Wafer sticks recipe. Wafer rolls

03.09.2019 Grill menu

I offer you a wonderful recipe for waffles in a waffle iron, according to which I really love to make them. It includes only 4 products that are usually found in every home. I make waffle dough in a waffle iron with margarine, but if you don’t cook on it, then replace it with cream. There are a lot of variations of the test, but I like this one the most. For cooking, you will also need a mixer and any waffle iron, even Soviet, as I have and believe me, this does not affect the quality and taste.

Cream for wafer rolls can be very different, someone likes protein, someone custard, cottage cheese, chocolate, cream or, as in the classic version, from boiled condensed milk. But you can also without it, but just eat the waffles themselves for tea.

Next, I will show you in detail how to cook wafer rolls in an electric waffle iron so that they are ruddy, keep their shape and do not crack when folded, which is very important. Indeed, in any pastry, its appearance and appetizing are quite important.


  • Chicken eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp. (200 ml)
  • Margarine - 200 g
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp.

How to cook waffles in a waffle iron

The recipe for waffle dough in an electric waffle iron is the easiest I know. So, I drive 4 eggs into a deep bowl, add a glass of sugar and beat everything with a mixer until foamy, but not to such a state as a biscuit, so three minutes at maximum power is enough here. I measure sugar and flour with a glass in which exactly 200 ml. liquids, so be guided by this.

And at this time I put the margarine to melt. This can be done in the microwave, in a water bath, or just on the stove. I choose the latter option, but here it is important that the margarine does not start to boil, so do not make too much fire and when it has melted by about half, remove from the stove, then everything will happen on its own. I add it to the beaten eggs and mix. Then add 2 cups of flour and mix. Baking powder or soda is not needed at all in this recipe.

If you want to make them chocolate, then it's time to add a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder, mix again and you're done, but this time I do without it. The dough turns out to be homogeneous and rather liquid, similar in consistency to muffins or pancakes. Such a recipe for delicious waffles in a waffle iron, as in childhood, and when you try at least one of them, you will see for yourself.

Now I turn on the electric waffle iron and put it on a wooden board, as it will heat up. My waffle iron has been since Soviet times, but nevertheless it copes with its task perfectly well. When it warms up, I don’t grease it, since there is already margarine in the dough, but I immediately put a couple of tablespoons of dough on it. If you want to make them thin and crispy, one spoon is enough for you, and if a little thicker, then put two. Now I close it and press it by the handles so that the two parts are pressed tightly.

Waffles are baked quickly enough, and the longer it works, the more it heats up and bakes faster. To check the readiness, it is enough to slightly open one half. If the color has turned ruddy, then you can shoot. To do this, use a wooden spatula, carefully prying off the waffle on one side and transferring it to a dish. Then you can leave them like that, but I still turn them into tubes.

Immediately after removing the waffle, do not pour in the next dough, but roll this one, because they harden quickly. If you do this not immediately, but after 5 to 10 seconds, then when folding, they can crack and break. Now each of you will be able to make waffles in an electric waffle iron at home, as you can see, everything is simple and fast.

Here is such a simple recipe for waffles in a waffle iron turned out, I hope you like it as much as I do. As you can see, with just 4 simple ingredients, you get great waffles that you can fill with any cream. And as a filling, condensed milk, custard, nutella, chocolate with nuts or protein cream are best suited. The main thing is to make the perfect base, and what will be inside, let everyone choose to their taste. And you can not roll them up, but eat them just like cookies, which is also very tasty. Cook with love and enjoy your meal!

Video recipe for homemade waffles:

The tubes in the waffle iron, the recipe of which is presented below, are so sweet and crispy that neither adults nor children will ever refuse them. It is worth noting that such a dessert can be made not only in the form of ordinary hollow tubes, but in the form of a cone filled with boiled condensed milk and nuts.

Sweet rolls in a waffle iron: a delicious dessert

Required ingredients for the dough:

  • creamy margarine fresh - 210 g;
  • wheat flour - 2 full glasses;
  • large chicken egg - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar sand - full;
  • sunflower oil - a little (for lubricating the waffle iron).

The dough preparation process

Rolls in a waffle iron, the recipe of which is extremely simple, it is advisable to make using fresh margarine. But if there was no such product in the house, then dessert can be prepared using butter. It needs to be cut into small pieces, placed in an enamel bowl, and then slightly heated so that the cooking oil completely melts, but does not burn.

While the melted margarine is cooling aside, you should start processing other ingredients. To do this, you need to break chicken eggs into a bowl, beat them with a fork, and then add sugar and mix well again so that the bulk product melts.

It is also worth recalling that the recipe for making tubes in a waffle iron does not require the use of baking soda. After all, if you add it to the dough, then the dessert will be too lush, and we need to get thin and crispy cookies.

Thus, the two prepared masses need to be combined together, mix well and add wheat flour to them. The consistency of the base should be in the form of thick sour cream.

Heat treatment

Following all the described cooking rules, you will definitely get crispy and tasty tubes in a waffle iron. Everyone knows the recipe for such a dessert, but not everyone has a special device for baking. To do this, you need to purchase a kitchen appliance in the form of a double-leaf device, in which the dough should be laid. If you have such a device, then it must be thoroughly washed, heated to red and coated with vegetable oil. After that, it is required to place 1 large spoonful of the base on the lower sash, and then press it firmly and immediately put it on the switched on gas stove. The readiness of waffles should be determined by color: if both sides of the product are browned, then it must be laid out on the table (using a fork) and quickly wrapped in a tube (or cone). If you delay a little and be late with this procedure, then the cookies will freeze in the position in which they were thrown onto

How to properly serve

Do you like crispy wafer rolls with cream? Sweet and melting in the mouth, they won the hearts of Soviet children who were not spoiled by delicacies. Sometimes you really want to go back to the past, inhale the aroma of waffle dough and become a child again ...

History of wafer rolls

Everyone's favorite wafer rolls, which are still associated with childhood, were a delicacy for the poor in the Middle Ages. The fact is that the dough for wafer rolls was made on water from the most affordable products, and then the products were poured with syrup. A little later, the recipe became more complicated and the waffles turned into a luxurious dessert that only wealthy people could afford. As soon as the honeycomb waffle pan was invented, this delicacy became a mass-produced product; later, at the beginning of the last century, one of the pastry chefs suggested rolling waffles into a cone and filling them with cream. In pre-perestroika times, housewives baked amazing waffle rolls in a Soviet gas-powered waffle iron, while modern sweet tooths were more fortunate. At our disposal are waffle irons with interchangeable panels, differing from each other in depth, shape and patterns, and a huge variety of step-by-step recipes for waffle rolls with photos. In general, all conditions for culinary experiments are created. If you do not know how to make waffle rolls, we will tell you.

How to cook wafer rolls: a set of products and a few rules

To prepare wafer rolls, you will need eggs, sugar, butter, milk and flour - the choice and ratio of products may be different. Milk is often replaced with whey, sour cream or kefir. Most often, eggs are used whole, sometimes only yolks or whipped whites are present in the recipe. For variety, nuts, coffee, dried fruits, chocolate and aromatic spices are added to the traditional ingredients. Salted waffles with cheese, onions, garlic and ham are very popular. The dough becomes liquid, like sour cream, only the yeast dough turns out to be dense. And if ordinary wafers are poured with a spoon directly into a cellular form and it spreads by itself, then the yeast dough is distributed over the wafer panel with a spatula.

Preheat the waffle iron well, then grease its surface with vegetable oil with a culinary brush so that the waffles do not have to be scraped off - they should almost jump out onto the plate on their own! It remains just to roll them into tubes, fill them with stuffing or not fill them - it all depends on your culinary preferences. For taste and aesthetics, decorate the tubes with chocolate chips, cocoa powder, ground nuts or cinnamon.

Secrets of making wafer rolls

Knead the dough for waffles from eggs at room temperature, but if you intend to separate the proteins from the yolks, then it is better to take the proteins chilled and the yolks warm. Butter or margarine should be soft, slightly melted, but already cooled. Many housewives note that when using sugar when kneading dough, waffles sometimes stick to the mold, but this does not happen with powdered sugar. Try to cook products in two ways, and then decide which one you like more. To enhance the crunchy effect, some confectioners add starch to the dough.

If there is a lot of oil in the dough, it is enough to grease the pan only once - as when frying pancakes. Waffles can be baked not only in a waffle iron, but also in silicone molds that are placed directly in the oven. These forms have a valuable advantage - pastries do not stick to them.

You need to roll the wafers with a tube immediately after they are cooked, as the products instantly harden. To do this, you can use a roll mat or cotton gloves.

There is another secret - if you bake waffles to a creamy shade, they turn out soft. If you want to get crispy tubules, increase the heat treatment time so that the dough becomes light brown.

Filling for wafer rolls

The tubes are delicious with any filling - with protein, butter or custard, whipped cream, sweet curd mass, with ricotta or mascarpone, boiled condensed milk or chocolate paste. If you are filling the wafer rolls with a thin cream, put them in the refrigerator for a while so that the cream thickens a little.

If you roll the waffles with a horn, you can put more stuffing, because in this case it will not leak out. You can even fill the cones with ice cream, just serve them right away or it will melt and soak the waffles.

Salty wafer rolls are filled with cheese, potatoes, mushrooms, herbs, meat or fish. A variety of filling recipes for waffle rolls will turn this dish into one of your family's favorites.

Let's remember our childhood and cook our favorite delicacy, which once seemed the most delicious in the world! Melt 150 g of butter, pour 250 g of sugar into it, stir well and let the mixture stand until the sugar dissolves.

Beat 3 eggs with a pinch of vanilla and salt on the tip of a knife. Add the sugar-butter mixture and beat again until the mixture is smooth and without lumps. Now add 500 g of flour and knead a homogeneous dough. Preheat the waffle iron, grease it with vegetable oil, pour 1-2 tbsp. l. dough directly onto the bottom panel, then lower the top panel and press down - this is if you bake wafer rolls in a Soviet waffle iron. With modern baking equipment, you just need to fill the molds with dough and lower the lid. Bake the waffles until golden brown and starting to come off the molds. This usually takes 2-3 minutes. Roll them into tubes and fill them with any sweet filling.

A simple recipe for waffle rolls in a pan

It turns out that you can cook waffle rolls in an ordinary frying pan, and they will turn out to be no less tasty than in a waffle iron.

Whip 2 egg whites with 200 g sugar and 1 tsp until fluffy. vanilla sugar. Add 200 ml of milk, 25 g of melted butter and 200 g of flour to the protein mixture, knead a homogeneous dough, resembling sour cream in consistency.

Spread a couple of tablespoons of the batter in a cold, thin-bottomed Teflon pan and heat it up. When the waffle is browned, flip it to the other side like a pancake and fry it again a little. Remove the waffle from the heat and, without waiting for it to cool, roll it into a tube. Is it really tasty?

Recipe for crispy wafer rolls with starch

The starch makes waffle dough especially crispy. Try it - you will definitely like it!

First, grind 100 g of butter with 100 g of sugar, then add 3 large eggs one at a time, continuing to rub the products until a homogeneous texture. Beat the mixture with a mixer. Mix 60 g of flour and 60 g of starch, sift them and pour over the eggs. Beat again with a mixer - the dough should turn out like pancakes.

Lubricate the waffle iron with vegetable oil, heat it up and put 1-2 tbsp. l. test on the bottom panel - it should spread around. Cover the workpiece with the top panel, and after 2 minutes the waffle is ready. Roll it into a tube and fill with cream. Especially tasty according to this recipe are wafer rolls with condensed milk, regular or boiled. It can be pre-mixed with ground nuts or add chocolate chips.

Wafer rolls without eggs

This recipe is suitable for lacto-vegetarians and allergy sufferers who also want to enjoy waffle rolls from time to time. Melt 125 g of butter, mix it with 200 g of sugar, a pinch of vanilla and 500 g of flour. Beat the dough well and put the waffle iron to warm up. Lubricate the surface with vegetable oil and lay out 1 tbsp. l. dough, cover with a lid and bake for 1.5-2 minutes until the waffles are browned. Some housewives argue that it is better not to overcook the products according to this recipe, since light golden waffles roll up better than well-brown products.

Wafer rolls with salad

According to this recipe, waffle rolls are cooked in a regular waffle iron, but they have an important difference - the dough is made without sugar.

Mix 2 eggs with 70 ml of kefir or fermented baked milk, add a pinch of salt and 200 g of melted butter, mix well and knead the dough with 230 g of flour. It should be similar in texture to liquid sour cream.

Bake waffles on a preheated and oiled waffle iron, let them lie down for a while. The fact is that due to the lack of sugar, the waffles turn out to be harsh, but after a while they soften and can be rolled into cones.

Prepare any salad - olivier, crab, beetroot, mushroom, potato or cheese. Fill the waffle cones with the appetizing filling and serve immediately before the waffles are soaked from the sauce. You can fill them with red caviar - such an appetizer is suitable for a big celebration!

There are many recipes for crispy wafer rolls, the photo of which awakens the appetite and the desire to try them as soon as possible. It’s good that this delicacy is prepared quickly and easily, so you can spoil your loved ones more often. Live with taste!

Wafer rolls, as in childhood, cook at home. It will turn out very tasty even in an old Soviet waffle iron!

A very easy waffle iron recipe.

  • 4 eggs
  • vanilla sugar
  • 1-1.5 cups flour
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • pack of margarine
  • salt, soda

Beat eggs with sugar mixed with vanilla sugar. With a mixer, the process will go faster. (Don't forget to add a pinch of salt).

Melt margarine.

After cooling slightly, pour it into a mixture of eggs and sugar. We continue to beat.

This is the amount of soda we need.

Gradually add flour to the mixture, stirring thoroughly so that there are no lumps.

We extinguish the soda with vinegar and pour it into the dough. Stir, after a minute or two, the dough will begin to bubble slightly.

The dough turns out to be liquid, fluid.

We heat the waffle iron, carefully lubricate the baking surfaces with vegetable oil (if the waffle iron has a non-stick coating, it is not necessary to lubricate) before baking the first product. Further lubrication is not necessary.

Pour one or two tablespoons of dough onto the bottom surface and press quickly and firmly. It is not necessary to smear the dough on the surface (as in my photo) ... Two touching baking surfaces of the waffle iron will make it better!

Waffles are baked for no more than 3-5 minutes (it all depends on the power of the electric waffle iron). After 3 minutes, the top cover can be lifted and you can see how the process is going.

Remove the finished wafer with a spatula and quickly roll up with a tube or horn. Ready tubes can simply be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

You can fill it with any cream - custard, butter, protein, boiled condensed milk, jam, jam, jam.

Recipe 2: simple waffle rolls in a waffle iron

  • Eggs - 5 pieces
  • Sugar - 0.5 - 1 cup
  • Flour - 1.5 cups
  • Butter or margarine - 180 gr

Wash chicken eggs with soap, break into a cup. Pour in sugar.

Beat eggs with sugar until smooth.

Melt margarine or butter. Cool down a bit.

Mix the egg mixture with margarine (butter).

Gradually, in small portions, pour flour into the dough.

Mix. The consistency of the dough will turn out like sour cream.

Heat up the waffle iron. Pour in a teaspoon, close. Bake 2-3 minutes.

Roll up the waffle while it is still warm. If desired, fill with cream or boiled condensed milk using a pastry syringe.

Recipe 3: crispy waffle rolls in an electric waffle iron

The recipe is suitable for the old Soviet electric waffle iron EV-1/220 produced by the Dnepropetrovsk plant Elektrobytpribor. This is a rectangular waffle iron.

  • 3 eggs,
  • 100 g butter,
  • 150 g sugar
  • 100 g wheat flour,
  • vanilla on the tip of a teaspoon.

In a bowl, rub eggs with softened butter.

Add granulated sugar and continue with a fork, stir thoroughly.

When the butter is well mixed, pour flour and vanilla into a bowl. We mix the dough until the state of liquid sour cream, without lumps.

We turn on the waffle iron and warm it up for ten minutes.

We soak a cotton sponge in refined vegetable oil and wipe the working surface of the electric waffle iron with it.

With a tablespoon, pour the dough into the center of the heated surface and quickly cover with the second surface.

Slightly press the sash with your hand. Bake each waffle for 2-3 minutes while steaming.

We open the electric waffle iron and see if the waffle is ruddy enough for your taste.

Carefully pry off the edge of the waffle with a knife.

And immediately twist it into a tube. This stage is the fastest, you need to twist the tube while the waffle is still hot.

We spread the hot wafer rolls first on the wire rack so that they cool, dry and take shape. Then we transfer to a dish, after laying a paper napkin on it. The waffles are quite thin and tender.

It's so easy to cook delicious waffles in a Soviet waffle iron. Bon Appetit!

  • eggs - 4 pcs
  • margarine - 250 g
  • sugar - 200 gr
  • wheat flour - 180 gr
  • baking soda - 0.5 tsp
  • table vinegar - 0.1 tsp
  • vanilla sugar - 20 gr

Everything is prepared very quickly. Therefore, we immediately get all the necessary ingredients. We melt margarine in a convenient way - on the stove, battery, in the microwave.

Break the eggs into a bowl and mix. You don't need to beat, just chat.

Add sugar and vanilla sugar to the eggs. We mix everything.

Now pour in the melted margarine and mix well again.

Pour flour into the dough, mix until smooth.

We extinguish the soda with vinegar, send it to the dough and stir it properly.

This is how we make dough. A little thinner than for pancakes.

Lightly grease the mold with vegetable oil. Slightly, slightly, and only once. We won't need it further.

Pour 1 tablespoon of dough into the middle of the waffle iron, close and fry for 30-40 seconds. It all depends on the heating of the mold. My waffle iron is 25 cm in diameter. I didn’t need such long tubes, so I laid out 1 tbsp on the form.

If you want to get long tubes, then put 2 tablespoons of dough without a slide.

We remove the finished waffle and turn it into a tube. Wafers are sugary, crumbly and very tasty. I got 25 pieces.

Recipe 5: wafer rolls on whey in a waffle iron

  • wheat flour - 300 g
  • serum - 200 ml
  • margarine (you can butter) - 200 g
  • sugar - 200 g
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • vegetable oil for lubricating the electric waffle iron.

Recipe 6: wafer rolls on kefir (step by step with a photo)

  • kefir - 400 ml,
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.,
  • granulated sugar - 100 grams,
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • flour - 1 cup,
  • salt - 2 pinches,
  • vanillin - to taste.

In a bowl convenient for you, break the eggs, add sugar, vanillin to taste.

Then pour in kefir, it should be at room temperature. Mix everything well with a whisk.

Lastly, pour in vegetable oil and add salt with sifted wheat flour.

The finished dough for waffles, in consistency, will be slightly thicker than sour cream.

We start baking waffles, for this we need an electric waffle iron. We turn it on, heat it up, grease the surface with vegetable oil. Lubrication only needs to be done once.

We spread a tablespoon of the prepared dough on the lower platform of the waffle iron. We close the lid.

We bake waffles until a beautiful golden crust is formed.

The finished waffle cake must be twisted into a tube or cone. For this, there are special devices that are always sold complete with a waffle iron.

But you can do it with your hands, only very carefully, as the cakes are very hot. And be sure to do everything very quickly, while the cakes are hot, the cooled cakes are very brittle.

Bon Appetit!

Recipe 7: dough for wafer rolls on sour cream

  • Margarine - 150 gr.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 cup.
  • Flour - 2 cups.
  • Sour cream - 1 cup.
  • Soda - 1 teaspoon.

We put all the margarine in a deep bowl and put it in the microwave. When there is a small child in the house and time is running out, I advise you not to build water baths, you can simply melt the margarine in the “defrost” mode.

Beat eggs with sugar with a mixer or whisk. Even a blender will cope with such a task, I personally checked it.

Try to see if the margarine turned out hot after it melted in the microwave. It should be moderately warm. Add beaten eggs with sugar to margarine.

Add soda to sour cream and mix.

We combine sour cream and margarine with eggs. Be sure to mix.

Add flour to the dough and mix with a whisk until there are no lumps.

Having already received real batter for waffles, we can breathe easy - half the work is done.

Be sure to grease the surface of the electric waffle iron with butter. It is not necessary to do this before baking each waffle, but it is necessary the first time.

Bake each waffle for two minutes. To do this, we collect the dough in a tablespoon and quickly pour it onto the bottom surface of the electric waffle iron. Cover with the top. It is not necessary to distribute the dough over the surface, it will spread by itself when you press down on the lid of the electric waffle iron.

You should avoid a large amount of dough on the frying surface, because after you cover, the excess will flow.

Roll waffles while still hot.

Recipe 8: Wafer Rolls with Whipped Cream

  • eggs - 5 pcs.
  • margarine (butter) - 200 g
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • flour - 1 cup
  • ready whipped cream

First, mix eggs with sugar.

Beat well with a mixer on turbo mode.

Then add pre-melted margarine (or butter).

Mix with a whisk.

Add flour.

Mix thoroughly again with a whisk.

Very important in the preparation of crispy wafer rolls is a properly cooked dough. It should be quite rare (such as 15% sour cream).

After preheating the electric waffle iron, apply 1 tablespoon of dough and smooth over the surface of the waffle iron.

Bake until golden brown.

Roll the finished waffles into a tube.

Wafer rolls can be eaten without cream at all, or, as in our case, filled with the usual ready-made whipped cream. You can also make wafer rolls with condensed milk.

Recipe 9: tubules in an electric waffle iron (with photo)

  • butter - 50 gr
  • wheat flour - 0.25 cups
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • milk - 2 tbsp.
  • sugar - 0.25 cups

Someone loves crispy tubes, while others are soft and filled with delicious cream. The cream should be thick, because the tube is open on both sides, and the liquid filler can easily leak out. To fill, use a nozzle for decorating cakes or a confectionery syringe. Waffles can also be wrapped in the shape of a horn, then the filler can be laid out with a teaspoon.

The simplest cream is prepared on the basis of condensed milk. It is boiled and beaten with a mixer or blender with softened butter. The number of components depends on the number of resulting tubes. In order for the cream to harden a little, you need to cool the tubes in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.

No one forbids using exclusively boiled condensed milk, but when mixed with butter, it will need much less, and the cream will turn out not so sweet. By the way, condensed milk goes well with ground nuts, cookie crumbs, puffed rice, etc., so you can safely add them to the filler.

No less tasty filler will be. To prepare it, sour cream is whipped with sugar in a proportion of 6 tbsp. spoons of sugar / 400 g of sour cream, not forgetting to add a thickener (1 sachet is enough).

Very tasty, but has a small drawback - it quickly softens the waffle itself, and children usually prefer crispy waffles. Still, it’s hard to refuse such a sweet filling. To get it, beat the cottage cheese with cream and sugar, you can add a little vanilla sugar. It is better to lay the cream with a teaspoon.

And, of course, do not forget about the chocolate cream. To do this, you need liquid chocolate and softened butter. It is better to cook chocolate yourself, or you can simply melt a bar of good chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath. Beat the butter, then add the chilled chocolate, beat again. You can add your favorite nuts if you like.

Prepare delicious tubules according to the recipe from the video:

Ornament for straws

To make the ends of the tubes become bright pink or orange, you can use a very simple trick. We rub the carrots and beets on the track into separate cups, squeeze the juice. Dip the ends of the still warm tube into the juice and then into the sugar. The result is a very beautiful decoration that is most liked by children. Similar juice can be obtained from any berry, which is especially convenient in summer.

It is not difficult to change the color of the tubes themselves, making them chocolate. To do this, add a little cocoa to the dough. To make the set of wafers more interesting, mix part of the dough with cocoa, and leave the other without additives. An interesting chess slide will be a wonderful decoration for any table.

To cook deliciously, it is not at all necessary to be a very gifted culinary specialist, although one cannot do without patience and diligence. Use very simple recipes for dough and toppings, bake waffles and delight your loved ones with delicious tubes. And do not be surprised if they disappear from the plate even before filling with filling, because the waffle is very tasty on its own. Bon Appetit!