Is it possible to eat pasta during Lent? Lent: what is possible and what is not? Delicious recipes for Lenten dishes

13.02.2024 Salads

In the Epistle to the Romans of the Apostle Paul there are the words: “If your brother is grieved over food, then you are no longer acting out of love... Do not destroy with your food the one for whom Christ died.” During fasting and fasting days at work in a secular team, it is customary to celebrate birthdays, other non-church holidays and treat colleagues. In such cases, how not to violate Church discipline regarding fasting and at the same time act out of love, and not out of man-pleasing?

Hello, Evgeniy!

If you carefully read the 14th chapter of Romans, you will see that most of this chapter is devoted to instructions about not judging those who do not fast for one reason or another, and not about leaving the fast in order not to upset those who do not fast. Yes, in the lives of saints and patericons one can find situations where saints, out of love for their neighbors, broke the fast, but these were isolated cases, this was done with the deepest humility and love for their neighbors, and was isolated, not systematic.

At work, it is quite possible to come to the holiday, spend a little time with the team, and congratulate the hero of the occasion. But no one forces you to eat non-fast food!

Don't be ashamed to tell your colleagues that you are fasting. This may surprise them at first, but over time it will even earn them respect. On a table that gathers in honor of the New Year or another common holiday, you can always find something lean: fish, vegetables, fruits, olives, etc. Moreover, if the table is going to “share”, you can bring some kind of lean yourself food.

Why can't you get married during Lent? On Saturday and other days? Tatiana

Hello Tatiana!

Weddings do not take place on those days when Orthodox Christians must abstain from marital intimacy (fasting, the eve of fast days - Wednesdays, Fridays, and Sundays). In addition, fasting is a time of special repentance for sins; wedding celebrations during this period are inappropriate.

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Answer please! I keep a fast, but at work they don’t prepare Lenten food for us, because... basically no one follows it. And so, for example, I eat soup without meat, but with meat broth. Question: Is this considered to be breaking my fast? Should I give up the first course? Elena

Hello, Elena!

Yes, you are breaking your fast, and if possible, it is better to refuse the first course.

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Hello! Please tell me what is the right thing to do in such a situation? My husband and I have been living together for a month and a half. Got married, got married. But although he accepts my opinion about the fasts and life of a believer, he does not understand it. He wants a child. I don't want us to have quarrels. Family is very important...

Hello, Katerina!

You are right - if refusal of marital relations during Lent causes a negative reaction from the spouse and discord in the family, then there is no need to insist on this. According to the words of the Apostle Paul, it is not the wife who has power over her body, but the husband, and one must abstain from intimacy by mutual consent. In the future, try to agree with your spouse on abstinence on the eve of Communion and on the most important days: for example, during Holy Week of Lent. Pray for your spouse, ask the Lord to grant him faith and bring him to the temple.

God help you!

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Hello! Please tell me, is it possible to baptize a child during Lent? Marina

Hello, Marina!

Yes, you can baptize a child during Lent. Remember that it is important not only to baptize the baby, but also to raise him in Orthodoxy and regularly partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Good day! Is it possible to get married (register a marriage) during fasting?

Hello, Anastasia!

It is possible to register a marriage during Lent, but in this case it is better to coincide with the wedding and the beginning of family life, which can take place after the end of Lent (after August 28).

May God grant you to create a strong and happy family!

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Father, what should you do if it is difficult to fast, if by the end of the fast you have no appetite, although you want to eat? Everyone in our family fasts, but as fasting comes, problems with food begin. Everyone is lazy to cook (me too), and it turns out that it’s all pasta, potatoes and salad, and cookies with chocolate.

At the beginning of the fast I feel normal and physically tolerate the fast normally, but by the end I can barely stand it. When I fasted for the first time, I got a stomach ache, so I broke my fast. How to eat during fasting if you get sick during fasting?

Hello, Ulyana!

Yes, if serious health problems arise, then the fast can be weakened (with the blessing of the priest), but there is no need to bring yourself to such a state. After all, judging by your letter, your problems are not due to your health, but because you are too lazy to cook during Lent. The Lenten table can be varied, tasty, and healthy. By the way, oatmeal cooked in water is very useful for a sore stomach - what’s wrong with that? On our website there are recipes for lenten dishes, there are even special cookbooks, if you would like to cook!

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Hello. Help me please. My fiancee's parents are very negative about fasting and meatless foods. Every day her parents put pressure on her and force her to eat meat. I have already become involved in this, because they care about our health. We are far from fat and engage in intellectual work. It got to the point where they said there would be no wedding if we continued our fasting. What to do: eat meat for their sake and preserve peace, or go for an ever-increasing confrontation and continue to fast according to the rules?

Hello, Alexander! Unfortunately, your letter does not reflect the motives that prompt your bride’s parents to guard her health so zealously. If this is an anti-religious prejudice, pray for them, remember them in church. For example, order a magpie about their health. For now, it’s better to prefer family peace to fasting. But in confession it is obligatory to repent of not keeping the fast, explaining its reasons. Perhaps during confession the priest, having delved into the situation, will give you more specific and effective advice. Sincerely, priest Mikhail Samokhin.

What is needed for growth to occur so that fasting does not turn into just abstaining from food?

– During Lent, I always remember the story about St. Mitrophanius of Voronezh. He had a cell attendant whom he loved very much. And one day, towards the end of Lent, he goes to his cell and feels that his cell attendant’s room smells strongly of fish. The saint knocked, came in, and saw: the cell attendant was sitting with some man and, indeed, eating fish soup. He says: “Brother, how are you? Why suddenly? And he had a strict monastery, he himself was a strict faster. He answers: “You see, this is my fellow villager, a childhood friend, we were inseparable, he came to me for the first time in 15 years. And he brought fish as a gift. I can’t throw it away, otherwise it will disappear... And he and I cooked this fish soup...” “Well, okay,” says the saint. Mitrofaniy, “I’ll eat this kind of fish soup with you.” I sat down and ate. Not because I wanted to, but because compared to this friendship and love, the ban on fish during Lent was simply nothing... But you and I don’t need to break the food fast. What then do we observe if we violate it? Agreed - agreed. We must do it. It's a matter of loyalty. And there is practically no faith without fidelity.

Or here’s another post story. One of my friends had problems, and she went to see a spiritual person. The problems were real, very serious. She tells him: “I myself took upon myself such obedience, to read 2 kathismas a day for this trouble. This is fine?" And he: “Why 2 kathismas? For you, it all burns and dies. So take it and read the entire Psalter at once! And read it again, and read it again. Why are you mumbling..." And her life changed, really. If you really need something, then sacrifice something serious! Or do you want to pay 5 kopecks all the time? This means you simply don’t need anything - no good groom, no health for your children, no decent housing. Any sacrifice, everything that a person does, actually tearing blood from himself, instantly responds. Nobody wants you to suffer. And if you pay 5 kopecks every time, they will give you 5 kopecks. Nothing in life will change. If you read novels - you can’t be bothered by the ears, and the Psalter - 15 minutes, and even then not every day, then perhaps you are just a bibliophile, and not an Orthodox Christian...

But fasting, after all, is a time when you can truly change something in yourself. This is the time when requests are heard, when tears are especially taken into account. The Lord Himself has determined such a time for us. And if it were unimportant, would the Holy Fire descend at the end of it? Fasting cannot be ordinary life, it is some kind of movement, a jerk. And yet, this is a time when the fruit of spiritual life is obvious.

Archpriest Alexander Volokhov

Hello! Please tell me why relationships become so strained during Lent, both at work and personal. Quarrels occur, which are then difficult to get out of. How to avoid such situations or prevent them? Thank you. Tatiana

Hello Tatiana! The main reason for this is that often we only care about physical fasting, sometimes very carefully reading the ingredients on packages (so as not to break the fast), but we forget that spiritual fasting is much more important. The elders said: “At least you eat meat during fasting, just don’t eat each other.” That is, despite the importance of bodily fasting, it is much more important to conduct fasting in such a way as not to exhaust yourself from hunger and fatigue (and this usually results in irritability) and because of this not to “exacerbate relations” with your neighbors.

You need to be very attentive to your inner mood, try to be calm and friendly with everyone, and pray regularly. Let’s say, every hour, devote 1-2 minutes to reading the Jesus Prayer “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner!” If you have sinned by being irritable, immediately repent fervently before the Lord and ask for forgiveness from the one you offended. Ask the Lord to grant you humility, patience and meekness.

Please tell me, is it possible to drink tea with chocolate during Lent if it is without milk? Thank you!

Cocoa is a product of plant origin, so chocolate without milk is a lean food that can be eaten during fasting.

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Father, bless. There is no temple here, so please tell me what to do right. In the team, she refused to prepare a holiday program, thereby offending some people. After all, my husband and I try to observe fasting. But I didn’t explain to people that I was fasting; I was afraid that I was a sinner—they wouldn’t understand me. Now I still help prepare the program, but I said I won’t conduct it. I’m very worried that my husband and I will be called to take part in competitions and dances. How to find the middle - and not have fun, and not sit like a downtrodden person. I understand that it’s a sin to offend people, but I didn’t think that I could offend anyone by refusing. How to make peace with people? Is it a sin to help prepare a festive program for a corporate holiday? God bless you. Svetlana

Hello Svetlana!

It seems to me that helping prepare a program is not a sin if the program itself does not contain any obscene jokes, etc. At the holiday itself, you can and should heartily congratulate your colleagues, tell them kind words and wishes. It’s probably not worth dancing, but participating in competitions (again, within the bounds of decency) is quite possible. You can come up with and hold some kind of competition yourself. As for fasting, try to take part in preparing lenten dishes. are regularly published on our website.

God help you! Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

How does fasting time differ from ordinary time? I’m already trying to lead a strict spiritual life... how and what should I change by fasting?

Fasting is a special time of recognizing one’s own weakness and overcoming one’s own self. Why does the Church designate special periods of fasting? In order for a person to be able to consolidate what has been achieved at this special time in everyday realities: the environment of fasting mobilizes us, we realize something, we take the path of struggle against certain inclinations - we bring this awareness and struggle from fasting into everyday life.

The next post brings something of its own. That’s why the Fathers say that fasting is a ladder that leads us to Heaven. If you have a feeling that fasting is easy for you, then consult your confessor or the priest with whom you constantly confess: they will help you understand what exactly is wrong, what is the reason for this relaxing ease.

It happens that the pious exercises of fasting come easily to us due to natural inclinations - there are, for example, people who do not like meat or entertainment. But each of us has something that can become the subject of special care during the days of fasting - imperfection is not outside, it is inside us and fasting helps us see it.

Sincerely, priest Alexy Kolosov


Good afternoon My mother is 72 years old and has poor eyesight. She strictly adheres to fasting and, due to poor eyesight, cooks only potatoes for herself all year round. It turns out that the body does not receive any useful substances. Please tell me if there are any restrictions on fasting due to health reasons and age?

Of course, the extent of fasting depends on the person’s state of health, but this is determined by him in a personal conversation with the priest, and not by his children in absentia via the Internet. In addition, as far as I understand, your mother “cooks her own potatoes all year round” - so the reason is not fasting, but poor eyesight.

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

What fast should a 13 year old have? If possible, describe it. Arthur

Dear Arthur!

At your age, fasting is determined by what your mother cooks. You can limit yourself to some delicacies, you can not watch TV at all, you can help your mother more, if possible, go to church more often, and not offend anyone. If you haven’t learned it yet, then learn the prayers “Our Father” and “Rejoice to the Virgin Mary.” The Lord is with you!

Is it allowed to eat seafood in? Do these include shrimp, squid, oysters?

In all strictness, seafood should be consumed like fish, that is, on the holidays of the Annunciation and Palm Sunday. Shrimp, squid and oysters are non-vegetable foods. However, questions regarding the personal measure of fasting must be agreed upon with the confessor.

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

How to fast as a student?

The measure of fasting depends primarily on the person’s state of health; it must be established in a personal conversation with the priest. Remember that fasting is not a hunger strike; fasting food can be both satisfying and varied. Don’t forget about spiritual fasting: try to go to church more often, devote more time to prayer, and avoid watching entertainment programs and films during fasting. Be kind and merciful to your loved ones, try not to judge anyone, not to quarrel with anyone, and to avoid irritability.

Tell me, during fasting, animal products are prohibited from being consumed only, as they say, “internally”? The fact is that most cosmetic creams, foams and masks contain milk, cream, and animal fat... Is it possible to consume honey during fasting?

Yes, you can use creams and eat honey during fasting.

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Father, I’m ashamed to admit; I cannot withstand fasting under the monastery rules, I have been at war with myself for a year, but nothing good comes of it: I break down, suffer from guilt, fear, or fall into grumbling and protest. I was unable to get clear advice and an answer to the question about the measure of fasting from my parish priest; unfortunately, on your website, the answer to the question about the monastic charter of fasting and the charter for the laity is also evasive. The point is not that I’m looking for relief for myself, the point is that I can’t immediately go upstairs. I need help with advice on how to curb my belly and, while fighting with it, not miss everything else. God bless you.

Try to start small - observe the established fast on Wednesdays and Fridays: do not eat meat and dairy products, and eggs on these days. During Lent, observe these restrictions, and also abstain from fish dishes on Wednesdays and Fridays. A Lenten meal can be nourishing and tasty; recipes for Lenten dishes are published on our website.

Ask the Lord for strength to fast. Also pay more attention to spiritual fasting: go to church more often, devote more time to prayer, avoid watching entertainment programs and films during fasting. Be kind and merciful to your loved ones, try not to judge anyone, not to quarrel with anyone, and to avoid irritability.

God help you! priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Is fasting (food restriction) really necessary? Reading spiritual literature, intense prayers, abstaining from entertainment, and confession before communion may be sufficient. Especially for children.

If you mean fasting before Communion, then for those who receive communion regularly (once every 2-3 weeks), it can be made easier, but only with the blessing of the confessor. Young children (under 7 years old) may not fast before communion.

As for the one-day and multi-day fasts established by the Church, it is necessary to observe them, if health allows. The measure of fasting for children is again different than for adults. But, I repeat, all issues of personal fasting must be resolved individually with the priest.

Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Our body is killed not by restrictions on food and other pleasures, but by excess in them. And, besides, even if we do not harm others and do not violate the commandment to love our neighbor, we still need to love God. This is where some restrictions in pleasures come from, since love, when it exists, manifests itself in action, in our actions.

For example, it is easy to say: “I don’t love myself,” but at the same time our actions indicate that we love ourselves exactly as we should love God. And you can just as easily say: “I love God,” but nothing is easier than words—love is learned from deeds. And if we at least want to love God, we will limit ourselves to what removes us from God. There is no such goal - neither in worldly life, nor in spiritual life, for the sake of which we would not sacrifice something else. Those who do not want to sacrifice anything are left with nothing - they do not gain anything worthwhile, and at the same time lose what they had.

Priest Mikhail Nemnonov

Dear Anastasia!
The first thing that comes to mind is to cook for yourself and your loved ones: by doing this you will serve your family, gain experience in housekeeping, which is so useful in family life, and avoid reasons for disagreements. If for some reason this is impossible, think that your mother is prompted to such reproaches by sincere care and concern for you - being a non-church person, she cannot yet understand the true motives of your actions and this irritates her: console her with love, signs of attention, kind words.

Be a good daughter, as befits an Orthodox Christian. Tell her that “everything is permissible, but not everything is useful” - explain to her the real meaning of fasting, as strengthening the will in small things in order to be worthy of the Lord in big things. Most of all, take care of meekness - remember the commandment to honor your parents: although we do not choose them, we are obliged to respect them!
Peace and blessings of God be upon you!

Is it possible for a 15-year-old boy to refrain from fasting, because school is preparing for exams, and this requires a lot of activity? Denis.

Hello, Denis. Fasting is a time of repentance and intense prayer to combat sin and the manifestation of original sin in human nature through passions, and abstinence in food is only one of the means of us getting closer to God, returning the prodigal son to the Father. The Church in one of its hymns sings: “From my youth many passions have fought me.” At the age of 15, a person must be ready to fight passions, so fasting must be observed.

Why are there so many restrictions on pleasures, food, and sexual relations in Orthodoxy? This does not seem to cause harm to others, nor does it violate the commandment to love one’s neighbor. Why is it necessary to “kill your body”, your desires? Why such lack of freedom?

Our body is killed not by restrictions on food and other pleasures, but by excess in them. And, besides, even if we do not harm others and do not violate the commandment to love our neighbor, we still need to love God. This is where some restrictions in pleasures come from, since love, when it exists, manifests itself in action, in our actions. For example, it is easy to say: “I don’t love myself,” but at the same time our actions indicate that we love ourselves exactly as we should love God. And you can just as easily say: “I love God,” but nothing is easier than words—love is learned from deeds. And if we at least want to love God, we will limit ourselves to what removes us from God. There is no such goal - neither in worldly life, nor in spiritual life, for the sake of which we would not sacrifice something else. Those who do not want to sacrifice anything are left with nothing - they do not gain anything worthwhile, and at the same time lose what they had.

Priest Mikhail Nemnonov

What to do with fasting in children? Should we limit their food intake as well as ourselves, or can we give some slack to growing organisms?

We have set the following restrictions for our children: no sweets or cartoons. In all other respects, it seems unreasonable to me to limit children at 5 and 3 years of age. Although there are parents who are tough, these are their children. These restrictions at the moment are quite enough for them to begin to understand that everything is not just like that. Priest Dimitry Karpenko

How does fasting time differ from ordinary time? I’m already trying to lead a strict spiritual life... how and what should I change by fasting? Ksenia

Hello, Ksenia!
Fasting is a special time of recognizing one’s own weakness and overcoming one’s own self. Why does the Church designate special periods of fasting? In order for a person to be able to consolidate what has been achieved at this special time in everyday realities: the environment of fasting mobilizes us, we realize something, we take the path of struggle against certain inclinations - we bring this awareness and struggle from fasting into everyday life. The next post brings something of its own. That’s why the Fathers say that fasting is a ladder that leads us to Heaven. If you have a feeling that fasting is easy for you, then consult your confessor or the priest with whom you constantly confess: they will help you understand what exactly is wrong, what is the reason for this relaxing ease. It happens that the pious exercises of fasting come easily to us due to natural inclinations - there are, for example, people who do not like meat or entertainment. But each of us has something that can become the subject of special care during the days of fasting - imperfection is not outside, it is inside us and fasting helps us see it.
Sincerely, priest Alexy Kolosov

Is it possible to eat soy products during fasting? Elena
Hello, Elena!
Eating soy products during fasting is completely acceptable. However, here too a certain amount of caution should be observed: with what feelings, with what mood do we taste them? We abstain from modest foods not because they are “bad” or “nasty”, but for the sake of acquiring the skill of obedience to the Church and self-control - therefore, with regard to soy products, we must observe abstinence, both in terms of quantity and quality, avoiding delicacies or self-indulgence .
Sincerely, priest Alexy Kolosov

Mom is against my fasting, I depend on her, what should I do? She is a believer, but does not go to church; she believes that it is enough just to be a good person. Anastasia

Dear Anastasia!
The first thing that comes to mind is to cook for yourself and your loved ones: by doing this you will serve your family, gain experience in housekeeping, which is so useful in family life, and avoid reasons for disagreements. If for some reason this is impossible, think that your mother is prompted to such reproaches by sincere care and concern for you - being a non-church person, she cannot yet understand the true motives of your actions and this irritates her: console her with love, signs of attention, kind words. Be a good daughter, as befits an Orthodox Christian. Tell her that “everything is permissible, but not everything is useful” - explain to her the real meaning of fasting, as strengthening the will in small things in order to be worthy of the Lord in big things. Most of all, take care of meekness - remember the commandment to honor your parents: although we do not choose them, we are obliged to respect them!
Peace and blessings of God be upon you!
Priest Alexy Kolosov

Great Lent in the church an akathist to the Mother of God is read (on the fifth Saturday of Lent), and also during the celebration of the Passion - an akathist to the passion of Christ. This does not allow us to say that akathists are not read at all during Lent. But, according to tradition, their reading is significantly diminished compared to other times of the church year. Priest Mikhail Nemnonov.

Is it possible to celebrate my father’s anniversary with non-believing family members during Lent? Natalia.

Your refusal to participate in a family celebration will upset your loved ones. In my opinion, you need to support this holiday and congratulate your loved one with all your heart. In order not to break your fast, try to eat lean dishes.
Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

When you go on a visit during Lent or a fasting day, what should you do if there are almost no Lenten dishes on the table? The hostess may be offended that we don’t eat anything. Larisa

Hello, Larisa!
In order not to offend the hostess who tried and prepared for you, either eat those dishes that are lean, or simply refrain from visiting these people during Lent, visit them at another time. Sincerely, priest Alexander Ilyashenko

Please tell me, if you receive guests during Lent, should the food for them be lean? (Guests do not fast)

It is advisable to treat guests to lean food. But in any case, we ourselves, when receiving such guests, must maintain the fast. Priest Mikhail Nemnonov

Is it possible for a 15-year-old boy to refrain from fasting, because school is preparing for exams, and this requires a lot of activity? Denis.

Hello, Denis. Fasting is a time of repentance and intense prayer to combat sin and the manifestation of original sin in human nature through passions, and abstinence in food is only one of the means of us getting closer to God, returning the prodigal son to the Father. The Church in one of its hymns sings: “From my youth many passions have fought me.” At the age of 15, a person must be ready to fight passions, so fasting must be observed.

How to keep the fast in your circumstances should be determined by your confessor. The degree of fasting depends on many reasons. It is not necessary to remain in a dry diet, but it is necessary to pray more and more often than usual, and most importantly, limit yourself in entertainment (do not watch TV, do not take part in noisy entertainment, limit yourself in sweets), do not judge your neighbor, confess and receive communion.
Help God, priest Dimitri Lin

My daughter is one and a half years old, I breastfeed her. I tried to keep the fast, but my teeth began to deteriorate, and now I can’t keep the fast, am I right? Evgenia.

Hello, Evgeniya!
No one has the right to cancel a fast established by the Church, not even a priest, not even a patriarch. But we must not forget that fasting is not only about food. Therefore, with regard to food, priests most often allow pregnant and lactating women everything that is required, because the purpose of fasting is not to damage health, but to overcome passions. In such cases, fasting may consist of listening to less music, watching less TV, and limiting other entertainment. But, if possible, read more of something spiritual, say a prayer to yourself, hold back bad emotions and perform other accessible feats. So eat dairy, this is required not by gluttony, but by motherhood.

You can ask your parish priest about this in more detail.
God help you!

Priest Pavel Ilinsky

I try to avoid watching entertainment programs on TV during Lent. Is it possible to watch educational programs during the fast, for example, BBC films about nature, culture and civilizations, about history?

My children and I watch such films during Lent, and I think that they can really be watched during Lent (excluding Holy Week). Sincerely, priest Mikhail Nemnonov

How should you set the table at a wake after a cemetery? What to feed? Does this matter on fasting days? Nowhere to read this. A lot of people are interested.

There is only one mandatory requirement for a funeral meal - that people do not get drunk at it, and that people go home, firmly on their feet and in a clear mind. Fasting for the sake of a wake is not canceled - if they happen on a fast day, then the table should be fast. What exactly will be on the table is not so important. This does not affect the soul of the deceased in any way, and we will proceed from our capabilities and from the fact that we know how to cook.

Sincerely, priest Mikhail Nemnonov

Fasting for me is a kind of adventure. An adventure to the land of new tastes. It is at this time that you can discover many interesting and unusual dishes that we neglect in ordinary life. What do you cook during Lent? Buckwheat, rice, pearl barley? Agree that such food gets boring very quickly, however, there is an excellent alternative - pasta! This is the dish I love so much for its variety of flavors.
Sometimes it seems to me that I could eat pasta every day, because this is a rare dish, the types of which there are so many types that it is probably simply impossible to count them. At least during the 48 days of fasting, you can cook pasta absolutely every day according to a new recipe. Use different types of pasta itself (fusilli, spaghetti, pappardelle, rigatoncini, tagliatelle, stelline, etc.) and combine them with a variety of lean sauces (classic tomato-basil, parmesan-free pesto, garlic and olive oil aioli, roasted vegetable sauce and etc.). I am sure that after such an experiment you will definitely include several new recipes in your daily menu, and you will remember the post itself as a wonderful gastronomic experience.

What kind of pasta can you eat while fasting?

The most important thing you should pay attention to when buying pasta is the absence of eggs in its composition. Only pasta without eggs is lean.

Buy pasta made from durum wheat

Pasta made from durum wheat does not harm the figure and benefits the body. It contains no fat and also contains more vegetable protein than soft pasta. Carbohydrates in pasta made from durum wheat are broken down more slowly and are not deposited in “problem areas.” According to experts, pasta made from durum wheat will not add a single gram to your weight, while pasta made from soft wheat, on the contrary, has a very adverse effect on your figure and health.
In Italy, for example, all pasta is prepared exclusively from durum wheat, and what is made from soft varieties is not even called pasta. In Russia, the best pasta made from premium durum flour can be recognized by the label “Group A. Highest grade.”

What is durum wheat

Durum wheat is a separate species of plant called Triticum Durum. Durum wheat flour, which is essentially semolina, is called “Semola”, and the phrase Pasta Di Semola on packages of Italian pasta means that this pasta is made from durum wheat.
Pasta made from durum wheat does not make the water in which it is prepared cloudy, does not boil, and practically does not stick together.

The process of producing quality pasta

Ingredients. High-quality pasta is made from selected durum wheat flour, ground in a special way exclusively for making pasta. This flour is significantly different from baking flour; it has a coarser structure and contains a high percentage of gluten (30% or more), which affects the elasticity, plasticity and strength of the dough. The freshness of the flour also plays an important role (stale flour can spoil the taste of the pasta, making it bitter), so many manufacturers of high-quality pasta grind their own wheat. However, the key to high-quality pasta is not only the use of selected durum wheat flour, but also the use of the purest mountain water for kneading dough, so manufacturers of the best pasta pay special attention to the choice of water for dough.
Forming the paste. The paste is formed by pressing and then passes through a special die. The material from which such a matrix is ​​made directly affects the type of surface of the paste. Bronze matrices are considered the best. It is thanks to them that the pasta acquires a rough surface, which contributes to its uniform cooking and allows the pasta to better absorb and retain sauces. In industrial production, as a rule, the paste is made on matrices coated with nylon or Teflon. This increases productivity, however, it makes the surface of the paste perfectly smooth, which significantly harms its quality.
Drying. Drying the paste takes from 1 to 72 hours. The slower the paste dries, the higher its quality. Accordingly, the temperature for drying good pasta should not exceed 30-40 degrees. In industrial production, drying is carried out at high temperatures (about 60 degrees) for several hours, which adversely affects the taste, nutritional value and quality of the product, however, it significantly reduces labor costs and the final cost of the paste.

The process of preparing high-quality pasta is very labor-intensive and involves using only the best ingredients and expensive equipment. In addition, it takes a lot of time to produce good paste, because it only takes about 50-60 hours to dry. Therefore, such a paste cannot be cheap. Typically, a truly high-quality product costs from 300 rubles per pack weighing 250 grams.
One of the leaders in the production of high-quality pasta is the company Rustichella d`Abruzzo, which has been producing pasta according to the most traditional Italian recipe since 1924.
The beginning of Lent is the perfect time to take a fresh look at pasta and try a truly high-quality product.

Nowadays, during the period of Lent, manufacturers and stores actively offer hundreds of lean products that can replace fast food.

Before you buy them, listen to our advice.

Soy and soy products

Stores sell ready-made dairy and meat products made from soy: chops, meatballs, cutlets, goulash, milk, cream, sour cream, mayonnaise, bifidonic, tofu cottage cheese, cheese paste. Soy products are enriched with vitamins, microelements, omega-3 fatty acids, and isoflavones.

Soy lean products have many advantages: they are convenient and quick to prepare, and do not need to be stored in the refrigerator. Finally, soy allows you to significantly diversify your diet during fasting - it can be considered a complete source of protein.

Soy products reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and breast tumors, improve brain function, and regulate blood cholesterol levels.

Soy products fortified with omega-3

And yet, modern medicine advises to be careful with soy-based products. After all, a huge amount of soybeans are grown using transgenic technologies.

Lean sausage

It is also in great demand, although there is not an ounce of meat in it. What is? Soy, thickeners, dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers. They, as studies have shown, can lead to poor health.

Bread for the Lenten table

Bran and grain bread can replace bread. They are produced from natural raw materials and are rich in vitamins, microelements, and dietary fiber. But if you still prefer bread, then during Lent choose bran bread, that is, baked from wholemeal wholemeal flour. Bran bread is not as beautiful as bread made from premium flour, and it costs more, but it is extremely healthy.

Bran and grain crispbreads can replace bread

Although malt bread is considered the healthiest. It is baked from flour ground from malt - sprouted grain. Lenten bread and pies are baked in some monasteries especially for Lent. And bakeries are adjusting their assortment.

True, the recipes of the main products - the same loaf and bread - are not changed. They are already lean: flour, water, vegetable oil, sugar and salt. No eggs or butter. In other words, even without fasting, we eat Lenten bread every day. True, for those with a sweet tooth, factory confectioners produce Lenten pastries and cakes, on which the label “For the Lenten table” is appropriate.

Pasta and dumplings

Pasta is also often written: “Ideal during Lent.” But these are products made from unleavened wheat dough, which contain only flour and water! Of course, some manufacturers add egg powder or eggs to pasta and noodles, but this is always indicated on the packaging. Please note that pasta made from soft wheat varieties is almost the same in composition as buns.

Lean and healthy pasta is made only from durum flour. It is easy to distinguish them: they look golden, translucent and as if polished. There is no powdery dust in the pack, and when cooking the pasta does not boil and does not change color.

Dumplings are made from the same dough as pasta. Whether they are lean or not depends on the filling. True, sometimes egg powder is added to it. Again, read labels carefully.

Margarine and spread

They are invented as a substitute for butter. Regular margarine is made only from vegetable raw materials, so it is lean by definition. Spreads or “soft butter” are made from vegetable fats (sometimes with the addition of cow butter). If the package says “vegetable-fat spread,” it means there is no oil or very little. If the additive is significant, they write “vegetable-creamy”.

Actually, the concept of “lenten mayonnaise” is nonsense. After all, the main ingredient of mayonnaise is egg yolk. So it turns out that it is a sin to consider all mayonnaise jars with the “For Lent” sticker to be mayonnaise.

Lenten mayonnaise, but it may contain egg powder

Except with sauce. It contains a mixture of vegetable oil, starch, water, vinegar and... the letters “E”. Maybe it’s healthier to make lean mayonnaise sauce at home?

Lenten baking

In pastry departments and cafes you can find Lenten pastries, cakes, cookies and even Lenten baklava. But we advise you to read the label carefully. May contain milk and eggs.

Chocolate, marmalade, halva and kozinaki

List of Lenten Products

When you go to the store or market, take with you a list of lean and holistic foods. It will help you plan your purchases correctly.

  • Cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, pearl barley, barley, wheat, corn, couscous, quinoa, bulgur;
  • Vegetables: potatoes, beets, carrots, cabbage of all kinds, onions, garlic, peppers, asparagus, spinach, etc.;
  • Mushrooms: Champignons, vengenki, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, porcini mushrooms, in all forms: fresh, frozen, dried;
  • Beans: peas, lentils, chickpeas, mung beans, dolichos, adzuki, green and green beans, peanuts;
  • Vegetable fats: olive, sunflower, pumpkin, flaxseed, sesame oils, etc.;
  • Picklings: sauerkraut, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, pickled and soaked apples;
  • Greens: All types of salads, dill, parsley, leeks, basil, mint, etc., fresh and dried, spices;
  • Soybeans and soy products: soybeans, milk, cream, sour cream, mayonnaise, bifidonic, tofu cottage cheese, cheese paste;
  • Bakery products: bran bread, malt bread, Lenten pies, Lenten pastries;
  • Flour products: Pasta made from durum wheat, whole grain wheat and rye flour;
  • Olives: green and black, canned, dried;
  • Desserts and sweets: Preserves, jams, confitures, dark and bitter chocolate, marmalade, kozinaki, halva;
  • Fruits: seasonal and exotic;
  • Nuts and seeds: Walnuts, hazelnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, flaxseeds and sesame seeds;
  • Dried fruits: Dried apricots, raisins, prunes, figs, candied fruits, etc.

On certain days (see our calendar for Lent 2018) Fish and canned fish, seafood, and Cahors wine are allowed.

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Fasting is an integral part of the Orthodox faith. First of all, it is aimed at cleansing a person spiritually. In addition, you can also cleanse the body by removing all toxins. Therefore, those who are going to adhere to fasting try to study all the rules for fasting and learn how to prepare dishes without oil, what you can eat and drink, and what foods you should enjoy.

This question is as basic during this period as the question of whether vegetable oil can be used during fasting. These two products are closely related, so if bread is allowed, then vegetable oil should not be denied. After all, the main prohibition is products prepared using animal fats and proteins.

It is best to eat black bread; you can fry croutons in vegetable oil, but you should avoid white bread, because prohibited ingredients are often used in its preparation.

Thus, the question of eating bread is not very important for the church; the main thing is to choose the appropriate variety. But whether it’s possible to have pasta during Lent causes a lot of debate. Pasta is a flour product, so the problem of eating it during Lent poses a problem among many believers. They are loved because you can quickly prepare a dish without much effort or wasting time.

Just like with bread, you should pay attention to the composition of pasta. If there are no animal products there, please go to the table. The choice of pasta is now very huge, and manufacturers are trying to take into account the needs of different customers, including those who are fasting, so finding lean pasta will not be difficult.

Is it possible to have honey during fasting?

Since ancient times, when the traditions of Orthodoxy were strictly observed, honey was one of the main products during Lent:

  • Many recipes of ancient Lenten dishes containing honey have survived to this day;
  • On Honey Spas, it is customary to consecrate this product and store it for the next year;
  • Honey has always been given to those in need, because it is considered a gift from God.

Honey contains a large number of useful microelements, which are so necessary during the period of abstinence. It has a positive effect on the entire human body and perfectly replaces sugar, because it contains a lot of glucose and fructose. Therefore, consuming honey during fasting will only bring greater benefits.

In addition to honey, halva can also be on the table as a healthy treat. Halva is not prohibited during fasting only if it does not contain egg yolk. You should carefully study the composition of the product or prepare it yourself at home. To prepare halva at home, you will need:

  • 250 grams of sunflower seeds, pre-peeled;
  • a couple of tablespoons of raisins;
  • a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, always unrefined.

Using a blender, grind the seeds and raisins. Then add oil and beat a little more. Form the prepared mixture into a sausage or place it in a prepared container. Refrigerate for 60 minutes. Halva is ready to eat!

Wine for Lent

Is it possible to have wine during Lent? There are two possible answers to this question. According to the regulations of the monasteries, you can drink wine on weekends. But priests believe that this rule is not acceptable today.

Previously, wine was allowed to be drunk instead of water and medicine, since the inhabitants of Byzantium and Syria had a shortage of this raw material. It was in these parts that the Charter was written. Now there is no shortage of this drink, so there is no need to drink wine during Lent.

To the question is it possible to drink wine in , there is a clear answer - you can, only on certain days. Wine is allowed to be consumed only twice a week: on Saturday and Sunday. On other days, alcohol is prohibited. When choosing a wine, it is best to give preference to red, it’s good if it is Cahors.

Orthodox Christians can drink wine, but the clergy are still advised to give it up during the period of abstinence, because it harms a person’s spiritual development.

Is it possible to have chocolate during Lent?

You can eat chocolate during Lent, but not in all confectionery dishes. Often, unscrupulous manufacturers add ingredients prohibited by Lent to chocolate, and put a note on the label that the chocolate is Lenten. You can eat dark chocolate, but you should avoid milk and white chocolate, because they contain animal proteins and fats.

Based on this, in order not to sin, it is better to prepare chocolate desserts at home yourself.

For chocolate lovers, a very tasty treat can be a dish such as bananas in chocolate. For preparation you will need:

  • dark chocolate bar;
  • 2 bananas;
  • dried fruits.

Dried fruits should be chopped. Cut bananas into thin slices. The chocolate should be melted using a microwave or water bath. Then the banana pieces should be dipped in warm chocolate and sprinkled with prepared dried fruits. The treat is ready to eat. You can also leave these candies in the freezer to harden.

Seafood for Lent

It is impossible to give a definite answer to the question whether it is possible to eat seafood during Lent. Eating seafood in our country is considered a gourmet affair, but more and more often, those who adhere to fasting ask whether it is possible to have shrimp, squid, mussels, etc. during fasting.

Since seafood remains a delicacy for many, it is undesirable to consume it during Lent, because the church prohibits gluttony. Fasting is aimed at enabling a person to come to terms with his desires, to cleanse his soul, and not to indulge his desires in food, first of all. Therefore, if seafood is a delicacy, you should avoid it for this period.

You shouldn’t completely give up seafood if you have it in your regular diet. After all, in every fast there are days on which you can eat fish. And sometimes various types of seafood products are also classified as fish. You can also eat caviar during fasting on fish days. . For a long time, caviar was not considered a delicacy, especially red caviar. But consuming black caviar is strictly prohibited.

Fish and seafood should be on the menu, because they contain useful substances such as omega-3 acids and high-quality protein, which remove bad cholesterol and improve the functioning of the cardiac system.

Often Orthodox Christians have a question: what kind of fish can be eaten during the Dormition Lent. The answer is none. Fish is strictly prohibited during the Assumption Fast. You can enjoy this product only on the Feast of the Transfiguration during the break from fasting.

Potatoes for Lent

You can cook potatoes during Lent in various ways. You can fry on those days when you are allowed to use vegetable oil, you can bake, boil, and add to soups. The main thing is that the finished dish contains only permitted products. Potatoes should be avoided on dry eating days. In general, this product is allowed by the regulations, but it must be prepared correctly.

Before deciding to fast, you should study all the rules for fasting. Strict - characteristic only of monasteries; in secular life some relaxations are possible, which should be inquired about from a church official. You should also receive blessings from him. Pregnant women and sick people should fast especially carefully.

The Lord is always with you!

Dear Maria!

Everything needs to be approached wisely and with reasoning.

Fasting is, first of all, spiritual cleansing from the filth of passions and sinful attachments in order to draw closer to God. A necessary condition on the way to achieve this is food restriction.

Indeed, there are differences between monastic rules and rules for the laity.

Bread, simple loaves, oatmeal cookies, gingerbread cookies, cracker cookies are considered lean, but all other buns, cookies and other products, the packaging of which states that they contain dairy products, are best not eaten during fasting and fasting days, except In addition, during the Assumption and Great Fasts (except for 1, 4 and Holy Week) the laity is blessed with food with vegetable oil, except Wednesday and Friday, and on Christmas and Petrov Fasts are blessed by fish, except Wednesday and Friday.

During fasting, the following simple rules must be observed. This is an exclusion from the diet of all meat, fish(depending on the severity of fasting) and dairy dishes, as well as products containing animal fats and proteins. But you can and should eat as many raw vegetables and fruits as possible, and always greens. The amount of fried food should be minimized and overcooked foods should be abandoned once and for all, especially those cooked in reused or long-boiling oil. During fasting, you should consume as much liquid as possible: kvass, jelly, compotes should take their rightful place on your table.

If you are going to fast, then you will most likely subject yourself to severe trials, not so much because you will have to limit yourself in food, but because your relatives, friends, acquaintances and work colleagues for the most part do not observe the fast and do not intend to fast observe. Maybe they reason something like this:

“What to eat during Lent - just potatoes and pasta? So you can ruin your stomach too!”

Of course, if you eat only potatoes and pasta, there really won’t be any benefit. But the point is that during Lent no one forces you to limit yourself to only these products. You can’t even imagine what a variety of recipes for Lenten dishes have been created throughout the history of mankind. You can say: fasting is just fasting, what variety there is, there are only restrictions, you can’t eat almost anything... And you will be wrong. Fasting involves choosing from a gigantic, without exaggeration, set of products. Even the strictest canons of Lent (which no one obliges us to observe today) are far from just bread and water. After all, what is the so-called “dry eating”, which involves giving up everything cooked? This, by the way, is not only raw cabbage and carrots, but also, for example, raisins, nuts, and various fruits. What is a fish fast table? Do you think this is one boiled fish? Nothing like this. This includes red and black caviar and a variety of seafood, including oysters and lobsters.

Of course, the wallets of most of our fellow citizens today do not allow them to eat red and black caviar and oysters. Yes, we do not encourage you to do this. With this example, we only want to emphasize that you can approach the Lenten table creatively, with imagination, abandon the usual culinary stereotypes - and you will see that the Lenten table can sometimes be even richer than your usual table!

Someone might say that in our time most people have such low material wealth that even without any fasting they are forced to deny themselves everything. I also foresee such a reproach: we are like that. they say, we are sitting on bread and water, that’s why we are called here to fast and show humility, they inspire us that fasting is useful, in order to distract people from social problems and prevent manifestations of popular anger.

Yes, it’s true, now many people are forced to deny themselves everything. But think about the prophecy of the holy Optina elders. Here it is: “If they don’t want to fast voluntarily, they will fast involuntarily.” Is this prophecy now coming true? Maybe it will come true for you, or for one of your loved ones and acquaintances? Is it not for many years of rejection of Orthodox traditions, is it not for our universal atheism that we are now paying? Think about it. Perhaps you will come to the conclusion that it is necessary to consciously abstain from food? So that you don’t have to forcibly abstain from it...

Moreover, a person, starting to observe fasts, immediately notices the result: instead of anger at the government and reforms and envy of the well-fed and rich, we feel peace of mind, tranquility, and most importantly - confidence in our rightness, because we know that, unlike from the well-fed and rich, by observing fasting, we save our soul.

And over time, you will feel that fasting has already become your need and observing it is actually not so difficult.

Before you start fasting, you need to think very carefully about your diet. No one is forcing you to eat only dry crusts, and please, let’s do without such extremes. It really won’t take long for you to get gastritis and some other bad things, especially if your faith is not yet very strong and you cannot rely on spiritual food alone, as the saints and ascetics did. Be prudent, there is no need to devoutly “mortify” your flesh. Better learn to live with your body in friendship, listen carefully to its signals, and understand what it really needs.

So, what can you eat while fasting? Of course, the most welcome guests on the table at this time are fruits and vegetables. There is the largest amount of vitamins and minerals needed by our body. So in the summer, let there be salads from fresh vegetables on your table every day, and in the winter - sauerkraut, pickles, carrots, and beets.

During Lent, we eat boiled and stewed vegetables. But here we must remember that the less heat treatment, the better - more nutrients will be preserved in the finished dish. Therefore, it is better to put vegetables in boiling water, and then make sure that they are not overcooked. Do not cook vegetables in a large amount of water, and do not allow them to boil over strongly when cooking.

And remember that you don’t have to limit yourself to just potatoes and cabbage. The entire diversity of the fruit and vegetable world is open to you, don’t forget about zucchini, peppers, cauliflower, corn, and green peas. The more varied the better.

You can also cook vegetable soups by adding cereals - rice, barley.

A very important component of the Lenten table is porridge. Of course, cooked in water, not milk, and without adding butter. But this does not mean that the porridge will necessarily be tasteless. Remember that there are many foods allowed during fasting that can be added to porridge for taste. These include raisins, nuts, carrots, and mushrooms, which can be combined with buckwheat, rice, and other cereals. Experiment, give free rein to your culinary imagination!

There is an opinion that by not consuming meat, eggs, and dairy products, a person deprives himself of the required amount of protein. This is true, but only if you approach the post illiterately. Don't forget to include foods containing plant protein in your diet - and everything will be fine. These include mushrooms, eggplants, legumes, and, of course, soy. Now on the shelves there are a lot of different products made from the so-called “soy meat”, which, when properly cooked, flavored with spices and sauces, perfectly replaces real meat. Nutritionists claim that soy protein in its composition and biological value is an equivalent substitute for meat and fish protein.

During fasting, bakery products are not prohibited, and on non-strict fasting days, vegetable oil and the whole variety of fish products are not prohibited. And how many different dishes can be prepared from all this, you will see by getting acquainted with the culinary recipes in the section How to conduct Petrov's fast rubric "Fundamentals of Orthodoxy".

Just remember that you should under no circumstances overeat during Lent - even if you limit yourself to strictly lean foods. Remember that fasting excludes any abuse - spices, spicy, salty, sour, sweet, fried foods. It is better to give preference to boiled dishes, as well as steamed or grilled ones. Keep your food varied but simple. And you, of course, will be able to feel and appreciate this joy and sacredness of the simplest food.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that after the end of fasting, one must switch to a normal diet gradually and in no case immediately pounce on fatty meat, smoked sausage, fried entrecotes... This will not lead to anything good. Gradually, day by day, introduce small amounts of animal products into your diet - a little cheese, a little butter, and if it is meat, then in small pieces, boiled or steamed.

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