Dried basil culinary uses How to use basil in cooking, what dishes to add and what spices to mix with

Spicy herbs such as basil, dill or parsley are undoubtedly best prepared for the winter on their own. Greens can be frozen or dried for future use. Today we will talk about how to properly dry basil. This herb is truly unique in its composition and aromatic properties. Basil is popularly called the king of herbs. To dry it without losing the aroma and taste properties, you need to know the intricacies of this process. So how do you dry basil?

Any variety and color of herb can be dried, but purple basil is preferred because it is best able to retain its fragrance.

There are two completely opposite opinions about when to harvest basil for drying. Some argue that this should be done before the flowering period of the plant, while others, on the contrary, at a time when the grass blooms profusely. Both of them argue their position by the highest content of vitamins and aromatic substances.

Basil is also harvested in different ways. Some cut greens with whole branches, while others collect only individual leaves. At the same time, cutting off the whole branch, the remaining stump after a while again begins to grow with fresh foliage. Thus, the greens can be cut several times during the season.

Ways to dry basil

Drying naturally

There are several options for air drying. After reviewing the main ones, you will definitely find the right one for you. So:

  • You can dry basil sprigs, fastened from the side of the stem with a string or elastic band. The grass is suspended from the ceiling with foliage down.

  • Leaves (without a stem) can be laid out on a sieve, window mesh or a special device in the form of a frame covered with gauze. To avoid dusting grass or insect attacks, cover the top of the container with nylon or gauze.
  • Individual leaves can also be dried on trays lined with paper. It is advisable not to use sheets of newspaper, as the grass will absorb the toxic printing ink. Drying in this way involves constant tedding of greenery to avoid rotting.

The drying room must be dry and well ventilated.

Watch the video from the children's cooking channel "I'Sabrik" - How to dry basil

Drying basil in the oven

Experienced housewives, who often use the method of drying basil in the oven, advise drying the stems and leaves separately from each other. The drying process for different parts of the plant will differ only in the drying time.

Leaves are laid out on baking sheets covered with paper, in one layer. Basil sprigs before laying out are cut into pieces 4-5 centimeters long. The oven is heated to a minimum temperature, preferably not higher than 45 degrees, and basil is placed there.

To ensure good ventilation, a towel folded in several layers or a kitchen potholder is inserted into the gap between the door and the oven itself.

The leafy part of the plant will dry for about 2.5 hours, and the twigs for 3-4 hours. After this time, the oven is turned off, and the door is completely closed, and left in this form for 8-10 hours.

Basil in an electric dryer

The grass is laid out on the grates of the dryer, pre-chopped, as in the previous recipe. For drying use a special mode "Herbs". If this function is not in your unit, then it should be dried at a temperature of 40 - 45 degrees. Heating temperatures above these values ​​contribute to the destruction of aromatic essential oils.

Watch the video from the kliviya777 channel - How to dry basil (we don’t throw away the branches !!!)

Dry in the microwave

The leaves are laid out on flat plates and placed in the microwave for 2-3 minutes at a power of 700-800 watts. Don't forget to place paper towels under the greens. If the basil does not dry out, extend the procedure for another 2 minutes.

Dry in the refrigerator

Basil leaves are laid out on paper and sent to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. The cold will draw moisture out of the product in 2 to 3 weeks. It is believed that this method allows you to preserve the aroma of the original product as much as possible.

How to store dried basil

Leaves and twigs are stored separately. The leaf part can be ground into powder before being placed in a jar, but experienced housewives recommend grinding the grass just before adding it to the dish.

Store dried spice in dark containers under a tightly closed lid. The storage place must be dry and cool.

Basil is not only a spice, but also a medicinal plant well known for its medicinal properties in India.

Useful properties of dried basil

    Use this spice during the period of viral diseases and you will not only discover a new taste of familiar dishes, but also forget about what it is to “sit on sick leave”.

    Basil and- This spicy plant contains essential oils and phytonutrients that make basil a powerful natural antibiotic that has antifungal, bactericidal and even disinfectant properties. Therefore, if you use basil during the period of viral diseases, you will be able to protect your body from all types of infections, and you will not be afraid of flus of different strains. Likewise, basil is ready to fight the protozoan bacteria, fungi, and viruses that cause high body temperatures. The action of basil in this situation is such that it contributes to the destruction of pathogens, and the temperature decreases by itself.

  1. Basil and Respiratory Diseases- since basil helps to alleviate the course of processes in respiratory tract infections, it can be used as an effective remedy for the treatment of acute and chronic bronchitis.
  2. Basil and asthma- This spice will also be useful for asthmatics, as this plant helps to facilitate respiratory processes and reduce inflammation. The very same components that make up the basil, help get rid of asthma attacks.
  3. Basil and lung disease- basil essential oils contain camphene, vitamin C, eugenol, cineol, which, when combined, relieve inflammation in the lungs. That is why it is recommended to use basil not only for the treatment of diseases such as pneumonia, but also for an integrated approach in the treatment of tuberculosis and lung cancer.
  4. Basil and cardiovascular disease. As we already mentioned, basil contains the substance eugenol, which has the ability to protect our heart and blood vessels from the effects of free harmful radicals, and also, it helps to reduce blood levels.
  5. Basil and stress. We all know the property of antioxidants and vitamin C (by the way, they are part of this spice) to fight free radicals, and thereby reduce the ones caused by them in our body. Therefore, such properties of basil as calming nerves, reducing inflammation - no one is surprised.
  6. Basil and dentistry. Surprisingly, instead of the newfangled mouthwashes that are sold in pharmacies today, you can use basil tea, which will help you destroy all your bacteria in your mouth. Such a decoction will also be an excellent prevention of the development of cancerous tumors. Also, with its help you can forget about plaque, caries and tartar. As for the use of basil leaves in their natural form, it is not recommended to chew them, since they contain mercury compounds, but the decoction in terms of toxicity will be more harmless, and also useful.
  7. Basil and kidney stones. Another amazing property of basil is to reduce the amount of uric acid in human blood. Recall that it is this acid that is the main culprit of the fact that stones appear in your kidneys. And, the components of basil essential oil, in turn, contribute to the dissolution of these stones. The advantages of this particular remedy lies in the fact that these oils also contain analgesics, so that all these unpleasant processes in your body occur absolutely painlessly.
  8. Basil and skin diseases. If you take baths with a decoction of basil or wash yourself with such decoctions, you will forget about many skin diseases. It is noteworthy that another property of basil oil - to drive away - is very important in the summer. And, if you wipe the wounds with a decoction of basil, then the processes of skin regeneration will occur more intensively.
  9. Basil and eye diseases. Washing your eyes with a decoction of basil will help you get rid of fungal infections that affect the eyes, conjunctivitis and other diseases.
  10. Basil and radiation. Believe it or not, scientists have proven that the leaves of this spice protect against the harmful effects of radiation, and even treat its harmful effects.


Fragrant basil, or garden basil - Ocimum Basilicum - is an annual herbaceous plant from the Lamiaceae family. The branching root of the plant is close to the soil surface. The stem of the basil is straight, branching, feathered with many leaves. The plant grows from 30 to 70 cm.

Many grow various varieties of basil in their summer cottages because of its pleasant aroma. But basil is not only fragrant, it is also beautiful.

The plant has many subspecies, which differ from each other in the shape of the leaves and colors. Usually basil has white, pink and slightly lilac flowers collected in a brush. The leaves can be juicy green with purple stains, purple-red, burgundy ...

Dried basil is harvested in the summer, when this spicy and medicinal plant begins to emit its wonderful aroma. The composition of this plant includes essential oil, which has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. The antispasmodic properties of essential oil contribute to the normalization of digestion, the prevention of bloating and the development of flatulence. Dry grass in folk medicine is widely used for the preparation of rinses and aromatic baths.

In dishes, this spicy plant manifests itself in a specific way at first, bitterness is felt, which later develops into a sweet aftertaste.

Beneficial features:

Dried basil raises the general tone, stimulates digestion, stimulates appetite.

Dried basil is widely used in canning - to add flavor to marinades and tomato sauces, and in addition - in the meat industry. It is included in various spice mixtures used in cooking instead of black pepper, as well as to create original aromatic compositions.

Basil is one of the oldest spices in the national cuisines of the peoples of Transcaucasia and Central Asia. There, this plant has many different names - Reyhan, Regan, Rean, Raykhon. Dried basil leaves are used as a wonderful flavoring seasoning.

In Uzbekistan, basil is used to flavor drinks, salads, pates, soups with chicken, sour milk, vegetables.

Dried basil is used in lamb, beef, offal and poultry dishes. Add it to stuffing.

For the preparation of marinades and pickles, dried basil is used not only in Central Asia and the Caucasus, but also in Russia. When we salt tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, porcini mushrooms, when we sauerkraut, pickle eggplants and bell peppers, we often use this spice. Azerbaijanis season dessert drinks with basil, and Uzbeks add it to tea. Basil is not overlooked either in Europe or in the USA.

Dried basil goes well with other spices. For example - when mixed with rosemary, basil acquires a peppery smell. Mixed with savory, it adds spice to dishes. Basil is mixed with marjoram, parsley, coriander, mint, tarragon - getting original and pleasant spices.

You also need to be able to dry the basil so that it retains all its beneficial properties. You can collect the plant throughout its growing season. After cutting one branch, several will grow in its place after a while. Therefore, you can not wait until autumn to collect this plant for drying. If the entire crop is grown for drying, then it is desirable to collect it before flowering. The bush should be cut off, leaving twelve centimeters from the root.

Carefully tear off the leaves, wash and cut, lay out on a sheet of paper or a page of a newspaper in one layer. It takes a few days to dry. The place should be dry, dark and ventilated. We put the dried seasoning in sealed containers or bags; Basil can also be dried with sprigs. We cut the branches and make small bunches, tie them with a thread. We hang in a dark, ventilated place for two weeks. Then we remove and grind. Store in sealed packaging, you can use a dry jar; The fastest way to dry the seasoning is in the oven. We wash the leaves, shake them a little or pat them dry with a towel, lay them on a baking sheet. Dry, stirring in the oven at 40 degrees with the door ajar for about an hour. Turn off and leave overnight. Then grind and put into jars.

The article discusses basil - how to use the plant. You will find out what seasonings the spice is combined with. We will tell you how to add basil to meat dishes, preparations for the winter, sauces and desserts.

How to use basil in cooking

Fresh and dried basil is used in cooking

Basil is called the royal herb. It is widely used in cooking, adding to main dishes, salads, appetizers, sauces and drinks.. Basil greens are popular in Mediterranean and Asian cuisines.

As a fragrant seasoning, fresh or dried basil leaves, as well as its seeds, are used. The taste of the spice in the finished dish is revealed gradually - at first the basil gives bitterness, then a sweetish aftertaste appears.

Basil with what to eat:

  • meat;
  • fish;
  • vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • milk products;
  • eggs.

What dishes do you add fresh basil to?

Young basil leaves are added to appetizers, salads, and sandwich mixes. Greens are used in canning and for the preparation of marinade. Basil goes well with dishes of meat, fish, vegetables and legumes.

It is added to tomatoes, eggs, sauerkraut, spinach and cheese. Based on basil, various sauces are prepared, for example, the famous Italian pesto..

What dishes use dried basil

Dried basil is used as a condiment. At the same time, it can be an independent spice or a component of ready-made seasonings: suneli hops, Provencal herbs, Italian herbs and Garni bouquet.

Basil - what is seasoning for:

  • salads;
  • meat dishes;
  • fish dishes;
  • the drinks.

Dried basil adds a bitter and spicy flavor to dishes.

Basil Seasoning - Applications:

  • The main rule in using seasoning is to add it to the dish at the final stage of cooking. So the basil will retain nutrients and rich aroma.
  • Spice is added to minced meat at the kneading stage. On average, one serving of the dish should be put 0.5 g. dried basil.

How to use basil in meat dishes

Basil pairs well with meat.

Basil gives meat dishes a unique taste and spicy aroma. Greens are added to meat salads and main courses of pork, beef and poultry. These basil dishes combine thyme, lemon and walnut.

Fresh leaves are added to meat goulash and gravy. In tandem with tomato and garlic, basil emphasizes the taste of meat and makes it more piquant. Consider the recipe for pork with basil.

You will need:

  • pork - 1 kg;
  • basil - 7 leaves;
  • rosemary - ½ teaspoon;
  • paprika - ½ teaspoon;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • tomato paste - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the meat into pieces, marinate in olive oil and spices.
  2. Wash, dry and finely chop the herbs.
  3. Put the meat on medium heat.
  4. Add finely chopped onion, garlic and tomato paste to it.
  5. Simmer covered for half an hour.
  6. Add chopped greens and simmer for another 10 minutes.

calories: Calories per 100 gr. product 185 kcal.

How to use basil for harvesting for the winter

Basil is used in the preservation of vegetables and fruits. Fresh leaves are added to berry compotes and jams.

For harvesting cucumbers or tomatoes for the winter, a combination of basil with horseradish root is suitable. 5-6 leaves of the plant are placed on a three-liter jar.

The most popular basil jam is raspberry mint. It strengthens the immune system, eliminates the symptoms of colds.

You will need:

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • basil - 5 leaves;
  • mint - 7 leaves;
  • lemon peel - 20 gr.;
  • granulated sugar - 500 gr.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the raspberries, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 20 minutes to extract the juice.
  2. Put the container with raspberries on the fire, bring to a boil.
  3. Remove from fire, cool. Repeat the heating procedure 2 more times.
  4. Put the mint and basil leaves in a cheesecloth bag, add the lemon zest to them and place them in the prepared jam, during the last heating.

calories: Calories per 100 gr. product 159 kcal.

How to use basil to make sauces

Basil is used to make ketchups, sauces and various dressings. They make the dish more harmonious, adding piquancy and flavor.

Fresh herbs are chopped and mixed with the rest of the ingredients for the sauce. Basil is often paired with tomatoes, cheese, olive oil, and other herbs. Such dressings are suitable for pasta, meat and fish dishes. Consider the recipe for the popular pesto sauce.

You will need:

  • basil - 1 bunch;
  • parmesan - 50 gr.;
  • pine nuts - 30 gr.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • olive oil - 100 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Wash and dry the basil leaves.
  2. Grate the cheese.
  3. Peel and cut the garlic.
  4. Mix all ingredients in a blender.

calories: Calories per 100 gr. product 675 kcal.

For more information on how to make basil pesto, see this video:

Using Basil in Desserts

Basil, along with mint, is often used to make desserts. Greens are combined with fresh fruits, dairy products and pastries. In desserts, basil is added as a dry seasoning or fresh herbs. Fresh leaves are used to decorate cakes, pies and casseroles. Consider the recipe for basil cream.

You will need:

  • milk - 150 ml;
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • cornstarch - 5 gr.;
  • cream - 100 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 20 gr.;
  • basil - 15 leaves.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse and dry the basil, finely chop.
  2. Put the milk on the fire, add the basil and bring to a boil.
  3. Whisk the egg with sugar and starch.
  4. Slowly add the egg mixture to the boiling milk.
  5. Continue cooking the cream until it thickens. Stir constantly.
  6. Remove from heat, let cool.
  7. Whip the cream to firm peaks.
  8. Add them to the cooled cream.
  9. Stir, arrange in bowls and put in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  10. The finished dish can be decorated with basil leaves.

calories: Calories per 100 gr. product 114 kcal.

What spices go with basil

Combined with rosemary, basil takes on a mild peppery aroma. The seasoning is combined with thyme, parsley, coriander, mint, marjoram and tarragon.

What to remember

  1. Young basil leaves are added to snacks, salads, meat and vegetable dishes.
  2. Dried basil is used as a condiment.
  3. The spice is added to the dish at the final stage of cooking.

Spicy herbs are good both fresh and dried: they are used with equal success in cooking various dishes and for medicinal purposes.

Many in the summer ask the question “How to dry basil?” Because you want to enjoy its unusual taste and smell and get vitamins even in winter. We will find out how useful this spice is in dried form, and how to dry it in different ways: in the oven, in an electric dryer and in a natural way.

Dried basil: useful properties

Dried basil, if it is dried in compliance with all the rules, is as useful as fresh basil. Dried purple or green basil retains the same vitamin and mineral composition.

Composition of dried basil

  • Many vitamins - K, A, C, E, etc.
  • A variety of minerals - manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus, copper, selenium.
  • Tannins.
  • Saponins and glycosides.
  • Sugar and phytoncides and sugars.
  • Essential oils.

Interestingly, such a rich composition, which dried basil has, is not inherent in all herbs and spices.

Benefits of dried basil

Drying basil does not detract from the merits of this plant - its beneficial properties remain unchanged:

  • Prevention of deficiency of vitamins and minerals during diets. Women often sit on strict diets, leading to a deficiency of nutrients. As well as fresh, dried basil makes up for their lack.
  • Cleansing the body. This spice helps to remove toxins.
  • Wound healing, astringent, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Basil infusion or decoction relieves flu-like conditions, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves toothache and relieves inflammation of the larynx or genitals.

In addition, dried basil greens improve brain function, give strength and calm the nervous system. As you can see, drying basil at home retains all of its beneficial properties.

When to harvest basil for drying for the winter

Do you dry basil? Of course, it is dried along with other spicy herbs to be used later in cooking or for healing. Which is better: freeze or dry basil? Is basil frozen or dried?

They do both: if you have the conditions for storing frozen or dried herbs, then you can dry or freeze the basil.

If you are interested in basil, when to harvest it and how to dry it, we will first discuss the topic of collecting raw materials.

What parts of basil can be dried? Only leaves and young stems (tops of stems).

Harvesting basil for drying

When to harvest basil to dry? Raw materials for drying must be collected before the plants bloom. If the raw material is harvested at the time of flowering, it will lose its unique smell and taste.

So, as soon as the plants have gained color, we choose a sunny, dry day and proceed to collect young shoots with leaves.

This is done during the second cut - in the middle or end of September, but you can also dry the basil, plucked in the first cut.

When to harvest basil for drying? It is better to collect greens in the middle of the morning, when the sun has already dried the leaves a little, but they still have the right amount of moisture.

How to store dried basil herbs

Well-dried grass can be stored in two ways:

  • We put whole leaves with young stems in a bag of thick paper.
  • We grind the dried raw materials into powder and pour them into ceramic or glass containers with tight-fitting lids. You can use jars for spices.

It is better not to store it in canvas bags, unlike many other herbs, dried basil quickly loses its taste and smell.

We store the dried spice in a cool, dry place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.

Now you know that it is better to dry or freeze basil for the winter. Learn how to properly dry basil at home.

Drying basil for the winter

If you are a fan of this spicy plant, then you will probably be interested to know how to properly dry basil for the winter so that you can add healthy herbs to dishes in the cold season. There are several options: in the oven, dryer and naturally. Consider all these ways to know how to dry basil at home.

How to dry basil in the oven

Before drying the basil, we prepare the raw materials, wash it and dry it. How to dry basil Spread it on paper towels: they will absorb the drained water. Change towels if a lot of water drains.

After 1-2 hours, we proceed to direct drying:

  • We heat the oven to dry the basil: the temperature should be 80-100 degrees.
  • We line the baking sheets with parchment and lay out the dried raw materials.
  • We put the baking sheets in the oven, leave the door ajar and wait 1-2 hours. During drying, a fragrant aroma will soar around the apartment.

The mass of dried leaves and stems will be reduced several times, but they will become even more fragrant.

You know how to dry basil in the oven, now we will learn how to dry basil in an electric dryer.

How to dry basil for the winter in this way? We follow the step by step guide:

  • We wash the collected raw materials and shake to glass the water. It is best to dry only the leaves, as the twigs are too coarse for this method.
  • We lay the leaves in a thin layer on pallets and put them on the base.
  • At what temperature should you dry basil? We set the temperature to 35 ° C and turn on the device.
  • We change the pallets every hour and dry the greens until ready for 4 hours or more.

Now you know how to dry basil in the dryer. If you don’t have an electric dryer and you don’t know how to dry basil for the winter, we will resort to natural methods.

How to Dry Basil Naturally

Learn how to dry basil for the winter in two easy ways.

How to dry basil without tools

  • Rinse the leaves well in running cold water.
  • We dry the leaves by spreading them on paper towels so that it does not get moldy during drying.
  • We lay out the leaves in one layer on clean paper, baking sheets or cloth, cover with loose gauze so that they do not gather dust.

Choose one of the options for proper drying of basil:

  • In a dry warm place- under a canopy, on a veranda, in a house where there is no high humidity and stagnation of air.
  • In the fridge– on styrofoam pallets or paper towels. The cold will draw out the moisture, retaining the color and aroma. Under such conditions, the leaves dry out in about a week.

We clean the dried leaves for storage or pour them into a jar for spices.

How to dry basil by hanging

  • We choose a well-ventilated place (not in the sun) and hang the bundles so that they do not touch each other. You can hang them indoors with an open window or under a canopy.
  • We prepare shoots with leaves and make bunches by tying them with an elastic band or thread.
  • We dry the bunches for a couple of weeks - the leaves should become brittle and dry. Bend the twig to test for doneness. If it breaks, the greens dry up, if it bends, we'll wait some more.

Knowing how to properly dry basil for the winter, you can easily do without an oven or electric dryer. When the tufts are dry, crush them and rub them into a powder with your fingers.

Pour dry basil into jars and stick a label with the name of the plant so as not to be confused with other spices. It goes well with garlic, tarragon, onion, sage and rosemary.

Now you know how to dry basil yourself. It remains to harvest and stock up on this spice for the whole winter!