How is Dijon mustard different from regular mustard? How to make homemade mustard from mustard powder? Recipe for mustard on cucumber pickle, grains, French, with honey, Dijon

30.08.2019 Salads

Mustard, like many other useful plants, has been known to people for a long time. In China, its seeds have been used as an important ingredient in cooking for over 3,000 years, and the Romans used the plant as a medicine.

Dijon mustard (aka French mustard) is one of the most famous mustard varieties. In 1634, the recipe for this savory dressing was officially fixed in the city of Dijon. Its preparation is different from the usual recipe today. The purified and crushed powder had to be diluted not with water or vinegar, but with Verjus (verjus - sour juice of white grapes) or white wine.

The taste qualities that Dijon mustard possesses incredibly quickly brought it to the world level. Kings, kings, dukes and other privileged people from all over the world either used it regularly or tried it at least once. Previously, they bought only fresh mustard, and had to do it every day. With the advent of the concepts of “preservatives” and “preservation”, everything was simplified a little, now it was possible to buy more, and the product was stored longer. In the 19th century, Dijon mustard began to be sold in jars.

In search of culinary delights, trying to find all kinds of information about this French product, you will find that there is no list of the original ingredients of this savory pasta in the public domain. Dijon mustard, the recipe of which has been kept secret (by law) for almost 400 years, is a culinary masterpiece whose taste you can only imitate. How to do this, we now see. There are many recipes on the Internet, but only those who have ever eaten French mustard can notice the true similarity. Based on this, you should pay special attention to the following recipe. Despite the simplicity of preparation, such a dressing will amaze real gourmets with its properties. Begin!

In stores, you are unlikely to find the variety that contains French mustard, so we resort to an alternative - we buy ordinary mustard powder. So, for cooking we need:

  • Mustard powder - 50 g;
  • Wine (dry white) - 180-200 g;
  • Honey (natural) - 1 tablespoon;
  • Garlic - 1-2 cloves;
  • Vegetable oil - ½ tsp;
  • Onion (bulb) - 1 pc.;
  • Salt - 1 tsp;
  • "Tabasco" sauce or regular tomato paste.

Finely chop the onion and place it in a saucepan, add chopped garlic, mix. The container with the ingredients must be put on fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes over low heat. After that, the contents must be filtered and rid of excess liquid. It is added to the mixture and all this is whipped with a whisk or mixer. A little more and we will have our own Dijon mustard. The recipe involves the addition of oil and a few drops of Tabasco (tomato paste), which we do. Salt, stir, put on the stove and continue to cook the contents over low heat. Stir and boil the mixture until a thick mass is obtained. Did you wait? Cool and place the contents of the pot in the refrigerator for two days. That's it - French mustard is ready!

The option of eating freshly prepared mustard is not excluded, however, Dijon mustard (more precisely, its analogue) acquires the whole gamut of flavors after two days of aging.

Ready-made mustard is best combined with products such as meat (in any cooking option), poultry (the perfect tandem with a roasted goose or duck), lard (our dressing is better than any seasoning), boiled beef tongue (this combination has truly deep historical roots). ).

Do not be afraid to experiment, cooking loves bold experimenters. Cook with pleasure and never cease to amaze your family and friends with original sauces, dressings and seasonings. Enjoy your meal!

In the article we discuss Dijon mustard - a classic and whole grain recipe, tips for using and storing. You will learn how to cook Dijon mustard, what it is, photos, differences from ordinary Russian mustard.

Dijon mustard is a popular condiment that pairs well with meat, fish, vegetables, and salads. Despite the fact that novice cooks sometimes confuse what Dijon mustard is, the photo of the dressing noticeably distinguishes it from others - a viscous, slightly watery mass with a grainy structure. All dishes with Dijon mustard in French cuisine are called with the prefix "Dijonese".

Appearance (photo) Dijon mustard

How is Dijon mustard different from regular mustard?

The main differences between regular Russian and Dijon mustard:

  1. If you look at the Dijon mustard photo, you can see that this is a heterogeneous grainy sauce. Ordinary mustard has a homogeneous mass.
  2. Regular mustard is known for its sharp and rich taste, while Dijon mustard has softer, more delicate notes and a sweet and sour aftertaste.
  3. For the preparation of ordinary Russian mustard, only one recipe is used with a minimum amount of spices. Dijon dressing is prepared in many ways with the addition of herbs, spices, wine and grape vinegar.
  4. Dijon mustard is added to marinades, salads, complex sauces and for baking. Russian mustard acts as a sauce for fish and meat.

Are Dijon and French mustard the same thing?

Dijon seasoning is a type of French mustard that has a milder taste due to the use of white wine instead of vinegar.

How to make Dijon mustard

There are over 20 recipes for Dijon mustard at home, which differ in taste due to the addition of tarragon, garlic, seaweed, allspice or hot pepper. The most popular dressing options are classic Dijon mustard and whole grain mustard..

Classic recipe

For the preparation of classic Dijon mustard, the recipe at home involves the use of chestnut, almost black mustard seeds, as well as white wine. Wine can be replaced with the juice of young grapes, and grains with dry powder. The finished dressing should be smooth and without lumps. It can be stored in the refrigerator in a non-metallic container for up to 2 months.

You will need:

  • mustard seeds - 4 tablespoons;
  • onion - 100-120 g;
  • liquid honey - 15 g;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • vegetable oil - 10 g;
  • Tabasco sauce - 6 drops;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • dry white wine - 200 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Pass the garlic through a garlic press and cut the onion into small cubes. Pour the ingredients into a saucepan, pour over the wine and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and cook the mixture for 5-7 minutes. Do not cover the pot with a lid.
  2. Pour the broth into an enamel bowl and wait until it cools completely. Then strain through a strainer or several layers of gauze.
  3. Grind mustard seeds into powder with a coffee grinder, pour into another pan, pour garlic-onion broth and mix.
  4. Beat with a blender or whisk, add salt and oil.
  5. Place the saucepan over low heat and heat the mixture, stirring constantly, until it thickens. Pour honey, Tabasco sauce and cook for another 3 minutes.
  6. Turn off the heat and transfer the mustard to a dry container. Wait until the sauce has cooled, close the lid and refrigerate for 3 days.


Calories per 100 gr. product 176.7 kcal.

whole grain recipe

Whole grain Dijon mustard is a great addition to snacks

Whole grain mustard dressing goes well with a variety of snacks and sandwiches. The longer you keep it, the softer the taste will be. However, the maximum shelf life in the refrigerator is 3 months..

To make whole-grain Dijon mustard at home, get an airtight container, plastic wrap, blender, and bowl ready.

You will need:

  • brown mustard seeds - 45 g;
  • yellow mustard seeds - 45 g;
  • dry white wine - 50 g;
  • white wine vinegar - 50 g;
  • salt - 5 g;
  • brown sugar - 5 g.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the seeds into a bowl, pour over the vinegar and wine.
  2. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and keep at room temperature for 2 days. During this time, all the flavors will mix.
  3. Remove the film and transfer the mixture to a blender, salt them and add granulated sugar. Grind the mustard into a paste for 30 seconds.
  4. Transfer the sauce to an airtight container.
  5. Ready mustard can be tasted after 12 hours.


Calories per 100 gr. product 239 kcal.

Be wary of overusing Dijon mustard. Despite its beneficial properties, it is a spicy condiment that can cause heartburn or gastritis.

To prevent the sauce from losing its flavor and drying out, cover the jar with an airtight lid. Also, don't scoop mustard with a wet spoon, or the dressing will go bad.

If you can't find black mustard seeds, use white mustard seeds or mustard powder. What else can you substitute for Dijon mustard?

  • the usual mustard sauce with grated horseradish root, sugar and white wine;
  • chili pepper, curry and ginger.

For more information about Dijon mustard, see the video:

What to remember

  1. Ordinary mustard differs from Dijon in a sharper tart taste, uniform consistency and recipe.
  2. Dijon mustard and French mustard are almost the same thing, since Dijon seasoning is a type of French mustard sauce.
  3. The classic recipe for Dijon seasoning requires black mustard seeds, dry white wine, honey and seasonings.
  4. Whole grain dressing uses both black and yellow seeds.

Dijon mustard (fr. Moutarde de Dijon) is a traditional French mustard made from seeds of different shades with the addition of all kinds of spices and white wine. Instead of wine, a mixture of water, wine vinegar and salt can also be used.

The color of the seasoning is pale yellow, and its rich taste is sweet and spicy, tender and burning. This original dressing serves as a great addition to fish, meat, vegetables, various salads.

The calorie content of the product is 143 kcal per 100 g. In this article, we will look at how to cook Dijon mustard step by step. We offer you detailed cooking recipes with photos.

What is the difference between Dijon mustard and regular mustard?

  • The taste of such a dressing is softer and sweeter than usual, so it is a ready-made sauce for salads, second courses, snacks;
  • The French version differs from the usual one in color, which depends on the type of seed;
  • Russian and English seasonings are made from yellow and white grains, while Dijon seasoning is made from brown seeds (almost black);
  • The preparation of Dijon mustard includes various spices - allspice, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon.

Whole grain version of Dijon mustard

This fragrant, almost creamy dish with a touch of aristocracy is a favorite addition to a variety of sandwiches and snacks. Dijon mustard is quick and easy to make at home. It will delight even the most true connoisseurs of this culinary delight.


  • 0.5 cups of white wine vinegar and dry white wine;
  • 4 large spoons of brown and yellow mustard seeds;
  • A pinch of fine salt;
  • 5 g light brown sugar (optional)

Cooking scheme:

  1. Pour mustard seeds into glassware, pour vinegar and wine. Cover with a thick cling film and leave to stand for a day at room temperature. All components must be "saturated" with each other's aromas;
  2. Next, transfer the contents of the container to a mixer, add salt, add sugar if desired, beat until a pasty substance;
  3. We put the mass in a clean glass container, tighten the lid and put it in the refrigerator.

Ready seasoning can be tasted after 12 hours. The longer it is stored, the more tender it will be. But it is advisable to store such a product in a refrigerator for no more than three months.

Classic view of Moutarde de Dijon

This recipe calls for chestnut (almost black) mustard seeds, but dry mustard is sometimes used. Creamy pasta may contain small dark brown whole grains when cooked.

French Dijon mustard must be kept in the refrigerator for at least 2 days before the appearance of an excellent range of flavors, but it is not forbidden to taste it right away.


  • 4 large spoons of mustard seeds (brown);
  • 10 g of olive oil;
  • 100 g of onions;
  • 200 ml of table white wine;
  • garlic clove;
  • a tablespoon of honey;
  • 5 drops of Tabasco sauce;
  • 4 g salt.

Dijon mustard recipe:

  1. Pass the peeled garlic through a press, rub the onion on a fine grater, pour wine;
  2. Place in a saucepan and put on fire. After boiling, cook on low heat for 8 minutes;
  3. Let the mixture cool, then strain it to get rid of the pieces of garlic and onion. Mix with mustard seeds, crushed with a coffee grinder or mortar. Beat everything with a blender;
  4. Pour in the oil, add salt. Bring to a boil again and simmer until the mass thickens;
  5. Add Tobasco sauce and honey, stir, cook for another four minutes on a small flame until thickened, stir constantly (this is important for the desired consistency);
  6. Ready mustard should have a creamy thick consistency. You can keep it for 2 months in a refrigerator in a non-metallic container.

Another interesting condiment

The darker the mustard seeds, the sharper they are. For a more delicate culinary delight, take light grains. For aroma, the dressing must be infused. If it stands for at least a day, you will get a wonderful addition to your favorite dishes.

Description of the components:

  • 1/2 small spoons of turmeric, brown sugar, honey, vinegar;
  • 0.5 cups of pure water;
  • 20 g mustard seeds;
  • star anise;
  • A pinch of cinnamon.


  1. Soak mustard seeds in water for 2 hours, remembering to stir constantly. They should swell, become soft;
  2. At this time, we are preparing the fragrant base on our own. Mix turmeric, sugar, vinegar, preferably liquid honey and a large spoonful of water. Carefully grind everything and wait until the honey and sugar dissolve (about an hour);
  3. Anise grind to powder in a mortar. Together with cinnamon, it will give the culinary masterpiece a spicy aroma;
  4. We mix all the ingredients. If there is excess water left in the mustard seed bowl, pour it out. Let's add the finished base and delicious spices there;
  5. Mix, let the product brew for at least two hours to reveal all its amazing aroma.

Dijon Mustard Vitamin Salad

There are many recipes for delicious and unusual salads with French dressing. This is just one of them.

Required components:

  • A handful of fresh cranberries, fresh spinach and almonds;
  • 100 g goat cheese (can be replaced with hard cheese).
  • A small spoonful of brown sugar;
  • A large spoonful of Dijon mustard, olive oil and lemon juice.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Wash and dry the spinach, arrange randomly on a plate;
  2. Sprinkle cranberries on top (if it is in a frozen state, then it must be thawed);
  3. Crumble the cheese (if hard, then cut into cubes), decorate with chopped nuts.

To make the sauce, mix all the ingredients together and pour our "beauty". This dish is very healthy and perfect for a light dinner.

Salad with cheese and lentils

List of ingredients:

  • 3 tomatoes;
  • A clove of garlic;
  • 200 g of cheese;
  • onion head;
  • 200 g lentils "Mistral";
  • Greenery;
  • Dijon mustard, salt to taste.

Cooking instruction:

  1. Cook the lentils for 20 minutes in boiling, slightly salted water until tender. Salt the liquid, put the beans in a salad bowl and set aside for 8-10 minutes;
  2. In the process of cooking lentils, crumble the cheese, cut the tomatoes into slices, onion into thin slices;
  3. Rub the garlic on a fine grater;
  4. Add onions, tomatoes, cheese to the cooled beans. Season with French seasoning, garlic, salt, stir everything;
  5. Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Salad "Nostalgic"

A nostalgic dish from the Soviet Union in the late 70s, dressed with mayonnaise and prepared for the holidays. We will bring our own changes to the dressing and make it creamy mustard.


  • 3 eggs;
  • Dill;
  • Bank (200 g) canned squid;
  • A bag of rice for quick cooking (preferably TM "Mistral");
  • a tablespoon of sour cream;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • A teaspoon of Dijon mustard.

Prepare the Dijon Mustard Salad:

  1. Boil the rice according to the instructions in salted water, cool;
  2. Pre-boiled hard-boiled eggs cut into small cubes;
  3. Finely chop the squid;
  4. Grind the washed dill;
  5. Mix all the ingredients, season with mustard and sour cream.

Video: Dijon Mustard Recipe

For several centuries, Dijon mustard has been especially popular among culinary specialists. Do you dream of recreating the original recipes of famous masters of culinary art at home? Then take advantage of our tips and cook delicious French dishes!

Dijon mustard: how is it different from the usual?

Many are interested in why this sauce is so in demand, and how does it differ from ordinary seasoning? Peculiarities:

  • Creamy texture.
  • Mustard oil is preserved for creation, and sunflower oil is used in the usual one.
  • Soft taste.
  • Pale yellow tint.
  • Various components are used. White wine and herbs are introduced into the dressing, and table vinegar, water and spices are added to the usual dressing.

There are about 20 varieties of French sauces.

How to make Dijon mustard?

Two variations of dressing are most in demand - classic and whole grain. We suggest you familiarize yourself with how to make a breathtaking seasoning for each of the recipes.

To make a traditional sauce, you will need:

  • Finely chopped onion - 200 grams.
  • Grind 2 garlic cloves.
  • Honey - 4 teaspoons.
  • Seasoning powder - 120 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 dessert spoons.
  • Tabasco - 4 drops.
  • Dry white wine - 2 cups.

Create a delicious dish with honey:

  • You will need a small saucepan into which wine is poured, garlic and onions are added.
  • Boil the mass.
  • Lower the heat and simmer the sauce, covered, for 5 minutes.
  • Pour the mixture into a deep bowl and set aside.
  • Pour dry mustard powder and strained wine mixture into the pan. Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Enter oil, honey and Tabasco sauce. Stir.
  • Put the container on a slow fire. During cooking, the dressing is constantly stirred until a thick consistency is obtained.
  • Cool the resulting mass. The dish is stored in a plastic container for up to 8 weeks.

Whole grain sauce is created from the following components:

  • Mustard seeds brown and yellow - ¼ of a glass each.
  • Dry white wine - half a glass.
  • White wine vinegar - 50 grams.
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.
  • Brown sugar (if you prefer spicy dishes) - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking process:

  • In a small bowl, add all ingredients and mix. Cover the container with a plastic bag and leave to infuse at room temperature for 48 hours.
  • After that, the mixture is poured into the blender bowl and whipped for 30 seconds.
  • Please note that this recipe does not require a uniform consistency.
  • Shelf life 90 days.

For your information, the sauce should be consumed 3 days after preparation, as all the flavors will have time to mix and the sauce will become tender and spicy.

Salads with Dijon mustard: recipes

Would you like to make a salad with this seasoning? We offer several popular recipes that will perfectly complement both the daily menu and the festive table.

  • Salad with fresh tomatoes, cheese and quail eggs.
  • Salad with salmon fillet.

To prepare the first course you will need:

  • Boiled quail eggs - 10 pcs.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 30 grams.
  • Mozzarella cheese - 100 grams.
  • Green salad.
  • Olive oil - 2 tablespoons.
  • Wine vinegar - 1 tablespoon.
  • Pepper and salt to taste.
  • French seasoning - 1 tablespoon

Preparing the salad:

  • Eggs and tomatoes are cut into slices.
  • Mozzarella is cut into cubes.
  • Tear lettuce with your hands.
  • We put the ingredients in a plate, pour oil, then vinegar and mustard.
  • Enter salt and pepper.

The dish is ready!

A delicious salmon recipe will require:

  • A glass of rice.
  • 1 lemon.
  • Mustard powder - 6 grams.
  • Smoked salmon - 100 grams.
  • Bulb.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - 1 tablespoon.
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon.
  • Salt and black pepper to taste.
  • Parsley and dill for garnish.

Making a salad:

  • Cook rice until done.
  • Sauce: mustard is mixed with oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper.
  • Cut the onion and cucumber into cubes.
  • Mix rice, cucumbers, onions and finely chopped greens.
  • Drizzle salad with dressing.
  • Wrap the salmon fillet in rolls and spread the salad on top.

French Dijon mustard

Benefits for the body of this seasoning:

  • It has a beneficial effect on the activity of the nervous system.
  • We stimulate cerebral circulation.
  • Improves memory and attention.
  • Recommended for women in the treatment of infertility.
  • Relieves inflammation.
  • Has bactericidal properties.

Despite the beneficial properties, the sauce is not used in large quantities, because it irritates the gastric mucosa.

You've probably all tried store-bought Dijon mustard, it goes great with a variety of snacks. We offer her recipe, we do not pretend to be authentic, but the mustard prepared by us turns out to be very tasty.

Dijon mustard at home is prepared quickly. This sauce is named after the town where it was first offered to the public. French cuisine is known for its delicate and at the same time piquant taste, exquisite presentation of dishes. Mustard, made according to the classic recipe, can add a touch of aristocracy to salads, poultry and carbonate dishes. It can be served both in its pure form in gravy boats, and as a component of various dressings.

In addition to the taste properties, Dijon mustard differs from the usual pasty mustard in that it contains grains infused with young dry white wine, which complement the pasty substance of the multicomponent mass, creating a textural contrast. The classic version necessarily implies the presence of small dark brown whole grains of the plant in a creamy paste.

Both an experienced cook and a beginner can cook this sauce at home. The technological process does not involve complex manipulations, and the composition of the sauce does not involve expensive and rare ingredients. The taste of the finished culinary delight can be adjusted: from spicy to sweetish.

For burning sharpness, almost black seeds are used, which can be taken in different percentages relative to white or yellow grains. You can prepare mustard with a sweetish or more spicy taste. To make the mustard not spicy, you need to know a few secrets, which I will tell you about. If you want to cook a spicy product, instead of yellow seeds, take about one third of black ones. From spices, sugar, apple cider vinegar or wine, salt, sugar, honey are used, which are responsible for the taste of the finished product. Also, recipes may include garlic, onions, turmeric, a mixture of peppers, tarragon, vegetable oil, cinnamon. In addition to grains, you can use mustard powder. There are many recipes for Dijon mustard, but mustard seeds are invariably used.

Taste Info Sauces


  • Mustard seeds - 100 g;
  • Orange juice - 20 ml;
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp;
  • Dry white wine - 100 ml + 1 tablespoon;
  • Honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • Sugar - 0.5 tbsp;
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp

How to make Dijon mustard at home

For cooking, take high-quality mustard seeds. The larger the grains, the more expressive the finished sauce will be. Place them in a fine strainer, rinse thoroughly under running cold water.

Now the seeds need to be transferred to a saucepan. Pour wine or good apple cider vinegar, freshly squeezed orange juice here. Stir. Cover and place in a cool place, such as the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, for 48 hours. This time is enough for the grains to absorb the liquid and swell.

The people of France make their own Dijon mustard at home and use good dry wine, it should not be powdered.

After two days, add sugar, honey, oil, a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or wine to the seeds. Mix thoroughly, being careful not to crush the grains. Put the finished mass on the fire, bring to a boil and cook for exactly 2 minutes.

Select a third of the grains from the total mass and grind them in a blender. You can also crush the seeds the old fashioned way - in a mortar. The finished consistency should be pasty, homogeneous.

In some recipes, some of the seeds are replaced immediately with dry mustard powder.

The crushed seeds remain mixed with the rest of the whole grains. Now, Dijon mustard can be flavored with spices to taste.

Dijon mustard grains prepared according to this recipe must be stored in a sterile glass container in the refrigerator, but not more than 3 months.

Served as a sauce for meat dishes and various appetizers, it goes well with cold fish and vegetable appetizers. Dijon mustard can also be used in marinades for hot meat and fish dishes.