Cook rice at home for sushi. How to cook rice for rolls and sushi in a slow cooker

14.08.2019 Grill menu

I am walking along one of the central streets of my city and involuntarily pay attention to how many different bars, restaurants, and, in general, establishments where the so-called “sushi rolls” are prepared. Of course, I went to these establishments and bought this unknown culinary work of the Japanese. To be honest, I have not been to Japan and have not tried real sushi. But I realized one thing, what is cooked in our city and called “sushi” can be cooked by almost anyone who knows how to put a pot of water on a gas stove and light a burner (no offense to the real masters of Japanese cuisine). The main thing is to cook rice for sushi correctly and it can be done at home.

The main thing in sushi rolls is rice. It must be prepared and seasoned in the appropriate (Japanese...) manner. However, it is not difficult at all and I will try to describe the whole process in detail and back it up with photos.

In the article you will find:

How to cook rice for sushi

What kind of rice to take, how much and how to pre-prepare it? Now I'll tell you everything.

We will need:

  • Fine-grain rice for sushi - 250 gr.
  • Rice vinegar - 50 gr.
  • Sugar sand - 25 gr.
  • Half a teaspoon of salt
  • Water for cooking rice - 250 ml.
  • Water for washing rice - running ....?

We will be using Japanese white polished sushi rice. Now it is not difficult to find it in stores.

1. Rice is important to rinse well. We pour it into a saucepan and fill it with water, stir the water with our hands, grind the rice with our palms (like a raccoon in a circus, we saw ...), the water becomes white - cloudy. Add more water, stir and drain.

And we do this operation 5-6 times. Look, wash until the water is almost clean.

2. Leave the rice in clean water to soak for 10-20 minutes. This can be omitted if you are sure that your product is a fresh crop. But I think in our stores, such a product is not very fresh and this procedure will not be superfluous. Do not worry about the fact that the rice will get wet at all, no, it will not take excess moisture (how much it is not urine ...)

3. It's time to get wet. We drain everything into a colander, the water is gone, leave for five minutes so that all the remaining liquid drains.

4. We shift the rice into a saucepan and fill it with water. The amount of liquid should be equal to the amount of cereal. We have 250 gr. rice - equal to 250 ml. water. The observant reader will notice that only the numbers are the same, but everything is measured in different quantities. Rice - grams, water - milliliters. That's exactly how it should be (do not confuse, Kutuzov ...)

5. We don’t add anything else, cover the pan with a lid and set to boil. After boiling water, the cereal is cooked for about 12 - 13 minutes. See. as the water boils away, turn off the fire, but do not immediately remove the pan, leave to languish under the lid for another 15 minutes. Rice for sushi will be well steamed and will reach the condition.

There is also good advice: use a thick-walled pan or there are those with a double bottom. Just trust that it will get better.

While everything comes up, let's take care of one more important thing. Here is another nuance: we cooked 250 grams of cereal, and in the end we get 500 grams of cooked, boiled rice. This will be important for further preparation.

Dressing for sushi rice - recipe with photo

What does refueling mean? This will be a kind of liquid that will soak the rice, thereby giving it a special taste and aroma. I won't pretend to be some kind of masterpiece sauce, but it will be no worse than in a "sushi bar" (I think...). I read that Japanese masters add either rice, sweet wine - mirin, or sake to this sauce. We will do what is faster.

It should be noted right away that for dressing sushi rice, rice vinegar is needed. It is not advised to replace it with any other, apple, grape, etc. On sale you can find two types of rice vinegar under the same name. There is vinegar ready for processing rice, that is, this is the dressing, and there is vinegar from which you still need to make the sauce. That's the same name, but the difference is big.

How to distinguish one from the other? Read the ingredient list before buying. Ready for dressing, there will be sugar, salt, and maybe sake, it should not indicate the percentage concentration of vinegar. Take the finished dressing in proportion: 150 ml. for 1 kg of rice.

We'll be making the sauce ourselves, and we'll need a simple rice vinegar at about 4.2%. I hope on this issue, everything should be clear?

1. We have 500 grams of boiled rice, for this weight we need to mix in a container that we will heat on fire: 50 grams of vinegar, 25 gr. sugar and half a teaspoon of salt.

2. Put on fire and stir until sugar and salt are completely dissolved. In no case do not let the solution boil, all the aroma of rice vinegar will go away, and this is the taste.

There is very little left. We mix sushi rice and dressing, here, as always, the cunning but wise Japanese have their own subtleties.

You need a wooden board or a wide plate for mixing. This is necessary in order to. when we water the rice, the sauce will soak into the wood and the grits will not be wet, it will remain moist and sticky, which is what we want.

3. Spread the whole rice.

4. We take a container with sauce in one hand in the other, hold a wooden or silicone spatula. Pouring a little on top of a spatula, distribute the sauce over rice, mix it all up. We do this carefully so as not to damage the rice, not to make porridge.

5. Mix well and leave to cool completely for about five minutes, the excess liquid will go away, homemade sushi rice will become what we need.

6. Everything is ready! You can put it in a bowl and if you are not going to cook the rolls right away, be sure to cover it tightly with a lid so that it does not become weathered and in the refrigerator. How to cook the rolls themselves wrote in the next article,.

I will present for review another option in video format.

Master class: how to cook rice for sushi at home

Bon appetit wishes, it seems out of place here. since we have prepared only a blank for sushi rolls. But you must admit that this is also an important and rather painstaking process. As always there are some good observations and tips.

Japanese cuisine - secrets and history of sushi

I think I'm not the only one who is interested in the question, but how this word is translated - "sushi", or "sushi". Oh, those Japanese, cunning. So, there is no exact translation, there is some kind of dregs, such as: "pickled fish", "preparing for the journey" or generally wish you success. And in general, sushi, perhaps, does not refer to a cooking recipe, but as a way of storing seafood.

Tips and secrets:

  • It's not entirely correct to chase fresh rice. Fresh grains will not absorb the sauce well.
  • When mixing rice with sauce, the rice should not be hot and should not be completely cold. In the first case, the dressing will evaporate; in the second case, the grains will not absorb the sauce.
  • During the preparation of the rolls, the rice should be warm, then it will be well molded.
  • If you like soaked rice more, add more sauce, but water it very gently, allowing it to soak well.

There is another interesting fact associated with this dish. In Japan itself, housewives also cook sushi and rolls at home, but when serving guests, they first of all apologize to them for invading the holy of holies, cooking a dish that only samurai, the upper class, could previously cook. We don’t have samurai in Russia, and that’s why in our restaurants and bars people of oriental appearance prepare sushi, little like the Japanese (in our city it’s like that ....). And at home, you can imagine yourself as a samurai and quite successfully, cook sushi yourself.

Feel free to prepare this dish, everything will work out. Good luck and all the best!

Etc., the first step is to learn how to cook rice for rolls correctly! The quality of the final product depends on this component, so do not ignore the instructions and recommendations!

Surely you have noticed that rolls often begin to fall apart upon contact with soy sauce, and just the same, one of the possible reasons for this situation may be improperly cooked rice. So that your Japanese dish does not fail, let's look at how to cook rice for rolls and sushi so that the result of your efforts is perfect!


  • Japanese or regular round grain rice - 1 cup;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon;
  • granulated sugar - ½ tbsp. spoons;
  • rice vinegar - 50 ml;
  • water - 1.5 cups.

How to cook rice for rolls and sushi correctly

  1. To make sushi / rolls, you can buy Japanese rice, or you can get by with ordinary round-grain rice - experienced chefs have long been convinced in practice that there is not much difference between these types of rice. Just do not use the long-grain variety - it is absolutely not suitable for a Japanese dish! So, thoroughly rinse the rice grains with cold water 6-7 times (until the liquid becomes completely clean and transparent).
  2. Rice grains are placed in a spacious pan, filled with water, which should be one and a half times the amount of rice used. Salt water and season with any spices is not necessary! For flavor, you can throw only a piece of kombu seaweed into the pan, but you must definitely get it before the liquid boils.

    How much to cook rice for rolls

  3. When the water boils, tightly close the lid, make a minimum fire. Cook for 10-15 minutes (until the moisture evaporates completely). In any case, rice should not be on fire for more than 20 minutes, otherwise there is a high probability of overcooked grains sticking to the bottom of the pan! During the cooking process, you do not need to stir the rice and remove the lid from the pan!
  4. At the same time, we are busy with refueling. Pour sugar and salt into rice vinegar (do not confuse with ordinary!) Sugar and salt. Place over low heat, stirring. When granulated sugar and salt dissolve in vinegar, remove the mixture from the stove.
  5. After removing the cooked rice from the heat, we continue to steam under a tightly closed lid for 10 minutes and only after that we transfer it to a bowl. Drizzle hot rice grains with dressing. By the way, now you can find ready-made sauce for sushi rice on sale, which can replace a mixture of vinegar, salt and sugar.
  6. Stir the soaked rice grains with a wooden spatula. After cooling the rice to room temperature, we proceed to the formation of sushi or rolls.
  7. Do not forget that the finished rice should not be put in the refrigerator or left the next day, because in this case the rice grains will become hard, which, of course, will spoil the taste of the final dish!
    After learning how to cook rice for rolls, you can experiment with Japanese dishes!

If you decide to cook sushi at home, then the first thing you will have to deal with is how to cook sushi rice. Avid connoisseurs of sushi will argue that sushi rice should be of a special Japanese variety, and cooking rice in a double boiler or rice cooker will make the taste of sushi as close to Japanese as possible.

But, such statements could be followed a few years ago, when cooking sushi at home was out of the realm of fantasy, and in order to taste Japanese cuisine, you had to go to a restaurant. Now the situation is a little different, and personally I always cook sushi and rolls at home - it's cheaper this way and I'm always sure of the quality and freshness of the ingredients used. So, before you start making sushi rolls at home, you need to know the following:

Rice for sushi should be round-grained, with a high percentage of gluten.

Japanese varieties of rice Nishiki, Kahomai, Maruyu, Kokuho, Minori are ideal for making sushi at home, but it's okay if you buy rice from a domestic manufacturer marked "Rice for Sushi" on the package, the quality of sushi rolls will not suffer from this.

How much rice do you need?

Empirically, I have found that 200 grams of raw rice is enough for two people. If you cook rice for four people, we take 400 grams of rice accordingly.

Before cooking

Before cooking rice for sushi, it must be washed several times in cold water until the water becomes clear.

How much water does it take to cook sushi rice?

If we are preparing rice for sushi, then we need to pour 1.5 times more water than the volume of rice. Pour the rice into a measuring cup up to the 250 ml mark. (this will be 200 grams of rice) and measure out 1.5 times more water, respectively - 375 ml.

5. Pour rice with cold water, cover with a lid and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and leave to cook for another 10-15 minutes, until the rice absorbs all the water. Then remove the rice from the heat, and let it stand under a closed lid for at least 15 minutes.

Sushi rice dressing

For 200 g of rice, we need the following ingredients:

  • juice from one lemon (or 25 ml rice vinegar)
  • 2 tbsp vegetable oil
  • 2 tbsp water
  • 2 tsp Sahara
  • 1 tsp salt

Mix all the dressing ingredients together until they dissolve. Taste the dressing - if too sour, add more water. When the rice has cooled, pour in the dressing, and mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula so that all the dressing is evenly distributed over the rice. You will immediately see how the density and texture of the rice will change. The rice will spread very easily over the seaweed sheets.

We all love sushi. And how can you not love them, because they are delicious, beautiful, and how useful. At first glance, it seems that making sushi is quite difficult, but in reality it is not. It is important to know just a few simple rules, and the main one is to know how to cook rice for sushi. That's what this recipe is about.


(4-6 servings)

  • 1.5 cups rice
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar 5%
  • 3 tbsp Sahara
  • 1 st. a spoonful of sea salt without a slide
  • Rice is the main ingredient for any sushi, so you need to thoroughly study all the subtleties and all the techniques for cooking rice, otherwise it will be simply unrealistic to cook really delicious sushi. You can buy the best and most expensive ingredients, but if the rice has not been cooked properly, then, unfortunately, the sushi will be cooked poorly. So take five minutes and carefully read how to cook sushi rice.
  • Measure out one and a half cups of rice. You can buy special rice for sushi, or you can take regular, but good quality. Granulated or parboiled rice is not suitable for sushi.
  • Pour the rice into a bowl.
  • Pour cold water into a bowl with rice. Lightly stir the rice with your hand so that the starch is better washed out of the grains. Due to the presence of starch, the water turns white and becomes opaque.
  • Drain the water and fill again. Repeat this procedure at least 8 times or until the water is crystal clear.
  • Drain all the water carefully. Add 2 cups boiling water to a pot of rice and bring to a boil.
  • Rice for sushi is first boiled over high heat. When the grains swell a little and almost reach the water level, reduce the heat to a minimum. Cover the rice with a lid and cook over very low heat for 15 minutes.
  • Ideally, a cauldron or a pot of rice should not be “boiled” on an open fire, but placed in a hot oven so that the rice for sushi is cooked in the oven.
  • After this time, turn off the fire or remove the cauldron from the oven and leave the rice to infuse for another 10 minutes.
  • While the rice is resting for its proper time, prepare the sweet-sour mixture. To do this, mix apple cider vinegar, sugar and salt in a small saucepan. We put the saucepan on the fire. While stirring, heat the mixture over low heat until the sugar and salt are completely dissolved. It is not necessary to boil the mixture.
  • Put the rice in a large bowl or plate.
  • Pour cooked sushi rice with sweet and sour filling. Gently stir the rice so that the vinegar mixture is evenly distributed.
  • Place the rice in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. After this period, sushi can be made from rice prepared using a special technology.
  • As you can see, cooking rice for sushi is not so difficult. But if you learn how to cook rice correctly, then you can easily