How long to cook chicken noodle soup. How to cook chicken soup with noodles and potatoes according to a step-by-step recipe with photos

26.11.2023 Pasta

Chicken soup with noodles and potatoes, despite such a variety of ingredients, is quite simple to prepare. Be sure to try one of the selected recipes.

A basic recipe, no frills, ideal for lunch for the whole family.

This version of this delicious soup will surely appeal not only to adults, but also to children.

Required Products:

  • 300 grams of chicken;
  • spices to your taste;
  • four large spoons of vermicelli;
  • onion and carrot;
  • five potatoes.

Cooking process:

  1. Fill a saucepan with water, place the chicken in it and boil it for 30 minutes, and then remove it if you have a carcass with bones. If it's fillet, you can leave it.
  2. Cut the potatoes into small squares, place in the broth, and bring to a boil.
  3. At this time, chop the onions and carrots, fry them in a frying pan and add them to the soup when the potatoes are almost ready. At the same stage, add seasonings.
  4. After five minutes, add the specified amount of vermicelli, cook for another couple of minutes, remove from heat and let it brew for 10 minutes.

Noodle recipe

Another easy recipe in which noodles can be either ready-made or homemade.

Required Products:

  • carrots and onions;
  • two cloves of garlic;
  • 100 grams of noodles;
  • about 400 grams of chicken;
  • herbs and other spices to your taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Cut the meat into small pieces, place in a pan with water and cook for about 30 minutes, constantly removing any foam flakes.
  2. During this time, you need to chop all the vegetables, cut the potatoes into cubes and add to the soup. Grate the carrots, turn the onions and garlic into small squares. If desired, they can be fried or immediately placed in the broth when the potatoes are already soft. Don't forget to add spices to taste.
  3. The noodles are put in last, kept on the fire for about two more minutes, after which the dish should sit for a while and can be served, garnished with fresh herbs.

In a slow cooker

Chicken soup with noodles and potatoes can also be made in a slow cooker. The taste is completely different.

The soup is very easy to prepare, and most importantly, quick.

Required Products:

  • four spoons of vermicelli;
  • three potatoes;
  • onion and carrot;
  • seasonings as desired;
  • approximately 300 grams of chicken.

Cooking process:

  1. We peel all the vegetables, wash them, cut them into small pieces and place them in the multicooker bowl.
  2. We do the same with the chicken, chop it and add it to the vegetables.
  3. All ingredients must be sprinkled with the selected spices, preferably including salt and black pepper, mix everything well.
  4. Fill the contents with water, set the device to “Soup” or “Stew” mode for an hour.
  5. When the time is almost up, you need to add the vermicelli, about 5 minutes before it’s ready.

With added mushrooms

You can diversify your usual dish with other ingredients, such as mushrooms.

Required Products:

  • 300 grams of chicken meat;
  • seasonings to your taste;
  • four potatoes;
  • 200 grams of mushrooms;
  • carrots and onions;
  • three spoons of vermicelli.

Cooking process:

  1. Place a pan of water on the stove and place the chopped chicken in it, leave for 30 minutes to form a broth.
  2. Grate the carrots, chop the mushrooms and onions. First, lightly fry the onion in a frying pan, then add the mushrooms, wait until all the liquid has gone, and at the end add the carrots. Keep on the stove until all the vegetables are soft.
  3. Turn the potatoes into cubes and put them into the broth after the specified time, wait until it boils and add the fried vegetables, seasonings, and mix.
  4. When the potatoes are almost ready, add the vermicelli, cook for a few more minutes and remove from the heat.

Tomato soup with chicken and noodles

An amazing soup recipe that is prepared with a minimum of ingredients.

Tomato soup with chicken and noodles will save any lunch.

Required ingredients:

  • seasonings to your taste;
  • 300 grams of tomatoes in their own juice;
  • two potatoes;
  • 250 grams of chicken;
  • 50 grams of vermicelli;
  • fresh greens.

Cooking process:

  1. Let the broth cook. To do this, place the chopped chicken in cold water and cook for about 30 minutes.
  2. We turn the potatoes, onions and tomatoes into small cubes. Place the potatoes in the soup immediately after preparing the broth, and fry the onions with tomatoes and spices in a frying pan.
  3. Combine the resulting roast with chicken broth, add vermicelli, cook for another three minutes, let it brew. When serving, decorate with green mass.

Chicken soup with noodles, potatoes and eggs

A tasty, simple, and satisfying soup will provide the body not only with adequate nutrition, but will also help diversify the menu.

Chicken soup with egg, potatoes and noodles is a hassle-free soup that cooks very quickly.

Required Products:

  • approximately 350 grams of chicken;
  • three potatoes;
  • one onion and carrot;
  • seasonings to your taste;
  • egg.

Cooking process:

  1. Place the meat in a saucepan, add water and cook for 60 minutes, constantly removing excess foam. After the broth is ready, you need to remove the chicken, cut it and place it back.
  2. Chop the potatoes into cubes and place them in a saucepan.
  3. While the potatoes are boiling, prepare the carrots and onions: chop them, fry them in a frying pan and combine them with the rest of the ingredients.
  4. After 2-3 minutes, add spices and vermicelli.
  5. All you have to do is add the egg and the soup is almost ready. Beat it into a bowl, mix well until smooth and pour into the soup. We wait until the contents boil again, keep it on the fire for about two minutes and remove it. You can serve with herbs and sour cream.

Even a teenager with basic cooking skills can prepare a very simple and quick noodle soup with chicken broth. At the same time, the dish remains one of the most delicious, rich and nutritious.

Today I will share with dear readers my own experience in preparing wonderful chicken noodle soup, so that every housewife can please her own family with this dish.

Vermicelli soup with chicken

Kitchen tools: 3 liter capacity pan; non-stick frying pan; three or four spacious containers; cutlery (knife, forks, spoons); wooden spatula; kitchen scales; cutting board; potholders; towels: grater.


How to choose the necessary ingredients

  • To make the dish tasty and aromatic, I advise you to pay attention to the selection of the main ingredient - chicken. First of all, pay attention to the skin of the carcass; it should not show signs of damage, as well as bruises, cuts, scratches and blood clots. Next, check the freshness of the chicken by lightly pressing your finger on the carcass. If after this there is a depression left on the surface of the skin, such meat should not be purchased.
  • To prepare this delicious soup, you can use any vermicelli, even curly ones. However, for those who are watching their figure, I recommend choosing thin, low-calorie vermicelli, you can even use rice vermicelli.
  • In addition to the standard frying, consisting of onions and carrots, you can use a richer one when preparing soup. I myself often add fresh sweet peppers, champignons, tomatoes or broccoli to the soup.

Step-by-step cooking process

  1. Pour 2 liters of purified water into a saucepan and place it on medium heat.
  2. While the liquid is heating, peel the onion and cut it into small cubes.

  3. Place a dry frying pan on medium heat and pour 30-35 ml of sunflower oil into it. As soon as the oil begins to sizzle and bubble, add the prepared onions to the frying pan. Stirring constantly, cook the onion for about three to four minutes. The vegetable should be well cooked, but not burnt.

  4. We clean the carrots, wash them and grate them on a medium or fine grater. You can also use a special food processor attachment, this will save you time processing food. Pour the prepared carrots into the onions and immediately mix the mixture. Fry the onion and grated carrots for about five minutes, don’t forget to stir. Remove the pan from the heat and let the frying cool slightly.

  5. Thoroughly wash 400-550 g of chicken, remove films, fat and excess bones. Cut the chicken into large pieces and place it in a pan of boiling water.

  6. As soon as the liquid boils again, remove the foam that appears with a slotted spoon and pour in 4-5 peas of allspice.

  7. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the broth for about 30-40 minutes. While the broth is cooking, peel and wash 2 potatoes, then cut them into medium cubes.

  8. As soon as the cooking time has expired, add table salt to taste and the prepared potatoes into the broth. Continue cooking the contents of the pan until the potatoes are cooked. Pour the cooled roast into the broth and bring the liquid to a boil again.

  9. Add vermicelli to the soup, stir the ingredients thoroughly in the pan. Bring the broth to a boil, reduce the heat on the stove and cook the mixture for about seven more minutes.

  10. Two to three minutes before the soup is ready, add 2 bay leaves to the pan and taste the brew for salt, adding more if necessary.

Chicken noodle soup recipe video

This video answers in detail the question of how to cook the perfect noodle soup with chicken with minimal time and effort.

  • To ensure the soup turns out the way you expect it to, be careful not to overcook the chicken. Overcooked meat can make the soup too fatty, giving it a bitter taste and an unpleasant “boney” taste.
  • Frying can be prepared faster using a microwave oven. Simply place a suitable container of onions and carrots inside the device and cook the ingredients for approximately three minutes at medium power. You can use a multicooker in the same way, preparing the fry using the “Roasting” (2 minutes), “Baking” (3 minutes) or “Stewing” (4-5 minutes) programs.
  • Remember that vermicelli needs to be cooked exactly as indicated on the package. If you do not follow this rule, the vermicelli will settle in an unappetizing pile at the bottom of the pan, and when the dish is reheated, it will stick to the walls.

How and with what to serve soup

  • Chicken noodle soup is an ideal first course, perfect for a hearty lunch or early dinner. Try to cook this soup in small quantities, since only fresh chicken soup perfectly saturates and energizes you.
  • I recommend decorating each plate of soup with fresh dill, cilantro or parsley - this will make the dish even more appetizing and attractive in appearance. In addition, sometimes I decorate portions with half boiled quail eggs, it turns out very beautiful!
  • Also be sure to serve the appropriate sauces in separate containers. For example, my family likes to eat this soup with sour cream, but I myself prefer to use spicy mayonnaise sauce. Choose what you like best and your everyday meal will become truly unforgettable!

Helpful information

If you liked the soup described above, I highly recommend taking a closer look at other recipes for tasty and healthy first courses.

  • Be sure to prepare a wonderful one, distinguished by a very unusual, attractive appearance and a wonderful taste that cannot be forgotten.
  • Also, don’t miss a reliable recipe that will definitely please lovers of non-standard dishes that are not often found on the regular menu.
  • Find time to cook delicious food, famous for its low energy value. This dish will delight those who are trying to lose a few extra pounds.
  • Amazingly tasty and incredibly healthy, it will appeal to ever-busy young mothers, as well as those who don’t like to spend too much time cooking.
  • The famous one has already won many hearts, it’s time for you to get acquainted with this wonderful dish. This soup can be quickly prepared at home even without any culinary experience.

Thanks to the readers for your attention to the recipe! I look forward to your feedback and advice on improving the recipe. Maybe you yourself know how to cook delicious and tender chicken noodle soup? Be sure to share your experiences and let’s work together to develop the best recipe for this wonderful dish! Bon appetit everyone and more unforgettable culinary experiences!

This tasty, healthy and satisfying first course is suitable even for novice housewives. To prepare it, it is not necessary to use a whole chicken carcass; you can quite use what is left of it after cutting and removing the fillet - skin, bones, wings, neck and giblets. In this case, the finished broth must be strained so that small bones do not get into the soup.

To make the broth for noodle soup especially aromatic and beautiful, during cooking you need to put in it a partially peeled onion and coarsely chopped roots - carrots, parsley, celery - which can then be removed. To make the broth clear, you need to cook it over low heat and only without a lid. And for the best taste, you should add salt to the noodle soup no earlier than half an hour before the dish is completely ready.

It is especially important not to overdo it with noodles, so as not to end up with thick porridge instead of the first course. Before adding the vermicelli to the broth, you can lightly fry it in a dry frying pan without oil. Potatoes and carrots in this soup should be chopped into thin strips, and onions (if you use them in the finished soup) into half rings.

Diet cuisine: low-fat chicken soup

Soups are an essential part of a healthy diet. Delicious dietary soups can be prepared with chicken broth. Chicken meat is not fatty and contains many useful substances and microelements necessary for humans.

Those who want to cook for themselves and their family not just tasty, but also healthy and satisfying dishes should turn to one of the famous recipes - chicken broth soup with noodles.

If you follow the technology for preparing such a soup, even the least experienced housewife will turn it out excellent. Here it is important to use products of decent quality and strictly adhere to the sequence of their placement in the dish.

Secrets of making broth

Its success is largely determined by how well the chicken broth turns out. Ideally, it should have a yellowish color, and it should also be transparent. It doesn’t matter which parts of the bird carcass will be used in cooking - it comes down to the preferences of the housewife herself.

The broth can be excellent from the legs, wings, and body of the chicken, if you take into account some nuances.

How to make noodle soup with chicken broth:

    To begin with, of course, you should pour 3 liters of water into a saucepan (or other container with high sides), to which add about half a kilo of poultry meat. When everything boils, the liquid must be drained. This should be done with the first broth for the reason that all the harmful substances present in the chicken get into it.

  1. After such manipulations, you need to pour 3 liters of water into the pan with the chicken again and cook everything again. The foam formed after boiling must be carefully removed with a slotted spoon or just a spoon. The transparency of the broth depends on this. At this point, you need to put peeled whole onions and carrots into the container. The broth will be ready in about half an hour, and the vegetables should be removed from it - they have already given their taste and aroma to the dish.
  2. While it is still cooking, it is worth preparing other ingredients for the future soup. Carrots, onions and 3-5 potatoes (the latter, however, can be omitted if you want to create a dietary dish) must be peeled and cut into circles, cubes and large strips, respectively. By the way, if your family doesn’t like onions in soup, it’s not a sin to do without them. But you should definitely try half a bell pepper, chopped into strips, as an ingredient.
  3. The strained broth must be salted and pepper added to taste, and then, after heating thoroughly, add the potatoes. Literally in a minute the carrots should go there too, since these vegetables require approximately the same time to cook.
  4. However, you can do it a little differently - fry carrots (in this case, they are needed not chopped, but grated), onions and peppers. It is important to achieve only a golden color for the above products and not allow them to burn (this will spoil the taste of the dish).

    The frying is sent to the container with the soup when the potatoes become soft enough (but not boiled). The vermicelli is also thrown in at the same time. If it is not homemade, but purchased, you should use only the one made from durum wheat. In the case of spaghetti, for this dish they need to be broken into relatively small pieces.

    After adding the above ingredients, the food is cooked for 3-5 minutes. You can additionally squeeze a clove of garlic into the soup and add a couple of bay leaves. You should add chopped herbs to the pan that has already been removed from the stove and, after letting the dish brew for a while, serve.

Do you like oriental cuisine? Make soup Cambodian style!

The basis of chicken soup is, of course, broth. A time-tested classic is chicken broth: it's light, golden, and delicious. There is an alternative - . A very, very alternative is plain water, you can also whip up chicken soup on its basis, you just need to take into account that to enhance the taste you should add a little more spices, maybe a piece of butter, definitely a bay leaf, excellent - cream, processed cheese .

Not an option at all - ready-made bouillon cubes. This is an illusion, a cocktail of all sorts of chemical elements that has nothing to do with the broth as such. Saving time will not bring any health benefits or taste pleasure in this case. Unless you have your own chicken cubes, specially prepared:

How to cook chicken broth

Chicken broth is the basis of not only the soup we are talking about today. You can use it to prepare almost any first course - from vegetable soup to borscht. It can be cooked in large quantities and frozen in portioned containers - if you need to whip up soup for lunch, you can always defrost the preparation and cook a simple first course.

So, how to cook chicken broth? The chicken should be washed thoroughly, check that it is well gutted and that there are no stray feathers left. Cut into medium-sized portions. Place in a saucepan and add enough water. Place on the stove, after boiling, carefully remove the foam, reduce the heat. Place a few onions, a couple of carrots, a piece of celery and parsley root, pumpkin, and bell pepper into the pan. Cook at a minimum boil for about 30 minutes (if the chicken is old, at least an hour), periodically removing the foam. After this, the vegetables should be discarded and the broth should be strained.

Simple chicken noodle soup

Basic recipe for noodle soup with chicken broth. Vegetables include traditional potatoes, carrots and onions. Do you know how to cook it so that you want to eat it and not stop?
  • chicken broth - 3 l
  • boiled chicken meat - 400 g
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • vermicelli – 250 g
  • salt, pepper, bay leaf, herbs to taste

Pour the strained chicken broth into the pan. There we also place a whole unpeeled onion, cut in half halfway through, chicken meat cut into portions, and grated carrots. Bring to a boil, add the diced potatoes. Cook over moderate heat for about 20 minutes (until the potatoes are done). Remove the onion, add vermicelli, add spices and salt. Cook for another 4-8 minutes until the pasta is ready. Turn off the heat and immediately pour into plates.

Chicken neck soup

A delicious example of uncomplicated budget cooking. Rich chicken broth can be the basis for many wonderful first courses. The soup made from chicken necks and noodles broth is thick and aromatic. The soup is very tasty and nutritious.

  • chicken necks – 300 g
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • celery (stem) – 1 pc.
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.
  • vermicelli – 60 g
  • butter – 10 g
  • water – 1.5 l
  • salt - to taste
  • ground black pepper - to taste

Chicken soup with noodles and giblets

A slight deviation from the usual traditional classics - and the result is a wonderful first course, completely “homemade”, simple, satisfying, rich. Don't neglect the giblets - if cooked correctly, they can add an absolutely amazing "zest" to the soup.

  • water - 3 l
  • chicken gizzards - 250 g
  • chicken hearts - 100 g
  • chicken liver - 300 g
  • chicken leg - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 4, medium size
  • vermicelli - a handful
  • pepper, salt, herbs to taste
  1. We wash the chicken hearts, gizzards and meat well, put them in a saucepan, add a whole onion, and fill with water. Bring to a boil, carefully remove all the foam, reduce the heat and cook for 40-60 minutes (depending on how “adult” the bird is). Turn off the heat, strain the broth into another pan, and discard the onion.
  2. Separate the meat from the bone, disassemble it into small pieces, and place in the broth. There we cut the hearts into circles and the stomachs into strips.
  3. Boil the liver in a separate pan - 15-20 minutes is enough. We take it out, cut it into several parts, and send it to the general company.
  4. Potatoes - cubes, there too. Carrots - grate, then into the pan. Cook for about 15 minutes (until the potatoes are ready), salt and pepper, add vermicelli. Cook for another 3-7 minutes, turn off the heat, pour into plates, sprinkle with herbs.

Chicken soup with noodles and egg

If regular chicken soup seems empty and too light to you, try enriching its taste with a chicken egg. The broth turns out to be richer, and the structure of the soup itself is richer and more interesting.
  • chicken or vegetable broth - 3 l
  • chicken breast or leg - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 large
  • parsley - 1 root
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • vermicelli – 200 g
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • salt, pepper, herbs to taste
  1. Pour the strained broth into a saucepan, add bell pepper cut in half, peeled parsley root and a whole unpeeled onion. Place on the stove, bring to a boil, reduce heat.
  2. Cut the meat into small pieces and place in a pan. Cook for about 15-20 minutes, then remove the parsley, pepper, onion, and discard.
  3. Place grated carrots and diced potatoes into the pan. Salt. Cook for another 15 minutes (until the potatoes are ready), add the vermicelli.
  4. After 4-8 minutes (the time it takes for the vermicelli to become ready), pour the eggs, lightly beaten with a fork, into the pan in a thin stream. Immediately turn off the heat, add the herbs, and serve.

Cheese chicken noodle soup

And this is perhaps the easiest way to elevate, frankly speaking, an absolutely homemade and uncomplicated dish. Add a little cheese to the broth and the taste of the entire soup will radically change for the better. The simplest option is budget processed cheese, however, you can also take more interesting cheeses - any fatty varieties such as brie, chowder, emmental will do.

  • broth - 3 l
  • onion - 2 pcs. medium size
  • butter - 30 g
  • processed cheese - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 small
  • potatoes - 3-4 pcs.
  • boiled chicken breast - 200 g
  • vermicelli – 200 g
  • salt, pepper, herbs to taste

Peel the onion and cut into small cubes. Melt the butter in a thick-bottomed saucepan, sauté the onion until translucent - it should become soft and just about to turn golden. Add grated carrots and simmer a little. Pour in the broth, add the diced potatoes and chicken breast. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cook until vegetables are tender. At the end, add vermicelli, grated processed cheese, salt, cook for another 4-6 minutes, remove from heat and serve. Greens and croutons are welcome.

Chicken soup with mushrooms and noodles in Polish

Polish, Western Ukrainian version of chicken soup - it is very rich, with golden brown soup, a stunning mushroom aroma and a pleasant solidity of the paste. Authentic recipes involve home-made noodles or vermicelli, but to simplify the cooking process, an industrial analogue is also acceptable. Nothing complicated, but there are certain subtleties in preparation, and it’s worth knowing about them.

  • broth - 3 l
  • boiled chicken meat - 300 g
  • wild mushrooms – 200 g
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • butter - 20 g
  • vermicelli – 300 g
  • salt, pepper, dill to taste
  1. Wash the mushrooms, boil for 20 minutes, then place in a colander and rinse. Cut into small pieces.
  2. Peel the onion, chop into cubes, fry in butter in butter until golden. Add the mushrooms and, stirring constantly, keep in the frying pan for another 3-5 minutes, after which add the grated carrots and pour in the broth.
  3. Bring to a boil, add chicken, cook for 15-20 minutes, then add vermicelli, cook until tender, add salt, pepper and serve with herbs, sour cream, croutons.

  1. Broth is the base of the soup. Try to prepare it in such a way that you want to admire it, inhale and drink it, enjoying it - like expensive wine. Lots of vegetables, high-quality farm meat, delicate cooking over low heat, bouquet garni - every housewife has her own secret, and chicken noodle soup is just the case when you need to use your own experience with all your inherent diligence.
  2. After cooking the broth, be sure to strain it and be sure to separate the meat from the bones. There is no pleasure in picking at your plate and spitting inedible bits out of your mouth. Not only is it inconvenient, it is also unesthetically pleasing.
  3. When cutting ingredients for soup, try to do it with soul. Chopping carrots is just a matter of minutes. Be patient and cut into even cubes - a little more time, however, the aesthetic side is also a little longer, but it wins.
  4. Have you ever thought that ground chicken meatballs are a simple yet totally cute way to make chicken noodle soup? Fantasize tirelessly: dumplings, dumplings, homemade noodles - there are a lot of options for “revitalizing” an ordinary soup, you just need to not be lazy to look for them.
  5. Do not cook this soup for a couple of days: the vermicelli will swell, turning the first dish into porridge. Absolutely disgusting food! For the same reason, if you need to prepare soup in the morning and serve it only at lunch, you should not add pasta to the pan: boil the potatoes until tender, turn off the heat. Throw in the vermicelli when you reheat it.

10 ideas on how to prepare original chicken noodle soup:

  1. To make chicken noodle soup look more interesting and fun, try not grating carrots, but turning them into funny figures: cut the peeled root vegetable into thin slices, and then use a sharp knife or small cutters for working with mastic (mini-cookie cutters) to shape the carrot pucks heart, flower, snowflakes. Such figures will greatly “revive” a plate of chicken soup.
  2. In general, you can cut carrots with the most ordinary curly cheese knife: the wavy “ribs” look very picturesque, this is an elementary way to turn a boring soup into something completely festive, life-affirming and joyful.
  3. Half a hard-boiled chicken egg is a great garnish for chicken soup. A few halves of hard-boiled quail eggs are a great way to serve the usual soup in an unusual way.
  4. Play with types of pasta. Vermicelli is familiar and tasty, but farfalle is elegant, tagliatelle is rich, and fusilli is funny.
  5. Croutons in the shape of a Christmas tree, a heart, or even a regular diamond are an excellent accompaniment to chicken soup. Just cut the bread into slices, cut out the desired shapes with cookie cutters, grease with a little butter, and then fry in a dry frying pan on both sides.
  6. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different additives: the more color, the more interesting and vibrant the soup looks. Broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, squash and zucchini, mushrooms, shallots, beans, green peas, sweet peppers - vegetables enliven the picture, turning it into a cheerful mosaic, which may well cause an almost causeless smile.
  7. It may sound strange, but chicken soup goes great with fried bacon: cut the fatty brisket into squares, fry until golden and sprinkle over the soup. It is delicious!
  8. Just try serving chicken soup in “plates” from a bun in which the “cap” has been cut off and the crumb taken out. Very original and satisfying!
  9. At the same time, do not forget that properly cooked chicken soup is transparent, almost crystal, pleasantly golden. This dish will look wonderful in a transparent bowl.
  10. And greens! More, more fresh greens - fragrant, fragrant, bright, lush! Mint, cilantro, parsley, dill - there won’t be too much.

Ludwig van Beethoven is credited with saying: “Only the pure in heart can make good soup!” May you have pure thoughts, good deeds and delicious soups, bon appetit!