How to cook jelly from pork legs and shank: rich and fragrant. Recipes and methods of cooking jelly with pork knuckles and legs

15.10.2019 Dishes for children

Winter ahead. This means that jelly will appear on the tables - one of the best winter meat snacks. Delicious amber-clear with the taste of strong broth - jelly is considered a national Russian dish. And every family, every housewife has her own secret recipes for jelly: someone prefers thick meat, someone likes transparent with bright accents of carrots and greens, while the main thing in jelly is fresh sugar bone or shank! Cooking jellied meat will require patience from the cook, but the result is worth it. We will learn how to cook jelly correctly, how much to cook jelly, what meat to choose for it and how to cook a transparent fragrant jelly.

How to cook jelly

The golden rule is that jelly should harden without the addition of gelatin and agar-agar. If you follow simple rules: choose the right meat and bones and fill them with the right amount of water and cook for the required time, then your jelly will harden by itself. And, if, moreover, the jelly is cooked correctly, the broth will remain transparent and appetizing!

How to choose meat for jelly

In the old days, jelly was cooked from those parts of beef or pork carcasses for which there was no other use: legs, heads, tails. However, now we have the opportunity to put any meat in the jelly, but do not forget that it is the bony-cartilaginous component that is responsible for the freezing of the jelly. So, in order to properly cook jelly, follow the rules:

  • for the taste of jelly:
    • choose the meat that you like best: pork (pork knuckle), beef (beef edge), rabbit, turkey, chicken (old roosters are especially good), and the meat of wild animals will give the jelly a unique taste;
    • meat and legs should be fresh, in which case you will get a fragrant broth, and therefore a delicious jellied meat;
    • before pouring, you can add finely chopped garlic to the boiled meat, pepper, mix well and only then lay it out in the forms.
  • to freeze cold:
    • there should not be a lot of meat in the jelly recipe - keep the proportions: for one part of the legs, take about two parts of the rest of the meat;
    • in order for the broth to solidify without gelatin, it is imperative to use legs, drumsticks or tails; veins, cartilage, skin, and skin also contribute to the solidification of the broth;
    • water should cover the products by about two centimeters;
    • cook jellied meat for at least 6 hours.
  • for the beauty of jelly:
    • jelly from beef or lamb legs will be more transparent than jelly from pork shank;
    • drain the first water;
    • do not let it boil intensively;
    • remove foam;
    • before pouring into molds, strain the broth through 4 - 6 layers of gauze.

How to cook transparent jelly

Before cooking jellied meat, legs, tails and so on should be soaked, this will allow you to cook a more transparent broth, because soaking will remove blood clots and other small particles that can turn into tatters. So, rinse the meat, scrape the legs, singe if necessary, and rinse too. Prepared products should be poured with cold water and left. Drain the water periodically. Usually it is enough to change 2-3 times to stop blushing. Before preparing the jelly, the water in which the meat and legs were soaked must be drained.

For greater transparency, some housewives recommend draining the first water, which means: bring the food to a boil and drain the water, rinse the legs and meat again, pour cold water again, bring to a boil, remove the foam and cook over low heat.

Be sure to skim off the foam during the entire cooking time. To keep the jellied meat transparent, do not allow the contents of the pan to boil intensively. If you do not follow these rules, you will get cloudy jelly.

How much water to pour into jelly

An important rule that often does not fall into the jelly recipe is that meat and shanks are poured only with cold water and it should not be too much or too little! This is a very important point in the preparation of jelly. In the process of cooking, water is no longer added, so initially pour the right amount of water into the pan. Different housewives give different ways to determine the amount of water for jelly, remember the simplest one: the water should be about two centimeters above the level of the meat.

How much to cook jelly

Aspic recipes clearly say: aspic is cooked for a long time! Meat and bones should languish over low heat, gradually giving the broth taste and aroma. Only in this way will you be able to properly prepare a delicious jelly - fragrant, rich and perfectly solidified. So, pouring clean products with cold water, bring everything to a boil, remove the foam and reduce the heat to such an extent that your broth gurgles quietly. Don't forget to skim off any foam and grease if you like. It is also recommended to cook jellied meat without a lid.

Important! Jellied meat cooking time - at least 6-8 hours!

What to put in jelly

  • an onion peeled from the first layer of husk - two hours before the end of cooking aspic;
  • carrots - an hour before the end of cooking jellied meat;
  • peppercorns - half an hour before the end of cooking jellied meat;
  • bay leaf - half an hour before the end of cooking jellied meat.
Greens, which will give the dish not only taste, but also a pleasant appearance, are also better to put 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking. If you want the taste of fresh herbs to be felt in the dish, then add the herbs when you pour the jelly into molds.

How much salt to put in jelly

How to salt aspic - depends on your taste. In general recommendations, it is advised to salt the jelly no earlier than an hour before readiness. Many salt jelly after it is cooked. And you need to add more salt than you are used to. The broth should become quite salty, it may even seem salty to some. This is what will allow him, when solidified, to become a dish perfectly balanced in salt. Undersalted jellied meat will be tasteless and insipid.

How to check if the jelly is ready

After the cooking time has elapsed, the housewives recommend checking whether the jelly has solidified, in this way: scoop up a little broth, cool slightly and moisten your fingers with it, if the fingers stick together when squeezed, then the broth is strong enough and the jelly can be considered ready for pouring.

How to disassemble and pour jelly

When the jellied meat is cooked, let it stand for about 20 minutes and proceed to the analysis: to separate the meat from the bones and cartilage. The meat is removed from the broth with a slotted spoon. It is removed from the bones and separated from the cartilage, skin. The meat is cut or disassembled with fingers into small pieces. It is often recommended to add finely chopped cartilage to the meat, so the jelly will be more dense. By the way, some housewives recommend adding finely chopped garlic to the meat, pepper, mix well and only then lay it out in forms. To decorate the jelly, you can cut out circles or stars from carrots that were boiled in jelly, you can lay out leaves of fresh herbs and olives, cut in half. Prepared meat and vegetables should be poured with strained broth. You can mix, or you can leave the meat and jelly in layers.

Aspic freezing

First, the jelly is cooled at room temperature. After that, it can be put in the refrigerator. It is impossible to freeze jellied meat, it will lose its tenderness and softness, and it will lose its taste.

What to serve with jelly

Kholodets is usually served at the festive table with vodka with horseradish, mustard, mayonnaise, vinegar or beets with horseradish.

Simple jelly recipes

Now that you know how to cook jellied meat correctly, how much to cook jellied meat, how to cook a transparent tasty jellied meat, it's time to try to do it in practice. Simple recipes for jellied meat have been selected for you.

Recipe Triple aspic or Aspic from three types of meat

1 beef knuckle
2 pork knuckles
1 whole chicken
2 carrots
2 onions
2 parsley roots
1 tsp allspice
1 tsp black pepper
3-4 bay leaves
3 garlic cloves

Rinse the meat in cold water and soak overnight. Drain the water. Pour the meat with clean cold water and put on medium heat. Before boiling, remove the foam and remove it regularly as it appears. After boiling, reduce the fire and cook over low heat with a barely noticeable boil for 8 hours. Do not close the jellied lid. If the meat is fatty, remove the fat every hour. After 2-3 hours of cooking, throw peeled carrots, parsley root, onions into a saucepan with aspic. An hour before the end of cooking aspic, throw peppercorns into the broth - black and fragrant, bay leaf. After 8 hours of cooking, remove the meat for parsing, and remove and discard the vegetables, salt the broth. Cut the meat into small pieces and place in a bowl. Pour in strained broth and let cool to room temperature. To harden, remove the jellied meat in the refrigerator.

Beef leg jelly recipe

2.2 kg beef leg
3 tablespoons of salt
black peppercorns
Bay leaf

Rinse the lower part of the beef leg, pour boiling water over it and let it boil. Drain the water and rinse again. Pour the meat on the bones again with cold water. The water should completely cover the meat. Bring to a boil over high heat. As soon as the broth boils, remove the foam, reduce the heat and cook for about 6 hours. Until the meat separates easily from the bone. 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt, peppercorns, bay leaf. Remove the cooked meat from the broth, separate from the bones. Strain the broth through a sieve, as small bones can be caught. Meat, and if available, cartilage and skins that have boiled to a soft state, finely chop. Divide the chopped meat evenly into trays or bowls. On top of the meat, you can add 2-3 circles of boiled carrots to each tray for beauty, as well as a little finely chopped garlic for flavor. Pour strained broth, distributing it evenly over all trays. Put trays with jellied meat in the refrigerator to harden.

Recipe Pork leg jelly

1 kg pork legs
2 carrots
2 onions
Black peppercorns
2-3 bay leaves

Wash and scrape pork legs, singe, remove hooves. Soak 3-4 hours. Pour the legs with water so that it covers them by 5 cm and put on a strong fire, bring to a boil. Drain and pour new water, bring to a boil again, remove the foam, put to cook on a slow fire. Boil for about 8 hours. An hour and a half before the end of cooking, put the peeled carrots and onions in the peel. After another 40 minutes, add pepper and bay leaf. Remove meat and vegetables with a slotted spoon. Vegetables - throw away. And the meat is separated from the bones and cartilage, finely chopped. Arrange in forms. Strain the broth and pour the meat into molds. Cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for a few hours until set.

Recipe Kholodets in a slow cooker

2 pork legs
2 chicken legs
2.5 liters of water
1 bulb
½ head of garlic

Rinse the legs, peel and soak for 2-3 hours. Chop the chicken into pieces (the leg can be cut into three parts). Peel the onion, put meat and onions, spices and salt into the bowl of the multicooker, pour water to the maximum. When the aspic is cooked, remove the meat, remove it from the bones and cut into small pieces. Add crushed garlic cloves to the broth. They insist while we are engaged in meat. Taste and salt if needed. Put the meat in molds, filling them half or two-thirds. Pour in strained broth. Cool at room temperature and then place in the refrigerator to chill.

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Kholodets is one of the most popular cold appetizers on the Russian holiday table. You can also serve it just for dinner, for example, with mashed potatoes instead of store-bought sausage. Therefore, knowing how to cook jelly will be useful to every housewife. The following are the most successful recipes for this dish.

How to cook classic jelly?

A few decades ago, only tails, legs, ears, heads and other parts of meat carcasses were used to prepare jellied meat, which cannot be cooked in any other way than long-term cooking and gelling. But modern housewives have improved the classic recipe by adding meat pulp to it, as well as a large amount of spices.

Recipe Ingredients

The classic recipe necessarily includes pork legs and ears. Without these components with gelling components, the jelly simply will not harden. In addition to them, you can use other meat parts of the pork carcass. Many cooks add a whole chicken to the ears and legs, from which you can cut a large amount of meat.

In addition to 2 ears, 2 legs and a large chicken, vegetables are taken to cook the broth. It is enough to use 3 pieces of carrots and onions. Onions, when all the components are cooked, are always thrown out, but carrots can be cut into shapes and beautifully placed in jars with jelly.

Perfectly complements the jelly with chopped garlic (to taste), peppercorns and bay leaves. The finished broth is filtered from all these components and only then poured onto the meat. The liquid is salted at the very beginning of cooking.

How much to cook jelly?

It is difficult to say unequivocally how much to cook aspic. It depends on the size of the cuts of meat, the heat level of the stove and some other factors. On average, the dish is prepared from 4 to 8 hours. In the process, be sure to remove the foam from the surface of the broth.

If a pressure cooker is used, the meat will be ready in 2 hours. True, in this device the broth will turn out to be more cloudy. For transparency, it is recommended to drain the first liquid after boiling.

How to disassemble and serve the dish?

First of all, parts of the carcass are always removed from the broth, meat is removed from them, which must be cut into small pieces. Bones and veins are thrown away. The meat is placed in convenient bowls for jelly, and on top it is poured with strained broth from the pan. When pouring, you can decorate with egg slices, boiled carrots.

The jellied meat is best left in the refrigerator to freeze overnight. Before serving, the top layer of fat is removed from it. You can decorate the jelly with finely chopped greens. Mustard or sour cream and horseradish sauce are served separately.

Europeans do not understand how you can adore jelly, but we know that nothing will warm you better than jelly with horseradish under a glass of vodka if you have just walked in the cold.

Kholodets is a rather simple dish, although it requires some patience. The convenience of jelly is that it will cook for a long, long time on its own. Nevertheless, he still requires, albeit minimal, but supervision, so it is better not to leave the house. The most important point is that the aspic should solidify without the addition of gelatin and agar-agar. He will do it, no problem, but only if you follow a few simple rules, choose the right meat and fill it with the right amount of water. That's actually all.

What meat to take for jelly

In the old days, jelly was cooked from beef legs and head. It was a method of disposing of those parts of a cow/veal carcass that are completely unsuitable for other dishes. Now we have the opportunity to put anything in the jelly. But in order for the broth to solidify without gelatin, you still need to use legs, drumsticks, tails - they impart viscosity and stickiness to the liquid. The veins, cartilage, skin, and skin contribute to the solidification of the broth.

In addition to the legs, you can use almost any meat that is not a pity to cook for a long time. Pork knuckle, chicken, beef edge are good. They make jelly and completely from poultry, but then it is necessary that there must be legs, chicken legs, and also that the chicken is not store-bought young and white (the broth will not freeze with it), but homemade, nondescript, bony. Old roosters are good for chicken aspic.

There shouldn't be too much meat.

If there is a lot of meat, then this will not contribute to the solidification of the broth. You need to keep the proportions. For one part of the legs, about two parts of the rest of the meat.

Soaking is a must

Before cooking jelly, meat, and especially legs and tails, must be soaked. That is, they must first be washed, the legs scraped, if necessary, singe, and then pour cold water and leave for several hours. This procedure will remove blood clots from the meat.

How much water to pour

After soaking, drain the water and pour cold water over the meat again. But it shouldn't be too much. Water should be above the level of the meat by about the width of the palm. And the fact that it is cold is also important. This will make the broth taste better.

Drain the first water

Bring everything to a boil and drain the water. With this procedure, the broth will become transparent. Then rinse the legs and everything else again. Pour cold water again and bring to a boil over medium heat. Remove the foam, turn the fire to a minimum.

The slower the better

No wonder jelly used to be cooked in the oven. At a temperature of about 90 degrees, the meat slowly languished and gave everything to the water, so the jelly turned out to be fragrant, rich, and perfectly solidified. Now we cook jelly on the stove (you can cook jelly in a slow cooker, where it languishes like in an oven), but on the smallest fire. So that he only gurgles quietly. And all the time we remove the foam. Fat can also be removed if you do not like a thin white fatty layer on the surface of the finished jelly. By the way, it can also be removed from a ready-made frozen jelly.

Important! Jellied meat is cooked for at least 6 hours, and better - 8 hours.

What else to put

Onion, peeled from the first layer of husk, a couple of carrots. Of course, peppercorns and bay leaf. All those products that make meat broths tastier. But we do not put them immediately, but towards the end of cooking. Carrots and onions - two hours, and pepper and other spices - about half an hour.

When to salt

Not earlier than an hour before the jelly is ready, because the water is slowly boiling away and there is a danger of oversalting the jelly. Many salt jelly after it is cooked. In this case, you need to put a little more salt, taking into account the fact that the meat will absorb it.

After cooking

When the jellied meat is turned off, you can salt it, add crushed garlic to the broth and let it stand and rest for about 20 minutes. And then start parsing the jellied meat: separate the meat from bones and cartilage.

Analysis of jellied meat and bottling in forms

When the jelly is cooked, the meat is removed from the broth with a slotted spoon. It is removed from the bones, separated from the cartilage, and the skin is selected. All meat is cut into small pieces. It is often recommended to add finely chopped cartilage to the meat, so the jelly will be more dense.

Try to choose peppercorns and bay leaves from the meat.

Arrange the meat in forms and trays, and strain the broth and pour over the meat. You can mix, or you can leave the meat below so that there is a layer of jelly above it.


Aspic looks great on the festive table, served in portions - for each guest. Meat and broth for such a jelly is poured and laid out in small portion molds, and it’s nice to put decorations on the bottom of the mold: sprigs of greens, circles of carrots, half an egg, etc. When you take out the jelly on a plate, the decorations will be on top.

The jelly looks great, frozen in a bottle, it can be cut into large circles, like a roll. To get such a round jelly, you need to pour the meat and broth into a plastic bottle with a cut off top and let the dish harden. Then pour over the bottle with hot water and take out the jellied meat.

You can also use molds for cakes and pastries with ribbed walls for jelly - it will turn out beautifully and in an original way.

If you want to decorate the jelly, then you can separately boil carrots and other vegetables, those that were cooked with meat, most likely lost their marketable appearance.

The last step is freezing

First, the jelly is cooled at room temperature. And then he needs a very low positive - about 1-2 degrees. It is impossible to freeze jellied meat, it will lose its tenderness and softness, and it will lose its taste. So to solidify the jelly is sent to the refrigerator, approximately in the middle.


The classic sauce for serving jelly is grated horseradish. You can buy it in the store, or you can make it yourself if you have horseradish root on hand (grate, add a little sugar, salt and vinegar, quite often this sauce is also diluted with water). Table horseradish can be with the addition of beets, very fragrant horseradish is obtained with sour grated apples, and if you add pureed tomatoes to horseradish, you get Siberian horseradish.

Also, an indispensable companion of jellied meat is mustard. Of course, Russian, strong, not sweetish French.

Pork leg jelly

1 kg pork legs
2 carrots
2 onions
Black peppercorns
2-3 bay leaves

Step 1. Wash and scrape pork legs, singe, remove hooves. Soak 3-4 hours.
Step 2. Pour the legs with water so that it covers them by 5 cm and put on a strong fire, bring to a boil.
Step 3. Drain and pour new water, bring to a boil again, remove the foam, put on a slow fire. Boil for about 8 hours.
Step 4. An hour and a half before the end of cooking, put peeled carrots and onions in their skins. After another 40 minutes, add pepper and bay leaf.
Step 5. Remove meat and vegetables with a slotted spoon. Vegetables - throw away. And the meat is separated from the bones and cartilage, finely chopped. Arrange in forms.
Step 6. Strain the broth and pour the meat into the molds. Cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for a few hours until set.

Jellied meat in a multicooker

2 pork legs
2 chicken legs
2.5 liters of water
1 bulb
½ head of garlic

Step 1. Rinse, clean and soak the legs for 2-3 hours.
Step 2. Cut the chicken into pieces (the leg can be cut into three parts).
Step 3. Peel the onion, put meat and onions, spices and salt into the multicooker bowl, pour water to the maximum.
Step 4. Put on the extinguishing mode, the longer the better, it is convenient to leave the multicooker for the night.
Step 5. When the jelly is cooked, take out the meat, remove it from the bones and cut into small pieces.
Step 6. Add garlic cloves crushed with a knife to the broth. They insist while we are engaged in meat. Taste and salt if needed.
Step 7. Put the meat into molds, filling them in half or two thirds. Pour in strained broth. Cool at room temperature and then place in the refrigerator to chill.

This part of the pork carcass has an unattractive appearance, but is perfect for making rich jelly. There are several options for how to cook jelly from pork legs. In some cases, housewives add a little chicken, turkey or beef meat to make the treat more satisfying and appetizing.

How to cook jelly from pork knuckle

The first step is to thoroughly clean all the ingredients. To cook jelly from a pork knuckle, you need to remove the skin from it with a knife; a brush is well suited for the same purposes. If you notice that the legs are not very clean, then you can grind them over the burner of the stove and then clean them. Then the component should be soaked in cool water, then you can proceed directly to cooking.

How much to cook a shank for jelly? As a rule, it takes from 4 to 8 hours, but more often it turns out to keep within 5-6. Remove the foam from the surface if you want a transparent jelly layer. Next, you need to cool the product, remove all the bones, chop the pulp and mix with chopped garlic. The resulting broth is filtered, poured over the meat. At a temperature of 1-6 degrees with a plus sign, jelly freezes for about 10 hours.

Pork leg jelly - recipe

The classic version of creating a treat involves using only pork ears, hooves, tails, but sometimes high-quality fillets are added to the components. The pork leg jelly recipe involves a slow boil of the broth over a fire with all the other ingredients. A small flame will not allow the composition to turn cloudy so that it does not have to be further clarified.

The traditional pork knuckle recipe includes hard-boiled eggs, herbs, carrots, but the composition can be changed based on personal wishes. This treat gives you plenty of room for imagination, so don't be afraid to add your favorite ingredients. For the festive table, the jelly is poured into molds. Aspic should not stand in the room on the table for too long, it will lose its shape and spread.

Pork leg and beef jelly recipes

  • Cooking time: 10 hours
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 100 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

All recipes for jelly from pork legs and beef will help you create a fragrant, tasty and satisfying treat for an everyday or festive table. Below is a step by step guide to help you create this treat. Most of the time the appetizer will solidify, so don't be put off by the long cooking times. Jellied pork shank is prepared as follows.


  • pepper in a pot - 6 pcs.;
  • pork knuckle - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • beef leg - 1 pc.;
  • bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
  • beef - 500 g;
  • minced garlic - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the shanks well, if necessary, scrape with a knife. Soak in cold water for 2 hours. Then rinse again. Put all the meat in a saucepan, cover with cool water, boil over low heat, constantly remove the foam from the surface.
  2. Drain the water, rinse the pan, meat. Pour another 6-7 cm of liquid into the dishes, boil over medium heat along with the legs. beef. When it begins to boil, reduce the heat to a minimum, put the onion, cook for 2 hours.
  3. Take the beef out of the pan, disassemble it into fibers. At this time, the broth continues to boil for another 3 hours.
  4. Next, remove the shank, disassemble into fibers, arrange in molds. Pass the broth through a sieve, put bay leaves, garlic, black pepper, salt to taste. Cook another 40 min. broth, then pour it into the dishes.
  5. Wait until the jellied molds have cooled completely, refrigerate overnight. In the morning your snack will be ready.

Jellied pork and chicken shank

  • Cooking time: over 3 hours.
  • Servings: 10 persons.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

The recipe for jelly from pork knuckle and chicken is usually remembered by the hostess in winter. This is the time for meats and pickles. The process of creating treats is long, you have to cook a lot and spend time at the stove, but the result is delicious. An appetizer is perfect for both everyday and festive tables. Below is a step-by-step recipe for jelly chicken and shank.


  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • chicken - 1 kg;
  • black peppercorns - 0.5 tsp;
  • garlic - 3 pcs.;
  • shank - 3 kg;
  • green onions - 6 arrows;
  • allspice - 0.5 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - 0.5 tsp;
  • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 4 liters;

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the pork component thoroughly under water, cut into 2-3 parts. Remove the skin with a knife, rinse again and place in a cooking bowl.
  2. Clean, rinse the chicken, divide the meat into two parts, also send it to the pan, fill it with water and send it to the fire.
  3. Bring the contents to a boil, drain the liquid, rinse the meat components again, return to the bowl. Pour water just above the meat, send it back to the stove, bring to a boil and reduce the heat to a minimum. Leave to languish for 5-6 hours, remove the foam from the surface. There shouldn't be a lot of bubbling.
  4. After 5 hours, peel the onion, rinse and divide the carrots into 4 parts. Put them in the broth (whole onion).
  5. Immediately put the spices (to taste), bay leaf. Simmer the broth over low heat for 30 minutes, then turn off and let cool.
  6. Then separate the meat from the liquid.
  7. Grate the garlic on a fine grater. Throw it into warm broth, stir. After 15 min. Taste and add more spices if needed.
  8. Strain the broth through a double cheesecloth, collect excess fat with a spoon.
  9. Lay the meat on the trays, decorate with boiled carrots on top.
  10. Pour in the liquid, sprinkle with chopped green onions and send the treat to the refrigerator to harden.

Jellied pork legs in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: over 10 hours.
  • Servings Per Container: 10-12.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 91 kcal / 100 grams.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

This is a great appetizer to brighten up any holiday table. Cooking jelly from pork legs in a slow cooker is somewhat easier than just on the stove. By setting the desired mode on the device, you can leave and go about your business without worrying about the dish. You can make a snack only from pork, but if you wish, you can combine this meat with chicken or beef.


  • pork shank (knuckles) - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 2 pcs.;
  • pork - 500 g;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • carrot;
  • spices;
  • salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • greenery.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the hooves thoroughly, then soak them for 2-3 hours in cold water. It is recommended to replace it several times.
  2. Dense, lay meat, legs in several layers. Whole put the carrots, onions, bay leaf, allspice (peas), salt the ingredients.
  3. Pour liquid up to the maximum mark, close the lid, set the “Extinguishing” mode for 5 hours.
  4. When the timer beeps, remove the meat, let cool slightly. Strain the decoction. If needed, you can also add salt and pepper to taste.
  5. Cut the meat into small pieces. Mince the head of garlic with a knife.
  6. Put chopped meat in suitable containers, sprinkle with herbs and garlic.
  7. Pour the broth evenly over the workpiece, put it in the refrigerator to solidify.
  8. If you want to present a snack beautifully, use a silicone container. The jellied meat will easily fall out of it onto a plate.

Jellied pork knuckle with gelatin

  • Cooking time: 20-24 hours.
  • Servings: 10-12 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 150 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

There are many options on how to cook jellied meat from a shank, you can use different types of meat, cook in a saucepan or slow cooker. You can pick up additional spices, herbs (dry) to your liking. Jellied pork knuckle with gelatin is made to make the dish jelly-like and keep the desired shape on the table longer. Below is a step by step recipe for this treat.


  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • pork knuckles - 3 kg;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • pork legs - 6 pcs.;
  • gelatin - 30 g;
  • water - 5 liters;
  • garlic - 3 heads;
  • black pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the legs, shank, soak in cool water for 1 hour.
  2. Clean the feet of dirt with a knife.
  3. Cut the pork parts with a knife into 2-3 parts.
  4. Put the meat components into the pan, fill with water, put on fire.
  5. Peel the onions, rinse, peel the carrots.
  6. Free the garlic cloves from the husk.
  7. When the liquid boils into the pan, put the large chopped vegetables in boiling water. On low heat, the dish should cook for 3 hours.
  8. Put a few pinches of ground pepper, salt to the broth.
  9. Remove vegetables from broth and discard.
  10. Leave the meat to cool.
  11. Put a separate gelling agent in water, mix with a decoction, put on the stove.
  12. Stir regularly while cooking to break up all the gelatin, bring to a boil.
  13. Strain the liquid through cheesecloth, folding it 2 times. This will help make the broth clear.
  14. Cut the meat from the bones, cut into small slices, spread on the dishes. Pour all the broth with gelatin.
  15. Remove the containers to cool in the refrigerator.

Every housewife wants the dish to be appetizing, tasty and beautiful. To do this, you need to know how to cook pork knuckle jelly correctly. The recipes indicate step-by-step actions, but are silent about such subtleties of the process:

  1. It is necessary to cook jelly from pork legs so that the liquid does not boil much. From this, readiness will not come faster, but the broth will be spoiled. The broth will turn out cloudy, and the result will look ugly.
  2. Be sure to soak all meat for a couple of hours. This will save him from the remnants of blood, the broth will be light.
  3. For a cold snack, the best spices are: bay leaf, allspice black and peas. All other seasonings should be added only to your own taste.

Video: Pork knuckle jelly

If you learn how to cook jelly from pork legs, the problem of how to treat long-awaited guests will disappear by itself. Aromatic jelly with garlic is an excellent appetizer for vodka for a cheerful company, as well as a hearty and tasty meat dish, which, in combination with tender mashed potatoes, is enjoyed by adults and children.

Pork legs- an inexpensive by-product. There is almost no meat and fat in the legs, only bones, skin, cartilage and tendons. When boiled for a long time, these seemingly unusable parts give an excellent gelling effect. Aspic with pork legs freezes by itself without the addition of gelatin and agar, which, in fact, differs from aspic.

To make delicious jelly, chicken, pork or beef are added to the company to the legs. The result is a magnificent jelly, in which pieces of meat, finely chopped cartilage and a rich broth, which easily solidifies in the refrigerator, successfully coexist.

Cooking jellied meat is a long process. First, meat and pork legs are simmered for a long time with spices. Then the meat is removed from the broth, allowed to cool, separated from the bones and finely chopped. The meat is laid out in a dish or portioned plates. The broth is filtered and the meat is poured over it. After that, the jelly is placed in the refrigerator and they are looking forward to when the dish is gelled.

Without skill, knowledge of proportions and practice, it is difficult to cook delicious jelly, but it is possible if you follow proven recipes and the advice of professional chefs on how to cook jelly from pork legs correctly.

Photo #1. Recipe for jellied pork legs and chicken with gelatin

Start your acquaintance with jelly with a simple recipe. In chicken meat, if it is not a large fattened domestic rooster, there may not be enough gelling agents for the jelly to harden on its own. To be sure, the recipe contains gelatin. You can cook such a jelly a little less and remove from heat as soon as the meat on the pork legs begins to easily peel off the bone.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • pork legs 1 kg.
  • chicken 1 kg.
  • carrots 2 pcs.
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • parsley root 1 pc.
  • garlic 1 head
  • bay leaf 4 pcs.
  • black peppercorns 10 pieces.
  • allspice 5 pcs.
  • gelatin 1 tbsp. the spoon
  • water 5 liters
  • salt to taste

An unusually simple recipe for how to cook jellied chicken and pork leg:

  1. Pour cold water over meat and leave to soak for 2 hours. Drain the water and repeat the procedure. Wash the meat well. During the soaking process, blood dissolves in water, which coagulates during cooking, turning the broth gray. The broth from the soaked meat turns out to be transparent as a tear.
  2. Peel the onion, carrot and parsley root. Cut large carrots into several pieces.
  3. Put the meat, onions, carrots, parsley root, spices in a large saucepan, cover with water and put to boil over a slow fire. At this stage, do not leave the jelly unattended. As soon as foam begins to collect, it must be removed with a spoon and discarded.
  4. Simmer the meat over low heat, covering the pan with a lid so that the broth does not evaporate as much. Jellied chicken need to cook for about 2.5-3 hours.
  5. Remove meat from broth, let cool. Separate the meat and skin from the bones. Bones will not be needed later. Finely chop the meat, skin and soft, elastic cartilage and arrange in shapes.
  6. Gelatin pour ½ cup of water. When the gelatin swells, heat it until completely dissolved, stirring so that it does not stick to the bottom and does not burn.
  7. Peel the garlic and push through a press into the broth, salt. Let the broth brew for 10-15 minutes then strain through cheesecloth. Add gelatin to strained broth.
  8. Pour the broth over the meat in the molds. Send to the cold for 6 hours better at night.

Feed method: Serve with horseradish or mustard. The best side dish for jelly is young boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes.

Photo #2. Beef jelly recipe

Aspic of pork legs and beef has a dark shade, has a specific strong taste, not at all greasy. Cooking jelly in a slow cooker is very convenient. You can immerse the food in the bowl, set the desired program and go to bed or go to work. No need to remove the foam, control the temperature and intensity of boiling. The only downside is small bowl volume. Cooking jelly for a large company will not work.

The calorie content of beef jelly is lower than that of chicken and pork.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • pork legs 1 kg.
  • beef 1 kg.
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • carrot 1 pc.
  • celery root 100 g
  • bay leaf 3 pcs.
  • peppercorns 5 pcs.
  • salt 2 tbsp. spoons
  • water 3-4 liters

How to cook jelly from pork legs and beef:

  1. Wash the meat, put it in a slow cooker. There also add peeled carrots, onions, celery root, bay leaf and peppercorns.
  2. Pour salted water to taste up to the maximum mark. The water should be slightly undersalted. During cooking, some of the water will boil away, and the salt concentration in the broth will increase.
  3. Install the program "Extinguishing". Set a timer for 4 or 5 hours. Further, how much to cook, the device will control.
  4. When the meat is cooked, you need to remove it from the bowl, let it cool, sort it out, separating it from the bones, finely chop. Divide the meat into bowls. Strain the broth. Onions, carrots, roots and spices will no longer be needed. Unless carrots can be used to decorate a dish.
  5. Pour the strained broth over the meat. Place in the refrigerator to harden for 6 hours.

Feed method: If you are preparing jelly for the festive table, the dish can be decorated. In each bowl with jelly, put flowers cut from boiled carrots, halves of boiled quail eggs, green sprigs, green peas. Serve with horseradish.

Delicious jellied pork legs and knuckles

Photo #3. Pork knuckle recipe

Pork leg and shank jelly is simpler than the beef and chicken recipes described above, cheaper, fatter, not as refined, but has a good homemade taste. The jelly from these parts of the pork carcass will turn out to be unclear in appearance. Perhaps not every housewife will dare to put it on the festive table. But, given the low cost of pork legs and shank, this dish will become one of the favorites in the daily diet.

Ingredients for the recipe:

  • pork legs 2 pcs
  • pork knuckle 2 pcs.
  • onion 2 pcs.
  • garlic 1 head
  • black peppercorns½ teaspoon
  • bay leaf 3 pcs.
  • salt to taste

How to cook jelly from pork knuckle:

  1. Before preparing the jelly, cut the pork legs and shank into pieces, soak in cold water for about an hour. Drain the water. Place the meat in a saucepan.
  2. Put washed, but not peeled, onions there. Large onions can be cut in half. Put on a big fire. Bring to a boil quickly, remove foam. Lower the heat and continue to simmer until the broth is bubbling rather than bubbling. At this point add black pepper, bay leaf and salt.
  3. Jellied shank is cooked for about 6 hours. Readiness check in this way. Take a little broth in a spoon, pour it on a saucer and put it in refrigerator for 5-10 minutes. If the broth turns into jelly, you can remove from heat.
  4. Remove the meat from the broth, separate from the bones. Peel the garlic. Chop the meat and garlic finely or pass through a meat grinder. Put the meat part into molds, pour strained broth, let it harden. Delicious homemade jellied meat from the shank is ready.

Tips: How to cook jelly from pork legs

For the first time faced with the preparation of jelly, the housewives have many questions, how to make broth clear how long to cook jelly, how to make sure that it is guaranteed to freeze. And the preparation of jelly is fraught with secrets and subtleties. Some of them are revealed by experienced chefs, telling how to cook jelly from pork legs according to the rules:

  • Pork legs guarantee the jelly a sufficient amount of gelling agents, but make the broth cloudy. Use fresh, not frozen meat.
  • Stale legs may have an unpleasant aftertaste. and a musty smell that will spoil the finished dish.
  • Soak meat before cooking in cold water from 2 to 6 hours. The broth will be clearer.
  • Add to broth while cooking celery root and parsley. The taste of the broth will become more interesting.
  • Fat content of the finished dish depends on what kind of meat you choose in addition to the legs. The leanest jelly is made from beef, followed by chicken and pork. Chicken jelly will not be as high in calories if you use skinless chicken breasts.
  • Be sure to strain the broth before pouring over the meat. Use a spoon and then a paper towel to collect excess fat on the surface of the broth. A thick layer of pork fat on the surface of the jellied meat will not decorate the dish, it will make it heavy and unappetizing.
  • Cooking jellied meat takes 6-12 hours. Start preparing it in advance to be sure that the jelly will harden by the time it is served to the table.