Making alcohol. Making moonshine from grain

24.01.2024 For children

Making alcohol at home differs in its characteristics from how it is done using industrial technology. How to make alcohol at home depends on what raw materials it is extracted from.

If the factory uses mainly grain or potatoes, molasses, sugar beets, then at home you can use:

  • sugar;
  • apples;
  • wild pears;
  • mulberries;
  • jam;
  • cherry plum;
  • halva;
  • chestnuts;
  • compound feed

Sometimes it is used to prepare alcohol. It is distilled to produce a cognac or fruit alcoholic drink.

The process is simple, but it is important to follow all steps.

So, let's look at how to get an alcohol solution:

  1. Take a base for the product, for example, starch.
  2. Make malt from ripe cereals.
  3. Mix the ingredients in the proportions indicated in the recipe.
  4. Provide the necessary conditions for fermentation.
  5. Conduct the distillation.
  6. Clear the alcohol solution of impurities that can not only deteriorate the quality of the drink, but also become harmful to health.
  • yeast can only make alcohol from sugar;
  • From 1 kg of starch you can get a little more than 1 liter of strong drink.

To obtain high-quality alcohol, it is important to purify the mash until it is clear. When distilling mash from grounds, it is important to use steam. You can equip the cube with a special stirrer. When the flame is heated directly, the grounds stick and burn. It is important to prevent this from happening.

Preparation of raw materials

Making alcohol is impossible without good malt and. To get it, you need to choose heavy, full and mature grains. They need to be sifted to remove mechanical impurities and washed in water to remove dust and chaff.

Malt is extracted from barley or wheat grain by sprouting it in small boxes 5-10 cm high. The grains are irrigated with water so that they float. And the trays are covered with glass or film. The boxes must be placed in a well-lit place.

The grains are systematically irrigated as the water is absorbed. The malt will be ready in about 7 days, when the sprouts have grown to 2-3 cm. Now everything is ready to make alcohol at home.

Making alcohol without sugar

Sugar-free alcohol can be made from barley, rye, corn or wheat at home. These ingredients contain starch, which is a carbohydrate. Enzymes found in malt are used to saccharify starch.

It is necessary to dissolve the starch in water from which the alcoholic drink will be produced. If it is potatoes, then the fruits are cut. For 1 kg of potatoes - 1 liter of water. Cook for about 2 hours until paste-like. If you use corn or grain, the raw materials must first be crushed. For 1 kg of grain - up to 2.5 liters of water. Cook until you get a well-cooked porridge.

An important step is the breakdown of starch. The paste is cooled to a temperature of +60°C. You need to add malt to it and stir thoroughly. Then the mixture is left until the temperature reaches room temperature: +22°C. Then the yeast is introduced and left to ferment in a warm place. The mash will be ready in 3 days.

The mash is distilled through a special apparatus. The result is natural alcohol. Its strength can be adjusted during distillation. If the composition comes out a little cloudy, it is clarified using potassium permanganate. A little of the substance is poured into alcohol, mixed and left for a day. The result is a dark precipitate that needs to be filtered.

To eliminate unwanted odors, charcoal is used. It is poured, left to stand for up to 2 weeks, and shaken periodically. Finally, it is filtered.

How to make with black bread

To prepare alcohol you will need:

  1. Bread - fresh or in the form of crackers. To get a bready smell, rather than an alcoholic one, alcohol can be made from grain. To do this, take whole grains of barley, wheat, corn or peas.
  2. Yeast - dry or pressed.
  3. Sugar. This ingredient is optional, as it increases the distillate yield and is able to drown out the bready smell for which this type of alcohol is valued.
  4. Malt. Can improve the organoleptic properties, aroma of the drink and the yield of the final product.

Most popular recipe:

  • take 2 kg of bread or 1.5 kg of crackers;
  • add 2 liters of water;
  • 1 or 2 kg of sugar - optional.

The mash must be kept until ripe. As soon as it becomes bitter with an alcoholic aftertaste, it’s worth driving away. The first distillation takes place until the strength reaches 30%. The distillate is diluted with water to obtain a strength of 20%.

The liquid is sent back to the distillation cube. It is necessary to drive until the liquid reaches 40%.

Other recipes

Producing alcohol at home is possible using other ingredients:

  1. Berries and fruits. It is better to choose unripe fruits, as they contain more starch. They are pre-crushed, then 5% malt is added, water is added, and mixed. The contents are boiled over low heat, ground using a sieve, cooled and left for the fermentation process.
  2. Wild pears. You can extract maximum alcohol from them. Take 2.5 buckets of fruits, add 1.5 kg of malt and 2.5 liters of water. The same amount of sugar is added to the contents as water, and another 100 g of yeast. You can get 3 liters of pure alcohol.
  3. Sugar beet. The juice is extracted from the vegetable and fermented. Another option is to rinse the beets, grate them, add malt and hot water. The mixture is boiled until the beets become soft. The contents are then crushed using a sieve. The wort is cooled, yeast is added to it, and the grounds are left. Before obtaining alcohol, the grounds are squeezed out. From 15 kg of beets, 5 liters of water and 500 g of malt, up to 1.5 liters of alcohol is obtained.
  4. Candied jam. This raw material is suitable for an economical recipe because you don’t have to throw it away. For 6 kg of jam add 30 liters of water and 200 g of yeast. The output is 3 liters of alcohol.
  5. Filled candies. For 1 kg of sweets take 5 liters of water. Sweets need to be diluted in water and 40 g of yeast added. You will get 500 ml of alcohol with an unusual taste.
  6. Dried fruits. To prepare alcohol you will need 4 kg of dried fruits, 25 liters of water, 6 kg of sugar, 500 g of yeast. You can get up to 4 liters of alcohol.
  7. Overripe plums. They select specially soft fruits, crush them, and allow them to ferment. If you select hard plums, it is important to boil them, puree them, and then malt them. Yeast is then added and left to ferment for 2 weeks. You can get 3 liters of alcohol.

These simple recipes will help you prepare an alcoholic drink at home. The main thing is to find the right distillation apparatus and follow the recipe and technology.

Attention: this article is for informational purposes only. Always remember the dangers of alcohol.

The production of alcohol consists of several stages, which must be performed in a sequential order. To obtain pure ethyl alcohol (more than 40%), distillation and purification of the feedstock is necessary. The main advantage of this technology is the absence of significant investments in the purchase of equipment and a variety of raw materials.

The alcohol production technology includes the following steps:

  • preparation of raw materials;
  • boiling grain with water;
  • cooling and saccharification;
  • fermentation;
  • alcohol distillation;
  • rectification.

Barley, rye, oats and other grains can be used as grain. Musty and moldy odors are not allowed. There is no strict regulation of the grain that will be boiled. It is recommended to choose raw materials with a moisture content of up to 17% and low contamination. The grain is cleaned of dust, soil, small stones, weed seeds and other foreign impurities. Next, it is separated using an air-sieve separator.

Small metal impurities must be removed using magnetic separators.

The boiling of grains occurs in order to destroy their cell walls. As a result, starch is released and becomes soluble. In this state, it is much easier to saccharify by enzymes. The grain is treated with steam at an excess pressure of 500 kPa. When the boiled mass comes out cooking apparatus, the reduced pressure leads to the formation of steam (from the water contained in the cells).

Such an increase in volume breaks the cell walls and turns the grain into a homogeneous mass. Today, starch-containing raw materials are boiled in one of three ways: periodic, semi-continuous or continuous. The most popular is the continuous method. The boiling temperature is 172°C, and the cooking duration is about 4 minutes. To obtain a better result, it is recommended to grind the raw materials.

The boiling process itself includes the following operations:

  • Strict dosage of grain and water;
  • Heating the mixture to cooking temperature;
  • Holding the mass at a given temperature.

The crushed grain should be mixed with water in an amount of 3 liters per 1 kg. grains The grain batch is heated by steam (75°C) and pumped into the contact hole of the installation. It is here that the pulp is instantly heated to a temperature of 100°C. After this, the heated batch is placed in the cooker.

During the saccharification process, malted milk is added to the cooled mass to break down the starch. Active chemical interaction leads to the fact that the product becomes absolutely suitable for the further fermentation process. The result is a wort that contains 18% dry sugar with an acidity of 0.3 degrees. When a test for iodine is made from the mass, the color of the wort should remain unchanged.

Fermentation of the wort begins with the introduction of industrial yeast into the saccharified mass. Maltose is broken down into glucose, which in turn is fermented into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Secondary fermentation products (essential acids, etc.) also begin to form. This process must take place in a closed fermentation unit, which will prevent alcohol loss and carbon dioxide release into the production room.

The carbon dioxide and alcohol vapor released during the fermentation process from the fermentation unit enter special compartments where the aqueous-alcoholic liquid and carbon dioxide are separated. The ethyl alcohol content in the mash should be up to 9.5 vol.%.

Next, they begin to distill the alcohol from the mash and its rectification. Alcohol begins to release from the mash as a result of boiling at different temperatures. The distillation mechanism itself is based on the following pattern: alcohol and water have different boiling points (water - 100 degrees, alcohol - 78°C). The released steam begins to condense and collect in a separate container. Alcohol is purified from impurities in a distillation unit.

When the mash is heated to 90°C, the vapors begin to rise through the column into the condenser, where they are completely cooled. After this, pure alcohol enters a specialized column, having a strength of 50-55 vol.%

Meat processing when making sausages is carried out in the following sequence:

1. Free the meat from the bones;

2. Large tendons and coarse connective tissue films are removed from it;

3 . In some cases, meat (for example, pork) is divided into fatty and lean;

4. The meat is cut into pieces, salted with the addition of saltpeter to give it a pink or red color, and kept for a certain time in a cold place;

5. The meat is ground in a meat grinder and the lard is prepared (cut into pieces, obtaining the so-called crumb);

6. Sausage mince is made from chopped beef and pork meat, as well as lard, adding spices and sometimes starch;
7. Stuff the minced sausage into the intestinal casings;
8. The sausages are smoked ("fried") for a short time to give them color, improve taste and aroma;
9. Cook sausages (boiled sausages, wieners, frankfurters);
10 .Sausages are cooked (smoked and semi-smoked);


Salting meat: meat (beef, pork) is cut into pieces of 200-300 grams, the meat is mixed with salt, and kept for 2-3 days. After this, minced sausage is prepared, the intestines are stuffed with it, and the sausages are cooked.

When making minced sausage, a certain order is followed. : First, thoroughly knead the beef meat, adding 2/3 of the required amount of water until a viscous homogeneous mass is obtained. Then pour in the rest of the water and starch, knead well, then add chopped pork, knead again and add lard.

Cooking lard : a piece of lard is cut into layers 0.5 cm thick, the layers are stacked on top of each other, and cut across into strips of 0.5 cm, obtaining sticks (0.5x0.5). The sticks are put together and cut into equal cubes (crumbs) of lard.

Stuffing minced meat into casings : On the screenshot 5a Hand printing is shown. Screenshot 5b shows a syringe for filling the shell with minced meat and a circle made of leather or plywood, according to the diameter of the cut.

To fill the shell, you can adapt a meat grinder, to which a funnel-shaped shank is made from tin (screenshot 5v). Side of the tarsus 1 made according to the size of the clamping ring of the meat grinder so that the shank is tightly pulled to the body of the meat grinder. lantern tube 2 should have a diameter of 2-3 cm.

Before stuffing the minced meat, remove the grid and knife from the meat grinder. Sausage stuffing machine (screenshot 5g) consists of a tarsus 1 , clamping ring 2 , housing 3 , threaded bushings 4 for clamping ring, lugs 5 for fastening hooks 8 , piston 6 with screw 7 , support device 9 with screw 10 for mounting the syringe on the table.

The syringe body is secured to the support 9 using ears 5 , slots for ears 11 and hooks 8 . Before stuffing the casing with a syringe or using a shank, in a meat grinder, put the intestine completely up to the tied end onto the shank. 5a. While stuffing the minced meat, hold the intestine with your hand, gradually releasing the loaf.


A loop is made from thin twine, putting it on the left hand. Then with the same hand they press the minced meat tightly in the intestine and, lowering the loop onto the intestine, with the right hand they tighten it tightly on the casing.

To prevent the twine from slipping off the slippery intestine, a second bandage is made at a short distance from the first puff, forming a navel. Then make a loop for hanging. On oblong sausage loaves, 2-3 more dressings are made along their length. If the sausages have voids (bubbles) filled with air under the casing, they should be removed by piercing them with a needle.


To obtain a beautiful and aromatic product, sausage loaves hung on sticks (see rice) are lightly smoked for an hour in hot smoke.


Produced at a temperature of 80-85 degrees. The cooking time depends on the size (diameter) of the sausages: thin cook for 40-50 minutes, average 1,5 hour, thick up to 3 hours.

The readiness of the sausage is determined either by the depth of the loaf, it should show at least 70 degrees, or with a chef's needle, or by taste.


Composition of minced meat (per 10 kg of raw materials): salted beef meat - 7 kg, salted pork meat - 2 kg; lard-1 kg; starch - 1 cup (250 g); sugar - 1 teaspoon; ground pepper (red or black) - 1/4 spoon; garlic - 2-3 cloves.


Minced meat recipe for 10 kg of raw materials: beef 9 kg; lard or lamb tail fat or lard (watering) - 1 kg (if desired, lard or lard can be increased); starch 3.5 cups; 3-4 cloves of garlic; sugar a teaspoon; 1/2 teaspoon pepper; water 2.5-3 liters. You can use about 1/5 of the meat taken.


Instead of beef they take lamb. The preparation method and recipe are similar to the previous one. If desired, you can add beef or corned beef to the lamb meat, no more than 1/5 of the total amount of meat taken.


Minced meat recipe: take 3.5 kg of beef meat, cleared of tendons and films; lean pork (from ham, shoulder, loin) 4 kg; lard 2.5 kg; starch 1 cup; sugar 1 teaspoon; pepper 1/4 spoon; it is advisable to add 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg; water 1.5 liters. It is better to stuff the minced meat into the colon.


Prepared from beef and pork or half and half, without adding lard . The main thing is to pass the meat through a meat grinder 3-4 times, 2.5-3.5 liters of water per 10 kg. minced meat. The minced meat is thoroughly mixed. If the minced meat is viscous (depending on good grinding and kneading), then do not add starch, or add no more than 0.5 cups per 10 kg. minced meat.

To improve the taste, water is replaced by half with milk. Stuffed into the small intestines (wombs). First, the whole intestines are stuffed with minced meat, about 2 m in length, then they are tied into 6-8 cm bars.

For tying sausages you need thin twine wound into a ball. The end of the intestine stuffed with minced meat is tied in the usual way (see boiled sausages).

Hand position : A ball of twine in the left hand, the right one supports the resulting loop. Next, the ball, passing through the loop, is taken again with the right hand. Next, holding the intestine with your left hand, tighten the loop with your right, forming a sausage bar.

Using these techniques, the entire intestine stuffed with minced meat is knitted. Then boil in water for about 40 minutes. Sausages can also be cooked with the addition of 15% lard.

Eggplant roll, Appetizer "Eggplant tongues", Eggplant in spicy sauce

Required Products : 3 kg eggplants; 2 kg bell pepper; 2 pods of hot pepper; 100 grams of garlic; 250 ml water; 200 ml vegetable oil; 120 ml table vinegar; 5 tablespoons of sugar; 1.5 tablespoons salt;

Preparation: Wash the eggplants well under running water and cut into large cubes. Place the vegetables in a bowl, add salt, stir and leave for 30 minutes.

If the eggplant peel is too hard, it must be removed.

Wash bell and hot peppers, remove stems and seeds. Remove the husks from the garlic.

Prepare the sauce: Grind bell peppers, hot peppers and garlic through a meat grinder or chop using a blender.

Add salt, sugar, chilled boiled water and vegetable oil to the resulting vegetable mixture and mix well. Pour the sauce into a large saucepan, place on the stove and bring to a boil.

Rinse the eggplants under running water, squeeze lightly and place in a saucepan with boiling sauce. Stirring occasionally, simmer the vegetables over low heat for 15 minutes.

Stir the mixture very carefully so that the eggplants do not fall apart.

1 minute before the end of cooking, pour vinegar into the pan, stir the mixture and remove from heat. Place the snack in sterilized jars, cover with boiled metal lids, and roll up.

Turn the workpieces upside down, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave them in a place protected from drafts until they cool completely.

Products: 2 eggplants; 4 eggs; 150 grams of hard cheese; 1/2 pod of red bell pepper; 1/2 pod of green bell pepper; 50 grams of processed cheese "Yantar"; garlic to taste; salt;

Preparation: Peel the eggplants, chop finely or grate them on a coarse grater, add salt and let stand for 2 minutes. Then rinse and squeeze well.

Beat the eggs with a whisk, add grated hard cheese, diced bell peppers, squeezed eggplants, mix well.

Pour the prepared mass into a 30x30 cm mold lined with parchment paper and bake for 30 minutes at 190-200°C.

Remove the finished cake from the oven, transfer to a towel and immediately roll into a roll. Mix melted cheese with chopped garlic until smooth.

Unroll the cooled crust, spread with cheese filling and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Serve the roll cold, cut into small pieces, as an appetizer.

Appetizer "Eggplant tongues"

Required Products: 2 eggplants; 100-150 grams of walnuts; 2 cloves of garlic; 3-4 tablespoons of mayonnaise; salt; basil greens; vegetable oil for frying; 1 tomato for decoration; parsley for serving;

Preparation: Wash the eggplants, cut lengthwise into slices, add salt, leave for 15-20 minutes to remove the bitterness. Fry the vegetable plates on both sides in vegetable oil until cooked. Place on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

Pass the peeled nuts through a meat grinder or grind in a blender, combine with garlic, passed through a press, finely chopped basil and mayonnaise, mix everything well.

Grease the slices of fried eggplant with the prepared nut butter, fold them in half and place on a plate. Garnish the dish with tomatoes and herbs.

The alcohol industry is engaged in the production of ethyl alcohol from food or non-food raw materials.

Ethyl alcohol, which is produced from food raw materials, is then used in the production of alcoholic beverages, for the production of automobile fuel and for the needs of radio electronics.

Potatoes, grains, root vegetables, sugar syrup or molasses, fruit and berry raw materials and grape products are used as raw materials for producing edible alcohol - material that is rich in carbohydrates.

Wastes from the wood processing or oil refining industries are used as raw materials for the production of technical alcohol. Recently, more and more attention has been paid to the use of plant biomass as a starting material for the production of alcohol. They are subjected to acid hydrolysis. The resulting product contains a large number of harmful impurities and therefore technical alcohol is strictly prohibited for use in the food industry.

Equipment used

The production equipment consists of three sections - a mash column, an epuration column and a distillation column.

The main production line consists of the following equipment: elevator, overhead hopper, dispenser scales, suspension hopper, auger dispenser, crusher, mixers, batch batch, three-way valves, ball valves, valves, gate valves, pipelines, centrifugal pump, contact head, cooking apparatus, (low-temperature boiling), pumps for pumping wort, dosing pump, wort heat exchanger, three-way and ball valves with check valves, fermenters, yeast, trap and mother liquor, pump for feeding mash and yeast, sulfuric acid meter, alcohol trap, wash water container, mash heater, water section of the heater, condensers, separator, bardoregulator, alcohol trap, reflux condenser, condenser and refrigerator, foam trap, vacuum breaker, water seal, oil separator, fusel oil collector, alcohol lantern.

Production technology + Video

The production technology, in general, consists of three sequences:

  • Purification of raw materials from various impurities, preparation of malt or cultures of specially selected molds;
  • The boiling of starch-containing raw materials, the process of saccharification of starch, then the fermentation of the saccharified product and the distillation of the resulting mash - this will be crude alcohol.
  • And then the raw alcohol undergoes rectification.

Rectification is the purification of the resulting original crude alcohol. The impurity content of raw alcohol is so high that its direct use in the food industry is unacceptable.

Harmful impurities that are formed during the production of ethyl alcohol - methyl alcohol - as a product of the breakdown of pectin contained in plant tissues; fusel oils - or a mixture of higher alcohols - they are initially provoked by protein hydrolysis, and subsequent deamination of amino acids, plus some intermediate products of alcoholic fermentation can also provoke the appearance of fusel oils; esters, furfural. Esters also appear as a result of fermentation processes when ethyl alcohol reacts with fusel oils and organic acids.

All impurities are classified as intermediate, tail or head.

During cleaning, the boiling difference between alcohols and ethers is used. Ethyl alcohol has a higher boiling point compared to the main impurities - acetaldehyde, esters. And at the same time, ethyl alcohol has a lower boiling point compared to tail impurities - fusel oils and methyl alcohol. It is the intermediate impurities that pose the greatest difficulty in the purification process.

During rectification, the finished product is saturated with alcohol from eighty-eight percent to 90-90.5%.

In addition to fusel oils, the process of producing ethyl alcohol also produces stillage and carbon dioxide.

Fusel oils are distilled and higher alcohols are obtained, which will later be used in various industries - medical, perfume or paint and varnish.

The carbon dioxide is purified and liquefied or used to produce dry ice.

The post-alcohol stillage is dried and used for the production of feed yeast, which is used in livestock farming as a feed additive.

The classification of the original raw alcohol depends on the content of foreign impurities in it: Alpha, Lux, Extra, basic, highly purified, 1st grade.

Hydrolysis technology has become widespread due to the reduction of fossil organic raw materials. Hydrolysis makes it possible to obtain alcohol from plant biomass, which is a renewable bioresource. In addition to hydrolytic alcohol, synthetic alcohol is also isolated. Its production is based on mixing ethane gas with water under high pressure. In this case, water and gas are not purified; as a result of the reaction, by-products are formed that are toxic to the human body.

In order to isolate industrial alcohol and make it unsuitable for use for food purposes, ingredients are added to its composition that change its taste and color with smell - the color often turns out to have a blue-violet tint. Additives that are used as denatured alcohol are subject to certain requirements - low toxicity to reduce the risk of poisoning and death, specificity of taste and color, stability as a marker so that it is difficult to separate from ethyl alcohol using modern technological processes and equipment.

Video of how they make it in vodka production:

Today, most hydrolysis plants in Russia are part of the Ministry of Medical and Microbiological Industry.

Not so long ago, the production of alcohol was an absolute monopoly of the state, and its production by citizens was considered a violation of the law. However, now the situation has changed. Almost anyone can engage in activities related to the production and sale of alcohol products.

Subject to all norms and legal requirements, of course. This opens up wide opportunities for running such a specific business, which in reality can turn out to be a very profitable, promising and, of course, profitable business.

Overview of the main issues related to the start of alcohol production

But, before taking any concrete steps and starting to build your own production associated with such a difficult task as the production of alcohol, you need to get answers to a number of important questions. They cover the following topics:

  • supply of your production (sources);
  • sales of finished products (channels and end consumers);
  • the method by which ethanol production will be carried out;
  • the type of alcohol that is planned to be produced (drinking or technical);
  • equipping your workshop or plant (equipment);
  • possibility of obtaining a license (collection of necessary documents).

Only after clear and detailed answers to all of the above questions have been received can you begin to organize production itself. Namely: buy/rent a workshop or plant, purchase equipment for the production of alcohol and raw materials, start producing trial batches, etc. In this article we will try to analyze the main points associated with starting an alcohol business. They will form the basis of your business plan, without which it is impossible to start a business (and especially such a specific one) and make it a truly successful and well-functioning production.

Choosing the type of alcohol produced and distribution channels: to whom, how, for what purposes

Alcohol is used in a wide variety of industries: both food enterprises (for the production of alcoholic beverages and not only), and pharmaceutical, chemical and other factories. Manufacturers of cosmetics, perfumes and other things also need it. The demand for this product is high, and therefore you can choose the direction that is more interesting to you.

In addition, when deciding what type of alcohol to produce - industrial or drinking, you should analyze this market in your region. Don’t be surprised if there are major competitors: the business is still profitable. Therefore, make a qualitative overview of the main sales channels and compare planned production volumes with existing demand. You may have to export your products to other nearby regions, which means additional costs (in particular, transport) and new competitors.

It is also possible that you yourself will want to expand your business in the future, and the production of alcohol will grow into something larger, for example, into a wine and vodka factory. This is a completely feasible and promising idea, since the final product (alcoholic products) is much more expensive than the cost of pure alcohol. And if the proper level of production and quality of the product is maintained, there will always be a consumer.

Having assessed all the main points (competitors, sales channels, development prospects), decide on the type of alcohol you will produce and move on to the next question. And it is connected with the choice of raw materials and the search for sources of supply.

Selection of raw materials and sources of their supply

Another, no less important, smoothly follows from the previous question - the choice of the types of raw materials used for production and the sources of their production.

The production of alcohol by distilling mash can be carried out using a variety of raw materials. First of all, it is sugar. Its productivity is maximum: 10 kg of such raw materials gives approximately 5-5.5 kg of the finished product, that is, pure alcohol.

However, it is also the most expensive. In addition to sugar, you can use various starch-containing products: grains (rice, corn), as well as sugar beets and fruits (apples, grapes, plums, etc.). It is also possible to produce alcohol from potatoes. From wheat you can get up to 3 liters of alcohol, and from beets/potatoes and fruits only about a liter.

In any case, the choice is quite large. In addition, you can use several different sources at once, as well as mix brews obtained from different components. This is unimportant if you produce technical alcohol. But in the production of drinking alcohol, and especially of high quality (extra and higher categories), such mixing is unacceptable. The raw materials must be of high quality (and not rotten or frozen fruits, beets, etc.) and single-component.

Assessing the capabilities of raw material suppliers

What raw materials will be used depends on the possibilities of uninterrupted production in the required quantities (it is easy to calculate them based on the above data and planned production volumes). Analyze the situation with raw material suppliers in your region.

This could be a sugar factory located nearby, or a state farm that can supply you with fruits, beets, etc. Estimate the volume of possible supplies. A rash approach to this issue may not work in your favor; as a result, the productive capacity of the workshop or plant will be idle. Find out in advance about the terms of cooperation with potential suppliers.

Production planning: premises, equipment, technology

After all the main issues have been resolved: the type of alcohol and possible sources of its production have been chosen, marketing methods have been determined, competitors have been analyzed - you can proceed to the most important thing. These are questions about where (room) and on what (equipment) to produce alcohol, as well as how to do it (technology). Let's look at them in more detail.

Choosing a room

As for the premises, its choice must be approached with all responsibility. Let's look at the main parameters that it must meet. We hope you are not planning to produce alcohol at home? This option is quite acceptable if you make it for personal needs, but we are going to do business. But here everything is already serious, and the appropriate premises are required to organize a fully functioning workshop in it.

Criteria for choosing production areas:

  1. Dimensions - your workshop should be two or even three times larger than the area occupied by all the equipment for the production of alcohol (in particular, fermentation tanks). The same applies to ceiling heights.
  2. Temperature - the room where production is planned should be warm enough. That is, there are two options - a well-organized heating system or good thermal insulation. This is essential to maintain fermentation processes on a continuous basis.
  3. Ventilation is also a very important point. It can be either forced or natural (only if a water seal is used).
  4. A separate room must be intended for the installation of distillation equipment (distillation part).
  5. Other important parameters. The workshop itself must have a sewerage system, floors with equipped drains, and also running water.

As you can see, it is important to take into account various nuances before deciding whether the premises are suitable for organizing a distillery in it. Keep in mind that the larger production volumes you plan, the larger the dimensions of the equipment (as well as its quantity), and the larger the area required for the workshop or plant.

We purchase equipment

Before moving on to choosing equipment and searching for sellers from whom purchases will be made, you need to understand the production process itself. The technology for producing alcohol is not very complicated. However, it is important to have a complete understanding of all stages of production and the equipment required for each of them. This is necessary to understand what equipment to buy for alcohol production, what size/volume and in what quantity. This section of the article is devoted to this issue.

There are two most important components - the mash tank and the distillation unit:

  1. The first component is a so-called technical bath - a container made of stainless material into which raw materials are loaded at the first stage of processing. The mash tank must have a drain valve and a hatch for a water seal, since carbon dioxide is released during the fermentation process.
  2. The second (distillation unit) consists of two parts: mash (here the process of distillation of mash takes place) and rectification (here the resulting ethanol is purified).

In addition to the main equipment, you will need various additional devices and components: refrigerators, thermoelectric heaters, separators, alcohol meters, etc.

Make a detailed list of what alcohol production equipment you need, in what quantity, with what physical and technical characteristics. It is best to determine the full set of production equipment and its specific characteristics with the chief technologist of your future workshop.

As for the cost, you need to calculate it in advance (at least approximately) and include it in your business plan. The price largely depends on the planned capacity.

Thus, a distillation unit for the production of alcohol for a small workshop (productivity about 12 l/hour) will cost approximately 150 thousand rubles. If we talk about a large plant, then the prices here are much higher - from 1 to 3 million rubles for just one column. But the power is several times greater.

It may be worth starting with a small workshop, and if production develops favorably, expand and grow into a larger factory production. It all depends on your desires and capabilities at the moment, especially financial ones.

Drinking and technical alcohol: production

The process of making alcohol is almost the same regardless of what raw materials are used and for what purpose the final product is intended. However, there are still differences and they are associated with the preparatory (or initial) stage of production.

If we describe the technologies of how to make alcohol from apples, oats or sugar, they will be different. The fact is that starch-containing products undergo pre-treatment - sugaring. The result is sugar wort, which is then fermented. That is why it is easiest to make alcohol from sugar, but not cheaper. Let's consider how to prepare plant raw materials for the main stage of production.

Grain processing

For production you can use rye, wheat, rice. First, the grain is cleaned of foreign impurities and passed through an air sieve apparatus. It is dried and ground before use. Wort is prepared from the resulting flour: the flour is combined with water in a special container, where they are mixed. Next, the batch is heated by steam to 75 degrees and fed into the contact hole of the installation. Here the mixture is heated to 100 degrees.

Then the grain gruel is sent to the cooker, where it is boiled for several minutes at high temperature (up to 172 degrees). As a result, the cell walls of the grain rupture. Malt milk is added to the already cooled mass to break down the starch. As a result of this saccharification process, sugar wort is obtained, which is used for further alcohol production.

Fruit processing

Preparation of wort from apples and other fruits is somewhat simpler than from grain. The fruits are crushed and wort is added to them (in a proportion of approximately 5% of the fruit mass). Then the same thing happens as with grains. Water is added, everything is mixed and heated in the cooker. Then the resulting homogeneous mass is cooled, ground and fermented.

Alcohol production technology: main stages

  1. Raw materials (sugar or sugar wort obtained from other products) and yeast are loaded into a special mash tank. The mash is prepared within a week, as a result of which the alcohol content in it should reach 15% (if it is more, the fermentation process will stop).
  2. Next, the finished mash is sent to the distillation apparatus. In the first part, the distillation itself occurs: heating (ethanol evaporates) and cooling of the vapor (condensation).
  3. In the second part, ethanol is purified from fusel oils. The process is called fractional distillation. The result is the same finished product - pure ethyl alcohol.

Since the mash is prepared within 7 days, a week’s worth of raw materials is loaded into the distillation apparatus. This must be taken into account to ensure continuity of the production process. Thus, approximately 7 times more containers will be required than the capacity of the rectifying apparatus.

In general, we can say that the technology is quite simple and understandable. Anyone can understand the process of making ethyl. This is not the production of methyl alcohol, which requires serious knowledge of chemistry and can be very dangerous if not organized correctly. However, in both cases there is no point in joking; in this process, compliance with all standards, technology and safety precautions is the key to successful production and the absence of accidents. By the way, you still need to obtain the appropriate license. More on this later.

Legal alcohol production . Obtaining a license

Once you have understood all the intricacies and nuances of your future business, have studied how to produce alcohol and what is needed for this, you can move on to one of the most important stages - obtaining a license. Without this document, no matter what knowledge you have and no matter how much money you have, it will not be possible to implement plans to build and launch production. So, what documents will be required to obtain the coveted permit? Let's review them:

  1. Constituent documents (memorandum of association, charter, etc.) - original or copies certified by a notary.
  2. Registration documents (certificate of state registration) - original or notarized copies.
  3. Certificate of registration with the tax authority - original/copy.
  4. Payment order for payment of the fee for the provision of a license (required with a bank mark).
  5. Certificate of absence of tax arrears.
  6. A document confirming the availability of premises suitable for organizing the production of ethyl alcohol (on the basis of ownership or lease).
  7. Conclusion on the compliance of the premises with sanitary and epidemiological standards.
  8. Conclusion on the compliance of premises with fire safety requirements.
  9. Conclusion on their compliance with environmental standards.
  10. Documents confirming the availability of certified equipment (for the production and storage of alcohol products, control over production volumes).
  11. Certificate of technical competence (it must reflect the list of analyzed equipment, raw materials and finished products and their compliance with state standards).
  12. A document confirming the availability of sufficient authorized capital.
  13. Extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.
  14. Goskomstat codes.

Before collecting a complete set of documents, you will have to run around. However, the presence of all the required certificates, conclusions and certificates is the guarantee that you will receive the coveted license and will be able to begin legal activities in the production of ethyl alcohol.

It would seem that there are no more obstacles to the long-awaited start of your activities - you can safely start the production process. This is true. But it is very important to always be on alert in this matter, especially with regard to maintaining the quality of finished products and compliance with excise legislation.

Prospects for the development of alcohol production

In the process of developing your business and delving deeper into this area of ​​activity, you will be able to find a number of tempting prospects for yourself. In particular, the reorganization of production in order to increase its scale and expand its specificity.

This could be our own perfumery, cosmetics or food production, alcohol-related, chemical or pharmacological activities. The choice is quite large. Of course, these enterprises require additional costs, capital investments and time. However, they will be able to take your business to a new level, including making a profit.

In addition, you can expand your production without large capital investments. In parallel with the production of alcohol, start producing feed for farm animals. When producing ethanol, a light brown waste is formed, called stillage. It is a very valuable secondary raw material due to its protein, carbohydrate and fiber content, and therefore can be used to feed cows, pigs and other animals. And its yield is no less than 13 liters for every liter of alcohol. A very profitable business that does not require large expenses.


In this article, we tried to highlight for you all the main points associated with organizing such a specific type of business as the production of ethanol or, more simply, alcohol. We considered issues related to the selection of raw materials for the production of alcohol and the search for its sources; methods of marketing finished products; features of the workshop premises required for the production of equipment. The technology for producing alcohol from various raw materials was also described.

We also did not ignore the legal issue, presenting a list of necessary documents to obtain a license to carry out this type of business. In conclusion, we briefly discussed the prospects and opportunities for obtaining additional profit in the production of alcohol. We hope this information will help you create your own business plan and start this profitable activity soon.