How to make delicious beef stew. Stewed beef - fragrant meat on low heat

22.08.2019 Seafood dishes

Beef is a valuable protein product and a constant source of iron. A variety of dishes are prepared from it, but it is most delicious in a stew. However, to make the beef juicy and soft, you need to know some secrets.
Recipe content:

Beef is a tasty and nutritious meat. This is a real pantry of protein, B vitamins and useful minerals. Of the many options for its preparation, the most convenient way is stewing. This process will make even the toughest meat soft and tasty. The time for stewing beef usually takes from 40 minutes to 2.5 hours. It depends on the age of the animal and the part of the carcass. The softest parts of beef are roast beef and fillet. Also, the most used parts include the shoulder blades, neck and hip part. If you decide to cook beef stew, the following tips and little tricks will help you to make the usual dish even tastier.

How to stew beef - principles and methods of cooking

Despite the fact that beef is very popular, not every housewife cooks it with pleasure. Since this type of meat is considered capricious, tk. does not always come out juicy. To know how to properly stew beef so that it is soft, you need to consider some secrets.
  • You can distinguish young beef (veal) from an adult animal by softness, light meat, small fibers and light fat. Dark red aged beef with yellow fat.
  • Before cooking, always clean the meat from films and fat.
  • Cut it into portions across the grain. Then it will be less deformed during heat treatment, it will become soft faster and it will be easier to chew.
  • For stewing, it is better to cut the meat into small pieces, then during the long heat treatment the fibers will become soft.
  • To soften beef, pre-marinate it for 2-8 hours in milk, red wine, vinegar, lemon juice, citric acid, kefir, sour cream, etc. Acid softens hard fibers well.
  • You can additionally soften the pieces of meat by first beating them with a kitchen hammer.
  • The fibers will become soft and will easily separate from each other, when stewing the meat over low heat for at least an hour.
  • A little liquid is required for stewing meat. It should not completely cover the pieces, otherwise they will be boiled and not stewed.
  • When stewing, make sure that the liquid does not boil or boil, otherwise the meat will be tough and tasteless.
  • Stewed beef goes well with soy sauce, sweet pepper, garlic, nutmeg, coriander, thyme, mustard, chili.
  • You can not salt the meat long before heat treatment, otherwise it will lose juices. Salt beef half an hour before readiness. Then it will retain color and be juicy.
  • For stewing, use a roaster, clay pots, a thick-bottomed saucepan and other heat-resistant dishes.
  • The lid should fit snugly and not leak steam.

Braised beef with onions in a pan: a classic recipe

Braised beef with onions in a pan is soft and juicy. The main thing for frying is to use a thick-bottomed pan, ideally cast iron. Then the meat will not burn, and will not dry out.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 275 kcal.
  • Servings - 3
  • Cooking time - 2 hours

Stewed beef quite often appears on the tables of Russians due to its excellent taste and relative ease of preparation. It goes perfectly with any side dishes and fresh salads, is extremely nutritious and does not lose its taste after reheating. In addition, soft meat is recommended for feeding children. However, high-quality cooked beef stew is obtained only if a few simple rules are observed.

Which part is better to choose?

The taste, and the consistency of the resulting dish, will largely depend on which part of the animal was used. It is believed that it is best to use meat from the drumstick. It is usually sold already boned and is most often used for jelly. It happens, however, that it is simply cut into pucks, and the brain bone remains in the middle. In such a situation, it is not forbidden to stew meat directly with the bones. The excellent taste of the dish is guaranteed by the presence of connective tissue, which, when stewed, softens the meat and prevents excessive dryness and rigidity.

Beef neck can in principle be treated in a similar way, but the thermal treatment must be prolonged and in a humid environment.

Delicate stewed lung is considered a great addition to almost any side dish, and beef kidneys must first be soaked in water or milk.

In all cases it is better not to take old beef - the resulting meat has a rubbery taste and takes too long to cook.

How long to cook?

To make the beef stew soft and juicy, you need to spend from forty minutes to two and a half hours in time. Usually, specific numbers depend on the age of the animal, as well as the specific part of its carcass. By the way, in the case when the cooks accidentally purchased tough beef, it can be pre-marinated for a period of two to eight hours. The meat in this case should already be cleaned of veins and films, and also cut across the fibers.

The pickling solution is selected depending on the wishes of the hostess. If you follow all the instructions, it turns out that the beef processed in this way has become more aromatic, and besides, the meat will be stewed much faster. Soft-boiled beef can also be stewed - it only takes about ten minutes after roasting.

Dish recipes

The classic beef stew recipe requires the use of the simplest ingredients. It will be necessary to prepare about one and a half kilograms of meat, about three medium-sized onions, salt, about ten black peppercorns (the exact amount varies depending on the wishes), 50 milliliters of vegetable oil and one and a half glasses of clean water.

First, the selected meat is cut into small pieces - it is more convenient to make them of such a size that it is enough for only one bite. The bow should be divided into two parts. The first one will be chopped along with feathers - it will become the basis for the sauce.

The second is traditionally cut into ring halves or even quarters. A deep frying pan with thick walls is heated over high heat, after which meat pieces are immediately laid out in it without adding oil. It will immediately start to ooze, so the next step will begin when all the liquid has evaporated and the meat has a crust. At this point, it will already be possible to pour vegetable oil into the container, and after half a minute - all the onions and peppercorns. After mixing all the ingredients, you need to wait until the onion is fried.

At the next stage, the mass is covered with freshly boiled water so that the solid fragments are below the liquid level. After stirring again and waiting for the boil, you can reduce the heat to the weakest and cover everything with a lid. The extinguishing process will last from an hour to two and a half. Serve such meat with a side dish, gravy and slices of fresh white bread.

With gravy

A step-by-step recipe for beef stew with gravy looks similar. For cooking, you need to prepare 1.5 kilograms of meat, three onions, one carrot, 300 milliliters of water, one and a half teaspoons of salt, 0.5 teaspoons of ground black pepper, a teaspoon of sweet paprika and 70 milliliters of olive oil. The selected piece of meat is washed, freed from films and veins and cut into fragments. Three large onions and one carrot are peeled and cut properly. Usually, onions are chopped into quarters, and carrots are grated.

Next, the onion is sautéed in vegetable oil until it reaches translucency. Carrots are added to it, and everything is stewed together for no more than five minutes. Having added meat to vegetables, everything will immediately need to be salted and seasoned with spices, and then fried over high heat for five minutes. Water is poured into the container so as to hide the solid ingredients, and everything is stewed for about an hour and a half on minimal heat.

By the way, you should try to cook such beef in melted butter or lard - so the taste of the gravy will become richer and brighter. In addition, bell peppers can be added to vegetables, or vegetable meatballs can be used when serving.

With vegetables

Beef stew with vegetables is always delicious. It cannot be said that meat with carrots comes out quickly, but very nutritious. To execute this recipe, you will need 600 grams of meat, 200 grams of onions, 200 grams of carrots, five balls of black pepper, three bay leaves, a teaspoon of paprika, a third of a teaspoon of ground red pepper, ground black pepper, 100 milliliters of sunflower oil and salt.

Beef, cut into small pieces, is placed in a deep frying pan and immediately poured into a glass of freshly boiled water. And it will also be correct and convenient to carry out processing in a saucepan. After adding peas and bay leaf, the liquid must be brought to a boil.

At the first stage, the meat will have to be stewed for about forty minutes under a tightly closed lid and over low heat. By the end of the time period, the water should have almost evaporated. At this time, the peeled onion is cut into quarters of rings. Carrots, freed from the peel, are chopped into pieces of the preferred size. After a specified period, vegetable oil is poured into the pan and vegetables are laid out. The mixed ingredients are fried for about ten minutes. Finally, another glass of boiling water and the remaining spices are poured into the container. Until cooked, the meat will have to be stewed for about fifty minutes under a closed lid.

Stewed beef pairs well with potatoes, so they are often cooked together. The list of ingredients includes 500 grams of meat, 800 grams of root vegetables, a couple of onions, a tablespoon of flour, three bay leaves, two tablespoons of butter, a few cloves, three cups of boiling water, salt and ground black pepper, and five peppercorns. The meat is cut into fragments, immediately salted and peppered and rolled in flour. The pieces must be fried until golden brown, and then pour a glass of water.

Having brought everything to a boil, a couple more glasses of hot water are poured into the container, after which it is covered with a lid and stewed for a couple of hours. After the specified period, chopped onions and potatoes, as well as peppers, cloves and bay leaves are added to the meat. The stewing continues for about thirty or forty minutes, after which the dish can be served on the table along with fresh vegetables or a salad with tomatoes and cucumbers.

It is impossible not to mention that stewed beef often includes pilaf, traditionally cooked in a cauldron. Meat is also cooked in a sleeve with vegetables.

On milk

The meat is processed very easily in milk. Of the ingredients, only 500 grams of beef, 500 milliliters of milk and salt will be needed. The meat pieces are salted, peppered, if necessary beaten off and fried on each side. Then everything is poured with milk and stewed under the lid for almost an hour. You can serve the finished dish with any side dish.

in sauce

A frequent solution for housewives is stewing meat with onions and sour cream. The list of ingredients includes 300 grams of meat, four tablespoons of twenty percent sour cream, 0.5 teaspoon of dried dill, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, one medium onion, salt and spices.

You will need to cut the beef into small and thin strips, and then fry in pieces in a pan along with onion half rings. Vegetable oil should be hot, and frying should take no more than four minutes, until a golden color appears. Water is poured into the container so that its level only half covers the meat.

Bringing to a boil, the dish will need to be closed with a lid and simmered for about forty minutes over low heat. If the liquid begins to evaporate ahead of time, then it will need to be added periodically. Then the meat is salted and seasoned with spices, including dried dill. Finally, sour cream is poured into the container, everything is stirred and stewed for another five minutes. At this time, in a separate glass, the flour is combined with 100 milliliters of cold water, and the resulting liquid is poured into the meat with sour cream. Again, the substance will need to be brought to a boil and simmered under the lid for another five minutes. The finished dish is infused for ten minutes and served on the table.

How to cook meat for a child?

When there is not much time for cooking, and a hot dish is intended for children who are not used to a long wait, then it is quite possible to stew beef in a pressure cooker. Thanks to the proven technique, tender, soft and juicy meat is obtained, and the time required to create a dinner is much less. The ingredients will require a kilogram of beef, a couple of onions, two tablespoons of sunflower oil, salt and spices. Of the last hostesses, I recommend dried dill, ground black pepper, as well as suneli hops. Cooking begins with the fact that the meat is thoroughly washed and dried with napkins or paper towels.

Next, the beef is cut into small pieces. The pressure cooker is placed on the stove, and vegetable oil is poured into the bowl. Onions chopped in half rings are fried over low heat until a beautiful golden hue is obtained. After that, meat is added to the same bowl. Roasting continues until excess liquid has evaporated from the beef.

When all the juice disappears, it remains to fry the pieces for another ten or fifteen minutes until a delicious crust appears. Then the fire is reduced to a minimum, and the dish is filled with water so that the pieces of meat are below its level. The lid closes the bowl, and the heat treatment lasts from thirty to forty minutes. As soon as the specified period expires, it will be necessary to slightly open the valve and release steam.

Next, the lid is opened, the meat is salted and seasoned with spices, the lid is closed, and the stewed beef is cooked for about a dozen more minutes. At the end, you will have to release steam again, and then the finished meat can already be served and served at the table.

The combination of meat with prunes is also appropriate. To prepare such a dish, you will need to add about 600 grams of dried fruits per 700 grams of meat, which will be added to the total container after stewing for half an hour.

For information on how to properly stew beef, see the following video.

It is still unclear why the world-famous traditional dish of Russian cuisine bears the English name "beef stroganoff".

“Stroganov-style meat” is considered a symbol of Russian cuisine all over the world, so we must be able to cook it, but first we will find out how much and how to stew beef in a pan.

Cow meat is not as simple a product as it might seem, but we will reveal all its secrets and tell you step by step how to cook a delicious Stroganoff treat.

  1. The age of the cattle directly affects the cooking time. Naturally, no one will ask the seller for the date of birth of Burenka, and this is useless, because the color of the fillet will “tell” everything about the age of the meat.
  • Meat of adults(from 3 years and older) has a bright red color with fatty layers that create a marbling effect. Such meat is cooked for the longest time - from 1.5 to 3 hours.
  • Young meat(age from 3 months to 3 years) should be stewed from 60 minutes to 1.5 hours. The fillet in this case has a reddish-pink hue with fine muscle grain and mild marbling.
  • Pinkish milky veal(2 weeks - 3 months) will be ready in 30-50 minutes. Veal meat is more like pork in appearance, but fat on such a fillet is almost completely absent.
  1. The part of the carcass chosen for cooking will help you navigate the time of stewing beef.

  • Shoulder, brisket and shoulder more suitable for stewing in small pieces, for example, with gravy. Cooking time is 45-60 minutes.
  • Rump and Rump(upper part of the back thigh) is a chic meat for cooking beef stroganoff (meat sticks in sour cream sauce). The stewing time of such meat is 1.5 hours.
  • But the best parts of meat for stewing, both large portioned pieces and small slices, are the most tender - cervical and lumbar region(clipping). It takes only 20-40 minutes to cook them.
  • beef liver simmer for 30-40 minutes.
  1. Stew dishes also play an important role in the speed of cooking beef. The frying pan in this case must necessarily be thick-walled, preferably cast iron, in which heat is distributed evenly over the entire surface and is retained for a long time. This will reduce the stewing time and achieve a gorgeous cooking result.

How to stew beef slices

To make beef stew in a pan a success and turn out tender, melting in your mouth, you should follow some rules for its preparation:

The best way to cook beef is to stew small slices in sauce, gravy, or with vegetables in their own juice. So the meat is really very soft, fragrant and tender.

Braised beef with aromatic spices

  • The easiest way to stew beef is in water with the addition of spices. If we decide to stew beef with classic onion-carrot sauteing and water, then it would not be superfluous to add a standard set of herbs to the marinade: dill, parsley, onion feathers, basil and thyme.
  • A little cloves (1-2 inflorescences) can also enrich the taste of beef. Laurel and black pepper are almost essential ingredients for cooking any type of meat, including beef.
  • For stewing beef in tomato sauce (3 tablespoons of tomato paste + 1-2 tablespoons of flour + 1-2 tablespoons of water), oregano, marjoram and rosemary are the most suitable spices. Sometimes, a pinch of sage and paprika (1 tsp) is also added to such a dish.

The classic way to stew beef meat with onions

One of the most popular ways of stewing beef - in onions, is also the simplest, not only in terms of cooking technology, but also in terms of the amount of spices.

For 1 kg of meat, in this case, you should take 1 tsp. salt, 3 large heads of juicy onions and 10 pieces of black peppercorns.

  • After frying the meat, put the onion chopped in half rings into the pan, which should first be mashed a little with salt until the juice appears.
  • Next, add pepper, salt and simmer the meat over low heat under a lid until tender. In this case, you can do without even adding water.
  • The onion releases enough juice to nourish the meat. This beef is very tasty, juicy and fragrant.

Stewing beef with potatoes

A great option to stew beef with potatoes. This dish is very easy to prepare and has a mesmerizing effect on men. And how to cook a traditional dish of Russian cuisine is described step by step in our previous article.

Beef Stroganoff


  • - 300 g + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • — 30-40 g + -
  • — 50-80 g + -
  • - 2 pcs. + -
  • - 3 g + -
  • — 8 pcs. + -
  • - 50 ml + -
  • - 1 tsp + -

How to stew beef in a pan

To cook chic beef at home, like in a real French restaurant, our step-by-step recipe will help. The most delicate meat slices in fragrant sour cream sauce can conquer any gourmet.

This method, although not very fast, is quite simple, and most importantly, it allows you to make the most delicious meat dish you have ever tried.

  1. If necessary, wash the beef under running water, cut off all the veins, dry it with napkins and cut into elongated thin slices.
  2. Pepper the meat slices with powdered pepper, add a little salt and fry them over high heat in oil until red, then remove from the pan.
  3. In the same oil, in the empty container, fry the onion half rings until a light brown blush and also take them out on a dish.
  4. To prepare sour cream sauce, dilute in 1 tbsp. water flour, add sour cream and salt to taste. The resulting homogeneous mass is mixed.
  5. We spread the fried meat on the bottom of the stewpan, spread the fried onions on top and pour everything with sour cream sauce. Then add laurel, peppercorns, ground basil. If the meat is not completely covered with filling, then you can also add water so that its level is 1-1.5 cm higher than the meat.
  6. Bring the dish to a boil over medium heat and reduce the flame to a minimum. Close the pan with a lid. Stew beef in sour cream in a pan for 1 hour.

The readiness of meat is determined by its softness. Ideally, the fillet should be easy to separate into fibers.

You can serve a treat prepared by your own hands to the table with any side dish: boiled rice, pasta, mashed potatoes, as well as stewed, steamed, fresh or boiled vegetables.

Bon appetit!

Be it roast beef, porchetta or any other impressive piece of meat, its preparation is inextricably linked with the oven. Baked meat conquers with its aroma long before it hits the table. However, the traditional method has a more economical alternative - quenching at low temperatures. Compared to roasting, the method has at least two advantages: tough, inexpensive cuts are ideal; the meat does not need to be constantly turned or watered - just add all the necessary ingredients to the pan and put it in the oven. To make a tough piece of beef incredibly tender and fragrant, it is enough not to repeat these typical mistakes.

As you know, tough, inexpensive parts of the carcass are best suited for extinguishing. Logically, any non-premium cut will do, but this is not entirely true. If the meat contains little connective tissue, after a long simmer it will either become too tough or turn into a mess. To use such meat for slow languishing is only in vain to translate products. For cooking at low temperatures, you need to take meat rich in collagen, such as shoulder, shank or brisket meat. With prolonged slow heating, the coarse collagen fibers of the connective tissue dissolve, making the texture of the meat tender, and the flavor bright and rich.

Some believe that there is no point in bothering with roast meat if it will languish later anyway. In fact, there is, because fast frying is what distinguishes a delicious piece of stew from a very tasty one. It enhances the aroma. For some 6-7 minutes, the meat is covered with a ruddy crust, and with it it acquires a unique taste. It is preferable to fry the meat in the same pan in which you will simmer it later - this will greatly enrich the taste and aroma of the dish.

Before adding all the extinguishing liquid to the pan, you can add only a small part and clean the sides of the dish from adhering pieces of meat with a spatula. This simple technique will make the taste of the gravy more concentrated. Instead of pouring the broth alone, pair it with wine or tomato paste and fresh herbs. Thanks to deglazing, the meat is even more flavorful.

As a rule, meat is stewed with vegetables. Since they cook at different speeds, putting them all together in a pan, you will most likely end up with something mushy with pieces of meat. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary that after deglazing, for some time, the meat languishes in a broth with seasonings without vegetables. Usually a piece of beef weighing about 1.5 kg is stewed in the oven at 160 degrees, with the lid of the pan closed, for about 1.5-2 hours until it becomes soft, but still does not fall apart. Then vegetables are added to it and simmer all together already without a lid. As soon as the vegetables soften, the pan is taken out of the oven. If the dish is overexposed, then overcooked meat with vegetable puree will turn out.

Meat is served along with vegetables and gravy, in which it all languished. To obtain the desired consistency, the gravy must be slightly thickened, and at the same time give it a rich and velvety texture. The whole difficulty is that this must be done without the formation of hated lumps and, it would be nice, without additional soiling of the dishes. A simple and convenient way to thicken gravy, and, in principle, any sauce, is bere-manier. In equal proportions (about 2 tablespoons each), mix softened butter and flour. Roll into a ball and put it in the gravy without meat and vegetables. Cook until it thickens, then add vegetables and chopped meat and heat them up.

This type of meat is one of the most useful, because it contains protein, B vitamins and useful minerals. Stewing beef is the most successful way of cooking, because in the process the pieces become very soft and tender.

How to stew beef

First of all, it is necessary to remove the film from the piece of beef, cut it across the fibers into medium pieces, then marinate. With this approach, it will be necessary to stew beef much less. Marinating time takes from 2 to 8 hours. The prepared meat is fried for several minutes in a pan, and then transferred to a container where it will be stewed.

Stewed Beef - Recipe

The advantage of such a dish is that the calorie content of stewed beef is 232 calories per serving of 100 grams, which is sure to be appreciated by losing weight. If you want to enjoy the tender taste of meat, learn how to stew beef with gravy or vegetables, how to stew it in pots. Marinate the meat in advance and try out your favorite beef stew recipe.

How delicious to stew beef in a pan

  • Cooking time: 2 hours 10 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 158 kcal.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Slavic.

In order to save money, many people prefer to take beef goulash as a basis, because the meat does not differ in taste, for example, from the pulp. To stew beef in a pan, you need to take a container with high sides - so the juice that stands out will not flow out or splash onto the stove. Stewed goulash goes well with vegetable salads, providing the whole family with a hearty lunch or dinner.


  • goulash - 500 g;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • greens - 0.5 bunch;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • oil (veg.) - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel and wash the carrots, remove the husk from the onion and garlic. Cut all vegetables into cubes.
  2. Rinse beef goulash, make smaller pieces from large pieces.
  3. Heat the oil in a roasting pan with high sides, fry the vegetables, combining them together.
  4. When the fried vegetables become rosy, throw beef to them, immediately increasing the heat.
  5. Fry the goulash, remembering to mix the ingredients all the time. After the meat turns white, pour boiling water into the bowl, put 3 tablespoons of pasta, mix everything well again.
  6. When the liquid boils, cover the dishes with food, reducing the heat.
  7. Leave the dish to stew for 1-1.5 hours, a couple of minutes before turning it off, pour greens stewed with vegetables to the beef.

Braised beef with gravy

  • Cooking time: 2 hours.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 101 kcal.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Slavic.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you like soft meat that melts in your mouth, then check out a simple recipe on how to cook it step by step. Braised beef with gravy is ideal for many side dishes, and the calorie content of such a dish is only 101 calories per 100 grams. When adding bell pepper, remember that the flavor of the finished dish directly depends on the color of the selected vegetable.


  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • boiling water - 2 tbsp.;
  • paprika - 0.5 tsp;
  • beef - 1 kg;
  • oil (vegetable) - 50 ml;
  • black pepper - 0.2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove fat from the beef pulp, if any, rinse the meat, chop into small pieces.
  2. Chop two onions into half rings, and cut the pepper into any shape.
  3. In a saucepan, where the oil is already heated, fry the onion, and when it softens, add the pepper. Stew vegetables over medium heat for 5 minutes, while the lid does not need to be closed.
  4. Add the beef to the saucepan, immediately sprinkle with spices, not forgetting to pour pepper, literally measuring 0.2 teaspoons.
  5. Stew food, closing the dishes, 15 minutes. After that, pour 2 cups of boiling water and leave on low heat for another 1.5 hours.

Beef stew with onions

  • Cooking time: 3 hours.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 302 kcal.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Slavic.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Meat prepared according to this recipe will be appropriate on any table: lunch or during a reception. Beef stew with onions and mushrooms is a gourmet dish that is suitable for any side dishes: various cereals, mashed potatoes or pasta. Follow the step-by-step steps and do not ignore the cooking of mushrooms, because this is an important step in the proper preparation of the gifts of nature.


  • mushrooms - 400 g;
  • tomato paste - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • basil - 0.5 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • water - 0.5 l;
  • Bulgarian pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • beef pulp - 500 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the beef pulp from the films, then cut into small pieces and put them in a bowl. Season the beef, stirring the pieces with a spoon.
  2. Pour oil into the pan, put the meat pieces, fry them until blush.
  3. Pour freshly boiled water into a saucepan, add tomato paste there, mix well, then send the beef. Simmer under closed lid for 40 minutes.
  4. Rinse the mushrooms first, and then cut them and put them in a bowl.
  5. Boil the mushrooms: pour clean water into a separate pan, salt it, leave it to boil, then throw the chopped mushrooms. After 5 min. drain the mushrooms.
  6. Chop the onion into quarter rings, fry for 5 minutes, putting it in a clean frying pan with oil. Add mushrooms, and after 10 minutes, send chopped sweet pepper there. Mix vegetables with beef.
  7. Finely chop the parsley. Do the same with garlic cloves.
  8. 5 minutes before removing from heat, pour more greens with garlic into the dishes.

Stewed beef

  • Cooking time: 2 hours 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 164 kcal.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

It may seem to some that the dish takes too long to cook, but once you try it, you will cook it again and again. Stewed beef with prunes and potatoes will turn out deliciously tender if you lay out the ingredients in layers in pots, and then send them to bake. Ready lunch will amaze you with its taste and wonderful aroma.


  • red wine (dry) - 0.5 l;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • zucchini - 1 pc.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • beef - 800 g;
  • broth - 0.5 l;
  • prunes - 13 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • pepper - 0.2 tsp;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Coarsely chop 800 grams of meat, fry in olive oil. After a couple of minutes, pour 100 ml of water into this dish, while you also need to put salt - literally half a teaspoon. Simmer beef pieces for 10 minutes.
  2. Put the onion rings, chopped garlic into slices in another frying pan. When the products become soft, add chopped carrots and zucchini to them. After salting, fry the components for 5 minutes.
  3. Cut already peeled potatoes. Put the cubes in the first layer on the bottom of the pot, which must be greased before that. Put the vegetables on top, sprinkle them with finely chopped prunes.
  4. Put the stewed meat pieces in the next layer, and at the end pour everything with a kind of wine sauce obtained by mixing the broth and wine. Throw a lavrushka to the components, crush with pepper.
  5. Put the blanks in the oven, which has managed to heat up to a temperature of 170 degrees.

Beef stew with carrots

  • Cooking time: 1.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 146 kcal.
  • Destination: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Slavic.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

This option is suitable for those who want to diversify an ordinary family dinner with an original and tasty dish. Beef stew with carrots, although it takes a very long time to cook, but it turns out to be simply delicious, the main thing is to make the fire smaller and simmer the meat longer. Watch carefully for the readiness of the ingredients: they should be soft, but not overcooked.


  • balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • oil - 50 ml;
  • carrots - 4 pcs.;
  • beef pulp - 800 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • tomatoes - 400 g;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • pepper, cloves - to taste;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • parsley - 1 bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut a large piece of beef into smaller pieces, send them to the pan to fry. Oil in thick-bottomed dishes must be put in advance, while you can still add butter for flavor. Transfer the golden-colored pieces to a plate and set aside.
  2. In the container where the meat was just, throw the chopped onion, garlic, pour balsamic vinegar, fry a little.
  3. Fall asleep to the products, stirring all the time, flour and peeled tomatoes that were in their own juice.
  4. Return the meat, mixing them with vegetables, pour water or broth, season the workpiece, leave to stew for 1.5 hours.
  5. Pour chopped carrots and potatoes into the dishes to the almost ready beef pulp. Stew the dish until all the ingredients are ready: so that the potatoes are not hard, and the stewed beef melts in your mouth.

How to stew beef - the secrets of chefs

If you are impressed with the appetizing look of the dish in the photo, then you just need to learn how to cook beef stew, and what to consider before you start the process:

  1. It is advisable to give preference to the scapular part of the carcass - such meat is more tender.
  2. Pieces marinated in wine sauce will cook faster and be soft.
  3. Stewing beef correctly means that it must be poured with broth and left in a thick-bottomed container for a period of 40 minutes to 2.5 hours, depending on the age of the butchered animal.
  4. When preparing excellent meat, it is important to remember that before languishing it must be fried, but not salted, otherwise the juice will flow out of the pieces.
  5. To make the pieces stew better, you can add a little vodka, cognac or beer to the dishes. It is worth noting that the pieces of beef stewed in vinegar are tough.
