Prepare tomato juice from pasta. Tomato juice from tomato paste benefits and harms

23.08.2020 The drinks

Tomato recipes for the winter are not limited to making tomato sauce, pasta or ketchup, do you agree? Homemade tomato juice is a great way to preserve a rich harvest, as well as a delicious and healthy drink for the whole family. Today I offer a recipe for tomato juice without sterilization: everything is quite simple, fast and affordable.

Many hostesses know how to make tomato juice at home and save it for the winter, and there are many ways. For example, you can get juice from tomatoes the old fashioned way - using a meat grinder. Some people like to use a juicer, but for me personally, it is most convenient to prepare tomato juice through a juicer.

In addition, the variants of this vegetable preparation differ in composition. So, for example, you can roll up exclusively natural tomato juice without any additives. However, before drinking such a drink, I really want to at least salt it, so I advise you to season it when cooking. In addition, tomato juice is often flavored with spices and spices: allspice or black pepper, clove buds, cinnamon sticks are used ... In general, whatever your heart desires - the main thing is that you like the finished product.

A few words about tomatoes. It is clear that it is best to process those fruits that you have grown yourself or bought from a trusted seller. The amount of tomato juice directly depends on the variety, degree of maturity and juiciness of vegetables. I don’t know what kind of tomatoes I have (unfortunately, I didn’t ask my parents who are the direct sponsors of this recipe), but exactly 4 liters of homemade juice came out of 5 kilograms of fruits. If desired, it was probably possible to squeeze out even 4.5 liters, but the unbearable heat in the kitchen and fatigue did their job ...


Cooking step by step with photos:

According to this recipe, we will prepare homemade tomato juice for the winter from tomatoes with the addition of salt and sugar. It is clear that each housewife uses her own amount of salt-sugar, and I offer the layout of products that our family likes. Ready tomato juice is balanced in taste.

Wash the large tomatoes, cut the large ones into pieces, leave the small ones as they are. We pass vegetables through a juicer - we get such a heterogeneous pink juice, the amount of which depends on the juiciness of the fruits and the power of the electric assistant. Out of 5 kilograms of vegetables, I immediately got a little more than 2.5 liters of freshly squeezed tomato juice - something my juicer did not really try.

Even if you have a very powerful juicer, there is a lot of juice left in the cake, which must be obtained. To do this, rub the tomato mass in portions through a fine sieve, helping yourself with a spoon or spatula.

As a result of simple manipulations and about 15 minutes of relatively active work, I got about 1 liter 250 milliliters of thick tomato juice. If you try, you can wipe the cake almost to dryness.

We combine freshly squeezed juice (from a juicer) and the second batch, which was obtained using a sieve. I have a large 4-liter pot, which turned out to be almost full. If desired, you can use 2 pans if you are afraid that the juice will run away during cooking.

Immediately add salt (not iodized!) And granulated sugar. For 4 liters of tomato juice, I use 4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of coarse salt - both without a slide, that is, under the knife. For 1 liter of juice, for example, take 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon of salt.

We put the pan on a strong fire and, stirring, bring the tomato juice to a boil. During the cooking process, quite a lot of light foam will appear on the surface - you do not need to remove it. In general, the foam is removed so that the finished product (for example, jam) turns out to be transparent, and we have juice with pulp, so there can be no talk of transparency.

On medium heat, boil the tomato juice for about 5-6 minutes after boiling - during this time the foam will disappear by itself, and the drink will turn from pinkish to rich red. At this stage, it is advisable to taste the tomato juice and adjust it according to your preferences (add salt-sugar if necessary). It is not necessary to boil tomato juice longer - this time is enough for the pulp to boil.

Beforehand, it was necessary to sterilize the dishes - I do this in the microwave, but you can use any method convenient for you (in the oven or on the stove). Thoroughly wash the cans with soda or detergent, then rinse in cold water and pour about 100 milliliters of water into the bottom of each. We put it in the microwave and steam it on the highest power. Since I never make blanks in bulk containers (I don’t like it when an open product stays in the refrigerator for more than 1-2 days), I roll up tomato juice in liter jars. I steam 4 pieces at once in the microwave for 10-11 minutes. I just wash the lids, put them in a saucepan, pour water (to completely cover the lids) and boil for about 5 minutes. Pour boiling tomato juice into prepared jars, not reaching the edge of the dishes a couple of centimeters.

Seal the jars with lids immediately. You can use both simple tins (rolled up with a key) and screw ones (they just twist). By the way, in recent years I have not closed the workpieces with screw caps: my husband does this, since I simply do not have enough strength and the caps do not twist tightly. Girls, if you have the same problem, always ask for help from your strong half! And one more thing: never reuse screw caps, even if they look like new, as this is fraught with damage to the precious workpiece.

Delicious tomato juice is one of the most healthy vegetable drinks that both children and adults love. You can buy it in the store, or you can make it yourself from fresh fruits or ready-made store or homemade pasta. Since fresh tomatoes are stored for a very short time, preparing preservation is a good option for harvesting them for the winter. In storage, it takes up much less space, so it is more expedient to cook it at home than juice or sauce. Both juice and pasta can be used both independently and as an addition to various meat and vegetable dishes according to the recipe.

Features of making juice from tomato paste

Both products contain all the useful substances that tomatoes are so rich in. This fiber, lycopene is a wonderful antioxidant that prevents the development of cancer. Moreover, both in the paste and in the juice, lycopene is contained in much larger quantities than in fresh fruits. And all because the concentration of this extremely useful substance for the body increases during the heat treatment of tomatoes.

The tomato drink contains such micro and macro elements as iron, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, potassium, calcium. Therefore, the use of the drink is useful for various types of anemia and other diseases caused by a lack of one or another mineral in the human body. In addition, tomato juice contains folic acid, without which the normal functioning of the circulatory, reproductive and immune systems is impossible, as well as A, E, C, B5, B6, B9, PP and K.

Like fresh tomatoes, natural tomato juice has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, soothes and helps fight toxicosis during pregnancy.

How to make juice from tomato paste at home

  1. First of all, we need pasta. If you do not have a homemade one, you can use the store, although then you cannot be sure of its quality. In any case, the price of such a drink is much lower than the price of ready-made store-bought juice.
  2. For the recipe, you need pasta, not tomato sauce, ketchup or lecho.
  3. Choose a jar without preservatives or one that contains them in a minimal amount for the recipe. This can be checked on the label, where the ingredients are listed.
  4. A good canned tomato paste is quite thick and dense. Take the jar from the store, shake it well and turn it over. If the contents drain in a liquid stream, then the quality of this product is rather doubtful, you should not buy such a paste. You can make tomato juice from it, but it will not turn out tasty.

Tomato juice from tomato paste - recipe

  1. The recipe for making juice from tomato paste is extremely simple. Take high-quality store or home preservation and dilute it with clean drinking water in a ratio of approximately 1:3. Everyone has different tastes, someone likes thicker juice, and someone - vice versa.
  2. It is recommended to take 1-2 tablespoons of pasta per 200 ml of water, add salt and pepper to taste and mix well until smooth. You can add some sugar according to your taste.
  3. If desired, other spices are added to the tomato drink - thyme, rosemary, etc.
  4. It is recommended to drink the juice chilled, so keep it in the refrigerator for a while before serving.

How to make tomato juice from tomato paste? The manufacturer makes tomato juice from tomato paste, why can't we make it at home ourselves? Making tomato juice from tomato paste is easy, all you need is good quality tomato paste, water and salt. We advise you not to save on tomato paste. It is unlikely that you will be able to get tasty, high-quality tomato juice from cheap tomato paste.

How to make tomato juice from tomato paste?

Making juice from tomato paste is quite simple, you only need water, salt, tomato paste. Only tomato paste needs to be chosen of high quality, make sure that there are as few preservatives as possible.

Important: For tomato juice, only tomato paste is suitable. Not ketchup, not tomato sauce, but pasta.

The price of tomato juice from paste is almost 3-4 times lower than the same one, but from a package. And if there is no difference, then why pay more?

tomato juice recipe

Dilute the paste with cold purified drinking water in the ratio 1:3.

Liquid tomato juice: 1 tablespoon per glass of water

Thick tomato juice: 2-3 tablespoons per glass of water

Well, it's time to start making delicious preparations. Although we have already done enough of them. But you still want to pamper your family with something tasty and special. So I decided to make tomato juice. After all, quite recently we are with you and tomatoes. Do you remember what else they did? A very tasty appetizer!

And now let's prepare a drink loved by many. You are probably asking - why? Yes, I know that the store sells many different manufacturers. But you are sure that it is from tomatoes. And exactly in them it is tomatoes and salt? Personally, I don’t have such confidence, but I don’t trust the description on the package.

Therefore, recently I decided to cook it with my own hands. At first, even the wife was indignant. But nothing, then I tried it and now it always makes me do it. Yes, I don’t mind what you don’t do for your loved ones! So roll up your sleeves, stock up on vegetables, and get down to business with me!

This is my favorite way to prepare such a drink. Everything is done quite simply, and the result will delight you all winter. just imagine that you no longer need to go to the store for juice. After all, there you can buy juice with various preservatives and flavor enhancers. And I suggest you try to make your own, from which everyone will be crazy!


  • Tomatoes;
  • Salt per 1 liter of juice - 1 tsp;
  • Sugar per 1 liter of juice - 1 tsp. with a slide;
  • Bay leaf - 1 - 2 pcs.;
  • Peppercorns - 5 pcs.


1. First we need to prepare the container. To do this, wash jars of any size with soda or detergent under running water and sterilize. Choose any method: steam, microwave or oven. Pour boiling water over metal lids for 5 minutes.

2. Now let's take care of the vegetables. Wash the tomatoes well. See that the place of the stalk is also clean. Then we cut them into 4 - 6 parts, depending on their size. But be sure to remove and throw away all suspicious pieces: rotten, very dirty, etc.

Take tomatoes of different varieties. If you use meaty varieties, the juice will be very thick. And from watery - very liquid. It's better to take both.

3. We pass them through a juicer or a meat grinder with a special nozzle that separates the cake from the juice. If you don’t have one, then just twist or chop with a blender. But then, to get rid of the seeds and peel, grind it all through a sieve.

4. We measure the amount of the resulting mass and pour it into the pan. We put it on fire and add bay leaf, pepper, salt and sugar. When it boils, reduce the fire to a minimum and cook for 20 minutes. Be sure to stir during the process so that it does not burn. After the spices we take out.

To avoid having to look for spices all over the pan, first wrap them in a small piece of cloth and tie. This knot is simply thrown into the juice and then simply pulled out.

5. After the lapse of time, we do not turn off the stove. Pour the juice into jars and roll up the lids. Turn upside down and put under the "fur coat" until completely cooled.

Such a blank can be stored in any convenient place. It can be a cellar, basement or pantry.

How to make tomato juice from tomatoes at home?

There are many ways. After all, someone likes very salty, and someone does not like salt at all. As they say: the taste and color ... The result is still the same. After all, the main product is tomatoes. And in all recipes, this is precisely the similarity. And there already let everyone mix at least salt or sugar in his mug to his liking.


  • Tomatoes.


1. Wash the tomatoes well and cut them into several pieces. We cut out the stalk and all the rot. You can immediately send it to a juicer or meat grinder. Only in the latter version will you get mashed potatoes along with seeds and peel. Therefore, now you have to grind it through a sieve with a spoon or whisk.

2. Drain the juice into the pan and put it on the stove. After boiling, reduce the fire and cook for about 20 - 30 minutes. If you want, then add some spices or salt to taste. But I won't do it.

Don't overpower the flavor of the tomatoes. After all, then you will no longer have tomato juice at all, but most likely something like a sauce.

3. During this time, you can wash and sterilize the jars. Immediately pour the hot juice into a still hot container. It's even better, and they won't burst with us. We roll up the lids and put them upside down under the covers.

When our juice has cooled, you can send it to storage. It will stand very well without salt and vinegar, as tomatoes have their own acid, which is an excellent preservative.

How to make tomato juice from tomato paste?

I stumbled across the Internet on this method of preparing your favorite drink. Quite interesting and even appetizing. Immediately salivating flowed, so I wanted to try. I just want to say right away that this option is not for winter. That is, if you decide to prepare such juice, then it should be drunk for about a day.

Of course, for such a drink you will have to choose the best tomato paste. Salt and sugar are also added to taste. The author decided to add Provencal herbs, as well as citric acid. I think you can also experiment and add something of your own.

How to cook tomato juice in a juicer:

Many have purchased a juicer to make juice much easier. To be honest, I don't have it. But my mom has it. Therefore, I take it from her from time to time, when I don’t want to spend a lot of time standing near the stove. Some processes disappear by themselves, but the result is worth it. In this method, we will also not add salt and sugar. After all, this can be done in the winter when you open the jar.


  • Tomatoes.


1. First of all, let's prepare the container and lids. Wash and sterilize them.

2. Tomatoes also need to be thoroughly washed. Then cut them into small pieces and put them in the upper container of the juicer.

3. Pour water into the lower pan to the mark and put on fire. We put all the other parts on top and cover with a lid. The tube must be raised. But after about twenty minutes it can be opened and placed in a bottle so that the juice drains. Thus, we cook for about 1 hour.

Do not forget to periodically stir the tomatoes with a spoon, so the process will be faster and there will be more juice.

4. Then turn off the fire and remove the tube. Roll up the neck with a lid. Turn over and place in this position under the covers for further sterilization. Store juice in a convenient location.

Now you are convinced that preparing tomato juice is quite simple. But what a delicious treat. This is drunk with pleasure very quickly. So we have to do as much as possible. I hope you have chosen the right way for yourself to please your family and friends. See you!

How to make tomato juice from tomato paste? The manufacturer makes tomato juice from tomato paste, why can't we make it at home ourselves? Making tomato juice from tomato paste is easy, all you need is good quality tomato paste, water and salt. We advise you not to save on tomato paste. It is unlikely that you will be able to get tasty, high-quality tomato juice from cheap tomato paste.

No one doubts the benefits of vegetable juices: tomato juice contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals that strengthen human health. Fresh tomatoes, passed through a juicer, perfectly quench your thirst in the heat.

In addition, such a product can be stored for the winter. However, not all of us have time to prepare and preserve tomato juice. The easiest way is to make tomato juice from tomato paste. However, is such a product useful?

How to make tomato juice from tomato paste?

Making juice from tomato paste is quite simple, you only need water, salt, tomato paste. Only you need to choose high-quality tomato paste, make sure that there are as few preservatives as possible, for example, our inexpensive domestic tomato paste "Tomato" (Maikop, Russia) has proven itself well,

Do you like tomato juice? It can be drunk both in its original form and used to make soups, gravies, stew meat and vegetables, add to cocktails, etc. True, the price in stores for tomato juice is alarming. If you use it on the desired scale, then for the family budget it will not be noticeable for the better. Making juice from tomato paste, you can save 3-4 times on the purchase of tomato juice. What do juice manufacturers make tomato juice from? In fact, the same tomato paste is offered to the consumer, only with the addition of water, a pinch of salt and beautiful packaging. And the price for all these "services" is wound up several times.

Important: For tomato juice, only tomato paste is suitable. Not ketchup, not tomato sauce, but pasta. According to GOST 3343-89, the dry matter content in it should be at least 25% (from 25% to 40%). And no other ingredients other than water and salt are allowed to be added. In the store, you can check as follows - shake the jar, if the tomato paste is too liquid, then you do not need to take it. At a density of 23%, the consistency resembles Krasnodar sauce or ordinary cheap ketchup.

The price of tomato juice from paste is almost 3-4 times lower than the same one, but from a package. And if there is no difference, then why pay more?

tomato juice recipe

Dilute the paste with cold purified drinking water in a ratio of 1:3.

Liquid tomato juice: 1 tablespoon per glass of water

Thick tomato juice: 2-3 tablespoons per glass of water

Salt to taste with coarse-grained table salt.

Gourmets add to tomato juice in addition to salt - sugar and pepper to taste.

Useful properties of tomato paste

Tomato paste is a product made from mashed and thermally processed ripe tomatoes. During the processing of fruits, moisture evaporates, and the concentration of dry matter increases. Tomato paste is used in many dishes: in the preparation of soups and gravies, for stewing vegetables and meat, etc.

If tomato paste is a completely natural product, does not contain anything superfluous, except for tomatoes, then the usefulness of tomato paste juice is appropriate. Tomato paste contains a lot of magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium, and due to the high content of acids (malic and citric), this juice improves metabolism. The vitamins of groups C and B included in tomatoes improve the functioning of the nervous system, improve the condition of hair and nails. A low calorie content (only 23 kcal per 100 grams) and the absence of sugar make this product suitable for people who are losing weight and those with diabetes.

By the way, it is even more economical to prepare tomato juice yourself from fresh tomatoes in a juicer. But for this, at least, you need access to cheap raw materials (tomatoes).

Myths and facts about tomato juice

Tomato juice. Are they losing weight or gaining weight? Is it beneficial or harmful. How to drink it: with or without salt? It can also affect the heart. How is tomato juice different from a tomato? There are more vitamins in freshly squeezed juice than in packaged juice. The packaged juice contains a lot of salt, preservatives, and flavorings. It is made from tomato paste or powder. Which juice is better to choose?

You can make tomato juice with the addition of celery. Tomatoes contain a lot of potassium, which removes water from the body. It is better not to salt the tomato juice. Celery will replace salt. Why can't you drink a lot of tomato juice? There is a risk of heart disease. 100 grams of tomato juice contains a daily dose of vitamin K. This vitamin is responsible for blood clotting. Large consumption of juice can lead to the development of thrombosis.