Cupcake with milk - the most delicate pastries. Cupcake with milk: a recipe for all occasions, how to cook cupcakes with milk in the microwave

29.08.2019 Grill menu

Cupcakes are a dessert that is associated with comfort. You immediately imagine a large cup of tea or coffee with milk and a fragrant cupcake. This is a great dessert for which you can have long intimate conversations. We offer you an alternative recipe for this pastry - a cupcake with milk. This recipe is very simple. Even if you are not the most experienced cook, cupcakes with milk are sure to work out for you.

A surprisingly simple recipe includes the following ingredients:

  • two glasses of flour
  • one glass of sugar
  • two eggs
  • one glass of milk
  • one teaspoon of soda
  • three tablespoons of sunflower oil
  • vanillin.

Take the eggs and milk out of the refrigerator some time before preparing the dough so that they are at room temperature during preparation - this will improve the quality of the dough.

So, we take a deep clean bowl, into which we break two eggs and add a glass of sugar. Beat with a mixer. After that, pour a glass of milk into it. Again, beat the ingredients with a mixer until airy and homogeneous. Then pour three tablespoons of sunflower oil into the contents and again work with a mixer. We extinguish the soda with vinegar or lemon juice and add to the common dishes. At the very end, add flour and mix the dough. Do not be afraid if following the recipe, the dough turned out to be quite liquid, this is normal. The dough resembles low-fat sour cream in consistency.

Take out the cupcake molds and grease them with sunflower or butter, sprinkle each with flour. Fill in the forms with the test. Send the dessert to bake in a preheated oven, the temperature should be 180 degrees.

Bake the dessert for about 30 minutes. The golden crust will tell you that the cupcake in milk is ready. Also check the readiness with a toothpick or a match, pierce the dough with it, if the match remains dry, then the pastry is ready.

Decorating cupcakes

Such simple pastries as milk muffins can be turned into a festive dessert if you decorate the top of it. For decoration, prepare cream and chocolate icing.

Cream recipe: pour half a can of boiled condensed milk into a clean bowl, beat with a mixer with 200 grams of melted butter for several minutes. Then add 200 grams of sour cream there, and beat again with a mixer. Then add 50-100g of crushed nuts to this mass and, as it should, mix everything. The cream is ready. From a piece of waxed or parchment paper, make a bag with a sharp end, this will be a “confectionery syringe”. Fill the syringe with cream and beautifully decorate the tops of cupcakes with milk

Now the recipe for chocolate icing: break 100g of dark bitter chocolate into a saucepan, throw 50 grams of butter in the same place. By the way, chocolate can be replaced with 3-4 tablespoons of cocoa powder. Put the saucepan on a slow fire, stir constantly and wait until the chocolate is completely dissolved. Mix everything until smooth. Then gently drizzle the frosting over the creamy tops of the milk cupcakes. With such a cream, cupcakes turned into a luxurious and very satisfying dessert!

You can also make a lighter cake cream, such as protein. The recipe for this cream is very simple. This cream always works! And from it you can lay out a wide variety of flowers on cupcakes.

The recipe consists of: 300 grams of gelled sugar 2:1 (sold in stores, pay attention to the consistency, you need 2:1), 150 ml of cold water, 3 egg whites, the fresher the whites, the better.

Using a mixer, beat the whites into foam. Pour sugar into a saucepan, cover with water and cook on a slow fire until its content is half as much. When the sugar reaches this state, immediately pour it into the whites in a small stream and beat everything with a mixer. The cream is very thick. We put it in a bag folded from waxed paper and put it on the tops of cupcakes in milk.

Video recipe for making cupcakes with milk

Cupcake recipes with easy step by step photo instructions

cupcake with milk

30 minutes

340 kcal

3 /5 (2 )

cupcakes are the favorite delicacy of almost every person on the planet. They are really easy to prepare and do not require a lot of money. Therefore, this dish is an excellent choice for breakfast.
In this article, I will introduce you to simple, but very tasty milk cupcake recipes using silicone molds.

Cupcake with milk in the oven with raisins

Kitchen appliances:

  • Sieve.
  • Mixer.
  • Containers for ingredients.
  • Spirit chamber.
  • Silicone molds for baking.


How to choose the ingredients for the dish?

Many of us believe that raisin cannot be of poor quality. But this is far from true. This is a fairly common misconception, but it's still a misconception.

When choosing raisins, pay attention to the one that is more inconspicuous. This trick allows you to opt for raisins that have not been chemically treated to make them look good or to increase their shelf life.

A step-by-step recipe for making a cupcake with milk in the oven

  1. Whisk eggs with sugar in a separate bowl. I recommend using a good mixer, which will not only make your work easier, but will truly become your right hand, which performs all the tasks assigned to it with great speed.
  2. You should get a fairly thick foam, into which you need to pour one sachet of vanillin and add milk. Mix everything and add pre-melted butter. But keep in mind that hot oil should not be added, it must be cooled before that.
  3. Mix and proceed with the actions with flour. It must be passed through a sieve before use. Only after that you can safely add one glass of first-class flour to the rest of the ingredients. Don't forget to add half a teaspoon of baking powder. Mix all ingredients well.
  4. Add the raisins to the dough and mix again so that this ingredient fills all the space, and does not gather in one place.
  5. If you have recently purchased silicone molds and have never used them before, then you will need to wash them under running water and grease them with oil.
  6. Fill the silicone molds with dough. Do not fill them completely with dough, leave some free space in the form, because the cupcakes will "grow".
  7. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and send your cupcakes there for five or even ten minutes. You will need to constantly check the readiness of the cupcakes with a toothpick. Cooking speed depends on the specifics of your oven. For some, five minutes may be needed, and for others, ten will not be enough. Be sure to check the readiness of the test.

Chocolate cupcake with milk in a slow cooker

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 5 servings.

Kitchen appliances:

  • Mixer.
  • Multicooker.
  • Containers for ingredients.
  • Sieve.


  1. Mix eggs and sugar. Beat them using a mixer. If you don't have a mixer handy, you can use a whisk or even a fork.
  2. Beat until frothy.
  3. Add half a teaspoon of salt and milk to beaten eggs. Stir the ingredients.
  4. Sift the flour through a sieve and add the baking powder to it. You can also use baking soda instead of baking powder.
  5. Start kneading the dough with a spatula and gradually add flour. After that, you should add a tablespoon of cocoa powder to the dough. Do not forget to mix the consistency.
  6. Coat the sides and bottom of your multicooker bowl with oil. After that, place the dough in the slow cooker, close the lid and select the “baking” mode. Now you need to set the cooking time of the dish - forty-five minutes.
  7. At the end of the program, check the dough for readiness with a toothpick. If the dough is not ready, then send it to cook for another ten minutes.
  8. This is how you made a chocolate cake with milk at home with only one slow cooker.

Video recipe for making chocolate cake with milk in a slow cooker

In this video you will find very useful information on how to make such a chocolate cake.

Cupcake with milk in a slow cooker and prepare a delicious cream.

Cake recipe in a slow cooker. Chocolate cupcake is delicious and very soft, like a cake. And easy to prepare cream, suitable for any cake.


Eggs - 2 pcs.
sugar - 1 cup.
milk - 1 glass (glasses 200 ml.)
salt - 0.5 tsp, flour - 1.5 - 2 cups,
baking powder - 1.5 teaspoons (I put 1 teaspoon of soda)
milk - 1 cup, cocoa powder - 3 tbsp. spoons,
sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons, flour - 3 tbsp. spoons,
butter - 70-80 gr.
in a slow cooker on the Baking mode - 45 min.,
believe with a stick, if not ready, then for another 10 minutes.

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Sour milk cake recipe

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Servings: 5 servings.

Kitchen appliances:

  • Containers for ingredients.
  • Spirit chamber.
  • Sieve.
  • Mixer.


Step by step cooking recipe

What to serve cupcakes with?

I love serving cupcakes with jam or jam. It seems to me that in this way you can diversify almost any pastry, if it already seems ordinary and banal to you. But with those cupcakes that you cook according to the recipes described above, you don’t have to do this, because they are insanely tasty and unusual. All they need is just a drink. Best to use hot tea or coffee, because it will be not only tasty, but also very useful for your stomach and intestines.
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Possible cooking and filling options

There are countless ways to make cupcakes in the world. Here you can find the recipes that you like the most.

  • The recipe is very popular. We will help you master this recipe and learn how to cook this dish at home.
  • Among the original recipes, I would like to highlight the recipe, which is very rare on the table in the CIS countries. The same applies to, which in many countries of the world is an everyday dish.
  • Also here you can find the recipe you need. We have a huge number of them, so your eyes will simply start to diverge from the abundance of choice.

Cupcake with milk recipe, thanks to which you can cook airy and delicate pastries without much hassle.

Especially successful are such muffins with raisins.

With just a little time, you will get fantastic results.

Cupcake with milk recipe - basic cooking principles

To make a cake with milk, you will need flour, eggs, granulated sugar, soda or baking powder, butter and, of course, milk. Flour is combined with baking soda or baking powder.

The eggs are broken. The yolks are carefully separated from the whites. The yolks are added to the milk and mixed well, and the whites are whipped into a dense foam, gradually adding sugar. Butter is melted, or left for a while at room temperature to make it soft. Combine butter, whipped proteins and milk with yolks in a deep bowl. Gently mix, gradually adding flour. You should get a fairly thick dough.

At the final stage, you can add dried fruits or nuts to it. Then the dough is laid out in a greased form, or in silicone molds.

Cupcakes are baked in milk at 180 C. At the same time, it is advisable not to open the oven for the first half hour so that the pastries do not settle. Cooking a cupcake for half an hour.

Before serving, the cupcakes are decorated with icing and powdered sugar.

Recipe 1. Moist cupcake with milk



    flour - five tbsp. spoons;

    salt - a pinch;

    semolina - 125 g;

  • white sugar - 100 g;

    four eggs;

    lemon juice - half a teaspoon;

    baking powder - 10 g;

    vegetable oil.

milk filling

    half a glass of granulated sugar;

    375 ml milk.

Cooking method

1. Turn on the oven 180 degrees. Break the eggs into a deep bowl and beat them with a whisk until smooth.

2. Combine flour with baking powder, salt, sugar, semolina and vanilla. We mix. We continue to beat, gradually introducing the dry mixture, until the dough acquires a homogeneous consistency without lumps.

3. Grease a deep baking dish with oil. We spread the dough into it and put it in a preheated oven for 25 minutes.

4. While the cake is baking, let's prepare the filling. Heat the milk in a saucepan, add the sugar and stir until it dissolves completely. Cool the filling and place in the refrigerator to completely cool down.

5. As soon as the finished cake is taken out of the oven, immediately pour over it with milk filling. Leave the pastry for half an hour so that it is well soaked. Do not look that there is too much liquid, it will all be gradually absorbed.

6. Cut the cupcake into pieces and serve with hot or cold drinks.

Recipe 2. Quick cupcakes with milk in the microwave


    chocolate chips - 80 g;

    flour - 100 g;

    vanillin on the tip of a knife;

    sugar - half a glass;

    refined lean oil - 100 ml;

    cocoa - 60 g;

    milk - 80 ml;

Cooking method

1. Pour all dry products into a mug and mix.

2. Drive in the egg and mix again.

3. Pour in oil, milk and add vanillin. Continue to stir until you get a homogeneous consistency without lumps. At the end, add chocolate chips and mix for the last time.

4. Put the mug in the microwave. We bake at a power of 800 - four minutes, at 750 - five minutes, at 700 - seven minutes. We take out the finished cupcake from the mug and serve with milk or fermented baked milk.

Recipe 3. Cupcake with milk and chocolate


    sunflower oil - a glass;

    500 g flour;

    5 g of baking soda;

    half a kilogram of sugar;

    four eggs;

    cocoa - 80 g;

    half a kilogram of sugar;

    chocolate bar;

    milk is a glass.

Cooking method

1. Combine flour with cocoa. Strain the resulting mixture through a sieve into a bowl.

2. Beat eggs with sugar and combine with dry mixture. Pour milk and refined oil here.

3. Beat with a mixer until smooth. Make sure there are no lumps. Extinguish the soda with vinegar and add to the dough. Stir.

4. Put the dough into a mold, brushing it with oil, and put it in the oven for 45 minutes. Bake at 180 degrees.

5. Break the chocolate bar into pieces, put in a bowl and add some milk. Place it in a water bath and melt the chocolate.

6. Remove the finished cake from the oven and pour melted chocolate over it. Cool slightly and cut into pieces. Serve with ryazhenka or kefir.

Recipe 4. Marble cake in milk with raisins, nuts and nougat


    360 g butter;

    300 g walnut nougat with raisins;

    300 g of granulated sugar;

    2 packs of vanilla sugar;

    30 g cocoa;

    175 ml of milk;

    six eggs;

    a bag of baking powder;

    600 g flour;

    80 ml cognac or rum.

Cooking method

1. Beat eggs into a bowl, add white and vanilla sugar to them, beat with a mixer until foam appears. Then add a pinch of table salt and pour in brandy or rum. Continue whisking until smooth.

2. Sift the flour into the resulting mixture, combining it with the baking powder. Add milk and beat until you get a fairly thick dough. Preheat the oven.

3. Separate a third of the dough into a separate bowl and add cocoa to it. Stir.

4. First put the light and then the chocolate dough into a deep silicone mold. Run with a fork to create a "marbled pattern". Place the pie in the preheated oven for an hour.

5. Transfer the nougat to a saucepan, add half a glass of water and place in a water bath. Hold until it is completely loosened.

6. Remove the pie from the oven and pour over the nougat. Serve with hot or cold drinks.

Recipe 5. Milk cake with coffee flavor in the microwave


    instant coffee - 5 g;

    vanillin - 2 g;

    wheat flour - 80 g;

    baking powder - at the tip of a knife;

    granulated sugar - 80 g;

    milk - 50 ml;

    cocoa - 50 g.

Cooking method

1. Combine flour with granulated sugar, baking powder, instant coffee and cocoa. Mix everything with a fork.

2. Gradually pour in the milk, stirring continuously. Then add the egg, vanilla and butter. Mix until smooth.

3. Lubricate the cup with fat, pour the dough into it and send it to the microwave. Cook at maximum power for 90 seconds. Serve cupcakes with vanilla ice cream.

Recipe 6. Cupcake with milk without eggs


    900 g flour;

    cinnamon - st. a spoon;

    300 ml of milk;

    a pinch of table salt;

    100 g of granulated sugar;

    a pinch of vanillin;

    85 ml vegetable oil, odorless;

    baking powder - 6 g.

Cooking method

1. Combine flour with baking powder.

2. Pour milk into a separate bowl, add granulated sugar, cinnamon, salt, vanillin and refined oil to it. Preheat the oven to 180 C.

3. Gradually pour the flour into the resulting mixture, beating with a mixer until a thick, homogeneous mass is obtained.

4. Lubricate the cake mold with oil. Pour the dough into it and set to bake in a preheated oven for forty minutes.

5. We take out the finished cake from the oven and place the mold in a container with cold water for a few seconds. Take the cake out of the mold. Decorate with powdered sugar or chocolate icing.

Recipe 7. Milk muffins with butter cream and lemon curd



    80 ml of milk;

    half a pack of butter;

    3 g baking powder;

    125 g of granulated sugar;

    half a glass of flour;

    two eggs;

    30 g chopped lemon zest.

Butter cream

    250 g of mascarpone cheese;

    150 g of heavy cream;

    100 g of powdered sugar.

    lemon curd

    four eggs;

    zest and juice of four lemons;

    350 g white sugar;

    butter - 100 g.

Cooking method

1. Cooking lemon curd. My lemons, wipe and remove the zest with the help of the smallest grater. Cut in half and squeeze out the juice. We place the zest and juice in a metal bowl, add the eggs, sugar and butter. We put the bowl in a water bath and cook, stirring, until the sugar dissolves and the mass thickens slightly. Strain, cool and place in the refrigerator.

2. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Line cake tins with parchment paper or grease with butter.

3. Beat soft butter with sugar and lemon zest until fluffy. Add two eggs and continue beating for a couple more minutes. Gradually add flour with baking powder to the butter mixture and knead well so that no lumps remain. Pour milk into the resulting mass and mix.

4. Spread the dough with a spoon over the molds. Put them in the oven and bake for 20 minutes. Remove the cupcakes from the oven and place on a wire rack to cool.

5. Cooking buttercream. Beat the mascarpone with powdered sugar with a mixer until fluffy. In a separate bowl, whip the cream to stiff peaks. Add whipped cream in mascarpone and continue beating at low speed. Cover the bowl with cream and place in the refrigerator.

6. Using a teaspoon or apple corer, make a well in each cupcake. Fill with lemon curd and cover with cut dough.

7. Put the buttercream in a pastry bag or syringe. We put the cream on the cupcakes, covering the peeking dough.

    Take the cupcakes out of the molds only after they have cooled down.

    Whipped proteins are added to the dough only after the flour.

    To make the dough fragrant, add vanilla or cinnamon to it.

    The cupcake will turn out softer and more tender if you add two yolks to the dough instead of one egg.

    Add some starch to the cake so it stays fresh for a long time.

Delicious and refined - it's certainly good. It is especially important to arrange such belly parties for yourself and your family on some special dates or on weekends, when there is a lot of time for cooking.

But sometimes you want to please yourself homemade confectionery, after all, gingerbread and cookies from the store are both tired and harmful in composition. Then we search the Internet for the easiest and fastest recipes for cooking goodies.

(Here, for example).

Today, for example, we bring to your attention the recipe for the simplest cupcake that you can imagine.

It is done quickly and easily. Products are the most common. It is baked for a short time, decorated without frills. By the way, your choice of two options for such a biscuit. Even three!

Cupcake with milk

We need:

  • milk - 1-1.5 cups
  • sugar - 0.5 - 1 cup
  • butter or margarine - 1 pack (150-200 gr)
  • flour 2 - 2.5 cups
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • salt - on the tip of a knife
  • vanillin - a pinch
  • soda - 1 teaspoon, slaked with vinegar

We start mixing products in such sequences. While the butter is melting on the fire, beat the eggs with sugar, then slowly pour in the milk. Before adding the oil, you must wait until it cools - otherwise the proteins will boil.

Pour into an oiled silicone mold. You can also bake in a regular iron mold. In the photo you see a mold with a "hole" inside - especially for cupcakes.

Our simple cake is baked for about half an hour - it all depends on your oven. We pierce pastries with a knife or a wooden stick. If there are no traces of dough on them, the cake is ready.

After cooling, remove from the mold. For those who don't know, this is how it's done. We take a large plate, cover it with a biscuit, turn it over. Then we take a large beautiful plate and turn it over again. Sprinkle with powdered sugar ONLY when completely cool.

Everything, yummy for tea is ready!

The second version of the quick cupcake

The ingredients are almost the same and in the same quantity, only instead of milk and sugar we use a jar of condensed milk. It successfully replaces these two products, although it slightly exceeds the cost. From experience I can say that the taste of the biscuit is tastier with condensed milk.

You can bake and decorate the dish in the same way.

But at the very beginning it was said about THREE recipes for biscuit dough. Meaning if you want to make a chocolate cupcake. In this case, you just need to add to your dough cocoa powder. Half a pack is enough, but if you like it when it turns out bittersweet, you can use the whole pack.

If you bake two biscuit cakes - light and dark, then cutting each of them, shifting the layers, you can get an almost ready-made recipe cake "Day-night".

Well, if it’s difficult to bake something, but you want something delicious, we invite you to find out. Good luck with your culinary endeavors!

If you want to pamper your family with something delicious for tea drinking, pay attention to the milk cake recipe.

The recipe is quite simple, has a lot of variations, which means that everyone can make the perfect milk cake for themselves at home.

Below will be presented recipes of different complexity that will teach everyone how to bake a cupcake in milk for tea.

A simple milk cake recipe for beginner cooks


400 gr. sl. oils; 2 tbsp. Sahara; 4 tbsp. flour; salt; vanillin; 2 tsp soda; 3 art. milk.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I mix chickens. eggs and sugar. I bring milk. I'm heating up oil and let it cool.
  2. I add flour, be sure to sift it before this. Thus, the cupcake will become even more magnificent and tender.
  3. I introduce salt, soda, extinguish with vinegar, vanillin. I mix well so that there is not a single lump.
  4. I smear the silicone mold with sl. oil. I pour the mixture into it. You can also bake in other forms. I send it to the oven at 180 gr. for 30 minutes.
  5. I check the cake for readiness with a wooden skewer. If you pierce it in the center of the cake, there should be no dough left on it. In this case, baking can be taken out of the oven. But if the dough is still on a skewer, then you need to continue baking a little more in the oven.
  6. I take out the finished cake in fresh milk, let it cool and take it out of the mold. I decorate sah. powder. It can be made from simple sugar, which must be ground in a coffee grinder.

But that's not all, simple baking recipes are presented below!

milk chocolate cake recipe

This cupcake made with fresh milk will please everyone with its rich chocolate flavor, because there will be cocoa in the baked goods. In addition, it has a lush and delicate texture.


2 tbsp. Sahara; 4 things. chickens. eggs; 200 gr. margarine; floor st. milk; 2 tbsp. flour; 4 tbsp cocoa; salt; 1 tsp baking powder.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I take a saucepan, pour milk and add sugar. I send it to bake on fire so that the crystals are completely dissolved. It is important that the milk does not boil, and therefore watch it very carefully.
  2. I skim off the milk and let it cool down.
  3. Kur. I beat the eggs in a separate bowl. Mix flour with baking powder and salt. Mix and add to the cocoa mass. I mix everything well.
  4. I lubricate the form. oil. I put the dough. I bake in the oven for 60 minutes at 200 gr.
  5. The cupcake should definitely be served to the table in icing.

Cake baking with sour milk

It turns out delicious and tender, albeit an easy-to-cook dessert. All those who watch their figure will appreciate pastries.


500 gr. flour; 500 ml milk; 90 ml sol. oils; 1 tsp bark, food soda; 10 gr. vanillin; 150 gr. Sahara.

Cooking algorithm with photo:

  1. I warm the milk to room temperature. I bring soda. This time, do not extinguish it, as this process will occur on its own in an acidic milk environment. I mix well.
  2. I am importing butter, sugar, cinnamon, vanillin. Thanks to these spices, the cake will have a very rich flavor. I mix with a whisk. You can use a mixer to speed up the process. Sugar should dissolve completely.
  3. I bring flour. I mix well, excluding all lumps. The dough will be thick and sticky. I leave it aside for half an hour. It is important that the place is warm and there is no draft there.
  4. When 30 minutes have elapsed, the dough must be transferred to a mold previously greased with rast. oil. I equalize the mass with the help of kitchens. shovels and send to the oven for 60 minutes. The temperature should be 180 gr.
  5. Readiness of baking should be checked with a wooden skewer. The cake must be taken out of the oven. Let her stand for 10 minutes. Only then can the cake be taken out of the oven.

Serve cupcakes to the table, decorating to your own taste. Recipes for other options for a cupcake with milk will be presented below.

Simple and delicious cupcake with condensed milk


4 things. chickens. eggs; 500 gr. flour; 200 gr. condensed milk; floor pack baking powder; 5 tbsp Sahara; zest of 1 lemon; 200 gr. sl. oils.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I do kneading dough, soften sl. butter. This can be achieved on a steam bath or removed from the refrigerator before starting cooking.
  2. Soft sl. I mix the oil with lemon zest, sugar, condensed milk, chicken. egg. Mix with a blender or whisk.
  3. I add flour, baking powder to the composition. The mass must be homogeneous.
  4. I lubricate the mold. oil. I put the dough into 2/3 parts. I bake 30 minutes. The temperature in the oven should be 200 gr.

Cupcake with condensed milk is ready. You need to let it cool down a bit and then you can get it out of the mold and serve it to the table. Cupcakes will delight all lovers of sweets with their sweet taste.

Moist homemade cake with milk

You can make not a single big dessert, but bake small cupcakes in molds.

Components for the test:

5 tbsp flour; 125 gr. decoys; 100 gr. Sahara; vanillin; salt; half tsp lemon juice; 4 things. chickens. eggs; 10 gr. baking powder; rast. butter.

Ingredients for pouring: 375 ml of milk; floor st. Sahara.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I preheat the oven to 180 gr. I kill chickens. eggs in a bowl and mix with a whisk.
  2. I mix flour and baking powder, sugar, semolina, salt and vanillin. Whipping chickens. eggs, add dry mixture. The dough should be homogeneous in consistency, all lumps must be excluded.
  3. I take a form with deep walls, well smear the sl. oil. I put the batch in it and send it to bake for 25 minutes in the oven.
  4. The cake needs to be baked until done. At this time I do the filling. I heat milk with sugar in a saucepan, wait until all the crystals dissolve. Constantly need to stir the mass. I let her cool down. I send it to the fridge.
  5. Dessert is taken out of the oven. I pour over the filling and let it stand for 30 minutes. This time will be enough for the batch to absorb the milk filling. Don't worry about the amount of liquid. It will absorb better over time.
  6. I cut the pastry into pieces and serve it to the table with tea.

By the way, milky wet muffins are deliciously combined with cold cocktails. Be sure to try making cupcakes for your loved ones!

Quick cupcake recipe

Recipes for cupcakes in the microwave are very popular. I know this, and therefore I propose to learn how to make milk muffins at home using a microwave oven.

It turns out such cupcakes are original and beautiful, look at the photo in person!


100 gr. flour; 100 ml sol. oils; vanillin; 80 gr. chocolate crumbs; 60 gr. cocoa; floor st. Sahara; 80 ml of milk; 1 PC. chickens. egg; Cherry.

Cooking algorithm:

  1. I add all the dry ingredients to the bowl. I mix well.
  2. I'm slaughtering chickens. egg and stir again.
  3. I pour rast. oil, add vanilla and milk. I mix to get a homogeneous mass, eliminating all lumps. Then add chocolate chips and stir.
  4. I put the cup in the microwave and bake for 5 minutes at maximum power of the device.
  5. I serve dessert to the table with ryazhenka or milk.

You can bake several cupcakes at once. Increase the entry of ingredients and make cupcakes for the whole family for breakfast at a time.

Starting the day with such a delicious breakfast is always a pleasure, especially since you can make treats in the microwave in 10 minutes!

Good appetite!

My video recipe