Eating exotic avocados the right way: useful tips for beginners. How to eat avocado with or without peel

Avocado is a fruit-vegetable, an evergreen fruit plant of the laurel family. Many of us have a poor idea of ​​​​how to properly use a fruit that is not characteristic of our area (and cooking). The stereotypical meaning of the fruit tells us that the fruits should be sweet, but in fact, the avocado has almost no taste or smell. It is impossible to compare avocados with any known food.

How to choose an avocado

What do avocado fruits look like? Single-seeded berries can be spherical or elongated (pear-shaped) from 5 to 20 centimeters in length. Ripe fruits are covered with a thin dark green slightly rough skin.

To choose the right product, you should not look at the color of the peel, but determine the elasticity of the fruit. How to check it? Just take an avocado in the palm of your hand and lightly squeeze your fingers, if you feel resistance, then this fruit is suitable.

What do avocados eat with?

Separately, avocados are practically not consumed in food. Be sure to add the berry as one of the ingredients, then you will be able to feel the truly unsurpassed taste of the fruit (delicate and oily).

The pulp of the fruit is in harmony with meat, fish, seafood, vegetables. The methods of processing the product are different: in the cuisines of different countries, avocados are fried, boiled, baked, stewed or eaten raw. Why is avocado good for you? It is rich in fatty acids and vitamin E.

How to properly peel and cut an avocado

Take the fruit and be sure to wash the skin. Wipe the avocado and get ready to cut. With a sharp knife, cut the flesh along the circumference of the fruit (it is better to cut along). When you come across a hard seed, do not try to cut it.

When the circle is cut, grasp both halves and turn your palms slightly, the pulp can easily separate from the stone. Carefully remove the bone from the half, take a teaspoon and simply scrape the pulp from the peel, after drawing cubes or plates with it. Craftsmen sometimes first cut the pieces with a knife (so that they are then equally even), and then scrape the flesh with a spoon.

What to cook with avocado?

Recipe number 1. Fish appetizer with avocado is prepared like this. We take the cut fruit into pieces and wrap each in a thin salted fish slice (you can use trout). Put the rolls on a plate, sprinkle with freshly squeezed lemon juice, sprinkle with herbs and that's it, you can serve.

Recipe number 2. Sandwich "spread". You need to make puree from avocados, you can grind the product in a blender, food processor, meat grinder or mixer. Pour fat-free unsweetened yogurt into the puree, squeeze a little garlic, season with spices and herbs to taste. Beat the mixture well until a paste forms. Serve with toast, crackers or plain bread. Additionally, you can put anything on a sandwich: meat, fish, cheese, vegetables.

Recipe number 3. Salad. Take an avocado and cut into cubes (as described above). Boil eggs and shrimp. Peel one and the other and cut; medium-sized shrimp can be added to the salad whole. Such a salad is seasoned with olive oil, spices (salt, pepper), herbs are added to taste. Seasoned salad can be served immediately.

Recipe number 4. In fact, this is not a recipe, but another way to eat avocados. Take a spoon and just eat the pulp straight from the peel. Some people season a fresh avocado with lemon sauce, spices or olive oil for a sharp taste (moreover, spices can be added directly to the half, that is, to the hollow from the bone).

Attention! If you are going to cook a dish with avocados, be aware that the product loses color and darkens very quickly, so leave the processing of the berry until the very last moment of cooking. Additionally, the pulp can be sprinkled with lemon juice, then it will not oxidize so quickly, and the lemon will give a special touch to an almost tasteless fruit.

If you want to create a gourmet dish that your whole family will enjoy eating, don't be afraid to experiment with avocados!

Few people do not know that an outlandish fruit or vegetable (at first glance it is difficult to determine), with the exotic name of avocado, actually refers to fruits, although it has a pronounced vegetable taste. Recently, a lot of overseas vegetables and fruits have appeared on the shelves, and avocados are no exception. However, not everyone can choose the right ripe fruit, and how to use this exotic is generally known to units.

Virtually no sugar and a sufficient amount of vitamins, make avocados beneficial to health. Based on this, avocados are a useful product for people with diabetes, as well as those who have a certain predisposition to this disease. Potassium, which is contained in sufficient quantities in avocados, has a positive effect on the nervous system, therefore, eating avocados has a positive effect on human health.

Choosing a quality fruit

The first purchase of an avocado can be unsuccessful, since at first glance it is difficult to determine whether this fruit is ripe or not quite ripe, so you can purchase both ripe and not quite ripe fruit. But, the next purchase of an avocado will certainly be easier, since there will already be experience in comparing the internal content with the appearance of the fruit.

If the avocado is ripe, its flesh is somewhat similar to soft butter. A fruit is considered ripe if its pulp can be easily removed with a teaspoon. Too hard, or, conversely, very softened avocado pulp will not allow you to enjoy the real taste of this fruit. But in this way, avocados can only be tested at home.

So how do you choose the right avocado? To do this, you need to slightly press on the fetus, and it must give in to pressure, and quickly return to its original state. Accordingly, the avocado should be slightly soft, with a certain presence of elasticity.

Can avocados be eaten raw?

Before preparing avocado dishes, it is usually peeled. You can use several methods for this:

  • the peel is peeled, the pulp along the perimeter of the stone is cut through and the halves turn in different directions;
  • the same manipulation is performed with an unpeeled avocado, the pulp is selected with a spoon or cut off with a knife from the inverted halves of the avocado.

The question of how to use avocados correctly does not have a clear answer. However, when viewed from the point of view of the preservation of nutrients, it is preferable to eat avocados raw, without additives, sauces or mayonnaise. The taste of avocados improves markedly when paired with seafood, tomatoes, and soft cheeses. Avocados are best consumed in salads, and not just like that.

Can you eat an avocado peel?

There is no specific ban on the use of the peel of this fruit, so it is possible to use avocados with the peel as well. However, avocados are recommended to be peeled when preparing various salads. Only stuffing avocado halves can be an exception. In this case, the pulp is removed with a spoon, and the peel remains intact. And whether to eat it or not is a personal decision for everyone. You can only eat the filling without eating the peel.

Do they eat an avocado pit?

The avocado pit cannot be eaten, and it is also not recommended to use it as a seasoning for cooking.

What can be cooked from avocado?

Avocado is a great ingredient for seafood salads. The taste of sea delicacies is perfectly emphasized by the unobtrusive and neutral taste of avocado. Avocados can be used to make a variety of dishes, soups and various sauces. One of the best options for cooking avocados is stuffing.

After tasting this strange green fruit, many frown and stop their further acquaintance with it. And absolutely in vain! Firstly, you need to be able to cook it correctly and know what to combine it with. Secondly, it is several times more useful than all other fruits combined. And thirdly, avocados are considered one of the best foods for weight loss. So don't dismiss it so quickly.

Slimming mechanism

It has been scientifically proven that avocados really help you lose weight. Due to its rich chemical composition, it launches processes in the body, each of which works to reduce weight:

  • the subcutaneous fat layer is split;
  • the tendency to gradually disappears, because the nervous system calms down;
  • long-term saturation is ensured (due to soluble dietary fiber);
  • metabolism accelerates;
  • digestion improves (due to insoluble);
  • jumps in blood sugar are prevented, which helps to avoid bouts of hunger in any diet.

From a single use of the effect, of course, can not be achieved. When losing weight, you will have to include it in your diet every day, but the results are worth it! After all, this exotic fruit is useful not only for the figure, but also for health in general.

through the pages of history. The Aztecs cultivated the fruits of this tree as early as the 3rd millennium BC. e. and called it "Ahuacatl", which means "forest oil".

Beneficial features

Many do not even realize what benefits are hidden under this unsightly greenish-brown peel. If you decide to lose weight with avocados, you can count on a comprehensive recovery of the body, because it:

  • makes the nervous system more resistant to external stimuli;
  • increases libido and potency;
  • improves mental abilities;
  • reduces the level of bad cholesterol, and with it the risk of stroke;
  • provides the body of a pregnant woman with 25% of the recommended daily dose of folate necessary for intrauterine development of the fetus;
  • prevents anemia;
  • improves memory.

Of its chemical composition, the most useful are:

  • vitamin E, which slows down the aging process in the body;
  • potassium (here it is more than in a banana) with its antiarrhythmic properties, which reduces blood pressure, the risk of strokes and kidney failure;
  • glutathione, known as one of the most powerful antioxidants;
  • lutein and carotenoids that improve vision;
  • vitamin B6, which strengthens the immune system and prevents infectious diseases.

A third of the fruit consists of polyunsaturated fats, which:

  • easily absorbed by the body;
  • do not increase the level of cholesterol and low density lipoproteins;
  • provide elasticity of collagen-containing structures (tendons, bones, cartilage, dermis);
  • improve blood supply to the brain, in particular the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for planning, critical thinking and decision making;
  • help to better absorb fat-soluble vitamins - A, E, K, D.

So you can be sure: such weight loss is good for health. Against the backdrop of debilitating diets and mono-starvation, this is a very valuable property.

Other names. This fruit has many different names around the world: midshipman (soldier) oil, perseus americana, crocodile (alligator) pear, forest oil, poor man's cow, etc.

Possible harm


  • lactation;
  • removed gallbladder;
  • individual intolerance;
  • severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • children's age up to 6 years.

Side effects:

  • during lactation, it causes bloating and diarrhea in the newborn, so such weight loss is contraindicated for nursing mothers;
  • hepatic colic with remote gall;
  • allergic reactions not only after consumption, but even if you touch the peel;
  • discomfort and itching in the mouth, swelling and hyperemia of the tongue;
  • nausea (occurs due to overeating, as it contains too much fat);
  • intestinal disorders: stomach cramps, diarrhea;
  • breathing difficulties.

Be careful: combining with foods such as potatoes, tomatoes, bananas, peaches, melon and kiwi can provoke cross-allergies. That is, there will be no reaction to them individually, but when combined, this is possible.

The avocado seed, as well as its peel and leaves, contain persin, a fungicidal toxin that can cause a severe allergic reaction and worsen digestion. Therefore, it cannot be eaten.

Life hack. Despite the toxicity of the fruit bone, it can be crushed and added to shampoo. It is great for dandruff and other symptoms of seborrhea.

How to choose

Ripeness is determined by softness. However, do not press on the fruit with your fingers, so as not to leave a dent. Make it with the palm of your hand: hard - unripe, soft - ready to eat.

Another way to determine the maturity of an avocado is by the color of where the stem attaches to the fruit.

The color should not be bright green (this is a sign of immaturity, although some varieties differ in this shade), but brownish, already darkened. If it is deep brown, it indicates depravity.

Hold the fruit to your ear and shake gently. The bone inside is felt with a barely perceptible knock. But if she walks there with might and main, it means that she has already come off the spoiled pulp.

It is interesting. There are about 100 varieties of avocados. They are different in size (weigh from 100 g to 2 kg), shape (they are round, oval or pear-shaped), color (shimmer from dark emerald to purple), taste and chemical composition (some more fat, some then less). As part of weight loss, you can use several varieties to diversify the diet.

Ways to lose weight

Diet from Malysheva

Appointment - for slimming the abdomen for women. Directed against abdominal fat, which accumulates at the waist and sides. The weight loss period is a week. Results - 2-3 kg.

Against the background of a low-calorie diet, you need to eat three main foods that are the basis of the diet every day in sufficient quantities: avocados, ginger and blueberries. The first contains monounsaturated fats: in one of Elena Vasilievna's programs, nutritionists invited to the studio said that they are the ones who are able to “melt” the subcutaneous fat layer by 33%. However, they also warned that the daily caloric intake of such a diet should not exceed 1500 kcal.

The fat burner gingerol contained in ginger, antioxidants and blueberry bioflavonoids, which utilize glucose and reduce appetite, help him reduce waist size.

mono diet

Appointment - express weight loss. Deadline - 3 days. Results - 3 kg.

Not everyone can withstand such a diet: there is no escape from bouts of hunger, and even digestion can be upset due to the abundance of fats. During the day, every 2-3 hours you need to eat 1 avocado without additional ingredients. Daily rate - 6 pcs. During breaks, drink plenty of water and green tea (also without any additives).

Fasting day

Purpose - bowel cleansing. The result is up to 1.5 kg.

The nutrition scheme remains the same as on a mono-diet: during the day you need to eat 6 pieces in pure form (less if you manage to cope with hunger). From drinks leave green tea and water.


As part of any diet, avocados can be included in the diet. It contains fat, protein, and fiber. Due to their nutritional value, they can replace breakfast or dinner (in combination with other low-calorie foods ()). Approximate scheme:

  • for breakfast - a sandwich (the ideal combination is whole grain or rye bread with hard cheese and half an avocado) or buckwheat;
  • for lunch - avocado soup;
  • for dinner - a salad with him;
  • for lunch or afternoon tea - or with the addition of avocado pulp.

Make sure not to exceed the daily intake - no more than 2 pieces per day.

With the world on a string. In 1998, the avocado was listed in the Guinness Book of Records as "the most nutritious fruit in the world."

How to eat

The calorie content of 1 pitted fruit (weight 140 g) is ≈ 224 kcal, which is quite a lot. Follow the norm so as not to interfere with the process of losing weight: 1-2 pcs. per day on a low-calorie diet. It is eaten alone or included in various sauces and dishes. Due to its satiety, within any diet, it can replace a whole meal - breakfast or dinner.

What do they eat with?

The easiest recipe is to get the pulp, add salt, pepper and eat with a dessert spoon in small portions.

The second option is to do the same, crush with a fork, add a little low-fat sour cream, garlic and lemon juice. Grated cheese would be nice too. Whisk in a blender. The resulting paste can be spread on bread (for weight loss, you can use only rye or whole grain).

It is well compatible with any green vegetables (cucumbers, cabbage, lettuce), herbs, dairy products, garlic, meat and red fish. How to cook more complex dishes with his participation, we will tell below.

Can you eat in the evening?

In this matter, the opinions of nutritionists differ. Some believe that it is not only possible, but also necessary. A high-calorie and nutritious fruit will help you avoid feeling hungry before bed. Others remind that it has a lot of fiber and fat. The first will clog the stomach and will not let it rest. The second can provoke an attack of nausea.

Therefore, it would be more correct to choose the golden mean: do not eat at night, but for dinner, so that it has time to digest before going to bed.

Did you know that... is it a unique exotic fruit - a relative of the bay leaf, because it grows on trees from the bay family?

How to help maturation?

In stores, avocados are usually sold unripe. They need to lie down a little more, and then the flesh will become soft and tender. To taste, it resembles a mixture of greens with butter with nutty notes. For ripening, it is recommended to put the fruit:

  • either in a cardboard / paper bag and leave for a couple of days in the dark at room temperature;
  • or in cellophane next to other fruits - preferably red apples or ripe bananas.

But keep in mind that rotten and damaged fruits will never be able to ripen, no matter what conditions you create for them. The fruit is not stored in the refrigerator: the cold accelerates its decay.

How to cut?

  1. Rinse.
  2. Wipe dry.
  3. If slightly unripe and still hard enough, immediately peel off the skin with a knife.
  4. Cut into two equal pieces lengthwise.
  5. Separate them.
  6. Fix the knife in the bone (it should not be too hard) and turn it - it will be easily removed.
  7. If the skin has not been previously removed, take out the pulp with a tablespoon.

In the air, the flesh quickly undergoes oxidation, which spoils both the appearance and taste. To prevent this from happening, the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces should be immediately sprinkled with lemon or lime juice. And even better - clean it immediately before cooking and eat it right away.

What can be cooked from avocados during weight loss?

  • salads (especially good with red fish);
  • sandwiches;
  • guacamole - a Mexican appetizer made from avocados, vegetables, spices and lime;
  • sushi;
  • cocktails and smoothies;
  • soups.

During heat treatment, it begins to taste bitter, so it is better to eat it fresh. And if you cook, then no more than 5 minutes, because it will lose its beneficial properties.

Avocado is a healthy and delicious fruit that has been eaten for centuries. Even in ancient times, they learned how to cook nutritious and tasty dishes from it, since the southern countries abounded in avocados.

Today, the culture of eating fruit comes down to keeping your body in a good and vigorous state, as a result of which many medical experts classify avocados as a dietary product. In other words, eating avocados means filling yourself with energy, health and at the same time not gaining weight, but, on the contrary, fighting it. In addition, the composition of the fruit has many useful compounds, there are no fats. Doctors have long established that when eating avocados, you can count on getting an effective substance that will work to break down cholesterol. It is for this reason that a significant consumption of common foods (potatoes, pasta, etc.) can take place in the standard mode: avocados will make sure that a person leads a healthy lifestyle without burdening his body with not quite useful substances.

In cases where a consumer asks the question of how to eat avocados, it is necessary to highlight several interesting and tempting recipes with which you can decorate any table, as well as maintain and strengthen your health without gaining unnecessary connections and weight, respectively.

Today, many people do not choose the right fruit at the point of sale. It is worth emphasizing the appearance of the product: its peel and the shell itself as a whole must be clean, with no visible damage and dark spots.

IMPORTANT: The presence of many cracks or spots on the fruit is a sign that it is overripe, so you should not buy and eat it.

Before the final purchase, you should look at the fruit for a fortress, press it with your finger and follow the reaction of the shell: it should be easily pressed. This suggests that the fruit is completely ready for consumption after preliminary washing under water. In cases where the avocado is somewhat hard, you should either put it aside, or purchase it, and then give it a little time to ripen.

What recipes can be used when preparing avocados?

In order to eat avocados correctly, you need to know the secrets of several prescription features, because for several centuries people have learned to cook wonderful dishes from the fruit, which are not only healthy, but also tasty.

  • The first recipe is to prepare a raw type of avocado. In case you need to set the table perfectly and impress the guests, you need to cut the fruit lengthwise (remove the bone at the very end), and then carefully place the slices on a plate. If possible, add toothpicks to the slices. The result is the so-called "hedgehogs", which are convenient to take and eat.
  • As noted above, many people do not fully understand how to eat avocados, since the above recipe is the most common. However, there is a second suggestion of consumption, and it consists in preparing fruit salad. For him, a person will need:
  1. Lettuce leaves to choose from - about 100 grams
  2. 1 avocado
  3. Onions (bulb or green) - about half a fruit or several ponytails
  4. Tomato
  5. 1 lemon
  6. A few tablespoons of olive oil
  7. If possible - mustard

All the ingredients must be mixed, but at the very beginning it is worth cutting the avocado into slices and dipping them in olive oil. Next, finely chop the onion and tomatoes. At the end, after general mixing, place lemon slices on top. In general, the salad is ready to eat.

  • The next recipe is eating avocado with cheese. To do this, the consumer will need a microwave oven, cheese and the fruit itself. To make a dish, you need to take an avocado, cut it into slices, after which the resulting particles are cut one more time into smaller cubes. Grate the cheese, sprinkle it on the cubes and put in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. The result is a delicious dish that will appeal even to true gourmet cuisine. Is it possible to eat avocados in this form? - This question should be answered in the affirmative, since many people, after the first meal, firmly “stick” to such a recipe and cook the fruit in this format.

How can you grow fruit yourself?

Buying and preparing an avocado can be done by absolutely anyone, but growing the fruit yourself and then making a wonderful dish out of it is not an easy task. Why? - The avocado itself grows from seeds that people are used to throwing in the trash. In the case when a person needs to grow a fruit and start cooking dishes from it, it is necessary to take a bone, insert it into the surface of the earth and observe the temperature of the growth process at 18-19 degrees. Of course, do not forget about regular watering.

After the fruit grows, you can consider answers to questions about how to eat avocados correctly and what can be cooked from it.

To date, the culture of choosing and preparing avocado dishes comes down to the rules for buying fruit, as well as the use of several healthy recipes that are described above. And yet, what information people may not know?

  1. So that the pulp of the fruit does not change in color, you can put a few drops of lemon juice on it.
  2. Fruit skin may vary. In one case, one may be dark (brown), in the other - green or black.
  3. For successful storage for a long time, it is necessary to place the fruit in the refrigerator.
  4. The fruit ripening time is about 6-10 months.
  5. If you plunge into dietology, fruit fruits can be much more valuable in the field of energy saturation of the body than, say, eggs or meat. It is for this reason that it is recommended to eat it for those who want to fight excess weight, but do not deny themselves sweets.
  6. Doctors have found that eating avocados can have a beneficial effect on the heart, reducing the risk of developing vascular problems.

More information on eating fruit

You can eat avocados in different ways, and the exact answer to the question of how to eat avocados is more likely not than there is. The thing is that fruits themselves are universal ingredients in the preparation of any salad, so you can supplement the already existing lists with the following steps:

  1. It is necessary to take the fruit, peel it and cut it into slices. Take a few hundred grams of boiled shrimp and mix them with fruit cubes. Drizzle with olive oil and serve.
  2. Another option is to use crab sticks, salmon. The preparation method is the same.

IMPORTANT: A bright recipe for site readers: You need to take a few tomatoes, cut them on a plank, mix with dill and add a few fruit cubes to the resulting consistency. To taste - add oil (sunflower, olive). A ready-made salad will bring a lot of positive emotions and awaken the receptors in a person that are responsible for the feeling of pleasure.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that anyone can buy fruit on the market, so you should not neglect the gifts of nature: this can improve your health, lose weight and get enough at any morning, lunch or evening time.

Until recently, it was exotic for us, and now it is very popular on our tables. Avocado. Let's figure out what it is right now. Avocado is an overseas fruit. Similar to a pear, with a dense green skin and a huge amount of useful properties - that's what you can say about an avocado. How they eat it, with what and why, how to properly peel an avocado - these are the main questions that we will touch on today.

How to eat avocado: ways to use

First of all, let's say that avocados can be eaten in the so-called pure form, that is, by itself, without other products. Most often, avocados are eaten “raw”, it is rarely subjected to heat treatment, but this is not required, because this fruit has an amazing taste. And why destroy that storehouse of vitamins that he has in the process of heat treatment.

But you can also use avocados as an additive to various dishes: salads, meat or as a pasta for bread. By the way, although avocado is a fruit, it is most often used in the preparation of main dishes, rather than desserts and other sweets.

Regardless of how you decide to eat an avocado, it must be peeled. Let's see how it's done.

How to peel an avocado

  1. Avocado has a dense peel and a fairly large round (rather weighty) bone. Check the fruit for ripeness, this is what affects the success of peeling. Press gently on the avocado - if it is a little soft, then it is ripe. At the same time, the peel should be clean, black spots and excessive softness indicate that the avocado inside in this place is more likely to be rotten (the black color of the pulp is typical). Avocados can be ripened at home.
  2. Choose a ripe fruit. We cut it lengthwise (along the length) in half, circling the bone with a knife. Then we take the two halves, slightly scroll them in different directions to separate them. One half will be with a bone, the other with a hole characteristic of it. Remove the bone, don't eat it.
  3. Now we get rid of the peel, since it is necessary to eat avocados without it. Here you will learn what a ripe avocado means. Pick up the peel with a knife from the edge, it should easily move straight away with a layer. Alternatively, lay the rug cut side down and carefully cut the peel (in strips). These strips are easier to remove.
  4. If it happens that the peel does not come off, peel the fruit with a knife, like a potato.
  5. If you just want to eat an avocado, you can not peel it, but eat it with a spoon, as if the peel is a plate. A ripe, soft fruit will easily yield to this method of eating.

The peeled halves can be used as desired.

  • Cut into cubes and add to a salad or just eat. In salads, avocado goes well with shrimp, chicken, tomatoes, and cheese.
  • Mash the pulp with a fork (or in a blender), add spices, garlic, mix well and use as a paste for spreading on bread (bun, loaf). You can put a slice of cheese or a slice of tomato on top.
  • Make a puree from the pulp of an avocado, add cream or sour cream (other spices, additives if desired), and there will be an excellent sauce. It goes well with rice, chicken and other white meats. Vary the composition, add chopped greens, soy sauce, mayonnaise.

Experiment, fantasize, try!

Choosing a quality fruit

The first purchase of an avocado can be unsuccessful, since at first glance it is difficult to determine whether this fruit is ripe or not quite ripe, so you can purchase both ripe and not quite ripe fruit. But, the next purchase of an avocado will certainly be easier, since there will already be experience in comparing the internal content with the appearance of the fruit.

If the avocado is ripe, its flesh is somewhat similar to soft butter. A fruit is considered ripe if its pulp can be easily removed with a teaspoon. Too hard, or, conversely, very softened avocado pulp will not allow you to enjoy the real taste of this fruit. But in this way, avocados can only be tested at home.

So how do you choose the right avocado? To do this, you need to slightly press on the fetus, and it must give in to pressure, and quickly return to its original state. Accordingly, the avocado should be slightly soft, with a certain presence of elasticity.

Can avocados be eaten raw?

Before preparing avocado dishes, it is usually peeled. You can use several methods for this:

  • the peel is peeled, the pulp along the perimeter of the stone is cut through and the halves turn in different directions;
  • the same manipulation is performed with an unpeeled avocado, the pulp is selected with a spoon or cut off with a knife from the inverted halves of the avocado.

The question of how to use avocados correctly does not have a clear answer. However, when viewed from the point of view of the preservation of nutrients, it is preferable to eat avocados raw, without additives, sauces or mayonnaise. The taste of avocados improves markedly when paired with seafood, tomatoes, and soft cheeses. Avocados are best consumed in salads, and not just like that.

Can you eat an avocado peel?

There is no specific ban on the use of the peel of this fruit, so it is possible to use avocados with the peel as well. However, avocados are recommended to be peeled when preparing various salads. Only stuffing avocado halves can be an exception. In this case, the pulp is removed with a spoon, and the peel remains intact. And whether to eat it or not is a personal decision for everyone. You can only eat the filling without eating the peel.

Do they eat an avocado pit?

The avocado pit cannot be eaten, and it is also not recommended to use it as a seasoning for cooking.

What can be cooked from avocado?

Avocado is a great ingredient for seafood salads. The taste of sea delicacies is perfectly emphasized by the unobtrusive and neutral taste of avocado. Avocados can be used to make a variety of dishes, soups and various sauces. One of the best options for cooking avocados is stuffing.

Avocado - benefits

Having tried an avocado for the first time, few people appreciate its taste. However, with proper use and preparation, this exotic fruit brings significant benefits to the body. It can be used in food on its own and as an ingredient in a dish.

Before figuring out how to eat avocados, you should ask about its taste and health benefits. The taste of the fruit is difficult to compare with any fruit or vegetable. Gourmets can taste notes of walnut and pine needles in it. The ripe fruit is similar in texture to solid low-fat butter. There is no sweet taste in avocados. Inside you will find a rather large bone. Outside, the fruit is dark green, the flesh inside is light.

Scientists note the benefits of avocado pulp for the cardiovascular system. The substances that make up the fruit have a positive effect on blood cholesterol levels, reducing its rate. The pulp contains a whole complex of vitamins from A, B, C, E, substances such as calcium, potassium, iodine, etc. Avocado contains such elements necessary for the body as sodium and sulfur, moreover, in optimal proportions.

Avocado is useful for those who are on a diet - 100 grams of fruit contains 120 kcal. How to eat avocados correctly for weight loss, it is better to consult a nutritionist. The composition of the avocado pulp includes L-carnitine - a substance that everyone knows about, striving to build muscle mass and lose weight, this element actively breaks down fat and speeds up the metabolic process. Vitamin E, also contained in an exotic fruit, has a positive effect on women's beauty and health.

On what grounds to choose a fruit?

Before you eat an avocado raw or cut it into salads and other dishes, you need to learn how to choose it correctly. The ripened fruit should be soft, but not flabby, therefore, when choosing a fruit, you should focus on important points:

  • What color is the avocado - it should be an even dark green color on the outside, overripe fruits have too dark a skin
  • Is there any damage on it - the fetus should be free of dents, scratches
  • Softness - press your finger on the fruit, it should be a little soft

If you bought a hard fruit, put it to ripen in a warm place - it is best to put it in a plastic bag with bananas or apples. Unripe fruit should not be consumed.

The ideal avocado, which can be eaten raw and in dishes, should be firm to the touch, but slightly squeezable when pressed. There should be no spots on the peel. If the avocado is brown on the inside, discard it. When choosing, special attention should be paid to the place where the stalk grows from - there should not be rot.

How to eat raw avocado

How to eat raw avocado? We do this in several stages:

  1. Wash fruit well in running water
  2. Without removing the skin, we cut the fruit along and turn the halves in different directions - it will be so easy to remove the bone from the pulp
  3. Add salt and ground pepper to the avocado for flavor.
  4. It is convenient to eat the fruit raw with a teaspoon, like ice cream, the skin does not need to be removed, it is not eaten

You can cut the avocado halves into slices and eat like a watermelon or melon. Many do not know what to do with an avocado pit. You can't eat it! The stone of the fruit contains substances that are poisonous to humans. Allergies are the least of the troubles that can arise. More serious consequences are food poisoning. The same components are contained in the skin, it is also dangerous to health. An important rule of eating avocados raw: do not process the fruit thermally, otherwise it will become bitter.

What foods go well with avocados

Gourmets know a huge list of recipes where avocados are added, the southern fruit is best combined with the following products:

  • Seafood - shrimp, crab sticks, any red fish
  • Vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers
  • Any greens
  • Legumes, especially beans
  • Potatoes, etc.

In southern countries where the fruit grows, they prefer to eat it raw, but in European countries and Russia, avocado has become an indispensable ingredient in many interesting dishes and salads:

  • Avocado rolls with salted trout - cut the peeled fruits into slices, each of which is wrapped in a strip of red fish. Put on a dish, sprinkle with ground pepper, add a drop of lemon juice. Top with greenery
  • Salad with shrimp - cut the avocado pulp into slices and put in a salad bowl, add 2-3 chopped boiled eggs, 300 grams of peeled shrimp, sprinkle with finely chopped herbs, sprinkle with lemon juice and season with olive oil
  • Avocado with processed cheese - the pulp must be brought to the consistency of mashed potatoes or pate, then grate 200 grams of processed cheese and add to the avocado. Also add a couple of cloves of minced garlic. Mix everything, season to taste with spices and season with mayonnaise. It is good to spread such an appetizer on croutons or bread. Many people add boiled eggs to the recipe, in which case the avocado pate is more tender. Now you know how to eat avocado with bread!

  • Avocado with tuna. You will need: canned tuna, fresh cucumber, 1 avocado, juice from half a lemon, olives, greens, dressing oil. Fruit and cucumber are cut into slices, mixed with fish, olives and herbs. Dressing salad with olive oil

As you can see, a variety of dishes can be prepared from this southern fruit. Now you know how to eat raw avocado, what to consider when choosing it, and what ingredients it goes best with. The most delicious salads are made from avocados and seafood, and it is best to use olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice for dressing. Bon appetit!

How to choose?

In almost every grocery store you can see such a fruit. But how to choose a ripe avocado correctly? After all, you don’t want to buy a green or, conversely, overripe fruit.

So, what should you pay attention to when buying an avocado? On the:

  1. Skin condition. You should not buy a fruit that has visible damage or stains on the peel. Such fruits may already begin to deteriorate.
  2. Fruit color. This is a very important sign. How to choose an avocado? The ripe fruit is dark green or brown in color. A sign of an unripe fruit is a light green peel.
  3. Avocado pit. In ripe fruit, it "knocks" when shaken. To check the ripeness of the fruit, hold it to your ear and shake. Knocking inside is a sign that this fruit is ripe and should be bought.
  4. Shank color. It is desirable that it be light brown in color. If the stalk is dark brown, then the fruit is likely to be overripe. Note that if the base of the handle sags a little when pressed, then this is a good sign. This fruit is worth buying.
  5. Skin appearance. When choosing an avocado, give preference to those fruits that have a wrinkled, uneven and not smooth skin. Fruits with a smooth skin are less peeled. They also have a large bone in the middle.
  6. Fruit softness. A ripe avocado feels firm to the touch, but when pressed, the indentation still remains. Too hard fruit is unripe. Too soft avocado - overripe.

If you do not plan to eat the fruit right away, then it is better to buy an unripe fruit. It will ripen in a few days at room temperature. When choosing, also pay attention to the color of the fruit. For example, the brown-skinned fruit is perfect for making smoothies, pureed soups, sandwiches, and smoothies. But green avocados should be used to prepare various sushi, rolls and salads.

How to clean?

Do you need to peel an avocado? Of course. The rind is unfit for human consumption. How to peel an avocado? This task is quite simple. The main thing here is to do everything consistently. In addition, you will need a tablespoon, a clean plate and a sharp knife. Now consider the sequence of cleaning:

  1. First, cut the fruit in half lengthwise. Next, turn the cut halves upside down.
  2. Remove the bone with a knife so that the point goes right into it. Next, turn the knife from side to side. So the bone will separate from the pulp. Then remove it from the knife and discard.
  3. Features of the next stage depend on the variety of the fruit. For example, the peel can be easily removed by hand. If she just does not lag behind, then carefully cut the pulp inside the fruit into cubes. Next, using a tablespoon, we clean it from the skin and put it on a previously prepared plate.

How to eat and what is prepared from this fruit?

How to eat avocado correctly? Fruit, of course, is best eaten raw. Since it is in such a fruit that all useful substances are stored. In addition, raw fruit is tastier and healthier. During heat treatment, the pulp may begin to taste bitter. Usually, the fruit is added separately to cooked dishes.

So how to eat an avocado right? This should be done immediately after cutting. In the open air, the flesh of the fruit darkens in the same way as apples. Therefore, if you do not plan to eat fruit at the moment, then do not peel it. Note that acetic or citric acid, as well as lime or lemon juice, helps slow down oxidation.

We have already figured out what an avocado is, how it is eaten. Now consider when it is appropriate to use the fruit and in what dishes. If we talk about ways to use avocados, then we are not talking about thermally processed fruits. But the raw fruit is added to various soups (cold), salads, side dishes and sandwiches. In addition, such an exotic fruit as avocado is used in the preparation of cocktails and desserts.

How to eat avocado for breakfast? For example, you can simply spread it on toast or bread. You can supplement this dish with seasonings or salt. What foods go well with avocados? How is it eaten? The fruit goes well with various products, such as: cucumbers, greens, shrimp, fish caviar and so on. We figured out how to eat avocados. But how much can you eat this fruit per day? Preferably no more than one.

Is it possible to eat an unripe or darkened fruit?

If we talk about an underripe avocado, then yes, you can eat. But still it is better to leave it to lie down for a couple of days at room temperature so that it ripens. If the flesh has darkened at the place of the cut, then there is nothing to worry about. She just oxidized in the fresh air.

But if it has become dark throughout the depth, then you should be careful. You need to cut off a small piece and taste it. If the pulp is sour or an extraneous taste has appeared, then this means that it has deteriorated. Then it is better to throw away the fetus and not risk your health.

How to store?

How to store avocados? It all depends on what condition it is in and what you want to achieve. If these are unripe fruits, then they are stored at room temperature in a dark place and in a paper bag. The ripening process of avocados in this case will take from 3 to 5 days. If you do not use the package, then this process will take a couple of days more.

It is believed that in order for the avocado to ripen even faster, it is worth putting a banana or an apple in the bag. Then the process will be reduced to 3 days. Ripe avocados are stored in the refrigerator. This is necessary so that it does not deteriorate and does not overripe.

How to store avocados in the refrigerator? It is advisable to place it in the fruit section. But a cut avocado can be stored in the refrigerator, but you need to leave a bone in the half. You should also place the fruit in a container.


Avocados can also be frozen. But it is advisable to freeze either halves of the fruit, or make puree from the fruit. The duration of storage in this case is 6 months. Although some housewives keep frozen avocados for up to 1 year. Note that defrosting the fetus should be gradual. That is, the product should be moved to the refrigerator compartment a day before the intended use.

Shrimp salad

For cooking you will need:

  • one lime;
  • 200 g raw shrimp (choose larger);
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • vegetable oil;
  • two sprigs of green basil;
  • one large ripe avocado;
  • one long cucumber

Cooking process

First of all, peel the garlic, crush, chop finely. Next, at the basil, remove the leaves from the stems, set aside. Cut the stems into thin slices.

Remove the shell from the shrimp. After that, make an incision along the center of the back on each. Remove the intestinal vein, if present.

Take a frying pan (preferably a larger one). Heat oil in it. Mix shrimp with basil and garlic. After that, salt and put the mixed ingredients in the pan. Fry over high heat for about a minute and a half on each side. After that, put the finished seafood on a plate. Next, pepper them. Wash the cucumber, peel and cut lengthwise. Then remove the seeds with a spoon. Cut the flesh crosswise into small pieces about 1 cm thick.

Wash the lime, use a brush in the process. Dry the fruit, rub off the zest using a fine grater. Next, squeeze out the juice. Pour half of it over the cucumbers. Then sprinkle with zest. Don't forget to salt.

Now let's take avocado. Wash it, peel it, remove the bone, of course. Now cut the pulp into medium pieces. Drizzle them with the remaining lime juice.

Take a deep plate, put all the prepared ingredients in it, mix and season with oil, pepper, salt and chopped basil leaves. Here is a delicious and healthy avocado dish. If desired, you can add a couple of tomatoes to the salad. Such a vegetable will not spoil the taste of the dish. This salad will fit perfectly into the menu of the festive table. Also, such a dish can be prepared without a reason, for example, for dinner.


What other avocado dishes can you make? For example, snacks. We offer you one option. For cooking you will need:

  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh mint;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 50 g feta cheese;
  • 4 slices of bread;
  • 1 tablespoon lime juice (freshly squeezed)
  • a quarter teaspoon of fine salt and the same amount of black pepper.

Preparing an appetizer

First, mash the avocado with a fork until smooth. Add mint and lime juice to it. Crumble the cheese into the mixture. Next, pepper and salt to taste.

Preheat oven to 180 degrees. Toast some bread in it. Spread the mixture of avocado and feta on hot toast. This appetizer will be a great alternative to the usual breakfast.

Avocado with egg

Quite an unusual use of an exotic fruit. For cooking you will need: one avocado and two eggs. You will also need spices to taste. To prepare this dish, you need to cut the avocado in half.

Then remove the bone. Using a spoon, make an indentation in each half. Then crack an egg in half. Sprinkle with spices. Move the avocado to a baking dish. Place in preheated oven for about 20 minutes. Then serve the dish to the table. Such a dish will be an excellent alternative to the usual omelet or fried eggs.

Soup puree with zucchini

We offer you a recipe for an original dish. You've never tasted a puree like this before.

For cooking you will need:

  • three cloves of garlic;
  • two young zucchini;
  • 20 ml cream (11 percent);
  • salt, black pepper;
  • 1 ripe avocado;
  • 80 ml chicken or vegetable broth;
  • two bulbs;
  • 50 g butter and juice of a quarter of a lemon.

Cooking the original soup

First, peel the onion and garlic. Finely chop the vegetables and fry in butter. Wash the zucchini, peel them. Then cut randomly. Send the zucchini pieces to the onion and garlic. Simmer for about 5 minutes, stirring constantly during the process.

Next, add the broth to the pan, bring it to a boil. Lower the heat a little and bring the vegetables to readiness. Salt the dish and let it cool down a bit. At this time, wash the avocado, peel it and remove the stone. Sprinkle the fruit with lemon juice. After that, using a blender, grind the pulp of an exotic fruit into a puree. Salt and pepper the resulting mass. Send to refrigerator.

Grind the zucchini with broth into a puree. Pour in the cream, heat over low heat, but do not bring to a boil. Remove from heat and add mashed avocado. Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth. Before serving, decorate the dish with herbs. Bon appetit!


Now you know how to eat avocados. We also described the storage features of this exotic fruit and examples of use. In addition, different dishes were considered. We hope that they will interest you, and you will be able to make such healthy dishes at home. We wish you good luck!

How to choose an avocado?

How is it eaten? The answer to this question should begin with the choice of the fetus. Color is the main feature. Avocados should be chosen deep and saturated green - this indicates that he is quite mature. A shade that is too light indicates that the fruit should “lie down” a little more, and a shade that is too dark indicates the beginning of the rotting process.

Can you eat dark avocado? Yes, but only in one case - if it is dense to the touch, and not soft. In this case, you have found a rare variety "California" or "Kaas" - such is suitable for food.

In all other cases, also pay attention to the density of the fetus. It should be quite firm, only slightly dented under the pressure of your fingers. Can you eat an avocado if it is very soft? No, most likely the fruit is overripe and has lost most of its beneficial properties.

How to cook avocado?

Before eating, the fruit must be peeled and pitted. For this you will need a sharp knife. Swipe the blade around the entire perimeter of the avocado - starting from the base, ending with it on the opposite side. When finished, you can easily divide the fruit into two halves.

In one of the halves there will be a bone. You need to make one sharp and sweeping movement with a knife, plunging the blade into the core. A couple of light movements to the right and left - and the bone itself will fall out.

But that is not all. Before eating an avocado fruit, it is necessary to peel the peel, it is not suitable for food. This is not done quite the way we are used to in the case of apples, pears or other fruits. Make vertical cuts inside the avocado, “drawing” the flesh into stripes. Then pry the contents with a spoon - if the fruit is ripe, it will easily separate from the peel.

The core of the fruit is inedible and should not be eaten. The fact is that the bone is a source of a toxin dangerous for humans called persin. When ingested, it can cause an eating disorder, an allergic reaction, and in large quantities, even death.

Persin is especially dangerous for small children and animals, so make sure that the avocado seed goes straight into the bin.

The same toxin is found in the peel, it is also taboo for people. Therefore, the answer to the question “How do you eat avocados?” will be: in the form of pulp, completely peeled.

What is the best way to eat avocado?

There are two main options - raw or after heat treatment. The first one is more popular. The fact is that the neutral taste and soft texture of the contents of the fruit do not require special preparation and allow you to eat the fruit raw. So you can save the maximum useful properties of the fruit.

How to eat raw avocado correctly? There are no strict rules - it all depends on your culinary imagination. But the most common are three options:

  • whole halves
  • cut pieces
  • in the form of puree

Whole avocado halves can be freed from the bone and stuffed. Seafood (shrimp, tuna, salmon) or chicken eggs with tomatoes are suitable as ingredients. As a dressing, mayonnaise, lemon juice or olive oil with garlic is suitable.

Avocado, sliced It is a popular ingredient in various salads and main dishes. Chicken, squid, shrimp, salmon, tuna, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, Beijing cabbage, onions, feta, eggs - and this is not a complete list of all products that go well with the taste of the fruit.

How to eat right mashed avocado? It is the main ingredient for the popular Mexican dish, cold appetizer guacamole. It is often used as a sauce or salad dressing. To prepare the dish, you need to chop the tomatoes, chili peppers, onions, garlic, cilantro and avocado pulp. Finish the process by adding lemon juice and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

How often can you eat an avocado?

The maximum norm of fruit allowed by doctors is 200 g / day. This indicator is equal to the weight of one medium-sized fruit. But to get the necessary charge of vitamins and minerals, it is enough to eat a smaller amount - about ½ avocado per day.

A slight excess of the permitted norm is not critical for human health, but can provoke some disorders: an allergic reaction, digestive disorders, liver pain, etc. And, if you eat a few low-quality fruits, the consequences can be much more serious.


Wikipedia: Avocado