How many minutes to cook corn so that it becomes soft and tasty. How to cook corn on the cob in a pot

24.08.2019 Dishes for children

Boiled corn is loved by all people, regardless of gender and age. Despite the obvious simplicity of preparation, boiling cobs requires certain knowledge and skill. Corn contains a lot of useful vitamins, due to the high energy value, saturation is maintained for a long time. In terms of popularity, corn on the cob is equated to watermelons and ice cream. To enjoy all the delights, you need to responsibly approach the cooking process.

Useful properties of corn

  1. Nutritionists recommend eating at least 1 ear of boiled corn per day. In this way, you will provide the body with a daily norm of useful vitamins and amino acids.
  2. Corn is rich in vitamins of all groups, including PP, E, C, B. Cobs include ascorbic acid, magnesium, tryptophan, amino acids, iron, potassium, lysine, calcium.
  3. Due to such an impressive list, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, the heart muscle, and the vascular system is normalized. Poisons and toxins are removed from the body.
  4. Doctors strongly prescribe boiled corn in the amount of 50 grams to their diabetic patients. per day. This amount normalizes the level of glucose in the blood, preventing an increase in sugar.
  5. In addition to all of the above, boiled corn on the cob fights metabolic disorders, allergies, pathologies of the digestive system, and overweight.
  6. Corn cobs accelerate brain activity, develop memory, prevent heart attacks and strokes. Also, the product puts in order the psycho-emotional background, forms muscle and bone tissue.

Varieties of corn and their differences

  1. The final result depends on the degree of maturity and variety of cobs. To date, there are 2 main types of corn. The first is the usual, fodder (for raising animals). The second is sweet, edible, ideal for cooking.
  2. You can eat both varieties, but the taste will be different. The feed type is more rigid, insipid, while the food cobs are juicy, milky, and sweet.
  3. Feed-type corn is cooked longer (about 4 hours) due to hard starchy grains. Young sweet cobs are cooked for 20-50 minutes and literally melt in your mouth.

Choice of corn for cooking

  1. Fruits harvested relatively recently (1-5 hours ago) are considered ideal for heat treatment. Young cobs are better boiled and contain a maximum of useful substances.
  2. Choose corn with leaves (unpeeled). The shell does not allow weathering of the grains and indicates the freshness of the fruit. To identify high-quality corn, give preference to specimens with light green leaves.
  3. Feel the fibers that wrap around the corn. Antennae should be wet. If you notice yellowing on the leaves, the corn was harvested a long time ago. It is better to refuse such products, since the juiciness will be minimal.
  4. You can evaluate the quality and suitability of corn directly at the point of sale. Press your fingernail on one of the grains at the base of the cob. If you notice the juice, the corn is "dairy", which means it's perfect for cooking.
  5. Old age is easily defined. Late corn has hard and dryish seeds. The older the fruit, the less granulated sugar is contained in the cobs (after time, the sweetener turns into starch).

How to cook corn on the cob: a classic

  1. Container for cooking. Prefer a pot with a very wide bottom and high sides. Such a move will allow you to dip the ears in one piece without breaking them into pieces. Make sure the pot has a thick bottom. The best option is a cauldron with a tight-fitting lid. A pressure cooker will help speed up the process. To preserve the beneficial properties of corn, cook the cobs at 190-230 degrees at low power.
  2. Preparing cobs for cooking. To start the heat treatment, prepare the corn. Some remove fibers and leaves. Others leave the "natural shell" in place, cutting off only dirty and spoiled specimens. The leaves will retain the juiciness and sweetness of the corn, but after heat treatment, they are more difficult to remove. Therefore, completely remove the leaves and fibers, then put them in a pan, alternating with the peeled cobs.
  3. Putting cobs in a pot. Place the corn leaves on the bottom, lay the corn on top of them. Then make another sheet layer, cover it with cobs. Continue until the container is 2/3 full. Leaves should also be placed on the sides to seal the fruit. Sorting is ready, cobs can be poured. In no case should you salt the fruits. The loose composition will wash the liquid out of the grains, the finished dish will be dry.
  4. Filling dishes with corn water. Cobs can be poured with boiling water or cold water, act according to personal preferences. Add liquid in such a way that it covers the product completely. Heat treatment lasts 45 minutes on average, however, depending on the variety, the procedure can last from 30 minutes to 4 hours. Throughout the process, it is necessary to monitor readiness, add hot water as it evaporates. Do not increase the power, cooking takes place at medium intensity.
  5. Definition of readiness. Throughout the heat treatment, evaluate the corn for readiness. Pinch off one grain at a time, try. The grains should become soft. When the product is easy to chew, you can remove the composition from the heat. It is at this point that serve the cobs, rubbing them with salt and spices (the latter are added as desired). It is easiest to eat the dish in a state cut into pieces. In this case, each section is impaled on a culinary sword to avoid burns. You can rub butter or vegetable oil over the surface of the cobs.
  6. Storage of prepared food. If you're not going to eat the corn now, leave it in a pot of hot water that hasn't evaporated from the boil. If you remove the product earlier, it will become weathered, the grains will wrinkle and lose their appetizing appearance. The product can be kept in water for at least 3 hours, keeping the temperature at 60 degrees. If we talk about aging in the refrigerator, the shelf life is 2 days.

How to cook corn in milk

  1. Wash the cobs, remove the fibers, cut off the leaves. Rinse the corn, chop each ear into 2-3 equal sections.
  2. Pour enough fat milk into the pan to completely cover the contents. Bring to a boil, send the cobs inside.
  3. Boil the delicacy for at least 40 minutes, constantly evaluating readiness with a fork. The grains must disintegrate.
  4. When you reach the desired texture, drop a slice of butter into the milk. Turn off the heat, keep the cobs in the liquid for another 30 minutes.
  5. After this time, melt the butter, mix it with salt. Rub the mixture into each piece of corn. Prick the cobs on skewers, use.

  1. The multicooker is good because, thanks to its use, all useful elements are completely preserved in corn cobs. And this means that the use of such a product will bring maximum benefit.
  2. Before sending the product for cooking, remove all leaves and remove hairs. Do not salt the ears, put them in the bowl of the device, adhering to several layers.
  3. You can fill the contents with pure water or milk, it all depends on personal preference. However, a couple of slices of butter must be added to the liquid to emphasize the taste.
  4. When all preparations are completed, close the lid. Set the function "Steaming" or "Cooking" for 35-40 minutes.
  5. After turning off the timer, do not rush to open the multicooker. Let the corn rest for another half an hour. After this period, remove the cobs, rub them with salt and butter.

How to cook corn in a pressure cooker

  1. A pressure cooker is a thick-bottomed wide pan with a lid that is fixed with clips. The container has a hole for steam to escape, which speeds up the process.
  2. For cooking corn, give preference to young cobs with the most juicy grains and green leaves. If the latter are partially dry, discard such a product.
  3. Boil the water needed to fill the dishes 2/3 in advance. Fill the pan with de-fibred corn cobs, save the leaves.
  4. Add water, close the lid. Bring the liquid to a boil, then cook for another third of an hour. Next, remove the finished product, rub with salt and butter.

How to cook corn in a steamer

  1. Cooking cobs in a double boiler is somewhat reminiscent of a slow cooker, the beneficial properties are fully preserved. Clean the cobs in advance, get rid of the fibers and leaves.
  2. Put the ingredients in the mesh compartment of the double boiler, pour 600-800 ml into the common bowl. water depending on the amount of corn. Set the timer for a quarter of an hour, after this period proceed to the tasting.

How to cook corn in the oven

  1. Prepare all the necessary products in advance. You will need salt, butter, corn, olive oil. Do not remove leaves or remove hairs.
  2. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil, place corncobs on it. Pour in water so that it reaches the middle of the fruit. Cover the contents with foil, leaving a small opening.
  3. Preheat the oven to 210 degrees, after 10 minutes, send a baking sheet with cobs inside. Boil the corn for 25 minutes, then turn the oven down to 180 degrees. Cook for 1 more hour.

  1. In order for the grains to retain all the useful properties in their structure, pour the cobs with boiling water or milk.
  2. In no case do not salt the water during the heat treatment. Otherwise, the bulk composition will draw out the liquid and sugar, the corn will turn out to be tough.
  3. If you do not like to rub salt on the cobs during use, add the loose component 3-5 minutes before the end of cooking.
  4. To give the grains a delicate taste, pour granulated sugar into water or milk in combination with butter.
  5. If you boiled corn and did not consume it immediately, do not repeat the heat treatment again. Otherwise, the grains will become hard.

Traditionally, corn is boiled in a saucepan, but you can use a slow cooker, pressure cooker, oven. Pour the cobs with warm milk or water, do not add salt. Rub the cobs with butter or vegetable oil just before use.

Video: how to cook delicious corn

At the end of summer, grandmothers with buckets appear on the streets of our cities. An appetizing steam rises from the buckets, and if you look under the lid, you can see boiled corn cobs in them. A pinch of salt is offered as a load for each cob - this is such an original and tasty fast food.

But if you look at the bazaar, you can also see fresh corn cobs heaped in a hill. So why not buy them and make your own?

How to boil corn on the cob

Before you start cooking, you need to choose the right ones. In fact, young fruits of maize are valued (as this plant is called in its homeland - in America), as they say - milky ripeness. It's easy to tell them apart. The grains in them are poured and light yellow, almost white. If you bite one of them, then sweetness will be felt on the tongue, and a little juice will splash into the mouth - milk. on the cob of milky ripeness? Yes, only 10-15 minutes. It cooks extremely quickly.

But not everyone loves milky ripeness. In addition, there are also fodder varieties of this cereal. It is very easy to distinguish a ripe cob from an unripe one - they are usually sold in leaves. Bend the greens on one side and look carefully at the grains. You can even lightly press one of them with your fingernail. The softer it turns out, the less ripe the ear itself. You should not focus on the color of the grains, as there are varieties of maize that remain white even after full ripening.

Now we can say about how much you need to cook corn on the cob if it is fully ripe. Cooking will take two to four hours. Before cooking, be sure to clean the maize from foliage and panicles. But don't throw away cleanings. You will line the bottom of the pan with greens so that the corn does not stick to it, and put a few leaves on top too. This will preserve the aroma and juiciness of the grains.

If the whole corn does not fit in your saucepan, then the ears can be safely broken in half. Pour water into a saucepan and put on a small fire. As soon as the water boils, the extremely delicious smell of boiled maize will immediately spread through your kitchen. But this does not mean at all that the product has already been cooked and is ready for use. No wonder we talked above about how much you need to cook corn on the cob. You'll have to arm yourself with patience. Do not salt the water in any case, you only need to salt the boiled cobs. The saltier the solution, the more rigid the finished product is, and it is difficult to say how long it will take to cook the corn on the cob in this case.

After a couple of hours, you can try the degree of readiness of the product. To do this, it is enough to tear off one grain with a fork, cool it slightly and taste it. If you do not feel hardness, then you can consider cooking finished. But do not rush to immediately serve the maize on the table, leave it to lie down in a saucepan for a while and cool in the water in which it was boiled. And after the water has cooled down, do not drain it. You don't know how long to boil corn on the cob to the nearest minute. This is not for you soft-boiled eggs or in a bag. Undercooked cobs will reach slowly, and in this case you should not be afraid of digestion.

But if you bought maize, the grains in which are not just hard, but even slightly wrinkled, then this means that it is very overripe. And you need to cook it for a long time, at least 4 hours, and often even after this time the grains remain hard and tasteless. It is difficult to say for sure how much to cook corn on the cob if it has reached this degree of maturity. Often, the grains are already beginning to burst, that is, to be digested, but there is no taste and softness. It is better not to risk and not to purchase such a product.

Now there are a lot of canned corn on store shelves, which can be added to soup, main courses, pastries and salads.

But there is nothing better than freshly cooked corn on the cob. She smells so good!

But it turns out that not everyone knows how to cook it. How to choose for cooking.

The fact is that not every cob can be cooked.

After all corn has several subspecies: starchy, bursting, dentate, sugary, siliceous.

Sweet corn is used for cooking. Despite the fact that this is a grain crop, it is the table varieties to which this corn belongs that are equated with vegetable plants.

To cook corn, do not wait until it is fully ripe. It is harvested when the cobs are in the phase of milky-wax ripeness.. At this time, corn kernels are very soft, juicy, as if filled with milk.

It is then that corn grain is the most useful and is a valuable food product.

  • Corn grains contain B vitamins, carotene, vitamin E, as well as a large number of trace elements: magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, potassium.
  • Almost all the amino acids that the body needs are present.
  • For better absorption of the proteins that are in corn, it is recommended to use it in combination with milk, cheese and other dairy products. It is they who enrich corn dishes with essential amino acids for the body: tryptophan, lysine, methionine.
  • Milky corn dishes are not only recommended for healthy people, but also used in dietary nutrition, as they improve digestion.

How to choose corn for cooking

  • Cobs prepared for boiling should not be overripe. After all, the hardened grain will remain the same after cooking. It should be soft and be in the stage of milky-wax ripeness. The color of such corn is milky white or slightly yellowish. If the grains have a bright yellow color, then they are already overripe, which means they are hard.
  • The shape of the grains also matters. The grains of milky corn are dense and rounded. Fully ripe grains develop dents, which indicate that the corn is overripe and not very suitable for cooking.
  • Young corn leaves are green and bright. They are tight to the cob. The leaves of old corn are already dry and hard.
  • Cobs for cooking are chosen with the maximum number of grains that should not be eaten by insects or disease.
  • It is not recommended to buy corn without leaves. This may indicate that the corn has been attacked by pests or that it has overripe.
  • Harvested corn cobs should not be stored. Firstly, the sugars that are in the grain, from long storage, begin to turn into starch. And secondly, the ripened grain will dry out and become unsuitable for cooking, and a little unripe may rot.

How to prepare corn for cooking

  • Before cooking, the stem is removed from the cob so that the leaves do not fall off. Because corn is cooked with them.
  • The cob is washed well under running cold water.

How to cook corn in a pot

Method 1

  • Corn is prepared as described above.
  • Place in a wide bowl.
  • Pour cold water over so that it covers the cobs.
  • Put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  • The fire is reduced and, with a slight boil, the cobs are cooked until tender. Cooking time (from 20 minutes to 1.5 hours) depends on the variety and degree of ripeness of the corn. Well-cooked grains are soft and have a pleasant taste and smell.
  • Salt at the end of cooking. If you salt at the beginning, then the grains can remain hard for a very long time.
  • Turn off the heat and leave the cobs in the liquid for 20-30 minutes.
  • They take it out of the water.
  • Boiled corn is freed from leaves and spread on a plate. A piece of butter is served separately.

Method 2

  • Prepared corn is boiled together with leaves at a low boil until tender.
  • Salt at the end of cooking.
  • Remove the pan from the stove and keep the corn in the water for some more time.
  • The cobs are taken out of the liquid and freed from the leaves.
  • Separate the grains.
  • Put them on a plate and pour with butter or milk sauce.
  • If the grains are needed for a salad or vinaigrette, they are poured into a colander, washed in cold water and waited for it to drain completely.

Method 3. Corn in milk

  • Milk ripe corn is freed from leaves and washed well under cold running water.
  • The grains are separated from the cobs.
  • Pour them with hot milk and cook until tender (200 ml of milk is taken for 150 g of grains).
  • 10 g of butter is mixed with 8 g of flour.
  • Combine with milk and corn and, stirring, boil. Seasoned with salt.

How else is corn cooked?

Many hostesses clean the corn from the leaves and boil it in this form.

  • They take a wide pan and lay the leaves taken from the cobs on the bottom.
  • The stalk and top of the corn are cut off, which is most often without grains or dried up. If the cobs are very long, then they are cut in half.
  • Put in a saucepan, and top with the remaining leaves. This will help keep the cobs from floating to the surface.
  • Fill with water. It is better to use boiling water.
  • Put on the stove and bring to a boil at maximum heat.
  • Reduce the heat and cook the corn until soft.
  • Remove the pan from the stove, and leave the cobs in the water for another 15-20 minutes.
  • Arrange the corn on a plate and sprinkle with salt.

How to cook corn in a slow cooker

  • Cut off the stalk of the corn and free it from the leaves. Cut off the top without grains.
  • Rinse well in cold water.
  • If the cobs are large, cut them in half.
  • A few leaves are placed at the bottom of the bowl, and corn is placed on them.
  • So much water is poured so that it covers the cobs by 3–4 cm. Cover with leaves on top. Large batches of corn are not boiled to avoid splashing water over the edge of the bowl.
  • Close the multicooker and turn on the “Steam cooking” function.
  • Boil for 30-40 minutes.
  • Leave the cobs for 20 minutes in water, and then spread on a plate.

How to cook corn in the microwave

Method 1

  • Peeled and washed corn is placed in a strong plastic bag or baking sleeve and tied. In several places, punctures are made with a needle to release steam.
  • Place the packed cobs in the microwave.
  • Cook on high power for 8-10 minutes.

Method 2

  • Peeled and washed corn is placed in a saucepan suitable for a microwave oven.
  • Pour boiling water so that it only slightly covers the cobs.
  • Put in the oven and cook at maximum power for 35-45 minutes until soft. At the same time, they make sure that the water does not boil away, and top it up in time.
  • Salt at the end of cooking.

How to cook corn in a steamer

  • Peeled and washed corn is placed on oiled bowls.
  • Installed on a double boiler with a full reservoir of water.
  • Boil the cobs for 20-30 minutes until tender.
  • Arrange on plates and sprinkle with salt.

How to cook corn in the oven

  • Cobs, peeled from leaves and well washed, put in a deep container, for example for baking.
  • Pour in boiling water to cover them completely.
  • To prevent the top of the corn from frying and drying out, cover the dishes with foil.
  • Put in an oven heated to 120 degrees.
  • Cook until soft, about 40 minutes. Add boiling water if the water boils away.
  • Sprinkle the cooked corn with salt and serve with butter.

Corn boiled in any of these ways is served hot, because it is then that it fully reveals its aroma and excellent taste.

Boiled corn- this is what you need when you want to have a snack with something extraordinary and at the same time satisfying: tasty, low-calorie, very useful for the human body in its properties.
Corn is a typical summer treat. Nowadays, corn can be bought boiled, but, as they say, it will not be “hot, hot” and will already lose some of its useful and taste properties. And, without a doubt, nothing compares to the aroma of homemade food!

Choice of corn for cooking

An important step that occurs even before cooking is the choice of variety. The Dutch variety does not require much trouble, the corn will be cooked in less than half an hour. Sugar grade or "bonduel" considered the tastiest. But fodder varieties of corn are poorly suited for cooking, because. as a result, they turn out to be hard and dryish.

It is also necessary to focus on the degree of maturity of the cereal. The ears must be young. It is easy to determine this, just press your fingernail on the grain. If it is easily squeezed and "milk" is released, then the cooked corn will be soft and juicy.

The color of the corn kernels can also indicate whether it is young or already overripe. If the grains are pale (almost white) or slightly yellowish, the corn is young, and the dark yellow color indicates that it is already old and not suitable for cooking.

Question - how long to cook corn on the cob- not so simple. The cooking time of corn in a pan directly depends on the size of the cobs and grains, that is, cobs of different sizes will cook non-uniformly in the same period of time. Some may turn out to be boiled, while others are tough.
Therefore, it is imperative for one pan to choose cobs approximately equal in size.

Before boiling, you should carefully cut off all the leaves in which each cob is wrapped, and, of course, remove all stigmas (hairs). If, nevertheless, large cobs are caught, they should be cut in half. Small cobs are always boiled whole.

Peeled cobs are thoroughly washed and soaked in cold water. In the meantime, you need to put a pot of water and wait for it to boil. Corn is always dipped in boiling unsalted water. You can not salt in advance, otherwise the grains may become tougher. Salt is added 10 minutes before the end of cooking.

Doesn't take too long to cook young corn - it is enough to cook it for 20-30 minutes. To determine the degree of readiness, you need to get one cob out of the water and pierce the grain with a fork or the tip of a knife.
Ripe corn on the cob is boiled at least an hour or even up to two hours. The easiest way to check the readiness is by tasting the grain - do you like such rigidity or want it softer.
Ready, not yet cooled corn can be greased with butter or olive oil and sprinkled with salt if it is not salty enough.

But the usual way of cooking boiled corn takes a lot of time (mature is cooked for at least 1 hour), significant energy costs, as well as natural gas consumption. In addition, when something is cooked on the stove for a very long time in the kitchen of a residential apartment in the summer, the apartment turns into a steam bath.

I offer a proven recipe for quick cooking corn in an unconventional way. Clean the corn and rinse with cold water.
She will cook in the microwave, which is an unconventional quick way to cook it. Next, you need to lay the washed cobs on the bottom of a saucepan special for a microwave oven so that they occupy no more than a third of the entire volume of the saucepan in height. If necessary, large cobs can be cut into pieces.

The next step is to pour boiling water over the corn so that the water is 1 centimeter above the corn layer. Cover the pan with a lid so that steam can escape from under the lid, that is, it is not airtight. Place the pot in the microwave at the highest temperature for 20 minutes.

After the specified time, add more boiling water to the pan so that it covers all the corn (but no more), salt and send to the microwave until fully cooked for another 15 minutes. After turning off the microwave, do not immediately get the pan with corn, let it brew for about 10 minutes in time.

Then we take out the saucepan, check the readiness of the corn for eating by piercing the grains with a fork. If they pierce easily, the corn is ready to eat. Next, put the corn on a plate, you can additionally sprinkle with salt to taste.
It takes only 35 minutes to cook boiled corn in the microwave, plus there is no steam in the kitchen. If you have new varieties of corn on the cob, from the banduelle series, which cooks quickly and at the same time tastes very sweet, then the cooking time can even be reduced.

Following this instruction, it is not at all difficult to cook juicy, fragrant corn, which will appeal not only to children, but also to adults. It can be served on its own or as a side dish. Another little secret - many children and adults like to eat warm corn with cool milk.

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Corn is a herbaceous annual tall plant. Its height sometimes reaches three meters. The purpose of growing this crop is to obtain edible cobs. In the list of the most important crops, corn is right behind wheat and rice.

This culture is divided into nine botanical groups: membranous, waxy, starchy-sugar, starchy, sugary, bursting, semi-dentate, tooth-like and siliceous.

In the people, corn is called the queen of the fields. It is extremely unpretentious, but there are still three conditions for a good harvest: the soil on which the plant grows must be loose, soundly fertilized and must be watered abundantly. It is best to fertilize with manure, which is preferably applied during the digging process in the fall.

Corn grain is used in the production of alcohol, starch, flour and cereals. Oil is produced from corn germ.

Scientists who have conducted research in the field of this crop are confident that regular consumption of corn significantly reduces the likelihood of stroke, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. This is due to the fact that the plant is replete with dietary fiber, potassium, fiber, vitamin E, phosphorus and a host of other useful substances. During the consumption of all these trace elements by the body, metabolic processes are activated, which leads to a significant improvement in human health and well-being.

Nutritionists are sure that by using this plant, older people improve and maintain their eyesight. But first of all, you need to eat corn properly. Yellow grains of corn include a huge amount of carotenoids in their composition. And this substance, by the way, remarkably improves vision. You just need to remember that in cooking it is preferable to use young grains, milky-waxy maturity, and not overripe and old.

How to boil corn

Here is the most traditional way to cook corn:

  • The cobs must be cleared of leaves. Wash a few leaves and lay them on the bottom of the pan.
  • Put the whole corn in the pan, very large cobs can be broken into two parts.
  • Pour in water to completely cover the contents and close the pan with a lid.
  • Bring water to a boil and reduce heat.
  • Cook the corn over low heat until tender. How much it needs to be cooked in time is written below.

How long to cook corn

Corn is fodder and food, you can eat both. Feed corn is tougher and less sugary than food corn. Food - more juicy and sweet. Depending on the type of corn, as well as on the degree of maturity, it should be cooked from 10 minutes to 3 hours. For cooking, it is best to take fresh corn. You can identify it by bright green leaves and wet tendrils.

How long to cook young corn

Young (or, as it is also called, milk) food corn should be boiled for 10 - 30 minutes, young fodder - about an hour and a half.

How many hours to cook old corn

Old food corn is boiled for about one hour, old feed corn - 3-5 hours.

Other Ways to Boil Corn

Corn can be cooked not only in the traditional way - on the stove, but also using modern household appliances.

  • You can cook corn in a slow cooker - 15 minutes, setting the "high pressure" mode
  • In the microwave - at maximum power for about 30 minutes, but every 15 minutes adding water to the dishes to completely cover the corn
  • Corn in a double boiler - it takes about the same time to cook as in a saucepan on the stove.