Cake honey cakes with sour cream. Honey cake with sour cream

Honey cake with sour cream

Honey cake with sour cream delicious, tender and fragrant! Prepare it for an evening tea party or for a festive table. Cakes for Medovik are baked from choux pastry, with the addition of honey. Keep in mind, the darker the honey, the more flavorful the cake will be.

The cakes are impregnated with butter, milk-custard or sour cream. Honey cake with sour cream less cloying and more gentle. sour cream it soaks all the cakes very well, it will be wet, not dry. Choose sour cream for Medovik with a fat content of 20-25%.

To honey cake it turned out smooth and beautiful, before baking the cakes, for a round one, cut the dough with a plate, or give the finished cake the correct rectangular (square) shape. You need to trim the honey cake when it is saturated with cream, after 2.5 hours. Do not forget that one baked cake should be left to sprinkle the finished cake.

Honey cake recipe with sour cream

  • flour - 900 grams,
  • egg - 4 pieces,
  • butter - 180 grams,
  • honey - 2 tablespoons,
  • salt - 2 teaspoons,
  • sugar - 300 grams,
  • soda - 2 teaspoons.

sour cream

  • sour cream 20% - 1000 grams,
  • sugar - 300 grams.

How to cook honey cake with sour cream

  1. Melt 180 grams of butter over low heat, add 300 grams of sugar, stirring constantly, let this mixture boil slightly. The sugar should almost completely dissolve.
  2. Add 2 teaspoons of baking soda and stir. Add 2 tablespoons of honey and stir. Add 4 eggs one at a time, stirring them quickly. You can break the eggs in advance and lightly beat them (in this case, add all the egg mixture at once).
  3. The stirring process must be continuous. Gradually add 900 grams of flour, also stirring continuously and quickly without removing from heat.
  4. After the dough has become homogeneous, hold it on fire for 1-2 minutes, also stirring quickly. Make sure the dough doesn't burn.
  5. Sprinkle the table with flour. Take the dough out of the pan and knead well.
  6. Divide the dough into 12 equal pieces.
  7. Preheat the oven to 18o gr.
  8. While the oven is preheating, roll out the first cake.
  9. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  10. Use two baking sheets - while one cake is baking, you roll out the second.
  11. Bake cakes at 180 gr. for 5 minutes, until caramel color.
  12. Bake the last cake until brown, they need to sprinkle the finished cake.
  13. While the cakes are baking, prepare the cream: mix 300 grams of sugar with 1000 grams of sour cream with a spoon and refrigerate.
  14. Cool the baked cakes.
  15. Assemble the cake by stacking the cakes on top of each other and generously spreading with sour cream. Spread about 4 tablespoons of cream on each cake.
  16. Place the cake in the refrigerator for 12 hours.
  17. Trim the cake to shape it.
  18. Crumble the leftover brown crust and sprinkle over the cake.
  19. Honey cake with sour cream ready.

Medovik is one of the simplest and most delicious homemade cakes with a minimum set of ingredients. Many people think that cooking it at home is a long and laborious task, but this is not so. In fact, everyone can cook an incomparably tasty, tender, melting honey cake, you just need a little patience. We offer you a classic version of the cake - Medovik, layered with sour cream. Sour cream perfectly complements sweet honey cakes, does not weigh them down, perfectly smooths out the cloying combination of honey and sugar, and makes the cake surprisingly tender. This cake is definitely worth every minute spent on it! Try the honey cake with sour cream, you will definitely succeed!

Taste Info Cakes and pastries

Dough Ingredients:

  • egg - 3 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • honey - 0.5 tbsp. (~150 g);
  • flour - 3.5-4 tbsp.;
  • soda - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 0.3 tsp;
  • Cream:
  • sugar - 1 tbsp.;
  • sour cream 20-25% - 400-500 g.

How to make honey cake with sour cream

It is more convenient to knead the dough for honey cake in a saucepan or other container that can withstand the heat of the stove. At the same time, the container should be quite voluminous, since during the cooking process the dough will increase quite a lot in volume. We drive eggs into a saucepan, we introduce sugar to them.

Using a whisk (or a mixer), beat the eggs until foamy. It is not necessary to achieve complete dissolution of sugar - the remaining grains will dissolve in the following steps. In beaten eggs, add honey, salt, soda and butter, cut into pieces. If your honey is candied, it is still suitable for making a honey cake, you just need to warm it up slightly before introducing it into the egg mass.

Next, we build a water bath and put a saucepan with dough on it. Instead of a water bath, you can use a divider - put a pan with dough on it, turning on the average heating of the stove. We heat the dough, stirring constantly, in no case allowing it to boil. As it heats up, honey will extinguish the soda, causing the dough to foam.

We continue, stirring, to brew the honey dough until it begins to change color. On average, it takes 15-20 minutes, you do not need to brew longer. In this case, the color intensity will directly depend on honey - it can be pale cream or the color of boiled condensed milk. During the brewing time, the dough will increase in volume by 2.5-3 p.

After the specified amount of time, remove the saucepan from heating, add 1 tbsp. flour and stir in quickly. When the mass becomes homogeneous, return the saucepan with the dough to the stove (on a water bath or divider) and boil the dough for another 3-4 minutes, still not forgetting to stir.

After we remove the pan from the stove (we don’t need the stove anymore, you can turn it off), add the remaining flour and knead the soft honey dough. By consistency, it should be very plastic, slightly sticky from a large amount of honey and sugar, and not very steep, otherwise the cakes will turn out to be rough and dense. While the dough is warm, the formed ball will spread slightly in breadth.

We immediately divide the formed honey dough into 8-9 parts, roll each part into a small ball and cover with cling film. We remove the dough to lie down for 15-20 minutes, after which you can roll them into cakes.

Each honey cake is baked separately. For molding, you will definitely need baking paper (if you are not sure of the quality, additionally coat it with oil). It is more convenient to roll out the dough into a cake directly on paper - so when transferring it to a baking sheet, it does not deform at all. To do this, sprinkle it with flour and roll the ball into a thin layer - the thinner you can roll it out, the better. Next, immediately on the cake, we make markings for the future shape of the cake. For a round cake, it is convenient to use a lid from a pan or a plate. You don't need to cut the bark right away! We just set the boundaries - and that's it! When baking, the edges of the cakes always brown more strongly, which is why in the future these edges dry out, are worse saturated with cream and have to be cut off. The proposed method of molding will get rid of this trouble.

In this form, we transfer the cake on parchment to a baking sheet and bake it in an oven heated to 180 degrees for no more than 3-4 minutes.

While one cake is baking, the next one should already be rolled out and ready to take the place of the previous one in the oven. The finished cake, cooling down, becomes hard - this is normal! But you need to cut it before it cools down. According to the intended circle, this is done quite simply and quickly. We do not throw away the scraps from the cakes - they will come in handy when decorating the cake.

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When all the cakes are ready, we make sour cream for the cake. To do this, mix sour cream and sugar. Again, it is not necessary to achieve complete dissolution of sugar here, because with intensive whipping your cream will become completely liquid, and the cake will still need to be left for impregnation, and during this time all the sugar dissolves perfectly.

We generously coat the honey cakes with sour cream and form a cake, stacking them one on top of the other. We coat the first base cake with cream on both sides so that this bottom cake is as soft as the whole cake. The remaining cream is distributed on the sides of the cake.

Now the cuts. We knead them into small crumbs with a crusher or break them with a mill blender.

Sprinkle the resulting crumb on the sides of the cake (as plentifully as it will turn out) and on top.

Cake "Honey cake" with sour cream is ready! No matter how strong the temptation to cut off a piece for testing right away, do not do it. The cake should be infused and thoroughly soaked with cream! Ideally, if it stays overnight in the refrigerator. The minimum amount of time that a cake needs to soak is 4 hours.

The cake turns out very tender and very, very tasty! Bon appetit!

Many are familiar with the wonderful taste of honey cake - a cake with airy cakes and delicate sour cream or condensed milk cream. However, not everyone dares to cook such a cake on their own and prefer to buy ready-made ones. Why? Making such a cake seems to be a rather difficult and troublesome process, but it is not.

So! If someone has already started cooking according to my recipes, they may notice that everything is quite simple, the main thing is to start. I already have one cake on my blog - go ahead, look.

If someone has already cooked according to my recipes, they may notice that everything is quite simple, the main thing is to start. And absolutely anyone can cook a honey cake, it's not difficult, and the end result is worth the time and effort spent. They will praise you and say - “how delicious it is”! But another option is not excluded, it will not be quite tasty. Then, put your "I" away and listen to criticism with a smile - it is also useful. But I assure you that the recipes are proven and it remains only not to screw up yourself.

Let's get started!

There are many varieties of this dessert. Here I will present more common recipes for this beautiful, sweet dish.

Honey cake with sour cream - a classic recipe

To prepare the dough, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Flour (highest grade) five hundred grams;
  • sugar (or you can take powdered sugar instead) two hundred and fifty - three hundred g;
  • natural honey about one hundred or one hundred and fifty grams;
  • three - four eggs;
  • a teaspoon of soda;
  • butter forty-five - fifty grams.

Cream with sour cream:

  • 0.5 kg of fat sour cream;
  • Sugar 250 - 300 g.

Cooking method:

This recipe requires a water bath, so the first step is to heat the water.

1. Beat sugar and eggs until sugar dissolves. Thus, a lush mass is formed.

2. Add unslaked soda, butter and honey to this mixture.

3. Stir thoroughly and put in a water bath.

4. Stir constantly. As a result, the mixture will become brighter in color, turn yellow and double in size.

5. After increasing the mass (that is, after about 10 minutes), add a glass of flour. Continue stirring for about 3 minutes.

6. Remove the mass from the water bath, add the rest of the flour and stir.

7. Make a soft dough and roll a few balls (depending on how many cakes you need to make).

8. Wrap the dough with cling film and put it in the refrigerator to cool for half an hour.

9. When the dough has cooled, roll out the cakes. You can use special round shapes, if they are not available, a pot lid or a large plate will do.

10. Bake the cakes for only about 2 minutes.

Cream for a delicious honey cake:

To prepare the cream, you just need to mix sour cream with sugar. Instead of sugar, powdered sugar is also suitable, it is easier to whip the cream with it.

Then it remains only to collect the cake:

To make the bottom cake soft and juicy, first put the cream on the plate, and then the cake is already on it and, thus, the whole cake is collected. You can use only one cream or alternate both. The main thing is that you don’t need to feel sorry for the cream, so the “honey cake” will turn out to be very tender.

The cake can be sprinkled with crumbs made from cake dough, or with nuts.

We leave our creation for a couple of hours at room temperature, then put it in the refrigerator and leave it there for another 3-4 hours. And best of all at night and in the morning, you can safely proceed to its destruction. The cake will reach the desired condition and will be just wonderful.

Cake honey cake - cream recipe with condensed milk

I hope it is clear that the cakes for this cake will be prepared in the same way. Everything will definitely be very tasty, but the cream is different.

It is advisable to take the oil “more impressive” and be sure to use it not immediately from the refrigerator, but let it take room temperature.

Cream with condensed milk:

  • Butter: one hundred and fifty - two hundred grams;
  • A jar of quality condensed milk.
  • Lemon peel.

To make the cream and fill it with our culinary masterpiece, you just need to beat the condensed milk and butter, adding a little fine lemon zest to it. Further, according to the old scheme "cake - cream - cake - decoration". Elementary!

Everything is ready. As a result, we get just a delicious sweet, tasty dish made by ourselves.

The recipe for a delicious, tender "Honey cake"

Here is another simple dessert. I really liked this option. Hope you appreciate it.

1. Flour should be chosen of the highest grade to make the dough softer.

2. Sour cream should be fat and fresh. Thanks to this, the cream will be very light.

3. The oil must first be left at room temperature so that it softens a little.

4. Do not use scraps from circles for other cakes, because the texture may turn out to be uneven. It is better to cook crumbs from them.

5. You can add cinnamon, nuts or some dried fruits to the dish, which will become a kind of highlight.

6. It is desirable to take soft honey, but if it is sugared, just melt it in a water bath.

7. Together with sour cream, jam can be added to the cream.

And here's an interesting "chip" for you! The use of two types of creams at the same time, sour cream and condensed milk will give the dessert originality and sophistication.

And let the guests guess what such a delicious filling is made of.

8. Do not immediately eat the culinary miracle you have prepared. Let the dessert brew, let all the cakes soak well.

Here are the secrets! And yet, the honey cake is convenient because the cakes can be made in advance, and at the right time, quickly prepare the cream and put it in a pile. You can always experiment by adding different products to a classic recipe.

Have a nice day, good luck and all the best!

This extraordinarily delicious cake is known to everyone, it is easy to buy it in the store, but, of course, your family will not remain indifferent if you take the liberty of making it yourself. A fragrant honey delicacy can cheer up the household and make Sunday tea drinking unforgettable.

Honey cake with sour cream - a classic recipe

For the test you will need:

  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs;
  • Butter (not spread) - 100 g;
  • Flower honey - 3 tablespoons;
  • Sand sugar - 1 glass;
  • Wheat flour (highest grade) - 500 g;
  • Soda - 1 tsp

To prepare the cream, take:

  • 1 glass of granulated sugar;
  • Vanilla essence - 1 tsp;
  • Sour cream (at least 20 percent fat) - 600 g.

Honey should be taken in a darker color. It is usually more flavorful. It is better to buy it from good beekeepers, but you can get by with what they offer in the store.

Dough preparation

  1. Whisk the eggs and sugar with a mixer until fluffy.
  2. Next, we add soda, fragrant honey, softened butter to these components, mix everything thoroughly.
  3. We put the dishes with the mixture in a water bath and, stirring, cook for about 10 minutes, until the honey is completely dissolved.
  4. Next, add ½ of the flour and cook until the dough begins to darken.
  5. Remove the bowl from the heat and let the mixture cool down.
  6. Add the remaining flour to the slightly cooled mass, knead the dough until smooth.
  7. We divide the dough into 8 particles and, having covered with a film, put it to “rest” in a cold place for 30 minutes.

About the intricacies of baking cakes

  1. Turn on the oven and heat it up to 200 degrees.
  2. Wet the work surface and spread baking paper on it - we will roll out the cakes on it.
  3. We roll out the dough, take a flat plate of the desired diameter and, putting it on the resulting “pancake”, cut out a circle along the contour.
  4. Together with the paper, we send the dough to the oven, as well as the trimmings from the cake (later this crumb will be used for decoration).
  5. Baking time for each cake is about 3-4 minutes, until a beautiful golden color.
  6. While the first cake is baking, roll out the second in the same way.
  7. There should be 8 cakes in total.

Cooking cream

Beat the chilled sour cream, gradually adding granulated sugar and vanilla to it. You need to beat until the cream becomes thick and voluminous.

Then there is a very simple job: you need to collect the cake. We put the cakes on top of each other, not forgetting to evenly grease them with cream. We also apply cream on the top cake, and turn the baked leftovers from the cakes into crumbs and sprinkle the cake on top.

Cake in a pan

For the test we need:

  • Dark fragrant honey - 100 g;
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Sugar - 150 g;
  • Sour cream (fat content 20% or more) - 50 g;
  • Wheat flour (preferably the highest grade) - 400 g;
  • Chicken egg - 3 pcs.;
  • Baking soda - 1 tsp

To prepare the cream, take:

  • Sugar sand - 200 g;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Sour cream (fat content 20% or more) - 700 g;
  • Lemon (to add piquant sourness) - 1 pc.


  1. We combine sugar, honey, butter in a bowl, heat the mass to a state of uniformity with constant stirring, do not bring to a boil.
  2. Without forgetting to remove from heat, add soda to the hot mass and mix thoroughly. The mixture should become lighter and foamy.
  3. Cool the mass for about 5 minutes.
  4. Gradually add three eggs to the cooled mixture, stirring after adding each resulting mass with a whisk.
  5. Next, add sour cream and mix thoroughly.
  6. At the last stage, add the sifted wheat flour to the mixture and stir again until smooth.
  7. The dough should become smooth, uniform, soft and sticky - this is an indicator of its readiness.
  8. Cover the dough with a film, send it to cool for 3 hours (you can overnight).
  9. After taking the dough out of the refrigerator, divide it into 7 equal parts.
  10. We leave one part of the dough on the table, and sprinkle the others with flour, put them in the refrigerator again - we will get them as needed.
  11. Sprinkle a work surface with flour and roll out a circle 3-4 mm thick. the desired diameter (according to the size of the pan). We do this with each of the six pieces.
  12. We take a frying pan with a thick bottom, heat it well and transfer the cake. Fry for about a minute on each side without oil. The cakes are fragile, so you need to turn them over carefully.
  13. After removing the cakes, you need to carefully cut them using a flat stencil.
  14. After cooling, we turn the trimmings into crumbs - we will use it for sprinkling.


  1. We combine sour cream, sugar, vanillin and mix.
  2. Add juice of half a lemon and zest to taste.
  3. Beat the resulting mass with a whisk until smooth.

We collect the cake.

Cooking honey cake in a slow cooker

You can cook a cake in a slow cooker using the same ingredients as in the first recipe. After kneading the dough and preparing it for work, we set the “baking” mode on the indicator and the time is 50 minutes.

After 35 minutes have passed, be sure to open the lid of the multicooker and pierce the biscuit with a toothpick in several places.

Remove the biscuit from the bowl only after it has cooled down. Next, you need to do painstaking work: cut the resulting biscuit lengthwise into 4-5 cakes.

The cream recipe can also be viewed in the first and second recipes.

Honey cake with sour cream and bananas

A very original combination of honey cake with banana flavor.

We prepare the cake according to the first recipe (classic), and in addition to the cream, carefully lay out thin banana rings between the cakes, usually 2 pieces of this fruit we love are used for the cake.

Cooking an original cake with berries

If the summer has pleased you with a good harvest of strawberries, then be sure to treat your loved ones with a delicate honey cake with these luxurious berries.

Hello! Not happy with the cream! I often bake cakes, cooked from fine and fresh sour cream, good butter. I cooked everything exactly according to the recipe, the expectations were higher than reality !!! But no matter, it was worth a try. I realized that my cream of weighed sour cream with sugar and butter is much tastier than in a water bath. My mother was visiting me, she is a technologist and confectioner, she reassured me that the cream would cool down and perhaps become tastier. But! The miracle didn't happen! Thank you for the new cream, but still I will make with my own!!!)))

Irina 2 years ago

Recently I started to get acquainted with your blog. Very interesting, detailed and well written! Thank you very much! Sour cream ... magical, silky, delicate. Got it the first time. I took 20% sour cream, weighed 14 hours. From 870g, as a result, we got 510g of weighed sour cream. This cream is in no way comparable to ordinary sour cream !!!

Xenia 2 years ago

Hello, love your blog!! do you think this cream can be used with chocolate cakes (Dark Larry cake), tired of making cream cheese, I want something new. and also, can you tell me what creams can be used on such biscuit cakes, and so that they are more or less dense ... or where you can read ... Thank you in advance.