Canned mushrooms - recipes for preserving mushrooms at home. Simple recipes for cooking porcini mushrooms for the winter

23.09.2019 Meat dishes

Autumn time is a period of harvesting natural gifts. It can be not only a crop harvested from the beds, but also a forest one. In order to open a fragrant jar of mushrooms on a winter day, you must follow some cooking rules.

Autumn time is a period of harvesting natural gifts

When choosing raw materials for canning, it is necessary to pay attention to the freshness of the fruit. Suitable for both small and large specimens. For convenience, large individuals are recommended to be cut in half.

The harvested crop must be placed in a bucket, filled with water and pressed down on top with a load. After some time, the forest debris will get wet. Some of it will settle to the bottom, and some can be easily cleaned with a cloth or brush. The affected areas and the remnants of the mycelium are removed with a knife. The caps of young mushrooms absorb water very quickly, so it is undesirable to soak the crop for a long time.

Champignons, aspen mushrooms, butterflies and many other representatives of the mushroom kingdom change color when oxidized, becoming dark, therefore, after cleansing, they should be lowered into water with the addition of salt or citric acid.

How to preserve mushrooms without leaving the forest (video)

A quick way to preserve mushrooms at home

There are many recipes for harvesting fruits for the winter. Some dishes can be eaten already on the fourth day after preparation. But the shelf life of such a delicacy is reduced. For canning in this way, you need to stock up:

  • mushrooms 700 g;
  • head of onion;
  • white wine vinegar (1/3 cup);
  • spices (cloves, celery leaves, bay leaf, thyme, marjoram, parsley, basil, oregano, peppercorns);
  • sea ​​salt (1 tablespoon).

Easy cooking process:

  1. Cut the sorted and peeled mushrooms, chop the onion.
  2. Lay the greens at the bottom of the sterilized jar.
  3. Combine the mushrooms with the rest of the ingredients, except for the greens. Boil for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Pour the slightly cooled mushrooms into a jar along with the marinade.

After the jars have cooled, place them in a refrigerator or other cold place for storage.

Mushrooms can be easily cleaned with a cloth or brush

Preservation of mushrooms without vinegar for the winter

Even a beginner can make blanks at home, because the cooking technique is quite simple. For a recipe that has a chance to add to the list of favorite dishes, you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt;
  • 5 g citric acid.

Fresh fruits must be peeled and follow the further guidance:

  1. Add salt and acid to the water intended for boiling mushrooms. After boiling, throw the fruits.
  2. After they decrease in volume and lie on the bottom, turn off the stove. During boiling, foam is formed. It needs to be cleaned up.
  3. Transfer the finished product to sterilized jars and pour the same water, but filtered through gauze.
  4. Close glassware with lids and lower for sterilization into a deep saucepan. In this case, the water temperature should not exceed 50 ° C. After 1.5 hours, the jars can be removed and tightly sealed.

For storage, choose a cool dark place. Delicious dishes are obtained from a natural product.

Even a beginner can make blanks at home, because the cooking technique is quite simple

Preservation of fried mushrooms in jars

Opening a jar of fried mushrooms on cold winter days, it will be hard to believe that this is a canned product. The recipe includes:

  • 2 kg of any mushrooms;
  • 3 teaspoons of salt;
  • 550 g fat (vegetable or butter).

Preservation technique:

  1. Prepare the fruits by thoroughly cleaning and rinsing them.
  2. Pour into water and put on fire.
  3. Strain after a quarter. Pour in fresh water and boil for another 10 minutes. Rinse again and strain.
  4. Cut large specimens into smaller pieces and fry in a dry frying pan until all moisture has evaporated.
  5. Add oil and fry for another half hour. Salt.
  6. Transfer the contents of the pan to sterilized jars and pour oil on top. If there is not enough oil, you need to boil a new one.

The sterilization time for jars with mushrooms should be at least 1.5-2 hours.

Fried mushrooms can also be canned

Mushroom Preservation Recipe with Tomato Paste

Canned mushrooms in tomato paste can be served on the table as an independent dish. This is very convenient, especially when you need to cook a lot of dishes. Required products:

  • 2.5 kg of boiled mushrooms;
  • onions - 1 kg;
  • tomato sauce;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 9% vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt, ground garlic and pepper, bay leaf.


  1. Cut onion rings into quarters.
  2. It is necessary to pour vegetable oil into the multicooker so that its height in the bowl is at least 1 cm.
  3. Set the "Frying" mode for half an hour. Fry the onion, stirring with a wooden spatula.
  4. After 15 minutes from the start of frying, add boiled mushrooms.
  5. Season with spices. Pour in tomato sauce and stir.
  6. After boiling, switch the mode to the "Soup" state. Switch off after 1.5 hours.
  7. At the final stage of cooking, a couple of bay leaves and vinegar.

Pour the prepared dish into a glass container and close securely.

A quick way to preserve mushrooms (video)

How to properly preserve champignons at home

Due to the peculiarity of the structure of champignons, it is recommended to choose specimens for canning that have reached a size no larger than a walnut. Plus, they have to be fresh.

  1. A purchased or harvested crop must be thoroughly washed and debris removed. Preferably in multiple waters.
  2. Put the mushrooms to boil. After the water boils, add spices (bay leaf, hot red pepper and peas, garlic, salt, 0.5 teaspoon of sugar, 50 ml of vinegar).
  3. After half an hour, pour along with the brine into sterilized jars and seal tightly.

From a kilogram of raw materials, three cans of 0.5 liters are obtained.

Due to the peculiarity of the structure of champignons, for canning it is recommended to choose specimens that have reached a size no larger than a walnut

Canned oil for the winter

Gourmets believe that this type of mushroom is most suitable for pickling. An important feature is that if you do not remove the skin from the caps, then the dish will turn out to be bitter. It is most convenient to remove the skin from dry fruits. Then they need to be washed.

There are many recipes for preservation, but the simplest of them is the following:

  • based on 3 liters of water, 1 kg of fruit is taken;
  • table or apple vinegar - 50 g;
  • 1 onion;
  • garlic (2 cloves);
  • a bunch of dill, bay leaf;
  • allspice and bitter pepper;
  • salt and sugar (1 tablespoon each).

After the mushrooms are prepared, you must:

  1. Bring them to a boil, throw a cut or whole onion into the pan. After a quarter of an hour, drain the water.
  2. Pour 1.5 liters of water with sugar, salt and spices. After half an hour, pour in the vinegar and chop the dill. Boil for another 5 minutes.

Can be preserved with cinnamon if desired. In this case, follow this guide:

  1. Boil mushrooms in salted water for 10 minutes. Then drain the water.
  2. Prepare a marinade from 1 liter of water, 100 ml of 5% vinegar, 70 g of sugar, 50 g of salt, peppercorns, bay leaf and a pinch of cinnamon.
  3. Boil the butternut squash in the marinade until they subside.

Mushrooms with garlic are very unusual. The recipe is similar to the previous one. But during the laying out of the finished product in jars, it must be alternated with garlic slices. Top the jars with boiled oil and cover with plastic lids.

Butterfish are best suited for pickling

Terms and rules for storing canned mushrooms in winter

Canned mushrooms should be stored in a dark, cool place with an approximate temperature of 8 °C. The ideal place is the cellar. It is recommended to use glass containers with glass lids. Subject to all rules, the shelf life can be 2 years. It is not forbidden to put jars in the refrigerator, where they are also able to stand for at least 2 years.

If you use a tin lid instead of a glass one, the shelf life is reduced. Such jars can only be kept for one year. The shelf life of canned products prepared at the factory is increased due to special processing.

For storage, not only temperature conditions are very important, but also the amount of acetic acid. Dishes must be made of a material that is not subject to oxidation. If the tin lid is swollen, then the product is unfit for consumption.

Universal marinade for mushrooms (video)

Canning is a harvesting method in which the product is sterilized and stored in airtight containers. Despite simple canning recipes, in winter, such mushrooms will become a real table decoration. The product can be used in various dishes.

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But sooner or later the season ends, and you always want to prolong the pleasure. And so we make stocks with them - we freeze, salt and, of course, pickle forest gifts.

And how good it is to open a cherished jar of forest delicacy, please your family and treat your guests! Therefore, in the summer there is no need to be lazy. As soon as the season begins, it's time to get ready for forest hunting.

This year it was a very hot summer in the Urals, without rain, with a temperature of 30 degrees. Everyone says that the temperature is abnormal for our area. And there is. And if in July we were already in previous years with might and main engaged in collecting them, then this year not only them, there was not even grass in the forest.

In fact, there is only one recipe, according to it you can pickle white, and boletus, and boletus, and boletus, and mushrooms. I also pickle chanterelles and mushrooms according to the same recipe. I think that other edible species can be marinated in the same way. But I confess, I have not tried it, we simply do not collect other varieties. And I don't want to write.

But despite the fact that there is only one recipe, each of the cooking options has its own little secrets and features. Well, the fact that the taste and color of each type is different, so the recipe is the same, and the taste of preservation will be different. And the recipe can be called universal.

This recipe has been tried and tested by many over the years. And everyone who tried it certainly gave him the highest rating. The best gift for any holiday for our friends is a jar of our pickled forest products. And therefore, I always harvest them on an industrial scale. Both for myself and for those who love my pickles.

And today the recipe is for you, dear readers. After all, I can’t treat all of you with a delicious delicacy. But you can easily cook it yourself.

Marinated boletus for the winter, recipe for 1 liter of water

I harvest mushrooms in half liter and 0.650 liter jars. Such banks are very convenient, opened and immediately ate. You can of course make and liter, if desired.

Therefore, the calculation of salt is given per liter of water, and all the ingredients per half-liter jar.

We will need (for 1 liter of water):

  • berezoviki - as much as you want
  • dill - two or three sprigs per jar
  • horseradish leaf - a piece 2-3 cm wide, depending on the thickness of the sheet
  • red bitter capsicum - a piece 0.5 cm thick
  • cloves - 3 pcs
  • allspice - 2 pcs
  • black peppercorns - 7 pcs
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs
  • vinegar essence - 0.5 tsp
  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons per liter of water


As mentioned above, according to this recipe, you can pickle different varieties. Today I will pickle boletus (redheads), boletus, boletus and mushrooms.

Not all together and at once, but one by one and separately. That is, at first one kind, then another, etc.

And the first recipe we will just consider on the example of boletus.

1. First you need to disassemble them by type and size. Select worms, we will not pickle them. For pickling, it is better to use small specimens with strong elastic legs and hats. They will not lose their shape during cooking, and will be tasty, slightly crunchy and with a beautiful appearance.

That is, we are not chasing quantity, but working on quality! This is one of the main principles!

2. We start working with those instances that deteriorate the fastest. These are usually boletus and boletus. My butterflies are small, they can easily fit in the refrigerator, and for the time being, I send them there for the time being. And I'm starting to work with boletus.

3. I do not wash them, but clean them with a knife. I cut off the lower part, where the remains of the mycelium with the ground remained. And then I clean the leg the way they clean fresh carrots or potatoes, that is, scraping off the top layer. We also clean the hat from debris, leaves and needles.

Boletus boletus is always better to clean "dry", without the use of water. Everyone knows the word botulism. So the causative agent of botulism, as a rule, is in the ground. Therefore, it is better to cut them with a knife, and not “twist” them, as some people advise. And therefore it is better to clean them, and not to wash them.

4. We cleaned one of them, and immediately cut it into pieces of approximately the same size. So, if the hat is more than 5 cm in diameter, cut it into 2-4 parts. If it is less, then leave it entirely.

We cut the leg into 2-4 parts, this is provided that our copy is not very large. That is, the length of the leg should also be approximately 5 cm.

Keep in mind that when cooking, they will decrease in volume, that is, they will boil down. Therefore, it is not necessary to cut them very finely.

5. We cut the boletus into pieces, putting them immediately into the pan, in which we will boil them.

6. Pour what you have prepared with cold water and put the pan on the fire. When the water starts to warm up, foam will form. It must be carefully removed, without waiting until it boils. If you do not follow, then the foam will certainly run away. In addition, when boiling, some part will break up into small flakes and will be cooked along with the product, which will give them an ugly gray appearance.

Together with the foam, we will remove the forest debris that remained during cleaning, and dirt. The foam will be dark. We remove the foam all the time while the water has not yet boiled, and all the time until the cooking time is up.

7. Lightly salt the water. This is also necessary in order to prevent the penetration of the botulinum bacillus.

The temperature of salted boiling water is slightly higher than normal. And so it will be just right for us.

8. After the water has boiled, boil the mushrooms for 20 - 30 minutes.

Heat treatment is required! At a boiling point of 80 degrees, the botulism bacillus dies in 30 minutes. Therefore, they should boil for at least 20 - 30 minutes, if you cook them longer, they will be digested. And in order to withstand the processing technology, then we will definitely sterilize them!

9. In the meantime, they are boiled, put washed and scalded dill and horseradish castings, a mixture of peppers and cloves into prepared and sterilized jars.

10. We put cold water on the fire, it is best to use spring or filtered water. Calculate the amount of water as follows. Approximately 0.250 ml of water will go to the floor of a liter jar. If you are making 4 half liter jars, then you will need 1 liter of water. For a liter of water, add two tablespoons of salt and two to three bay leaves. Boil for 5-7 minutes, then remove the bay leaf. If left, it will give the marinade unnecessary bitterness and extra flavor.

The brine can be prepared in the following way. Instead of putting spices directly into jars, they can be boiled together with water, and then poured into jars, put them in each in the right amount.

In order not to catch spices, I simplify, and lay out all the necessary ingredients directly in jars.

11. Cooking a colander. Pour the contents of the pan into it and give time for all the water to glass. Gently stir the pieces with a spoon to help release the water. If you boiled a large batch, then it is better to put it in a colander in parts, so the water will merge faster.

12. Hot put the contents of the colander into jars with a spoon. No need to seal. They scooped it up with a spoon and put it down, and there it will lie down. Boiled pieces should be loose and not compressed. This is necessary so that the brine has access to each part and side of the piece.

For canning, I mainly use half a liter and 650 gram jars. Very convenient, I opened it and immediately ate it so that the blanks would not be stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

13. Lay out the pieces only up to the "shoulders" of the jar. Put another sprig of dill on top.

I do not use garlic for the marinade, so as not to interrupt the "forest" taste. But if you want, you can add it. I know that many housewives love to do this.

14. Immediately fill with hot brine, also up to the “shoulders” of the jar. With a teaspoon, slightly move the pieces away from the wall around the entire perimeter of the jar to release air bubbles. Inspect the jar from all sides, if you see bubbles, then repeat the procedure. Pour half a teaspoon of vinegar essence.

I only use 70% essence so I don't have to calculate percentages of 3%, 6% and 9% vinegar. When you come to visit, very often you can find very sour preparations on the table. This is exactly what happens because of the confusion in percentages.

Add the right amount of essence and you will never go wrong.

An acidic environment is known to inhibit the growth of bacteria. And this procedure is just as important for prevention as all the previous ones.

15. We put the jars in a sterilization pan, add the brine to the very top and cover with a lid.

16. Sterilize

0.5 liter cans - 30 minutes

0.650 liter cans - 45 minutes

1 liter cans - 1 hour

17. We take out the jars with the help of special tongs. Make sure the lid doesn't open. Screw on the lids. Turn over, cover with a blanket or blanket and leave to cool completely.

I will describe the whole sterilization process in more detail at the end of the article. Please read this information, it is important!

Boletus marinated for the winter

In my opinion, boletus marinated in this way are the most delicious. Therefore, we will consider the recipe using their example.

In our area, aspen mushrooms are affectionately called redheads, because of their peculiarity. Their hats are mostly red, but with rare exceptions, white ones are also found. They are very beautiful, elastic, strong. In a jar, they always keep their shape and never crumble.

And what happiness to find these beautiful, delicious-smelling mushrooms. Every time you find another handsome man with a red hat, you are filled with joy and satisfaction.

They should be marinated in the same way as boletus. The only difference is that they should be boiled not for 20, but for 30-40 minutes. These forest representatives have a very dense texture, and therefore it will take a little more time for heat treatment.

Redheads should also be dry-cleaned, and the leg must be cleaned. This should also be done for prevention purposes so that bacterial spores do not get into the blanks.

Aspen mushrooms have another distinctive feature. The hat at the bottom and the leg are dark in color when cleaning and processing. This is quite normal, such a feature of this species. Therefore, if only the hats were dark when pickling the boletus, but here all parts are dark.

Because of this, redheads should be boiled separately from all other varieties so that others do not darken. The foam, which must also be skimmed off carefully, will also be very dark.

After boiling, drain the water. And we act in the same way as in the previous description. That is, the process of laying the accompanying spices, the process of preservation and sterilization itself is exactly the same as in the recipe above.

Proceed in the same way, without any changes.

All the ingredients are exactly the same, and the pickling process is no different from the method already described above.

Chanterelles (butter) marinated for the winter

Chanterelles are good because they practically do not need to be cleaned. They are always clean and tidy. From them you just need to clean the leaves and needles and that's it. It is not necessary to wash them.

In addition, chanterelles do not touch worms at all, and this is their huge advantage over all other mushrooms.

But today's recipe we will look at the example of butter. There is more fuss with them, and there are some features of cleaning. Therefore, it is better to talk about them. And if you still cook chanterelles, then just substitute the word boletus instead of the word - chanterelles and that's it.

It is better to take oil for preservation in a small size and carefully inspect them when cleaning. Butter dish is a tender and very tasty mushroom, and not only people love it, but also worms. But you must admit, you somehow don’t want to eat them with worms!

But everyone who has dealt with butterflies knows that it seems that when you collect them and examine each of them, you don’t see any worms. But while you take them home, and while you start cleaning, they appear out of nowhere even in the smallest oil bottles.

Basically, their distribution begins with a leg. Therefore, when collecting in the forest, it is better to cut off the leg immediately, leaving only a small stump no more than 2 cm.

Also, a feature is that in butter it is necessary to remove the film from the hat. For pickled mushrooms, this is a must. Since we collect small specimens, we will have to tinker. Quite a lot of time is spent on this.

So I start cleaning them already in the car while we drive back home. Since it’s an hour and a half to go, I already have time to clean some part. And when I get home, I immediately put the butter in the refrigerator. There worms, if they exist, will no longer spread.

You can clean the film in the same way as the legs, slightly scraping the hat with a knife. Or by picking up the tip of the film with it and removing it entirely, if possible. The leg, if it is dark, should also be slightly cleaned. But in general, you can part with a leg without regret. The most delicious part is, of course, the hat.

Some housewives dip the oil for a few minutes in boiling water to make the film easier to remove. But I don't practice this method. I always clean dry.

So that the mushrooms do not darken, and so that there is not even a hint of worms left in them, put them in cold salted water. If we haven't by chance looked, the salt water will do the trick. In addition, we remember that a salty environment will protect us from harmful bacilli.

Keep them in it for 10 minutes, no more. The cap has a spongy texture and absorbs a lot of water. And it is important for us to preserve the natural taste, and not to allow it to be watery.

When all the mushrooms have been cleaned, they are also boiled in lightly salted water. Since they are very small and tender, boil them for no more than 20 minutes. During cooking, the hats can change their color to pinkish-lilac. It's okay, this is also a feature of cooking oil.

Chanterelles also darken slightly during cooking, but not much. And marinated - they turn out very beautiful. They like to be added as a whole to various salads, as well as to decorate them.

And this is a photo of boiled butter. See how the color of the hat has changed?

After they are boiled and drained of water, put them in a jar of dill and spices. They also shouldn't be sealed. Pour in brine and sterilize in time for the same time as marinated boletus and boletus. At the same time, do not forget to complete all the preliminary procedures described in the first recipe.

Do not forget to add vinegar essence as well.

Pickled butternuts can be considered a real delicacy. Due to the duration of collection and cleaning, few people want to mess with them, because you collect them all no more than 5-7 centimeters in diameter, carefully select them. Therefore, a jar opened in winter is always especially appreciated!

And of course, its main value is in taste. Pickled butternuts are always obtained with a pleasant delicate taste. And until you eat the whole jar, you can’t stop.

How to pickle mushrooms

In principle, preserving mushrooms in a special way from other recipes does not differ in almost anything, except that they should not be boiled for too long.

But when it comes to conservation, I'm still afraid to confine myself to pouring boiling water over them, and boil them. Let it be less than all other varieties, but still I do not replace the cooking stage.

But first, the mushrooms need to be washed and cleaned. To make this easier to do, I fill small batches of camelinas with cold water and leave it in it for 3-4 minutes. All blades of grass, small leaves at the same time peel off from the hat, and it remains only to check the leg. If there are remains of the earth on it, then it must be cleaned or cut off the contaminated area.

It is known that mushrooms grow in grass and moss. Often they need to be literally raked out of it. You will see, it happened, only a small piece of a red hat, you kneel down, pick a mushroom from the grass and see that there is also a whole family of them nearby. And in one small clearing, you can immediately collect up to 30 - 40 pieces.

Therefore, you collect very dirty mushrooms, there is no time to clean them all at once. And the ground often remains on the leg. You can't afford to let it all go into a jar. Therefore, the longest thing with harvesting mushrooms is just their cleaning.

It is better to sort them immediately, fold the small ones separately as a whole, and cut the large ones into 2-4 parts. There are different varieties of mushrooms, the so-called - upland, they are large, fleshy. They must be cut into pieces in preparation for conservation.

And there are, collected in clearings and slopes, they are smaller and it is not necessary to cut them.

In addition, it turns out very beautifully when only one whole hat is collected in a jar. Imagine how beautifully they can be served for a festive table.

After the mushrooms have been washed, they should be boiled. To do this, boil water in a large saucepan, lightly salt it and, as it boils, dip the mushrooms into it. Cook for 10 - 12 minutes, again after they boil again.

When cooking, carefully remove the foam. It contains the remains of forest litter, and we don’t need it in jars at all.

10 minutes after boiling, drain the water through a colander and leave the mushrooms in it for a while so that all the water is glassed.

Then put them in sterilized jars, in which the necessary spices have already been added.

Don't forget to add vinegar essence.

Then close with iron lids scalded with boiling water and sterilize as indicated above. That is, 0.5 liter cans - 30 minutes, 0.750 liter cans - 45 minutes, liter cans - 1 hour.

Keep upside down until completely cool. Store in a dark cool place. Do not use earlier than one month after conservation. The mushrooms should be completely marinated.

I had such a case when quite late in the evening a work colleague called me and asked me: “Margarita, help me out! My husband brought a full basket of mushrooms. What to do with them?

I gave her this recipe. She fussed with them until 4 am (presumably a whole basket of mushrooms), and put it in storage. During the month that it was necessary to wait for time, she called me three times and asked: “What, you can’t even open one jar earlier? I would like to try!”

And so I immediately answer everyone - it is IMPOSSIBLE!

Firstly, mushrooms should be marinated. And secondly, this time is also needed in order to be sure that no harmful bacilli have entered the jar. If somehow the cooking process was violated, and if there were any in the jar, during this time the fermentation process will begin in it and the lid will swell.

And such a bank will have to be thrown away, well, not the bank, of course, but what is in the bank. In no case should you eat its contents !!!

Therefore, be sure to follow all the rules, and you will get the most delicious mushrooms in the world. And this is discussed below.

By the way, my colleague still always thanks me for the recipe when we meet. And he says that now it will always be the only way to marinate all varieties. Fortunately, today's recipe is universal.

I also want to say that according to this recipe, you can also cook mushrooms and russula. In general, if I preserve mushrooms in a similar way, then russula (we call them bruises), if I marinate, then quite a bit, and just store them in the refrigerator. Closing with simple self-tightening lids.

It’s just that we collect very few russula, as there are many other mushrooms that are more tasty for this business. But in principle, they can be preserved in the same way.

And mushrooms are very tasty, and even beautiful.

Another big plus is that they are very quick to collect. But it should be noted that it is advisable to take only small mushrooms, large ones are no longer suitable for canning. They are best fried in a pan with onions and potatoes.

Porcini mushrooms marinated for the winter

This recipe will help you properly preserve porcini mushrooms. They are especially appreciated both in the preparation of any dishes, and in conservation. During any preparations, they always remain white, apparently from here their name came. In addition, they have a dense meaty texture, which is always pleasant when consuming them.

This recipe is different from the options I suggested. Therefore, if you have collected a lot of mushrooms, you can preserve different batches in different ways. Then compare which method you like best.

In this video, you can also see how to prepare them for canning, how to clean, how to cook, how to remove foam. This is especially useful for novice hostesses who have never done such culinary activities before.

How to cook delicious pickled mushrooms for the winter

To make mushrooms always tasty, and most importantly, to eat them safely, there are several basic rules and features, as well as some secrets. What we will talk about below.

  • It is advisable not to store the collected mushrooms for a long time. They need to be processed on the same day.
  • they must be sorted and sorted by type and size. Small ones can be left for conservation, and large ones can be frozen or, or fried with potatoes - what could be tastier!
  • it is not advisable to preserve large specimens for the reason that they have a large hat, with a large tubular surface. In the process of preparation and processing, it loses its shape and the cut pieces do not look very aesthetically pleasing.
  • clean the mushrooms “dry”, remove the forest rubbish from the cap and be sure to clean the leg. Remember that it can contain botulinum bacilli, the causative agents of a very bad disease "botulism".
  • cut all of them about the same size, small ones can be left as a whole.
  • boil in lightly salted water. After boiling, cook them for at least 20 minutes, and specimens with a denser texture - 30, and even 40 minutes.
  • boil different types separately. Otherwise, light varieties, when boiled with dark ones, will darken and lose their characteristic appearance and taste.

Subsequently, when all varieties are already boiled separately and arranged in jars, it happens that there are a few of some and a few other mushrooms. If desired, they can be combined into one jar. Thus, it is possible to mix boletus and boletus, boletus and boletus. Well, I don't mix whites with others.

  • after boiling, carefully drain the water. To do this, put the mushrooms in a colander, and do it in not too large batches.

  • Be sure to sterilize jars and lids!
  • scald dill and horseradish leaves with boiling water.
  • put the mushrooms in a hot jar.
  • pour only boiling brine.
  • sterilize jars with contents for at least the specified time!

0.5 liter - 30 minutes

0.650 liters - 45 minutes

1 liter - 60 minutes

Be sure to withstand the finished preservation for at least a month! Use only after this period. If the contents of the jars are cloudy, or the lid is swollen, do not eat them in any case! Such blanks should be thrown away!

It should always be remembered that mushrooms are a very tasty delicacy given to us by the forest. And when pickling them, you should not neglect any of the above points.

How to sterilize jars, what lids to close, and how to store

In each of the recipes for the blanks and for the winter, I try to describe the sterilization process. But here the matter is very responsible, so I will dwell on this process in more detail.

Sterilization of jars and lids, which lids are best to use

  • Wash jars and lids thoroughly with baking soda or detergent.

Lids for conservation can be used both self-tightening and twisting using a special machine. So I always choose the second option, especially when it comes to our today's blanks. As you know, most cases of botulism poisoning, as a rule, occur in mushroom preservation.

Therefore, only properly and hermetically sealed jars can prevent this. If you closed the jar not hermetically, and air got into it, then after two weeks the lid will swell. And this is a signal that such a product is forbidden to eat.

And self-tightening lids in this regard are somewhat more difficult to control. And therefore, if I marinate a jar - another and close it with such a lid, then I store it in the refrigerator for no more than a month or two. During that time, it is desirable to use it.

But this is just my experience and my opinion! I know many who use the first option. But seeing this, I won’t dare to try such preparations at a party.

  • Have them sterilized. Sterilize jars for a couple or in the oven. Steam can be sterilized in several ways. You can pour boiling water into a jar and cover it with a scalded lid for 10 minutes. To prevent the jar from bursting when pouring boiling water into it, put a tablespoon in it, and a knife blade under it.

  • You can also pour water into the pan, put a colander in it. And already in it banks. When the water boils, the jars will be sterilized with steam. The "finished" jar should be hot to the touch when touched. And now on sale there are special lids with holes for jars. You can use them too.

  • Sterilized jars, turn the neck down and put on a towel to glass the water.
  • The lids should be placed in a pot of water and boiled for at least 10 minutes.

Sterilization of jars with blanks and storage

  • Pour the jars filled with mushrooms with boiling brine to the “shoulders” of the jar. We release all the air bubbles, using a teaspoon.
  • Pour vinegar essence and add brine to the very top. So that when you close the jar with a lid, part of the brine spills over the edge.
  • We put the jars in a saucepan filled with water, on the bottom of which gauze or any other cloth was laid.
  • Water should reach the "shoulders" of the jar. So add water as needed.

  • After the water boils, we note the time. We sterilize the prescribed time, which I have already indicated above. Water should constantly boil, but not boil. Therefore, adjust the fire for this.
  • When the time is up, carefully so that the jar does not open, we take it out with special tongs and twist it with a metal lid using a seaming machine.
  • If, when you take out the jar, the lid accidentally opens, then in this case you need to add boiling brine, cover it again and sterilize the jar for at least 10 minutes.
  • If you are sterilizing several jars at once, then take them out and twist them one by one. Twisted one, get it and twist the next one.
  • We turn the twisted jars over and put them under a blanket or blanket until they cool completely. Usually 24 hours.
  • We turn over the finished jars again and see if the brine is leaking. If it's leaking, then you screwed the cap on badly. Such a jar can be opened and used to prepare hot dishes, stored for a short time in the refrigerator.
  • If the brine flows out of the jar after some time, already upside down, or the solution becomes cloudy, or the lid swells, then such a jar should be opened and the contents thrown out without any regret. Such blanks are dangerous to health and even to life!

Botulism bacilli develop in an airless environment, that is, in a closed jar there are all conditions for this. Therefore, when you are engaged in canning mushrooms, no safety measures should be neglected. Everything should be done exactly according to the instructions!

  • It is recommended to store pickled mushrooms for no more than a year in a dark, cool room.

Follow all the rules and stages of pickling, and then nothing like this will happen to you. For many years of preparing forest harvestings, my jars do not swell, do not become cloudy and are perfectly stored!

Try to cook at least a jar according to this recipe - two, and next year you will pickle them only in this way. Everyone who took the recipe from me is marinating now only in this way!

And in conclusion, I want to remind you that mushrooms are highly valued for their unique taste and forest aroma. In addition, it is an excellent source of protein, they contain several times more of it than in meat and eggs. And relatively more than in vegetables.

Therefore, they need to be prepared and eaten in different forms. And stock up on them for the winter. Because it is not only a delicious product, but also a healthy product. Nature itself nourished it with a mass of vitamins, microelements and various useful substances. And she presented it to us - take, cook, eat and enjoy!

Bon appetit!

Canned mushrooms for the winter at home ... there is more than enough cooking for this yummy. And at the mere memory of this breathtaking delicacy, every gourmet salivates. After all, such an exquisite dish will qualitatively complement and diversify the menu of any celebration. But to prepare the gifts of the forest, you have to work a little.

We will reveal some of the secrets of the art of preparing this delicacy and learn how to marinate at home.

Every housewife loves to surprise her family and guests with her signature dish of her own making. In this regard, many refuse to buy in supermarkets those products that you can cook with your own hands, especially if the hostess knows the main secrets of witchcraft in the kitchen.
We will reveal the main secrets and recipes for preparing masterpiece pickled mushrooms for the winter, because such a dish is an unsurpassed delicacy.

Did you know? For a long time there were discussions as to which kingdom this product should be attributed to: plants or animals. And as a result, in 1960, a separate kingdom was identified - the kingdom of mushrooms. Its representatives consist of protein (which brings them closer to animals), carbohydrates and minerals (these components are inherent in plants).

  1. Dishes for this process should be chosen only enameled or tinned, since such containers are not corroded by vinegar.
  2. As for the vinegar itself for the marinade, it is better to stop your choice on bread or fruit. The best option is Rhine (nesting) and aromatic vinegar.
  3. Small mushrooms are pickled whole, cutting off only the lower part of the leg. This will add an unrivaled look to the dish.
  4. If during the “silent hunt” you came across only large gifts of the forest, they are advised to cut them into 3-4 parts.
  5. It is recommended to preserve caps of porcini mushrooms and boletus mushrooms separately from the roots.
  6. Canned without skin.
  7. Preparation of value for the cooking process consists in soaking for several hours.

What mushrooms are suitable for pickling?

For pickling mushrooms for the winter in jars, any representatives of this diverse kingdom are suitable, except for poisonous ones, of course.

Did you know? Mushrooms are considered the most diverse terrestrial inhabitants. There are about two million varieties, of which only 100,000 have been learned, and even fewer have been classified.

When looking for a species for conservation, your choice should be stopped at greenfinches, rows, mushrooms, boletus, goats, fat women, etc.

Pickling methods

There are more than enough recipes for making pickled mushrooms for the winter. But, there are only two that all hostesses probably resort to.

Boiling mushrooms in a marinade

This method is in great demand, since the favorite delicacy is soaked with all the components of the marinade during the cooking process, and acquires especially aromatic taste characteristics. To implement this method, you will need:

  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 0.5 st. water;
  • a third of a glass of table vinegar;
  • 1 tbsp salt;
  • 1 tsp Sahara;
  • 5-6 pieces of allspice;
  • cloves, to taste;
  • acid (at the tip of a knife).
Water is poured into enameled dishes, vinegar and salt are added, and mushrooms are placed in this mixture. All this must be brought to a boil and boiled over low heat.

Important! Cooking time depends on the type of main ingredient: caps of white mushrooms and aspen mushrooms, as well as chanterelles and champignons are boiled for 20-25 minutes, their legs - 15-20 minutes, - 25-30 minutes. During cooking, it is necessary to collect foam with a slotted spoon so that the marinade does not turn out cloudy.

If your mushrooms have sunk to the bottom of the pan, and the foam no longer stands out during the boil, you can remove them from the heat. You can add fragrant, sugar, cloves, citric acid and bay leaf to an almost ready delicacy. The cooled dish should be folded into jars, filled to the top with fragrant liquid and tightly closed with lids.

Boiling mushrooms separately from the marinade

This recipe for preserving mushrooms for the winter is that the gifts of the forest are boiled separately from the marinade in lightly salted water. The cooking process itself resembles that indicated in the previous method.
Mushrooms are placed in a container filled with salted water (30-40 g of salt per 1 liter of water) and boiled until the product settles on one, and the water becomes clear, not forgetting to remove the foam. Then the cooked delicacy is thrown into a colander to get rid of excess moisture. During this time, you need to prepare the marinade in parallel, for which you will need the following ingredients (doses indicated per 1 liter):

  • 80% vinegar essence: 3 tsp, or 9% vinegar (1 faceted glass);
  • granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • salt - 1 tbsp;
  • bay leaves - 4-5 pieces;
  • black pepper - 10 peas;
  • allspice - 6 peas;
  • carnation - 2-3 buds;
  • dry - 2-3 g.
All components must be mixed and boiled. Then pour the cooled mushrooms laid out in jars with the resulting liquid and close with plastic lids.

Important! Some housewives add citric acid to the marinade (literally at the tip of a knife). This component is a kind of inoculation of the dish against botulism. For the same purpose, banks are not advised to close with metal lids.

Which pickling method to choose

Both recipes for pickled mushrooms for the winter are equivalent, because in the end you get an unsurpassed dish. But, if you draw a division line, then the first method can be called more tasty, and the second - representative.
The fact is, the marinade in which the mushrooms were boiled will darken and fade a little over time, it will become viscous. But, the taste of the forest delicacy will be especially fragrant and teasing the taste buds.

With the second method, the marinade will be transparent and light. Therefore, when choosing how to pickle mushrooms for the winter in jars, it is necessary to clearly articulate the goal of this process for yourself: to prepare a masterpiece dish for the home table, or a copy for “special occasions”.

Preparing mushrooms for pickling

Successful hunting for forest gifts is only half the battle, although special vigilance is needed here, since the diversity of mushroom species can mislead even the most experienced mushroom picker. You should especially carefully look at each mushroom so that it does not end up in the basket.

After collection, you need to prepare for conservation at home.


The collected gifts of the forest must be sorted by type, because each variety has its own characteristics (taste, smell, time and behavior during cooking). Species are also advised to be divided by size. This is where the aesthetic criterion comes into play: mushrooms of approximately the same size look much more attractive on the festive table.

Important! If you want to make a mushroom platter, you should remember that, despite the information indicated in the recipes for preparing pickled mushrooms for the winter, some types should not be cooked together. So, butterflies will darken if they are placed in the same container with boletus. Cooking in one bowl of whites, boletus and boletus ends with the fact that the boletus is digested, and the whites with boletus are undercooked.

Soaking and soaking

These processes are relevant for species such as mushrooms, valui, pigs, and are a kind of cleaning methods. So, for example, mushrooms are advised to soak for an hour in salted water, and then rinse them under a vigorous water jet. This method will save you a lot of time that would be required for manual cleaning.
As for the value and, before pickling, they must be soaked for two days in salted cold water. Water should be changed every 10-12 hours.

The remaining varieties (white, boletus, milky, boletus, etc.) are not advised to soak, as they will absorb excess moisture. They just need to be rinsed in running water.


Almost every mushroom unit needs individual inspection and cleaning. So, in champignons and butter, you need to remove the skin from the caps, and the latter are first advised to dip in boiling water for 1 minute to facilitate this process. In white, boletus, boletus, russula, etc., the legs are separated from the hats, the chanterelles are thoroughly cleaned of dirt and debris under running water.

The ancient Russian tradition of harvesting vegetables, fruits, mushrooms for the winter has not lost its relevance today. Canning porcini mushrooms is very important. At home, they are dried, pickled, salted, frozen, fried. Crispy, elastic, fragrant, they will not leave anyone indifferent, complement the side dish or be the best snack on any table. Mushrooms are harvested in the second half of August; they can be found in deciduous forests with sandy soils. They grow in cool climates. White mushroom is called because in the process of cooking it does not change its color.

The most delicious porcini mushrooms are those found in spruce-birch forests.

White mushroom, or boletus, is highly valued for its proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins (A, B1, C, D), antitumor agents, antibiotics, and minerals. In addition, it contains potassium salts, phosphates, riboflavin, which supports the thyroid gland, good condition of the skin, nails, and hair. In addition, it contains ascorbic acid, polysaccharides, iodine, phosphorus, amino acids, which favorably affect the mental activity of a person. It is important that this product has a low calorie content - only 34 kcal, energy value - about 100 kJ per 100 g.

Boletus is practically safe for humans, but you need to be careful in the forest, because this fungus has a poisonous counterpart - gall fungus. It is easy to distinguish them: if you cut off the leg of a false fellow, it immediately turns pink. All mushrooms have a porous structure and easily absorb all harmful substances from the soil and air, so it is better to collect them in environmentally friendly areas.

Preparing for conservation, marinating

It is best to process porcini mushrooms immediately after they have been harvested.

The pulp of the porcini mushroom is fleshy, the color is white, dense, and under the cap in the section there is a brown layer.

Remove leaves and other debris, select and discard damaged specimens, pour cold water for 30 minutes, drain the water and soak again for 15 minutes, then rinse well. Too big need to be cut into pieces, small ones can be used whole. If necessary, separate the caps from the legs, it is advisable to sort the mushrooms by type and size.

Marinating is a way of processing foods using special marinades. You can marinate chanterelles, mushrooms, boletus, white milk mushrooms, rows, mushrooms, champignons and others. Differences in the methods of cooking different types of mushrooms come down mainly to the cooking time.

Usually, mushrooms are boiled for 20 to 40 minutes in salted water, a marinade is prepared separately from water, salt, sugar, vinegar and spices. In it, mushrooms are boiled for another 7-10 minutes, laid out in jars, rolled up with metal lids.

The main preservatives for this harvesting method are vinegar, vinegar essence, aspirin, citric acid. These substances help stop the reproduction of microorganisms. Vinegar is a substance artificially synthesized from natural gas that contains many impurities harmful to human health. So that the mushrooms do not deteriorate, 2 teaspoons of vinegar essence or 1.5 tbsp are enough per liter of marinade. spoons of vinegar.

For pickling, it is best to choose smaller and stronger mushrooms.

The recipe is simple. For the marinade you need:

  • mushrooms - 2 kg;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar, salt - 2 tablespoons each;
  • allspice;
  • carnation;
  • Bay leaf.

Boil mushrooms in water (with a pinch of salt) for 40 minutes over moderate heat in a refractory saucepan, periodically removing foam and debris that has surfaced. Throw in a colander, getting rid of excess liquid, rinse with cold water. Prepare the marinade by dissolving salt, sugar in water, adding spices. Bring everything to a boil, throw in the mushrooms and cook for another 8 minutes. At this time, steam sterilize the jars and lids. Distribute the finished mushrooms into jars, close with metal lids, turn over and cover with a warm blanket.

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Proper drying of mushrooms

Before drying, the mushrooms are not washed, they are carefully cleaned of earth, debris, leaves with a brush or rag so as not to damage the surface. Then the legs are separated from the caps, the large ones are cut, strung on threads and evenly laid out, for example, on dry cardboard. You can dry the mushrooms in the sun, weather permitting, on a well-ventilated surface, in a gas or electric oven. Our ancestors preferred to dry whole mushrooms in a Russian oven so that they retain their aroma and taste in full. It is best to use young mushrooms.

The natural drying method is usually the longest and takes 7-8 days, but it requires favorable weather conditions.

Processing in the oven or Russian oven is carried out in several stages.

First, moisture is evaporated for 2-3 hours at a temperature of + 50 ° C, cooled and again placed in the oven for 2-3 hours already at + 80 ° C.

If necessary, repeat the first step.

Dried mushrooms should be stored in a dry, dark place with good ventilation so that they do not get moldy, since they absorb moisture from the environment very well.

After drying, mushrooms have an even greater aroma. They can be ground into a powder, then added to various dishes.

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Salting mushrooms: nuances

Almost all mushrooms are suitable for salting. First, clean them, soak them for several days (from 2 to 4), periodically changing the water. Then they are thrown into a colander, decanting excess liquid, laid in layers in an enameled or wooden container. Each layer is sprinkled with salt and spices to taste (dill, black pepper, allspice, cloves, currant leaves, cherries, garlic). Everything is well covered with a lid and pressed down with oppression.

Salted porcini mushrooms are considered one of the most delicious snacks.

They are ready for use in about a month. Salted mushrooms should be stored at a temperature of 0 to +8 ° C in glass jars under plastic lids. This method of salting is called cold. With the hot method, the mushrooms are pre-boiled in salted water, then they are laid in layers with spices under oppression in the same way. The mushrooms are unusually tasty, because they mainly grow in pine forests, absorbing coniferous aroma from the soil and air.

Another way to harvest porcini mushrooms is freezing. Peeled, washed mushrooms are cut or chopped in a combine, boiled without salt, packed in special bags for freezing, and sent to the freezer.

Roasting is also used. Mushrooms are processed, boiled in water with the addition of salt, spices, finely chopped, fried in sunflower oil, closed in jars under a plastic lid and stored in a refrigerator. This method allows you to use very quickly, without pre-treatment, a blank for making pizza, pies, fried potatoes.

Cooking mushrooms for the winter has its peak - this is the end of summer and autumn. At this time, you need to have time to collect and prepare mushrooms for future use. Harvested salted mushrooms for the winter, dried and pickled then will be very useful to you. But first you need to know how to pickle mushrooms for the winter how to pickle mushrooms for the winter, how to freeze mushrooms for the winter, how to prepare dried mushrooms for the winter, how to cook mushrooms for the winter. Almost all edible mushrooms are suitable for harvesting for the winter: milk mushrooms, chanterelles, russula, honey mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus, champignons, volnushki, mushrooms, and of course white mushroom. Recipes for harvesting porcini mushrooms for the winter are very diverse, since this mushroom is very tasty and easy to prepare. That is why many people love to collect and cook porcini mushrooms so much. Recipes for harvesting porcini mushrooms for the winter include all known methods, while many agaric mushrooms can only be salted.

Let's start with a question how to pickle mushrooms for the winter. More often than others, pickling porcini mushrooms for the winter is common. White mushroom is the king of all mushrooms, and marinated white mushrooms for the winter are very tasty. Usually we pickle porcini mushrooms for the winter separately from other mushrooms. When we pickle porcini mushrooms for the winter, we cut large mushrooms into pieces, and pickle small ones whole. These rules, in principle, also work when we prepare others pickled mushrooms for the winter. The video recipe for pickling mushrooms for the winter will show you all the stages of pickling, show you how to prepare and how to roll mushrooms for the winter. Marinade for mushrooms for the winter is standard: salt, sugar, vinegar and spices. Depending on what kind of pickled mushrooms you want to cook for the winter, the recipe may contain different types of spices and proportions of marinade ingredients.

Another way to save mushrooms for the winter is to salt the mushrooms for the winter. Recipes will show you how to pickle mushrooms for the winter. Perhaps this is the oldest way to cook mushrooms for the winter. The recipe for salting mushrooms for the winter for different mushrooms may vary. Some agaric mushrooms are pre-soaked to remove bitterness from them. Salted milk mushrooms, volnushki, mushrooms are classics of the genre, but they need a special approach. Therefore, you should figure out how to salt mushrooms for the winter and which recipe for salted mushrooms for the winter is right for you. For example, salting porcini mushrooms for the winter and salted chanterelle mushrooms will be slightly different. Harvesting for the winter, more precisely, salting, possibly in two ways - cold and hot. In both cases, you can prepare salted porcini mushrooms for the winter, chanterelles, milk mushrooms, etc., but hot salting requires preliminary boiling of mushrooms, and cold salting is longer.

And if you look at how to boil mushrooms for the winter and how to preserve boiled mushrooms for the winter, then perhaps choose this option for harvesting mushrooms. Vinegar or boiling sunflower oil is usually added to boiled mushrooms. After that, the usual preservation of mushrooms for the winter takes place. Recipes with boiled mushrooms can come in handy for pickling mushrooms and hot salting.

Drying mushrooms is the choice of lazy people. So you can prepare boletus, chanterelle, butterdish, porcini mushroom. Harvesting dried mushrooms for the winter in winter will pay off handsomely with fragrant mushroom soup or gravy. Again, there are several recipes for drying mushrooms for the winter: in the sun and in the oven. For example, some believe that harvesting dried porcini mushrooms for the winter should be carried out according to the classic version - drying on a thread. But keep in mind that not all mushrooms can be dried. Especially often this is how porcini mushrooms are cooked for the winter, as they perfectly retain their aroma. Perhaps this is the easiest preparation of mushrooms for the winter.

Freezing is also a great way to harvest mushrooms. There are many ways to freeze mushrooms for the winter. You can freeze raw and boiled mushrooms for the winter. So if you have collected a lot of porcini mushrooms and want to save them for the winter, freezing porcini mushrooms for the winter will help you. Freeze even fried mushrooms. If you like fried mushrooms, you should definitely read how to fry mushrooms for the winter. For example, at your service are recipes for fried porcini mushrooms for the winter, fried butter mushrooms for the winter, fried chanterelle mushrooms. Recipes for the winter will show you how to preserve mushrooms for the winter in a slow cooker.

There is not just harvesting mushrooms for the winter, recipes will also help you prepare almost ready-made mushroom dishes for the winter and snacks. These are mushroom pate for the winter, mushroom caviar for the winter, mushroom salad for the winter, mushrooms with vegetables for the winter, cabbage with mushrooms for the winter, hodgepodge with mushrooms for the winter, etc. In addition to marinade and brine, you can cook mushrooms in tomato for the winter , mushrooms in oil for the winter, mushrooms in fat for the winter. So, in particular, the preparation of fried mushrooms for the winter is carried out. So you have a lot of options for how to close the mushrooms for the winter.

Canned mushrooms for the winter should not be stored for too long. Maximum - 1 year. At the same time, preserving mushrooms for the winter does not allow the use of metal lids. Mushrooms for the winter in jars, it is better to cork with glass or plastic lids. Rolling mushrooms for the winter is carried out according to standard rules: sterilization of lids and jars, etc.