Gainer in 100 g of carbohydrates. Recommendations of professionals on the correct regimen for taking a gainer

02.07.2020 Meat dishes

Before disassembling the intake of a sports supplement, you need to understand what it is for. A gainer is a nutritional blend that contains proteins, simple carbohydrates, and carbohydrates with a low glycemic index - they are slowly broken down and constantly provide the athlete's body with energy.

The composition of the classic mixture of proteins should be three times less than carbohydrates. The proteins in its composition provide an increase in the athlete's muscle mass, and carbohydrates replenish energy reserves after a workout.

Fats in a gainer are often not beneficial - sports nutrition manufacturers minimize their amount, replace saturated fats with unsaturated ones, and add digestive enzymes so that the components are better absorbed by the body.

Additionally, the mixture may contain vitamin complexes and minerals, and they are also enriched with glutamine, creatine and amino acids. Regular use of such sports nutrition allows the athlete to see the result faster.

How to choose the right supplement?

Choosing a good gainer is a rather difficult task, given the expensive cost of sports nutrition. If you are short on funds, you can prepare a gainer at home from natural ingredients. The effectiveness of a homemade gainer is comparable to dry concentrates, but it takes longer to prepare.

If you choose a mixture in a sports nutrition store, then pay attention, first of all, to the composition of the sports supplement and the manufacturer. Of course, sports nutrition from a well-known brand will be expensive, but you will be absolutely sure of the quality.

So, the choice of a gainer is carried out depending on your individual needs - if the percentage of adipose tissue in your body is large enough, then choose a concentrate in which the protein content is higher than carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates contribute to weight gain, especially if your workout is not intense enough. If you are overweight, then it is better to refuse such sports nutrition in favor of protein shakes.

For people with a lean physique with a fast metabolism, classic gainers with an increased amount of carbohydrates are suitable. Excess calorie intake will eventually lead to increased muscle growth.

Pay special attention to the protein composition of the product. If the carbohydrates that are used in sports nutrition are often of good quality, then proteins are not all equally beneficial to the body. The quality of the protein in the composition to a greater extent depends on its cost.

Gainer is a perfectly balanced nutritional supplement, but, unfortunately, manufacturers cannot take into account the individual characteristics of each athlete. Therefore, you need to independently determine whether you need supplements and vitamins in the composition of the gainer. Creatine for muscle growth can be consumed alone, and vitamin supplements will be superfluous if you are taking a course of vitamins prescribed by a doctor.

What should be the portion?

A gainer is a dry concentrate of nutrients, which must be diluted to a homogeneous consistency with water or milk before taking.

The packaging indicates specific servings of the product for a single dose. But they are not always objective, because each manufacturer seeks to increase the turnover of his product.

An increased dose will not harm your body, but will be ineffective, because the amount of protein that the body can absorb at one time is limited. So, 200-300 grams of the mixture will bring no more benefit than the optimal portion of 100-150 grams.

The calculation of the portion is carried out individually for your body: it is necessary to take into account factors such as weight, athletic training, calorie needs, as well as the schedule and intensity of training. Ideally, you should calculate the number of calories that you need to consume additionally during the day in order for the weight to go up.

To do this, you need to count all the calories consumed for several weeks and record the change in weight. If you are eating and not gaining weight, then this will be your zero point. Calculate how many calories you need to add in the form of a gainer. Start taking the supplement in an amount equal to one third of the calculated dosage.

Gradually increase the portion and observe the result. If the effect is not noticeable, the dose should be increased. If you start gaining weight, limit your supplement intake and only use the gainer before your workout.

The following table shows the approximate dosage of the mixture depending on the weight and number of meals:

Calculator for accurate calculation of the required amount of mixture

The amount of the daily norm of the gainer (grams)

Table of the average daily intake of carbohydrates per 1 kg of weight (grams)

weight loss weight maintenance weight gain
The male 2 - 3 3 - 4 4 - 5
Female 2 - 2.5 3 - 3.5 3.5 - 4.5

When to take?

Before workout

If you take the supplement immediately before training (30-60 minutes before the start of training, so that the protein is better absorbed by the body), you will receive an energy reserve that increases the intensity of muscle growth. But remember that everyone's metabolism and body work is at different levels, so 60 minutes may not be enough for the supplement to be absorbed and not cause heaviness in the stomach during training.

After training

A gainer that you take within an hour after a workout will provide the body with protein. Amino acids are used as a building material for muscles, and carbohydrates in the composition of the gainer will provide extra calories that will be used to ensure synthesis processes.

An hour and a half after a workout with strength exercises, a protein-carbohydrate window is formed, as a result of which nutrients are more actively absorbed. Muscles should not be left without additional nutrition after strength training, otherwise they will deplete, not grow. So timely nutrition will restore muscle tissue and help you get spectacular results faster.

On the other hand, it is not recommended to use the supplement immediately after the workout (until 30 minutes have passed): give the body time to calm down. In order to speed up the recovery process and prepare the gastrointestinal tract for a serving of gainer, drink water and take BCAAs.

Can it be used instead of food?

If you do not have enough time to cook your own food, then you can use gainers, but not on an ongoing basis, as they are only an addition to the diet. This advice is especially relevant for people with a lack of mass, since the weight gained will not go away.

The mixture can be taken at night to increase the calorie content of the diet with a lack of protein and energy in it. But again, this advice is for lean athletes with fast metabolisms.

To avoid problems with excess weight, it is better to replace the carbohydrate mixture with casein or complex protein, which is slowly absorbed, forming lean muscle mass, not fat.

This will provide you with the necessary amino acids for the next 6-12 hours. Remember that during sleep, carbohydrates are almost not consumed for energy processes, but are deposited in the form of fat.

What can you drink with?

  1. Milk. The most popular base for stirring a gainer. In conjunction with milk, you can get a very rich and pleasant taste. The content of nutrients in milk enriches the composition of the cocktail. If your goal is weight gain, then you should choose milk with a high percentage of fat, if you are drying, then take less fat, you do not need extra calories. Can be mixed with baked milk. Goat's, cow's or sheep's milk - it doesn't matter, choose according to your taste.
  2. Water. It won't add anything useful to your smoothie, but it won't add any calories either. In this case, the choice depends on your training goals. Water will make the cocktail less sweet. This is a cheaper and more affordable option. It is also suitable for people with lactose intolerance.
  3. other liquids. You can use fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk). But it will be more difficult to stir the powder in them. If you want to use juice, then try to match the same taste with a gainer, otherwise you will get a very tasteless mixture. Lemonade is a bad choice for an athlete, it is better to exclude them from your diet altogether. In extreme cases, you can mix the gainer and sparkling water.

Taking with other supplements

A supplement that will provide energy to the muscles during high-intensity workouts such as sprinting, iron work and explosive strength exercises. Creatine binds to phosphorus and forms phosphocreatine. An increase in the amount of phosphocreatine in the body due to supplements (by about 20%) allows you to withstand the maximum load longer, and reduces the recovery period between sets. These effects contribute to accelerated weight gain and an increase in strength.

According to research by scientists, creatine can improve speed performance in running and swimming for short distances. The combination of creatine and a gainer will increase the speed of gaining muscle mass. But you need to carefully control the dosage, because mass gain from creatine is associated with fluid retention in the muscles. Therefore, if speed and mobility are important to the athlete, as in sprinting, or if there are weight categories in the sport, then you should refrain from taking a gainer and creatine together.

If the main goal is to gain mass, then taking creatine will be useful, but you should adhere to the following rules: Drink more water. Dehydration associated with taking creatine can cause cramps and abdominal discomfort. Do not take more than 5-10 grams per day. Take creatine before and after your workout. Reception in the morning or in the evening is ineffective. Take a break for 3 weeks after a month of taking creatine. This is due to the fact that the muscles accumulate creatine up to a certain point, then the effectiveness of the intake decreases sharply.

You can combine these supplements for the fastest growth of muscle tissue. Add "quick" proteins before and after training. At night, you should not consume extra calories, give preference to slow proteins (casein) and do not drink a gainer. Do not consume more than 30 grams of protein at a time, the body will not be able to absorb this amount.

Vitamins, amino acids and others

Supplementation with vitamin complexes will speed up the recovery of the body. If the gainer already contains some vitamins, then pick up only the missing ones. You can take the entire daily dose of vitamins in one cocktail.

Using a gainer with amino acids will help regulate metabolism, accelerate muscle growth and restore muscles after a workout. Amino acids can be drunk in the morning during breakfast, an hour after training with a gainer and before bed.

You can also diversify the taste of the gainer with dried fruits, oatmeal or berries. This will be a great solution for athletes who use a gainer without sweeteners and flavors.

What happens if you drink a gainer and do not exercise

Do not expect positive results from taking a gainer without training. If you lead a sedentary lifestyle and consume enough calories with food, then you will simply replenish all your glycogen stores, excess carbohydrates will go to your fat depot, and excess proteins will not be absorbed. Thus, all you will achieve is a waste of money and a deterioration in appearance and health due to obesity.

If you are not able to take regular food in sufficient volume during the day (due to work schedule, etc.), then you can use a gainer, there will be no negative effect, on the contrary, your appearance and well-being will improve compared to period of malnutrition. But this will not be a miraculous effect of sports nutrition. Gainer is a common meal, athletes drink it because it has a very rich composition, and it is also convenient to drink it after training in conditions of lack of time.

Thus, if you are not exercising, then the best option is to eat regular food and try to diversify your diet with healthy foods, do not spend money on sports supplements.


  1. If you decide to buy a gainer, approach the matter responsibly, study the composition and familiarize yourself with the manufacturers.
  2. You can cook a gainer at home if you are short on funds.
  3. Control portion sizes, the body cannot absorb too much protein at a time.
  4. Take a gainer before and after your workout.
  5. You can supplement your shake with creatine, protein, amino acids and vitamins to increase its effectiveness and enrich the composition.
  6. The choice of liquid for stirring is a matter of taste, the main thing is to pay attention to its calorie content.
  7. Eating a gainer without training is not the smartest waste of money, it is better to expand your diet with regular products.

Sports supplements are indispensable during training and their effect is very great, but you should not wait for your muscles to begin to grow by themselves after you start taking them. Your hard work and perseverance are the main success factors. Try, work, and then the results will not keep you waiting.

Gainer calorie content is one of the most important characteristics of this product. It is due to the additional calories received by the body from ready-made carbohydrate-protein cocktails that the athlete's body weight is rapidly growing.

Some simply cannot build their diet in such a way that they get all the necessary nutrients from ordinary food. Others are unable to absorb large amounts of food that would help them gain the desired weight. To achieve the desired results, bodybuilders need to consume an impressive amount of calories daily. Gainers are designed to simplify this task.

How many calories in a serving of gainer

The modern market of gainers boasts a very rich assortment. But each product released by one manufacturer or another has its own calories. Gainer it is necessary to choose taking into account the energy consumption carried out by the body and the nutritional value of the diet. The following guidelines must be followed:

  • a portion of a gainer after a workout should compensate for at least 2/3 of energy costs
  • when calculating the calorie content of a cocktail, do not forget to take into account the calorie content of the liquid that serves as the basis of the drink
  • remember that the calorie content of one serving of the product is not always equal to the calorie content of gainers per 100 grams
  • different gainers have different amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, which also affects the calorie content

Most manufacturers make their own recommendations for taking their products. Almost always, special measuring scoops come with the packaging so that the athlete does not suffer with calculations before preparing a cocktail.

Consider how two ready-made drinks from two well-known manufacturers will differ in their characteristics.

MuscleTech MASS GAINER has 380 calories per 100 grams. To prepare a portion of this gainer, the manufacturer recommends using six scoops of dry mix and 400 ml of water (or milk). The result is a drink with an energy value of 1270 kcal, which contains 50 grams of protein, 261 grams of carbohydrates and 3 grams of fat.

And here calorie content of one serving of the gainer(2 scoops ~ 95 g) Arnie's Iron Mass is 485 kcal. The resulting drink will also have 40 grams of protein, 34 grams of carbohydrates and 21 grams of fat. It is easy to calculate that in 100 grams it turns out 510 kcal.

Each gainer has its own gram per serving. Such measures are taken for the reason that ready-made cocktails have different nutritional values, which must be taken into account by athletes when compiling a diet.

Did you know that illiterate use of gainers leads to small stature and angry intestines?

Dlet's be honest. Not so many people are scrupulous about taking sports nutrition. We think: “Ah! The more I throw into myself, the stronger it will be to shove! No matter how...

BUT Have you ever noticed that the guys who are very strict and attentive in matters of receiving a gainer, for some reason, are always very large and have a beautiful relief. By the way, they have the same attitude towards the training itself. What are the basic principles for the correct intake of a gainer?

P The first step is to think carefully about portion size. What the manufacturer of the product writes on the label of the can is designed for already established professionals. Their body has long been accustomed to an accelerated metabolism and corresponding strong training.

D For beginners who are just striving to gain muscle mass, professional doses of the “growth elixir” will be a powerful shock to the body. They are unlikely to fully absorb.

With Most likely, most of the used product, as well as the money spent on it, will literally merge into the toilet. And do you need it?

But, how then to take a gainer with the greatest benefit?

ATIn general, the optimal portion is considered to be 100-150 mg powder on 300-500 ml liquids. From this emerges a clear proportion 1 to 3.

AT Depending on your athletic “level”, you can play with the amount, but still keep the ratio of product to liquid (water or milk). By the way, the generally accepted capacity of a measuring spoon from manufacturers of sports nutrition is 50 grams. As you can see, measuring is quite simple.

To By the way, it is best to mix your “mass potion” with a mixer or a special shaker until you get a homogeneous drink without lumps.

It is best to take a gainer during the day as follows:

  • In the morning, after breakfast, to feed your body with calories and carbohydrates for energy.
  • Behind 1-1.5 hours before training in order to provide the body with the necessary “charge” of amino acids and carbohydrates: the endurance threshold will increase, strength will increase and the training itself will become better.
  • As soon as possible after training. This is the foundation for explosive muscle growth! We replenish the so-called "carbohydrate" and "protein" window, because your body has spent a lot on strength exercises.
  • You can also take a gainer to increase the total number of meals during the day. Usually, in the composition of gainers there are many nutrients that you are unlikely to fully get in your usual diet. This helps people with low body weight not to lose it in cases where regular nutrition becomes difficult to obtain. For example, because of the rhythm of life, your affairs or work. But you should not make a gainer a permanent replacement for regular food.
  • And in general, when taking sports nutrition, and especially gainers, drink more fluids. This contributes to greater absorption of the nutrients of the product, and most of the components of the composition will not be excreted from your body.
  • If you are inclined to be overweight, it is better to give up gainers in favor of proteins. I don't think you need extra calories.

Look at the composition of the gainer

PThe percentage of carbohydrates and proteins in the composition will help you understand how this or that product suits you and how best to take it. If high glycemic* carbohydrates are present in the product, blood sugar levels will rise immediately after ingestion. This will allow you to gain muscle mass in a shorter time.

*Low glycemic carbohydrates give a small increase in blood sugar levels, with a lasting effect. This type of carbohydrate is good for people who tend to be overweight. Carbohydrates help proteins to be better absorbed, so if you take gainers in combination with proteins, this will give a much greater effect.

With I should add that in the composition of a good gainer you will always find vitamin complexes ( THE WEIGHT), essential and non-essential amino acids ( L-glutamine, L-leucin, L-isoleucin, L-vallin, L-arginin etc.), as well as iron, zinc, calcium and phosphorus.

P. S. How to take a gainer, Of course, it's up to you personally. Sooner or later, you will develop your own methodology that is most suitable for you personally, but the general recommendations are outlined above.

What I like about gainers is: firstly, they make life much easier, and secondly, when using them, you can use very flexible schemes. After all, the main goal is to gain mass (preferably muscle) and overdoing it with the amount is not so scary if you were on the "drying" and shook over every kilo. A few recommendations: 1. Try to follow the instructions. 2. If you are gaining weight too quickly or, conversely, slowly, then level the tricks. May be taken from 1 to 4 servings per day. Depends on serving size, your build, training and diet. The classic reception is an hour - half an hour before training and half an hour after training. The first technique will allow you to get energy and building material during the training, and the second will eliminate the catabolic effect. You can take a gainer immediately after a workout, but it is better to let the body (in particular, the stomach) recover a little. You can take the gainer between meals (if the interval is large) and on days without physical exertion. In general, as already mentioned - the program can be selected individually for each. 3. You can dilute the gainer both in water and in milk (0.5 - 1.5% fat). Just keep in mind that you will add as much protein and fat to the serving as it is written on the packaging of the latter. Of course, milk tastes better. 4. What makes it good to take gainers is that most imported manufacturers try to make the mixture as balanced as possible. Buying products from a well-known brand, you get not only proteins and carbohydrates (by the way, proteins and carbohydrates in gainers are often of very good quality and consist of 4 or more varieties), but also a wide range of vitamins, minerals and additional amino acids.

Potnikov S.N. - chief consultant for sports nutrition store

Many who bought a protein-carbohydrate mixture for the first time are wondering how to take a gainer correctly? Often, the manufacturer does not place instructions on the use of sports nutrition on the packaging, and the buyer quite reasonably has questions. In this article you will find answers to them.
To begin with, let's clarify that there is no unambiguous answer on how to take a gainer correctly.
First, each athlete has his own goal. Someone wants to get rid of excess weight, someone to gain mass, and someone to improve muscle recovery after a workout. Therefore, the reception of a gainer will depend on your goal.
Second: each gainer has its own composition. we analyzed thoroughly the compositions of modern mixtures for mass gain. By and large, only a homemade gainer will guarantee you a qualitative increase in performance, since it is you who will know what is included in this mixture. About where to get complex carbohydrates and in what proportions to mix them with proteins will be discussed in the following articles.

After you have decided for yourself, and yet made a choice in favor of the first, consider the main points of taking this supplement.

How many grams of gainer should I take per day?

One serving of the average gainer is 100-200 grams, which should be placed in 300-600 ml of water or milk. Some use juice for this purpose, but not many will like the resulting sugary taste. In addition, taking a whole serving (especially the amount recommended by the manufacturer) is not very effective. Such a large amount of protein, carbohydrates and calories is unlikely to be absorbed 100%, especially if a post-workout meal follows half an hour after it. Therefore, you should divide the recommended amount into 2-3 doses and consume them throughout the day (for example, one between breakfast and lunch, one before training and one after).

In what doses is it safe to take a gainer?

For human health, the use of any (adequate) doses of gainer is completely safe. But, you should pay attention to the growth of adipose tissue in the process of taking it - if you notice that there is a stable increase of 1-2 kg on the scales every week, and the belt on your trousers has become difficult to fasten - do not have illusions, you are not growing muscles, and fat. Lower your calorie intake and watch your weight again.
Also, a gainer in large doses harms your wallet.

What time to take the gainer?

But when you should not drink a gainer, it is, perhaps, before going to bed. Excess carbohydrates (especially fast ones) will be useless during sleep and the only kilograms that they will help build will be fat. If you are still worried about your muscles during sleep, then drink a serving of casein or eat a pack of fat-free cottage cheese.