How to cook pork chops to. Beef chops in a pan

23.06.2020 Seafood dishes

Chops are a favorite dish of most Russians and not only. But still not everyone knows how to cook pork chops for the whole family, so that they are soft and juicy. There are many recipes with pre-marinade, pan frying or oven roasting. Here are the most delicious recipes with step-by-step instructions so that you cook juicy chops, not rubber soles. Let's get started!

Soft and juicy pork chops: "classic"

Pork chops fried in a pan is a favorite recipe of our compatriots. It is considered a classic, so let's start with it.

  • pork tenderloin - 400 gr.
  • favorite spices - to your taste
  • olive oil - 60-80 ml.
  • lemon juice - 20 ml.
  • salt - 5 gr.
  • flour (sift) - 80-100 gr.

1. It is advisable to take fresh meat, frozen chops are dry. Rinse the pork, pat dry with towels and let sit for 10 minutes until the moisture evaporates. Then send it to the freezer for the same time.

3. Now we are preparing the marinade: we combine olive oil with salt, spices, lemon juice. Rub each piece of pork with this mixture, put in a bag and wait 20-30 minutes.

4. After the set time, lightly blot the pork with towels or napkins. Sift the flour into a bowl, roll each slice in it. Put the pan with vegetable oil to heat up to the maximum mark.

5. Since pork chops are easy enough to cook using this technology to be soft and juicy, they are dipped in a frying pan with hot oil. Then the meat will immediately grab the crust, and the inside will remain juicy.

6. Frying continues until the flour acquires a golden hue (about 3-4 minutes). Then the chop is turned over to the other side, it is brought to readiness for another 3 minutes.

7. After cooking, put the finished dish in a container lined with foil and cover with a lid. Do not rush to use, let the chops "reach". Taste after 10 minutes.

Pork chops fried in garlic-mustard marinade

  • pork pulp - 0.6-0.7 kg.
  • mustard "Dining room" - 40-50 gr.
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.

If you still do not know how to cook delicious pork chops in mustard and garlic marinade, we suggest you fry them in a pan according to the following scheme.

1. Cut the pre-washed and dried tenderloin into 1 cm thick plates. Beat off by wrapping in several layers of cling film.

2. Pass garlic cloves through a crusher, mix with liquid mustard. You can add some salt or spices to your liking.

3. Rub each chop on both sides with this mixture and hold in the bag for 15-20 minutes. Then take it out, blot with napkins and start frying.

4. Before cooking pork chops, heat a heavy-bottomed frying pan, pour oil into it and heat it up. To be soft and juicy, chops need to be fried in several pieces at maximum power until an appetizing crust is formed.

5. Then turn them over, bring them to readiness, reducing the power. When the dish is cooked, hold it in a container with a lid so that the chops end up soft.

Pork chops stuffed with cheese inside

  • pork pulp - 400 gr.
  • hard cheese - 150-170 gr.

If the classic recipe does not suit you, you should consider another technology, how to cook pork chops with cheese filling inside in a pan. This dish will please all family members.

1. Pork, as in all previous cases, must be thoroughly washed, dried, cut into plates 15-20 mm thick. Then, through the cling film, the meat is slightly beaten off, rubbed with salt and ground black pepper on both sides.

2. Now arm yourself with a sharp knife, put the meat on a cutting board, make an incision-pocket inside horizontally (as if dividing the piece into 2 plates, but not completely).

3. Grate the cheese on a grater with small holes. Give them chops. To prevent the meat from falling apart, stab the halves with a chop with a toothpick. Heat the oil, fry the chops at maximum power for 4 minutes on each side.

4. At the end of cooking, reduce the heat to the minimum or medium mark. Cover the pan with a lid, simmer the dish for about 5 more minutes and turn it off.

Pork chops fried in apple-honey sauce

  • apple "Simirenko" - 2 pcs.
  • honey - 50-60 gr.
  • pork tenderloin - 0.4 kg.
  • water - 0.1 l.

1. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the meat for further manipulations. For this purpose, the pork is washed, dried with napkins, cut into layers about 1 cm thick.

2. Then salt and ground black pepper are mixed in an arbitrary amount. This mixture is rubbed with each meat piece and left for 10 minutes.

3. Before cooking pork chops according to this recipe from pork, the meat must be fried until cooked in hot oil, then the finished pieces should be kept under the lid so that they are soft and juicy.

4. In the oil in which the chops were fried, it is necessary to stew apple slices without skin. Fruit slices should lose some volume. Move the apples with a spatula to the edge of the dish.

5. Put the finished pork chops in the center, place the fried apples on top of them. Pour the contents with honey, then pour 100 ml into the pan. water.

6. Cover the refractory dish with a lid and simmer for a quarter of an hour on a minimum or medium heat. Serve with mashed potatoes and sprinkle with chopped walnuts (optional).

Pork chops in batter

  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • vegetable oil - 25 ml.
  • pork pulp - 0.5 kg.
  • garlic - 3 cloves
  • sour cream - 85 gr.
  • spices - to your taste
  • flour - 250-300 gr.
  • milk - 100 ml.

Before preparing delicious pork chops, the meat must be washed and chopped into slices no more than 15 mm thick. After that, the product is processed in batter and fried.

1. Beat off the finished pieces of meat with a kitchen hammer. Next, start preparing the batter. Mix chicken eggs with milk, add garlic cloves gruel there. Mix in the required spices. Beat the ingredients with a mixer.

2. Take the chops, pepper and salt them to taste on both sides. After that, roll the meat in flour, dip in batter and again in flour. At the same time, heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan. Fry the chops until golden brown on both sides.

3. To give the meat a more tender structure, after frying, simmer it for a while over low heat under the lid. Don't forget to add a small amount of water. The procedure will take no more than 10 minutes.

4. Next, put the chops on napkins. Serve with fresh herbs and vegetable salad. It is easy to understand how to cook pork chops by following these instructions. To keep them soft and juicy, do not forget to simmer for a while.

Pork chops in the oven

  • pork - 450 gr.
  • lemon juice - 15 ml.
  • olive oil - for marinade
  • Provencal herbs - to your taste

When deciding how to cook chops, it is worth considering recipe variations. The pork dish is especially tasty if you cook it in the oven. To do this, follow a simple recipe.

1. Prepare the meat, wash and cut into plates. Beat off with a special hammer. Prepare a marinade from spices, oil and lemon juice. Place the chops in the mixture and leave for a while.

2. Cut the foil into pieces so that the meat can be inserted into the center and wrapped. For now, the chops do not need to be wrapped. Heat a thick-bottomed frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry the meat slices over high heat until crispy.

3. At the same time, heat the oven to 200 degrees. Wrap the prepared chops in foil and place on a baking sheet. Send the meat to the oven for 25 minutes. Serve pork with garnish and fresh vegetables.

Pork chops in garlic cream sauce

  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • sour cream - 200 gr.
  • spices - to your taste
  • pork tenderloin - 550 gr.

Before cooking chops, they should be wrapped with cling film. After that, you can act with a kitchen hammer. The pork dish is especially tender. To keep the chops soft and juicy, follow these simple tips.

1. Before beating the meat, cut it into slices and warm to room temperature. In the meantime, start preparing the sauce. Turn the garlic into a pulp and add to the sour cream. You can add herbs of Provence if you like.

2. Do not forget to rub the meat with spices. Preheat the oven to 180-190 degrees. Line a baking sheet with foil and place the meat on top. Fill the tray with the prepared sauce. Bake the chops for about half an hour.

Pork chops with cheese and tomatoes

  • hard cheese - 100 gr.
  • ripe tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • pork fillet - 500 gr.
  • fat sour cream - 140 ml.

1. Chop the fillet into plates and beat off in cling film. Rub the meat with your favorite spices and leave in a container for a while to marinate. In parallel, chop the tomatoes into rings about 5 mm thick.

2. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and put in a deep cup. Mix with sour cream. The result should be a thick cheese paste. Preheat the oven, 180 degrees will be enough.

3. Line a baking sheet with parchment. Brush the meat with oil. Put the tomatoes on top of the chops and spread the cheese mass. The dish will be ready in 25 minutes.

Baked pork chops with mushrooms

  • fresh mushrooms - 320 gr.
  • pork fillet - 600
  • large tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 5 teeth
  • vegetable oil - 60 ml.
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Thinking how to cook delicious pork chops, prepare all the necessary ingredients. To keep them soft and juicy, arm yourself with your favorite spices.

1. Cut the meat into slices of the appropriate size. Rub the fillet with the necessary spices and leave to marinate for a while. After that, beat them off through the plastic wrap. Chop the washed mushrooms into slices.

2. Sprinkle the mushrooms with lemon juice. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and remove the skins. Chop the vegetables into pieces. Pass the garlic through a press. Combine all prepared ingredients and add your favorite spices if necessary.

3. Line a baking sheet with double parchment. Wrap the meat in foil and put the vegetable filling in each serving. Seal the chops. Bake the dish in the oven at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes.

To cook really tasty pork chops, just follow the simple instructions. Consider all the presented recipes and choose the one that suits you. Regularly please the household with meat delicacies.

Calories: Not specified
Time for preparing: Not specified

Not every housewife knows that mustard can be used not only as a spicy seasoning for various dishes, but also as a marinade for meat. Try cooking pork chops marinated in mustard. You can choose mustard according to your taste - spicy or sweetish, ordinary Russian mustard or French mustard with grains. Thanks to the mustard, the meat will turn out to be the most tender, very juicy and soft, and the spices will make it very fragrant.
Mustard marinade is simple in composition, it does not belong to complex marinades. It needs mustard itself, black pepper, a couple of pinches of aromatic herbs and a little salt. First, the meat is rubbed with salt and spices and then coated with mustard. You need to marinate the chops for at least half an hour, but the longer the meat stands, the softer and tastier it will turn out.
More dietary are obtained.

Delicious marinated pork chops - recipe.

- chops - 2 pieces (each 150-180 gr);
- ready-made mustard - 3-4 tsp;
- salt - to taste;
- ground pepper - 0.5 tsp;
- basil - a pinch;
- thyme - a pinch;
- oregano - a pinch;
- refined vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l;
- potatoes - for garnish.

How to cook with a photo step by step

So, we cook pork chops in the marinade. We cut the meat into portioned pieces weighing 150-180 grams each. Pay attention to the edges of the chops - if a fatty edge (a thin layer of fat or a dense fatty film) passes along the edge, it must be cut off or cuts 1 cm deep should be made. If the edge is left intact, then the meat will shrink during frying and the piece will deform.

We beat the meat with a hammer into a thin layer. It is more convenient to beat on the board, covering the meat with cling film.

The meat should be lightly salted, sprinkled with ground black pepper and an aromatic mixture of thyme, basil and oregano (or take a ready-made mixture of Provence herbs). First, salt and rub with spices on one side, then on the other. We leave for a few minutes.

For each chop, we need 1.5-2 tsp. ready mustard. We coat one side, rubbing mustard into the meat.

Then we coat the other side in the same way. We stack the chops one on top of the other and leave to marinate for at least half an hour. To prevent the meat from drying out, tighten the dishes with a film or cover with a lid.

You need to fry the meat in well-heated oil. If the oil is not hot enough, the meat will brown for a long time, the meat juice will have time to flow out, and the pork chops will turn out to be dry. With proper frying, after 2-3 minutes the meat is covered with a golden crust, the juice remains inside and the finished chops will be soft, tender and very juicy. Brown the pork without turning over for about 3 minutes on one side.

As soon as the meat is browned, turn over, fry on the other side. If in doubt about the readiness of the meat, after frying, transfer the chops to a saucepan and place in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 5-7 minutes.

Serve pork chops marinated in mustard with vegetable salad, fresh vegetables or any side dish. This dish is universal, so you can prepare a side dish for it for every taste - boil or fry potatoes, cook buckwheat or rice, millet or wheat porridge, cook stewed cabbage,

The secret of the success of the recipe for pork chops lies not only in the high quality of the pork, but also in the nuances of working with meat, from pre-preparation to frying. An ideal side dish for chops will be salads made from fresh or boiled vegetables - beets, carrots, green peas, etc. Fans of more satisfying side dishes can serve mashed potatoes or boiled rice with chops.

Cooking time: 40 minutes / Yield: 7 chops


  • pork pulp or neck 500 g,
  • large egg 2 pcs.,
  • wheat flour 150 g,
  • salt 1 tsp,
  • ground black pepper 1 tsp,
  • dried tomatoes 1 tsp,
  • vegetable oil for frying 6 tbsp. l.,
  • greens for decoration 1 bunch.


    We wash the pork, wipe it with a paper towel and cut it along the muscle fibers into seven even pieces 1 cm thick. To make fresh meat easier to cut, put it in the freezer for 20 minutes - let it freeze slightly.

    We wrap the cutting board with cling film and lay out two pieces of meat on top at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. We cover the meat on top with a separate piece of cling film and beat off on one side with a meat hammer. We remove the film, turn the slices over, cover with film and beat off the back side.

    Sprinkle each piece with a pinch of salt and black pepper. Set the chops aside. In this way we prepare all the meat. Cling film helps keep the cutting board and chopsticks from getting dirty, which is very convenient, especially if it is made of wood. This approach also saves time and effort: in one run, you can process several pieces of meat at once.

    When all the meat is beaten off and sprinkled with spices, break the eggs into the bowl and chop them with a fork.

    Add a teaspoon of dried tomatoes to the eggs and mix. If there are none, you can add any spices for pork.

    For convenience, we put beaten eggs, flour and pieces of beaten meat nearby.

    We take one future chop and first immerse it in eggs with spices.

    Then we take it out of there and roll it in flour, first on one side.

    Then turn over to the other side. If you want the breading on the chops to be thick, you can dip the meat again in the eggs, and then roll in flour on both sides. This can be done several times, but the final step must be rolling the meat in flour.

    Heat a frying pan on the stove, pour in a tablespoon of vegetable oil. We make the strongest fire and lay out the chops. Fry first on both sides for 10 seconds. This is done in order to “seal” the capillaries in the meat, and the chops turn out juicy.

    Then reduce the heat to a minimum and fry the chops for three minutes on each side until golden brown. Add the rest of the vegetable oil to the pan as needed.

    Put the prepared pork chops on a dish, put fresh herbs on top and serve.

It would seem that it could be easier than cooking pork chops. This process takes a minimum amount of time and provides a delicious, satisfying dinner. But quite often it turns out not at all what was planned. It's time to open the curtain and share the secrets of cooking pork chops that literally melt in your mouth, juicy, tender, soft and have nothing to do with rubber or soles.

There are several secrets to cooking pork chops that every housewife should know.

1. What meat to choose

A tastier, healthier dish will come from homemade chilled meat. Do not spare money - it is better to overpay a little, but the product will be an order of magnitude higher in quality.

2. Meat with or without bone

Delicious can be prepared from tenderloin or meat on the bone. The process of cooking meat on the bone takes more time, but at the same time it makes it possible to get a tender piece with a crispy crust. In addition, the bone gives a certain flavor and saturation to the meat.

3. How thick should the chop be?

The thickness of the meat determines how juicy the chop will be. Thickness 2-2.5cm is ideal. When cutting thinner pieces, the chances of getting a cracker increase significantly.

4.Warm the meat

It sounds funny, but this does not mean that you need to literally warm the meat. It is enough to take it out half an hour before cooking and let it warm at room temperature. Why is this needed? In this case, a uniform temperature is distributed over the meat, when frying, there will be no such situation in which a crispy crust forms on the outside, and the dish is raw inside. Staying out of the refrigerator will cook the meat evenly, resulting in an excellent result - a juicy chop with a golden crust.

5. Is it necessary to marinate:

To evenly distribute the taste of spices, you need to grate the chops with salt, sprinkle with pepper. To achieve a beautiful and golden brown crust, you can grease the meat with olive oil before marinating.

If time permits, you can marinate the meat in a saline solution with spices and spices for half an hour. Such a marinade will make the structure looser, which will provide juiciness and softness to the chops.

6. How to cook

For a tasty chop, it is very important not to overcook it. The oven will allow you to control this process. First you need to fry the meat in a pan on one side, after turning it over to the other side, place it in the oven. Bake until fully cooked.

Marinade for pork chops

A marinade that is simple in composition can give an unusual, interesting taste to chops. Undoubtedly, the dish will turn out juicy and tender.

  • Soy sauce - 3 tbsp.
  • Ground cinnamon, ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp each.
  • Honey - 1 tsp
  • Garlic - 1 clove

Cooking process:

1. Mix soy sauce with honey (it is convenient to use deep dishes).

2. Pass the garlic through a press (dried is also suitable - 1 tsp), send it there with cinnamon.

3. Pour ground black pepper, mix well until honey dissolves.

4. In the prepared marinade, immerse the meat beaten with a hammer for an hour and a half.

After aging in the marinade, it must be wiped with a paper towel and dipped in breading. You can bread as you like - in flour, breadcrumbs. A good option is to pre-dip in egg batter, and then breaded. It will turn out tasty and original if you add sesame seeds.

Fry the chops over medium heat until a crust forms (3-4 minutes on both sides). Delicious juicy, soft chops with notes of cinnamon, a touch of soy sauce are ready - hurry to the table!

Bon appetit!

Pork chops with cheese and tomato in the oven

A simple recipe for pork chops in the oven will not leave anyone indifferent.

Required Ingredients:

  • Pork loin - 1 kg.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese - 80 gr.
  • Mayonnaise - 40 gr.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Garlic - a few cloves
  • bunch of parsley
  • Salt, black and red pepper, spices for meat - to taste

Cooking process:

1. Cut the pork into portioned slices 1.5 cm thick, beat with a hammer on both sides.

2. Rub in the spices.

3. Leave to marinate for 20 minutes.

4. In the meantime, it is necessary to prepare the rest of the products - finely chop the greens, cut the onion and tomato into thin half rings, peel the garlic.

5. After the meat has marinated, grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil, put the chops in one layer.

6. Preheat the oven to 220 degrees, place a baking sheet, bake for 15 minutes until golden brown.

7. While the chops are baking, you need to prepare the sauce - finely chop the garlic, mix with mayonnaise.

8. Get the meat out of the oven, drain the excess liquid from the baking sheet. Brush the outside of the chops with the sauce.

10. Sprinkle with plenty of grated cheese.

11. Place the meat in the oven for a maximum of 7 minutes (until an appetizing cheese crust forms).

Serve chops with fresh vegetables, your favorite side dish.

This is delicious.

How to make delicious pork chops in a pan

Cooking chops in a pan is a classic way. It is unlikely that someone will call it dietary, but the excellent taste is worth pampering yourself sometimes.

Grill pans are gaining more and more popularity, which allow you to fry meat on your own fat, giving it an attractive mesh. But not everyone has such a device - it does not matter. And in a simple frying pan, you can cook delicious chops using a minimal amount of oil (you just need to know the secrets).

Required Ingredients:

  • Pork - at the rate of 200 gr. for 1 portion.
  • Olive oil (marinade).
  • Vegetable oil (frying).
  • Herbs, spices, salt.
  • Lemon juice.
  • Flour.

From the kitchen inventory you will need cling film and a hammer.

Cooking process:

1. If the meat is frozen, then you need to cut it into portions until completely defrosted (you will get even, neat slices). The best option is a fresh product, which has more nutrients, chops will be more juicy. The product must be at room temperature. Otherwise, it will cling to the outside with a crust, and inside it will be raw.

2. It is not advisable to wash the meat before cooking. The fibers cannot be thoroughly washed, and the heat treatment will do its job - all the harmful things will go away on their own. If you are categorically against this method and your hands reach out to wash a piece of meat under running water - wash it, but be sure to blot the moisture with a paper towel. This is an important point.

In order for the fibers to remain intact, it is necessary to wrap each piece with cling film before beating. You shouldn't try too hard - a few light strokes are enough.

3. It's time for the marinade. No time, are you sure about the quality of the product? - Skip this item. However, remember that marinated meat is more tender, aromatic. Making a marinade is very simple - just mix your favorite spices, salt, herbs in a small bowl, add lemon juice, olive oil. You should get the consistency of a thick sauce. Grate the pieces on both sides with the resulting composition, put in a bowl, cover with a towel and let it brew for half an hour.

4. Well-marinated chops should be blotted with a kitchen paper towel. In this case, we will breading in flour and if you do not get the excess moisture wet, then the breading layer will turn out to be too thick. So what, you say? So you can't wipe.

Pour a hill of flour on a table, board or plate. Roll each piece of meat. Again, this point can be skipped. But in this case, dipping with a towel is not necessary. Olive oil, which is in the marinade, will provide products with a golden crust.

5. It is good to heat a frying pan with a thick bottom. Do not be afraid to burn the meat, it is important for us that a strong crust grabs as quickly as possible.

When the pan is hot, sprinkle it with water. The pork fat will melt and the meat won't stick. Next, you need to put the chops in the pan. The main thing is not to put too much at once. The fact is that the temperature of the dishes will begin to decrease and nothing good will come of it. It is better not to rush - fry 2 pieces.

Fry the meat for 5 minutes on each side. You do not need to turn over to the other side ahead of time. If the pan is very hot and the dish begins to burn (check with a spatula), then you need to fry for 2.5 minutes, twice on each side.

6. Put finished products on foil, wrap tightly, place in a container with a lid. The dish must be given the opportunity to reach readiness, for this we do not let it cool for 10 minutes. During this time, the juice will be distributed evenly.

The chops were infused, saturated with aromas, became soft, juicy, tender. It's time to bring it to the table.

Any garnish will do.

Bon appetit!

Recipe for pork chops with cheese and mushrooms in the oven with photo

Chops prepared according to this recipe can become your signature dish. The process is not complicated, but as a result - a delicious dish that is suitable for a family dinner in a narrow circle and a festive table.

Required ingredients for 2 servings:

  • Pork - 300 gr.
  • Tomato - 1 pc.
  • Champignons - 6 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 50 gr.
  • Vegetable oil for frying mushrooms, greasing the baking sheet
  • Salt, pepper mixture to taste

Cooking process:

1. Wash the meat under running water, dry it dry with a paper towel. Cut into portioned pieces with a thickness of at least 1 cm (if you cut it thinner, then a juicy, tender chop will not work).

2. Salt and pepper the meat on each side. Let marinate for half an hour. The longer it marinates, the tastier it will be. You can marinate the day before cooking.

3. Prepare the filling for the top layer. You need to wash the mushrooms and cut into slices.

4. Heat a little vegetable oil in a pan. Fry the mushrooms over medium heat (10 minutes is enough).

5. Cool mushrooms, cut.

6. Wash the tomatoes, cut into cubes (it is desirable that the pieces are identical to the mushrooms in size).

7. Mix mushrooms with tomatoes, add salt and pepper to taste.

8. Lubricate a baking sheet or baking dish with vegetable oil, place the meat.

9. Put the tomato-mushroom filling on top of the chops with a spoon. At the same time, you need to leave a little space around the edges so that it looks prettier, and the filling does not crumble.

10. Preheat the oven to 200-210 degrees. Cover the baking dish tightly with foil, place in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

11. Finely grate hard cheese.

12. 10 minutes before readiness, remove the form from the oven, remove the foil.

13. Sprinkle meat with cheese. Place back in the oven until the cheese is melted (there should be no crust).

14. After the time has elapsed, remove the chops from the oven.

See our video for more details:

The finished dish is served hot, with your favorite side dish, fresh vegetables, herbs.

The taste of each dish can be improved by following some tips:

  • Before frying, the meat must be dried (soaked with a paper towel), otherwise excess moisture will spoil the taste when it gets into the pan.
  • In the case of using frozen meat, it must be thawed in natural conditions (on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator). If you defrost in the microwave, the taste of the chops may change for the worse.
  • Beating slices of meat with a hammer should be easy, the piece should not be so thin that it shines through. There is a high risk of getting an inedible piece of rubber instead of tender meat.
  • As it turned out, cooking pork chops is not so difficult. The most important thing is to choose a good product and follow the recipe, the cooking method. Do not neglect the tips that will help you prepare delicious, juicy, tender chops for dinner.

Usually, pork chops are made from the butchery part of pork. The best option is a neck or loin. This dish always turns out juicy, tender and unusually tasty. It is suitable for a gala dinner as a hot one, and for an ordinary family dinner, because. it is quick and easy to prepare, especially in a simple version.

Pork is soft, tender, juicy meat, so it is much easier to cook delicious chops from it than a similar dish from beef or poultry. Many chefs like to specially cook and marinate meat, while the chops are incredibly airy, there are a lot of marinating options.

The cooking technique of this dish allows the use of different kitchen utensils. Along with the traditional pork chop in a pan, the pork chop in the oven is excellent. It is less fried, better steamed. If you have a piece of pork, and unexpected guests are on the doorstep, cook pork chops, there are enough recipes for this simple and very tasty dish. Pork chop in a pan, the recipe is simple and straightforward. Pork chop in the oven, the recipe requires a little more cooking time, but the quality of the dish is worth it. In fact, the recipe for pork chop in the oven does not differ in the preparation of meat, the difference is in the method of heat treatment. In both versions, the “pork chop with cheese” dish has proven itself well, since these products are perfectly combined and mutually complement each other.

In preparation for the preparation of the chop, it is advisable to carefully study not only the recipes themselves, but also the photographs of the pork chop. The photo helps novice cooks a lot, gives tips and advice. Therefore, do not wait for guests to come to you, already study the intricacies of cooking pork chop, recipes with photos of which are on the site. Just look at properly cooked and beautifully decorated pork chops in a pan, recipes with photos of this dish will not leave anyone indifferent.

Cooking pork chops means giving yourself and your loved ones pleasure, and eating them at a festive table in a good company is a double pleasure!

For real chops, you need to take only fresh, by no means frozen meat. Suitable shoulder blade, ham, brisket, loin;

T-bone chops look beautiful and festive; this option is recommended for dinner parties and celebrations;

The following products go well with the taste of pork: honey, prunes, various sweet and sour sauces, cheese, mustard, white wine;

Cover the meat with cling film to beat it off;

For juiciness of meat, before beating, sprinkle it with cold water, and make cuts on the layers of fat. This will allow the meat not to shrink during the cooking process;

You need to lay the meat on a hot frying pan so that it is “sealed” and does not give out juice. If cooking in the oven, the meat can also be pre-fried a little in a pan;

Try a marinade for chops based on a mixture of ketchup and honey;

You can additionally add tenderness to the meat if, at the end of frying, pour the meat with dry white wine and simmer for several minutes;

For the same purpose, you can mix vegetable oil with butter and rub the meat with spices before beating for better penetration of the marinade into the meat.