Recipe for raspberry liqueur on vodka or alcohol. How to make raspberry liqueur: the best recipes

15.09.2019 Salads

Among traditional Russian alcoholic drinks, homemade raspberry liqueur occupies a special place - both tasty and healthy. There are two basic cooking recipes: by insisting on vodka and by natural fermentation. Each option has advantages and disadvantages. We will look at both methods.

The most important thing is to first carefully sort out the raspberries, leaving only unspoiled, juicy berries for pouring. Just a few rotten or moldy berries can irreparably spoil the taste of the drink.

Raspberry liqueur on vodka

A simpler and stronger option. Any alcohol base will do: vodka, well-purified moonshine, alcohol or cognac diluted to 40-45 degrees.


  • raspberries - 4 kg;
  • vodka (moonshine, diluted alcohol) - 1.5 liters;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Sugar can be replaced with 600 grams of liquid honey, do not bring the syrup to a boil at the 5th stage, but only heat it up to 40 ° C and stir until the honey is completely dissolved, then the high temperature will not destroy the beneficial substances.


1. Pour raspberries lightly crushed with a wooden rolling pin into a jar or glass bottle.

2. Pour in vodka, the alcohol level should overlap the berries by at least 2-3 cm, add more alcohol if necessary.

3. Close the container tightly, leave to infuse for a week in a warm, dark place. Shake once a day.

4. Filter the resulting raspberry infusion through gauze.

5. Squeeze the pulp, mix the resulting cake with water and sugar in a saucepan, bring to a boil, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, removing the foam. Remove the finished syrup from the stove and cool.

6. In a warm (room temperature) syrup, add the previously drained raspberry vodka, mix.

7. Strain the drink through gauze, then pour into a clean container for further infusion. Close tightly.

8. Transfer homemade raspberry liqueur to a dark, cool place and leave for 30 days to mature.

9. Filter through cotton wool, pour into bottles for storage, close with lids. In the refrigerator or cellar, the shelf life is 12-14 months. Fortress - 14-16 degrees.

Filtered vodka liqueur

Raspberry pour without vodka

The classic recipe for a natural drink, the strength will give fermentation - the transformation of sugar into alcohol by yeast. The technology is similar to making wine.


  • water - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 800 grams;
  • raspberries - 2 kg.


1. Add raspberries and sugar to a three-liter jar, pouring in layers.

Attention! It is advisable not to wash the raspberries so that wild wine yeast remains on the surface, and pre-sterilize the jar.

2. Pour in water. There should be at least 2-3 cm of free space left in the jar, which is needed for foam during fermentation.

3. Gently crush the berries using a wooden rolling pin.

4. Install a water seal on the neck of the jar (medical glove with a hole in the finger). Place the container in a warm, sunny place, such as a windowsill.

The active phase of fermentation - the glove "votes"

5. At first, foam will appear and the glove will inflate, and after 20-45 days, when the raspberry liqueur is ready, the glove will fall off (the water lock will stop bubbling).

Pouring is a fairly well-known and beloved alcoholic drink by many, moreover, it is widely used for medicinal purposes. Well, what other berry, if not raspberries, can boast such a magical taste, aroma and beneficial properties? It is rich in a large amount of vitamin C, trace elements, as well as folic and salicylic acids. Moreover, most of the beneficial substances contained in raspberries pass into products prepared from this berry.

We will tell you about several ways to prepare raspberry liqueurs: on moonshine, vodka and without the addition of alcohol. The preparation of this product does not require any special equipment, so almost every family has its own "signature" liqueur recipe.

This drink is a completely natural product obtained by natural fermentation. At home, raspberry liqueur can be prepared in a relatively short period of time, but it requires some effort. However, homemade raspberry liqueur will pay off your efforts with interest. The drink is rich in taste and aroma. And how nice it will be, having opened a bottle, to enjoy the memories of the past summer and savor every sip of this wonderful raspberry miracle!

raspberry liqueur recipe

Required products:

  • Vodka - 1 liter.
  • Raspberries - 1.5 kg.
  • Water - 650 ml.
  • Sugar - 550 grams.

How to make vodka liqueur:

  1. It is better not to wash raspberries, just beforehand it will need to be carefully sorted out: remove greens, roots, bad fruits.
  2. Pour the berries into a container and mash thoroughly using a potato masher, fork or blender.
  3. Pour vodka and 350 ml of water into the resulting gruel, mix everything well.
  4. Infuse the mass in a warm place for 10 days, do not forget to mix it well every evening.
  5. The infused mass should be filtered, carefully squeezing out the raspberry cake.
  6. In the resulting infusion, add sugar syrup, boiled from 300 ml of water and granulated sugar, mix and again remove the container with the contents in a warm place. Repeat the nightly procedure for mixing the raspberry mass.
  7. After 14 days, filter the liqueur again and pour the drink into jars.

It should be borne in mind that the raspberry liqueur prepared according to this recipe is quite strong, but the notes of alcohol are practically not felt in it.

By the way, if you fill in the raspberry cake left after squeezing with moonshine or vodka, then after 3 weeks you will get an excellent raspberry tincture.

Raspberry liqueur recipe without alcohol


  • Ripe raspberries - 8 kg.
  • Sugar - 3.3 kg.

Cooking method:

  1. Process the berries: remove twigs and leaves.
  2. Put carefully in a jar, sprinkle evenly with granulated sugar.
  3. Wrap the neck of the jar with gauze.
  4. Place the bowl of raspberries in direct sunlight for 5-6 days. Periodically, at least a couple of times a day, shake the contents of the jar.
  5. After the allotted time, put a bag on the neck of the jar, wrap it with an elastic band and put it in a dark place for a month. During this time, the fermentation process will just be completed.
  6. Pass the finished liquor through the filter - it can be gauze folded in several layers or a fine sieve.
  7. Pour into a beautiful container, store in a cool place.

Gooseberries and raspberries: a simple liqueur recipe


  • Gooseberries - 1.5 kg.
  • Raspberries - 0.5 kg.
  • Moonshine 60% - 300 ml.


  1. For this recipe, you will need a large glass container. Put the washed and peeled gooseberries in it, pour in the alcohol. Let the berries infuse in a dark place for exactly a month.
  2. Then add the raspberries, mix the mixture well, and return the container to its original place for another week.
  3. Strain the resulting liqueur into bottles, you can throw out the berries.

Added a couple of tablespoons of honey will give the drink a special fragrant notes.

Recipe for a light and sweet liqueur


  • Ripe raspberries - 5 kg.
  • Boiled water - 1 liter.
  • Vodka - 1.5 liters.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.


  1. Sort the raspberries, put in a glass container and mash slightly.
  2. Pour in alcohol, then, covering the neck of the container with a cloth, infuse the drink for 8 days in a warm place.
  3. Strain the present product.
  4. Stir the cake with water, add sugar, heat, without bringing the mixture to a boil. Pour in raspberry vodka, mix and put it back in a warm place for infusion, only now for 21 days.
  5. After three weeks, all that remains is to filter the liqueur and a drink with a tart, sweet taste of medium strength is ready.

Whichever of the proposed recipes you choose, the berries should first be carefully sorted out, removing roots and spoiled fruits, otherwise the taste of the liqueur will suffer.

Among the features of the alcoholic drink that comes out of these berries, it should be noted the softness of taste, unsurpassed aroma, excellent compatibility with other ingredients in cocktails. Of course, a lazy person can go to the store and buy raspberry vodka there, but believe me, it cannot be compared with a home-made product. Moreover, in the case of liquor, you have more than one recipe and all the possibilities for a fine selection of ingredients and obtaining a result that exactly meets your taste. Let's take a closer look at a variety of recipes.

Raspberry liqueur

Preparing raspberries

So, option number one includes only two ingredients: raspberries and vodka. Raspberries for harvesting should ideally be from a home garden, the same one that you ate from a bush in the summer. If you don’t have such wealth, but you want to make liquor, go to the market - the product from local grandmothers is also good. If the market is unlucky, the berry can be purchased at the supermarket, although here it may lose its aroma due to storage and transportation conditions.

If such berries come across, take them without a doubt.

Raspberry varieties Meeker

Choosing vodka

The second ingredient must also be chosen with great care, the taste and aroma of the final product depends on the quality of vodka, in case of failure, instead of raspberries, you will only smell alcohol, which is not very pleasant. Standard vodka can serve as a guide, do not buy products cheaper and of lower quality if you want to get an acceptable result.

Choose quality vodka

Cooking features

After the ingredients are purchased, we proceed to their processing. We pour out two liters of raspberries, remove the ponytails from the berries, so as not to spoil the taste of the drink with excessive astringency. We wash and sort with special care - everything unripe and overripe, turned into porridge, damaged by insects and diseases should be filtered out. Now that only the best berries have been selected, pour them into a jar and fill with vodka so that the liquid completely covers the raspberries. The mixture should be further mixed, after which the jar can be closed and placed in a dry and warm place.

Vodka should be infused for at least 7 days, during this week, stir the contents of the jar every day, and after the expiration date, try what you got. First of all, pay attention to the raspberry notes in the taste and the corresponding aroma, if these signs are not sufficiently pronounced, you should replace the berries (pre-treatment according to the scheme above) and continue infusion until you are finally satisfied with the taste. At this stage, it remains to filter the liquid, for which, for example, a coffee filter is suitable. In the final version, which will be stored in the refrigerator, there should be no sediment or suspension.

Please note that the recipe does not contain specific proportions of vodka and raspberries, because there is no friend for the taste and color. In this case, both the quality of the original ingredients and your diligence in mixing can greatly affect the final result. At the initial stage of mastering the recipe, practice on small test volumes, so you can calculate the proportion that you personally like. Regarding the options for "semi-dry" and "semi-sweet" tinctures, the proportions do not affect as much as the original sweetness of raspberries. Check the berries when buying, because you can’t solve the problem with sugar in the process of preparing the liqueur. If the final result did not suit you in terms of sweetness, we recommend using this liqueur as part of cocktails, and prepare another one for individual use. Finally, there are two ingredients in this drink and in your experiments there should also be two of them (in various proportions), you should not add other fruits or berries, since the compatibility of raspberries with them is very doubtful. The result, as a rule, upsets the experimenters both in taste and in appearance.

Alternatives with sugar

Of course, lovers of home-made strong drinks could not limit themselves to one option, because berries and fruits can be turned into alcohol by fermentation, by mixing with pure alcohol and many other liquids. We will not limit ourselves to fantasy and we will consider another option for vodka, however, it is significantly different in technology.

We will need 1.3 kilograms of raspberries, a liter of vodka, as well as 700 milliliters of water (400 at the first stage and 300 for syrup) and 400-600 grams of sugar. Yes, this recipe has completely different approaches, both to the ingredients and to the consistency. Rinse the berries through a colander, drain the remaining water. It is not necessary to separate or somehow specially wash the crumpled raspberries that have let the juice, because then we will turn the entire berry mass into porridge. Pour the raspberries into a jar, crush (a rolling pin or pestle is suitable for this operation), add vodka and water, mix all the ingredients properly. Obviously, in this case, the interaction between raspberries and the alcohol-containing liquid will be more active. However, in terms of time, the infusion period takes 8-10 days, the place should be sunny. Infusion is accompanied by periodic mixing of the contents.

Water Vodka

Having met the deadlines, you can move on to filtering the liqueur. For this, as a rule, gauze is used, folded in several layers, do not forget to squeeze the cake. When the infusion is properly filtered, syrup (200-300 milliliters of water and sugar) is added to it, after which the components are mixed and another waiting period begins.

At this stage, you will have to wait two to three weeks, keep an eye on the drink all the time, filter the precipitate that may form in the process. Your expectation and diligence will be generously rewarded, according to this recipe you will get a strong drink at the exit, but with a very mild taste, where alcohol itself is practically not felt.

The cake obtained from the filtering and pressing process can be reused to make raspberry tincture according to another recipe, for example, according to the principle of simply pouring vodka.

Another recipe involves adding sugar in its pure form, without boiling the syrup. In this case, initially, the berries are placed in a sunny place and wait until fermentation begins, with the material softened and acquiring a specific aroma, then they proceed like this. Put a layer of berries in a jar, sprinkle them with sugar, put another layer of raspberries on top and pour, when you consider the number of layers sufficient, pour the mixture with vodka until it is completely covered. The infusion period is 10 days, at the end the liquid is filtered (gauze, cotton wool is used as usual).

Gauze is used as a filter for liquid

I have one more recipe for those who are especially patient. In this case, very ripe raspberries are taken (300 grams, choose juicier varieties), high-quality vodka (half a liter, you can focus on the same Standard), purified, 100 grams of sugar and water. The preparatory stage includes cleaning of insects and stalks, so that only juicy berries remain. They, in turn, are washed in a colander with tap water (in order not to damage the berries, put gauze on the bottom), at the end of the procedure, wait until all the water has drained. Then the raspberries are poured into a jar and filled with vodka to a level two centimeters above the berry mass.

The jar closed with a lid is sent to a cold dark place - a basement or a refrigerator - for a period of two months. At the end of it, the fractions are separated: the infused vodka is poured into a bottle, and the raspberries remain in the jar.

Dark cool place - 2 months
Then refrigerator - 1.5 months

Next, we send the vodka to the refrigerator for a month and a half (yes, patience and patience again), and add sugar to the jar, close and shake. Now you can put it next to raspberry vodka, but do not forget to check and shake it every two weeks. When a month and a half of shaking is finally over, vodka and candied raspberries should be taken out of the refrigerator and heated under natural conditions to room temperature. Add boiling water to the jar, then strain and wait until the drained liquid has cooled. Finally, both components of the liquor should be combined and bottled for storage. The whole process takes about 3.5 months, but we note that the result is worth it.

As you can see, there are plenty of options with vodka, but it is not necessary to be limited to them, raspberries can be fermented without adding alcohol-containing products, or you can insist berries on liquids other than vodka. Each time you get a characteristic taste and aroma, but with its own twist.

The process takes a lot of time, but the result is worth it.

Cooking liquor on alcohol, cognac and moonshine

In this case, alcohol for liquor is taken especially strong - either pure alcohol at 96%, or diluted to 65%. It is recommended to choose berries with a sufficient sugar content, ripe and already soft (in this case, they will not have to be crushed additionally).

Raspberry on alcohol

Rinse the raspberries and put them in a jar in which you will continue to infuse, pour alcohol so that the liquid completely covers the berries. Close and place in a cool place out of direct sunlight. It is necessary to withstand the pouring for a month, after which it can be drained through the filter. If you need to add sugar to your taste, use sugar syrup (cook in a water bath so as not to spoil the taste with caramel notes). This way you will adjust the level of sweetness, also do not forget to dilute the result with water to get the desired level of strength, since the initial 65-96% is a bit too much.

Pouring on moonshine

Even more unusual options are liquor on moonshine and even cognac. For a moonshine drink, after washing, the berries should be mashed (you can use a meat grinder or a rolling pin / pestle). The classic volume in this case is a three-liter jar, where two liters of raspberries are poured, 3 tablespoons of natural honey are added and the remaining volume is poured with moonshine (45% strength). The terms of readiness of the infused product are determined by eye, a clear sign that the liqueur is ready is the discoloration of raspberries. Now it can be filtered and filtered, use gauze folded several times and a cotton pad for this.

Raspberry with cognac

For cognac pouring, proportions of 0.75:1 are used, where the largest measure refers to cognac. No sugar-containing products are added (neither honey nor syrup) in order to preserve the noble combination of cognac and raspberry taste. The cooking process is close to the first two-ingredient version of the vodka liquor - put raspberries in a jar, pour it with alcohol-containing liquid (cognac) to a level of 2-3 centimeters over the berries, close tightly and put in a warm place. The waiting period is 45-60 days, after which it can be drained and filtered. It is recommended to store the drink in the future in bottles in a cold place.

The resulting drink has two main uses - entertainment, in which the alcohol component of the liquor greatly contributes, and healing - raspberries, which are so rich in vitamins and other important biologically active substances, are responsible for this part. Feel free to offer raspberry liqueur to guests when you gather them at the table, just warn your friends about moderation. Considering the pleasant and sweet taste of the drink, you can forget about its strength and drink too much. In autumn and winter, when you don’t feel like going to anyone, but there is not enough heat, take out a raspberry liqueur and use it to warm up. It will be a good reason to use a cold, cough or sore throat. The prophylactic use of berry tincture contributes to a general increase in immunity and purification of blood vessels, preventing the possible formation of sclerotic plaques. The reason for this action is the chemical composition of raspberries, which includes "a lot of fiber, vitamins A, B, C, copper, iron, magnesium, essential oils, zinc, cobalt, as well as pectin, tannins and nitrogenous substances." Salicylic acid, which is contained in this product, will help to relieve the temperature during a cold. After consultation with a doctor, it is possible to use raspberries for the treatment of kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and anemia.

A good reason to use raspberry liqueur is a cold

However, there are contraindications to the use of raspberries both raw and in liqueurs. They are associated with possible allergic reactions to red berries, raspberries are not suitable for patients with nephritis or gout, constipation, stomach or duodenal ulcers. For liver problems, you should also be moderate in the use of raspberries. Finally, all the contraindications characteristic of alcohol apply to the liquor - pregnant, lactating women, children should refrain from drinking the liquor.

Raspberry liqueur is like a song. It absorbs the delicate and bright taste of summer berries, pleasantly intoxicates, looks beautiful. Its deep deep pink color is surpassed only by the intoxicating aroma of raspberries.

The usual strength of raspberry liqueurs is 10-20%, but it can be both higher and lower. Homemade raspberry liqueurs ripen from 1 to 6 months. Stored - from six months to a year: the more alcohol they contain and the lower the storage temperature, the longer your creation will last.

The benefits and harms of raspberry liqueur

Everyone has known about the healing properties of the forest (and now garden) beauty since childhood. If you have a cold - drink some tea with raspberry jam!

So, even more useful substances from this berry pass into the liqueur than into jam. Here you will find a whole vitamin complex (A, C, B-1, B-2, B-9, PP), the “good” iron, calcium and sodium, phosphorus and manganese, copper and cobalt that the body needs. In addition, the liqueur contains essential oils and salicylic acid, as well as many tannins.

In short, the drink gives youth and health to every organ in our body, brings down the temperature, removes toxins. But they drink it as a medicine not in glasses, but only 2 tablespoons each (but 3 times a day!). At the same time, you do not have to overturn a glass after a glass (although this is not bad), you can add a medicinal portion to tea or fruit drink, dilute it with water.

The liqueur also has pitfalls. It can not be abused - this time. Secondly, it is forbidden to drink for people with alcoholism, young children (due to the content of that very alcohol) and allergy sufferers.

By the way, with regard to allergies - people who react to anthocyanins can easily prepare a liquor from yellow raspberries. Such a drink will be much paler than the classic counterpart, but equally tasty and healthy.

Types of raspberry liqueur

Raspberry liqueur is prepared in several variations:

  • with and without alcohol;
  • with added sugar (fructose, honey) and without sweeteners;
  • only from raspberries or in a duet with other berries - strawberries, red currants, cranberries, etc.

Each of the options is delicious, fabulous, delicious in its own way. Raspberry liqueur is a great addition to desserts, ice cream, fruit cuts.

  1. Berries. Must be fresh, healthy, ripe, without signs of spoilage and decay, larvae and worms. Therefore, they need to be sorted out, throwing out the entire marriage. Berries are washed only at the request of the recipe, because there are technologies that use unwashed berries (to preserve natural yeast on their surface).

It is not advisable to use berries from the freezer; it is good to use them for cooking, or tinctures.

  1. Alcohol. We take any that exceeds a strength of 40% - vodka, cognac, fruit distillate of home origin, drinking ethyl alcohol diluted with water, etc. Don't skimp on it. Alcohol of dubious quality will spoil all the pleasure of the liquor. Of course, you should not take elite cognacs for liquor, but cloudy, foul-smelling moonshine, coupled with burnt vodka, are not intended for such a delicate drink.
  2. Spices. The component is optional. But if desired, a pinch can be introduced into any liqueur recipe. Cumin, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and mint leaves go well with raspberries.
  3. Sweeteners. Most often it is sugar. But it can be replaced with honey, fructose, or not used at all, preserving the original raspberry sourness in the liqueur.

How to prepare raspberries for liqueur

Preparation of berries should begin immediately after picking raspberries. Otherwise, they will let the juice go, and the larvae of raspberry bugs that accidentally get into the bucket will infect all the berries.

If the berries do not need to be washed according to the recipe, then they are sorted out one by one, carefully examining the areas inside the raspberries, and each spoiled place and each worm found in it are mechanically removed.

If the raspberries need to be washed, then they are first sorted out as described above, and then washed in small batches. A handful of berries are transferred to a colander, which is slowly immersed several times in a basin of water.

If there are a lot of raspberry bug larvae in the berries - such small white worms - we do this: we lower the harvested crop into salt water (1 tsp of salt per liter of water). We stand for 10-12 minutes, after which we drain the top layer of water with the floating larvae, and wash the berries themselves, putting them in a colander and lowering them into clean water.

Raspberry liqueur recipe (with vodka)

Fortress - 14-16%; output - about 1.5 l; stored - 1 year (at a temperature of 2-4 ° C).

Based on this recipe, you can make a “berry mix” liquor if you take 1 kg of raspberries and 1 kg of any other berries - strawberries, blackberries, red currants, etc.


  • raspberries - 2 kilos
  • sugar - 0.5 kilo or honey - 300 grams
  • strong alcohol (40-45%) - vodka (alcohol, moonshine) - 700 ml
  • water - 500 ml

The filling is prepared like this:

  1. Wash the raspberries and, if possible, dry them, lightly crush them with a pusher (made of wood) and pour them into a glass jar.
  2. Pour in alcohol. It should be 2-2.5 centimeters higher than raspberries. Therefore, be prepared that you will need additional alcohol.
  3. Close the jar with a PET lid and keep for 7 days in a place inaccessible to sunlight. To make the extract more concentrated, you need to shake the jar once a day.
  4. After a week, filter the tincture.
  5. Pour the squeezed cake with water and boil, cool slightly and filter. Pour sugar into the resulting liquid, bring to a boil again and then simmer for 5 minutes over low heat. Cool down.

If you use honey, then we do this: cake, diluted with water, bring to a boil, filter. We bring the temperature of the raspberry liquid to 40 ° C (either by cooling it, or vice versa - heating). Dissolve honey in it.

  1. Pour the strained raspberry tincture into the chilled sweet syrup, stir and filter through a gauze filter.
  2. The resulting alcohol is poured into a bottle and sent to the cellar for maturation. The liqueur will ripen for exactly a month.
  3. After 30 days, we take out the liquor, carefully separate it from the sediment and pour it into a container in which it is supposed to be stored.

You can diversify the recipe by introducing freshly squeezed filtered lemon juice into the recipe. It must be introduced before sending the liqueur for maturation in the amount of 20-30 ml per 0.5 l of liqueur.

Raspberry liqueur recipe (without vodka)

This recipe is made using a technology that is considered a classic for liqueurs. Alcohol is formed as a result of natural fermentation.

Fortress - 7-12%; output - about 1.5 l; stored - 1 year (at a temperature of 2-4 ° C).

Sort raspberries, but do not wash! Sterilize a glass jar (bottle with a wide mouth) of 4.5-5 liters, where the liqueur will be prepared. Prepare sterile gauze.


  • raspberries - 3 kilos
  • sugar - 1.2 kilos
  • boiled, cooled or bottled water - 300 ml

The filling is prepared like this:

  1. Put raspberries and sugar in a jar in layers: a layer of berries, a layer of sugar, berries, sugar, etc., until the prepared products run out. The last layer is sugar. No need to tamp.
  2. Pour in water carefully. The jar (bottle) should be filled to the shoulders, but not completely. Its volume - 4.5-5 liters - is the most suitable for the indicated amount of ingredients, but it all depends on the shape of the container.
  3. Lower the wooden pusher or rolling pin into the berries several times, kneading them slightly, but without stirring or rubbing.
  4. Tie the jar with gauze, closing its neck from the penetration of insects.
  5. Put the jar on the windowsill of a sunny window. After a few days (usually 3-4), the fermentation process should start - foam, a sour smell will appear.
  6. Now the gauze must be removed, and the jar closed either with a lid with a water seal, or with a rubber pharmacy glove perforated in the little finger.
  7. After 20-50 days, the fermentation will be completed, the "burbalki" on the water seal will disappear (the glove will fall off). This means that it's time to filter the liquor.

The resulting raspberry cake should not be thrown away. It can improve the taste of home distillates (moonshine). To do this, you just need to fill the cake with 50-55% alcohol.

  1. After filtering, we keep the drink for another 7-10 days in a cool place, and separate it from the sediment.
  2. Now pour the liqueur into a sterile container and cork, keep for 2-2.5 months in a cellar or basement (with a temperature of 5-16 ° C). If you want to make the drink stronger - before capping, you can add 40-45% alcohol to it. But this is optional.

Ready-made raspberry liqueur (naturally fermented) goes well with citrus juices - orange, lemon, lime. They are added to it before use at the rate of 20-30 ml per 0.5 liter of liquor.

Raspberry tincture is a tasty healthy drink that can be prepared all year round from fresh and frozen berries. There are many recipes for obtaining it, but regardless of their characteristics, the berries are always sorted out, getting rid of spoiled fruits and twigs - they worsen the taste of the drink. An ideal liquid base for raspberry tincture is quality spirits from the store, refined moonshine and natural alcohol diluted to 45 ° C.

Classic raspberry recipe

To prepare the drink, you need to collect the following ingredients:

  • sugar - 500 g;
  • berries - 1.3 kg;
  • water - 400 and 300 g;
  • vodka - 1 l.

Next, put the raspberries in a colander, rinse with water and allow the liquid to drain. Crushed berries that have released juice are not washed. In any case, the product is poured into a jar and crushed with a rolling pin to a mushy state. At the next stage, water and alcohol are poured into the container and the composition is thoroughly mixed. The dishes are cleaned in a warm place for 10 days, and its contents are periodically shaken.

On the 11th day, they begin to filter the infusion. The product is passed through several layers of gauze and the cake is squeezed out. The liquid is combined with a syrup made from sugar and 300 ml of water, and removed for repeated infusion, but already for 2 to 3 weeks. As soon as the precipitate falls, the drink is drained. At the exit, it turns out to be strong, but it does not leave an alcohol aftertaste after use.

Fragrant cake can be poured with moonshine and let it stand for a couple of weeks. So from one set of components you get two different drinks.

Unsweetened Raspberry Pie Recipe

Having collected ripe clean berries in a bottle, they are poured with such an amount of vodka that they are completely covered with an alcoholic component. Then the container is gently shaken, achieving the dissolution of air bubbles. The jar is corked with a nylon lid and cleaned in a dark place for a 2-month infusion. The temperature in the room should be room temperature.

After the specified time, the liqueur is passed through a thick sieve. For 2 months, the berries should completely lose their color, and the cooked product should be saturated with raspberry juice and acquire a beautiful shade. If the drink seems sour, it can be diluted with honey or sugar syrup the day before drinking.

A surprisingly tasty drink is obtained from berries (750 g) and cognac (1 l). The absence of sugar in the recipe allows the liqueur to retain the specific taste of noble alcohol. Consider the cooking process step by step.

  1. Carefully selected berries are placed in a bottle.
  2. Cognac is added so much that its level exceeds the berry layer by 3 cm.
  3. The dishes are closed with a tight lid and removed for 2 months. in warm conditions.
  4. The drink is removed from the sediment and filtered through cotton wool.
  5. The finished drink is bottled.

Raspberry jam liqueur

The following recipe will help give new life to unnecessary raspberry jam. An important condition for obtaining a quality drink is the absence of mold in a jar of jam or jam. Otherwise, instead of tincture, you get mash.

The recipe for making jam liqueur is as follows:

  • 300 g of jam is put in a jar and poured with an alcoholic drink (300 g).
  • The contents of the bottle are well mixed and closed with a lid.
  • The dishes are cleaned for 4 days in a dark corner. If the jam has strayed into crystals, then it is recommended to visit the tincture a couple of times a day and shake the mass.
  • The drink is passed through a cotton-gauze bandage.

If you want to lower the strength of the finished liquor, add a little water to it.

Liquor "Fruit Mix"

The so-called blended tincture is obtained from an equal amount of ripe berries:

  1. blackberry;
  2. raspberry;
  3. currant;
  4. sour cherries.

The berries are ground on a sieve and the juice is collected, which is subsequently combined with moonshine (0.5 l), crushed black peppercorns (10 pieces) and 400 g of sugar (can be replaced with purified molasses).

The resulting mass is thoroughly stirred and poured into prepared containers. The drink is allowed to settle well, and then proceed to the tasting.

Raspberry ratafia

The recipe for this drink is also simple. 1 kg of berries are crushed and mixed with 3 liters of moonshine. The dishes are closed and left in a room where the mode is maintained at 19 - 21 ° C. After a few days, the mixture is filtered and 250 g of sugar are stirred into the liquid. Cinnamon, white pepper and nutmeg are sprinkled in a pinch.

Red currant and raspberry liqueur

The recipe for this drink requires the hostess:

  • berries of both shrubs - 300 g each;
  • moonshine - half a liter;
  • orange and lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sugar syrup - 1 glass;
  • cinnamon - 1 stick;
  • vanillin - 2 tsp

The sorted and washed berries are poured into a convenient jar and cinnamon with citrus is added. In the process of peeling oranges and lemons, they try to remove the white skin as much as possible. The whole mass is poured with moonshine and insisted for 1.5 months, periodically shaking the jar. The work is completed by filtering the product, adding syrup and vanilla sugar.

Vanilla raspberry liqueur

To enjoy this delicious drink, you need to pour half a kilo of high-quality berries with diluted alcohol (700 g) and leave for 2 weeks with continuous stirring. Next, the product is passed through gauze and cotton wool until completely clarified. The syrup is prepared from an equal amount of water and sugar, after which it is introduced into the liqueur along with vanilla sugar (20 g). The drink is aged for 1 week (or longer) and served at the table.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the recipes for alcoholic beverages. Their benefit lies in the content of essential oils, pectins, vitamins A, B, C, tannins, zinc, iron, cobalt, and other minerals. Periodic use of liqueurs and vodka infusions improves mood and relieves stress.

Contraindications to taking "hot" raspberry drinks are kidney problems, diabetes, gastritis, bronchial asthma, urolithiasis, gout and stomach ulcers. People with allergies are also not recommended to drink aromatic berry liquid. Other consumers can indulge in pleasure and indulge in a glass or two.

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