All about palm oil. Shea butter: benefits and harms, tips for using Shea butter in candy effects on the body

02.07.2020 Dishes for children

Traveling around African countries, many people simply admire the smooth skin and thick hair of local beauties. It is very difficult to achieve such an effect, given the scorching heat and dry winds of the plains. The main secret of the health of the skin and hair of these peoples is shea butter, extracted from its seeds. People here take it from a very young age. The shea tree, also called shea or colo, grows in many countries of the African continent and can reach 300 years of age. The fruit, which looks like a miniature avocado, is harvested only from trees that are over 30 years old. The source of the oil itself is the seeds in the stone, they need to be dried, fried or boiled, and then crushed.

Getting oil

Now there are only 2 ways to prepare cabbage soup:

  • The manual method, which is undoubtedly more time consuming. The seeds are crushed in mortars, after which a little water is added and the mass is ground until a brown slurry is obtained. Then it is rinsed so that foam appears, which is collected in a separate container and boiled. After that, the upper part of such a decoction is removed and cooled. This is butter, it looks like baked milk.
  • A production process in which the final product goes through several stages of filtration, purification and deodorization. At the exit, korite oil turns out to be snow-white in color and does not have a specific smell.

Ingredients - shea butter

The extract consists of many elements, such as:

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids
  • Vitamins A, E, D
  • Triglycerides
  • Phenols
  • Steroids
  • Hydrocarbon

All these components allow you to use shea butter in different areas.

Benefits - shea butter

For a very long time, the indigenous population of Africa has been accustomed to eating the product of the shea tree for food. They use it as a substitute for butter and vegetable oil, which are ubiquitous in Europe. Colo oil contains a huge amount of unsaturated fatty acids (mono and poly), which affect most processes in the body:

  • Strengthening of cellular structures, including muscles and bone tissue
  • Hormonal regulation
  • Release of a large amount of energy

Kolo extract is very popular among women of all ages.

In developed countries, shea butter is rarely used as a food, but it is very often used in food production, for example, it is an excellent substitute for cocoa butter (which is necessary to create chocolate). It is also used to make margarine.

Shea butter - properties

Shea is most widely used in the production of cosmetology and medicinal balms. Oil is an integral component of masks, balms, gels, creams and scrubs. All thanks to the perfect combination with other ingredients and essential oils. Shea has such healing properties as:

  • Providing the skin with essential fat-soluble vitamins, including A, E and D, which contribute to its elasticity and health
  • Increased production of collagen, which prevents aging and the formation of stretch marks (this phenomenon is often found in pregnant women)
  • Reducing swelling and inflammation (minor injuries, bruises or sprains; the oil is applied locally, it is rubbed into the affected area)
  • Bactericidal effect
  • Local increase in blood circulation (therefore used for massage)
  • Healing of burns, cracks and other injuries.
  • Protection of the skin from dryness, peeling and harmful environmental influences (sun, wind, cold, etc.)
  • Strengthening hair and nails

What kind of shea butter does people have? In fact, there are not so many who have tried such a remedy, since people are not particularly aware of its healing properties, but those housewives who took the risk were very pleased.

Harm - shea butter

The main problem of rare and exotic plants for our regions is an allergic reaction to them. To prevent such a nuisance, you must first try the oil on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body. You can apply a little on the back of your wrist and see if there is any redness.

However, the biggest disadvantage of shea butter is the lack of thorough medical studies of this product, which could unambiguously confirm its beneficial properties.

Shea butter - application

Colo seed oil or products where it is one of the components can be purchased at pharmacies or specialty cosmetics stores. Shea butter in a pharmacy, has a composition close to medicines, so it is used more for medicinal purposes. Before you buy anything, you need to carefully study the composition, since the way the oil is made affects not only the price.

Remember that if shea butter is refined, it will not give the proper healing effect.

Natural handmade shea butter has many more nutrients because it has not been refined. The natural product has a greenish or cream color and a nutty smell. You should also pay attention to the labeling. The highest quality oil is assigned class A, and the lowest grade F. The latter has only a moisturizing effect. In its natural form, shea butter is stored in a cool place in the form of bars. It begins to melt at human body temperature. Unrefined, natural oil retains its properties for 2 years. The safety of shea in the composition of various products depends on its variety and other components in the composition.

Many women are well aware of the cream-balm bark with shea butter for the eyes. It is specially designed to care for delicate skin.

Shea butter for massage

The tool is used for various types of massage, it perfectly moisturizes the skin and saturates it with nutrients, in addition, blood circulation in a certain area improves. The extract will not only cure the epithelium, but also get rid of cellulite, while the upper layers of the skin are filled with trace elements and vitamins. With toning and soothing properties, the oil can be used to eliminate the "orange peel" and massage the face in order to get rid of scars and peeling.

For massage, you can even buy shea butter at a pharmacy.

Colo oil in aromatherapy

Shea extract is actively used in aromatherapy, it has a great effect on sleep and relaxation. Therefore, to get the effect, it can be used not only for massage. Active ingredients and a pleasant smell will help to cope even with a runny nose. To achieve the effect, you just need to warm up the ingredient and it will inflame around the house. In many professional beauty salons, shea is used to create a pleasant relaxing atmosphere, and its use in massage provides a double effect on the skin.

Oil in soap making

In addition to the presence of a large number of useful trace elements and vitamins, the oil perfectly moisturizes the skin. It is for this reason that African shea extract is added to soaps. Even a little content is enough to provide the necessary qualities. The oil-free composition allows the oil to lather well and be absorbed into the pores.

Shea butter for hands

The colo extract perfectly softens the hands and is perfectly absorbed without leaving greasy marks. You can simply use it like a regular cream - take a small amount of oil and rub it into your hands. It perfectly tightens wounds, cracks and even helps bruises dissolve, as it has a healing effect.

Shea butter for body

Applying oil on the body, you can get rid of acne, pimples, peeling, redness and bruises. In addition, the extract is widely used as a massage agent, because it increases blood circulation in the treated area.

Shea butter, the price of which is quite high, however, is able to have a beneficial effect on many processes in the human body.

Summing up

Having decided to try this way of caring for yourself or loved ones, remember that the beneficial properties are preserved only if shea butter is unrefined and produced by hand. It is identified by smell and color. However, do not forget that the natural product is stored for a very short time, so do not store it for future use.

Palm oil has been widely used in the food industry relatively recently, but the debate about whether it is harmful or beneficial has not subsided since then. From TV screens they often talk about its harmful properties, the media unanimously claim that it is the main cause of obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

But how is the situation really and is palm oil really so harmful or does it also have properties that are beneficial to human health? Let's look at this issue in detail.

How palm oil is made

According to WWF (World Wildlife Fund), palm oil is found in more than 50% of food. It is produced from the soft part of the oil palm fruit - this is what distinguishes it from linseed or sunflower oil, which are obtained from plant seeds. The product, which is made from oil palm seed, is called palm kernel (it resembles coconut in its structural composition and properties).

Oil palm grows in Malaysia, Indonesia and African countries. Such localization of plantations, low labor costs and relatively cheap transportation significantly reduce the cost of finished products. In addition, one hectare of oil palm plantation is capable of producing eight times more finished product than sunflower.

Raw butter is a very thick orange or red liquid with a pleasant nutty taste and smell reminiscent of milk cream, its chemical composition largely duplicates the usual cream.

Areas of use

Depending on the fraction (melting point), the product is used in various areas:

  1. Stearin is a solid substance with a melting point of about 47-52 degrees, it looks like margarine;
  2. Actually, oil - a semi-liquid product melts at 40-43 degrees Celsius;
  3. Palm olein is an oily liquid with a melting point of about 18-21 degrees Celsius, looks like a cosmetic hand cream.

Use in the food industry

The use of palm oil in the food industry began after a study by American scientists of the composition of the product in 1985. They also examined in detail its properties - up to this point it was used exclusively for technical purposes.

Today, vegetable fat is used to make products with a long shelf life: confectionery, curd desserts, processed cheese, condensed milk, waffles, cakes and creams. In addition, it has the ability to improve the taste and appearance of products, reduces their cost.

Often it is they who replace milk fat, which is especially important for people who suffer from intolerance to certain components of milk.

There is no ban on the use of palm oil in any country in the world, but in the Russian Federation some time ago a bill appeared banning the use of an unrefined substance in the food industry. The ban was not adopted, but most manufacturers already “dilute” it with other vegetable fats, and the product packaging indicates that it contains “milk fat substitute”.

Also, palm oil is found in bakery and confectionery products, sweet spreads, chocolate, processed meats, chips and french fries - this list is very extensive. A lot of controversy erupts around the fact that the product is used in nutritious milk formulas for infants, although its harm when used in baby food has not been proven.

Chemical industry, cosmetology and medicine

The ability to heal minor skin lesions, moisturizing and nourishing properties make it possible to use oil in the production of creams for aging skin, healing ointments, medicines that are used to treat a wide range of cardiovascular diseases, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, and ophthalmic problems.

Palm oil, in addition to the food and pharmaceutical industries, is used by the chemical industry in the production of soaps, detergents, decorative and ordinary white candles, washing powders.

Effects of palm oil on the body

The benefits and harms of a product for a person depend on what kind of it is meant - red (unprocessed), refined and technical have different properties and are used in different areas of production.

It is important to consider that the harm of palm oil to human health is more often caused not by its composition, but rather by the chemical processing of raw materials in the pursuit of reducing the cost of finished products.

red oil

This is a natural product of plant origin, which is rich in natural red-orange pigment. It undergoes minimal processing, which allows you to save many useful properties:

  • it contains vitamins E and A, which allows it to effectively fight free radicals that provoke cancer;
  • red palm oil has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nourishes the hair, supports the immune system, and also improves visual acuity.

But there are also a number of negative points:

  • its use in large quantities can provoke diseases of the cardiovascular system or increase the risk of oncology;
  • palm oil (in large quantities) can noticeably gain weight. Due to the high melting point (40 degrees), it is digested somewhat worse than other products and, as a rule, is not completely eliminated from the body. With excessive consumption of food, most of it settles in the form of toxins.

Vegetable fat does not accumulate in the body in such volumes that any special measures are required to remove it. It is enough just to increase the amount of natural products in the diet.

Refined and deodorized

In the food industry, as a rule, it is refined oil that is used. It is an order of magnitude cheaper than unprocessed and stored longer, which can significantly reduce the cost of finished products and extend their shelf life, but in addition, it is practically devoid of all useful properties and is dangerous for the human body:

  • A source of large amounts of saturated fats can cause the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system and worsen the condition of patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus;
  • Another negative impact is that by improving the taste of products, it provokes obesity;
  • The harm of palm oil to human health is not limited to the likelihood of weight gain, because. in addition, it is a carcinogenic product.

Olein is also used in the production of baby food, but not at all to reduce the cost of the finished product, as is commonly believed.

The source of palimitic acid, which is necessary for the full development of the child and is contained in breast milk in the required amount, cannot be cow or goat milk and vegetable fats, but palm olein can be brought closer to this substance. It is introduced into the composition of infant formulas precisely in order to bring the composition of nutrition as close as possible to breast milk.


Hydrogenation is the process of saturation with carbon to bring the oil into a solid state. Any hydrogenated fat loses almost all of its beneficial properties and becomes a product that is unhealthy.

The product is hydrogenated for use in margarine and margarine blends. In this case, the harm of palm oil to human health is enormous, while the beneficial substances in hydrogenated products (including hydrogenated olive or vegetable oils) contain very little.


Technical palm oil is used in the manufacture of cosmetics, medicines, soaps, candles and washing powders. In the food industry, its use is unacceptable due to the fact that:

  • the changed acid-base composition makes olein completely unsuitable for adding to food;
  • it significantly impairs digestibility, deprives absolutely all useful properties and often provokes the formation of cholesterol plaques or even malignant neoplasms.

Most of the myths about palm oil are based on the misconception that the product is banned in many developed countries. In reality, for example, in the United States, its consumption is growing year by year, and in the countries of Africa and the Asian region, it is used daily by the majority of the population for cooking.

If in the production of products not technical oil is used, but food oil, then it will bring no more harm than any other.

In the confectionery industry, one of the main semi-finished products is. Traditionally, cocoa butter was used in the production of this component. This component is not cheap, and the characteristics are very fastidious. In recent years, non-aluric and lauric type cocoa butter substitutes have been used. In the media, we are increasingly seeing controversy about whether this product is useful or harmful. Supporters and opponents of substitutes argue. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

confectionery glaze

Not a single confectionery factory can do without the production of glaze. It is used in almost all products - in various pastries, in the production of ice cream, sweets, cakes and many other types of sweets. Some characteristics make glaze so popular:

  • Taste. Thanks to the glaze treatment, the product becomes much tastier, sweeter.
  • Nutritious. Sweets get extra nutritional value.
  • Processing with confectionery glaze increases the shelf life of the product. Protects sweets, rolls, cookies from drying out.

The classic glaze is obtained by mixing several ingredients, this includes: cocoa butter or cocoa butter substitute, sugar, emulsifiers, dry milk products, flavorings. Manufacturers offer bakers and confectioners a wide range of this semi-finished product: glaze in its pure form, with various additives, inclusions, with nuts, with raisins, standard dark brown glaze or various shades and colors.

Types of fats

The use of pure cocoa butter in the production of chocolate icing is too expensive. Such an expensive type of raw material is used only by large confectionery factories. Most medium and small enterprises replace cocoa butter in the confectionery with identical - more accessible and cheaper - ingredients: substitutes, improvers. This allows us to remain competitive in the production of products, keep prices, make them more affordable for consumers. There are plenty of fats on the Russian market for the production of glaze. The entire range is divided into main groups:

  • confectionery fats.
  • Tempered cocoa butter substitutes.
  • Non-temperable cocoa butter substitutes - lauric and non-lauric.

The quality of the fat used in the production of glaze affects the nutritional value and taste of the final product.

Temperable substitutes

The modern food industry uses fats in the production of pralines, waffle fillings, chocolate-nut pastes, candy fillings, various plastic and creamy masses. Cocoa butter substitutes are used more and more often to obtain glazes.

Tempered substitutes are made using palm sal tree, shea butter, and other exotic species that are approved by Rospotrebnadzor for use in our food industry. This raw material is used for the production of high quality chocolate icing, in the manufacture of pastries, waffle cakes, sweets (for casting cases or for glazing). Various figures are cast from chocolate icing, chocolate bars are made. Temperable substitutes have physicochemical parameters that are closest to the properties of cocoa butter itself. Their similarities are maximum.


Tempered cocoa butter substitute has a number of positive qualities that can be attributed to the advantages of this product:

1. Possesses excellent taste indicators. Complete absence of waxy taste in the mouth.

2. Low content of polyunsaturated acids, which provides high resistance to oxidation. As a result, the products have a long shelf life.

3. Glazed products have good hardness and gloss. In terms of organoleptic characteristics, such products are very similar to those covered with natural glaze, where natural cocoa butter is taken as the basis.

4. In hot weather, tempered substitute glaze has good high temperature resistance. This gives the product an advantage over those coated with cocoa butter.

Untempered cocoa butter equivalents

Non-lauric cocoa butter substitute It is made on the basis of soy and palm. These equivalents are similar in composition to cocoa butter and can be mixed. It is acceptable to use various combinations with other vegetable oil, cocoa powder or milk powder. Non-lauric substitutes are used for glazing wafers, cakes, rolls, marmalade, cookies, marshmallows, for casting tiles, figurines. The advantage of glaze is that it quickly hardens, does not require tempering.

Cocoa Butter Substitute Untempered Lauric Type has the following characteristics:

  • Does not require tempering.
  • The mass fraction of fat is not less than 99%.
  • Made from modified vegetable oil.
  • The content of the mass fraction is 40% with or without the addition of various food additives and other ingredients

It is used for glazing curds, ice cream, cakes, rolls and other confectionery products, chocolate bars. The use of cocoa butter substitutes makes it possible to reduce the cost of products.

Lauric fats

Lauric cocoa butter substitute is used to completely replace the natural product in the manufacture of a mixture with a fat content of up to 12%. The raw materials for this species are palm kernel, coconut and other oils that have certain characteristics. Lauric fat cannot be combined with natural cocoa butter. Combination is only possible with powder.

Lauric cocoa butter substitutes are used in the production of confectionery tiles, hollow chocolate figures, the manufacture of super-strong icing for ice cream, cakes, marmalade, marshmallows and curd cheeses.


Lauric cocoa butter substitutes have a number of advantages, they are ideal for making a hard glaze that has a luxurious sheen. Glazed products have a hard, but very fragile surface, which, once in the mouth, instantly melts and leaves a pleasant taste. Products are easily separated from the mold, they look very aesthetically pleasing, their surface is smooth and shiny. The glaze melts very easily and then quickly hardens. Glazed products have extended shelf life and bloom resistance (due to oxidation resistance). The tempering stage is excluded. Lauric glazes are very economical financially.


The disadvantages of the product include the possibility of a soapy aftertaste. This can be avoided by observing the following conditions:

  • control of microbiological indicators of raw materials, as well as humidity;
  • it is necessary to introduce antioxidants into the composition of semi-finished products;
  • do not glaze confectionery, candy cases with high humidity;
  • maintain a certain humidity in the confectionery shop.

When using different types of glazes (lauric and non-lauric fats), it is necessary to thoroughly clean the equipment. Mixing the components can lead to liquefaction of the semi-finished product, in the future it hardens poorly.

Cocoa butter substitute: harm

After the widespread use of cocoa butter substitutes, many researchers and consumers began to leave the most controversial reviews about the product. The content of palm, coconut oils in almost all causes consumer alertness. Are they as safe for the body as the manufacturers claim?

Those who carefully monitor their diet and their health have long abandoned products containing palm oil, and explain this by its harmful effects on the body. Cocoa butter contains stearic, oleic, palmitic, and archaic acids. High calorie foods lead to obesity. In the body, the deposition of salts begins, then diseases of the genitourinary system appear.

Used in the production of lauric cocoa butter substitute. Its harm is due to the presence of saturated fats in the composition. Their frequent use causes diseases of the heart and blood vessels, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, and obesity. Palm oil is not completely excreted, it accumulates in the body in the form of toxins. A plastic sticky mass closes up parts of the intestine, lumen of blood vessels, and is deposited on other organs. Palm oil prevents the absorption of some vital trace elements, such as calcium. This causes great harm to the health of the child. Smart parents choose a formula for feeding, where the composition does not contain palm oil. It is also a flavor enhancer, and this is highly discouraged for the body. Palm oil - and this has been proven by scientists - is the strongest carcinogen. Refractory substances retain the product for a long time, but do not have the ability to melt in our body. Take care of your health and always read the composition of the product on the label.

One of the most sought-after products in the cosmetology and food industries around the world is the oil of the fruits of the Vitellaria tree. This plant is endemic only to equatorial Africa, but its plantations are so large that they are enough to satisfy all the needs of people. Shea butter (karite) is a unique useful product that can not only be applied to the skin and hair, but also used inside without fear. The tool has found its application in people of any gender and age, even in young children and pregnant women.

Shea butter composition

The main components of the finished product are fatty acids, which, in excellent combination, mutually potentiate the effects of the herbal remedy. Thanks to a long, but gentle way of obtaining oil, all the active substances of the Vitellaria fruit pass into shea.

The composition of shea butter is multi-component, it includes:

  • fatty acids, including polyunsaturated (oleic, linoleic, palmitic and linolenic);
  • tocopherol - vitamin E;
  • natural steroids (stigmasterol is especially important);
  • phenols;
  • some hydrocarbons;
  • terpene alcohol;
  • B vitamins.

Such a multicomponent composition provides ample opportunities for the use of shea butter (shea butter). Especially important is the combination of polyunsaturated fatty acids with active plant steroids, which contribute to mutually powerful potentiation of effects.

Shea butter properties

The properties of shea butter depend on how the product is used. It can be used externally in pure form or in combinations, as well as consumed internally.

As a result of a complex effect on the body, as well as local effects, the following properties of shea butter quickly appear:

  • active moisturizing and softening of the skin;
  • anti-inflammatory effect with any method of application;
  • removal of itching and irritation;
  • vitaminization of skin and hair;
  • facilitating the work of the intestines;
  • healing of minor abrasions and diaper rash;
  • powerful softening and protection of the skin from the effects of aggressive environmental factors.

Since the product is low allergenic, the use of hair, etc. available to most people. The use of shea butter is allowed in children from the first days of life, during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in any somatic diseases. The only exception is proven skin cancer.

Different States of Shea Butter

There are two types of finished products - liquid and solid. The latter option is typical for the usual state of shea butter, since it melts only at temperatures above 36 degrees. Shea butter is widely used in both solid and liquid form.

How to use solid shea butter?

The freshly prepared product in the solid state can be used in the following situations:

  • as well as use, it is acceptable to use shea butter in food - for example, as a substitute for standard butter for sandwiches;
  • inside with a therapeutic purpose to cleanse the intestines - at least 50 grams once a night;
  • to facilitate the emptying of the rectum by lubricating the anal ring and mucous membrane;
  • for the healing of small wounds for the purpose of their disinfection - the oil is applied in a small layer under the patch;
  • for the prevention of scarring by local application;
  • for the base of ointments with other components - the softening and moisturizing effect is sharply enhanced.

But the use of solid shea butter is not the main one. The main area of ​​\u200b\u200buse of the product is cosmetology, which implies the active distribution of shea butter over large surfaces. For this, liquid shea butter is used.

Vitellaria oil in liquid form

It is used in the following situations:

  • for intensive nutrition and hydration of the skin;
  • in order to stimulate the regeneration of the epidermis (especially effective);
  • to protect against dryness and irritation;
  • to strengthen and improve hair, including for the purpose of combating split ends;
  • for the prevention of sunburn and chapping of the skin and lips.

For shea butter, there may be special indications for specific people. In particular, it can be used for intensive vitaminization and activation of subcutaneous blood flow. But only a specialist in the field of dermatology or cosmetology can determine the benefits for individual indications.

The most common way to use

How to use shea butter in the easiest way? In a standard situation, shea butter is applied externally in its pure form. The frequency of the procedure is at least 3 times a week, and everyday use is also possible. The usual exposure time is 30 minutes, but to improve hair under a towel or cellophane, it is allowed to leave it even overnight.

After the procedure, the oil should be thoroughly washed off with a neutral soap. If it thickens, then the remnants of the product are difficult to remove from the hair and skin. To facilitate the task, hot water is used - up to the temperature that a person is able to endure.

Shea butter can also be used as part of combined products. It blends beautifully with other oils, as well as many natural and artificial ingredients. The product always potentiates the moisturizing and regenerative effects of any cosmetic products - ointments, creams, lotions or shampoos.

Private Uses for Shea Butter

Numerous beneficial properties predispose to the widespread use of shea butter. The low level of allergy, the natural balanced composition and the almost complete absence of adverse reactions allow the use of shea even by children and pregnant women. After a preliminary test, it is possible to apply a remedy from vitellaria even to people with polyvalent allergies.

Shea butter in cosmetology

Shea butter is most widely used in cosmetology. It is used in the following situations and forms:

  • on the skin of the body and limbs;
  • in pure form or as an active additive in creams, lotions or ointments;
  • on the head area in order to improve and strengthen the hair;
  • in the form of additives in shampoos;
  • on the lips to prevent their chapping.

The main effect of shea butter in cosmetics is protective. It moisturizes the skin after application and forms a kind of film with anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. The effect of shea butter does not last long, but it can be used for many years without risk to health.

Shea butter during pregnancy

The product is approved for use by pregnant women. effective as a skin care product. In addition, it is used to prevent the formation of stretch marks. It is applied to the skin of the abdomen not only in liquid, but also in thick form in small layers. You can rub a little to moisturize and deeply soften the surface.

Despite the absence of serious adverse reactions, it is better not to use the product to moisten the nipples and prevent the formation of cracks.

Shea butter for children

Shea butter in children has been used since birth. Any diaper rash or irritation is enough to treat with a small amount of the product. After 3-4 daily procedures, the baby quickly recovers.

The oil can be added to diaper creams to reduce irritation and enhance emollient properties. The child sleeps better at night after such procedures.

Where is shea essential oil useful?

Shea essential oil is also used in cosmetology and traditional medicine. A few drops of it are added to shampoos and creams to enhance the activity of other components in the composition of the products. In addition, aromatherapy with shea essential oil is effectively used to rejuvenate the body and fight protracted colds. When inhaling the vapors of shea essential oil, local bronchopulmonary protection is activated, which contributes to a speedy recovery from respiratory ailments.

Thus, shea butter has many beneficial properties. The use of shea butter in cosmetology is effective, it is used in the food industry, as well as in traditional medicine. In the vast majority of cases, the use of the tool is completely safe. However, sensitive people should consult a specialist before using shea butter for the first time.

The content of the article:

African tallow or Vitellaria amazing, shea tree, shea (Vitellaria paradoxa or Butyrospermum parkii) is a plant that is named after Mungo Park, a West African explorer. He first made a description of it at the end of the 18th century. This is the only representative of the Sapotacea family, it looks like an oak, has a wide crown. The distribution area is the savannas of Africa. The shea tree is a long-liver, the flowering process falls on the age of 12-20 years. The flowering period begins in December and coincides with the dry season. It blooms with fragrant brown flowers. It begins to bear fruit by the age of 30-50. The fruits of the shea tree ripen during the wet season (June-August), have a small diameter - up to 4 cm, like a small avocado. Inside the fruit is a seed (nut), outwardly similar to a horse chestnut. High productivity is maintained for 100 years. Butter is made from shea butter, which is practically the only type of vegetable fat in African countries. The main use in cooking is as a substitute for cocoa butter in the manufacture of confectionery.

Composition and calorie content of shea fruit

The calorie content of shea fruits is 0.1 kcal per 100 grams of product. Nuts (the seed of the plant) are most in demand, consisting of 45-48% fat, 25-30% carbohydrates, and 10% protein.

The main components of the fruit are unsaponifiable fats and triglycerides. The first category includes caristerols and carbohydrates, the second - fatty acids (myristic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, arachidonic).

The benefits of shea fruit are due to the presence of many beneficial vitamins and minerals. The vitamin complex is made up of compounds such as A, F and E, the mineral complex is zinc, iron and calcium. Scientists believe that such a tandem of vitamins and minerals can slow down the aging process.

In addition, the following components were found in shea fruits:

  • Terpene alcohols (alpha- and beta-amirin, parkol, lupeol, butirospermol);
  • Phytosterols (alpha-spinasterol, delta-7-stigmasterol);
  • Natural latex - this compound can cause allergic reactions.

The benefits and harms of shea fruit

The benefits of shea fruit lies in their oil, which is very popular not only in the region where the plant grows, but throughout the world.

Nutritionists highly appreciate the constituent fatty acids in the product, they are very useful for a healthy diet. Their use helps to strengthen the immune system, energy metabolism, and normalize hormonal balance.

Shea fruit contains latex, which is an allergen, so people who have a tendency to various kinds of allergies should use products based on them with caution.

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should also refrain from using them, as no studies have been conducted to date on the harm or benefit of shea butter for them.

How to eat shea fruit

The fruits can be eaten raw, they are sweet in taste. The taste of the oil depends on the type of production, as well as on the method of purification.

In the countries of central and western Africa, almost all fats, both animal and vegetable, are replaced with shea butter. It is fried on it, it is added to already cooked food.

In addition, it is an excellent base for local sweets due to the smell of nuts and cocoa. Margarine can be prepared from the product, in combination with cocoa butter - chocolate.

In the European Region, shea butter is rarely used in cooking. Most often, national cuisine establishments prepare traditional dishes of African countries using this product.

How is shea butter made? Ripe fruits crack, the contents of the nuts look like flour. Oil is made from the kernels of nuts, after grinding them. It is the most valuable product from this plant.

Generally, the oil is white to beige in color, has a pleasant odor (reminiscent of a nut), and is creamy or solid in consistency.

There are two ways to obtain shea butter:

  1. Traditional. The kernels of the shea fruit are separated from the pulp, pounded in a mortar, ground into flour, poured in water and boiled. The brewing process continues until it reaches the consistency of liquid butter, which is easy to collect. The collected substance is poured into molds and left to harden. The frozen product resembles butter. In this way, unrefined oil is produced, which can be stored for more than 2 years in a dark and cool place.
  2. Industrial. To obtain a refined product, the bones are dissolved with chemical compounds and several purification options are used.
The most valuable oil is made from the bones of old trees that are 50 or more years old. Few plants can bear fruit for up to 300 years. From one tree you can collect about 20 kg of fruit. From this amount of raw materials, you can get about 4-5 kg ​​of a valuable product.

Yassa is the most common dish using shea butter. This recipe with shea fruit is the hallmark of all Senegalese restaurants in the world. The dish is chicken and fish. Poultry meat or fish are very tender due to the use of a special marinade. The main components of the marinade are shea butter, lemon juice, onion and mustard.

The product can be used in the preparation of spreads (combinations of vegetable fats) for vegetarians. However, due to the high cost, this is extremely rare.

In the countries of western and central Africa, sauces are prepared from baobab fruits or sorrel leaves, the mandatory component of which is shea butter.

The shea tree has several names in Africa. This is shea, caret, colo, si, vitellaria is amazing.

The rainy season is harvest time. Traditionally, the fruits are harvested by women. The main condition for this is accuracy. Damaged branches may then no longer bear fruit. It is best to collect fallen fruits, you can get more oil from them.

For the day of harvesting, you can collect no more than 40-50 kg of fruits, as the plants grow at a considerable distance.

The largest number of fruits of the African tallow tree falls on Burkina Faso. Here, this so-called "women's gold" - picking and processing fruits provides the women of the country with work.

There are many ways to use shea butter or African tallow. Traditionally, food is cooked on it, but it also makes excellent building materials (earth mixed with oil). From it, preparations are made that treat cracked skin. It is used in oil lamps, with the help of oil they neutralize acidic soils.

The ancient Egyptians kept a valuable product in clay vessels, when the dry season came, they lubricated their hair in order to protect them from sunlight and winds. From the wood of the African tallow tree, sarcophagi were made for the deceased nobility.

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