Homemade glazed cheese. Glazed curds - recipes for delicious treats at home

Everyone knows that cottage cheese is useful as an excellent source of calcium and protein. However, not everyone loves it. Another thing is glazed cheese. This is a popular delicacy from the dairy department, which is enjoyed by adults and children alike. Such an alternative way of eating cottage cheese would be good if not for a few "buts": like store-bought yogurts, purchased cheeses contain many impurities, flavors, taste enhancers, while only a small part of the cottage cheese we need. What to do? Refuse this product? Not necessarily. You just need to learn how to cook glazed curds yourself.

Why buy when you can make at home?

If you think that it is very difficult to repeat store-bought chocolate-glazed cheese at home, then you are mistaken. In fact, you can not only cook a treat that is very similar in taste and appearance, but also make it much healthier. The main thing is to get good cottage cheese, and even better - to purchase a natural village product. Then your glazed curd will contain a storehouse of vitamins and have an unusually delicate taste. So let's get started.

Cooking easy and fast

Products needed for homemade (500 grams), sugar (1-2 tablespoons), a little oil (about 100 grams) and vanillin. Sugar is best ground into powder so that it does not crunch on your teeth. We mix all the ingredients, and from the resulting mass we form small "logs". They need to be laid out on a flat plate and put in the freezer to freeze. In the meantime, let's get to the frosting.

Finishing touch - frosting

For homemade, we take 2 large tablespoons of cocoa and 4 tablespoons of sugar and sour cream. We mix these ingredients and heat them in a water bath to get a homogeneous mass. Thickness can be adjusted by adding water or milk. Cool the resulting chocolate sauce and pour it over the frozen cheese. Now they need to be put back in the freezer. After a while, you can check our homemade chocolate-glazed curds. In appearance, they are practically indistinguishable from store-bought ones, and cooked at home undoubtedly win in taste.

home range

You will say that there is such a variety of flavors and fillings on sale that homemade glazed curd quickly gets bored. What's stopping you from expanding your own range? When cooking, you can add chopped nuts to it, hide berries, pieces of dried fruits inside, make a filling from jam or boiled condensed milk, mix with cocoa. You can form a cottage cheese "log" and place it on a cookie, and then pour over chocolate. As you can see, there are no less opportunities to experiment at home.

How to make it tastier?

Some useful tips to make your glazed curd even tastier. The curd base is best not just mixed, but whipped with a mixer. Then the product will turn out more airy and tender. Glaze does not have to be prepared from cocoa, you can buy a bar of bitter, milk, or even just melt it in a water bath - it's faster and tastier. If you are going to eat cheese immediately, then you can add a little cream to the cottage cheese. For young children, the best fillings are berries and dried fruits, but for adults and teenagers, the assortment can be expanded. Store-bought glazed cheese or homemade cottage cheese treat - what do you choose?

My kids love glazed curds. The youngest even shed a tear once when she finished eating cheese. I asked: “Why are we roaring?” And she: “Dad, the cheese is running out, but I love him so much!” Store-bought curds have never enjoyed my great confidence because of the abundance of preservatives and other chemicals. And once I was puzzled how to make glazed curds at home. It turned out that it is very simple, and all it takes is time-nothing. You can experiment with the filling, I decided to make curds with cherry jam. It turned out an unreal delicacy, I share :)

To prepare homemade glazed curds, we need silicone molds for muffins - it is very convenient to get curds out of them, and they also turn out to be very beautiful in shape - like cakes. You will also need a silicone brush to apply melted chocolate to the edges of the mold.


chocolate 100 g

cottage cheese (9%) 200 g

butter 50 g

condensed milk 3 tbsp. l.

thick jam50 g

Servings: 4 Cooking time: 30 minutes


    Step 1: Crumble the Chocolate

    Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a small saucepan.

    Step 2: Melt the chocolate

    Melt the chocolate in a water bath. It is very easy to make a water bath - for this you need to pour water into a large saucepan, and put a smaller saucepan into it. In a smaller saucepan, put the chocolate, put it on the fire and wait for the chocolate to melt.

    Step 3: Grease the molds with chocolate

    Using a silicone brush, apply a layer of chocolate to the bottom and sides of the silicone molds. The layer of chocolate should be even so that there are no gaps. When all the molds are smeared with chocolate, put them in the freezer for 5 minutes until completely solidified.

    Step 4: Prepare the curd filling

    Remove the butter from the refrigerator and soften. Grind cottage cheese, butter and condensed milk until smooth. You should get a soft, fluffy and homogeneous mass. If the mass seems too thick for you, you can add more condensed milk.

    Step 5: Get the molds out

    Take the chocolate molds out of the refrigerator.

    Step 6: Forming Glazed Curds

    Put a little curd mass in a mold, then put 1 tsp in the middle. jam.

    Fill the rest of the form with curd mass. Level the top with a knife.

Many people love glazed curds, but they don’t even realize that their favorite delicacy can be made on their own. If you cook such cheese at home, this will allow you to get much more product for the same money that you would have to spend in the store. In addition, you will know for sure that you have used only natural ingredients.

The process of preparing glazed curds is very simple, the ingredients can be bought at any supermarket, and in terms of taste they are in no way inferior to factory counterparts, but they do not contain chemicals.

How to make glazed cheese

Cheesecakes are a great alternative to candy. Not only that, they are healthy and taste great. Curds can be used as a dessert, as well as to satisfy hunger. They are loved not only by children, but also by adults. Store-bought curds practically do not contain natural cottage cheese, instead of it there are a large number of additives. This greatly affects the benefits of cheese, which is practically non-existent.

If you love such a delicacy, watch your health and want to treat children, we offer a recipe for glazed curds made from natural ingredients.

You can experiment by adding coconut flakes to the cottage cheese, chopping and adding nuts, fruits, candied fruits, etc. This will allow you to get the same large assortment and the same delicious glazed curds as in the store. You can use white instead of milk chocolate if you like.

We offer you a basic recipe. It can be modified by adding other ingredients, as well as making dark or light glaze.


Our meals will include:

  • 200 g of homogeneous cottage cheese;
  • 30 g of sugar;
  • 30 g butter;
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar.

For the frosting you will need:

  • 100 g of chocolate, preferably milk;
  • 50 g butter.

Cooking process

To prepare the curd filling, you need to melt 30 g of butter to get a homogeneous liquid consistency. Next, add sugar (regular and vanilla), and then rub well.

When the mixture of sugar and butter has cooled down a bit, add cottage cheese, then knead with a spoon. If you took coarse-grained cottage cheese, you must first rub it using a sieve with small cells until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

We put the curd mass in a pastry bag with a large nozzle, which can be replaced with an ordinary plastic bag with a cut corner. Now we squeeze 5-6 cm cubes onto the board. Now the future glazed curds should stay in the freezer of the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

By the time they are frozen, we should have icing ready. To do this, we split the chocolate into slices, and then add vegetable oil and put in a water bath. To prevent the mixture from burning, you need to constantly stir it until a homogeneous mixture is obtained and lumps disappear. It is also impossible to allow overheating, so the fire should be weak. Remember that the bottom of the bowl in which we prepare the glaze should not touch the water.

Now we take out the sticks from the freezer and string them one by one on wooden skewers. Then pour them with chocolate so as to completely cover: evenly and without gaps. We put them on parchment paper and put them back in the freezer for half an hour until the chocolate hardens.

Then we take it out and wait until the cottage cheese becomes a little soft. You can start tasting. Treats should be stored in the refrigerator.

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How to make glazed curds at home

Homemade glazed curds have almost the same taste as in the store. We will tell you another recipe on how you can cook this dish with your own hands. We will talk about very popular vanillin-flavored curds.

Glazed curd cheese with vanillin flavor


  • 400 g of cottage cheese;
  • 90 g butter;
  • chocolate bar;
  • 100 g of powdered sugar;
  • 1 g vanillin.


Cottage cheese must be passed through a sieve or chopped with a meat grinder (the nozzle is used as for making pate).

Soften the butter (put it in a warm place for a while). Then mix cottage cheese and 60 g of butter, powdered sugar and vanillin.

So that the curd mass does not stick to your hands, you need to moisten them in water. This will help to form bars with ease, which are then wrapped in foil. It can be replaced with cling film. We put the wrapped semi-finished product in the freezer for 25 minutes.

Taste Info Dairy desserts


  • cottage cheese - 250 g;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 tsp;
  • condensed milk - 30 g (1.5 tablespoons);
  • powdered sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • chocolate - 150 g.

How to make homemade glazed curds

Let's start with the preparation of cottage cheese. You can take a rustic, fatty one from a trusted seller or in a supermarket. Give preference to tasty cottage cheese. The percentage of fat content does not play a big role. If you do not want to feel curd lumps in the finished dessert, wipe it through a sieve with small holes. If this is not important for you, just rub with a spoon to break up large lumps.

It is important to get the right amount of butter from the refrigerator in advance, be sure to take good quality. Margarine should not be used in this recipe as it will affect the taste. Add the soft butter to the cottage cheese and rub thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Add delicious condensed milk. Stir until the mixture is homogeneous.

Sprinkle in powdered sugar and vanilla sugar. Rub well. In principle, powder and sugar can be omitted if you have enough sweetness from condensed milk.

For glazing we need chocolate. You can take milk or black good quality. It must be melted in a water bath. To do this, take a saucepan or a suitable saucepan and send it to the fire with water. Boil. On top, place a heat-resistant container of smaller diameter with pieces of chocolate, and so that the bottom does not touch the boiling water. Wait until the chocolate has completely melted. Stir it with a spatula or spoon.

For the formation of cheese curds, it is very convenient to use silicone molds, moreover, in different shapes that you have at hand. I used small cupcake liners. Take a kitchen brush and brush the inside with melted chocolate. Place in the freezer for 10 minutes to firm up the chocolate. Repeat this procedure one more time or two, depending on the desired layer of chocolate.

For convenience, transfer the curd mass to a pastry bag. Pipe into each mold all the way to the top. You can also use spoons, but it's not very convenient.

Flatten the top with the edge of a knife.

Cover the top layer of cottage cheese with chocolate. Send to the refrigerator or freezer to completely harden the chocolate.

Carefully remove the cheese curds from the mold and serve to the sweet table. Glazed cheese curds at home are ready. Happy tea!

Tips for the hostess

  • Add additional flavoring or aromatic ingredients to the curd mass according to your taste - ground nuts, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, cinnamon, nutmeg, small pieces of candied fruits, fruits or berries.
  • Take any chocolate for glazing - dark, milk or even white. And if you apply a pattern to the molds with thin brushes using all three types of chocolate, you get a whole culinary masterpiece!
  • For the preparation of curds, you can take any form - small silicone ones for freezing ice or making sweets. Or use a round, low pie pan. In this you get a whole glazed cottage cheese cake!
  • Another recipe option is to use agar-agar in chocolate and curd mass. It needs a little - 1 tbsp. l. (on the specified composition of ingredients). Let the agar brew with water (ratio 1:4) and mix with the masses. So cheese curds, even at warm room temperature, will not begin to melt.

Cottage cheese is rightfully considered a useful and necessary product, which in the skillful hands of a culinary specialist can turn into an unsurpassed delicacy. And then you don’t have to convince the kids to eat another piece or a spoon, they will gladly demand supplements. The name of such a miracle dessert is chocolate-covered cheese. The taste is very delicate, the consistency of the curd filling is airy, and the chocolate icing does not require additional comments.

Of course, modern stores are overflowing with all sorts of options and manufacturers of this sweet product, but chocolate-covered curds at home are much healthier and tastier. And do not be afraid of difficulties during cooking, they, to the delight of young housewives, are not.

How to make chocolate-covered cheesecakes

Homemade chocolate curds are prepared quickly and easily, but the result will largely depend on the right ingredients. A few nuances that experienced chefs recommend paying attention to:

  1. The fat content of cottage cheese does not play a special role. It is necessary to ensure its elastic consistency, since a rare curd mass will not allow you to prepare the proper filling.
  2. When choosing butter, you should make sure of its quality. Spread and margarine will significantly worsen the taste and useful properties of the final product.
  3. Chocolate can be either milk or black, it all depends on the preferences of the hostess. The combination with the use of bitter chocolate varieties will be classic and rich.
  4. Vanillin gives a light and unobtrusive aroma to glazed curds in chocolate, but this component is a matter of taste for every housewife.
  5. You can prepare cheese in chocolate using both the classic recipe and interpreting it with the help of various additives: jam, dried fruits, nuts, marmalade, coconut flakes.

Even an inexperienced culinary master can make chocolate curds himself, because the manufacturing procedure itself is quite simple and fast.

How to make classic chocolate-covered cheesecakes

Today, young housewives are offered many recipes for chocolate-covered curd cheeses, which differ in ingredients and various additives to the filling. However, it is worth gaining the experience of a master using elementary classical options.

The easiest recipe for homemade chocolate curds contains simple steps:

  1. Wipe 0.5 kg of cottage cheese through a sieve, getting rid of heterogeneous particles and grains.
  2. Beat with a mixer 100 g of soft butter with the addition of 150 g of sugar, a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.
  3. Add a tablespoon of 20% fat sour cream and 1/3 of the curd mass to the oily mixture, mix all the ingredients well for 1-2 minutes. Repeat the procedure twice more to completely mix in the cottage cheese and 3 tablespoons of sour cream.
  4. Squeeze a homogeneous and airy curd mass with a confectionery syringe onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. The formed figures should be in the form of rounded sausages up to 5 cm long.
  5. Freeze the semi-finished cheese product in the freezer, leaving it there overnight.
  6. Melt 500 g of dark chocolate in a water bath just before dipping the cheese "sausages". It is worth performing the actions very quickly, preventing the chocolate icing from solidifying and the curd mass from defrosting.
  7. Gently dip the curd into the melted chocolate mixture, removing any excess. Place the finished glazed sweets on parchment and refrigerate to solidify completely.

Healthy and tasty curd-chocolate bars with a pleasant vanilla flavor are ready and waiting for their tasters! Such a simple recipe for cottage cheese curds in chocolate with a photo will help you get an impeccable result the first time without difficulty and pamper your household.

How to make gourmet chocolate-covered cheesecakes at home

Another alternative recipe for homemade chocolate-covered cottage cheese curds will replenish the culinary workshop of modern housewives. The sequence of creating a sweet "masterpiece" requires only following simple instructions:

  1. Mix 200 g of cottage cheese, 10 g of butter and 4 tablespoons of condensed milk. Whip all the ingredients with a blender into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Add 20 g of grated chocolate chips to the curd mixture and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Melt 150 g of dark chocolate with 20 g of butter in a water bath.
  4. Lubricate silicone molds with a thin layer of chocolate icing and place in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. For children, you can choose all kinds of shapes: baskets, animals, fruits.
  5. After cooling the chocolate mass, fill the molds with the curd mixture, and pour a thin layer of glaze on top. Leave the dessert in the freezer for 15 minutes, and before serving, remove the silicone molds.

This is no longer just a homemade glazed curd in chocolate, but a real gourmet dessert with a delicate and airy curd filling that dissolves in your mouth, leaving a pleasant and unforgettable aftertaste.

How to make delicious chocolate-covered cheesecakes with coconut

After simple step-by-step instructions, the question of how to make chocolate-covered cheesecakes at home is not difficult. Now you can improve your practice using all kinds of fillings and their interpretations.

Everyone's favorite and popular cheesecakes in chocolate with coconut are quite easy to make yourself, you just need to make small adjustments to the previous recipes:

  1. Mix and carefully grind 200 g of cottage cheese, 100 g of sugar, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, 10 g of vanilla sugar and 40 g of coconut flakes.
  2. Cool the curd mass a little and then create the necessary forms, laying them on parchment. Send the curd figurines to the freezer for 20 minutes.
  3. Melt 50 g of chocolate, 30 g of butter and 2 tablespoons of sour cream in a steam bath, mixing thoroughly.
  4. Dip the formed and frozen curds into the icing and again place in the freezer for 15 minutes, then store in the refrigerator.

Glazed curds with jam

The recipe for cheese-chocolate desserts can be complicated. So, quite tasty and easy curd filling will be combined with a small amount of fruit jam to taste. To make such an “improved” glazed curd cheese in chocolate, you need:

  1. Add a teaspoon of jam to a small handful of cooked slightly chilled cheese mass, carefully closing the filling, trying not to mix it with the curd. Form the necessary shapes and leave in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.
  2. Make a frosting with a bittersweet chocolate bar and 20g butter, let it cool to room temperature.
  3. Pour the curd molds with chocolate mass and send to the freezer for half an hour, then move to the refrigerator until use.

Such a dessert will be appreciated by those who consider all curd dishes and sweets to be dusty and boring. A refined fruity note will add originality and richness to the taste of curd-chocolate sweets.

If housewives want to increase the level of usefulness of sweet treats for their children, then it’s worth adding dried fruits or candied fruits to the recipe for chocolate-covered curds at home:

  1. For greater ease and aesthetic forms of the dessert, it is better to use small silicone molds. Lubricate them with chocolate icing prepared in advance and place in the refrigerator for complete solidification.
  2. Putting the curd mass into molds in the middle, “drown” prunes or a few candied fruits and “seal” the dessert with a layer of chocolate mass.
  3. Cool sweets in the freezer for 20-25 minutes and leave them in the refrigerator until serving.

You will not find such original cheese curds on the shelves of shops and pastry shops, while home and invited guests will be able to appreciate your excellent talent and culinary skills.

Cottage cheese curds in chocolate with nuts

Fans of almonds, hazelnuts, cashews and other tidbits can add their bit to the chocolate-curd extravaganza of sweet treats. To do this, it is worth slightly adjusting the classic recipe:

  1. When preparing a cheese filling from cottage cheese, condensed milk, butter and vanilla sugar, you need to add one more ingredient - crushed favorite nuts. Raisin connoisseurs can combine dessert with their favorite ingredient.
  2. Lubricate muffin molds made of silicone with the prepared chocolate icing and cool them for 15 minutes in the freezer.
  3. Fill the forms with curd-nut mass or with the addition of raisins and cover with a layer of chocolate. Leave in the freezer for 30 minutes, remove the silicone molds and store in the refrigerator until use.

There are many ideas for creating original and delicious curd-chocolate treats, which largely depend on the imagination of the confectioner himself. The main thing is to experiment more and not be afraid to contribute to unique and mouth-watering desserts!