Kvass from liquid malt at home. How to make kvass from malt at home

03.09.2019 Egg dishes

Kvass is a wonderful natural drink. How to make your own kvass from rye malt, read below.

Kvass from fermented rye malt - recipe


  • purified water - 2 liters;
  • rye fermented malt - 120 g;
  • sugar sand - 180 g;
  • dry yeast - 5 g.


Pour malt into boiled water cooled to about 50 degrees. Mix well and let it brew for a couple of hours. When the wort has cooled, pour about 100 ml into a glass, pour dry yeast into it and stir thoroughly. Leave for 10 minutes for the yeast to activate, and then pour it into the total mass. Add sugar there and mix well until it is completely dissolved. We leave kvass for 8 hours to ferment, loosely covering the container with a lid. We filter the resulting drink, distribute it into bottles and put it in the cold.

Kvass on rye malt - recipe


  • rye fermented malt - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 3 liters;
  • sugar sand - 50 g;
  • raisins - 180 g.


First, prepare the starter - pour 3 tablespoons of malt with 1 liter of hot water, add sugar and leave to infuse for 2 hours. After that, pour in the rest of the malt, raisins and pour in the rest of the water. We cover the container with the mixture with a clean cloth and let it brew for 15 hours. After that, the finished kvass is bottled and cooled. And the thick sediment remaining at the bottom of the container can be used as a leaven in the manufacture of a new batch of kvass.

Kvass from rye malt at home


  • purified water - 1 liter;
  • fresh yeast - 10 g;
  • rye malt - 1 glass;
  • sugar - 100 g.


Boil water in an enameled saucepan, pour in rye malt and let stand for about 2.5 hours. Then pour the infusion into a glass dish, add sugar, add diluted yeast and put it in the cold for 7 hours.

Homemade kvass from rye malt


  • flour - ¾ cup;
  • rye malt - 250 g;
  • sugar - ½ teaspoon;
  • yeast - 15 g;
  • - 250 g.


For sourdough, mix yeast with sugar, add flour and 100 ml of warm water. We clean in heat for 2 hours. Pour rye malt with 2.5 cups of boiling water, knead a thick dough and put it in heat for 3 hours. When the mass is suitable, dilute it with 8 liters of boiling water and let it brew. Pour the upper part of the transparent wort into another bowl, add the starter, honey and leave it warm for fermentation. We filter the finished kvass, bottle it, cork it tightly, keep it warm for one night, and then put it in the cold for 3 days. After 3 days kvass will be ready.

Preparation of kvass from rye malt

Preparation of kvass from malt takes no more than two days, and at cost this drink is a little more expensive than water. But if you make some effort, you can create a real miracle with your own hands and touch and taste kvass, invented by distant ancestors. The recipe for kvass from malt is useful to all lovers of this wonderful drink who prefer natural products. Before making kvass from malt, you need to prepare a starter. Pour malt into a small enameled saucepan and pour boiling water over it. Immediately mix well so that there are no lumps - you should get a mixture like choux pastry.

It will be enough to add 1 cup of malt per liter of boiling water. Leave the brewed malt for 2-3 hours, after which it can be poured into any large glassware - a jar or bottle. Add two teaspoons of dry yeast, 100 grams of sugar, mix well again and put the starter in the refrigerator or any other cool place.

From this amount of sourdough, it will be possible to prepare any amount of homemade kvass on malt. To make the drink tasty and healthy, pour the sourdough only with cold boiled water.

For one glass of finished sourdough, you need to take three liters of water and 4-5 tablespoons of sugar - to taste. You can add a few tablespoons of light raisins. Mix well and put in the refrigerator or cellar - in any cool place.

According to this recipe, kvass from rye malt will be ready the next day. Strain the finished drink through several layers of gauze, do not throw away the thick. On its basis, it will be possible to prepare a fresh drink. To refresh the starter, you will need to add half a glass of wort and pour chilled boiled water. This procedure can be repeated until the wort runs out, then prepare a new starter and prepare a delicious drink all summer long.

Kvass from rye malt can not only be drunk in hot weather, it can be used to prepare various cold soups. To give a special taste, you can add raisins or lemon zest, children love kvass with the aroma of cinnamon and vanilla.

Traditionally, kvass is served in large mugs well chilled, but pieces of ice can also be added if desired.

Nothing will quench your thirst in the summer heat like kvass. However, the producers of this drink, despite following the recipe, fail to make it as tasty as at home. Making kvass at home from malt is easy. The only thing left to do is to find your favorite proven recipe.

Ancient Russian drink - kvass

Russia is rightfully considered the birthplace of kvass. In ancient chronicles, information has been preserved that in Kievan Rus, a bread drink was consumed always and everywhere - both princes and ordinary people. Already in those days, there were several dozen options for making homemade kvass. Many recipes have been preserved and have come down to our days. On Russian soil, it has long been believed that kvass on the table is a symbol of well-being in the house.

The fact that kvass in Russia has always been held in high esteem is also evidenced by the existence of such a profession as kvass. He was a specialist in the preparation of a refreshing drink of various types: bread, fruit, berry, okroshka, milk.

Real kvass has a pleasant, slightly sharp, refreshing taste, and thanks to the content of lactic and acetic acids, it perfectly quenches thirst.

What is kvass made from?

Kvass is formed as a result of the unfinished process of fermentation of bread wort. That is why this drink contains ethyl alcohol in the amount of 1.2 percent. Due to its alcohol content, kvass is classified as a historical traditional beer in Russia.

This invigorating drink is made only from natural ingredients. Kvass is prepared at home from malt, rye or barley bread and additives (raisins, dried apricots). And nothing else is needed. But such a composition occurs only in kvass prepared at home. Store-bought products, in addition to the required ingredients, contain sweeteners, flavors, and carbon dioxide. It will not bring benefits to the body, but it can cause considerable harm.

What is it like?

As mentioned above, the main ingredient in the manufacture of kvass is malt, which is obtained from It is made from wheat, rye, barley, oats and millet. The grain is first germinated, then dried and ground. In the first case, green malt is obtained, in the latter - dry.

Rye and used for brewing are in the greatest demand. Other varieties are mainly used in bread baking.

Rye malt is fermented (dark) and unfermented (light). The differences between these species are not only in the method of obtaining and color, but also in the field of use. To give the malt a red-brown dark color, the germinated grain is fermented before drying, that is, languishing at a high temperature. It is almost impossible to prepare such malt at home. Difficulties usually arise in maintaining the desired temperature regime for a long time. But light or white malt, from which a tiny kvass is obtained, can also be prepared at home.

Recipe for making malt for kvass

Ready dry malt can be bought at the store. You can also cook it yourself. To make kvass from rye malt at home, you need to start by preparing the ingredients.

To make malt:

  1. Rinse the rye grains thoroughly, remove spoiled and empty seeds.
  2. Put them in a container with a layer of no more than two centimeters. Top with sterile gauze. Spray with a spray bottle several times a day. Make sure that the grains do not dry out and are not too wet.
  3. After 3-4 days, sprouts appear. When they become the size of a grain or more, the first stage can be considered completed. Sprouted grains are green malt.
  4. Then they need to be dried at room temperature for two days.
  5. After the grains have dried, they can be ground all at once or put into a clean container with a lid and taken as needed. This is how dry malt is obtained.

Now you can start making kvass.

White kvass from dry malt

From self-prepared malt, you can make white or okroshka kvass. For this you will need the following ingredients:

  • wheat flour - ½ cup;
  • dry unfermented malt - 1 cup;
  • clean drinking water (preferably spring or bottled) - 3 liters;
  • ready-made yeast sourdough - 1 teaspoon;
  • raisins - 10-12 pieces.

If there is no yeast sourdough in the house, you can cook it yourself. To do this, stir 5-10 grams with one tablespoon of sugar and two tablespoons of flour. Pour the mixture ½ cup warm and leave on the table for half an hour. This starter should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than two weeks.

Making kvass from malt at home begins with the preparation of the wort. To do this, malt and flour are brewed in a liter of boiling water, transferred to earthenware and cooled to 38 degrees. Then you need to add dry raisins and yeast sourdough. Mix and leave for a day to ferment. After the specified time, add the rest of the water, and after another day or two (depending on the desired acid of the drink), the kvass will be ready. It is necessary to pour it into clean jars and put it in the refrigerator.

Rye kvass at home from fermented malt

Fragrant and invigorating dark kvass with a pleasant aftertaste of honey is obtained from fermented malt. The process of obtaining it is quite laborious, so it would be better to buy the main ingredient of the bread drink in finished form.

Before making malt at home, you should prepare the starter. To do this, a glass of dry fermented rye malt is brewed with a liter of boiling water. After a couple of hours, when the mixture has cooled to 38 degrees, you need to add 4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 teaspoons of dry yeast to it. After that, the jar is well mixed. We can assume that the leaven is ready.

Further, in order to directly get kvass from dry malt at home, you need to take 1 glass of sourdough, pour it with three liters of cold boiled water, add 5 tablespoons of sugar, 10 pieces of raisins and send it to a cool place for a day. Rye kvass according to this recipe is prepared very quickly. After the specified time, the bread drink is filtered into a clean container through several layers of gauze. There is no need to throw away the remaining thick. It is refreshed with ½ cup of sourdough from the refrigerator, sugar is added, poured with cold boiled water and the kvass is set to ripen again.

A delicious recipe for kvass from malt at home based on barley

No less pleasant in taste and useful is barley kvass. It is made from dry malt or liquid malt based on barley grains.

Kvass at home from malt is made from the following ingredients:

  • malted barley extract in liquid form - 2 tablespoons;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • dry yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • citric acid - ½ teaspoon;
  • boiled water - 3 liters;
  • raisins - 10-12 pieces.

Pour 3 liters of boiled water at room temperature into a container, add sugar, citric acid and malt extract, mix. Sprinkle dry yeast on top. Without stirring, leave for 6 hours to ferment. After the specified time, pour kvass into bottles or jars, add a few pieces of raisins to each and refrigerate for a day until ripening.

Barley kvass is obtained with a mild grain flavor, slightly carbonated and very healthy.

Kvass from malt: benefit or harm?

Real homemade kvass, made from malt, contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, so its regular use will only benefit the body. But people with gastritis, cirrhosis of the liver and hypertension should limit its use. This is explained by the content of ethyl alcohol and various acids in the composition of the bread drink.

Kvass at home from malt has a number of useful properties, among which are the following:

  • quenches thirst, saturates the body with vital energy, vitamins and minerals;
  • favorably affects the digestive system, promotes rapid digestion of food and restoration of normal stomach acidity;
  • the high content of vitamin C allows the use of kvass for the prevention of respiratory and viral diseases;
  • lactic acid in its composition contributes to the destruction of pathogenic microflora, and maintains beneficial bacteria in the right amount;
  • kvass is an excellent tool for weight loss, gives vigor and increases efficiency.

And you should remember that a drink purchased in a store will never replace real homemade malt kvass.

By color, taste and aroma, properly made homemade kvass from malt cannot be distinguished from natural store-bought drinks prepared in accordance with GOST. We will look at traditional technology that has been proven for decades.

Theory. Kvass made from fermented rye malt is considered classic, but in the proposed recipe, you can use any other malt in the same proportions, for example, barley or wheat, although the taste will change. Next, let's look at the difference between fermented and unfermented malt.

In the preparation of spirits, we use unfermented malt, which we split into sugar, and then through fermentation we process it into alcohol. But for kvass, it is better to take a more aromatic fermented malt used in bread baking (after sprouting and drying, the grains undergo additional heat treatment at 50-70 ° C in an airless chamber).

Ground rye fermented malt

Fermented malt does not participate in fermentation, since high temperature destroys the enzymes in the grains that are responsible for the breakdown of starch into simple sugars, but it makes kvass more aromatic and tastier. To saturate the drink with carbon dioxide, added beet sugar will ferment for several hours.

The minimum amount of sugar (according to the recipe) to obtain carbon dioxide is 100 grams, then be guided by taste. The drink can be further sweetened before bottling. In extreme cases, instead of dry yeast, pressed ones are suitable, but they can give kvass an unpleasant yeasty taste, so it’s better to take dry ones.

After the first preparation, a sediment will remain, which is called "thickness" and is a natural leaven that replaces the yeast. To get kvass from malt without yeast, during the next preparation, add a handful of kvass from the first batch.


  • ground rye fermented malt - 50-80 grams (a little more than half a glass);
  • water - 2 liters;
  • sugar - 100-150 grams;
  • dry yeast (baking) - 5 grams (only for the first batch).

Recipe for kvass from malt

1. Bring water to a boil, remove from stove, cool to 50°C.

2. Slowly add the malt to the hot water, stirring constantly to avoid lumps. You should get a homogeneous mixture, resembling choux pastry. Leave to infuse for 2-3 hours.

3. During the first preparation (if there is no starter), after the kvass wort has cooled to 26-28°C, pour 100 ml of liquid into a glass separately and dilute the yeast in it according to the instructions on the package. If the temperature is above 30°C, the yeast may die.

4. Add diluted yeast or a handful of sourdough (“thick”) to the wort, add sugar.

5. Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Cover loosely with a lid, leave for 8 hours to ferment in a dark place (cover) at room temperature (18-26°C).

6. Filter malt kvass through 2-3 layers of gauze.

The sediment can be collected in a separate container and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. This is a natural starter that replaces dry yeast in the following servings of the drink.

Thick at the bottom of the jar - yeast for the next batches of kvass

7. Try a drink. Add sugar to taste if desired.

8. Pour kvass into storage containers - plastic or glass bottles, jars. Leave 3-5 cm of free space in each container. Close hermetically.

9. Before use, put the bottles in a refrigerator or cellar at a temperature of 2-10°C for at least 3-4 hours to cool and carbonate (carbonate).

The shelf life of kvass from malt is up to 5 days. The drink is obtained non-alcoholic or with a minimum alcohol content (up to 0.5%).

For more than a thousand years, the Slavic peoples have revered the sweet and sour fragrant foamy drink - kvass. Since ancient times in Russia, kvass was loved by commoners, rich people, and even monarchs. Today, in most settlements of Russia, in the summer you can find kvass tents and draft drink vendors, and plastic bottles with carbonated dark kvass often stand in a row on store shelves. But with real homemade kvass purchased drinks, unfortunately, can not be compared. Because shop kvass is a soda drink flavored with flavors, dyes and flavors.

Almost every lover of a traditional drink has his own secrets of its preparation. Kvass is made, for example, from whey, vegetable ingredients (apples, lemon, rhubarb, carrots, beets, cabbage, cranberries, currants, etc.), rye bread and crackers. To give the drink a special aroma and taste, herbs (thyme, oregano, mint, lemon balm), pine and spruce needles, raisins, honey are added to kvass. They even make kvass from celandine, horseradish, instant coffee, banana peel - such unusual, seemingly components. However classic kvass- one that was prepared either from crackers, or from rye malt.

Kvass is used as the basis for okroshka. Borscht is also made from this drink, it is used in the preparation of marinades for chicken and meat. Instead of water, kvass is used when baking bread. Sweet tooths make jelly, ice cream, cookies from a foamy drink. Fans of intoxicating drinks prepare from kvass.

Composition, calorie content, kvass strength

If we talk about classic malt kvass, then it is impossible not to appreciate its high fortification. This drink contains vitamins(E, H, B, PP), trace elements(fluorine, phosphorus, zinc, cobalt, copper, iron, molybdenum), amino acids(leucine, phenylalanine, lysine, valine, etc.). Fragrant herbs and fruits added to kvass multiply the benefits of the drink, add variety to the taste of the drink.

The calorie content of home-cooked kvass is low - no more than 30 kcal (per 100 g), it contains no fats at all, few proteins, the amount of carbohydrates is about 5-5.2 g per 100 g of product. Kvass is a drink in which alcohol usually does not exceed 2.5%. But sometimes connoisseurs make all kinds of cocktails, which include kvass and. Naturally, the strength of the drink with such mixing increases significantly, but its taste becomes quite rough.

The benefits and harms of kvass

Kvass improves metabolism, has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. During the fermentation of kvass, substances are formed that normalize digestion and eliminate the consequences of dysbacteriosis. It normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle, blood vessels. An ancient Slavic drink is used in case of loss of strength, fatigue, and a decrease in the level of immunity. Vitamins and amino acids in kvass help fight viral and bacterial infections. A real find is kvass for people with vision problems (cataract, optic nerve atrophy, glaucoma).

Despite all the healing properties of kvass, it also has contraindications. Kvass is used with caution in diseases of the kidneys and liver. This drink is undesirable for people suffering from stomach ulcers. Pregnant and lactating women should drink kvass with caution because of the threat of fluid retention in the body. Drivers will also have to refuse a mug of cold kvass, since even a small percentage of alcohol can lead to unpleasant consequences.

Recipe for kvass from fermented rye malt

For the manufacture of fragrant kvass at home, fermented malt is taken (the one whose grains have been germinated, dried and heat-treated at a temperature of about 60 degrees). True, for a drink with fermented malt, yeast will also be required, since such malt has lost its fermenting properties due to high temperature. However, it is from such malt that the most aromatic and tasty drink is obtained. You can buy fermented rye malt at a retail price of about 150-250 rubles per kilogram.


  • Malt - 100 g;
  • Sugar - 200 g;
  • Water - 4 l;
  • Dry yeast (for baking) - 10 g.

Cooking process

If desired, ready-made kvass can be made sweeter by adding a certain amount of sugar to it at the end of fermentation. Such a drink is stored in a refrigerator or cellar at a temperature not exceeding 10-15 degrees for 5 days.

According to the specified recipe, the first sourdough for homemade kvass is made. For the second and subsequent times, you can make a drink in which kvass sediment is used instead of yeast. It is added at the stage when the malt-water mixture cools down to a temperature of about 25-28 degrees, it is thoroughly mixed, sugar is added and set for fermentation, repeating the same steps as in the indicated recipe.

Recipe for kvass from unfermented malt

If desired, you can make kvass from malt that has not undergone heat treatment. The cost of unfermented and fermented malt is about the same.


  • Malt (unfermented ground) - 100 g;
  • Flour (wheat) - 100 g;
  • Water - 3 l;
  • Raisins - a small handful (20-25 pieces).

Cooking process