Gluten-free banana cake with coconut flour. Healthy coconut flour cookies

Coconut flour is a fairly popular product in the field of healthy eating and sports. On its basis, you can cook muffins, cakes, pies, pancakes, cheesecakes and other desserts. However, since this product does not contain gluten, the dough is made from it a little differently than from ordinary wheat flour. What is the benefit of this type?

Coconut flour will help you improve your diet

Beneficial features

Coconut flour is a rich source of fiber, thanks to which this product has the ability to improve metabolism. In other words, coconut powder absorbs toxins, thus cleansing the intestines, lowers cholesterol and simple sugars. This is how detoxification, hypoglycemic and hypocholesterolemic properties are manifested, which leads to a decrease in the absorption of harmful compounds in the intestine. Plus, the digestion process is getting better and constipation is prevented, which becomes very important during a diet.

Coconut flour is good for the cardiovascular system. By lowering the level of glucose and bad cholesterol and at the same time saturating the body with potassium, it helps to stabilize high blood pressure, has a cardioprotective effect, eliminates arrhythmia, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and normalizes blood circulation. Therefore, in case of diseases of the circulatory system, it is desirable that flour from coconut pulp be present in the diet. It will help improve well-being in case of arterial hypertension, cerebrovascular accident and atherosclerosis.

Since the glycemic index of this product is 45 points, it may well replace some of the wheat flour in the diet of people with diabetes.
Coconut flour contains lauric acid. In the human body, this substance is converted into monolaurin, which improves skin regeneration and exhibits an antimicrobial effect. In addition, this substance has antiviral and antioxidant properties, which becomes especially relevant in the cold season, as it provides protection to both the body and the skin. Plus, monolaurin helps prevent the formation of cancer cells.

Coconut flour contains iodine, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, and calcium, an important element that strengthens teeth and bone tissue. And the complete absence of gluten allows the use of this product in a gluten-free diet for people with various forms of celiac disease and gluten intolerance.

On a note! In recent years, medicine is increasingly inclined to believe that the presence of gluten in the diet is quite harmful for healthy people (without celiac disease and gluten intolerance). And such products cause more and more concerns. At the same time, it has been scientifically proven that it is the gluten contained in cereals that contributes to the deterioration of brain activity, bloating, fatigue, lethargy, etc.!

Coconut flour is quite popular in sports nutrition. It contains vegetable protein and a rich vitamin-mineral complex, which helps to build muscle mass, increase endurance, and, consequently, increase training time.

Harm and contraindications

Despite the fact that in most cases coconut flour brings great benefits to the body, sometimes it can be harmful.

  • Allergy. This product is hypoallergenic, but despite this, it is exotic for our latitudes, which leads to the development of allergies.
  • Digestive problems. Coconut flour is contraindicated in people with a tendency to diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Childhood. Coconut pulp powder should not be included in the diet of young children. Due to the large amount of indigestible dietary fiber, it can provoke indigestion.

Use in cooking

Coconut flour can be used in the preparation of a wide variety of pastries and desserts. With her participation, the dishes will become lighter, airy and healthy. But at the same time, you need to remember the following:

  • Since coconut flour does not contain gluten, it is necessary to increase the number of eggs in recipes. For one glass of flour, take about 4 eggs and 180 ml of water or other liquid.
  • This product can also be used for breading. Moreover, if some baking options require a certain ratio of coconut flour to wheat flour, then this does not matter here. For breading, it can be used in its pure form.
  • Coconut pulp powder is very dry and dense, and therefore the ingredients must be kneaded especially carefully so that no lumps remain. And to make the dough more moist, you can safely add fresh fruits, berries and even jam to it.

So, let's look at recipes for dishes with coconut flour.

banana pie

For the recipe, take:

  • a couple of bananas;
  • 3 tables. spoons of plums butter (melted);
  • a couple of tables. spoons of honey;
  • 4 eggs;
  • ¾ stack. coconut flour;
  • tables. a spoonful of vinegar (preferably apple);
  • ¾ tsp. spoons of soda;
  • salt on the tip of a knife.

Advice! For this dish, it is better to take overripe bananas, soft ones that can be easily turned into a smooth puree!

Turn on the oven and heat it up to 180°C.

Mash bananas with a fork or chop in a blender. Add honey, vinegar, eggs, pour oil. Then add soda, salt and sifted flour. Mix everything well and leave at room temperature for about a quarter of an hour. During this time, the flour will absorb the liquid and make the dough more dense.

Lubricate the heat-resistant form with a small piece of butter and spread the dough. Bake for 35-40 minutes. In general, the cooking time will depend on the size and depth of the mold. We check the cake with a toothpick for readiness and, if it comes out dry, we take it out of the oven. Let cool for ten minutes and serve.

Carrot cupcakes

For the dish, take:

  • 3 carrots;
  • 35 g honey;
  • 4 eggs;
  • ¾ stack. coconut flour;
  • a teaspoon of dry spices (ground ginger, cinnamon, curry, nutmeg);
  • 15 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • salt on the tip of a knife.

Grind the carrots in a blender until puree or rub on the smallest grater. Add melted butter, honey, vinegar, spices, eggs, sifted flour, soda and salt to it. Knead the dough well and leave it for a quarter of an hour.

Grease the cupcake molds with oil and spread the rested dough over them. Fill each mold about half way. We send it to the oven preheated to 180 ° C and bake for 25 minutes.


For the recipe, take:

  • 45 g plums. butter (melted);
  • 30 g honey;
  • 50 g dark chocolate;
  • ¾ stack. coconut flour;
  • a couple of tables. tablespoons of cocoa powder;
  • 4 eggs;
  • tables. a spoonful of vinegar;
  • a little over half a teaspoon. spoons of soda;
  • salt on the tip of a knife.

We melt the chocolate in a water bath and add the rest of the ingredients to it. Mix everything well and leave the dough on the table for about a quarter of an hour. Then pour it into a heat-resistant form and bake for 40 minutes.

Coconut flour baking is sure to please you with its taste, besides, as you can see, it is extremely simple to make. Bon appetit and stay healthy!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Coconut is not very popular with us, perhaps because it is not easy to break through its thick and very hard shell, tools, strength and skill are needed. But if at least once you try its dense pulp with a peculiar aroma and taste, you will no longer be able to resist the desire to feast on it again and again.

By the way, coconut is mistakenly called a nut, in fact, the fruit of a palm tree is a drupe, like cherries, plums and cherries that are well known to us. Pulp, milk, coconut sugar and oil have unique nutritional and healing properties, they are actively used not only in cooking, but also as a cure for dozens of diseases. This amazing fruit is able to provide a person with all the necessary trace elements. This is what we will tell you in this article.

Calorie content and beneficial properties

The fruit of the coconut palm is a real pantry of useful substances.

  • vitamins A, C, B
  • potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, etc.
  • vegetable fibers
  • proteins, fructose, organic acids and oils.

In many southern countries where this plant is found, it is called the tree of paradise and everything is used in cooking, medicine and household: from coconut water to the trunk and leaves. Healers and healers of southern Asia have long used it to treat poisoning and even cholera. The juice was instilled into the ears for otitis media and inflammation, they were treated for venereal diseases, wounds and ulcers were treated with shell ashes.

Modern medicine recognizes coconut as an excellent prophylactic for cardiovascular diseases, circulatory disorders, atherosclerosis, as it contains lauric acid, which removes cholesterol from the blood and reduces the likelihood of insoluble cholesterol plaques appearing on the walls of blood vessels.

Due to the fructose content of the pulp and the relatively small amount of carbohydrates, coconut can be included in the diet of diabetics, especially those whose work is associated with physical exertion.

Nuts have an excellent cleansing effect, in addition, it does not irritate the gastric mucosa, does not cause fermentation, but oil, fiber and minerals normalize the functioning of the intestines, improve the digestibility of food.

The fruit is also famous for its anthelmintic, antiseptic and antifungal qualities, the ability to increase immunity, remove toxins and toxins from the body.

The use of a nut has a good effect on the organs of vision due to the fact that it contains vitamin A and fats, with which it is better absorbed. The trace elements contained in the drupe support the functioning of the thyroid gland.

As strange as it may sound, but the nourishing pulp of coconut is recommended by nutritionists for those who want to lose weight. Its aroma dulls the feeling of hunger, carbohydrates and vegetable fats are practically not deposited under the skin, and coconut oil may well replace a much more high-calorie butter.

Nuts are very actively used in cosmetology: for cleansing the face and body, nutrition, rejuvenation, improving the condition of nails and hair, for massage - you can’t count everything. For women who care about their appearance, this fruit is a real find.

For men, it is no less useful, because it is a natural aphrodisiac that increases potency and gives energy. Coconut pulp and milk have such wonderful properties; on their basis, many remedies have been created for the treatment of male diseases.

During pregnancy, you should also not limit yourself by refusing sweets with coconut flakes, butter or milk. You just need to be careful to avoid a possible allergic reaction.

Coconut water also contains many valuable substances, which many people confuse with milk. Water is the liquid inside an unripe nut, while milk is a mixture of water and drupe pulp, which has a completely different taste and properties. In our country, coconut water is very rare for sale, but if you have the opportunity to drink it in the homeland of tropical trees, be sure to use it. It perfectly quenches thirst, neutralizes bacteria, is used for intravenous injections with glucose to prevent dehydration and as an antipyretic. Water and milk have a diuretic effect, stimulate the kidneys and promote the removal of sand and the dissolution of stones.

Coconut pulp is inferior in energy value to hazelnuts and walnuts but still quite nutritious. Calorie content per 100 grams is about 350 kcal. At the same time, the calorie content of coconut milk, sugar, butter is different, and we will talk about this below.

coconut flakes

Most of all, we know this product as a wonderful addition to confectionery. This is a fairly high-calorie supplement, it contains about 65% fat, as well as trace elements and vitamins, which the plant is so rich in. These substances are not destroyed by heating, so coconut flakes in any form can be present in the diet of adults and children. She is perfectly cleanses the intestines, removes toxins, reduces the risk of oncology, used in the treatment of influenza and other infections, and is also a very effective natural antioxidant. Like the pulp of a nut, the shavings contain lauric acid, which improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, as well as B vitamins - beauty vitamins. That is why shavings, like flour, are often added to scrubs.

coconut flour

For their nutritional properties, coconuts are called "tropical bread". Flour has been made from it for a long time. To do this, the pulp is degreased, dried and ground into powder. It turns out flour, very similar to wheat flour. Despite the fact that there is no fat in it, it is much more nutritious than the pulp. The energy value of 100 g of the product is about 460 kcal.

It contains a large amount of proteins, fiber, potassium, magnesium, iodine, cobalt, vitamins groups B, D, A, E. Both the flour itself and dishes from it (bread, cakes, cereals, cookies, desserts) improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the likelihood of blockage of blood vessels and improve the condition of the skin and hair.

Coconut milk

It is obtained by squeezing small shavings mixed with coconut water. The liquid turns out to be whitish in color, with a specific taste and smell, it can be preserved and stored for a long time, cook first courses, sauces, cereals, drinks and cocktails on it.

If desired, coconut milk can be prepared even at home. To do this, you need to drill two holes in the nut, drain the liquid, split the fruit and remove the pulp. It should be placed in a blender, poured with walnut liquid and stirred at high speeds. Pour the resulting mass into jars, close tightly and store in the refrigerator.

The drink fully possesses the medicinal properties of coconut and is used for:

  • beriberi
  • chronic fatigue
  • diseases of the kidneys and bladder
  • viral and fungal infections
  • hormonal disorders and thyroid problems
  • inflammation of the joints and pain in the spine
  • intoxication and disorders of nervous activity
  • depression and neuroses.

Thanks to these qualities, as well as the original taste, coconut milk is used in cooking.

Despite the fact that it is quite high in calories (100 g of the product contains about 250 kcal), the fats contained in it are quickly broken down and do not accumulate in the body. Thus, those who follow the figure can safely use it in the diet - gaining excess weight does not threaten them.

Not less than the product is actively used in cosmetology. On its basis, moisturizing and nourishing creams and lotions are prepared, products that eliminate mimic and age wrinkles, restoring shampoos and hair balms.

coconut sugar

It is extracted from the nectar of coconut blossoms by evaporation and is sold both in the form of a crystalline powder and as a syrup. This product is unusually rich in zinc and magnesium, and iron in it is more than in ordinary sugar, 36 times!

With this method of production, coconut sugar retains all the minerals and most of the vitamins contained in the pulp of the fruit. The product is recommended to be used after injuries and surgery, as it accelerates the healing of wounds, burns. He also improves sleep, stimulates the heart and prevents cancer. The calorie content is 326 kcal per 100 g, respectively, even people who are overweight can safely eat it. Of course, in moderation.

The only way to harm yourself with this sugar is to overeat.

Coconut essential oil - application

Even the legendary Cleopatra knew about the amazing properties of coconut oil. As you know, to preserve her beauty, she took baths from milk, to which she added coconut oil. Southeast Asians and Indians have long used essential oil-rich products for daily face, body and hair care.

The product is extracted from the pulp of ripe nuts by hot pressing or cold pressing. The oily liquid at the outlet has a high medicinal and nutritional value. It contains fatty acids, vitamins, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and other trace elements.

Coconut oil is valued behind:

  • antifungal and antiviral activity

  • the ability to quickly restore the health and elasticity of the skin, heal acne, heal wounds, inflammation, eliminate stretch marks
  • normalization of metabolism and fat burning properties
  • effective fight against infections and colds
  • the ability to give hair softness, elasticity, shine
  • the ability to thin the blood, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots.

Harm and contraindications

With all the wealth of useful properties, coconut has one more indisputable advantage over many others - he has practically no contraindications. The only reason for avoiding coconut and products derived from it is an allergic reaction. In all other cases, and subject to reasonable measure, coconut will be useful for both children and adults.

In ordinary stores you can buy only wheat flour. But with due desire, you can find a good alternative to it - more useful and interesting in taste. For example, it can be hemp flour, the benefits and harms of which have already been discussed on the site, or some other. Other varieties of flour are often the only salvation for people suffering from gluten intolerance. But you can buy them only in specialized stores, large shopping centers or order online. The topic of our conversation today will be coconut flour, the benefits and harms of eating it, and we will also give recipes with it.

Benefits of coconut flour

Coconut flour is made from the pulp of coconuts. It is similar in appearance to ordinary wheat, but has a completely different composition and properties.
Coconut flour does not contain gluten, which makes it ideal for people suffering from individual intolerance to this substance. It contains quite a lot of protein and iron, as well as a lot of useful fiber. At the same time, such flour contains an order of magnitude less carbohydrates than wheat flour, and has a relatively low glycemic index. Accordingly, it can be eaten by diabetics and people who want to lose weight.

Coconut flour contains valuable lauric acid, which has antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. It is also a source of many vitamin and mineral substances, and a number of useful fatty acids, which are extremely important for the normal functioning of our body. At the same time, such a product does not have an exotic taste, and will fit perfectly into the diet.

Coconut flour - product harm

Coconut flour contains quite a lot of fiber, so if you suffer from digestive disorders, it can cause a number of discomforts.

Recipes with coconut flour

Cookies with coconut flour

To prepare such a dessert, you need to prepare three-quarters of a glass of coconut flour, half a glass of coconut oil, a glass of coconut or any other milk and five eggs. Also use a pinch of salt, a tablespoon of honey and vanilla sugar or stevia to taste.

First, melt the coconut oil. Crack the eggs into it and pour in the warm milk. Mix well. Next, add honey, coconut flour and salt to the bowl. If desired, use stevia or vanilla sugar, you can also add chocolate pieces to the dough.
Put the dough with a spoon on a baking sheet and send it to the oven, preheated to one hundred and eighty-two hundred degrees, for twenty minutes.

Gluten free cheesecakes

To prepare such a delicious and very healthy dish, you need to prepare six hundred grams of cottage cheese, one hundred grams of sugar, fifty grams of coconut flour and a couple of eggs. You will also need a quarter teaspoon of salt and forty grams of coconut oil.

Mix dry crumbly cottage cheese with eggs. If desired, grind such a mixture with a blender (if you want to get cheesecakes of a smoother texture without grains). Add sugar (or a good sweetener), a pinch of salt and a heaping tablespoon of coconut flour to the dough. Mix the mixture well and form neat cheesecakes. Fry them in a well-heated skillet over medium-high heat with a little coconut oil (or whatever you like). Cover the pan with a lid and leave the finished cheesecakes for a while.

Unsweetened coconut pancakes

To prepare delicious, simple and healthy pancakes, you need to prepare four chicken eggs, four tablespoons of coconut oil, half a glass of coconut milk, three tablespoons of sifted coconut flour. Also use one eighth teaspoon of salt and spices to taste, such as half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a little nutmeg.

First of all, beat the eggs well with a mixer. Then add a little melted coconut oil to them, stir in the coconut flour, coconut milk and salt. Continue mixing with the mixer for one minute until the mixture thickens slightly.

Heat a skillet over medium heat and grease lightly. Pour a third of the prepared dough into the pan and carefully spread the mixture in a circle. Fry the pancake for two minutes on one side and about a minute on the other side.
You can serve ready-made pancakes by stuffing them with minced meat.

Coconut orange cookies

To prepare such a dessert, you need to prepare one hundred and fifty grams of wheat flour, one hundred and ten grams of coconut flour, one hundred grams of butter, a chicken egg, one hundred and twenty-five grams of ricotta and one hundred and eighty grams of sugar. Also use twenty grams of vanilla sugar, half a teaspoon of soda, a quarter of a teaspoon of salt, zest from one orange, lemon (for juice) and thirty grams of orange powdered sugar.

Mash the ricotta with a fork along with the softened butter and mix in with a fairly large egg. Add sugar and salt and the grated zest of a large orange to this mixture. Sift the flour, extinguish the soda with lemon juice, mix these ingredients into the cheese mixture and knead the dough. Send it to the refrigerator for half an hour.

Preheat the oven to one hundred and eighty degrees. Shape the dough into balls, roll them in powdered sugar and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake for eleven to fourteen minutes. Cool the finished cookies on a wire rack.

Coconut flour is a unique product. It does not contain gluten, making it ideal for a gluten-free diet. One of its main features is its low glycemic index, which means that its consumption does not increase blood sugar levels.
Coconut flour is rich in protein. And the high content of fiber in it has a positive effect on the digestive processes.
And you can use it as a substitute for ordinary flour and cook your favorite dishes from it.

Coconut flour is little known in Russia, but it is indispensable for adherents of a healthy lifestyle. It is gluten-free, but high in fiber, non-allergenic, and low-carb. The flour has a very pleasant smell of coconut. It is a by-product of coconut oil production. In composition, coconut flour differs from coconut flakes in a smaller amount of fat. From coconut flour you can make delicious pancakes, cheesecakes, cookies. I add it to cottage cheese with sour cream.

Emma, ​​card


A couple of months ago I tried coconut flour and fell in love with it! Since then, I regularly buy at VkusVille. First of all, it's insanely helpful. Second, she has great taste. Thirdly, you can safely eat it without worrying about extra pounds. There are no complaints about the quality of the flour! I tried several manufacturers and settled on flour from VkusVill. I share a recipe for vegan cheesecakes with coconut flour.

1 banana, classic tofu 150 grams, soy protein 20 grams, coconut flour 30 grams. Grind banana with tofu in a blender, then add protein and coconut flour and a little water. You can, of course, do without protein, but then the dough will be looser and you need to add more coconut flour. Stir with a fork and fry in a Teflon pan for 5 minutes on each side. Lay out on a plate. Garnish with berries and drizzle with date syrup or soy yogurt. It turns out great!
My Joy, card

xxx 0914

Coconut flour has become a real revelation for me! I try to cook gluten-free, and such a flour with a delicate, but exotic taste has become a great help to me. It is soft, crumbly, fragrant and pearly in color - I enjoy handling it. I add it little by little to bread, bake muffins and pancakes with it, and the last time I used it for shortcrust pastry: combined with ghee and eggs, it turned out to be a wonderful cake for lemon pie!

Evgenia, map


The flour is crumbly, it smells pleasantly of coconut. Used to make delicious buns, muffins according to a recipe from the Internet. It turned out very tasty - the flour gave a wonderful coconut flavor. And it does not contain gluten, which is very important to me, as an allergy sufferer. I think the price of flour is more than adequate.

Anastasia, map


Coconut flour is a fairly new product in our market and has become more and more popular lately. If you are interested in this product, read:

Chemical composition of the product

Coconut is a very high calorie product. Dried nut pulp contains more calories than fresh.

100 grams of coconut flour contains 460 kcal.

In the composition of coconut flour:

  • proteins - 20%
  • fat - 12%
  • carbohydrates - 10%

The composition of the protein includes essential amino acids necessary for the human body, but which our body is not able to synthesize itself. This makes the product very valuable.

Coconut protein does not contain gluten - wheat protein, the harm of which is that a person may be allergic to it. Coconut flour can be consumed by people who have gluten intolerance.

Before drying, the coconut pulp is defatted, so in the finished product, fats that are not saturated with fatty acids remain in a small amount.

Coconut pulp contains lauric acid, which is widely used in cosmetic products. We will talk about this below.

Coconut flour contains a high percentage of fiber, which is useful for the harmonious functioning of the intestines.

The product is enriched with a large amount of vitamins: group B, group C, group E, group K.

Where to buy it

You can buy such flour in large supermarkets, in specialized stores for vegetarians or on Internet sites. It can also be seen in sports nutrition stores. It is sold, as a rule, in packages weighing 500 gr. The cost of one package is approximately 250 - 350 rubles.

Coconut flour production

Flour is made from the flesh of the coconut. Only the ripest nuts are used for production. The hard shell is removed, the pulp is crushed, pressed - the oil is separated.

The dried, defatted remains of the coconut pulp are ground to form a flour.

Selection and storage

Exotic flour is not a cheap product. When choosing, you should carefully examine the packaging. The packaging material must be dry and undamaged.

Preference should be given to the product in foil packaging, because the product only needs to be kept in a dry and dark place.

After opening the package, it is better to pour the flour into an airtight container. You can store up to 6 months, temperature +20 C.

Product benefits

Coconut powder helps the body eliminate toxic substances that accumulate in the intestines, cholesterol and simple sugars.

It reduces the absorption of these harmful substances in the intestines and performs three actions:

  1. hypoglycemic, to lower blood sugar levels in diabetes mellitus,
  2. hypocholesterolemic, to lower cholesterol,
  3. detoxification, an action aimed at eliminating the effects of toxic substances and their removal from the body.

Coconut flour lowers blood glucose and cholesterol levels.

Potassium, which is part of the product, allows you to:

  • lower blood pressure
  • has a positive effect on the heart
  • gives elasticity to blood vessels
  • improves blood composition
  • favorably affects the intestinal microflora

In the human body, lauric acid becomes monolaurin, which has antiviral and antimicrobial effects. Lauric acid has a pronounced antioxidant effect and stops the development of cancer cells.

Possible harm to the product

Coconut flour is hypoallergenic. But still, not everyone can use the product.

  • People suffering from irritable bowel syndrome should refrain from eating foods containing coconut components.
  • Young children are also not recommended to eat products that include coconut.
  • Due to the high content of fiber, which is difficult to digest, intestinal problems may occur - nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

Making coconut flour at home

You can also make flour yourself. To do this, you need to purchase only coconut flakes without dyes.

  1. It is filled with water in accordance with 1:4. Before this, water must be boiled and cooled to room temperature. Leave for 4-5 hours.
  2. Using a blender, turn the mixture into a homogeneous mass.
  3. After that, you need to separate the liquid from the cake. To do this, you can use a sieve with small cells or gauze, folding it 4-6 times.
  4. Coconut infusion can be used to make confectionery. Coconut pomace should be laid out on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and dried in an oven heated to 90 C.
  5. Now it remains only to grind the dry mass to a powder state.

Application in medicine

In its pure form, the product is not used in medicine, but the dishes in which it is included are useful for people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

For diabetics and people who are struggling, it is good to use coconut flour in your diet. Exotic flour must be mixed with wheat flour and used to make baked goods. Coconut product reduces the percentage of sugar in the blood, improves blood supply to organs with damaged vessels.

  • an increase in blood pressure,
  • atherosclerosis,
  • cerebrovascular accident.

If you regularly consume coconut products, it will have a beneficial effect on the female and male genitourinary system.

Coconut flour is used for sports nutrition. Proteins, minerals and vitamins in the complex content of the product allow you to build muscle mass and help the body cope with heavy sports loads.

Fiber, which is part of coconut flour, restores the intestinal microflora,.

For dietary nutrition, options using coconut flour and sour-milk products are suitable.

Application in cosmetology

Many creams, scrubs, lotions, shampoos are based on coconut ingredients. Mask based on coconut powder has a beneficial result:

  • gives skin nourishment and hydration
  • skin is toned and smoothed
  • hair becomes strong
  • quick recovery of the skin from cuts, abrasion

Application in cooking

Coconut flour has long been widely used in Asian countries. We have a new product, we reveal some of its secrets:

  1. Coconut flour requires much more water to knead than wheat flour.
  2. You need to knead very carefully, because the flour forms a lot of small lumps.
  3. Since coconut flour is devoid of gluten, the stickiness of the dough is low. In this regard, for the preparation of bakery products, it is necessary to additionally use ingredients for gluing products. For 1 cup of flour, 3-4 chicken eggs are required.
  4. When using coconut flour, remember that the product is sweet, so the amount of sugar-containing ingredients should be reduced.

Flour is ideal for making soup-puree, jelly, cocktail.