Silver carp fillet in batter. Fried silver carp - recipe with photos on how to fry delicious silver carp in a frying pan

27.11.2023 Restaurant notes

What tender meat the silver carp has. Nourishing and tasty, what more can you say. I usually buy fish per kilogram or a little less. And recently I decided to take a bigger fish. The fish weighed 2 kilograms.

I usually ask to cut the fish into portions. And what? If there is such a service in the supermarket, then why not use it. Moreover, as I understand, everything is included in the price of the fish.

To be honest, I used to fry fish simply by salting it and rolling it in flour. Recently, a friend advised me to make adjustments to my usual recipe.

Silver carp meat is ideal for frying. Just salt it, pepper it and sprinkle it with lemon juice. It turns out delicious and tender steaks.


  • 2 kg. silver carp fish
  • juice of one small lemon
  • ground black pepper
  • vegetable oil for frying

The recipe is very, very simple. First you need to clean the fish and cut it into portions. They've already done this for me, so I'm really grateful that I don't have to fuss.

I washed the fish pieces and dried them on a paper towel. To make silver carp fried in a frying pan tasty, we pour lemon juice over it. I have large lemons, I used half.

I salted each piece of fish and sprinkled it with ground black pepper. Here you already do everything to your liking. And then pour lemon juice over each piece. I directly squeezed lemon juice from the lemon onto each slice.

Salt, pepper and pour lemon juice over each piece on both sides. Leave the silver carp to marinate. Approximately 20-30 minutes.

This is the secret of delicious fish. The pieces are marinated, and the silver carp turns out very tasty.

The next step is to bread each piece of fish in flour. Place the frying pan on the fire, pour vegetable oil into it, and let it heat up.

By the way, if you are going to buy silver carp, it is better to give preference to large fish. It has fewer bones and is fattier. I bought both small and large, in my opinion, from 2 kg. wonderful fish.

If your fish is large, then part of it can be frozen. I froze it. Then you defrost and fry when needed. It is better not to store fresh fish in the refrigerator for more than a day.

Fry the silver carp pieces in a frying pan on both sides until golden brown. It's up to you to fry it too much or not.

I fry the pieces on both sides, and then cover with a lid and cook the fish for another 8-10 minutes. Because I have huge pieces of fish. But it was great, I ate one and was full.

Well, that's basically all. Place the fish on a plate. You can sprinkle it with lemon to taste, if anyone needs it. But it tastes better with lemon juice.

Vegetables go well with fish. So this fish is very tasty with a salad of fresh vegetables. Here is a simple recipe for making silver carp.

The main advantage is that silver carp is a dietary product, plus it contains a lot of protein. The main value of this fish is, of course, omega-3 acids, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, sulfur, and sodium.

Silver carp is useful to include in the diet for hypertension, gout, rheumatism, diabetes, heart and nervous system diseases. Eating fish has a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails, and tissue regeneration.

Silver carp can be fried, stewed, stuffed, boiled, baked. You can prepare a lot of dishes from this fish. The most important thing is to buy fresh fish.

Now you know how to deliciously fry silver carp in a frying pan. Prepare it, try it, I think you won’t regret it. The fish is really tasty.

It would seem that it could be difficult to prepare such a dish as. Not at all, on the Internet on many women’s and culinary forums, groups and social networks you can find a large number of questions about how to fry silver carp in a frying pan, tasty, quickly and simply.

Since silver carp is a large fish, unlike small river fish, it is fried not as a whole carcass, but in small pieces in the form. Anyone who has fried this fish at least once knows that it smells like mud, like catfish, and besides, this fish, especially the large ones, is quite fatty. For these reasons, many housewives do not buy it. If you want the fish not to be fatty, buy a carcass weighing up to 3 kg. Moreover, I would like to immediately note the fact that the fat of silver carp is very close in composition to the fat of marine fish.

It is also rich in unsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the human body. So here it’s up to you to decide whether to buy leaner fish or, on the contrary, fattier ones. Despite the presence of fat, like any other fish, it is considered a dietary food product.

Many women who watch their figure are, of course, interested in the calorie content of fried silver carp in a frying pan. Its calorie content is low and ranges from 80 to 130 kcal. per 100 gr. product. Of course, during a diet it is better to boil it than to fry it.

But you can get rid of the river mud smell in many ways. The surest way is to marinate the silver carp in a marinade before frying. Citrus fruits – lime, lemon, orange – remove fish odor very well. Today I want to invite you to fry silver carp marinated with spices and pieces of lime. In addition to the fact that the meat will absolutely stop smelling like mud, it will become even more tender and juicy, thanks to the acids contained in the lime.

Instead of lime, you can use lemon in the recipe for fried silver carp in a frying pan. Fish with it will turn out no less tasty. As for spices, you can just buy a bag of spices and add it to a bowl with pieces of silver carp, or you can add exactly the spices that you prefer to it.

Now I suggest you go to the recipe and see how to fry silver carp in a frying pan tasty and fast.


  • Silver carp carcass weighing 2-3 kg.,
  • Half a lime or lemon
  • Spices: paprika, curry, black pepper, dried basil, garlic, dry adjika - a pinch,
  • Salt - on the tip of a teaspoon,
  • Wheat flour - about 50 gr.,
  • Vegetable sunflower oil – 4 tbsp. spoons.

Fried silver carp in a frying pan - recipe

So, the carcass of the silver carp that we want to fry must be cut. The first step is to clear it of scales. Like any other fish, it is best to clean it by drinking in the direction of its growth, that is, from the tail to the head.

After the fish has been scaled, its entrails will need to be removed. We cut the fish along the belly. We take out the insides. If the silver carp had caviar inside, set it aside for frying or salting. After removing the insides, rinse the fish thoroughly inside. Cut off the head of the silver carp. At this link, you can read the recipe.

All that remains is to cut off the fish's tail and large dorsal and ventral fins. After all these procedures, cut the silver carp into pieces 2 cm thick. Steaks from it can be made larger.

Wash the lime or lemon. Literally cut half a medium-sized lemon (lime) into small slices.

Place the chopped silver carp pieces into a deep enough bowl. Sprinkle them with spices. Add some salt.

Stir. Add lime (lemon) halves.

Mix the silver carp with the lime (lemon) again.

To thoroughly marinate in spices and lime juice, leave it for several hours. The marinating time will range from one hour to 5-6 hours. The bowl of fish should be covered with film or a plate and sent to a cool place. After marinating for such a long time, the fish can be fried. Place flour on a plate. Roll the silver carp pieces in it.

Place the flour-breaded fish in a hot frying pan.

Fry the fish pieces on both sides until golden brown.

Serve fried silver carp with pieces of herbs or vegetables. Enjoy your meal. I will be glad if this recipe for fried silver carp in a frying pan you will need it.

Fried silver carp in a frying pan. Photo

Recipe silver carp fried in a frying pan:

Cut the gutted and cleaned silver carp into equal pieces; of course, you can cut it into steaks, but if the fish is large, then the steaks will turn out to be very large, so they should be cut in half. Place the fish in a bowl, cover with cold water and leave for 10 minutes.

Prepare salt and spices, and also squeeze out the juice of half a lemon, do not throw away the lemon slices.

Pour lemon juice over the silver carp steaks, add salt and pepper, mix everything so that the juice with spices and salt get on each piece of fish. Leave the silver carp in lemon juice for 15 minutes. Send the lemon slices left after squeezing the juice there.

After 15 minutes, you should roll the silver carp pieces in wheat flour, and you can roll them twice so that you get a crispy crust in the pan.

Place the breaded silver carp pieces into the heated oil. Fry over moderate heat for about 2 minutes on one side.

Then carefully turn the fish over to the other side and keep it on the fire for another minute or two.

Fried silver carp can be served hot, straight from the pan, or completely cooled. Potatoes, fresh vegetables or salad are suitable as a side dish.

How to deliciously fry silver carp in a frying pan

Any fish in batter is a very original, tasty and at the same time not at all difficult dish to make, which is feasible even for novice housewives.

Batter is a thin dough intended for frying food in hot oil. It envelops the product, which allows it to retain its shape, juiciness and tenderness during heat treatment. The batter also makes a delicious crispy crust.
There are many options and from a wide variety of products. Its main components are flour and liquid components. For the latter, I suggest using eggs and light beer. Of course, doctors and nutritionists do not recommend eating battered dishes often, but you can rarely indulge yourself. And in our family, beer is used exclusively for preparing dishes that taste incomparable. And fried silver carp in batter is one of them.

Fried silver carp in a frying pan, recipe with photos step by step

Silver carp – 1 medium carcass (you can use portioned steaks or ready-made fillets)
Beer – 50 ml
Eggs – 1 piece
Ground black pepper - a pinch
Flour – 3 tablespoons
Vegetable oil - for frying
Salt - to taste
Seasoning for fish – 1 teaspoon

Cooking the dish consists of only three steps:

  1. fish preparation;
  2. preparing batter;
  3. frying fish steaks in a frying pan.

1. Preparing the fish. To fry silver carp, first of all, if the fish was bought as a whole carcass, then it should be prepared. To do this, we clean the scales, cut off the head and tail, gut the entrails, remove the bones and spine and wash under running cold water. Let's cut the carcass into portions and pat it thoroughly with a paper towel or let it dry, but for now let's make the batter.

2. Preparing the batter. When all the preparatory work with the fish has been completed, you can begin preparing the batter. To make the fried silver carp tasty, we will prepare a batter for it. Pour beer into a small deep container and beat in an egg.

3. Add salt, pepper and fish spice. You can also add any spices to your taste.

4. Add flour. For a more dietary batter, you can use rye or oat flour.

5. Mix the products with a whisk so that they are well distributed. The flour should completely dissolve without forming lumps or grains. To make the batter easier to knead, you can sift the flour through a fine sieve.

6. We will put pieces of fish into the kneaded batter and turn them over several times so that they are covered on all sides with the liquid mass. This is the success of preparing delicious fish; when it is fried in batter, the silver carp turns out very juicy and tender.

7.Frying fish steaks in a frying pan. Preheat the frying pan with vegetable oil well. It is very important that it is well heated, otherwise the batter will spread throughout the pan.
Afterwards we will place the silver carp pieces to fry. You should not put a lot of fish in the pan at once. The steaks may stick together and the oil temperature may drop, causing the dough to become soggy.

8. Turn the heat to medium and fry the fish on each side for 10 minutes until a beautiful golden brown crust forms. If you want the dough crust to be juicy and soft, cover the pan with a lid while frying the silver carp.

9. Serve the fish hot, sprinkled with lemon juice. You can prepare it as a side dish boiled or with a fresh vegetable salad.

Bon appetit!

Now you know how to deliciously fry silver carp in a frying pan. How do you cook silver carp? Share your delicious recipes, we’ll try them and cook them in a new way.

Video recipe for cooking fried silver carp in a frying pan in beer batter

Friends, if you liked the recipe, then vote for it by clicking the social network buttons. And also don’t forget to subscribe for new goodies. I look forward to your feedback, it is very important for me to know your opinion, this will make the blog more interesting and useful. I will be glad to see you among the participants of the Tasty Cuisine group on VKontakte.
Sincerely, Lyubov Fedorova.

This fish dish is served both hot and cold. The best side dish is potato or vegetable puree, fresh vegetable salad, rice.

Silver carp fillet in wine batter

How to fry silver carp in batter so that the fish cooks tasty and quickly? The size of the pieces matters in this matter. The thicker the piece, the longer it takes to fry.

The batter is necessary to ensure that the fish flesh remains juicy.

We fillet the silver carp and remove the bones as much as possible. Fish and spices, set aside for a while. Many housewives sprinkle the preparations with lemon juice, then the silver carp will not only be salted and rich in spices, but will also be lightly marinated, acquiring a piquant taste.

Mix 2 eggs and 100 ml of dry white wine in a deep container and shake with a whisk. Add 130 g of flour in small portions, stirring constantly. If desired, the batter can be salted, sweetened or spiced. Let the batter mixture sit for a third of an hour.

We roll each piece of fish in flour and “bathe” it in batter. Cook fish in batter over high heat and in a large amount of vegetable fat. Fry on both sides until golden brown.

You can remove excess fat by spreading uncooled pieces of fried fish on paper. This dish is best served as a cold appetizer.

Fried fish with sauce

Fried silver carp recipes are similar. However, if you change the proportions in the recipe or add new ingredients, you can get a completely new fish dish.

In this recipe we will look at how to cook silver carp in a frying pan with sauce or gravy. We use traditional tomato sauce. Although you can make creamy mushroom, wine, cheese and any other that goes with fish.

Fry the silver carp in pieces as usual (you can fry steaks or fillets).

Place the pieces of fried silver carp in a clean deep roasting pan. In another frying pan, prepare a dressing sauce from coarsely grated carrots and tomato paste. Seasonings for the dressing: salt, a pot of pepper, bay leaf, fish spices, cloves, dried celery root.

Add water to the pan (to cover) and boil for about 10 minutes. Pour the sauce over the pieces of fried silver carp, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for two-thirds of an hour.

Silver carp on an onion bed in a frying pan

Now the silver carp is in the frying pan so that the fish remains juicy. In this article we offer a fried silver carp recipe with photos.

How to fry silver carp is described above. So, we already have ready-made fried fish, but when it cools down, it will become dry. In this recipe, your silver carp will remain juicy even when cold.

Take a few onions and cut them into rings. In a dry, clean frying pan, place the onion rings along the entire bottom of the container. Place pieces of fried fish on the onion bed. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. You can add a little water.

We think that these few recipes on how to deliciously fry silver carp will take their rightful place in your cookbook.

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