Fresh lychee. How to eat lychee

06.09.2019 Lenten dishes

The Chinese call them "dragon's eye" and treat them with otolaryngological and cardiovascular diseases, and the Indians revere them as a powerful aphrodisiac.

What does lychee fruit look like and where does it grow

The preventive and curative properties of litchi are manifested by the use of fresh pulp of fruits and seeds. In some recipes, lychee peel is found, its use can be both internal and external.

Chinese lychee plant range

Lychee is native to southern and southeastern China. Fruits grow in clusters on trees. In Europe, fruits appeared in the 17th century thanks to Spanish travelers.

Chinese researcher Juan Gonzalez de Mendoza decided that the lychee was a Chinese plum, which the Spaniard wrote about in his annals. He argued that "plums" are easily perceived by the body and do not cause heaviness in the stomach.

Later exotic spread to other continents. He prefers the subtropics. It is cultivated in Japan, China, the southern states of the USA and the countries of South America.

The largest plantations are in Madagascar. Massive fruits ripen from May to June. Collect them from a tree, cutting off whole brushes. Harvested one at a time, the fruit does not store well and ferment quickly.

What do lychee fruits look like?

The fruits have an external resemblance to large strawberries: slightly elongated shape, diameter - 2 ... 5 cm, weight - 10 ... 25 g. The flesh is white, sometimes slightly creamy.

The taste of the lychee fruit is more like a slightly astringent grape. Inside there is a bone (seed in a shell). The skin has small spines. After ripening, it becomes crusty, easily removed.

Lychee is a fruit or berry

In biology, there is no concept of a fruit. According to the botanical classification, the lychee fruit is called a single-seeded berry. In cooking and everyday life, there is a different terminology.

It is believed that fruits grow on trees and shrubs, and berries grow on herbaceous plants. Based on this, lychee is an exotic fruit (in everyday and culinary terms), and at the same time a berry (in the understanding of biologists).

The composition of the edible part of the fruit

Exot is one of the ten most useful fruits in Southeast Asia. Low calorie fruits energy value of 100 g - 60 ... 75 kcal(depending on where the lychee grows and on the plant variety).

Lychee Composition

The pulp is 75–82% liquid. All nutrients (biologically active elements) are well balanced, which determines the beneficial properties of the lychee berry.

100 g of fresh product contains:

  • 0.8 g of proteins;
  • 0.4 g fat;
  • 16.5 g carbohydrates;
  • 0.3 g of dietary fiber.

Glycemic index fresh litchi - 50 , dried - 55 units. Ratio BJU - 1: 0.5: 20.6. Carbohydrates are represented by mono- and disaccharides. Of the essential acids identified lysine, tryptophan and methionine. It contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

The fruit is rich in pectins. It contains a lot of micro and macro elements: potassium (171 mg), calcium (5 mg), magnesium (10 mg), sodium (1 mg), phosphorus (31 mg), iron (0.31 mg), copper (148 mcg ). Manganese, selenium and zinc are present.

What vitamins are in lychee

The most significant vitamins of lychee fruit for human health (per 100 g of product):

  • thiamine (B1) - 0.011 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.065 mg;
  • choline (B4) - 7.1 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) - 0.1 mg;
  • folates (B9) - 14 mcg;
  • ascorbic acid (C) - 71.5 mg;
  • alpha tocopherol (E) - 0.07 mg;
  • phylloquinone (K) - 0.4 mcg;
  • nicotinic acid (PP) - 0.603 mg.

Lychee fruit - health benefits and harms

Russian pharmacy does not use the plant for medicinal purposes. And in the East, its fruits are part of many active additives.

From the fruit, a low-molecular polyphenol Oligomer was isolated - a substance that became the basis of the Japanese drug "Oligonol" for the elasticity of blood vessels and the elimination of "cold syndrome in the extremities". The additive is also used in cosmetology and dietology.

Useful properties of lychee berries

When fresh, the product helps to prevent and improve the condition in the presence of diseases such as:

  • anemia and anemia- contains iron and copper, which contribute to the production of red blood cells;
  • oncological formations– antioxidants bind and neutralize free radicals, improve metabolic processes;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels- there is a lot of potassium in the pulp, which has a positive effect on the heart muscle;
  • atherosclerosis- nicotinic acid promotes vasodilation, improves blood flow, it removes even dense deposits of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels;
  • dyspepsia, constipation, liver disease– fruits improve digestion of food;
  • bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, colds- the pulp has expectorant properties;
  • kidney and urinary tract diseases- the product has a diuretic effect.

Here is the video recipe:

Lychee (otherwise "fox", "liji", "Chinese plum", "laise", "dragon eye") is a tasty and healthy fruit that can be found not only in the countries of Southeast Asia, but also in domestic supermarkets.

Recently exported to us to a greater extent from Vietnam and Thailand. Nevertheless, many still do not know what it tastes like and how to use it. The benefits and harms of the "Chinese plum" are of interest to many consumers. Let's try to figure this out.

What does a lychee look like?

This fruit is small (from 2.5 to 3.5 cm in diameter) and weighs about 15, maximum 20 g. It has an oval or ovoid shape. The reddish or pinkish lychee peel is dense, but brittle, consists of numerous tubercles. The jelly-like juicy pulp of the fruit has a white or creamy hue. It has an excellent, refreshing, sweet and sour taste and pleasant aroma. Inside the fruit is an inedible seed, oblong, dark brown in color. This is what a lychee fruit looks like, the photo clearly demonstrates this.

This interesting fruit grows in clusters on evergreen trees of the Sapindaceae family, reaching a height of 30 m. They have a dense, spreading crown. Their leaves are dense and leathery, usually a rich dark green hue. Lychee trees bloom with numerous yellowish flowers, collected in hanging inflorescences, similar to "umbrellas".

Where did this come from

China is considered to be the homeland of the lychee, where this fruit has been grown for over 1000 years. Since ancient times, the Chinese called this fruit because of the bright combination of red peel, white pulp and brown seed. In Europe, this tasty fruit was known only in the 17th century. Where does lychee grow now? Today, trees of the Sapindaceae family are actively bearing fruit in vast areas of Southeast Asia, Australia, in the countries of South America and Africa (South Africa), as well as in the southern United States. This fruit is exported to Russia mainly from the northern regions of Vietnam and Thailand. Harvested in the subtropics in May-June, cutting the bunches together with the stem part of the branch. Individually harvested fruits spoil extremely quickly and begin to ferment.

Lychee - a storehouse of vitamins and minerals

This tropical fruit has a variety as it contains a lot of vitamins. The dragon's eye is rich in valuable micro and macro elements. Lychee contains B vitamins, including thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. Also, the "dragon eye" contains vitamins K, E, H and folic acid. Especially a lot of vitamin C in its composition. In addition, lychee is rich in healthy dietary fiber and plenty of clean water. In addition, the Chinese plum is also rich in minerals, including copper, fluorine, zinc, manganese, and iodine. It contains phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron, sulfur and potassium. The sugar content in lychee varies between 5-15% depending on where the fruit grows.

Lychee fruit. Benefit and harm

Such a high content of valuable vitamins, micro and macro elements, as well as fiber and pure water makes the "Chinese plum" an extremely useful product. It saturates a person with the necessary substances, gives strength and vigor. Lychee has a wonderful tonic effect on the body as a whole, mobilizes the immune system. It has been known in China since ancient times that "dragon's eye" is the strongest natural aphrodisiac. It is able to rejuvenate the body, activate attraction and maintain "love" functions at the proper level. Lychee fruit has been successfully used for the prevention and treatment of many serious diseases. Its benefits and harms are, in fact, disproportionate. Counts,

It cannot cause serious harm to human health. But its benefits are enormous. However, it is advisable to be careful when consuming the fruit. Do not immediately eat too much lychee. Otherwise, an allergic reaction may occur. It manifests itself as acne on the skin and damage to the mucous membrane in the oral cavity. To begin with, you should try one or two fruits and track the reaction of the body. If everything is in order, you can fearlessly eat up to 250 g of "Chinese plum" per day (for adults). Children over 2 years old should consume about 100 g of fruit. It is undesirable to include litchi in the diet of one-year-old babies. "Chinese plum" is contraindicated for those who have been found to have its individual intolerance.

How is lychee fruit used in folk medicine? how is it useful?

This tropical fruit is widely used in folk oriental medicine. It can and should be used to prevent beriberi and anemia. Lychee is often used to prevent cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis, because it contains a significant amount of potassium.

The fetus also contains nicotinic acid, which has a positive effect on lipid metabolism in the body. Helps cleanse blood from cholesterol and dilates blood vessels lychee fruit. What else is useful? It is used to normalize blood sugar levels, so it is indicated for people with diabetes or hypoglycemia. In addition, useful decoctions and infusions are made on the basis of the "Chinese plum", which normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, have a mild laxative effect, and have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys. Lychee preparations are prescribed for people with lung diseases, including those suffering from bronchitis, asthma, or those with tuberculosis. These drugs make breathing easier and normalize the function of the respiratory system. Regular consumption of lychee is useful for those who have peptic ulcer, gastritis and pancreatic diseases. In oriental medicine, "Chinese plum" in combination with lemongrass is even used to treat cancer, including breast cancer. Is lychee peel good for you? It is no less valuable than the pulp of the fruit. Lychee peel is used to prepare decoctions and infusions that have a pronounced diuretic effect. They contribute to the removal of excess fluid from the tissues of the body, as well as increase the overall tone and improve well-being.

"Chinese plum" in diet food

Nutritionists recommend eating lychee in order to saturate the body with water, as well as reduce hunger. The "Chinese plum" contains pectin. It allows you to quickly saturate the body, giving nutrition to the beneficial intestinal microflora. Therefore, it is recommended to consume several lychee fruits before each meal, which will reduce the standard serving of food and not overeat. The calorie content of lychee is only 76 kcal / 100 g, so people who carefully monitor their weight can safely eat it.

How to choose a good, fresh fruit in the store?

If you want to purchase high-quality, tasty fruits, you must be guided by the following simple rules. First, when choosing a lychee, you need to pay attention to the color of its peel. It should be pink or red. The brown color indicates that the fruit was plucked from the tree a long time ago and has already deteriorated. The taste of dark-colored lychee will be unpleasant, and the smell will be sharper and stronger. The light yellow color of the fruit, on the contrary, indicates its immaturity. This fruit is also not worth buying. Secondly, when choosing a "Chinese plum" you need to pay attention to the presence of damage. A good fruit will not have any suspicious spots, dents, cracks. Thirdly, the lychee should be resilient, as if it would "burst" soon. Too soft or, conversely, hard fruit should not be taken. Fourthly, in the place where the petiole was located, there should be no white spots and mold. And finally, the smell of lychee should be pleasant, fresh, slightly reminiscent of the scent of a rose. Too heavy and sweet indicates overripe and stale fruit.

"Dragon's eye" in cooking

How to eat lychee? The fruit just needs to be washed under running water, peeled, and then the inedible bone removed. The juicy pulp of the fruit can be eaten fresh. Reminiscent of a mixture of strawberries, white grapes, currants and dried apricots lychee fruit. Its taste is pleasant, sweet and sour, fresh. In addition to fresh consumption, lychee canned, dried, frozen and heat-treated. Drinks, desserts are made from it, including delicious ice cream, a variety of sauces, mousses, and jellies. On the basis of lychee, an excellent golden wine is also made, with a pleasant fruity aromatic and soft sweet and sour aftertaste.

"Dragon's eye" is also used in the preparation of dishes from game, meat and sea fish. In Chinese restaurants, you can enjoy deep-fried shrimp with sweet and sour sauce with lychee (Lizhi Xia Qiu). If you manage to get a fresh "Chinese plum", be sure to try the homemade sweet and sour chicken with almonds and lychee sauce. In addition, the fruit is used in the preparation of a variety of pastries, it is added to the filling of pies and pies, cookies and cakes are made from it.

How to store lychee?

The issue of storing the "dragon's eye" deserves special attention. In general, it is advisable to eat this fruit as soon as possible - on the first day after purchase. At room temperature, litchi can be safely kept for 2-3 days. In the refrigerator, at 7°C, lychee can be kept for one or two weeks, provided that the shell is intact and not damaged. In general, this fruit deteriorates quite quickly, its peel darkens and the amount of vitamins in its composition decreases. If you want to keep lychees for a long time, we advise you to peel the fruits and freeze them. You can also dry the fruit or preserve it. In China, pickled lychees are stored inside bamboo stalks. In India and Vietnam, whole fruits are dried, after which the peel becomes hard, while such fruits are called "nuts". In this article, we looked at an interesting Chinese fruit - lychee, the benefits and harms of which are of concern to many consumers. As you can see, the "Chinese plum" has practically no contraindications and therefore can be fearlessly eaten. Moreover, it is rich in vitamins, minerals and has a lot of undeniable advantages! Be sure to try this delicious exotic product.

Lychee fruit: composition and useful properties. Lychee fruit in medicine and cooking. How to eat lychee

Lychee is an unusual and even outlandish name for us, and those who hear it for the first time will not immediately think of a tropical fruit. And this fruit, like many previously unknown fruits, is not only tasty, but also healthy.
What is lychee

What is a lychee? This is the name of a tree from the Sapind family: the family is very large - it has about 150 genera, and there are much more species - as many as 2000. The vast majority of these species grow only in the tropics: in America, Asia, Africa, but in Australia there are not so many of them .
Here we will talk a little about the types of lychee that grow in Asia. This fruit has other names: “lisi” and “liji”, and by these names one might think that China is its homeland.
Perhaps this is true: in ancient China, lychee was actually used - references to this are found in documents dating back to the 2nd century BC. Then the fruit came to neighboring countries, and it was also appreciated there - they began to grow it throughout Southeast Asia, and then on other continents.
Lychee came to Europe much later - only in the 17th century. For the first time, Europeans were able to read its detailed description in the book of Gonzalez de Mendoza, a Spanish writer who was interested in the history of China. He wrote that lychees are similar to plums, and you can eat them as much as you like - there will be no heaviness in the stomach. Therefore, one of the names of lychee is Chinese plum, and these fruits are grown today in many countries - even in the southern states of the United States.
Lychee fruits are small, ovoid or oval, up to 3.5 cm in diameter, and weigh - at most - about 20 grams. The peel of the fruit is dense, pimply and bumpy, of a rich red color, and is separated from the pulp quite easily. The pulp in lychee fruits is very interesting - jelly-like, with a white or cream tint, and inside it there is a large brown seed. The taste of this pulp is very pleasant and refreshing - sweet and sour, and the aroma is not inferior to it - you want to inhale it again and again.

Composition and beneficial properties of lychee fruit

The Chinese often call lychee "dragon's eye": white flesh, dark seed. Lychee has a very rich vitamin composition and many useful properties. It has a lot of healthy pure water, quite a lot of complex carbohydrates, there are proteins, a little fat and dietary fiber. The amount of sugar in lychee fruits depends on the area in which the fruits grew, as well as on their variety: it can be about 6-14%.
Vitamins - C, E, H, K, group B; minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, iron, iodine, manganese, copper, zinc, fluorine. There are few calories in lychee, but more than other similar fruits - about 76 kcal per 100 grams. There is much more vitamin C in lychee than other vitamins, and potassium is in the first place among the minerals - therefore, the lychee fruit is very useful for the cores.
The Chinese have always believed that its use helps the heart, and today in China it is used to prevent cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis, and also to reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol in the body.
Lychee has a tonic effect on the body, and in the countries of the East it is also considered a strong aphrodisiac - Hindus even say that lychee is the fruit of love. It quenches thirst, relieves constipation, normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines, helps to lose weight. The use of litchi is recommended for anemia, diseases of the liver and pancreas, gastritis, peptic ulcer and diabetes.
In combination with lemongrass and other medicinal herbs, lychee is used in China to treat cancer. Lychee peel is also used: a decoction of it helps prevent the accumulation of fluid in the tissues and improves the tone of the body.

Lychee fruit in medicine

Oriental medicine especially often uses litchi to treat diseases of the kidneys, liver and lungs - these organs are considered the main ones by oriental specialists.
Lychee improves the functioning of the kidneys and liver, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lungs: this fruit is recommended for bronchitis, asthma and tuberculosis. With diabetes, it is enough to eat 10 fruits a day to normalize blood sugar levels.

Many countries in Southeast Asia make good money growing and selling lychees. For example, in Thailand, the share of exports of this fruit is quite large among all the others: the areas on which lychee grows are constantly increasing - it is profitable to grow lychee, because it is stored for a long time, and it can be freely transported to other countries.
You can feel the real taste of lychee only by tasting a fresh fruit, but in dried, frozen and even canned form, these fruits retain many of their beneficial properties. Lychee ice cream can be stored for more than a month, and at the same time they will not lose their taste and healing qualities.
Lychee is also grown in Vietnam - in the northern regions, and is also exported to many countries of the world, including Russia.
When you buy lychee in the store, pay attention to the color of the skin of the fruit: a dark skin means that this fruit was removed from the branch a long time ago, and it is not tasty, and there is little use in it. The skin of a fresh fruit is red, soft, but not too soft, and does not show any signs of damage.

How to eat lychee. Lychee fruit in cooking

Eating lychee is very easy: the fruit must be washed, peeled, and the pulp put on a plate. The fruits of lychee can remind us of cherries in some way - the seeds are pulled out of them like bones. You can add peeled lychee fruits to champagne - it will turn into an amazing drink.
Lychee is added to desserts and sauces, ice cream and drinks, they are used to make fillings for pies, and the enterprising Chinese have learned to make wine from it. Lychee goes well with fish, chicken and even pork; you can serve lychee with pates and fried dishes, and it is always good in salads.

Pancakes stuffed with fruit

You can cook different dishes, but we suggest you try pancakes stuffed with fruit as a dessert. At first glance, the recipe seems somewhat exotic, but today it is not difficult to buy any fruit, so it's worth a try - children will especially like it.
You need to take a little flour - only 150 g, one whole egg and one yolk, 300 ml of coconut milk, banana, papaya and mango - 1 pc each, passion fruit - 2 pcs, and lychee - 4 pcs. In addition, you will need lime juice, 2 tbsp. liquid honey, 3-4 leaves of fresh mint, 1 tbsp. powdered sugar, a pinch of salt and vegetable oil for frying.
Sift the flour, add eggs, and then, gradually adding coconut milk and oil, knead the dough. Cover it and leave for half an hour. Prepare fruit filling: mix peeled and chopped banana and papaya in a deep bowl, pour over lime juice, mix, add chopped mango and passion fruit, lychee and honey. From the prepared dough, bake 8-10 thin pancakes, put the filling in the center of each, roll the pancakes into a cone, place on a plate, sprinkle with powdered sugar and decorate with mint.
You can also make homemade ice cream with lychee: it will resemble what is prepared in an industrial way, but will be much healthier and safer. 1 kg of lychee is peeled, cut, pitted, mixed with the juice of 5 lemons and ½ liter of pineapple juice. Gelatin is prepared in advance: the plate is soaked for 10 minutes in cold water, squeezed, and then dissolved together with sugar (250 g) in part of the lemon juice, and also added to the lychee. Mix everything well and put in the freezer in a plastic container. After a few hours, the dessert is ready.
Are there any contraindications to eating lychee fruit? Surprisingly, there are practically none: litchi can be harmful only with individual intolerance, but they should not be abused either - in this case, allergic reactions may occur. For children, these tasty fruits can be eaten little by little - no more than 100 grams per day, otherwise they may develop acne on the skin. In adults, with excessive use of lychee, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity suffers.
Author: Gataulina Galina

Lychee is one of the brightest fruits of Southeast Asia! No, not only in their appearance. Lychee has a super-bright taste. This fruit in the form of a berry sinks into the soul and heart of everyone who tries it. Lychee fruits are small, 2-3 cm long, grow in clusters, have a white-transparent pulp, mega-juicy and sweet, inside they contain one brown bone, which is very easily separated from the pulp.

The most frequently asked questions about lychee

What does lychee taste like?

The taste of lychee is a mixture of all sorts of different berries. Like a berry smoothie! When I first tried lychee, it seemed to me that I was drinking some kind of fruit and berry tea. Divinely delicious!

What is the consistency of lychee?

Juicy rubber. But “rubber” is a loud word, rather just non-cream.

What flavor?

Lychee does not have a very bright aroma, but it is barely perceptible - a little berry.

How to choose lychee?

It is necessary to take only dense elastic fruits, which generally do not push through at all. Such that you press them and it seems as if they are under pressure, super-elastic. If the lychee berries are pressed through, then they are not very fresh, and therefore may not be very tasty. And also, the brighter the peel, the sweeter the pulp will be.

How to clean and eat?

No special tools are needed, because lychee is very easy to clean by hand. You need to peel off the skin a little and remove it. That's all.

Is it possible to taste and fall in love with lychee the first time?

Yes! And it simply cannot be otherwise. After all, everyone loves berries, every person on our planet. Therefore, lychees will fall in love with everyone who tries them.

Where do lychees grow the most??

In, Cambodia, Vietnam and China.

Which country has the best lychee??

I've only tried Thai and Chinese lychees. More excited about Thai!

lychee season?

In Thailand it is May. Lychee has a very, very short season, literally a month. At best, 2 months.

lychee calories?

It seems to me that in terms of satiety and nutritional value, lychee is about the same. They are juicy and light, but at the same time quite satisfying, in this regard they are not as light as watermelons, pineapples and mangosteens. But not heavy on the stomach, like bananas, persimmons, jackfruits, etc. 100 g of lychee contains 66 kcal.

What effect does it have on the body?

It is well absorbed, gives a lot of energy, no negative effects were noticed.

Varieties and types of litchi

There are at least several varieties of lychee, but not to say that they are radically different from each other. There are differences, but not that big. I only know the name of one variety - Imperial. These are very large sweet lychees!

Here, for example, two different varieties of lychee (differ in size and pattern on the peel):

Usually lychee is sold like this:

An outlandish fruit called "lychee", more like a toy, is little known in Russia. Most people are completely unaware of its existence. The history of the origin of this fruit goes back to ancient times. It is known that the first mention of the plant appeared before our era.

During its existence, as soon as it was called: "dragon's eye", "paradise grapes", "fruit of love", "Chinese cherry". In Russia, the berry is not in such demand, but in vain. Lychee fruit - what is it and what is it eaten with? Today's article will be devoted to this fruit and very useful plant.

Where are you from?

Let's say right away that this is a very tall tropical tree, reaching 30 meters in height. Its fruits are egg-shaped with a pimply skin of a bright red hue with a diameter of not more than 3.5 cm. The pulp of the berry is very soft, creamy or white in jelly-like consistency, a large brown seed is hidden under it. The taste is pleasant, reminiscent of cherries - sweet and sour and refreshing.

The lychee berry is cultivated mainly on subtropical continents: in South America, China, Southeast Asia, Japan and Africa. Exported all over the world. It is sold quite profitably, as it is valued not only for its high taste, but also for its useful properties. Thanks to long-term storage, there are no problems with transportation.

How to grow?

With a strong desire, you can grow this beautiful plant at home. Just remember that the tree is very demanding on humidity, air temperature and lighting. In order for the plant to begin to bear fruit, all the rules should be strictly followed. For cultivation, you can use the lychee seed, which should not be stored for more than two days.

At first, young seedlings grow very quickly, but after the seedlings reach 20 cm, there is a slowdown in growth - for about a few years. Water the plant as the soil dries up, and foliar top dressing is also required regularly. During the period of intensive flowering, it is necessary to carefully monitor the air temperature - it should not fall below +15 ° C. It is advisable to install the pot on the western side.

What and calorie

It should be noted that the berry is a dietary product - only 70 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, it can be safely consumed by anyone who adheres to the principles of proper and low-calorie nutrition. Distinctive features of the overseas fruit are a rich biochemical composition and beneficial properties that have a therapeutic effect on the body.

The berries contain a whole complex of vitamins B, E, C, H, K. In particular, they contain trace elements: potassium, sodium, fluorine, iodine, manganese, selenium, sulfur and others. All these substances are necessary for the proper functioning of our body and life. The lychee fruit contains a lot of complex carbohydrates, water, dietary fiber, protein and a minimal amount of fat. It also contains sugar from 6 to 14% - it all depends on the region of growth and variety.

The main advantage of the berry is the content of nicotinic acid in the composition. Due to its healing properties, it is widely used in cooking and traditional medicine. Do you know how lychees are eaten? It can be used both fresh and boiled. The pulp is often used as a filling for the preparation of confectionery, but more on that later.

Medicinal use

The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire treat the lychee with deep respect and love. "Chinese plum", in their opinion, is able to work real miracles and get rid of serious ailments - proven by practice. With daily eating, you can lower cholesterol levels, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system and restore memory.

It is recommended as an aphrodisiac, as the fruit perfectly stimulates libido and increases potency. In addition, the fruits have a mild laxative effect, so they are shown to be eaten by people suffering from chronic constipation. And thanks to the water content, the berries perfectly quench thirst and relieve intestinal disorders.

Nutritionists advise to use "Chinese plum" during the diet, as it will fill the body with useful vitamins and will not add weight. Traditional healers with the help of decoctions (from the peel of the fruit) treated gastritis, anemia, diabetes, gastric ulcer, pancreas and pathological processes in the kidneys. Also, decoctions and infusions were used as a diuretic and tonic.

In China, for example, fruit pulp was mixed with lemongrass, medicinal herbs and the resulting mixture was used for therapeutic purposes in malignant tumors. In eastern countries, it was used for diseases of the liver, kidneys, lungs, tuberculosis, asthma and bronchitis. Healing properties are preserved even in a dried and canned state. Therefore, the question of how lychee is eaten should not arise. Many doctors recommend including it in the menu of young children.

Fruit harm

Excessive eating can cause allergies. The optimal daily dosage should not exceed one hundred grams. Fruits are not recommended to be eaten at the same time as other fruits, as this will provoke gas formation and bloating. According to Chinese healers, litchi enhances the "inner fire", that is, when overeating, a person may experience nausea, discomfort in the throat, fever and migraine. To restore vital energy, it is recommended to exclude berries from the diet for a couple of days and eat dishes only in a cold state. Now let's talk about how to eat lychee.

Application in cooking

Exotic fruits are harmoniously combined with any kind of meat and fish delicacies, they are also served with fresh salads and pates. The pulp is used as a filling for pancakes, pies and pies - this is how lychees are eaten in China. In addition to this, they are added to sweet desserts, ice cream and even (wine and champagne). We will describe some delicious and healthy recipes.

Gourmet cupcake with lychee

The composition of the dish includes lychee berries in the amount of three hundred grams. To prepare the creamy mass you will need: butter (one hundred grams), two eggs, one lemon and sugar to taste. Vanillin is also required.

Prepare the cream: squeeze the juice from the lemon, and grate the peel. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with sugar and butter until fluffy. Mix with lemon zest and juice. Cook the mixture in a water bath, stirring constantly until the consistency becomes thick and homogeneous. Put the peeled and chopped lychee into small molds. Fill them with cream. We send it to the oven for a maximum of 15 minutes at 180 ° C.

Sherbet with lime and lychee

Components: a kilogram of tropical berries, half a liter of pineapple juice, four limes, a gelatin plate and a glass of sugar.

Soak the gelatin in cold water for about ten minutes. During this time, we clean the fruit, take out the seed from them and cut into small cubes. We heat lime juice, add sugar with gelatin and pineapple juice. Pour into molds and place in the freezer for an hour. Refreshing, light and very tasty dessert is ready.

We told you how to eat lychee. The fruit adds a pleasant sourness and some piquancy to any dish.

How to choose the right fruit?

The ripening season of berries begins in July-August, at which time you can safely buy them. Although not only in the summer they are put up for sale - they are on store shelves all year round. In order not to inadvertently buy a damaged product, you need to learn how to choose it. Carefully inspect the skin of the fruit, its color and structure. A fresh product must be free of flaws, dents and damage, bright red in color.

The dark peel indicates the staleness of the product. The place near the petiole of a fresh berry does not have white spots and mold. Shake the fruit before buying: a rotten fruit does not make sounds. Pay attention to the aroma: an overripe lychee has a tart, sweet smell, while a fresh one has a rose scent. In the off-season, we recommend purchasing canned berries.

How to save?

Fruits are recommended to be kept in the refrigerator, so they will last for a week. And it is best to freeze them, after cleaning them. To increase the shelf life, you can dry the berries, and then cook compotes and add to flour products.

Now, dear readers, you know what lychee is eaten with, what these berries are and where they grow. The usefulness of overseas fruits is a common truth and an old axiom that does not require confirmation. They are able to normalize metabolic processes, improve overall health and cope with various pathologies.