How to cook peas without soaking. Pea porridge without soaking How to properly prepare pea porridge

19.12.2023 From vegetables

Peas are undeservedly ignored by many. It seems that people know how healthy and satisfying it is, but for some reason they avoid cooking with it. Meanwhile, in the old days he enjoyed great popularity. Both on weekdays and on holidays, people willingly prepared various dishes from it. There was even a special name for the porridge - “peas”. Its recipe, even the simplest, most basic one, gives a very tasty result. And if you supplement it with various goodies, everyone at the table will ask for more.

Simple pea pot

It only requires peas, onions and time. When peas are prepared, the proportions usually indicated in the recipe are virtually absent. The only thing worth paying attention to is the volume of water for soaking. Peas swell four times as they absorb liquid. So a glass of legumes is poured with a liter of water and in the process they also look to see if the peas are dry: if they are very dry, they can “take” more.

So, the beans are soaked in cold water overnight. The next day, they are filled with double the volume of fresh water, placed on low heat and cooked. Depending on the variety, this process takes from one to two hours. Separately, frying is done from finely chopped onions. Please note: when cooking peas, the recipe recommends salting them only at the very end, otherwise the cooking time for peas will increase significantly. When it is boiled, the porridge is added and flavored with the selected spices and onions. If desired, pound or pass through a blender. You can eat it with butter, sour cream, cream, or just like that.

Meat pea

The beginning of the process is similar to that already described: soak for seven hours and set to cook. However, it is better to fill it for cooking not with water, but with pre-cooked broth. Since we will have a pea with meat, a third of a kilo of good pork (per half a kilo of legumes) is cut into small cubes and added to the fried chopped onion. Everything will be stewed together until final readiness. It is better to puree the finished peas with the addition of butter, and only then you can add the meat frying.

Smoked products for peas

With them, the porridge becomes completely refined. Pea with smoked meats can be prepared with the appropriate sausage, and with ribs, and with smoked chicken “spare parts”. Let's take, for example, pork ribs (about a third kilogram). The meat is chopped into small pieces and browned in vegetable oil in a deep frying pan for about ten minutes. Then add onion half rings plus pepper (as much as you think is necessary) and a spoonful of sugar to the ribs. After stirring, add half a kilo of peas soaked in the evening and triple the volume of boiling water. The porridge is stewed for an hour and a half, salted before removing, and served with herbs and vegetables, fresh or salted.

Porridge with mushrooms

On fasting days, a hearty pea, the recipe of which ignores savory ingredients, will greatly support your strength. The peas are soaked again. For two glasses of legumes, you buy (or take out of the freezer) half a kilo of mushrooms. In the morning, “forest beef” (that’s what our ancestors called mushrooms) is boiled and cut. Two large onions crumble into half rings or quarter rings. They are fried in vegetable oil (on days when it is prohibited, this step is skipped). When the rings become translucent, add mushrooms; everything is fried together for about ten minutes.

The swollen peas are transferred to the cast iron, filled with double the amount of water and supplemented with fried mushrooms. The oven is heated to two hundred Celsius, the cauldron is covered with a lid and put into it for half an hour. Then the contents of the vessel are salted, mixed and returned to the oven for ten minutes. Separately, another onion is well fried - the porridge tastes better when golden brown is sprinkled on top.

Pea in a pot with chicken

This dish can also be prepared in portions. In addition, poultry makes very tasty peas. The recipe advises preparing the main ingredients separately: boil a kilogram of chicken in one pan, and a glass of soaked peas in another. Additionally, chopped onion is fried. When it acquires a beautiful “tan,” add the pulp of half a lemon, cut into small slices. The frying pan is left on the fire for about five minutes to simmer the ingredients together. Then pieces of chicken are placed in it, quickly fried and flavored with curry and half a glass of sour cream with a couple of spoons of broth. When stewed, boiled peas and chicken with gravy are distributed over the pot (you can layer them). The containers are placed in the oven for a third of an hour. The finished dish is served directly in the pots.

Peas in a slow cooker

If you have already acquired such a kitchen assistant, it will also help you with pea porridge. You still have to soak the beans, but the miracle machine will do the rest for you. Simply put peas, chopped onions and chopped smoked meats into the bowl. Pour in water to cover the food by about two centimeters. The extinguishing mode is turned on, the time is set to one and a half hours. About ten minutes before the signal, the peas in the slow cooker are salted and seasoned. The job is done, you can eat.

To make the peas cook faster

If you don't want to soak the pea base, there are ways to speed up the cooking:

  1. Do not take whole beans, but crushed ones. Cooking time will be reduced by at least half.
  2. Dry peas are filled with a small amount of water; when it boils, add a quarter cup of fresh, but also cold. This secret allows you to cook any beans very quickly.
  3. If you don't mind soaking, but don't want to wait a long time, add half a teaspoon of baking soda to the water. The peas will swell in half an hour.

Happy pea farming!

In Rus', pea porridge, or pea porridge, has long been prepared, the recipe for which can be modified depending on the products with which the dish can be combined.

This dish is very healthy, since peas are a source of proteins, healthy vitamins, micro- and macroelements, mineral salts, saturated fats and natural sugars. The only drawback of this product is that peas cause bloating, so it is very appropriate to use dill when preparing it.

For cooking, both whole and split peas are used, and the latter is better boiled. If you are using whole grains, it is better to pre-soak them for several hours.

For boiling, many housewives add 1 tsp during soaking. baking soda, which helps the product cook quickly.

Peas cooked in a slow cooker according to various recipes will turn out just as tasty.

Pea porridge with meat is one of the most delicious dishes prepared from this cereal, although pea porridge is most often served as a side dish for meat dishes.

To prepare such a dish, take about 400 g of pork or beef for one and a half glasses of cereal. Pre-soaked and washed peas are poured with water in a ratio of 1:2, put on fire, brought to a boil and simmered over low heat until tender. It is better to salt the dish at the end of cooking.

If you add meat or chicken broth instead of water, the dish will turn out even tastier and more aromatic. While the peas are cooking, fry the finely chopped pieces of meat with the addition of spices. Separately sauté the onion. Then mix the fried meat, onions and pea puree, sprinkle with fresh herbs and serve.

Using the same ingredients and proportions, peas are prepared in a slow cooker.

There are many recipes with smoked meats, and you can use any type of smoked meat: beef, pork or lamb, pork ribs or chicken.

To prepare a dish such as peas with smoked meats, you will need the following ingredients:

  • peas - 1.5 cups;
  • smoked chicken - 500 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 3 heads;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

To prepare the porridge, cook smoked chicken broth. To do this, cook the chicken after boiling water for another 20-25 minutes, adding pepper and bay leaf. The chicken should be pulled out and cut into portions, then the prepared broth should be poured over the pre-soaked and washed peas so that they are covered by 1.5-2 cm. The peas should be cooked in this broth for just over an hour. At the same time, you should add salt to the porridge only at the end of cooking, so the peas will boil better.

In 10 min. until cooked, add the fried onions and carrots and stir. During cooking, you should stir the porridge from time to time, as peas can easily burn. If the broth boils before the dish is ready, you can add boiling water.

Goroshnitsa with smoked pork ribs will be very tasty. To cook it in heated vegetable oil for 6-7 minutes. onions cut into half rings are sautéed with the addition of 1 tsp. Sahara. and freshly ground pepper to taste. Then the ribs are added and fried along with the onions.

The washed, pre-soaked cereal is placed in a cauldron, poured with boiling water in a ratio of 1:3 and simmered with the lid closed for 1-1.5 hours until fully cooked.

Salt the porridge to taste about 10 minutes before it is ready.

Peas in a slow cooker can also be prepared using various ingredients.

So, you can make a recipe using bacon in a slow cooker. To do this, place 300 g of bacon in a bowl with vegetable oil, set the “Frying” mode for 15 minutes, then add chopped onion (1 head), grated carrots (1 pc.) and fry for another 3 minutes, after which they are added first soaked peas (2 multi-cups), hot water (2.5 multi-cups), salt and pepper to taste and set to “Porridge” mode for 1 hour.

Some subtleties of preparation

For all types of cooking, you should stir the porridge from time to time during the cooking process, as peas can easily burn.

If the broth boils before the dish is ready, you can add boiling water.

In general, there are many options for preparing dishes with peas. You can add potatoes during cooking, which will make the prepared puree even more crumbly. Added separately fried carrots and onions goes well with peas.

To make the dish more spicy, you can add garlic to it and use bay leaves when cooking. You can serve ready-made porridge in combination with various vegetables and herbs.

How to cook peas? If you are looking for an answer to this question, it means you are preparing this porridge for the first time. In fact, pea dishes were known to our great-great-grandmothers. They prepared soup, pies, jelly, noodles, and, of course, peas. I offer you several recipes for pea porridge.

Simple pea pot

Imagine that you have nothing to eat at home except a handful of peas, an onion and some spices. Wonderful! So, how to prepare peas with a minimum of ingredients?

So, how much of what do you need to take:

  • Peas about 400 g;
  • One onion;
  • 100 g vegetable oil for frying;
  • Spices and everything else - to taste.

Let's start preparing peas with you:

  1. First, we prepare the cereal: wash it, soak it in water at room temperature for about 7 hours (work up an appetite!).
  2. After the peas have swelled, set them to cook. First on high heat, then on low heat. Do you have a pan with a non-stick bottom? Now it will come in handy.
  3. Cook the peas for about an hour (don’t forget to stir!). At the very end, add fried onions, spices, and a little salt. You can crush it to make the porridge softer. It should be eaten with sour cream, cream or butter. But if you don’t have any of this, then it’s still delicious!

Pea porridge will be even tastier if you cook it with meat.

Pea with meat

This porridge is more nutritious than with butter.

  • About 400 g of peas;
  • A small glass of vegetable oil;
  • 300 g pork (preferably fillet);
  • 1 onion;
  • To taste – spices and salt.
  1. As in the previous recipe, wash the peas and add cold water to swell.
  2. After 7–8 hours, drain the excess water and add fresh water (1:2 ratio). It will be even tastier if you add pork broth instead of water.
  3. Cook the peas until tender. If the water boils away quickly, you can add more.
  4. Then use a masher to prepare the pea puree.
  5. Finally, the most important thing is roasting the meat. Cut the meat, place it in a frying pan with vegetable oil and already fried onions. Simmer all together under the lid until fully cooked.
  6. In the end, you only need to mix the meat with the peas. Voila! The dish is ready.

You can cook pea porridge in the microwave. This will save your time.

Pea in the microwave

To prepare it you will need:

  • 10 tbsp. l. pea cereals (it is better if they are halves of peas);
  • One carrot;
  • 1-2 cloves of garlic (as you like);
  • 100 g oil (vegetable);
  • Salt and spices - as much as you like.
  1. After rinsing, soak the peas for only 20 minutes. To cook in the microwave, take glassware. Glassware is also needed in order to promptly remove the foam from the porridge (you simply won’t see it in an opaque one).
  2. You need to pour peas not with cold water, but with boiling water (1:1). You can add bay leaf there. The dish with the preparation must be placed in the oven for 0.5 hours (Porridge mode).
  3. While the porridge is cooking, fry the carrots and garlic. It should be added to the peas 15 minutes after the start of cooking. Mix everything and put it in the microwave again. Cover the dish with a lid 5 minutes before cooking.

The consistency of the porridge from the microwave will resemble puree. Add spices to the roast. The amount of porridge is enough for two. If you need more, you can double or triple the ingredients. The main thing is that the dishes allow it.

If you have a steamer in your kitchen, you can cook peas in it.

Pea porridge in a steamer

For example, I like porridge prepared according to this recipe the most. It turns out surprisingly tender and crumbly. And it’s very easy to prepare. For this you will need already familiar ingredients.:

  • A glass of peas;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • One onion;
  • 100 g vegetable oil;
  • Spices and salt - to your taste.

Main stages of preparation:

There’s no need to strain yourself here – the steamer will do everything itself.

  1. First, soak the peas, at least for 4 hours. This will save cooking time.
  2. After swelling, you need to place the peas in the steam compartment. Then follow the instructions for your steamer: set the required time (about an hour) and do other things.
  3. While the porridge is cooking, you can prepare the frying.
  4. At the end, you can grind the porridge with a masher or mixer. Before serving the fields, the peas are deliciously fried with onions and you can try them.

This cooking method is good because you don’t need to watch the porridge - it won’t burn. Try it, maybe you'll like it too!

Culinary secrets

Finally, I’ll tell you about my culinary tricks:

  • You can prepare porridge according to the simplest recipe, and as a side dish fry lard or meat with carrots and onions.
  • Cutlets and chops also go well with peas.
  • During Lent, you can eat it as a snack with pickled cucumber or sauerkraut.
  • And if you couldn’t eat all the porridge at once (it’s very filling), use it as a pie filling.

Be sure to cook this porridge. After all, peas are not only tasty, but also a very healthy dish: rich in proteins, vitamins, and microelements. You can also eat it during a diet, since peas are low in calories. Which recipe did you like best? Good luck!

Goroshnitsa is a very tasty porridge made from dry peas, which was once one of the main dishes of Russian cuisine. Nowadays, many families continue to cook it, at least occasionally. After all, peas are not only tasty, but also very healthy porridge. It is especially rich in vegetable protein and is absorbed much better than some meat products. Pea fills you up quite quickly and is often included in various diets, and is also consumed during fasting. It would not be difficult for even a novice cook to prepare such porridge, if only there was a desire, especially since the ingredients required for its preparation would be minimal.

Preparation time: 30 minutes
Cooking time: 50 minutes
Total time: 1 hour 20 minutes
Exit: 4 servings

Ingredients for making peas:

  • Dried peas - 400 g
  • Water - 1.25 l
  • Salt - to taste
  • Dried or fresh dill
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tsp

Step-by-step pea recipe:

To prepare peas, you need to sort out the peas and rinse well in cool water.

Pour a glass (250 ml) of cold water over the washed peas and leave for approximately 25-30 minutes. If the peas are whole, this may take longer. Soaking the grains significantly reduces the cooking time.

Now you need to rinse the cereal again and put it in a saucepan. It is advisable that the pan has a thick bottom.

All that remains is to pour four glasses (250 ml each) of cold water over the prepared peas and place on low heat.

During the cooking process, you will need to remove the foam that has formed in the pan, pour in vegetable oil, and also stir the peas periodically, as they can easily burn. Cook the cereal until it is softened and no longer crunchy. At the end of cooking, you need to salt everything to taste and add chopped fresh or dried dill. I added a tablespoon of dried dill. It is worth noting that the cooking time for peas can range from 50 minutes to 1.5 hours. I cooked it in 50 minutes.

Remove the finished peas from the stove and mash with a masher.

The finished pea can now be served to the table. It goes well with fried onions and carrots, fresh herbs, bell peppers, fried mushrooms, boiled meat, cracklings or butter. It is also sometimes seasoned with cream when serving, but this option is very high in calories, so it is not suitable for everyone. There are a lot of options for additional ingredients and it’s up to you to decide what to add to such a dish. Of course, peas don’t need to be supplemented with anything, because its taste is already so bright. Bon appetit!

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Goroshnitsa, or pea porridge, is a dish familiar from childhood. Tasty, satisfying and nutritious, it is one of the most favorite porridges among children. In addition, peas are rich in proteins and vitamins. This dish is almost impossible to mess up. But when preparing, you should take into account some subtleties.

Preparing the peas

You need to choose the right peas for porridge. The most useful are unshelled peas, but they must be soaked before cooking. First, it is sorted, then washed under running water and soaked. A rough estimate is 1 part peas to 4 parts water.

Pea: recipe with vegetables and cream

For this recipe you will need:

  • half a glass (about 100 grams) of peas;
  • one medium sized carrot;
  • half a bell pepper;
  • small onion;
  • half a glass (about 50 ml) cream;
  • greens and salt.

Cooking technology

The recipe should begin by soaking the peas. It is best to fill it with water overnight. Don't forget to rinse it first. After this, cook it in the same water for 40 minutes. Stir constantly. Then add cream. Mash the porridge with a masher. Chop carrots, peppers, onions. Stew in oil or water. Add dressing, stir. Add greens. You have a tasty and satisfying pea meal. The recipe is simple and the dish is quick to prepare. Serve it hot.

Pea: recipe with meat

For meat porridge you will need:

  • piece of meat (beef, chicken, pork) - about 400 grams;
  • peas (about 100 grams);
  • onion head;
  • salt and oil.

Cooking technology

Rinse the meat and cover with water. Boil until done. You can add seasonings and roots (onions, bay leaves, carrots) to the broth. Add some salt. When cooking, do not forget to remove the foam. As soon as the meat is cooked, remove it, cool and chop into small pieces. Strain the broth and pour it over the peas, which must first be soaked in water. Cook the porridge. Place the meat in the prepared pea pot. Fry the onion in oil and add to the saucepan. Mix everything. Leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Then serve.

Pea: recipe in a slow cooker

Modern technologies come to the aid of the housewife. You can prepare peas in a slow cooker. To do this you will need:

  • 2 multi-cups split peas;
  • 5 multi-glasses of hot water;
  • salt, onion and butter.

Cooking technology

Wash the peas and soak them in water for an hour. Then place a piece of butter into the bowl. Finely chop the onion and fry it. Add the soaked peas to the onion, add the specified amount of water, salt to taste and put the device in the “Stew” mode for 2 hours. The finished dish can be served with cutlets or meatballs.

Pea: recipe without soaking

If you don’t have time for soaking, you can prepare the porridge in the following way. Rinse the peas, fill them with water in the proportion of 1 part legumes to 4 parts water. Place on high heat and let it boil. Then reduce the heat and cook the porridge for another hour until completely cooked. The peas should be salted at the very end. The finished porridge must be crushed with a masher.