Delicate cake of 10 14 cakes. The most "delicate" cake

07.03.2020 Salads

The dough should turn out tender, similar to cream or sour cream.

Cover the bottom of a detachable form with a diameter of 18-20 cm with parchment and put the dough into it.

Soak each part of the biscuit with lemon syrup (or other sour syrup). Lemon syrup can be purchased at the store, you can cook yourself. To prepare lemon syrup at home, add sugar to the water, boil, when the sugar dissolves, pour in the lemon juice, mix - the syrup is ready! It should be completely chilled. Beat softened butter with condensed milk.

Let the white cream cool. In the meantime, bring the cream to a boil, add the chocolate broken into pieces, stir until smooth. Cool the chocolate mass.

Cover the top of the biscuit cake with melted chocolate mass and let it harden in the refrigerator. Next, decorate the sides of the cake with protein cream using a pastry syringe or a bag with a nozzle at your discretion.

From above, I decorated the biscuit cake with roses and leaves, adding food coloring to the protein cream. Sprinkle the cake with some grated white chocolate. Again, send the cake to the refrigerator for at least 5-6 hours, and preferably all night. Delicate biscuit cake is ready - incredibly tasty, airy and beautiful!

Enjoy your meal!

Almost all housewives want to have the simplest and most tender, very tasty cake in their piggy bank. The recipe for such a cake exists in real life. Cooking it is absolutely not difficult, so any novice hostess can handle it.
- a can of condensed milk;
- 2 eggs;
- 250 grams of flour;
- 1 sachet of vanilla sugar;
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder.

- 1 glass of water;
- 0.5 cups of sugar;
- 2-3 tablespoons of liquor, brandy, cognac.

- 500 grams of sour cream;
- 1 glass of powdered sugar;
- nuts, raisins, dried fruits or candied fruits as desired.

Recipe with photo step by step:

In order to get a tender cake, the first thing to do is to cook the cakes. To do this, condensed milk is poured into a deep bowl and 2 eggs are driven in.

After that, the sifted flour and baking powder are added.

You can start mixing the dough with a spoon, gradually you will need to continue kneading the dough with your hands. Knead the dough until it stops sticking to your hands. If flour is not enough, then it is worth adding it. Everything will depend on the density of the condensed milk and the size of the eggs.

The dough can be allowed to rest for five or ten minutes. This is the best time to cover it. After resting, the dough is divided into pieces of the same size. There can be from 4 to 6 such pieces. Each piece of dough is rolled out in the form of a circle.

The oven heats up to 180 degrees. Bake the cakes for 5 to 7 minutes. Everything will depend on the oven.
Cakes should be completely cool.

For impregnation, you need to heat water and dissolve sugar in it. When the water has cooled, add cognac.

To prepare the cream, sour cream is whipped with sugar and vanilla sugar.

In order to assemble the cake, you need to put a tablespoon of cream on the dish. The first cake is laid out on this cream, which must be soaked in syrup and smeared with cream. On top of the cream, you can spread dried fruits, nuts or raisins.

Thus, the whole cake is collected. When the cakes are cut off, the trimmings remain, which can be crushed with a rolling pin and sprinkled over the cake.

In order for the cake to be tender, it must be well soaked. To do this, you can put a large bag on the form with a cake and put the cake in the refrigerator overnight for soaking.

The next day, the cake will be the most tender and delicious. Cakes are very tender and tasty due to condensed milk. Impregnation with alcohol allows you to give a very delicate and delicate aroma.

Cake Tenderness really has a delicate taste, it literally melts in your mouth. At the same time, the dessert is quite satisfying, to remove cravings for sweets, you are unlikely to need more than two pieces with tea. The recipe is incredibly simple, easy and fast.

Tenderness in the dessert is provided by the taste of condensed milk, with which the cakes are generously soaked. Even in the photo, this dessert looks very tender. The cake has a traditional, and therefore win-win taste, such tenderness will surely delight your guests.

For fans of the chocolate taste, we specially inform you that such a taste can be easily given to these pastries by slightly changing the recipe. To do this, add a few tablespoons of cocoa powder to the cake dough, then the cake will turn into chocolate tenderness. It will turn out very tasty too. And the cake will look more chocolate, and not as light as in the photo.

The baking recipe consists of the following ingredients: one can of condensed milk, 500 grams of flour, one egg, 1 teaspoon of soda.

For the cream, we need: 2 eggs, 500 ml of milk, one glass of sugar, two tablespoons of flour, vanillin, 200 g of butter. We will decorate the tenderness dessert with 100 g of dark chocolate and almonds.

Let's start by making the cream. To do this, take a deep saucepan or stewpan and break eggs into it, add sugar and milk to them. Beat the ingredients with a mixer. Then add flour and vanillin there. Start the mixer again.

Put the saucepan on a slow fire, cook and stir constantly until the contents thicken. To understand that the cream has thickened well, air bubbles will help you, which will begin to appear on the surface. This means that it is time to remove the cream from the heat and give it time to cool.

While the cream is cooling, let's prepare the dough. Pour the condensed milk into a deep bowl, then break an egg into it. Mix these two ingredients with a spoon. Then pour some more flour there and work with a spoon again. Then add the remaining flour and knead the dough with your hands. The recipe does not require too steep dough kneading. On the contrary, in order for the cake to correspond to the name tenderness, the dough must be soft, not sticky to the hands.

The photo shows that a cake called tenderness consists of many cakes, at least six or seven pieces. Therefore, now we form a sausage from the resulting dough and cut it into the number of pieces we need. These will be future cakes.

So, we take one piece of dough, roll it out with a rolling pin, and cut it into a circle shape. You can put a plate on the dough and circle its outline. Then the cakes will turn out to be perfectly round in shape, as in the photo.

The recipe is different in that the cakes for it are cooked in a pan. We bake the cakes in a dry hot frying pan on both sides until each side is browned.

From the rest of the dough, also form cakes, as a result there will be about ten of them, as the recipe suggests. In the photo, the cake looks very layered.

Cake assembly

Before collecting tenderness dessert, while the cakes are cooling down, let's go back to the cream for a while. In the cooled cream, put the melted butter, and beat everything together again with a mixer. Now the cream recipe is fully respected.

Now let's assemble the cake. We put the first cake on a beautiful dish, grease it generously with cream, and so on all the other cakes, including the top one.

At the very top of the tenderness dessert, grate bitter chocolate and spread the almonds. Now it will turn out beautifully, as in the photo. We send the sweetness to the refrigerator, best of all at night. Although, if you did not decide in advance to bake a cake, but right today, then a few hours in the refrigerator will be enough.

Place the raisins in a bowl of hot water and leave for 30 minutes. Then discard in a colander, rinse and dry. Dissolve 25 g of gelatin in 100 ml of warm water. Dissolve the remaining gelatin in grape juice.

Crush cookies into crumbs. Break dark chocolate into small pieces and melt in a water bath. Add biscuits and raisins to chocolate, mix. Line the bottom and sides of a detachable form with a diameter of 22 cm with parchment. Pour in the chocolate mixture, smooth the surface and refrigerate.

Grate white chocolate on a coarse grater. Beat sour cream with sugar until it is completely dissolved. Add grated chocolate and gelatin dissolved in water. Mix.

Whip cream into stiff peaks. Gently fold into sour cream mixture. Put in a mold on a chocolate substrate, smooth the surface and return to the refrigerator for at least 1.5 hours.

Warm the gelatin diluted in juice slightly, stirring constantly, then allow to cool. Wash grapes, dry. Cut each berry in half and remove the seeds. Lay the grapes on top of the cake.

Brush the top of the cake well with the gelatin mixture and refrigerate until completely set, about 3 hours.