How to properly cut pink salmon: peel and remove the skin. How to remove the fillet from pink salmon? Description video

Purchased freshly frozen pink salmon carcass must first be thawed. Put frozen fish in the refrigerator overnight, where it will gradually thaw. You should not try to speed up the defrosting process by placing pink salmon in hot water, as the fish will become loose and the dishes prepared from it will be tasteless.

It is more convenient to engage in cutting if the carcass is not completely defrosted. The fish should be soft on the outside and slightly frozen at the ridge. This effect is achieved by final defrosting at room temperature for an hour.

First you need to free the pink salmon from the scales. To do this, take the carcass and scrape off the scales with a knife or special cleaning tools, starting from the tail. Clean the fish, gradually moving from tail to head. So that the fish carcass does not slip out of your hands, you can sprinkle your palms with salt. This simple trick will greatly facilitate the work. After the scales are completely removed, pink salmon should be thoroughly rinsed under running water.

When the fish is cleaned and washed, you can start gutting it. First, cut open the belly of pink salmon by piercing it at the anus. After cutting the fish, start cleaning it inside, moving towards the head and removing the internal organs. Set aside the eggs separately, carefully remove the gallbladder. If you damaged it, and the bile got on the meat, carefully scrape it off with a knife and be sure to rinse the carcass with water. If this is not done, the fish will acquire an unpleasant bitter taste and become unfit for consumption. After the entrails are removed and the belly is carefully scraped, rinse the carcass again with water.

Remove gills. This operation can be performed with a sharp knife, or simply pull out the gills with your fingers, since pink salmon have them not hard, and are removed quite easily.

Before cutting the fish further, you need to decide what you want to make from the pink salmon carcass. You can fry it, cook a steak, bake it whole, or remove the skin from the fish and make minced meat. If you want to salt the pink salmon fillet, then you will have to do a number of manipulations with the carcass.

Cut off the head and tail of the pink salmon, then remove the fins. Cut through the upper back of the carcass with a knife, running the blade along the entire length, and remove the skin. This can also be done with a knife, slightly cutting the flesh and pulling the skin down towards the abdomen. After removing the skin from one side of the carcass, you need to repeat the same operation on the other. Then you need to remove all the bones from the pulp. To do this, grab the spinal part and separate it from the pulp along with the remaining large bones of the fish. After that, you need to carefully remove all small bones.

Everything, the fillet is ready, you can proceed to further actions - salt, marinate or fry.

Note to housewives and fishermen: how to fillet pink salmon. Our tips will help you fillet pink salmon quickly and beautifully.

You will need:
Pink salmon
sharp knife
Cutting board

It is necessary to prepare pink salmon for cutting. As a rule, it will be fresh frozen fish. There is no need to defrost whole salmon. If the outside of the fish is soft, and frozen inside - that's it! So it will be easier to separate the ridge from it. Defrost in the refrigerator or in water with the addition of a small amount of salt.

It will not be superfluous to recall that a knife for cutting fish should be well honed. Both the quality of cutting and your safety when working with fish will depend on this. We separate the pectoral fins of pink salmon, they are under the gills. We cut off the fins carefully, towards the head, capturing a thin strip of skin.

We open the belly, take out the insides. This must be done before removing the fillet from pink salmon. If you caught pink salmon "egg", then carefully take out the caviar, put it aside. Thoroughly wash the carcass of the fish. We separate the head from the ridge, put it aside, it will come in handy for the fish soup. Carefully cut the fish along the entire length along the ridge.

The next stage of cutting pink salmon into fillets is skin removal. It is more convenient to do this from the side of the tail. We spread the fish on a cutting board, make an incision and carefully remove the skin of the fish with a stocking from the carcass with our hands. We make sure that the fillet remains whole and does not stick to the separated skin.

We help with a knife if necessary. After the skin is removed, in front of you is an almost finished salmon fillet, only with a ridge and bones. Separating the fillet from the backbone and removing the bones is the next step in cutting. With a sharp knife, carefully separate the ribs from the carcass, making sure that a very thin strip of meat with bones remains on the ribs.

It remains to remove the fillet from pink salmon, after freeing it from the ridge. There are two ways to do this. The first - with a knife, carefully separating the meat from the ridge, trying not to divide the carcass into two parts. The second - the same operation can be done with your hands, carefully separating the meat from the ridge. Cutting time - no more than ten minutes.

Pink salmon fillet removed. Before you is a wonderful piece of fish pulp. We cut it, depending on what you are going to do. For salting in pieces, thinly sliced ​​fillets are used, for this it is necessary to divide our piece into several thinly sliced ​​\u200b\u200bpieces. When salting, we use the fillet completely. For frying, it is enough to cut it into medium portions.

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On a note!

Pink salmon is one of the easiest fish to cook. Most professional chefs love red fish. Pink salmon goes well with marinades and spices. It is equally good both on the grill and in the pan. And in salty form - just overeating.

But if you are not a chef, then, of course, it will be interesting to learn how to cut pink salmon. Especially if there is an important party ahead with your participation, where the skill of cooking red fish will be evaluated.

Right cut pink salmon- provide half the success. And the beginner always shakes when making the first cuts. Do not be afraid, everything is outrageously simple. And when you do the operation to remove the bones several times, the fish butchering will take a matter of minutes.

There are a few simple rules on how to clean salmon fillet:

  1. The first step is to clean the fish from scales. It is not recommended to wash or soak the carcass in water. To remove mucus, you can use this technique: coat the fish with a good layer of salt and clean off everything unnecessary. In cleaning, pink salmon is no different from other fish. Starting at the tail, run a special fish-cleaning knife towards the head. Again, you don't need to wash. Otherwise, the meat will pick up excess water.
  2. Lay the carcass on a cutting board. Find the point where the sirloin ends near the tail (up to 5 cm from the end). Carefully cut out the tail. Be careful not to damage the fillet.
  3. If the fish is not gutted, cut off the head (don't throw it away, it will make a great ear). Cut the belly starting from the tail. The meat cuts better when the knife goes against the growth of the fibers. Take out the insides of the salmon. Now you can quickly rinse the carcass, but you will need to immediately wipe it with a kitchen towel.
  4. It's time to cut out the fins. The upper fin on the back must first be cut off, separating it from the skin and meat. It is better to take the sharpest knife, then everything will go smoothly and quickly, and most importantly, you will leave the shape of the fish unchanged.
  5. Next, we take a small knife and carefully pry off the large bones of the ribs so that they do not break. We separate the ribs from the meat carefully, it is better not to rush. When the rib bones are separated from the fillet, we cut the carcass along the ridge to the tail. Let's cut it in half. Set the boneless fillet aside and repeat the procedure for the second half.
  6. Be sure to trim the lower part of the abdomen, which is very fat. Such fat does not add any taste to the finished dish, on the contrary, it can spoil it. Cut off 1-2 cm and leave on the ear.

Let's open a little secret: in order for the “operation” to be successful, the fish must first be cooled. To do this, place it in the freezer for 30 minutes. If the carcass is frozen, then do not wait until it is completely gone. The meat will be quite tough and won't flake.

This method of cutting is suitable if you need clean fillet for pickling or baking in the oven. If you need steaks for grilling or frying in a pan, then removing the backbone does not make sense. It will hold the meat.

The head, tail and paddle should be left in the ear. So that the ear does not turn out to be bitter, the gills must be completely removed from the head. To do this, the junction of the abdomen and jaw is incised. After the jumper is cut off, you need to cut off the gills, throw them away and rinse your head thoroughly. Ear preparation is ready. You can put it in the refrigerator.

How to skin a fish

The skin must be removed carefully so as not to catch the loin. To do this, you need to start shooting from the tail and only after you have done all the manipulations to remove large bones. It is necessary to carefully monitor the meat so that it does not stick to the skin, cut with a sharp knife in those places where the carcass does not move well.

The chefs have interesting trick: when the fillet is ready, the skin is not removed. Cut off a double piece of fish on the skin, divide it in half. Without cutting the skin, turn inside out. The fillet will be outside, and the skin will be completely inside, like a frame. Thus, the fish is perfectly baked and does not fall apart.

How easy it is to clean the scales

Now there are a lot of "life hacks" on how to make your life easier. People willingly share their inventions. That's the way quickly clean pink salmon from scales many chefs. Obvious advantages:

  • fast;
  • scales do not fly around the kitchen, but are collected in one place.

For cleaning, a simple closed grater is used. Just like with a knife, the fish is cleaned in the direction from tail to head. The grater is taken large, as for carrots. All the husk remains inside. Do not forget to wash the tool immediately, otherwise you will have to soak it to clean it.

How to pickle pink salmon in 2 hours

You already know how to properly cut pink salmon. Now it's time to start cooking. One way to get delicious pink salmon while retaining all the nutrients is to salt it.

In fact, pink salmon salts quite quickly. If you have small pieces (up to 2 cm thick), then it will be salted in 2 hours. Have to take:

  • prepared fillet;
  • a mixture of sugar and salt in a ratio of 1 tablespoon per 1 kilogram of fish;
  • You can add thinly sliced ​​lemon slices.

Mix salt and sugar, grate the fish, lay lemon slices (do not squeeze the juice). Put everything in a stainless pan, but not aluminum. And refrigerate for 2 hours. Ready. After a couple of hours, the fish should change color slightly. This means that the pink salmon is salted.

How to fry in a marinade

Everyone knows that pink salmon - not very oily salmon fish. And if you fry it, then at the exit you can get completely dry pink salmon. To prevent this from happening, it is best to fry it in a marinade. The taste is rich, and the fish is quite juicy.

The marinade is ready quickly:

  • for 1 kg of fish you need to take 1 kg of onions and 0.5 kg of carrots;
  • cut the onion into rings, rub the carrots and fry everything in vegetable oil in a pan;
  • when the vegetables are almost ready, they must be salted, peppered, stewed a little more, but not until fully cooked.

We spread the marinade on a baking sheet, put pink salmon on top. You can add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise, it will be more nutritious, but it will be possible to make the dish tastier. When all the ingredients are assembled, sprinkle with cheese on top. Put in preheated oven for 30 minutes. Pink salmon is very juicy, bright, fragrant.

Attention, only TODAY!

The other day I decided to fry pink salmon steaks, and the idea immediately came to me to make a video about how to clean it, and at the same time, how to fry steaks from it. So it turned out another addition to the rubric with training material.

The vast majority of people do not like this activity. Either the scales scatter all over the kitchen, or the fish strives to slip out.

I decided to show how to peel pink salmon easily, quickly and simply. As a result, we will get blanks for cooking delicious soup and frying wonderful steaks.

I also want to note that pink salmon and trout are no different from each other in terms of cleaning.

Of the tools we need:

  1. chef's knife
  2. vegetable knife (or any small one)
  3. grater
  4. single blade peeler
  5. disposable plastic bags

First, the fish must be washed well in running water. This will wash away the mucus from it, and it will not slip out of your hands. It will be good if you additionally dry it with a paper towel.

The head, fins and tail cannot be used except for cooking, so we will cut them off and put them in a separate bag. These parts make a good broth. Divide the remaining carcass into equal parts, these will be our steaks. But first things first.

The first step is to separate the head. This should be done after the gill part, and not under it. Cut off the head by turning the fish with your hand, otherwise you can make a mistake (on the other side) and cut off incorrectly. Set your head aside for now, we'll come back to it later. Let's start cleaning the scales.

First way.

Remove the scales by scraping them off with a knife. From experience I will say that the faster you work with a knife, the more the scales fly off. Do not hurry. It is convenient to keep a napkin nearby and wipe the scales from the knife on it. Choose the angle of the knife so that it removes the scales and, at the same time, does not cut the skin.

The second way.

Less common, but the most convenient. You need to take a grater and scrape off the scales with it. All! No flying scales, no dirt. Three times faster than a knife. All scales remain inside the grater. My grater is too large for these purposes, it is better to take a little smaller, but of the same shape.

As soon as the scales are done away with, you need to rinse the fish well again. Now cut off the tail and fins. They are easy to cut with scissors. All this will go to the broth.

Now we have a finished peeled carcass left. Cut it into portions, these will be our steaks. Good thickness - 2 cm.

Let's go back to the preparations for the broth.

There is one nuance here that not everyone knows. Before boiling the fish head, you need to remove the gills and eyes from it.

For removing eyes, a paring knife is perfect, no matter how strange it may seem to you. In the photo I showed the stages of this "operation". Put the knife under the eye, circle it around and pry it from the bottom up. This way you won't damage it. Last action. Let's remove the gills.

The gills just need to be cut off with scissors. Be careful - do not prick!

There were a lot of actions, maybe all this will seem very long and complicated to you, but believe me - the whole cleaning takes 20 minutes at the most.

Result: we have a set of juicy steaks and a set for cooking fish soup.

All this can be frozen and used as needed.

Well, see the next article.

Pink salmon is one of the most common types of fish in our country. This is due to the fact that Russia grows a large number of pink salmon. This fact also has an impact on the price of goods: a domestic product is much cheaper than an imported one. Moreover, domestic pink salmon is in no way inferior in quality imported from abroad. On the shelves you can find many types of this fish: whole, sliced, pickled, etc.

How to choose pink salmon?

Experienced chefs know how to make the right choice. But if you are a beginner, then following these points, you will also not make mistakes.

  • First, pay attention to the fact that the fish should not be completely covered with ice.
  • Pay special attention to the condition of the belly of pink salmon. In healthy fresh fish, it is even and not swollen. If you see some pinkness, then do not be alarmed. This is a sign that delicious caviar awaits you inside the fish. We advise you to refuse the purchase if you see a dark brown belly. This color clearly indicates that the fish was not grown in proper conditions and may be infected.
  • Also take a look at the scales. It should not be black and when pressed on it should not leave any dents. Scales must fit tightly to each other.
  • The gills of a healthy pink salmon should have a light red color. If they are gray or dark brown, then it is better to refuse such a product.
  • The carcass of pink salmon should not emit unpleasant odors.

If you have already bought a fish and brought it home, but you are not sure if it is of good quality, then just put it in a bowl of water. Fresh fish will remain at the bottom, and bad fish, in turn, will immediately pop up.

Product preparation

Now let's go directly to the process of preparing the fish before cooking it. Most stores sell frozen fish, but this is not a problem if you know how to defrost it properly. To defrost the fish, just put it in a bag and dip it in warm water for a few minutes.

Mucus can also interfere with further processing. To get rid of it, just rinse the fish under running water or wipe the surface of the fish with salt. This will increase the grip, so further processing will be easier.

We clean from scales step by step

It is quite easy to clean fish from scales, since pink salmon scales easily lag behind the skin. You just need to take a kitchen knife or even a vegetable grater (most professional chefs use a grater). The peeled scales remain on the inside of the grater and do not scatter throughout the kitchen.

To clean with a knife, you need to scrape it against the direction of the scales (but not too hard, as strong pressure can damage the skin of the fish). For better cleaning of scales, the fish is periodically washed under running water.

For a more effective cleaning of the fish, scald it with hot water.

gutting pink salmon

Let's move on to the analysis of the evisceration process.

  • First, we make a neat incision along the belly (from the head to the end of the belly). Then carefully remove all the internal organs. Be especially careful with the gallbladder, as the bile it contains can spoil the product if damaged. If this happens, then do not despair - sprinkle the problem area with salt and rinse the fish again after 5 minutes.
  • After removing the internal organs, do not forget to rinse the resulting cavity. Wash out any blood clots along the spine. If this is not done, then the fish will be bitter after cooking. Another important point is that it is imperative to remove all internal films.
  • After you have taken out all the internal organs, you should cut off the head of the fish. You must step back from the gills a few centimeters, then make a cut and continue cutting until the head of the fish leaves the body. If in the future you want to use this head, then you need to cut off the gills - you can do this with ordinary scissors. Then you need to get the eyes. Here you have to work with a knife, making several cuts along their edges. After that, you just have to slightly pry the eyeball and with a slight movement of the hand to get it.

After you cut off the head, you need to rid the fish of the tail and fins. To do this, you can use both a knife and scissors.

How to properly cut a fish?

The method of cutting depends on the dish that you want to cook from fish in the future. For example, if you want to cook a steak, then the fish should be cut into small pieces 2 centimeters wide.

If you want to get a fillet, then you need to make a deep cut along the spine to the ribs of the fish. Then you should carefully lower the knife along the ribs and separate the loin of the fish from them, cutting off the meat from the tail. Next, it remains to completely separate the spine with ribs. At the end of the process, you need to cut the meat from the skin (this must be done carefully so as not to disturb the appearance of the meat).

Healthy Recipes

After you have dealt with the processing of fish, you need to cook it. We have selected simple but delicious recipes for you.

"Cheerful pink salmon"

For cooking you will need the following products:

  • pink salmon - 1 pc;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • seasoning for fish to taste;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • carbonated water - 200 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • cheese to taste.

The process of preparing this dish is very simple. To begin with, we put the pink salmon cut into pieces in a bowl and sprinkle generously with thinly chopped onions. Then you should take a glass and put crushed garlic, soy sauce and spices into it. Then you need to pour the mixture with mayonnaise, sparkling water and mix. This will serve as our marinade. Pour it into the bowl with the fish.

Now you need to prepare the sauce. For him, we take a deep plate and break eggs into it, add a little flour and cheese. Next, you should take a baking dish and put the pickled fish there, pouring the sauce on top. All that remains for us to do is put the mold in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 170 degrees.

You can also bake pink salmon in foil. For this you will need:

  • pink salmon - 1 pc;
  • basil;
  • green onions;
  • garlic - 3 pcs;
  • table salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper to taste;
  • lemon - 1 pc;
  • olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons.

To begin with, we stuff pre-processed pink salmon with finely chopped onion, lemon and basil leaves. Then we cover a baking sheet with foil and grease it with olive oil, and put pink salmon on top. We make cuts on the top of the pink salmon and put the lemon rings there. Drizzle fish with olive oil. Wrap it in foil and send it to the oven.

The cooking time for this dish is 25-30 minutes at a temperature of 190 degrees.

Use of fish with proper nutrition

Pink salmon is a type of fish that has a high nutritional value and a small amount of calories. This is due to the fact that it contains a huge variety of macro- and microelements. It consists of phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron. It is also rich in B and A vitamins, which improve some processes in the human body. Only 100 g of product has 0.6 g of protein and 5.5 g of fat. The total calorie content is about 140 calories.

If you want to lose weight, then this fish must become an element of your diet without fail. But you will have to forget about fried pink salmon, since such a cooking process significantly increases the amount of fat in the product. Losing weight is recommended to cook soup from pink salmon or just bake fish in the oven.

Pink salmon is a very useful fish. Pink salmon by-products can also be used on the farm. So, for example, crushed bones can be added to the soil to house plants. This will increase the fertility of the soil and speed up the growth process of the plant.

You can see how to properly clean pink salmon in the attached video.