How to salt spicy cucumbers. A cold way to pickle cucumbers for the winter

A crispy pickle in winter is a godsend. It contains many vitamins. It was closed without the addition of vinegar. You open such a jar, in which garlic, dill and other spices are also put, and you get pleasure. Moreover, they are stored, despite the absence of any acids, perfectly - either in the refrigerator, or in the basement, or simply on a shelf in the pantry.

Lightly salted and medium salted cucumbers can be prepared in the summer and in any other season, since they are on sale all year round. Properly cooked, they can become the basis of various dishes. - starting with salads, ending with.

How to make salted cucumbers quickly and tasty?

If a fresh cucumber is fed up, a lightly salted one will be an excellent alternative. It is only important to remember that the fruits must be tight and in no case soft, otherwise such cucumbers will not turn out crispy. Soak a kilogram of cucumbers in cold water. We wash them, cut the stalks. Let's leave it in the water.

Step 1: Soak Cucumbers in Cold Water

And we ourselves will take care of the brine and spices. Let's dissolve 2-1.5 tablespoons in 3-4 glasses of water. salt. We cut the greens (including the leaves of blackcurrant, cherry, horseradish, parsley, celery, dill, etc.), garlic, horseradish, hot pepper to taste and, putting them on the bottom of the bottle, fill it with cucumbers, sprinkled with your favorite spices. Fill with brine and leave to sour for a few days. Then we store it in the refrigerator or basement.

Step 2. Put spices, cucumbers in a jar and fill with rosol

There are other recipes for lightly salted cucumbers. So, you can make them with apples (except for herbs, garlic, spices, etc., you can add a couple of green apples cut into 4 parts per kilogram of cucumbers). If you pour all this with hot brine, then the sample can be taken after 10 hours. Cucumbers prepared with the addition of lime juice (4 pieces per one and a half kilograms of fruits) have an original taste. This beauty, cooked in brine from 3.5 tbsp. l salt and 1 tsp. sugar per liter of water, can be tasted in half an hour. An excellent recipe for lightly salted cucumbers with the participation of young zucchini - kilogram per kilogram. In the brine, you can add mint leaves, and hot peppers with a pod, etc.

Step 3. For the second jar, use the recipe with lime juice

We make pickled cucumbers at home

It's very nice to get pickles for dinner while it's cooking. You need to take cucumbers, cut them into 4 parts in length. Cut all kinds of greens, add bay leaf, hot pepper to taste and sprinkle with salt and sugar (determine the proportion according to your taste preferences). Putting it all in a jar or plastic bag, mix well, shaking the cucumbers longer. It will be ready in half an hour.

Step 1. Quick recipe - salted in 30 minutes

Medium salted cucumbers can be harvested for the winter, and for consumption right there, after a short time. Here it is important to choose the method of salting. Whether it will be done directly in the bottle, or in a separate bowl. One way or another, cucumbers pickled in this way can be twisted with lids and covered with plastic lids. Salt per liter of water should be added two tablespoons. Cucumbers are fermented whole or cut. We shift them with garlic, pepper, spices, herbs, bay leaves, etc. Pour in brine and keep in a warm place for several days. Then you need to clean it in a cold place.

Step 2. For medium salting, you should wait a few days

Recipe for crispy pickles for the winter

Pickled cucumber prepared according to this recipe will appeal to everyone. First, everything is simple in terms of cooking. Secondly, cucumbers will crunch in winter as if they had just been taken from the garden.

Ingredients for preparing canned cucumbers for the winter

  • Cucumbers - 4 kg.
  • Salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons per liter of water
  • Horseradish leaf or root - 3-5 pcs.
  • Blackcurrant leaf - 6-10 pcs.
  • Cherry leaf - 5-10 pcs.
  • Walnut or oak leaf - 10 pcs.
  • Dill - bunch
  • Celery - 1 pod or half a root
  • Garlic - 2 heads
  • Grape leaf - 20 pcs.
  • Chile - 1 pc.

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter correctly - a step-by-step pickling recipe with a photo

We wash all products. Cucumbers choose tight, with pimples. If they are not only from the garden, then we will leave them longer in cold water. Leaves and twigs, if large, cut with scissors. But it's better to put everything whole. The horseradish root needs to be cut, and the leaves should be chopped smaller. Dill is usually placed directly in bushes, but you can also cut it.

Step 1. Prepare the spices

When the cucumbers are already standing in the water, drain it, rinse the fruits again. We choose a bowl in which the cucumbers will be salted. Put a layer of chopped mixture on the bottom and lay out a layer of cucumbers. And in this way we shift until we lay out the fruits and spices. Mix salt with water and pour cucumbers with this. About 5 liters of brine will go to this number of cucumbers. Cover everything with washed grape leaves on top.

Step 2. Top the cucumbers with grape leaves

It is important to install some kind of load on top of the vessel. If not, then a three-liter jar full of water, mounted on something flat, will do. In a warm place, pickle cucumbers for 5 days (if it's cool, and 2-3 if it's warm). Don't worry if you see a white coating on the water, it's lactic acid bacteria. Cucumbers can be eaten even after 3 days. But if you want to prepare them for the winter, then salt the brine, rinse all the contents (except greens) and the jars with boiling water (we will sterilize the jars and lids), and then fill it with boiled brine (you can do this twice) and roll up the lids. We keep turned upside down under a blanket, and then we send it to the shelves. It's okay if the brine becomes cloudy. Then it all falls apart. And in winter, delicious crispy pickles await you.

Every hostess wants to surprise her guests and loved ones with delicious cucumbers. But it is not always possible to preserve cucumbers so that they are spicy and crispy. It seems that everything is done as it should, but the cucumbers are far from the desired result. And try new recipes every year to achieve the desired result. A couple of tips before canning cucumbers:

For pickling, green cucumbers are selected, not quite ripe, with dense pulp and underdeveloped seed chambers. To obtain a good product, the quality of fresh cucumbers is of great importance, and therefore overgrown, sluggish, damaged or diseased fruits should not be salted. It is best to pickle cucumbers on the day they are picked or on the second day. The fruits are divided into large, medium and small: (9-12, 7-9, 5-7 cm).

And so, I offer you the top ten recipes and tricks:

1. "Crispy" recipe
for 1 liter of cold water (boiled or filtered) - a little more than 1.5 tablespoons of salt
For a 3 liter jar:
1-2 cloves of garlic (cut into circles on the bottom), then cucumbers,
on top of cucumbers - greens: several inflorescences of dill, currant leaves, cherry leaves with sprigs, horseradish leaf


Wash the cucumbers and pre-soak them in cold water for 4 hours (we do not cut the buttocks of the cucumbers).
Then put the cucumbers in clean jars with spices, pour in brine, close the jars with plastic lids and put in a cool place (the temperature in the room should be about 20 ° C).
After a few days, when the fermentation process begins (the plastic lids on the jars will swell), open the lids to let the air out - then the cucumbers will be crispy. After a day, close the lids again and pickles can be put in the refrigerator.
Such pickles should be stored in a cold place (for example, in a cellar or refrigerator). So they are perfectly preserved all winter and remain crispy (and quite spicy - due to garlic).

2. Mom's recipe

Spices are placed at the bottom of the jar - dry dill, dill greens, horseradish leaves, garlic, black peppercorns, bay leaf.

Then cucumbers are laid and poured with marinade.

The marinade is prepared in a separate saucepan: for 1 liter of water, 2-3 tablespoons of salt, 2-3 tablespoons of sugar. Boil the whole mixture well and add 1 tablespoon of vinegar essence.

3. Spicy cucumbers


1 kg of cucumbers, 30 g of dill, 10 leaves of celery or parsley, blackcurrant, 1 black pea and 1 pod of red hot pepper.

For brine:

1 liter of water, 3 tbsp. spoons of salt.

Cucumbers are often salted in enamelware and glass jars. Seasonings are laid at the bottom, in the middle and on top. Pick up small cucumbers.

The brine is poured with some excess. A wooden circle (not plywood) or a porcelain plate and oppression are also placed on top.

The dishes with cucumbers are covered with a clean cloth and kept at room temperature for several days.

Then they are transferred to a cold and dark room.

After 10-15 days, brine is added to the brim and covered with lids.

4. Old recipe

They take 10 kg or more of cucumbers, wash them in cold water, put them in a bowl and dissolve salt in hot water in proportion to their number. (approximately 50 g of salt per 1 liter of water). Cucumbers are poured with this brine, sprinkled with dill, a blackcurrant leaf, 2-4 cloves of garlic are added.

When the brine has cooled, they take out the dishes with cucumbers in the cellar and put them on ice. A wooden circle is placed on top of the cucumbers and pressed with a clean stone. After 3-4 hours, the cucumbers are ready.

A different ratio of cucumbers, spices and salt gives pickles different taste qualities. Cucumbers pickled according to these two, also old, recipes are very tasty.

Method number 1

For 10 kg of prepared cucumbers, 600-700 g of salt and 500-600 g of spices are taken (including spices 40-50% dill, 5% garlic, and the rest is tarragon, leaves and horseradish root, celery, parsley, basil, leaves cherry, black currant, oak, etc.).

For a sharp taste, it is good to add dried red hot pepper or 10-15 g of fresh.

Method number 2

Prepared cucumbers are placed in jars with a capacity of 3 liters, poured with brine at the rate of 50-60 g of salt per 1 liter of water, covered with lids and kept for 3-4 days at room temperature until lactic acid fermentation begins. Then the brine from the jars is drained and boiled.

Cucumbers are washed, washed greens are added: for a 3-liter jar - up to 40 g of dill, 6-8 cloves of garlic, etc. and pour hot brine. Banks are pasteurized at a temperature of 90 degrees for 12-15 minutes, removed from the water, immediately corked.

5. Aspirin cucumbers

Instead of vinegar - aspirin. There are six aspirin tablets per three-liter jar.

Dill, horseradish, currant leaves, cherry leaves, black pepper (peas) are not put in jars, but are poured with salt water (2 tablespoons of salt per liter of water) in a saucepan and brought to a boil. And with this hot brine, cucumbers are poured twice.

Dill cuttings and leaves remain in the pot.

Before rolling up the jar, vegetable oil is added. Brine never becomes cloudy, jars never explode, can be stored at home. Cucumbers are obtained as if they were plucked from the garden yesterday, as if they were fresh.

6. Sweet and sour cucumbers

Fresh spicy greens are placed in a jar: horseradish leaves, dill, tarragon, parsley, celery, etc. Large greens are cut into 2-3 parts. Peel small heads of onions and garlic.

In a liter jar put 2 tbsp. tablespoons of 9% table vinegar, onion, 1-2 cloves of garlic, 2-3 black peppercorns, cloves, bay leaf, 15-20 g of fresh herbs and ½ teaspoon of mustard. Cucumbers are laid and poured with hot filling.

For pouring 1 liter of water, 50 g of salt and 25 g of sugar are required. Sterilize in boiling water liter jars - 10 minutes, 3-liter jars - 15 minutes.

7. Canning with currant juice

Pick up small cucumbers of the same size. Rinse well and cut off the ends.

At the bottom of each jar, put 2-3 black peppercorns, cloves, 1-2 cloves of garlic, a sprig of dill and mint.

Cucumbers set in a jar vertically. Pour in a filling prepared from 1 liter of water, 250 g of ripe currant juice, 50 g of salt and 20 g of sugar.

Bring to a boil and pour into jars. Close the lids immediately and sterilize for 8 minutes.

8. Cucumbers with mustard seeds

For 1 jar - small cucumbers, 1 onion, 1 small carrot, seasonings for pickling, mustard seeds.

For 2 liters of water - 1 tbsp. vinegar, 2 tbsp. l. salt, 8 tbsp. l. Sahara.

Wash the jars well, sterilize (in the oven), boil the lids.

Wash the cucumbers, do not cut off the buttocks and nose, put in a colander to drain the water.

Peel the onion, wash, cut into rings, put on the bottom of the jars. There also put carrots (circles), pepper, cloves, bay leaf and 1 tsp. mustard (peas).

Fill the jars with cucumbers, pour ordinary boiling water, cover with lids and let stand until the water is warm.

Drain the water into a saucepan, boil again, add salt, sugar, vinegar. Be sure to remove the foam. Pour boiling brine over cucumbers and quickly roll up.

Turn jars upside down and wrap until cool.

9. Vigorous cucumbers

Put tightly cucumbers, greens (leaves of black currant, horseradish, cherries, dill stalks and baskets), bay leaf, garlic in sterilized jars.

Pour cold brine (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water). Leave the jars for 3-5 days without a refrigerator, cover with gauze.

Remove the resulting white coating, pour the brine through a sieve into a saucepan and boil for 20 minutes (it is advisable to measure how much brine turned out). Cucumbers, without removing from the jar, rinse under running cold water 3 times.

Add 0.5 liters of water per 3 liters to the brine + add 1 tbsp. salt. Pour over cucumbers. Roll up. Turn over, leave until the next day.

10. Spicy pickled cucumbers

While the jars are being prepared, you can cook the marinade.

1 liter of water
2 tbsp salt without a slide
1 tbsp sugar also without a slide
Bring it all to a boil and remove.

So we get a hot jar. At the bottom we put prepared greens (leaves of blackcurrant, horseradish, cherries, dill stems and baskets), bay leaf. We lay the cucumbers tightly to each other (very tightly!), Black peppercorns on top, allspice 1-2 peas, again greens and red hot pepper (here attention: if the pepper is whole, then you can put it all, if there are cuts, cracks, then put a thin strip, otherwise then the cucumbers will simply be impossible to swallow because of the sharpness).

Add vinegar 9%:
1 liter jar-2 tbsp.
2 liter jar-3 tbsp.
3 liter jar-5 tbsp.

Pour the marinade in a thin stream

At the bottom of the pan, a tray (or a rag), pour warm water so that the jar is more than half immersed in water. Place lids on top of jars. Cook for about 20 minutes 2 liter jar. You can check the readiness like this: the lids have become hot, the cucumbers have changed color from light green.

We take out the jars, put them on a wooden board. Lay garlic, black peppercorns and a couple of peas of allspice. Marinade topped up to the brim. Roll up. Put the jars upside down, wrap and leave for a day.

Little culinary tricks

Pickled cucumbers should be medium-sized, fresh, with black spines. Cucumbers with white spines are not suitable for canning - they are dessert, perishable varieties. Banks with such cucumbers tend to "explode". Sluggish, "cork" cucumbers are also not suitable. They have lain too long. It is better to salt them for food, without rolling them into jars.

Soak cucumbers in water for 2-6 hours. This procedure will "make" the cucumbers crunchy.

To avoid an "explosive" situation, add a few mustard seeds to the jar. Sometimes use 1 spoon of alcohol or aspirin.

Also, for crispy cucumbers, they add shrimp, and sometimes oak bark.

Cucumbers will not grow moldy, and their taste will even improve if you put horseradish still cut into shavings on top.

The so-called garlic pickles have a sharp and spicy taste - when they are salted, twice the amount of garlic and horseradish is used.

Bon Appetit!!!

Maria Soboleva

How to pickle cucumbers? Delicious recipes

Almost every experienced housewife knows how to pickle cucumbers. But everyone has their own little secrets and signature recipes. What gives cucumbers a special taste, piquancy and crunch?

Cucumber Secrets

It is best to salt small young cucumbers. But if the vegetables are different in size, then first we put the larger ones in the jar, vertically, and on top those that are smaller.

We lay the cucumbers close to each other, we usually put the spices on the bottom, many housewives like to put them between the layers of cucumbers.

It is good to cover the brine in a jar on top with horseradish and currant leaves.

What are the best spices to use? The classics of the genre are currant leaves, horseradish, peppercorns and dill umbrellas.

And you can add all sorts of things at your discretion: oak leaves, cherries, mustard seeds, cloves, horseradish root, currant or grape berries, garlic, cumin, coriander, mint, basil, parsley, celery.

But it is better to heed the advice of experienced housewives: too many seasonings and spices are not always beneficial. From this, the brine can ferment and the banks will explode.

For salting, there is nothing better than coarse rock salt, from iodized and fine (extra) cucumbers become soft, and jars can explode.

Traditionally, for 1 liter of water, you need to take 50 (or 60) g of salt - this is approximately 2-2.5 tablespoons.

You can pickle cucumbers in cold and hot brine.

It is important what kind of water you take - spring, well or bottled will noticeably improve the taste of your home preservation.

Before salting cucumbers, they need to be soaked - usually for 4-6 hours. Don't forget to change the water every hour.

Vegetables that have absorbed fresh cool water will be hard, and after salting they will be sure to be crispy.

In addition, the cucumbers that have stood in the liquid will not absorb the brine too much, which will allow them to be stored longer.

Do I need to cut the tails of cucumbers? Not necessarily, it will just speed up the pickling process.

A small pinch of mustard seeds will help keep the jars from bursting. For the same purpose, 1 tablespoon of vodka or alcohol, an aspirin tablet are added to the brine.

And so that mold does not form in the jar, put 2-3 thin slices of horseradish root under the lid.

Before salting the cucumbers, prepare the jars: soak them in a soda solution, wash them with hot water and soap, rinse and pour over with boiling water.

Then we dry it, it’s not bad to sterilize it by calcining it in an oven heated to 110 degrees.

How to pickle cucumbers - delicious recipes

Recipe number 1. Barrel-flavored cucumbers

We will need:

2 kg of cucumbers;
6 cloves of garlic;
8 peppercorns;
2 sheets of horseradish;
5 leaves of cherry and black currant;
3 umbrellas of dill and some greens;
3 tablespoons of salt.


  • place the washed cucumbers in a container and pour cold water for several hours;
  • prepare the greens - coarsely chop the dill and leaves of cherries, currants and horseradish;
  • add garlic cloves cut in half to them, mix;
  • pour a third of the seasonings on the bottom of the jar;
  • stack cucumbers vertically, then horizontally;
  • in the middle of the jar and pour the remaining spices and herbs on top;
  • dissolve the salt in 1 liter 300 ml of chilled water;
  • pour the saline solution into a jar, cover with gauze and leave for 2 days at room temperature;
  • drain the brine, boil it, cool it and pour it into the cucumbers again;
  • close the jar with a hot nylon lid and store in a cool place.

Recipe number 2. "Long-playing" cucumbers in cold brine

For pickling in a 3-liter jar, take about 2 kg of cucumbers.

Spices and seasonings:

salt - 3 tablespoons;
bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
currant leaves - 3 pcs.;
garlic - 5 cloves;
horseradish - 1/3 of a leaf;
dill - 2 stalks and 2 umbrellas.

Before salting cucumbers, soak them for 4-5 hours.

Put the spices in the jar, then lay the cucumbers in rows.

To determine the exact amount of brine, pour cold water up to the rim of the jar, drain it, and stir in the salt.

Gently pour the brine over the cucumbers to avoid salt sediment.

Hold the capron lid for 15 seconds in boiling water and cover the jar with it.

Place the pickle to ferment in a dark, cool place.

Cucumbers will be ready in 2 months, if you want to try lightly salted cucumbers, 4-5 days will be enough.

The brine may become cloudy, do not worry - this will not spoil the taste of cucumbers.

If you do not have a basement or cellar, store the preservation in the refrigerator, in which case it is more convenient to pickle cucumbers in liter jars.

The main thing when preparing pickles, keep the proportions: take 1 tablespoon of salt per liter jar, 2 tablespoons per 2-liter container.

Cucumbers can be salted in the most unusual ways, sometimes very original.

Recipe number 3. Frozen pickles

Let's take:

1 kg of cucumbers;

3 heads of onions;
1 piece of bell pepper (green);
3 tablespoons of salt;
1 cup of sugar;
1 glass of wine vinegar (white);
1 tablespoon celery seeds.

How we cook:

My cucumbers, cut into circles, put in a plastic conveyor;

Add thinly sliced ​​onion, chopped bell pepper and 2 tablespoons of salt there;

  • pour crushed ice into the container, mix, put in the refrigerator for 8 hours;
  • wash the vegetables with running water and dry;
  • prepare the filling: mix the rest of the salt (1 tablespoon), sugar, vinegar, celery seeds;
  • bring the mixture to a boil, cook for 1 minute;
  • pour vegetables, cool, close the container with a lid and put in the freezer;
  • cucumbers will be ready in a month and a half, before serving they need to be thawed for at least 3 hours at room temperature.

Recipe number 4. Quick pickles

To prepare them, you will need only 8 hours, the taste will be slightly salty, the crunch is like fresh cucumbers. We select small vegetables and proceed to salting.

Ingredients per liter jar:

500 g cucumbers;
330 ml of carbonated mineral water;
1 tablespoon of salt;
1 bunch of fresh dill;
5 cloves of garlic;
5 currant leaves.

Cooking steps:

We wash the cucumbers with running water, cut off the tails;

At the bottom of the jar we put garlic, dill and currant leaves (whole);

We lay out the cucumbers tightly, add salt;

Pour mineral water into a jar and leave for 8 hours at room temperature.

We store in the refrigerator.

Although it is unlikely that such a yummy will stay with you for a long time.

You can salt cucumbers in different ways, using the traditional advice of our grandmothers, adding something of your own, or even experimenting with unusual recipes.

The main thing is to do it with soul and with pleasure in order to please loved ones with crispy yummy.

Take it, tell your friends!

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Pickled cucumbers are an indispensable component of such favorite dishes as hodgepodge, pickle and others. Therefore, any housewife should prepare several jars of such salting.

Cucumbers can be harvested large and small, but the most delicious in pickles are small hard fruits. Salting cucumbers for the winter, as well as, is the simplest and most troublesome task.

Mineral water with gas allows the fruits to get a lot of oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the salting process. The fruits are completely salted, but they turn out crispy and tender. The taste of such blanks will not be pronounced and will appeal to all lovers of pickles. For such a blank, you will not need to stand at the stove for hours and cook. Such pickling of cucumbers without vinegar for the winter, like, is suitable for any occasion.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cucumbers - 0.5 kilograms;
  • Mineral sparkling water - 330 milliliters;
  • Garlic - 5 small cloves;
  • Salt - a tablespoon without a slide;
  • Dill - 1 bunch;
  • Leaves of black or red currant - 5-7 pieces.

How to salt cucumbers quickly:

  1. Rinse the gherkins, cut off the tails on both sides;
  2. We clean the garlic and put it in pre-prepared jars, they need to be sterilized in a convenient way;
  3. Rinse the greens well and lay on the bottom of the jar for harvesting garlic;
  4. Now you can put cucumbers in jars, you need to pour salt on top;
  5. The jar must be filled with carbonated water, covered with gauze and left to infuse for 8-9 hours, it is best to make the preparation in the evening and leave to infuse all night, and continue cooking in the morning;
  6. After that, you can close the jars with tight plastic lids and store them in a cool place or refrigerator.

How to salt cucumbers with simple salting

The ingredients for this recipe are designed for pickling one three-liter jar of cucumbers. If you need to prepare several cans, then the ingredients should be increased accordingly. This recipe is a classic and proven by more than one hostess, the cucumbers are tasty and moderately salty, like.

Required Ingredients:

  • Small cucumbers - 1.5-2 kg;
  • Leaves of any currant - 5 pieces;
  • Cherry leaves - 5 pieces;
  • Horseradish leaves - 2 large leaves;
  • Fresh garlic - 3-5 cloves;
  • Fresh dill - 1 bunch;
  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Rock salt - about 2 tbsp. spoons with a slide;
  • Sugar - 1-2 tbsp. spoons.

How to pickle cucumbers - recipe:

  1. Wash the cucumbers, cut off the tails and soak in boiled cold water for about 3-4 hours;
  2. Containers for blanks must be sterilized so that vegetables do not deteriorate during storage, this is easiest to do with steam or an oven;
  3. Lids are also sterilized by dipping into boiling water and holding there for about 10 minutes;
  4. Sort greens, wash;
  5. All greens must be laid on the bottom of the jar, but horseradish leaves must be left;
  6. Put cucumbers in a container and pour brine on top, for it you need to mix cold water, salt and sugar;
  7. Horseradish leaves should be placed on top of the cucumbers and rolled up with sterilized lids;
  8. The fruits will gain flavor and salt in about 1 month.

How to salt cucumbers for the winter

You can add various seasonings and herbs to these cucumbers, it depends on your taste. But the most suitable ingredients are peppercorns, laurel, horseradish leaves, garlic, dill. It is these seasonings that are usually added to salted vegetables. The most elementary and convenient recipe is pickling cucumbers in jars.

Required Ingredients:

  • Fresh small cucumbers - about 1 kilogram;
  • Rock salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Black pepper - 5 peas;
  • Laurel - 2 leaves;
  • Currant leaves - 3 pieces;
  • Garlic cloves - 5 pieces;
  • Fresh dill - 1 bunch;
  • Tarragon - 1 bunch;
  • Large horseradish leaves - 1/3 leaf.

How to salt cucumbers - recipe:

  1. Cucumbers must be selected for certain varieties intended for pickling, other varieties are not suitable for long-term storage, wash the fruits, dip them in cold water, leave to infuse in it for at least three hours, but it is better to increase the time to 5-8 hours, so the fruits they are fed with enough water and will not take a lot of brine from the jar;
  2. In prepared jars, it is necessary to decompose herbs and spices;
  3. Now you can prepare a solution for salting, dissolve salt in water;
  4. The jars are completely filled with brine and closed with tight polyethylene lids; before closing the jar, the lid must be held in boiling water for several seconds.

How delicious to salt cucumbers with spicy

For the festive table, you can prepare a large number of blanks in advance, which will serve as snacks. Therefore, spicy cucumbers must be cooked. They can be served with various hot dishes and side dishes, as well as used as a snack. The sharpness gives them an unusual taste and richness. In addition, not only small fruits are useful in this recipe, but also large enough, they will subsequently be cut into convenient pieces.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cucumbers - 1 kilogram;
  • Black currant leaves - 10 pieces;
  • Parsley - 10 branches;
  • Dill - 30 grams;
  • Red hot pepper - 1 small pod;
  • Peppercorns - 3 pieces;
  • Garlic - 1 large head;
  • Rock salt - three tablespoons;
  • Water - 1000 milliliters.

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter:

  1. For this recipe, it is best to take a large enameled saucepan and salt the vegetables in it; you need to put a small part of the seasonings on the bottom of the container;
  2. Wash the cucumbers, cut off the tails and cut into small slices;
  3. Peel the garlic, finely chop, grate or pass through a garlic press;
  4. Mix the chopped fruits with the remaining herbs and seasonings, put in a saucepan;
  5. In the meantime, you can boil the brine, it is boiled from water with the addition of salt;
  6. When the brine is ready, they need to pour the fruits into the pans, the liquid should completely hide the pulp;
  7. Put a large dish on the pulp and set oppression on it;
  8. The pulp should be left in the room for 10-15 days, it is advisable to cover the pan with gauze or a thin cloth;
  9. After this time has elapsed, you can transfer the fruits to sterilized jars, pour in brine and close with lids;
  10. Ready-made blanks are left a little at room temperature and only then removed for long-term storage.

How to pickle cucumbers in jars

Not so long ago, housewives salted vegetables in barrels; other containers were not very common. But now more and more housewives prefer glass jars, and it is a wooden barrel that helps to get the most delicious cucumbers. In addition, in such a container, you can salt a large number of vegetables at a time. Well, if so many vegetables are not needed, you can simply prepare only a small part of them.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cucumbers - 100 kilograms;
  • Fresh garlic - 300 grams;
  • Umbrellas and dill seeds - 3 kilograms;
  • Fresh horseradish root - 0.5 kilograms;
  • Blackcurrant leaves - 1 kg.;
  • Coarse rock salt - 800-1000 grams.

How to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars:

  1. Rinse the cucumbers, remove the tails, but the stalks can be left;
  2. Wash, peel, prepare all the spices and herbs, you can cut the garlic a little, or you can leave it in whole slices;
  3. Spread 1/3 of all prepared spices on the bottom of the container;
  4. Then distribute the fruits on the spice, it is important that there is not a large distance between the fruits, so they are rammed a little;
  5. Then again lay out 1/3 of the entire mass of spices;
  6. Then the fruits are stacked again;
  7. Top everything with the rest of the spices;
  8. From water and salt, it is necessary to prepare a saline solution, for this they take cold water and pour it into a container with pulp;
  9. Put a large plate or a special wooden circle on all this, and put a heavy oppression on top;
  10. After some time, the fruits will be saturated with saline and salted.

Pickles with apples

Cucumbers in blanks can be combined with other vegetables, even fruits. For example, you can add a small amount of apples to pickles. In this case, the apples will also be salted and will turn out to be a very tasty snack. With such fruits, you can cook a wide variety of dishes or just enjoy in the winter.

Required Ingredients:

  • Cucumbers - 1 kilogram;
  • Sour green apples - 0.5 kilograms;
  • Lemongrass leaves - 8-10 pieces;
  • Salt - 50 grams;
  • Sugar - 50 grams;
  • Water - about 1 liter.

How to pickle cucumbers quickly:

  1. Cucumbers are easy enough to wash, you can cut off the stalks, but this is not at all necessary;
  2. Wash the apples, cut into slices, remove the core, if the container allows, then you can leave the apples whole, they will also be salted;
  3. Lemongrass leaves need to be washed well, you do not need to cut the leaves, they will be used whole;
  4. First you need to cook a brine from water, sugar and salt;
  5. In the meantime, the salt solution is being boiled, you can start laying out the fruits in jars, do not forget to add lemongrass leaves to them;
  6. When everything is laid out, it is necessary to fill them with brine, cover with lids and leave for about 5 minutes;
  7. Then drain the brine from the jars back into the pan, put on the stove and boil;
  8. Pour the solution back into the jars and leave for 5 minutes;
  9. Only after that it is possible to close the blanks with lids and roll them up;
  10. Such a blank should be stored in a cool, and preferably dark place, only in this case, the hostess can be sure that the twist will be stored for a long time.

When harvesting, you can use various spices, and you can store them in different containers, but this will not really affect the final result if a decent recipe was originally chosen. It must use the right ingredients and their ratio must be correctly calculated.

Winter preparations from vegetables are ahead of various jams and compotes: this is not just a dessert, but a full-fledged dish. Salting and pickling cucumbers in liter jars help create a quick healthy lunch out of them. In preservation, brine plays an important role, for which you need to carefully calculate the ingredients so as not to reduce the storage time.

How to prepare a pickle for lightly salted cucumbers per 1 liter of water

The number of liquid recipes for canned vegetables is very large. The standard composition of the brine - water and salt - is used by few housewives. Various spices, spices, herbs, as well as vegetables and even berries - everything is for the benefit of the taste, aroma and color of preservation. There is no single true ideal recipe: it is undesirable to deviate only from some axioms regarding the proportions between salt and water, or the amount of vinegar at. The remaining nuances are left to the discretion of the hostess.

A few important tips from the pros for a delicious brine:

  • Do you want cucumbers to crunch, regardless of the pickling method? Add leaves of currant, oak, grapes or horseradish, cherries. Do not forget that before twisting the lids they will need to be removed - the leaves are needed only at the time of preparing the brine.
  • Need a flavorful, savory snack? Throw bunches of cloves and a little coriander into the jars after the brine is poured.
  • A classic set for universal pickles - bay leaf, allspice, dill umbrella. They are collected 1 unit per liter of water, and only 3-4 peppercorns will be.
  • When creating a brine, it is important not to overdo it with garlic, it can kill the whole dish. For a liter of water, only 1 small clove is enough.
  • If you take horseradish, then for a liter of water you need a piece of root the size of 1/3 of the little finger. Take only 1/4 pod of hot pepper, and dried tarragon - on the tip of a knife.
  • Do not try to put all the available ingredients in the brine, especially if there is only a liter of water: the more there are, the higher the chance of seeing fermentation in the jar.
  • If you decide to try the old pickle recipe for vodka cucumbers, the amount of salt can be reduced. This alcoholic product perfectly interferes with fermentation processes, therefore it acts as a very high-quality preservative.

Cold pickling method

This simple and quick option is suitable for creating a long-term storage preparation for the winter, and for preparing a snack that can be eaten in a few days. A significant plus is that the cucumbers will crunch, even if you did not take the densest specimens. Hot water often adversely affects the consistency of the product. However, due to the lack of heat treatment, preservation is more likely to deteriorate or explode before winter sets in, so the preparation of the brine must be given special importance.

Professionals give some important advice:

  • The volume of liquid depends on the number of cucumbers: it will take about 2-2.5 cups per liter jar, but it is recommended to make 4 cups of brine. You can always get rid of excess.
  • A brine for cucumbers prepared using this technology per 1 liter of water should have 2 large tablespoons (tablespoons) of salt with a slide: this is about 70 g. Less can not be taken even for - there is a high probability of spoilage.
  • It is advisable to pour cucumbers with brine 2-3 times, leaving them for half an hour - an hour before adding spices and finally rolling up the jar.
  • It is better to close cucumbers in small jars - liter or half-liter: such a blank will be stored longer.

Brine recipe for lightly salted cucumbers in a hot way

This cooking option is convenient because you don’t have to wait until you can open the desired jar: the cucumbers are ready the very next day. With cold preservation, the period is extended to 3 days, which not all housewives like. Cooking lightly salted vegetables in hot brine is also convenient due to the reduced amount of the main preservative, because the dish will undergo sterilization and will definitely survive more than one winter if it is not eaten earlier.

Classic hot brine per liter of water is obtained from:

  • dill umbrella;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.;
  • rock salt - 55 g;
  • aspirin - 1 tablet.


  1. Boil water, dissolve salt in it.
  2. Put the cucumbers tightly in a jar, alternating with pepper and dill.
  3. Fill with brine.
  4. Sterilize, add aspirin, roll up.

How to make a brine for pickled cucumbers

In terms of taste, such preservation differs only in increased astringency and piquancy. Vinegar - the main component of all marinades - increases the acidity of the product, so the finished snack will not be useful to everyone. Marinating is carried out according to the same rules as for containers of a larger or smaller volume. The marinade itself is prepared in the same way as the brine, only vinegar or its essence is added here.

How much vinegar per liter jar of cucumbers will be required

The volume of this ingredient depends on its variety: the lower the concentration, the more vinegar is needed in the marinade. In the absence of sterilization, the normative parameters are increased, as well as with an increase in the proportion of sugar. A separate approach is for the essence, which is literally injected in drops. From the position of professionals, in the classic brine for pickling cucumbers per 1 liter of water, in the presence of sterilization, they use:

  • acetic acid 70% concentration - 1/3 tsp;
  • 9% table vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • 6% table vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.

How much salt per liter of water to use

The classic concentration for cucumber pickle is 20%, but if you have to marinate rather than pickle vegetables, this parameter goes down, because vinegar gets into the list of ingredients. In addition, you need to take into account that the taste qualities of simple fine table salt and coarse rock salt are different, so the volume per liter of water also varies. Professionals recommend focusing on the following points:

  • In a traditional marinade, you need to add a tablespoon of table (not sea) salt without a slide for every liter of liquid. The share of the sea is reduced to a dessert spoon.
  • Marinade with acetic acid may require 1.5-2 tablespoons without a slide for the same liter of water.
  • If sugar is introduced into the marinade, and you want to get tender, crispy cucumbers, take 2 tablespoons of salt and 4 tablespoons of sugar for every liter of liquid.

Cucumber pickle for the winter with vodka

Pickled cucumbers for the winter in liter jars, prepared according to this recipe, are distinguished by high density and shelf life, but are unacceptable for children's and teenage nutrition - the alcohol concentration is too high. A set of ingredients in 1 liter of water classic:

  • salt - 40 g;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • vinegar - 1/5 tbsp.;
  • vodka - a spoon.

Brine preparation:

  1. Dissolve sugar and salt in boiling water, add vinegar with spoons.
  2. Boil for a few minutes, if desired, introduce your favorite spices at the same moment.
  3. Carefully place cucumbers in a container and immediately pour hot brine.
  4. Add vodka last.
