Cooking delicious chicken barbecue in nature. A universal recipe for wine marinade for chicken skewers

07.08.2019 Lenten dishes

To make a delicious chicken kebab, choose chilled rather than frozen meat - it should have a pleasant smell and a pale pink color interspersed with pale yellow fat. If you still had to use frozen meat, it should be defrosted gradually on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, but in no case in the microwave or in warm water, as this may lose tenderness. As for the age of the bird, it is best if they are young chickens - in this case, with a minimum of manipulation, you will get a tender and juicy kebab. Chickens suitable for barbecue have an average weight of 800 g to 1.2 kg, they have a rounded elastic breast and a skin of a delicate cream shade. You should refuse to buy old birds, since such meat requires a long heat treatment.

For barbecue, you can use any part of the chicken - breast, wings, thighs, drumstick, and sometimes even the back. It should be noted that the fillet skewers can turn out to be dry, but this problem can be solved by using the right marinade and sufficient time to marinate the meat. Perhaps the most delicious and juiciest barbecue is obtained from chicken thighs, and yet a real master can create a culinary masterpiece from any parts of a chicken carcass. If you plan to cook barbecue on the grill, the most suitable option in this case is to chop the chicken carcass into portions. A note of advice - even if you do not plan to eat chicken skin, it is best to cook barbecue with it, as the skin gives some of the fat to the meat and protects the chicken meat from drying out. In this case, you should carefully monitor the barbecue, as this very skin can treacherously burn.

Tender chicken meat perfectly absorbs the aromas of marinade, herbs and spices, so the versatility of this type of meat allows you to combine with it almost any marinade and a wide variety of seasonings. In this matter, the decisive word remains only for your taste preferences. Someone likes a simple mayonnaise-based marinade, someone likes “peppered” meat, and someone likes exotic versions of marinades with soy sauce and tropical fruits. Whatever you choose, do not hesitate - chicken meat will endure everything. In this regard, it can be considered an ideal basis for culinary experiments and the realization of gastronomic fantasies. Most importantly, make sure your chicken marinates for a sufficient amount of time so that all the flavors and ingredients have time to absorb into the meat. Marinating a chicken usually takes, on average, 2 to 4 hours, but the longer the time the meat is in the marinade, the softer it will turn out. If you like to marinate meat in vinegar, keep in mind that only natural-based vinegars, such as wine or apple vinegar, are suitable for chicken - table vinegar will make a tough “sole” out of a tender chicken. Still, it is best to replace the vinegar with lemon juice. A separate piece of advice about chicken breast - to prepare it, choose fatter marinades, since this part of the meat is dry in itself.

With good coals, chicken skewers are fried for about 15-20 minutes. Since chicken meat cooks very quickly, turn the kebab every 3-5 minutes. And finally, remember that starchy foods, such as potatoes, served with barbecue interfere with the normal digestion of meat, so it is best to eat barbecue with fresh herbs, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers, cabbage, onions and green beans. Now let's take a look at the recipes.

Chicken skewers marinated in mayonnaise and mustard

200 g mayonnaise,
4 tablespoons of mustard,
1 tablespoon ground turmeric
salt and ground black pepper to taste,
1.5 kg of chicken meat.

In a bowl, mix all the ingredients of the marinade to obtain a homogeneous consistency. Evenly grease the resulting marinade chicken meat and marinate in the refrigerator for 3 to 8 hours.

Chicken skewers in kefir-garlic marinade with onions

400 ml of kefir,
5-6 garlic cloves,
2 bulbs
2 teaspoons hops-suneli,
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
2 kg chicken.

Pour kefir into a large bowl. Add garlic passed through a press, onion cut into half rings, salt and spices. Mix. Put the prepared chicken meat in a bowl and mix well with your hands to evenly coat the chicken with the marinade. Put the covered bowl in the refrigerator to marinate for 4-5 hours, then fry the kebab.

Chicken skewers in lemon mustard marinade

1/2 cup lemon juice,
3 tablespoons of mustard,
3 garlic cloves,
80 g sugar or 2 tablespoons honey
6 tablespoons vegetable or olive oil
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
ground black pepper to taste
1 kg of chicken meat.

Pass the garlic through a press and mix with lemon juice, mustard, sugar, salt and black pepper. Pour in the oil and beat until smooth. Put chicken meat in a bowl, mix thoroughly with your hands, cover and refrigerate for 3-4 hours or overnight, after which you can start cooking barbecue.

Chicken skewers in grapefruit marinade

1/3 cup freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
leftover pulp from a squeezed grapefruit,
2 tablespoons soy sauce,
2 cloves of garlic
500 g chicken meat.

In a bowl, mix grapefruit juice, grapefruit pulp, soy sauce and minced garlic. Marinate the chicken in the resulting mixture for several hours, then cook the barbecue.

Oriental chicken skewers

150 ml soy sauce
1-2 teaspoons of honey
3 garlic cloves,
1 teaspoon grated ginger,
1 teaspoon vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon pepper mixture
1 kg of chicken meat.

Rinse the chicken meat under cold water and blot dry with a paper towel, then cut into pieces. Mince or press the garlic and mix with the rest of the marinade ingredients in a large bowl. Place the chicken in a bowl and toss to make sure all the meat pieces are evenly coated with the marinade. Cover bowl and refrigerate for several hours or overnight. Fry the skewers until golden brown. If desired, the finished kebab can be sprinkled with sesame seeds.

Chicken skewers marinated in yogurt

6-7 tablespoons plain yogurt
4 tablespoons vegetable or olive oil
3 tablespoons lemon juice,
2 teaspoons chicken seasoning
1 teaspoon ground chili pepper
salt and ground black pepper to taste
500 g chicken meat.

Mix all the ingredients for the marinade in a bowl. Place shredded chicken into a bowl and mix well. Cover the bowl and marinate in the refrigerator for 4 hours or overnight. Thread chicken onto skewers alternately with onions and fry.

Chicken skewers in tomato marinade

3 tablespoons tomato paste or 5 tablespoons ketchup
2 bulbs
3 garlic cloves,
2 teaspoons dried thyme,
2 teaspoons dried oregano
1 teaspoon ground coriander,
1 teaspoon ground nutmeg
100 ml lemon juice,
80 ml vegetable oil,
1/2 teaspoon salt
700-800 g of chicken meat.

Combine all marinade ingredients in a food processor or blender until smooth. Immerse the chicken meat in the resulting marinade and mix with your hands. Cover the container with the chicken and marinate in the refrigerator for 4 to 8 hours.

With proper preparation, chicken kebab can give odds even to pork kebab, which is considered the leader in its taste. Follow our advice, show a little imagination and always cook with pleasure - and then, we are sure, an excellent result will not be long in coming. Bon appetit!

It is somehow difficult to immediately answer the question - what time of the year is barbecue best? In my opinion, it is always appropriate! In winter, the campfire is warm, cozy, and the aroma of delicious barbecue, ripening on the coals, also warms. In the summer it is also great - under a canopy, somewhere in the backyard or in nature on the coals after shish kebabs in the grill, you always get wonderful seagulls from fresh leaves and herbs. Autumn is a super time when it is already getting colder, and you are by the fire with a skewer in your hands. Well, spring, when everything blooms and wakes up, barbecue - that's it!

By the way, as practice shows, many people try to cook kebabs from chicken meat. Why? You probably know why too. The most dietary meat, especially if you take breast. Absolutely not capricious in terms of pickling and further cooking. Cooks instantly over a campfire. Oh, and the flavor is incredible.

Having allocated quite a bit of time for the marinade and processing of chicken meat, and then cooking it on the coals, you will soon be sharing your experience with your friends, telling you how to properly cook chicken kebab. What are the best chicken parts? It's a matter of taste. But, as my personal experience has shown, wings are best (firstly, they are instantly ready, and secondly, they crunch deliciously, legs are always good behind them!) And a thigh divided in half (you don’t have to divide if there are a lot of coals) .

So, let's prepare everything we need, send our husband to handle the fire and - forward, to the table! By the way, you can calculate the number of pieces of meat taking into account the number of guests, that is, doubling, tripling the portion indicated in the recipe. Grilling kebabs in nature is a great option to celebrate.

What does it take to make delicious chicken skewers?

  • Chicken wings - 4 pcs.
  • The upper part of the chicken thigh - 3 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 pc. (optional)
  • Mayonnaise (sour cream) - 300 gr.
  • Spices - to taste, better - special for barbecue.

How to make chicken skewers - an unexpected step-by-step recipe for your favorite chicken skewers with real photos

I forgot to say that the chicken marinates very quickly, so send your husband to immediately chop wood and kindle a fire. And we'll cut the meat. Remove feathers and skins, if any. Rinse well in water.

Step 1. Wash raw chicken in water

Our next step is to prepare the marinade. Although the word "marinade" is partly appropriate here, because all we need is mayonnaise and spices. That is, after drying the chicken pieces with a towel, rub each portion thoroughly with spices. What? Yes, everyone uses their own. But they sell special kits on the market (not those that are packaged, but the seller himself adds everything that you ask or rely on his rich experience). The perfect meat! Let's leave the meat to lie down quite a bit in this form, that is, until we get the sour cream. Pour mayonnaise into a bowl (a matter of taste, although if there is, sour cream is better, it is healthier!) And sprinkle spices.

Step 2. Add mayonnaise to spices

Let's mix well. The sauce is ready. Taste it - is it not bitter, is there enough peppercorns and everything that you would like to taste with barbecue. The paprika added to the rest of the spices will also respond perfectly, it will give a nice color to the meat.

Step 3. Mix spices and mayonnaise. The sauce is ready!

Do you cut vegetables for chicken skewers? Controversial question! Some people like it, and some people don't. But I always prefer vegetables, so here I chopped bell pepper and onion. By the way, in the summer, when there are zucchini and young eggplants in the garden, and tomatoes, and peppers, I always chop all this and put it on a skewer - they go well with meat and a separate dish.

Step 4. Cut the onion and bell pepper

Husband screams that the coals are coming? We are not upset, because we just have to pour the sauce to the chicken and rub it well. Everything, you can even now in the grill. But! It’s better to let the pieces marinate, it will be even tastier, and the coals will reach.

Step 5. Mix Chicken and Sauce in a Cup

Stringing meat on a skewer - what could be easier someone will say. But no, it's not always easy, especially when it comes to wings. If we do it wrong, the skin will burst, the kebab will land directly on the coals, or it will simply burn and cook unevenly. Therefore, we pierce the wing in the place where the most meat is. It is important that the meat is well kept on the skewer, not dangling from side to side. The situation is the same with the legs - it is important to pierce where the meat is well fixed and baked evenly.

Step 6: Thread the Chicken onto Skewers

You can install skewers in the barbecue. Don't forget to bring the bowl in which the marinade sauce was prepared, adding some water to it. What for? The enemy of barbecue is open fire. And therefore, as soon as we notice that the flame breaks through to the meat, we immediately sprinkle with this impromptu, albeit diluted, sauce. In a word, we put the skewers in the grill and carefully monitor how they will behave.

Step 7. Put the barbecue on the grill and fry

A sign that the meat is ready is that when you press it, there are no dents left, and there is no juice at the puncture site. But this, again, is an amateur. I like the meat not to be baked a little - it will come to the table!

Step 8. The barbecue is ready! Bon appetit!

  • Do not salt, because the spices will do their job!
  • Do not forget to wave the fan, fanning the coals, if you see that the chicken is not blushing.
  • The so-called sauce, made from the remains of the sauce mixed with water, will protect the kebab from fire and, when sprinkled, makes it even juicier.
  • When stringing meat on a skewer, do not forget to intersperse pieces of meat with vegetables.
  • Any fresh vegetables will go to the barbecue.

When warm days come, it's time for fun picnics and juicy barbecues. For those who are planning outdoor recreation, we have prepared interesting chicken skewers recipes. We offer simple options with mayonnaise or vinegar, as well as unusual recipes in Thai, Georgian or Turkish style. And in the article there are a lot of useful tips, thanks to which the dish will turn out delicious even for a beginner.

Which part of the chicken to choose to cook a delicious kebab?

How to marinate and cook chicken skewers?

Marinade with kefir and herbs for chicken barbecue

All parts of the bird are combined with this dairy product, so you can cook tender fillets and juicy drumsticks, hearts or wings.


  • kefir (regular or high fat) - 0.5-0.7l;
  • onion - 350 g;
  • fillet, thighs or other part of the chicken - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 4-5 cloves;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • fresh greens;
  • Italian herbs.

Advice. If you are preparing the fatty part of the chicken, you should add a little lemon and increase the amount of onion. You can replace kefir with yogurt, ayran, or a similar fermented milk drink.

Juicy chicken skewers marinated in mayonnaise

This is a simple and tasty sauce that is great for dark meats. However, you can use it for fillets, hearts or liver. The flavor of the dish is easy to change by adding spices or vegetables.


  • 150-200 ml of mayonnaise of normal fat content;
  • several bulbs;
  • salt and spices.

This mixture is enough to cook 1 kg of meat. If desired, you can add a little wine or juice.

Cooking steps:

Recipe for making homemade mayonnaise for chicken skewers. If you have free time, you can make the sauce with your own hands, for this you need to take:

Cooking instruction:

  1. Combine the egg, salt, sugar and mustard, stir until smooth.
  2. We add the oil very slowly and beat thoroughly with a mixer or blender. Continue until all the oil has been added. The result is a homogeneous mayonnaise mass.
  3. If the mixture turned out to be thick, you can pour in a little boiled or mineral water, add lemon juice.
  4. When the mayonnaise is ready, it is cooled for 15-20 minutes and then used.

Universal recipe for wine marinade for chicken skewers

Meat cooked in white wine and tomatoes is delicious. This sauce is suitable for all parts of the bird, so even a whole carcass can be fried. But the fillet pieces should be removed from the marinade earlier than the fatter parts.

For 2 kg of chicken you need:

Cooking steps:

  1. We divide the carcass into equal pieces.
  2. We clean and chop the garlic, stuff them with meat. Rub each piece with pepper and spices.
  3. We cut the onion into rings (if you plan to fry it), into cubes or puree it with a blender.
  4. Cut the tomatoes into circles.
  5. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, add white wine to it.
  6. Pour in the sauce and mix everything thoroughly. Add onions and tomatoes, spread evenly.
  7. We keep 3 hours in the refrigerator.

Simple wine vinegar marinade for chicken skewers

Poultry cannot be marinated in ordinary vinegar, as the meat will turn out tough and tasteless. For her, it is best to take wine, balsamic or other aromatic vinegar. Do not forget that this is a rather aggressive sauce, so it is suitable for thighs and drumsticks, but fillets cannot be cooked this way. The main advantages of this recipe are speed and simplicity.

For 1 kg of poultry you need:

  • 1-2 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • several bulbs;
  • salt and pepper.

The rest of the ingredients (spices, herbs, sauces, tomatoes, etc.) - to taste.

Two ways to cook chicken skewers in soy sauce

First marinade: a simple and quick method

The recipe is suitable for thighs or shins. To fry fillets in this way, you need to replace most of the lemon juice with olive or other aromatic oil.

For 6-7 chicken thighs you need:

  • 100-150 ml of soy sauce;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1-2 bulbs;
  • a bunch of parsley and dill, you can also add other greens if desired;
  • red pepper or a mixture of red, white and black pepper.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Cut the onion into rings, chop the greens, squeeze the lemon juice.
  2. We mix all products.
  3. Drizzle meat with sauce. Before baking, leave for 30-40 minutes in the room or for 3-4 hours in the refrigerator.

The second marinade for barbecue chicken wings

To turn the wings into a delicious crunchy snack, you should use this sweet and spicy sauce. It will give the meat not only a great taste, but also a beautiful caramelized crust.

Products (based on 1 kg of wings):

  • 2-3 tbsp. l. fragrant honey;
  • 4-6 art. l. soy sauce;
  • 1.5-2 tbsp. l. olive or other aromatic oil;
  • 1 st. l. spicy tomato sauce or a few drops of tabasco;
  • spices to taste, such as chicken mix, black pepper and curry.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Honey is better to use liquid. If this is not possible, it must be melted at low temperatures.
  2. We keep the prepared wings in the sauce for about 3-4 hours, maybe a little more, because. this marinade is soft, it does not corrode the meat, but saturates it with aroma.
  3. Fry the pieces on skewers or a wire rack for 40 minutes.

Marinade for Georgian-style chicken skewers

This is an easy and interesting recipe with tomato paste and cumin. So you can harvest any chicken meat, but it is better to marinate the fillet in a mixture of tomatoes and dairy products so as not to overdry.

For 1.5 kg of chicken you need:

Cooking steps:

  1. All ingredients must be combined.
  2. Add meat to them and mix so that the sauce is evenly distributed.
  3. The kebab will be ready for frying in 2 hours.

To such a chicken, you can serve spicy tomato sauce, onions with lemon juice, fresh vegetables.

Recipe for a tender marinade for chicken skewers

This method will appeal to those who love unusual fresh tastes. The recipe combines meat with grapes, mint and spicy spices. Such a composition will definitely pleasantly surprise guests and make them ask for supplements.

For 1 kg of breast you need:

Let's start cooking:

  1. Grate 1 teaspoon of zest from a lemon and squeeze out 2 tablespoons of fresh juice.
  2. Squeeze 2-3 tablespoons of juice from a part of the grapes.
  3. Combine "lemon" ingredients and juice together. Add spices, salt, oil and chopped garlic here.
  4. Cut the chicken into large long strips and send to marinate for half an hour.
  5. Take small skewers and string the pieces with an accordion, alternating with grapes.
  6. When the kebabs are almost ready, they are sprinkled with mint and kept for a couple more minutes on the coals.

Nut marinade for fragrant leg skewers

This sauce will appeal to those who love juicy meat. The marinade is quite soft, so the bird is kept in it from 4 hours.

For 1.5 chicken you need:

  • 100-150 g walnuts or peanuts;
  • 7 cloves of garlic;
  • 1-2 bulbs;
  • Georgian spices.

Let's analyze the preparation in stages:

  1. We prepare the meat as usual.
  2. Grind the nuts with a blender or mortar. Fry over low heat. If oil stands out, add it to the marinade as well.
  3. We clean and chop the garlic, if desired, add herbs and spices, salt, pepper.
  4. We cut the onion into rings.
  5. Mix the rest of the ingredients until smooth.
  6. Thoroughly rub each piece with sauce, put in a bowl with onions and leave in the refrigerator for 4-6 hours.

Creamy berry marinade for chicken skewers

In the season of berries, you should definitely cook meat according to this recipe. The chicken is juicy, with a pleasant sweet and sour taste and tender flesh. The sauce is good for dark meats. If you are preparing fillets, you should take fewer berries and more dairy products.

Ingredients for 1 kg of meat:

  • 200 g black and (or) red currants;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. fat sour cream;
  • aromatic spices, salt, pepper.

Cooking instruction:

  1. Remove leaves and debris from the berries, rinse thoroughly and grind in puree. You can use a blender or do it by hand.
  2. We combine mashed potatoes with sour-milk products, salt and spices. Lovers of sweet marinades can add honey or sugar.
  3. Lubricate the prepared chicken and leave for 1-2 hours.
  4. If you string apples and other fruits between pieces of meat, the meat will be filled with new aromatic notes. In winter, you can cook chicken in the oven, and instead of fresh berries, take frozen ones and add lemon juice.

Soft creamy marinade for barbecued white meat chicken

For 1 kg fillet you need:

  • 0.5 liters of cream 20-35% fat;
  • 1 st. l. dried or a small bunch of fresh basil;
  • 3 tooth garlic;
  • 1 tsp pepper;
  • 1-2 bulbs.


  1. The onion is cut into rings, the basil is chopped, and everything is mixed.
  2. The chicken is marinated for 2 to 3 hours in the refrigerator. To diversify the kebabs, you can also cut the pork loin. It goes well with this marinade too. In addition, to make the fillet more juicy, lard can be strung between the pieces.

thai chicken skewers recipe

This time we will cook the fillet in an unusual marinade with coconut milk, turmeric and other spices. Serve the dish with traditional peanut sauce and a glass of cool white wine.

For 1 kg of breast you need:

  • 2-3 teeth garlic;
  • 2.5-3 cm of ginger root;
  • a small bunch of cilantro;
  • 1 st. l. cumin, coriander and turmeric;
  • 1 tsp curry;
  • 1.5-2.5 st. l. soy sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • a glass of coconut milk from a tin (no sugar);
  • half a glass of water or non-acidic juice;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara.

Cooking instruction:

  1. We crush all the spices into powder, rub the ginger, cut the onion and cilantro finely or chop with a blender.
  2. Mix dry and liquid ingredients. Dissolve sugar thoroughly.
  3. Pour the prepared fillet with marinade and put in the refrigerator for 5-8 hours.
  4. This chicken is baked on very hot coals. Optionally, you can string pineapples and other exotic fruits.

Turkish chicken skewers recipe

Fried meat is one of the most popular dishes in Turkey. Here, in almost every cafe, kebabs are made with veal and poultry, hearts, liver and other types of meat or offal. We offer you to be inspired by the culinary tradition of the country and make an interesting barbecue in oriental style.

For the dish, it is better to use fatty pulp from the thighs or drumsticks, and in the case of preparing the breast, the amount of lemon juice should be reduced to half a tablespoon.

Main products:

  • 350-500 g chicken fillet;
  • large sweet pepper;
  • small zucchini or zucchini;
  • 4-5 medium tomatoes.

For marinade:

  • 2 tbsp. l. olive or sesame oil;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice;
  • 2-3 teeth garlic;
  • 2 tsp curry;
  • pepper and salt to taste.

Let's start cooking:

  1. We separate the meat from the bones, cut into cubes or pieces 2-3 cm in size
  2. Cut the zucchini and tomatoes into rings, pepper - into large cubes.
  3. We cut the onion and pour it into the meat.
  4. Add the rest of the marinade ingredients and mix everything. Also, the sauce can be prepared in a separate bowl and then added to the meat.
  5. Marinate the skewers for about 30 minutes at room temperature.
  6. Now it remains to string the meat, alternating it with onions and vegetables. Shashlik is baked at moderate temperatures. If the onion rings are too large, you can put them on a skewer several times in the shape of a figure eight, so they definitely do not burn.

How to cook delicious chicken skewers?

Poultry is best baked on hot coals, but not on fire. Birch firewood is well suited for meat, as well as logs of fruit trees, which give it a special flavor. You can also use coals, which are available at any store.

You should not make chicken on coniferous wood, because. the resins contained in them give the meat an unpleasant taste. Also, wood that was previously used in construction or for the manufacture of furniture is not suitable. In the latter case, there is a high probability that the fibers are impregnated with chemicals. If firewood and charcoal are not available, grapevine or corncobs without kernels will do. To make the barbecue more fragrant, you can throw a handful of sage, lemongrass or other herbs on the coals.

Poultry meat is more tender, so small fillet kebabs do not need a lot of heat to cook. Chicken thigh skewers and other large pieces are best grilled when the coals are hot. The meat is often turned over and checked for doneness.

If the meat is marinated, but you can’t go to nature because of bad weather, you can cook barbecue in the oven, on the grill or in a pan. And these options can also be used in the cold season, when a trip to nature is not possible.

This concludes the article and proposes to start cooking an interesting dish.

Barbecue is an invariable attribute of picnics. No trip to nature is complete without them. Various types of meat are used to prepare a delicious dish. Our housewives often make all the choices in favor of pork and chicken. Lamb is used much less frequently. In our article, we want to talk about how to marinate chicken kebab and cook it in the oven or on the grill.

Meat selection

Delicious barbecue can be prepared from any type of meat. Chicken kebab is the most budget option. Some housewives believe that chicken is not suitable for cooking. Actually it is not. The taste of the dish largely depends on the marinade used and the quality of cooking. You also need to be able to choose the right meat. To prepare a delicious chicken skewers, you need to know some of the nuances. A properly prepared dish tastes like pork. But at the same time it is less caloric.

Almost any part of the chicken is suitable for barbecue. Hips would be ideal. They always have a lot of meat and it is used less often because it is dry. But as a dietary option, it is also acceptable.

If you opted for chicken thighs, then pick them up about the same size. This will further ensure more uniform cooking of the pieces.

For cooking chicken skewers, it is better to use it. It turns out to be more tasty. Thawed chicken is drier.

Sometimes in supermarkets you can find a boneless thigh. Such meat for housewives is a real find, because you don’t have to remove unnecessary parts yourself. When cutting chicken into pieces, do not make them too big or small. Small slices turn out to be too dry, and large ones may simply not be fully fried.

As for the skin, some housewives do not remove it, because with it the chicken barbecue turns out juicier. However, professional chefs recommend cutting it off. Without the skin, the finished dish looks more aesthetically pleasing, and not everyone loves it. In general, it is worth focusing on the taste preferences of your family.

How to marinate chicken skewers?

Choosing the right marinade is a very important moment for cooking barbecue. Fatty foods are very good for use - mayonnaise, sour cream. Marinades based on soy sauce, wine, fruit juice are also considered very successful. You can also use classic options based on kefir and vinegar.

It is recommended to marinate chicken in enameled, glass or ceramic dishes. Use of capacities from stainless steel is allowed. Aluminum utensils are not suitable due to the fact that harmful substances are released upon contact with marinade acids. give the meat a specific flavor, and therefore are also excluded.

To get a juicy chicken kebab, marinate the meat for at least three hours. If you have the opportunity, ideally, the chicken can be soaked in the solution and spices for six to ten hours. It won't get any worse for her. On the contrary, its taste qualities will be enriched and the meat will turn out to be more juicy.

marinade recipes

There are a lot of options for preparing marinades. Each hostess can make her own changes to the existing recipes.

The simplest marinade can be prepared from wine vinegar and sunflower oil. They are mixed in equal amounts (we take 50 g each). Add pepper and salt to the mass, and then pour its meat.

Mayonnaise-based marinade is one of the most popular and simple options. Rub the prepared chicken with garlic, pepper and salt. Lubricate the pieces with mayonnaise and add the onion rings. We leave the chicken in the marinade until the morning.

Beer is often used to prepare meat for cooking. The chicken is smeared with suitable spices and salt, oregano and onions are added. Top the meat with beer and leave to marinate for ten hours. Of course, this option is suitable for an adult company. But for children it is worth using other recipes.

Kefir marinade does not lose its popularity, as it is very good for any meat. Rub the chicken with salt, pepper, add other spices, garlic and onions. Top the meat with kefir and leave for at least two hours.

Nut marinade is also good for chicken. We rub the meat with a mixture of grated garlic, onion, vegetable oil and chopped nuts. After thirty minutes, the chicken can be cooked.

Classic barbecue recipe

To cook barbecue chicken on the grill, you can use the classic recipe.


  • spices for chicken
  • onion (520 g),
  • kilogram of thighs,
  • wine vinegar (110 g),
  • sugar (tsp),
  • salt to taste
  • two bay leaves
  • black pepper.

Cut onion into rings. In a deep bowl, mix all the ingredients for the marinade. We wash the chicken and cut into portions. Next, transfer the meat to the marinade, add the onion, mix everything thoroughly with your hands. Each piece of chicken should be saturated with aromatic mass. Cover the top of the pot with a lid and place in a cool place. It is necessary to marinate the meat in advance, it must be infused for at least two hours. If the chicken stays in the marinade all night, then it definitely won’t get worse from this.

You don't need a lot of wood for cooking or on the grill. Chicken cooks much faster than pork, so the heat should not be too high. Otherwise, you can overdry or spoil the meat. In the process of cooking, a bottle of water should always be near the barbecue so that when a fire appears, it can be quickly extinguished. The best way to cook chicken is to use a wire rack. Experienced cooks believe that it is preferable to take wine vinegar for marinade. Ordinary chicken is not suitable because it makes its meat tough.

Shish kebab with soy sauce

It turns out very tasty shish kebab marinated with soy sauce. For cooking, use any part of the chicken and even the wings.


  • kilogram of chicken
  • 0.5 kg of onions and grapefruits,
  • soy sauce (70 ml),
  • barbecue seasonings,
  • pepper mixture.

Cut the chicken into pieces, wash and dry with napkins. Grapefruits are cut into two parts and we survive from each half of the juice. Pour the fresh juice into a saucepan and mix it with soy sauce. Add spices and pepper mixture. Place the meat in the marinade and mix well with your hands. Add onion cut into rings. Cover the pot with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. It is enough to keep chicken in such a marinade for two to four hours. This time is enough to get a delicious barbecue. During cooking, do not add salt, since soy sauce itself is quite salty.

Meat in mayonnaise

Many housewives marinate chicken skewers in mayonnaise. Since it is non-greasy, this marinade is very good. It is not suitable only for those who seek to cook a more dietary dish.


  • onion (480 g),
  • kilogram of chicken
  • mayonnaise (240 g),
  • pepper,
  • salt.

Wash the chicken and cut into pieces. Onion cut into rings. Put the meat in a bowl, add the onion. Sprinkle spices on top of the chicken. Next, pour the mass with mayonnaise and mix all the products with your hands. We remove the container in the refrigerator, closing the lid. After three to four hours, the meat can be fried.

Mayonnaise is good because it is fatty and makes up for the lack of this very fat in chicken. Meat marinated in mayonnaise always turns out juicy and tender.

Chicken with pineapples

Delicious chicken fillet skewers can be prepared using canned pineapples, honey and beer. The original marinade allows you to make the meat juicy and fragrant.


  • can of pineapple,
  • fillet (830 g),
  • three tables. l. honey,
  • as much beer
  • table. l. soy sauce.

For the marinade, we need canned pineapple juice. Mix three tablespoons of juice with soy sauce and beer in a container. We warm the honey a little in a water bath so that it becomes liquid, after which we add it to the marinade. Cut each fillet into four pieces. We wash the meat and put it in the marinade. Mix all ingredients well with your hands. We close the container with a lid and put it in the refrigerator.

By morning the meat will be ready. When stringing chicken on skewers, it is necessary to alternate its pieces with pineapple washers. The finished kebab will have an original sweet aftertaste.

Shish kebab marinated in kefir

If you want to cook tender meat, but do not like mayonnaise, you can marinate chicken skewers in kefir.


  • kilogram fillet,
  • onion (520 g),
  • kefir (240 g),
  • salt,
  • seasonings for chicken.

We wash the fillet and cut into four parts. Dry the pieces with paper towels. Mix kefir with seasonings for chicken. We shift the meat into a deep bowl and fill it with kefir mass on top. Add chopped onion to the skewers. Mix all the ingredients with your hands. Close the pot with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. In kefir, meat can be kept longer.

Chicken skewers in the oven

Grilled meat on a fire is a must for any trip to nature. But what if the weather does not allow you to organize a picnic in the fresh air? In this case, you can cook chicken skewers in the oven.

There are several ways that you can use to cook meat at home. You can fry chicken in the oven on the grill. But under the bottom you need to put a regular baking sheet. Marinade will drip into it during cooking.

Also marinated meat can be baked in the form. If you want to get a real barbecue on skewers, then this is not a problem. Thread the chicken onto wooden or metal skewers and place them on a parchment-lined baking sheet. Then we put it all in the oven and bake it. If your stove is equipped with a grill function, then it can be used during the baking process. The finished dish is very tasty.

Chicken on mineral water


  • kilogram of thighs,
  • soy sauce (45 g),
  • mineral water (240 g),
  • vegetable oil (110 g),
  • spices,
  • onion (520 g).

Cut the chicken into pieces, wash and rub with spices. Top the meat with vegetable oil. Next, put the chicken in a deep bowl and add the onion, cut into rings. Top the meat with a mixture of mineral water with soy sauce. We send the chicken to the refrigerator for five hours.

Shish kebab with lemon

Chicken marinated with lemon and spices is very tasty.


  • fillet (980 g),
  • garlic,
  • lemon juice,
  • paprika,
  • italian herbs,
  • cumin,
  • salt,
  • ground pepper,
  • cinnamon,
  • two tables. l. olive oil.

In a small container, mix all the spices, including Add chopped garlic and juice of one lemon to the mass. Wash and cut the chicken fillet, put it in a saucepan, and put the lemon mass with spices on top and add a little olive oil. Mix all ingredients well with your hands. Close the pot and put it in a cold place.

Shish kebab in sour cream mustard sauce


  • chicken (950 g),
  • Dijon mustard (2-3 tablespoons)
  • sour cream (230 g),
  • two tables. l. honey,
  • garlic,
  • salt,
  • pepper mix,
  • two bell peppers.

In a deep bowl, mix all the products for the marinade. Add chopped garlic, sour cream, mustard and liquid honey. Cut the chicken into pieces, wash it and transfer it to the marinade. Mix the mass well with your hands so that all the pieces can be soaked with spices. Close the pot with a lid and put it in a cool place. Stringing meat on skewers, alternate chicken with sweet pepper rings.

Greetings, dear readers. The days are warm outside, weekends are on the horizon, you can have a good rest with family or friends. Let's make chicken skewers. If you are reading this article, you may be looking for a recipe to keep the meat from being dry and tough.

Or maybe just tired. In any case, chicken skewers will diversify your taste sensations. But first, chicken meat for barbecue is traditionally taken from fillet, brisket or thighs. There is more meat, it marinates well, but if it is not cooked correctly, the kebab turns out to be dry.

Of course, pork has fat, which gives juiciness, it does not exist in chicken. Therefore, juiciness must be given during pickling. Below are some of the best recipes, not only in RuNet, but also our own.

To be honest, they used to think that chicken kebabs were a budget option and nothing more. But no, we just didn’t know how to cook it)))). Plus, chicken is a dietary dish, and such meat is marinated faster than lamb or. In general, let's get started, first pick up the meat.

Choosing chicken for barbecue.

So, in order to get a delicious barbecue, it is important to know how to choose the right chicken. Of course, a great dish will come from homemade, meaty chicken. If you do not have one (and nowhere to buy), it is best to buy products from trusted companies.

For barbecue, it is preferable to take chilled parts of the bird. Frozen meat loses some useful properties and taste. However, if you only have frozen chicken in stock, don't worry. Defrost it properly and everything will be fine. We perform this operation on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in cold water.

For frying on a fire, it is preferable to take thighs or drumsticks, since they contain the most fat. And this means that the barbecue will be more juicy.

Never use a microwave oven or hot water to speed up the process! In this case, the kebab will be rubbery and tasteless.

Preparing meat for barbecue.

After you have purchased chicken meat, you need to prepare it. If you have a whole carcass, cut it into the parts you need. Moreover, it is best to cut the breast as large as possible - so it will turn out juicier.

If you bought ready-made parts - fillets, thighs or drumsticks (I prefer this option and advise you ...), you don’t need any special preparations - just wash the meat and choose the appropriate dishes for sourdough. And I do not advise taking aluminum or plastic containers. Enamel, glass or ceramics are perfect.

Now that everything is ready, let's talk about how to marinate the chicken so that the kebab is soft and juicy.

Marinade with mayonnaise and garlic.

These are our most popular marinade options. And most likely everyone knows how to cook it. For cooking, you can use any parts of the chicken, and we will use chicken thighs. Their meat is not dry, moreover, it is covered with a skin. This will keep the juice inside the piece and give the meat a beautiful crispy golden brown.

And we will cook on the grill, in large pieces.

We will need:

  • Chicken - 1 pc;
  • Garlic - 1 head;
  • Mayonnaise - 100 ml;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste;
  • Spices for chicken.

Wash the chicken and cut into 6-8 pieces.

Peel the garlic and cut lengthwise into thin slices. Combine spices with salt, pepper and mayonnaise. You can use any spices you like.

Lay the garlic plates under the chicken skin.

Then coat the pieces with mayonnaise mixture.

Put the pieces in a suitable container and leave for an hour and a half.

Then put the meat on the grill and fry on hot coals until cooked. The finished kebab will turn out rosy, fragrant and very tasty.

We eat with pleasure.

Classic marinade with vinegar.

Chicken skewers are very tasty if marinade is made with vinegar. Yes, this is a traditional recipe. And so that the meat is not dry when frying, it is better to water the kebab during cooking with the same marinade.


  • Chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • Onion - 2 heads;
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt and black ground pepper - to taste.

We wash the chicken fillet in water, then cut into medium pieces and put in a saucepan.

To them add one tablespoon of vinegar, salt, pepper to taste and mix thoroughly.

Then we cover it with a tight lid and put it in the refrigerator for one hour so that the meat stands and soaks with all the ingredients added to it.

After we cook on the coals, pouring our marinade. It's so quick and easy, bon appetit!

Chicken skewers on mineral water (video).

We have had one incident. They wanted to make chicken barbecue, and this idea arose simply spontaneously. We had all the ingredients in the fridge, we wanted to make a vinegar marinade. But there was no vinegar.

But they found a simple recipe for marinade in mineral water. We tried it, we liked it, we suggest you try it too. See:

Diet chicken skewers (on wine with onions).

This marinade will turn chicken fillet into a culinary masterpiece. All sources indicate that it is important not to take any acids for marinating the breast. Nevertheless, once I cooked a barbecue according to this recipe, I was surprised - the fillet turned out to be juicy, spicy and soft.

We will need:

  • Chicken fillet - 1 kg;
  • Dry white wine - 1 glass;
  • Onion - 2 pieces;
  • Olive oil - 1 tablespoon;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Dry paprika, black pepper to taste.

Add all the spices to dry wine and warm it up a little. This is done to enhance the smell of spices.

Cut the onion into rings, chop the garlic. Already cut fillets in trays are ready for frying. We will make a small cut in each piece. Why, I will explain below.

We place our chicken in wine, add onion and garlic, olive oil. We leave for 2 hours.

And now the most important thing is that we put pickled onions in the pocket of each fillet before frying. Together with it, you can put a circle of tomato or bell pepper. Such a dish turns out to be very tasty, and most importantly - dietary.

Marinade on kefir.

Kefir has a moderately sour taste, which contributes to a moderate softening of the meat. And the fact that kefir is fatty and rather dense, well envelops each piece of meat and does not drain, allows you to keep all the juice inside, quickly fry it and get a beautiful golden crust.

That is just the perfect marinade.

For cooking, you can use any parts of the chicken, and we will use chicken thighs. Their meat is not dry, moreover, it is covered with a skin. This will keep the juice inside the piece and give the meat a beautiful crispy golden brown.

We will need:

  • Chicken thighs - 2 kg;
  • Kefir 3.2% fat - 500 ml;
  • Onion - 1 kg;
  • Parsley - a bunch;
  • Spices - any for barbecue or chicken - 1.5 - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Wash the meat and pat dry with paper towels.

Onion cut into thin half rings. Try to cut it as thin as possible, so there will be more juice and it will nourish each meat piece more with its juice.

Put the chicken in a large bowl and sprinkle with the onions lightly crushed in your hands. Stir and crush the onion a little more.

Pour kefir. In principle, it can be used with any fat content. But I usually buy 3.2% fat. Such kefir is tastier in itself, which means that the marinade from it turns out to be the most delicious.

Add spices. You can also add any of them, including ready-made spices for barbecue. Well, if they contain thyme, or rosemary, or savory, they will give a pleasant aroma to the dish. You can add ground coriander, along with zira, it is a favorite Asian spice.

To get a beautiful, golden crust, you can add a little turmeric or paprika. But these are just useful tips, add those spices that you yourself like more. They will need a total of about 2 - 2.5 tablespoons.

Add a teaspoon of salt and pepper to taste.

Chop and add parsley. It is not necessary to cut it very finely, later it will be necessary to remove it so that it does not burn when frying the meat. Mix and press well with your hand. Top with a flat plate and press lightly so that the marinade covers each piece of our chicken.

Step 8

The pieces are large, so let them marinate for 3-4 hours. It is advisable not to leave them in the sun, it is best to put the container with meat in a cool place.

Thread the pieces onto skewers or place on a wire rack. You can cook in any suggested way. Carefully remove pieces of onion and herbs from meat.

Fry until cooked and until a beautiful golden brown appears, about 25-30 minutes. Make sure that the flames do not break out and do not burn the tender juicy meat.

Serve the finished kebab with chopped onions, you can pre-marinate it. You can also sprinkle with fresh herbs.

According to the same recipe, you can cook barbecue on a mineral water. The only change is that instead of kefir we use any carbonated mineral water.

Quick marinade for barbecue (video).

Here is another quick marinade recipe. In fact, chicken skewers are always quick to make. But among the marinades there are quick recipes.

If you want a delicious barbecue and very quickly, then choose chicken. After a couple of hours, you can enjoy delicious kebabs.

Marinade for barbecue on soy sauce and ketchup.

This recipe is of course not for everyone, but we also like it, it brings a certain variety of tastes.


  • Chicken wings - 1 kg;
  • Onion - 3 heads;
  • Soy sauce - 100-130 ml;
  • Ketchup - 100 ml;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.

Rinse the wings in running water, dry with a paper towel and put in a suitable bowl.

We clean, then chop the onion into thin rings and put in the meat. We put a little salt, you can not add it, because it is enough in soy sauce, but this is in my opinion, and of course pepper to taste. Next add soy sauce and ketchup.

Mix everything thoroughly with your hands, cover with a lid and put it in a cool place to marinate for 1-1.5 hours. After that, the meat is ready and it can be fried on coals and baked in the oven.

Juicy chicken skewers in the oven (video).

If you want a delicious barbecue, but you can’t go to nature, you can cook barbecue in the oven. Watch and try. With such a marinade, you can cook chicken barbecue on the coals.

Spicy skewers of chicken wings with sauce.

I love spicy food, especially spicy chicken skewers. Of course, the spouse does not favor such a hobby and you have to eat less spicy, but .... It's so delicious! With foam, in nature ... In general, this recipe is one of my favorites, and when we go out into nature with families, then for the men I definitely make one batch on such a marinade.

We will need:

  • Wings or drumsticks - 2 kg;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Tabasco hot sauce - half a teaspoon;
  • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt and spices to taste.

So, add Tabasco sauce, crushed garlic, and spices to the oil.

We put the chicken in the marinade and leave for a couple of hours.

Sauce is ideal for such a kebab - mix natural yogurt with a teaspoon of mustard plus a lot of chopped greens.

We fry chicken skewers and eat with sauce, just delicious.

Lime and herb marinade.

Try to surprise your guests with this recipe. I personally did not think that chicken skewers can be so tasty to eat.


  • Chicken breasts - 2 pcs;
  • Bulb red large - 1 pc;
  • Bell pepper green or red - 2 pcs;
  • Lime - 1 pc;
  • Mint - 0.5 pcs;
  • cilantro - 0.5 pcs;
  • Green onion - 4 feathers;
  • Garlic - 2 cloves;
  • Soy sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Chili sauce - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.

Who does not like cilantro, you can remove it altogether or use parsley, it is also very tasty.

Rinse the chicken breasts thoroughly, pat dry with paper towels, remove the skin, if desired, and cut into large cubes of approximately the same size.

Remove the seeds from the bell pepper and remove the stalk. Cut into large squares, about the size of a diced chicken.

Peel the onion and cut into large rings.

Place meat and vegetables in a bowl and stir.

Prepare marinade. To do this, rinse the cilantro and mint, transfer to a blender bowl. Add chopped green onion and garlic.

Squeeze the juice from the lime also into the blender bowl, add soy sauce, chili sauce, olive oil, salt and pepper.

Mix all the ingredients in a homogeneous mass and lay it out to the meat and vegetables. Mix until smooth. Leave to marinate in a cool place for 1 hour, you can also for two hours.

Then string onto skewers, alternating pieces of chicken, bell pepper and red onion.

Grill over hot coals for about 30 minutes. Make sure that the flame does not break out of the coals and does not burn tender meat.

You can also fry in the oven.

Serve with fresh chopped onions and fresh or grilled vegetables.

Tips for cooking barbecue chicken, from personal experience.

I always add salt to marinade. Everywhere they say that it draws moisture and the meat will turn out dry. Once I followed this advice and failed (the authority of the barbecue was undermined ...), the chicken turned out to be completely unsalted inside. So I put salt in the marinade right away. The chicken will take all the salt it needs, and the rest of the ingredients will keep the chicken from getting dry.

Never peel off the skin! Otherwise, the barbecue will be dry. Even if you do not eat it, be sure to leave the skin during pickling and frying. It is she who will give fat, which will saturate the meat and retain moisture inside.

Another secret - if you don’t have time to properly marinate the meat, and you really want a kebab, then place garlic cut into thin slices under the skin. The meat will be soaked with aroma and it will turn out much tastier. So you can fry the barbecue in a hurry.

As mentioned above, it is necessary to choose the right dishes for marinating. I have a ceramic saucepan, you can take enameled, glass, but not plastic or aluminum!

The breast is not marinated for a long time - two hours is enough. Overexposure can make it dry. But the rest of the parts can easily spend the night in the refrigerator. It is best not to cut the fillet into small pieces.

That's all we have, bon appetit to you. Write your comments below, join us in Odnoklassniki and support us on our channel Yandex.Zen. Bye bye everyone and see you soon.

Chicken skewers: the most delicious chicken marinades to keep the meat juicy and soft. updated: May 4, 2018 by: Subbotin Pavel