sugar. The remaining additives serve only as an addition to the main, traditional method of preparing a fragrant drink.

compote (fr. compote- compose, mix) - a dessert non-alcoholic drink made from one type or a mixture of fruits and berries based on water and sugar. Compote is made from fresh, frozen or dried ingredients. This drink is very popular chilled in the summer, and in cold weather, compotes go well warm as a source of vitamins. Compotes are also prepared for the winter for future use.

The name of the drink came into our language in the 18th century. from France. It was in this country that cooks first prepared compote. To this day, French confectioners prepare a fruit puree called compote.

Compote should be prepared from ripened components, without mechanical damage and signs of decay. The taste and color of the finished drink depends on these indicators. For everyday use, compote is prepared by boiling (2-5 minutes) fruits and berries (about 500 g) in water (3-4 l) with sugar (6-7 tablespoons).

When preserving compotes, there are several common recipes and technologies. The two most popular are:

1st recipe:

  • Wash the jars prepared for conservation well from dirt and residues of previous blanks. The neck of the cans should be intact without pins. Sterilize seaming lids, washed from industrial grease, in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse berries and fruits in two waters, clean from stalks and inflorescences. Arrange the clean ingredients so that they are 1/4 full of the jars.
  • Pour the jars with boiling water, cover with lids and leave to cool for 15 minutes.
  • Then drain the water back into the pot where it boiled. Add sugar there at the rate of 200 g per 3-liter jar and boil again.
  • Refill the berries with boiling syrup and roll up the lids.
  • Put the jars upside down so that you can immediately see where the lid is loose on the neck of the jar. To keep warm, cover the jars with a blanket or any other warm clothes.

2nd recipe:

  • Also wash jars and lids and sterilize. Steam sterilize each jar for 3-5 minutes or in the microwave for two minutes.
  • As in the first case, wash and peel fruits and berries. Then blanch in portions using a colander in boiling water for 30 seconds.
  • Arrange the sterilized compote components in jars and add sugar to them (200 g per 3-liter jar). Pour boiling water over everything and roll up.
  • Like point 6 of the first recipe.

Compotes should be stored in a dark room at a temperature of 0-20 ° C and a humidity of not more than 80% for 12 months.

Useful properties of compote

Depending on the ingredients used in the preparation of compote, the amount and composition of biologically active substances, vitamins, minerals and organic acids is determined. The color and aroma of the drink also depends on this. As a raw material for the preparation of compotes, fruits are used: apples, apricots, pears, quinces, peaches, plums, oranges, tangerines, etc.; berries: grapes, cherries, sweet cherries, cherry plums, red and black currants, gooseberries, cranberries, viburnum, dogwood, strawberries, raspberries, etc. To preserve all the useful substances in the compote, it must be boiled for no more than 5 minutes under a closed lid.

Compote is quite a high-calorie drink due to the sugar it contains. In its usual form, it is not recommended to drink it for people with diabetes. For them, it is necessary to prepare compotes without sugar or replace it with sweeteners (fructose) and substitutes.

Raisin compote is recommended by doctors as a remedy for anemia, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, muscle weakness, accompanied by fever at high temperatures, diseases of the kidneys and heart. Also, this compote can be given to infants from the first days of life with colic, intestinal gases and microflora disorders. To prepare it, the raisins should be washed in warm water, remove all the specks and remnants of the stalks. It is better to take raisins by weight. Pure raisins should be folded into a teapot for tea leaves, pour boiling water over and leave to infuse for half an hour. When brewing tea for children, you should take 5-10 raisins per 200 ml of water.

Rosehip compote is a storehouse of vitamins, minerals and acids, so necessary for the body with the onset of cold weather. It is especially useful for people with impaired functioning of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, it helps to remove excess fluid from the body, normalizes metabolism, binds and removes toxins. Dried or fresh rose hips should be crushed, poured into a thermos, add sugar and pour boiling water. Before use, it should be insisted for 3-4 hours.

Homemade preparations are always very handy in the winter season. Fruit and berry compotes are especially loved in our country. But people who are trying to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet may wonder: how do homemade sweet canned foods relate to these principles?

Benefit or harm?

What could be better than opening a jar of homemade compote of apples, peaches or berries on a cold evening and enjoying its refreshing taste, which is so reminiscent of a warm bluish summer. Preparation of compotes is one of the most common types of canning. But how useful are they for health and figure?

On the one hand, there is a lot of sugar in compotes, and vitamins are hardly preserved there. On the other hand, such healthy fruits and berries were used for their preparation ...

How compote is prepared

Of course, the most useful compote is freshly prepared. Of course, when heated and boiled, most of the ascorbic acid is destroyed, but all other useful substances pass into the water. Fresh compote is highly recommended for baby food.

But both fresh fruits and compotes quickly deteriorate, and prudent housewives have long learned how to preserve them for the winter, sterilizing them and rolling them into glass jars. Thus, the main goal of canning was the maximum preservation of all useful substances in berries and fruits, preventing their spoilage due to bacterial activity.

The fruits are washed, then put in a sterilized jar and filled with prepared water. Then they are sealed in jars and stored in a cool, cool place. Canned compotes can be stored for years. However, it is better to use them as soon as possible.

Do not believe those who claim about the unconditional harm of home canned food, including compotes. Our ancestors knowingly widely used this method of preserving products. In canned compotes, up to 30% of vitamin C remains (especially a lot of it in blackcurrant products) and many other useful substances. Of course, their value cannot be compared with the value of fresh fruits, but in conditions of a lack of vitamins and natural products, compotes can be very useful, especially for children. Doctors recommend drinking compotes within 6 months, maximum - one year after preparation.

What, in particular, allows the compote to be stored for such a long time and not to ferment, and at the same time the most harmful thing in it, is a considerable amount of refined sugar. Therefore, of course, sweet compotes should not be abused. You can also dilute them with water.

Compote from fresh apples is an important component of the human diet, especially in summer, when the juicy fruits are fresh from the tree, and the concentration of nutrients and vitamins reaches its maximum. This drink is indicated for both adults and children from an early age.

Compote composition and cooking methods

The key to preserving nutrients is proper heat treatment and quality products. There are several cooking options: classic or with the addition of other fruits and berries, with or without a sweetener. The last option is especially useful for the body.

Apple compote with sugar is made simply, without spending time and effort. Use exclusively fresh fruits, so you retain the main beneficial properties to the maximum.

The nutritional value of a drink prepared according to the basic recipe, that is, without the addition of other fruits and berries, is 39 kcal. It contains 0.1 g of protein, the same amount of fat and 9.25 g of carbohydrates.

Important: if you cannot consume sugar for health reasons, due to individual intolerance or for other reasons, use substitutes or spices. For example, with cinnamon and vanilla, it will turn out incredibly tasty and fragrant and without sugar. In this case, the calorie content will be minimal and will be only 16 kcal.

The benefits and harms of fresh apple compote

The properties of the drink are based on the fact that apples are a storehouse of substances useful for the body, for example, they contain a high concentration of B and C vitamins. This has a positive effect on immunity, maintaining normal skin condition and maintaining mineral balance in the body.

Fresh apple compote is useful for children in the rapid growth stage to ensure healthy muscles and bones. In addition, apple compote is recommended for people with anemia, diseases of the liver, bladder and kidneys. This is due to the content of such trace elements as: iron, iodine, magnesium and calcium. Compote will also help people on a diet who pay special attention to physical activity, helping to restore muscle tone.

There is no harm from drinking a homemade drink, rather, contraindications for use. So, apple compote with sugar is a taboo for people with diabetes. It can cause heartburn, exacerbation of gastritis, if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The reason is the fruit acid contained in apples, which irritates the mucous membranes of the stomach.

The amount of compote consumed should be limited to people prone to puffiness, suffering from kidney or urinary tract diseases.

It is interesting: the use of fruits, even in the form of compote, will provide the body with antioxidants, the main task of which is to stop the aging process by influencing the production of collagen in the skin. Consume the drink twice a week, so you will get exceptional benefits.

Apple compote made from fresh fruits is a good alternative to drinks that are produced in an assortment of industry, but contain a lot of sugar, gas and harmful chemicals. Homemade drinks are much tastier and certainly safer, and they are quick and easy to prepare. Their benefits, as well as a beneficial effect on the body, are tangible and do not require proof.

For the first time, French chefs spoke about compote. In ancient Russia, they loved to cook tasty and healthy uzvar. The drink is prepared from fresh or dried berries and fruits. Today, there is a vitamin drink in every home, they like to preserve it for the winter, and also boil it from frozen berries. It is very important to give the child, it is much better than purchased, store-bought juice. Can everyone drink compote? How to cook it correctly?


The drink is valued for its vitamin components, it is they who turn the compote into a reliable prophylactic against SARS, influenza, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Especially a lot of vitamin C in apples, apricots, gooseberries, currants, plums. Drink with peach helps to increase vascular tone, strengthen the heart. Apricots have the same effect.

It is important to consider that cranberries help boost the immune system, plums have a laxative effect and are used as a prophylactic for constipation. But apples, it's no secret to anyone, have a lot of iron in their composition. Also, the drink is advised to drink for those who constantly work in radiation conditions.

Plum, cherry and sea buckthorn, due to the fact that they contain vitamin B2, normalize metabolic processes, normalize the functioning of the nervous system. In addition, compote from prevents the development of heart, kidney and stomach diseases.

A drink with quince is no less useful, it contains pectin, tannin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, it helps with tuberculosis and anemia. Everyone knows how useful the uzvar with dried fruits is. When a person suffers from depression, beriberi, you need to use this particular drink, which increases efficiency. If you add dried apricots, improve intestinal motility, pears, apples will help reduce pressure. The drink is recommended to treat colds, cystitis, rheumatism, diseases of the stomach, intestines.


Sometimes a drink can seriously harm the body, it all depends on how much sugar it contains. If too much, you can not use sweet compote for diabetes, obesity.

In addition, factors such as:

  • A high concentration of active ingredients can disrupt the functioning of the stomach and intestines.
  • Cranberry juice should not be drunk with liver problems, as well as gastritis. Sour berries lead to discomfort in the stomach and intestines. Due to the fact that cranberries contain a lot of fiber, it can cause stomach cramps, diarrhea.

Attention! Always drink compote in a reasonable amount, otherwise it will affect your health.

Fresh fruits, dried fruits, which are pre-treated with preservatives and chemicals, can seriously harm. You can not cook compote from fruits that are collected in an environmentally polluted environment - near the road.

Can children have compote?

The child especially needs minerals, vitamins, nutritional components. The kid grows, develops, spends energy on mental stress, games. If your child will drink compote, this is only a huge plus:

  • Immunity will increase, it will be easier for him to cope with various ailments, infections. It is especially useful to give a drink in late autumn and winter. Only drink should be prepared from frozen berries or canned. Fruits bought out of season and treated with chemicals can seriously harm your health.
  • Compote is a kind of homemade, affordable, effective medicine. Compared to store-bought juices, it does not contain various chemical additives, dyes, preservatives.

Important! You can not drink compote to a baby if he is allergic to fruits, does not tolerate sugar. You can try to replace it with fructose, honey.

Rarely, children may be allergic to dried fruit compote. Dried fruits contain more concentrated substances, so they do not need much to prepare the uzvar.

Who can and can not plum compote?

If you regularly drink a drink from plums, you can prevent various diseases of the digestive system. Due to the substances contained in the plum, you can reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, delicious jam is prepared from plums, and dried fruits are used in the form of prunes.

Plum drink has its own useful set. Doctors recommend drinking it for hypertension, renal pathologies. The drink is considered an effective diuretic, laxative. Please note that the drink contains vitamins that calm the nervous system. Compote is the best drink to fight gout, rheumatism, it improves metabolism.

Consider the disadvantages of plum compote. It is not recommended to drink with diabetes, obesity. As a rule, it is harmful to drink when green fruits are used for cooking. Such a drink leads to indigestion.

What is the healing power of cherry compote?

The drink helps increase hemoglobin in the blood, ideal for those who suffer from anemia. The drink can be given to children. Only instead of sugar, try to use molasses, honey, ready-made syrup. How to cook it? Wash the berries, add sugar, boil. In order to stock up on such a drink for the winter, it is poured into sterilized jars. You can experiment and mix cherries with strawberries, strawberries, raspberries. In order not to harm the children, before cooking, remove the bone, which contains toxic substances.

apple compote

Almost every housewife prefers this particular drink. It is rich in iron, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, potassium. Preparing is quite simple: sliced ​​ones are thrown into boiling water. The most important plus is that apples are not an allergen, so this drink can be prepared for kids. Try not to get carried away with sugar, which destroys all the beneficial properties of the drink.

So, compote is a storehouse of useful components that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Therefore, be sure to cook it for yourself and your children.