How delicious to make crispy salted cucumbers. Delicious cucumbers in brine with garlic and dill

15.08.2019 Restaurant notes

Lightly salted cucumbers have always been the best snack. Think of movies. In all, they either have a snack or sniff with cucumbers. And if you can still hear them crunching, then you can salivate.

But besides being used as an appetizer, they are good at the table with potatoes, especially young ones, and also in salads, such as. And the smell of herbs and spices emanating from them is simply dizzy. It is even difficult to imagine that we once did not have cucumbers.

Of course it was a long time ago. Thanks to India, where, according to assumptions, cucumbers grew wild at the foot of the Himalayas. Rather, they not only grew, but are growing now. Moreover, some breeds of cucumbers are not edible because of their bitterness. Their relatives probably come across to us sometimes.

Now we are glad that we are now growing many of their varieties and varieties. And whatever varieties you have, you can still cook them lightly salted, which we will consider in this article.

How to make lightly salted cucumbers at home

There are a lot of interesting recipes for salted cucumbers. In this article, I have given just a few of them. I will try to write another article about lightly salted cucumbers in the near future, if possible.


  1. Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag with garlic and bay leaf


  • Fresh cucumbers - 1.2 kg.
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Garlic - 3 - 4 cloves
  • Coriander seeds - 1 tsp
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Salt (preferably large) - 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp
  • Hot red pepper tip


1. The cucumbers that we will pickle must be fresh, not lethargic. We wash the cucumbers and cut off the ends from both sides.

2. If we salt the cucumbers in this form, they will be ready in about 12 hours. If we want to start trying them earlier, then they can be cut into smaller pieces.

3. Let's cut them in half. We shift the cucumbers into a plastic bag.

4. Chop the dill twigs not very finely, the dill stalks can be chopped smaller. We send chopped dill to cucumbers.

5. Cooking spices. Add half a teaspoon of sugar to the salt. Crush the coriander a little in a mortar, do not grind it into dust, but crush it and add it to salt. Grind the bay leaf in your hands and add to the spices.

6. Cut the garlic into large slices and send it to the cucumbers in a bag. Cut a small piece of hot pepper into several small slices and add to the bag to the cucumbers. Add hot pepper as desired. Especially if it is very hot.

7. Last of all, pour salt and spices into a bag with cucumbers.

8. Close the bag if there is a lock or tie it. Shake everything well so that all the ingredients are mixed.

9. We leave the bag with cucumbers on the table for 30 minutes. And after 30 minutes we put the bag in the refrigerator.

10. The package should be in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. After three hours a sample can be taken. Put a few cucumbers on a plate, cut. There are no white stripes inside, which means that the cucumbers are well salted.

The cucumbers turned out to be crispy, very aromatic, lightly salted. These cucumbers can be prepared very quickly for any table.

If you know that you will have guests for lunch, you can quickly cook the cucumbers in a bag in the morning and put them in the refrigerator. By lunchtime, they will already be lightly salted and ready to eat.

But if you leave the cucumbers in the bag overnight, then in the morning they will be salty. Although also very tasty.

Our lightly salted cucumbers in a package are ready and tested. Delicious, aromatic. Well, try your own.

Bon Appetit!

  1. Lightly salted cucumbers with garlic and instant herbs


For a 3 liter jar:

  • Cucumbers - about 1.5 kg.
  • Horseradish leaf
  • Currant leaves - 2-3 pcs.
  • Cherry leaves - 2-3 pcs.
  • Hot pepper to taste
  • Garlic - 4-5 cloves
To fill:
  • For 1 liter of water - 1 tablespoon with a heap of salt


1. Wash cucumbers and cut off the ends on both sides. Taste the cucumbers, especially if you bought them, you know yours if they are bitter. Because, if you pickle the bitter ones, then they will be bitter too lightly salted.

2. Put the cucumbers in a saucepan or in a 3 liter glass jar. Take a pan made of stainless steel or enamel. On average, a 3-liter jar can hold about 1.5 kg. cucumbers. Well, how much will fit in your pan, check it yourself and take the amount of ingredients accordingly.

3. In a saucepan for cucumbers, cut the garlic into large slices, put the cherry leaves and currant leaves there.

4. We cut off the horseradish and send only the stalks to the cucumbers, because all the power is in them. Since we make cucumbers for short-term storage, horseradish can not be added, if desired.

5. And of course we put dill and petioles, and umbrellas, and greens, in general we do not throw anything out of the dill. We cut the whole so that it fits in the pan.

6. Salting can be done hot or cold. Cucumbers will cook faster when hot. We usually pickle that way.

7. Make the fill. For each liter of water, you need to pour a tablespoon with a hill, salt. Add salt and bring the water to a boil.

8. Fill in the brine. The pickle should cover the cucumbers and spices completely. If a liter of water is not enough for you, prepare more brine.

9. That's it. Poured with brine, close the lid, leave the pan to stand at room temperature and wait 6-8 hours until they are salted. Then we put the pan in the refrigerator so that the cucumbers are cooled and can be served.

Such cucumbers, if left for a long time, will become salty, not lightly salted. But we don't keep them for a long time. Everything is quickly eaten up.

10. We get the cucumbers out of the refrigerator

11. Put it on a plate.

12. Cut it, see how evenly they are salted and try.

Our instant salted cucumbers are ready. Boil potatoes and crunch to your health.

Bon Appetit!

  1. Recipe for crispy lightly salted cucumbers


  • Fresh cucumbers (not very large) - 1 kg.
  • Carbonated mineral water - 1 liter
  • Garlic - 1 head
  • Dill - 1 bunch
  • Salt - 30-40 g.
  • Horseradish leaf and root - optional
  • Currant leaf - 10 pcs.


1. Pour half a liter of mineral water into a separate dish, pour salt into it and stir to dissolve the salt as much as possible. Set aside for now.

2. All used greens must be washed well, not necessarily dried.

3. Coarsely chop half a bunch of dill at the bottom of the pan, tear half the currant leaves with our hands and also tear half the horseradish leaves.

4. Cut half of the cooked garlic into large circles and cut the horseradish root here.

5. For well-washed cucumbers, cut off the ends on both sides and place them in a saucepan on a lining of our spices.

If you have cucumbers from the garden, they can be salted right away, of course by washing. Well, if your cucumbers have already become a little sluggish, you need to wash them and put them in cold water for half an hour, so that later they become crispy.

6. Put the cucumbers as tightly as possible to each other. Cut and put all the remaining spices on top. First, chop the remaining garlic, then shave the horseradish root. We tear currant leaves and horseradish leaves. Cut the garlic on top.

You can add more ingredients that you like, such as garlic. But there is no great need for this. The correct amount of ingredients is indicated here.

7. Now we fill everything with mineral water. First, the one that was stirred with salt. Then add another half liter of mineral water.

8. Water must completely cover the surface of the cucumbers.

9. Shake the saucepan a little from side to side so that water penetrates everywhere, close it with an inverted plate and place the load on top. We put in a decanter of water.

10. After 12 hours, the cucumbers will be ready. Then we put them in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, the load can already be removed so that they cool down. They are much tastier when cold.

Crispy salted cucumbers are ready.

What beauty and aroma.

Bon Appetit!

A long time ago, our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers saved the harvest by canning or brining it.
Since that time, lightly salted cucumbers have existed. It seems to me that you are also familiar with the situation when there is a lot of harvest and you do not know what to do with it. As always, the methods of salting, preserving or simply freezing come to our aid. Crispy quick-cooked cucumbers have always been, are and will be. They have always been a part of Slavic cuisine. But sometimes they are salted for too long, for example, three or four days. Well, we really want to try them as soon as possible. Or have dinner with your family potatoes with lightly salted cucumbers. So what to do? I will give you some recipes. One of them is also on our website - Pickling cucumbers without sterilization.

Recipe 1. Lightly salted crispy cucumbers, instant recipe

  • Cucumbers - a kilogram,
  • garlic - one head,
  • dill-1 bunch,
  • currant leaves - 9-15 leaves,
  • peppercorns (black).
  • 2st. tablespoons of salt
  • Mineral water - 1 liter.

Pre-cut the cucumbers on one side and the other. At the bottom of the container, put 3-5 currant leaves, a third of the dill, 2-3 garlic cloves and a few black peppercorns. Then put half of the cucumbers in a saucepan. Cover them with 3-5 currant leaves, 2-3 garlic cloves, a few black peppercorns and half of the remaining dill. Add the remaining cucumbers, also covering them with 2-3 garlic cloves, 3-5 currant leaves, a few black peppercorns and the remaining dill. Mix mineral water with salt. Stir well and pour over the cucumber saucepan. Mineral water promotes quick pickling of cucumbers. Cover with a small plate so that not a single cucumber floats. And everything will be ready tomorrow.

Recipe 2. Recipe five minutes (Spicy)

  • Cucumbers - 1 kilogram,
  • garlic - 2 cloves,
  • salt - one tbsp l. (with a slide),
  • black pepper,
  • Red pepper,
  • dill - 3 branches.

Pre-wash the cucumbers with a brush, as the peel absorbs too much toxins and dirt. Trim on one side and the other. Cut into four pieces. We put in a bag, so the cucumbers are salted faster. Then chop the garlic into small pieces and chop the dill. We put it in a bag. Add red and black pepper to taste, it all depends on how much you like spicy. We put 1 tbsp. l. (with a slide) salt.
We tie the package. The main thing is that the package is free so that the cucumbers can be shaken. Shake and leave for ten minutes.

Recipe 3. Recipe for lightly salted cucumbers with bay leaf

  • Cucumbers-0.5 kg,
  • dill,
  • garlic-3-4 cloves,
  • bay leaves-2-3 pcs.,
  • salt-2 tsp.,
  • sugar-2 tsp.,
  • hot water - 1 cup.

We cut the cucumbers into four parts, send them to the container. Finely chop the dill, send it to a container with cucumbers. Dip the bay leaves in a cup of hot water (for one minute). Chop the garlic, add together with the bay leaf to a container with cucumbers. Salt, sugar. Mix and place in a bag (no holes). We tie and leave for an hour, while shaking the bag every 20 minutes.

Recipe 4. Recipe for crispy salted cucumbers

  • Cucumbers - 2 kg,
  • dill,
  • garlic - 1 head,
  • 2 tbsp salt (no slide).

Soak the cucumbers in water for 1-2 hours (preferably cold). Coarsely chop the dill and garlic, pour into a container with cucumbers. Season with salt, cover the container and stir well. Leave it on the table for a day.

Recipe 5. Lightly salted instant cucumbers

  • Cucumbers - 2 kg,
  • 1 head of garlic
  • horseradish leaves - 5-6 pcs.,
  • cherry leaves - 5-6 pcs.,
  • dill,
  • salt - 2-3 tbsp. l.,
  • mineral water (highly carbonated) - 1.5 l,
  • black peppercorns.

Cut the horseradish, cherry and dill leaves into three equal parts and add the third part to the bottom of a 3 liter jar. Add 6-7 cloves of garlic. Place half of the cucumbers vertically in the jar. Add 2-3 tbsp. l salt and fill with mineral water. Cover the top with some horseradish leaves, cherries and dill. Put the remaining cucumbers and cover with the remaining herbs. Add 1 tbsp. l salt. Fill with mineral water and cover with a lid. We put it in a dark and cool place for a day, but not in the refrigerator.

Recipe 6. Lightly salted crispy cucumbers

  • Cucumbers-2 kg,
  • horseradish root - 4 pcs. medium size,
  • garlic - 7 cloves,
  • currant leaves - 15 pcs,
  • dill - 3 branches.
  • Water (for a three-liter bottle) - 1.5 l,
  • salt-2 tbsp. l. with a slide.

Boil water and add 2 tbsp. l. salt and stir well.

Put currant leaves, dill and half of finely chopped horseradish in a pre-prepared jar. Add 3-4 cloves of garlic. We set the cucumbers tightly into the jar, add the remaining garlic and horseradish root. Pour the marinade into a jar and cover with a nylon lid. After 24 hours at room temperature, everything is ready.

Recipe 7. Lightly salted cucumbers for the winter

  • Cucumbers - 1.5 kg
  • cherry leaves - 3-4 pcs.,
  • currant leaves - 4-5 pcs.,
  • horseradish - 2 roots,
  • garlic - 2-3 heads,
  • dill - 3-4 umbrellas,
  • celery - 2 sprigs,
  • black peppercorns - 6-7 pcs.

Soak the cucumbers in cold water for a few hours. After soaking, cut the cucumbers on both sides. We clean horseradish and garlic. Put on the bottom of the jar half of the cherry leaves, currant leaves, half of the celery, half of the dill, garlic and horseradish and 6-7 black peppercorns. Place half of the cucumbers in the jar. Add any remaining greens on top of the cucumbers. Place the remaining cucumbers in the jar. Fill with brine. Cover with a lid. Cucumbers are salted for two days.

Recipe 8. Lightly salted crispy cucumbers

  • Cucumbers - 1 kg,
  • currant leaves,
  • dill (fresh or old umbrella),
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves,
  • cherry leaves,
  • horseradish leaves.

Boil water, dissolve salt in it and cool, or take cold boiled water and dissolve immediately.
Wash the herbs thoroughly and leave the cucumbers in cold water for a couple of hours. to make them crispier. We put half of the greens on the bottom of the pan, the leaves can be taken even with twigs. Chop the garlic there. We put cucumbers, pre-cut on both sides (in order for them to become lightly salted faster, moreover, it is believed that the tips have the most nitrates). For pickling, the cucumbers must be placed vertically, so they become lightly salted better and faster. It is better to take cucumbers of the same size, so they will be salted at the same time. Fill the cucumbers with brine, it is better to strain the brine, since sometimes there are small pebbles in the salt. If there is not enough liquid, just dilute it again. Cover the cucumbers on top with the remaining herbs. On top, chop the cucumbers with a clean towel and leave until the evening, on the table. Cover and refrigerate in the evening. And remember, the smaller the cucumbers, the faster they are salted. For example, if you take 10 cm cucumbers, they will be ready within 24 hours. Those who love very lightly salted cucumbers will be ideal for that. If you want the cucumbers to be more salted, it may be better if they stand a little longer. As you eat lightly salted cucumbers, you can put fresh ones in this brine, you won't be able to use the brine endlessly, but you can do it up to two weeks. Then you will need to make fresh. Cucumbers need to be stored in the refrigerator not to overexpose, otherwise they will turn from lightly salted into highly salted.

Recipe 9. Quick-cooking lightly salted crispy cucumbers

Ingredients (recipe for a three-liter can):

  • Cucumbers - 2 kg,
  • cherry leaves (currants can be used) - 5-6 pcs.,
  • bay leaves - 3-4 pcs.,
  • garlic (preferably young) - 1 head,
  • black peppercorns - 6-7 pcs.,
  • black hot pepper - 2 pcs.,
  • horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.,
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l. (with a slide),
  • mineral water (highly carbonated) - 1.5 liters.

For 1.5 liters of mineral water, put 2 tbsp. l. salt, always with a slide. Stir well.

First, prepare the cucumbers, cut them on both sides and CUT (do not cut) in the middle. Put on the bottom of the jar either cherry leaves or currant leaves. Put 3-4 bay leaves. Coarsely chop the garlic, add to the jar. We add black hot pepper, for those people who have stomach problems or small children, this is not recommended. Add black peppercorns 6-7 pcs. We also put one horseradish leaf on the bottom (the second will be on top), coarsely chopped dill. Spread the cucumbers tightly. Put horseradish leaf, dill on top. Fill with mineral water and salt. Cover with gauze and leave at room temperature for a day. After that, you can eat them, but it is advisable to cover with a nylon lid and refrigerate.

The summer season is ahead and it is good to have a quick recipe for making lightly salted cucumbers on hand. It's hard to argue with the fact that lightly salted cucumbers are one of the most popular snacks. They go well with fried meat and boiled potatoes, their spicy taste will be an excellent addition to almost any diet. And how nice it is to have a crunchy cucumber snack! You should definitely try it. Lightly salted cucumbers are very tasty and easy, because cooking does not take much time. There are many recipes for delicious cucumbers: these are lightly salted cucumbers in a package, classic quick salted cucumbers, lightly salted cucumbers with apples, lightly salted quick cucumbers. Eyes run, drooling! Let's figure out how to quickly cook lightly salted cucumbers. It's simple if you know some tricks. Also for you are six quick recipes for lightly salted cucumbers.

Lightly salted cucumbers - how to choose

It is very important to choose the right cucumbers for the preparation of lightly salted cucumbers. You can not take bitter, lethargic and yellowing. Small and thin-skinned are ideal. Necessarily strong and pimply. Nizhyn cucumbers are very good for salted salted, but you can take any others. The main thing is that they meet the listed selection criteria. Another important point in choosing cucumbers is to choose approximately the same fruits. This will allow the cucumbers to be salted evenly.

Lightly salted cucumbers - what water to fill

If you want to make premium-quality lightly salted cucumbers, consider the water. This is important, because cucumbers absorb it into themselves, so it is better to take proven bottled water, and not tap water. As a last resort, tap water should be filtered, poured into an enamel pot and put a silver spoon or a special pendant in it for a couple of hours. Water is needed for soaking and brine - ten liters of water is enough for 5 kilograms of vegetables. for cucumbers is very important.

Lightly salted cucumbers - in which dishes to lightly salt

In order for lightly salted cucumbers to turn out delicious, you should use enamel, glass or ceramic dishes for their preparation. A jar is a good option, but a saucepan is much more convenient - it is more convenient to put cucumbers in it and take it out accordingly. In addition, if the cucumbers are tamped tightly into a jar or other dish, they will lose their crunchy properties. In order for the cucumbers to be completely in the brine, you need to use a weight placed on a lid or plate of a smaller diameter than the container for cooking.

Lightly salted cucumbers - how to soak

Another important aspect of preparing delicious lightly salted cucumbers is the soaking procedure. This is done so that the cucumbers are stronger and crisper. To soak, pour cucumbers with clean water and leave for 3-4 hours. Do not neglect this step and you will receive elastic crunchy cucumbers as a reward.

We have already figured out some of the secrets of making crispy salted cucumbers. We know how to choose cucumbers, what dishes to take and what water to use. We learned that soaking will make the salted cucumbers crispy and firm. Now it remains to find out how to make lightly salted cucumbers tasty and aromatic.

Lightly salted cucumbers - how much salt to put

Whatever recipe for lightly salted cucumbers you take, remember that you can only use rock salt for cooking cucumbers. Iodized salt and sea salt are not suitable. Use coarse rock salt as fine rock salt can make vegetables soft. For optimal salinity of cucumbers, it is recommended to put 2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water.

Lightly salted cucumbers - what spices and herbs to put

A bouquet of herbs and spices is indispensable for the preparation of delicious lightly salted cucumbers. What herbs should be put in the brine to give the cucumbers an unforgettable aroma and taste. In every recipe for lightly salted cucumbers, dill, currant leaves and horseradish leaves are always found, many will certainly put garlic. This is the basis that can and will be limited to begin with. Dill gives cucumbers an easily recognizable smell, currants give lightly salted cucumbers crispness and aroma, horseradish is responsible for an unforgettable taste and spice, while protecting cucumbers from mold, garlic disinfects and adds its aromatic note. You can add bay leaves and black or allspice peas to a hot brine for lightly salted cucumbers.

If you want to diversify the taste of lightly salted cucumbers - choose recipes with the addition of berries and apples. They will add an interesting aroma and subtle sourness. Apples and currants, both black and red, slightly change the usual classic taste of lightly salted cucumbers, so add a little - try to understand how it tastes better for you.

Lightly salted cucumbers - how much to salt

Of course, everyone wants to have lightly salted cucumbers ready as soon as possible. This can be done by using the recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in a bag. With classic cooking, lightly salted cucumbers in hot brine will be ready in a day, but lightly salted cucumbers in cold brine need to wait 2-3 days.

How to preserve lightly salted cucumbers

Gradually, lightly salted cucumbers turn into salted ones. If it is important for you to keep them lightly salted, then take on a couple of tips:
  • after the brine has cooled down and the cucumbers stand for 4-5 hours, it is better to put them in the refrigerator - in the cold, the fermentation process slows down, and the cucumbers remain lightly salted longer;
  • cook a little - just add fresh cucumbers to the prepared pickle as you eat those that were in it.

Salted cucumber recipes

Each family has its own recipe for lightly salted cucumbers with its own secret ingredients. You will too. But first, try the simple, classic recipes for making lightly salted cucumbers. For the impatient, we suggest trying the recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in a bag and early ripening cucumbers - the fastest recipe for making lightly salted cucumbers.

A simple recipe for salted cucumbers

For salting you will need:
5 kg of cucumbers, 7-10 branches of dill with umbrellas, 1 head of garlic, 30 horseradish leaves, 4 tsp. allspice peas, 2 tsp. red peppercorns, currant leaves, 6 tbsp. salt

Wash cucumbers and soak in cold water for 2 hours. Coarsely chop the greens, peel the garlic, chop the horseradish leaves, leave 2-3 leaves intact. Put horseradish leaves in an enamel pan on the bottom, then some of the chopped herbs and spices. Lay a layer of cucumbers. On top, again, herbs with spices, then cucumbers. The last layer is whole horseradish leaves. Dissolve salt in 3 liters of hot, but not brought to a boil, water and pour cucumbers. Press down with a press. Leave on for 2 days.

Recipe for quick salted cucumbers

For salting you will need:
2 kg of cucumbers, 10 black peppercorns, 5 allspice peas, 1 tsp. sugar, coarse salt, a bunch of dill stalks, 2 lemons

Cooking lightly salted cucumbers:
Crush the pepper in a mortar with sugar and 2 tbsp. coarse salt. Remove the zest from the lemons, add salt and pepper to the mixture. Squeeze the juice out of the lemons. Chop the dill. Wash cucumbers, soak for 1 hour. Then cut off the ponytails on both sides. Do not hit each cucumber too hard with the pestle or the handle of a heavy knife to crack the cucumber, then cut each cucumber across into several pieces. Sprinkle the cucumbers with salt and pepper, pour over the lemon juice and stir. Add another 1-2 tablespoons of salt, herbs and leave for half an hour. Blot the salt with a paper towel before serving. If you are in a hurry, do without soaking. Then the cucumbers can be salted in about an hour.

Recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in package number 1

1 kg of fresh cucumbers, 1 bunch of fresh dill, 1 head of garlic, 1 tsp. sugar, 1 tbsp. salt.

Cooking lightly salted cucumbers in a package:
Wash fresh vegetables and herbs. Fresh cucumbers should be soaked in clean cold water for 2 hours. Then you need to get them out and wipe each dry. You can prick with a fork in several places and cut off the ends. Take a sturdy plastic bag. Put dry cucumbers, chopped dill and garlic in it. Tie and shake to mix. Now you need to leave the bag of cucumbers for 2 hours at room temperature. Then put in the refrigerator for an hour or two. Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag are made very quickly and easily. You need to store them in a cool place for no more than 3 days.

Recipe lightly salted cucumbers in package number 2

For salting you will need:
1 kg of cucumbers, a small bunch of greens (dill "umbrellas", fresh horseradish leaves, currant, cherry), 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tbsp. coarse salt, 1 tsp. cumin (optional), a clean plastic bag, or a plastic container with a tight lid

Cooking lightly salted cucumbers in a package:
Tear the dill and leaves with your hands, put them in a bag. Cut off the tails of cucumbers, send also in a package. Squeeze the garlic through a garlic press (you can chop it with a knife). Mash cumin seeds in a mortar with a pestle or use a rolling pin. Add salt, cumin and garlic to the bag, tie tightly and shake well so that the cucumbers are completely mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Transfer the bag to a plate and refrigerate for one hour. During this time, the cucumbers will be lightly salted, crispy with garlic.

Recipe for crispy salted cucumbers with apples

For salting you will need:
cucumbers 1 kg, green sweet and sour apples 2 pcs., young garlic 1 clove, dill 150 g, black currant and cherry leaves 3 pcs., horseradish leaf 1 pc., black peppercorns 4-6 pcs., bay leaf 1 PC.; for brine: 1 l of water, 2 tbsp. l. salt

Cooking lightly salted cucumbers:
Boil the brine. To do this, boil the water, add salt and bay leaf. Cut off the "butts" of cucumbers. Peel young garlic. Cut the apples into 4 pieces. Put 1/3 of the dill, currant and cherry leaves, horseradish in a dry saucepan. We spread half the cucumbers, one apple. Put half the norm of garlic and peppercorns.
Then we spread another part of dill, garlic, currant leaves and cherries. We add all the remaining cucumbers, apples, herbs and garlic. Fill the cucumbers with hot brine. We close it with a plate and place the load. Let it cool completely and put it in the refrigerator. In the morning, crispy cucumbers are ready.

Quickly salted cucumbers

For the preparation of lightly salted cucumbers:
A few cucumbers, a little dill, a few cloves of garlic, salt

Cooking early ripening lightly salted cucumbers:
Wash cucumbers and soak in cold water for 5-10 minutes. Wash and chop the dill finely. Peel and crush the garlic in a garlic bowl. Cut the cucumbers into pieces into eight to twelve pieces - see the size of your cucumbers. Place the prepared cucumbers in layers in a jar, sprinkle with salt, garlic and dill. Cover the jar of cucumbers with a lid, shake thoroughly until the contents of the jar are well mixed. Leave for 5-10 minutes. Lightly salted cucumbers are ready quickly.

Lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water

To prepare lightly salted cucumbers on mineral water, you need:
1 kg of small cucumbers, 1 liter of mineral sparkling water, 2 tablespoons of salt, 3 cloves of garlic, a bunch of dill

Cooking lightly salted cucumbers:
Rinse the dill well and shake off the water. Put half of the dill on the bottom of the container, in which we will salt the cucumbers. Rinse cucumbers, cut off the ends, fold tightly into a container. Put the second half of the dill and finely chopped garlic on the cucumbers. Dissolve salt separately in mineral water. Pour this mixture over the cucumbers so that they are completely covered. Put the cucumbers in the refrigerator. They are ready in 12-14 hours.

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Hi friends! Today we have a very tasty topic with you.

Raise your hand, who DOES NOT love juicy, crunchy, aromatic cucumbers? Yes, there are none, I'm sure!

I myself am. I love them both fresh and canned. But all this very quickly becomes boring, do you agree? And you already want something new and unusual ... So?

Yes, easily!

Keep the idea! Cucumbers LIGHT SALT!

You can't imagine how delicious it is !!! You cannot compare them either with fresh ones, let alone with canned ones ... And in terms of their usefulness, they are a hundred times superior to them!

Why? Read below.

And I'll give you recipes, but what about? Own, personal, verified!

In this article, you will learn:

Instant salted cucumbers - the most delicious recipes

Why are salted cucumbers so useful?

And the fact that during salting, a fermentation process occurs, in which lactic acid bacteria begin to actively multiply. It is these lactic acid bacteria that are sooo useful for the good functioning of our intestines and Health in general!

Why are salted cucumbers so good?

And the fact that they are both a wonderful appetizer (as an independent dish) and a wonderful addition to almost any of your dishes!

They go with a bang, and with borscht, and with potatoes, and with pasta.

They are perfect as a component for salads, especially of the "Olivier" type, for vinaigrettes, where pickles are needed.

Your "Olivier" or vinaigrette will sparkle with new "notes", unusual, juicy, interesting ...

For sandwiches - please! Great thing!

Yes, even just like that, with black bread - you know how delicious !!!? Mmmm ...

In addition, lightly salted cucumbers can be cooked in different ways, you can spicy, you can with herbs, you can with garlic ... Who likes - please! Who likes to be very crispy - please!

And who does not want to bother for a long time and wait - also please! - there is an instant recipe. Choose what your heart desires!

Recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in a bag with garlic and herbs - super tasty and fast!

This is an insanely popular recipe, as it does not take much time, it is also called "cucumbers in five minutes."

You will not need to cook the brine or wait for several days. The cucumbers will be ready in 4-5 hours!

It would be even better to keep them a little longer, for example, they cooked them in the evening, and the next day - voila! - you already have delicious crispy and aromatic cucumbers ready!

But many can not stand this time, and eat right there ... They are so tasty!

The recipe is outrageously simple, which is the very "it" for young, novice hostesses!

The big "plus" of this recipe is that the cucumbers do not change their color during the cooking process, they remain the same bright, beautifully green

How to salt salted cucumbers in a bag - dry salted

So, we take:

  • about a kilogram of cucumbers,
  • a tablespoon of salt (less as possible, see according to your preferences),
  • one teaspoon of sugar (who basically does not want to use sugar - you can use honey, I did it - great!),
  • garlic (crush a few cloves, how much - decide for yourself how you like more),
  • a bunch of dill (I always put a big bunch!).

Now we are preparing:

  1. Choose small cucumbers so that they are salted faster. Rinse them thoroughly, trim off the ends at both ends.
  2. Rinse the greens, let the water drain, chop finely and finely.
  3. Now we take a strong, durable plastic bag of sufficient size, put the cucumbers there.
  4. Pour salt, sugar directly into the bag, put crushed (finely chopped) garlic and dill.
  5. Now tie the bag tightly and shake its contents several times so that all the ingredients are evenly distributed over the cucumbers.

Everything! Now you can simply put the bag in the refrigerator for a few hours. And then enjoy yourself and please your loved ones with lightly salted cucumbers!

If you are wondering how the cucumbers will be salted, if there is no pickle and they are dry, then do not worry!

I assure you, the brine will appear, and they will be salted perfectly, and everything will be just wonderful!

If you want to make your cucumbers more savory, no problem! Add your favorite spices and herbs! And you will have cucumbers with a new taste every time.

Personally, I love adding coriander, allspice, and ... ground black pepper! Yes Yes! It's so delicious ... !!!

Store these cucumbers in the refrigerator unless you eat them all at once. What I very much doubt ...

Lightly salted cucumbers in a bag with vinegar

This is also a dry salting method.

But its "trick" is that when cooking you use ordinary food grade 9% vinegar.

What for? The process of pickling cucumbers is reduced several times!

Don't want to use store-bought table vinegar? No problem! Use. If there is one cooked with your own hand - it's generally great!

And I also used freshly squeezed lemon juice instead of vinegar - generally excellent!

By ingredients - everything is the same as in the previous recipe:

  • a kilogram of cucumbers,
  • 1 tbsp salt
  • 1 tsp sugar
  • garlic, herbs, spices to taste.

In this recipe, add vinegar (or lemon juice, whatever you want, delicious this way and that) - about a spoon or two tablespoons for that amount of cucumbers.

If you want, you can do three, no question if you are a big lover of sour taste.

So, let's prepare:

  • my cucumbers, cut off the ends, put the cucumbers in a bag,
  • add salt, sugar, vinegar (lemon juice), spices, garlic, chopped herbs,
  • tightly tie (fasten) the bag and shake its contents thoroughly.
  • wait until they are ready (ideally 2-3 hours)!

I share my "life hack", friends! If you cut the cucumbers in half lengthwise or into four parts (depending on the thickness of the cucumbers), they will be salted even faster and will be ready ... almost immediately !!! For us, always busy and always in a hurry, this "Trick" - salvation is simple!

In this case, you do not need to put the package with cucumbers in the refrigerator. Leave it at room temperature for an hour.

Such cucumbers can be transferred to a jar and stored in the refrigerator for a couple of days, no more.

But I do not think that they will "live" with you even until the next morning ... They are so awesomely delicious!

Lightly salted cucumbers with mustard in a bag

Friends, I love this recipe for making lightly salted cucumbers precisely due to the fact that there is mustard in the composition.

Yes, yes, it is she who gives the cucumbers such an unusual taste! And what a scent! Mmm ... And in combination with garlic and herbs - it's just amazing, I assure you!

For some reason it seems to me not, I am sure that this particular recipe will become your favorite. The same as mine.

By ingredients - everything is simple, everything is the same as in the previous recipes:

  • a kilogram of cucumbers,
  • salt,
  • sugar,
  • greens,
  • garlic,
  • vinegar (lemon juice),
  • spices.

Only to all the spices we add one more - ground dry mustard. For the first time, I do not recommend going all-out and adding too much of it.

Add a little, try it. If it is not enough for you, add more next time. I always put it "by eye".

Cooking technology - as in the recipe above.

Lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan in brine - a very tasty recipe

Another very simple recipe.

It is necessary to prepare the cucumbers by cutting off the ends from them, rinse them, put them in any container of sufficient volume (a bowl, a saucepan, or a glass jar) and pour them with brine.

Preparing the brine is easy:

  1. For one liter of water, you need to add from 1 to 3 tablespoons of salt (depending on how salty you like) + a little sugar (one or two teaspoons).
  2. Stir, boil, cool until warm.
  3. Add garlic, herbs, spices, cherries (optional).
  4. Pour the prepared cucumbers with brine so that the brine completely covers them.
  5. Leave the cucumbers at room temperature for a day or two or three, as you wish. With each subsequent day, they will become more and more intense in taste.

My "life hack" - I am impatient and do not like to cook pickle, boil it and wait until it cools down ...

I do not understand WHY to boil it AT ALL! Therefore, I often just pour ordinary filtered water into a large bowl (pan), add salt and sugar, spices and herbs, lower the prepared cucumbers, cover the bowl (pan) with something - and you're done!

It remains only to wait at least a day for the cucumbers to become ready.

Lightly salted cucumbers with mineral water

In fact, these are the same cucumbers in brine, but the "trick" is that instead of ordinary water, we will use ... mineral water!

Cucumbers prepared according to this recipe are just mega-crispy !!! Try it, you will love it!


  • we take one kilogram of cucumbers, cut off the ends from both sides,
  • put cucumbers in a jar or other container where they will be cooked,
  • we take a liter of mineral water (in principle - any, the main thing is that its taste is pleasant to you), add a tablespoon of salt, chopped garlic, chopped herbs, spices to the water,
  • stir well and fill our cucumbers on top with such brine,
  • close the lid and put it in the refrigerator,
  • * in a day we take out and crack for Health!

Quick salted cucumbers in 5 minutes

Do you know why they are called that? Because they are being prepared for as long as… five minutes!

Yes, no more! This is a great snack in case you come to the country house or for a picnic with friends.

That is, while you are stringing your future kebab on a skewer, while you are laying out what you brought with you from food, your cucumbers will already "arrive in time"!

This is a great super-lifesaver even if guests suddenly come to you.

While you are preparing the main course and setting the table, you can offer your guests such an aperitif - something "stronger" and just such an appetizer from homemade cucumbers. Believe me, after that they will ask you for the recipe, but more than once!

You can cook both in a bag and immediately in a salad bowl (bowl), as it is most convenient for you. Just remember to stir the cucumbers a couple of times while they're cooking, okay?

So, everything is simple:

  • cut the cucumbers into thin long slices, cutting them in half lengthways or into quarters,
  • salt, pepper to taste (add a little more pepper than usual, this is still a spicy appetizer!),
  • add a little sugar, vinegar, chopped garlic and chopped herbs,
  • add a little vegetable oil (olive oil, first cold pressing is perfect here).

Just don't add too much oil! This is not a salad ... This is an appetizer, and you need a little oil, so that you can simply grease the cucumbers and give the appetizer an additional taste and aroma.

  • Now stir all the ingredients, wait a couple of minutes, stir again.
  • After a few more minutes, you can safely serve it on the table!

My observations: for some reason, men really love this appetizer!

So, girls, we cook, we surprise, we make our Beloved ones happy!

Express - marinade for salted cucumbers - video

And I also really liked the marinade for salted cucumbers from this video, I strongly advise you to watch)

These are the recipes I prepared for you today. I really hope that you will like them and you will be satisfied with the taste of lightly salted cucumbers.

Write your recipes in the comments, it will be very interesting for me to learn something new!

Who will cook according to my recipes - also write, tell us what you did, okay?

See you soon, friends!

Alena Yasneva was with you, Health to everyone and all, all earthly blessings!

Every summer, as soon as young cucumbers appear, the period of their salting begins - in jars for the winter, or in a saucepan, in haste to eat them lightly salted. True, to cook crispy, lightly salted yummy, smelling of dill and garlic, you need to wait a few days. And so I want to speed up this process! Fortunately, this is quite real.

There are many recipes for quick pickling of cucumbers. Moreover, you can use the cold or hot method, which is more preferable for you. For example, when using hot brine, they will be ready in an hour.

What recipes can be used for cooking cucumbers in a saucepan, which pickling method should I choose? Let's talk about this on the Popular About Health website:

A Few Cooking Tips

For tasty, evenly salted cucumbers, use young vegetables that are about the same size. It is ideal to take small fruits, with a thin skin and pimples - these will surely quickly be salted.

If you have large specimens at your disposal, it is better to cut them in half. Very large - in three parts.

Before cooking, be sure to wash the vegetables with running water, then soak them in cold water for a couple of hours. During this time, they will be cleansed of nitrates and get rid of bitterness. In addition, they are saturated with moisture, which subsequently will make them more crispy.
Cooking cucumbers in a saucepan - recipes

Cold salting method:

This is a very simple recipe that will give you delicious, flavorful vegetables in two days. This method is convenient for an ordinary urban kitchen, suitable for summer cottage conditions.

US will need: for 2 kg of fresh fruits - one and a half liters of soft cold water, 3-4 tablespoons of ordinary salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, as well as 1 head of garlic, a pair of dill umbrellas.

For additional aroma and taste, take more: 1 horseradish leaf (or a piece of chopped root), 4 black currant leaves, 3 - cherries, 1 tsp. mustard seeds.

You can also use 5-6 grains of allspice and black pepper, a couple of bay leaves.


Prepare the cucumbers as described above, cut off the ends. Put half of all greens (freshly washed well beforehand) and seasonings in a large enamel pan.

Peel the garlic, cut each clove into several pieces. Place half in a saucepan. We will use the remaining garlic later.

Lay the cucumbers in layers on the greens, tightly to each other. Place some garlic on each layer. Cover the last layer with the remaining herbs.

Mix the water, salt and sugar separately and stir well to dissolve.

Pour the resulting brine over the vegetables in a saucepan. Cover with a large, slightly smaller plate. Cover with a gauze napkin, put the load. For example, a liter jar of water. The load is needed for the salting to "accelerate". Without it, the cucumbers will be salted in 4-5 days, with it the process in the pan goes faster.

Place the pot in a cool place, preferably in a cellar, where it is not hot and there is no sun. After two days, you can serve it to the table.

Hot salting method:

If you wait two days for a long time, use this salting method. Boiling brine almost instantly penetrates vegetables and cucumbers can be eaten immediately after cooling. The only bad thing is that they lose their bright emerald color. However, the taste is very good - juicy, crunchy, lightly salted and aromatic!

To prepare in this way, you will need products: for 2 kg - 2 liters of water, 3-4 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, and another 1 head of garlic, a couple of dill umbrellas.

Also take a couple of horseradish leaves, 4 black currant leaves, 2 cherries. 1 tsp of mustard seeds, black pepper (peas). You can add a few sprigs of tarragon if you like.


Wash a large enamel pan well, pour over with boiling water. Process the cucumbers, cut off the ends.

Wash the herbs thoroughly, fold half to the bottom of the pan. Peel the garlic, cut the cloves into 2-3 pieces. Spread half of the whole garlic over the herbs.

Fold the cucumbers in dense layers. Put a little garlic on each layer. Cover the last layer with the remaining herbs and spices.

Boil water in a separate saucepan, add moth, sugar, boil until they are completely dissolved.

Pour cucumbers with boiling solution. Close the lid, leave to cool completely. They can be refrigerated before use, or they can be eaten as soon as they cool down on their own.

Five-minute cucumber recipe

You can make lightly salted crunchy cucumbers with this simple recipe. They can be eaten almost immediately.

Using certain spices, you can diversify the taste and aroma of vegetables. For example, add more pepper and garlic for a spicier taste. If you put a little sugar, you will not use hot seasonings, you will get tender cucumbers that children love very much.

We will use the spices described in this recipe. Well, you can change them as you like.

So we required: 1 kg of young vegetables, dill, a pinch of black pepper, salt to taste, 4 cloves of garlic.


Prepare the cucumbers, cut off the ends. Cut into slices, slightly larger than a salad - each no more than 0.5 cm thick. Place in a deep bowl, salt and pepper, mix thoroughly.

Place finely chopped herbs and minced garlic in the bottom of a small enamel saucepan. Grind this fragrant mixture with a wooden pusher to create juice.

Put the cucumber slices with the grated spices. Place the lid on the saucepan and shake vigorously for a few minutes. Leave to soak for 10 minutes. Then serve with boiled potatoes. Bon Appetit!