Panasonic strudel dough recipe. Apple strudel

03.03.2020 Fish dishes

Add a glass of blackcurrant jam and kefir, and a teaspoon of baking soda.

Add flour and mix gently. Soda, having reacted with kefir, will make the dough airy and voluminous, as if it was kneaded with yeast. This dough is not thick.

Put the dough in a greased form with any oil and put in the oven.

Bake as usual at 180 degrees. After 25 minutes, pierce the cake with a match. A dry match means that it is ready and can be removed from the oven.

Let it cool down a bit.

Cut into pieces and enjoy a delicious pie with a cup of aromatic tea!

Bon appetit!

This cake called "African" was very popular in the difficult years of perestroika. Then there was a shortage of many goods and products. Not everything could be bought, and a little later - in the 90s - it was possible to buy, but not everyone had the opportunity. So resourceful housewives came up with this surprisingly simple and affordable recipe. It's so nice to warm up on a cold evening with a cup of tea with such a delicious dessert.

Today, many people began to use cocoa in order to achieve the desired color. The classic recipe uses jam. All the ingredients of this recipe are always at hand and are interchangeable.

You can use almost any jam. Perfect blackcurrant, blueberry, blackberry or plum. It is better to choose darker and thicker. If it is very liquid, then you can boil it over low heat with constant stirring (so as not to burn).

If there is no suitable jam at home, replace it with condensed milk with cocoa. The color will also turn out dark.

Cooking dough on kefir is very easy! To do this, it is important to know a few small secrets:

  • kefir is better to take the most sour, it can be expired (so the dough will turn out softer and more airy);
  • you can replace it with curdled milk, acidophilus, drinking yogurt;
  • in order for a chemical reaction with soda to take place better, kefir must be slightly warmed up;
  • the finished dough should be baked immediately to keep the maximum amount of air bubbles in it.

If the finished cake is cut in half and smeared with sour cream, then we will get the African Smile pie. If you don’t want to mess with the cream, you can simply smear the rest of the jam or shift with fruit. Banana, kiwi, orange, tangerine are well suited for these purposes. It is better if it is fruits with sourness. So you get a pleasant contrast of sweet cake and sour filling.

To make the cake look like a cake, you can cover it on top with chocolate icing. For decoration, use fresh or frozen fruits (cherries, raspberries, currants and others), nuts, white and pink marshmallows, colored marmalade, sweets. If you bake two cakes, cut each one, grease them with any cream, you get a real birthday cake.

Despite all the ease and simplicity of the recipe, it is not a shame to serve such pastries to guests. It will become a worthy decoration even for a festive table. And just to please your household is not difficult. Make an African pie and it will become your favorite recipe.

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I just love different desserts. I like to experiment, cook something new and unusual. My neighbor is a pastry chef. When I was visiting her, I tried a very unusual cake. I had to beg for a recipe from her for a long time, but I got my way. Now I often cook this tender and tasty dessert for the holidays. It is called "Negro in foam". I'll be happy to teach you how to cook it.


In order to cook "Negra in the foam", we need the following ingredients:

  • one glass of any jam;
  • one glass of kefir;
  • two large eggs;
  • 200 grams of sugar;
  • one tablespoon of soda;
  • two glasses of wheat flour;
  • one spoonful of cognac, if desired;
  • nuts;
  • vanillin.

For gentle cream:

  • one glass of sugar;
  • half a kilo of fat sour cream.

To sprinkle the cake, we need one handful of nuts. You can use the ones you like.


Cognac is needed in order to give the cake a looser texture. It may not be added. But traditionally this dish is prepared with an alcoholic drink.

1. We take a deep container. We drive two large chicken eggs into it. Sprinkle them with sugar. Using a mixer or whisk, beat until thick and foamy.

2. After cooking the eggs, you need to add cognac, jam and kefir to them. Beat everything with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

3. We take a separate dish deeper. Pour the sifted wheat flour, baking soda, baking powder into it. Baking soda and baking powder work much better than just using baking soda.

4. Gradually pour the flour into the liquid ingredients that we previously mixed. It is very important not to pour out immediately, but in parts so that lumps do not form. Mix everything well every time.

5. In a frying pan without oil, fry a handful of any nuts. I usually use walnuts. They are very healthy and tasty. Unlike other nuts, they are not as hard. Fry them for ten or fifteen minutes and chop. At the very end, add to the dough.

6. We take out the baking dish. To prevent cakes from sticking, we cover the form with parchment paper. If you don't have parchment on hand, you can grease the pan with butter. Pour all the batter into it. Distribute it evenly.

7. We heat the oven to 180 degrees and send the form with the baking dough into it. It is necessary to wait from half an hour to forty minutes so that the cakes are evenly baked. The time depends on how high your future cakes are.

8. To check readiness, you need to stick a wooden toothpick into the cake and pull it out. If the dough sticks, then you still need to wait a while, if not, you can pull it out.

9. Lay out a clean towel on the table. We take out the cake from the form. Leave it to cool down completely.

finishing touches

And at this time, you can prepare the cream. Beat with a mixer fat sour cream and slowly sprinkle it with sugar. Beat until the mass becomes thick and fluffy.

We cut the crust. We spread each half with plenty of cream. Then we smear the top and grease the sides. Sprinkle with chopped nuts for decoration. You can use fruits as a decoration. Our dessert is ready.

"Negro in foam" is an incomparable dessert, a cake that has been tested by more than one generation. He was at the peak of popularity in the 80-90s of the last century. The first question that will arise for everyone who hears the name of the cake: “Where does this name come from?” or “Why is this cake called that?”. Of course, and you thought it was because of the cocoa that is added to the dough.

Well, they were wrong, like many others. Did you know that the main ingredient is bird cherry or currant jam, which is the highlight of this cake, giving the cakes an intriguing dark brown or dark blue hue. Now imagine dark cakes with a snow-white layer of sour cream in the middle. Represented? Use your imagination and think about what it's like. On a beautiful, white-toothed smile of a very swarthy person. Right. Therefore, this second name is this cake.

The cake is very easy to prepare and takes a minimum amount of time. Its exquisite taste will amaze you so much that you will make it very often, which will certainly please all your family members.

Products for the cake are in the refrigerator of any housewife. Is that the jam may not be. If this happens, then replace the jam with 200 gr. sifted cocoa and 0.5 cans of condensed milk. The cake will also turn out very tasty, but with different flavor notes. Instead of jam, you can add syrups, such as rosehip syrup from a pharmacy. Well, when jam or syrup with sourness.

Cooking process step by step:

  • Biscuit.

For a classic dough recipe, beat eggs (4 pieces) with powdered sugar (1 cup). Powdered sugar will dissolve much faster than sugar, so you will spend less time whipping. If you decide to experiment with sugar, then when whipping, we recommend adding salt on the tip of the knife, this will speed up the process. In a separate container, mix currant jam (it is better to add jam by rubbing through a sieve so that “tails” from berries do not get into the dough) with a teaspoon of soda. And leave for five minutes. During this time, the volume of the mass will increase, the reaction between the different acids included in these two ingredients will take place. If you just add them to the egg mixture, then the biscuit may not rise.

Then we combine the two mixtures, add sour cream and sifted flour. Pour the finished dough into a silicone mold; if you have a detachable baking dish, then it must be thoroughly greased with butter.

Put in a well-heated oven and bake at 180°C for 30 minutes, then lower the temperature to 160°C and bake for another 15 minutes. Due to the gradual decrease in temperature, the Negro biscuit will rise better and turn out to be more airy. Do not open the oven door during baking. Readiness can be checked with a toothpick or a wooden stick.

Some housewives in the summer replace currants with a glass of bird cherry, after removing the seeds. Then you need to add baking powder to the dough, instead of soda.

  • Cream

“Smile” or “Foam” is made from sour cream, snow-white cream. Beat with a mixer or blender 0.75 liters of sour cream and a glass of sugar. Cream for the cake is ready.

But, in order for the cakes not to be dry, it is necessary to prepare the impregnation.

  • Impregnation

Its recipe is very simple and with the preparation there will be no difficulties even for novice cooks. All you need is a glass of sugar and water. Boil syrup for one minute and remove from heat. For flavor, we recommend adding 1 teaspoon of ridge or liqueur. Believe me, this recipe will not be superfluous. "Negro in foam" will turn out even tastier and acquire flavor.

  • Assembly

We take out the biscuit "Negro in foam" from the mold, let it cool completely. Then we cut it into two parts. It is convenient to do this with a thread. We cut the edge with a sharp knife and insert a strong thread into this cut. We tie the ends, and tighten the knot. We get a beautiful and even cut. We get two even beautiful cakes. Each of them must be thoroughly soaked in syrup.

We put the bottom cake on a dish and grease with cream. Do not spare the cream, lubricate generously, the cake should be well soaked. Cut the second cake into cubes and mix with cream. Pieces should be medium to small. Very small soaked cream immediately. The larger pieces will be soaked on top, and inside will be dry. As a result, "Negro" will have a double flavor. The third taste will be added to us by the third cake. We spread the cubes on the bottom cake, the base of the cake.

Between the cakes, you can make a layer with cherries or apricots, or cottage cheese. Decorate the cake with fresh berries, walnuts, or top with fondant.

  • fondant

We offer you a quick recipe for cooking: mix 0.5 cups of milk and boil with a glass of sugar, you can add orange zest and vanillin. In a boiling hot mass, add softened butter on the tip of a knife. Drizzle frosting over cooled cake. According to the recipe "Negro in foam" can be greased with butter cream.

"Negro in foam" is ready, but before serving it to the table, put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Believe me, this time is worth it, the cake will have time to soak, and you can enjoy the chocolate flavor with hot tea or coffee.