Hake: useful properties and use in dietary nutrition. Hake: characteristics, properties and cooking tricks

13.10.2019 Egg dishes

Hake is a fish of the cod family. The size of this fish does not exceed 70 cm, but individuals less than 20 cm cannot be found either. Depending on the length, its weight may vary. The maximum weight can reach 3 kg.

Hake is a carnivorous fish and eats small shrimp and similar food early in its life. Already in adulthood, fish can eat fish such as mackerel or herring, as well as large invertebrates such as squid and shrimp.

hake properties

The taste of hake is very pleasant. The fillet is white, tender and lean. She has few bones, and when cooking, the fish behaves perfectly, does not boil soft, but at the same time separates well if necessary.

The calorie content of fish is small - less than 90 kcal per 100 g. This makes fish a dietary product that can be consumed by those who wish to lose weight.

The benefits of hake

The composition of this fish determines its benefits. So, it contains vitamins of groups B, PP, A, E and C. Among the minerals, it contains more than 10 substances that are very useful for every organism. Hake contains a large amount of omega-3 acids. By the way, most of them are in the caviar of this fish, which is also usable. By the way, these acids are simply necessary for any person. Without them, diseases of the heart, blood vessels can develop, and reproductive function will also decrease. The nervous psyche, not receiving omega-3 acids, will not be strengthened and ultimately this can lead to its looseness.

There is a lot of fat in hake, more than in other types of fish, for example, in low-fat cod. And this property, of course, is a plus for culinary processing. Along with this, the fillet is considered lean, better than the meat of various red fish.

Fish meat is perfectly absorbed by the body, better than animal meat. 100 g of hake contains 17 g of protein, and this is another plus of fish. Due to the large amount of vitamins, fish helps to maintain metabolic processes in the body and normalize blood sugar levels.

Fish helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, and unsaturated fats are responsible for this. Hake is especially useful for diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, it can be eaten even with depression.

Since fish contains phosphorus and other beneficial substances, it helps to improve eyesight - for this you need to eat it once a week. For people who spend a lot of time at a PC, as well as for the elderly, this is especially useful and relevant.

Hake application

Healthier and best fried hake. But other ways of processing this fish are good. However, there is one minus - the hake has a specific smell, which becomes noticeable in the finished dish. However, this drawback can be easily removed by adding greens with a perceptible smell to the dish, for example, dill or parsley.

With any heat treatment of fish, one should take into account the fact that prolonged exposure to heat destroys all its beneficial properties, and the fish becomes a product that is meaningless for the body. Ideally, it should take no more than 15 minutes to cook.

Fried hake is prepared simply: you need to cut the fish, cut it into small pieces, add lemon juice and salt. It is recommended to fry the pieces in olive oil, and the frying process itself should last no more than 15 minutes. If desired, you can sprinkle with herbs or add it to a creamy or sour cream sauce.

hake harm

Hake is an exceptionally healthy fish, so anyone can use it. The exception here is those who have an individual intolerance to the product. In this case, hake must be completely excluded from your diet.

I would like to pay special attention to the correct choice of fish. When purchasing a frozen hake, you need to ensure that the freezing was the only one, and not repeated. The dishonesty of the sellers will give out the amount of ice - if there is a lot of it, then, most likely, such a fish will simply lose all its useful and taste properties.

Hake is a member of the cod family. It is often included in baby and diet food, as it is easily absorbed by the body and contains quite few calories. In 100 grams of this fish there are only 86 kcal. White hake meat is lean and very tender. This fish has practically no small bones, and its fillet is quite easily separated from the spinal bone.

What is useful hake fish?

The beneficial properties of hake fish are directly related to its composition. This product is an excellent source of protein, micro and macro elements such as: fluorine, calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc, iodine, chromium, copper, molybdenum, cobalt, nickel and manganese. Hake is rich in B vitamins, as well as C, E, A and PP. All of them contribute to the normal regulation of metabolism, prevent the occurrence of cancer and remove toxins from the body. This fish contains saturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the whole organism.

The beneficial properties of hake help with thyroid diseases, problems of the skin and mucous membranes, in addition, hake is an excellent antioxidant, and regular use of this fish can even normalize the amount of sugar in the blood. The benefit of hake is also in the presence of useful fatty acids, the lack of which leads to diabetes, disorders in the cardiovascular system, depression, decreased reproductive function and hypertension.

The benefits and harms of hake fish

Hake has practically no contraindications. The only ban on eating this fish is due to a possible allergic reaction. In addition, the benefits and harms of a hake depend on the quality of its freezing and storage. It is important to purchase fish that has been frozen only once, with the relatively thin layer of ice needed to keep the hake from drying out.

According to the chemical composition of the meat, the silver hake is close to the White Sea saffron cod; hake meat contains significantly more fat (up to 4%) compared to most representatives of cod; 16-18% proteins; weight - g, rarely - 3-5 kg.

Due to the good taste and easy digestibility of hake, dishes from it are useful to everyone, they are also used in dietary nutrition. The tastiest hake is fried.

Hake, or hake (Merluccius) is a dietary marine fish with tender white meat, in which there are few bones.


Hake belongs to the genus of the hake family. It lives on the continental shelf of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans at a depth of 50 to 900 m. This silver-gray fish with a darkish back differs from other close relatives in the structure of the caudal fin, which is completely separate from the dorsal and anal. Another feature of the hake is that its lower jaw is longer than the upper. The fish is considered to be bottom, but for prey it rises to the intermediate and upper layers of ocean waters. Young individuals feed on crustaceans, but with age they become predators, and small fish appear in their diet, for example, anchovy, smelt. In turn, hake is a tasty prey for sea lions and small cetaceans. On average, the length of the fish is 50 - 70 cm, the weight reaches 3 kg, but sometimes large specimens - up to 1.5 meters in length - get into fishing nets. Hake spawns in summer. During one spawning season, one female lays around eggs with a diameter of 0.8 - 1.2 mm. Hake live up to 20 years.


Like many fish, hake is easily heat-treated: it is boiled, fried, stewed, baked. For cooks, this fish is good first of all because it has few bones; after cooking, the fillet plates are easily separated from the ridge. Hake meat is considered low-fat, so it can be used to prepare dietary dishes, for example, in the therapeutic diet "Table 5". However, when baking fish, you need to “moisten” it with sauce or broth from time to time. Considering that hake meat is rather dry, it is also better to fry it in batter or a thick layer of breadcrumbs. Hake makes an excellent stuffing for fish cutlets or whites. Steamed hake can be served with sour cream or cream sauce, as well as with herbs with a pronounced aroma (dill, parsley, cilantro). It is better to stew hake with vegetables in tomato, mustard or sweet and sour sauce.

Composition and properties

Hake is literally crammed with useful substances, it contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, fluorine, sodium, sulfur, copper, molybdenum, nickel, manganese. For example, cobalt, chromium, and iodine contained in fish meat provide the body with these microelements by 200, 110 and 106.7 percent of the daily norm, respectively. Hake is also distinguished by a high content of vitamins - PP, C, A, E, B2, B1, B9, B6. Despite the reputation of being a "lean fish", hake is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, especially its caviar. The product helps to get rid of toxins, maintain normal blood sugar levels. It is no coincidence that it is recommended to include in the diet of people suffering from diabetes. Hake is also useful for hypertension, diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.


Allergy to fish.

As cod is popular in Norway, hake is the number one fish in Spain and Portugal.

Calorie content and nutritional value of hake

Hake calorie - 86 kcal.

Hake nutritional value: proteins - 16.6 g, fats - 2.2 g, carbohydrates - 0 g.

Hake fish: harm or benefit to human health?

Hake is a fish from the Cod family, rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins and fats that are vital for humans. It is widely used in cooking because it has a delicate taste and is easy to prepare. The bones are removed from the fish fillet without extra labor.

The meat of this marine life is easily digested by the human digestive system. No wonder hake is used to prepare dietary dishes. Let's take a closer look at the characteristics of the fish, and also figure out how useful a hake is for a person and can it be harmful?

The nutritional value

Hake is most often found on sale in frozen form. Thus, its useful qualities, which are many, are preserved as much as possible. Contains a large number of micro and macro elements:

Hake fillet and caviar also contain vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, PP.

In addition, the composition includes omega-3 and other unsaturated fatty acids that are important for human health.

Calorie content is low - approximately 86 kcal per 100 g.

Agree, the list of useful components turned out to be impressive.

Beneficial features

Having a rich set of nutrients, hake can serve as a real cure for some diseases. Here is a list of the most common diseases in which the use of this fish of the cod family has a noticeable positive effect.

Thyroid diseases

Hippocrates said: “We are what we eat. Food should be not just food, but medicine.”

And this statement is absolutely suitable for people suffering from thyroid diseases.

A healthy, well-thought-out diet has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland, normalizing its activity. And hake fish is one of the healing products that a person with a disordered endocrine system can include in his menu.

The fact is that in order to restore the functional health of the thyroid gland, it is necessary to regularly consume various seafood rich in iodine, vitamins and amino acids. Hake cooked in a double boiler (but not fried) is an ideal dish in this regard.

Nerve disorders

Nerve cells do not regenerate. This saying is known to everyone, but in modern society it is extremely difficult to save them.


Diabetes is a real disaster for humanity. In case of illness, it is necessary to follow a strict diet, monitor blood sugar levels.

Hake, like no other fish, is suitable for performing two tasks at once. From the fillet you can cook a large number of dietary dishes. In addition, fish fillet and caviar lower blood sugar.

Harm and contraindications

Despite all the positive properties, hake has a number of contraindications. If you ignore them, you can cause serious health problems. Therefore, we will consider in as much detail as possible the harmful qualities of a hake.

  • Allergic reaction. Like any seafood, hake fillet and caviar can cause serious allergies if you are hypersensitive to the components. Therefore, it is better for allergy sufferers to refrain from eating this fish for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.
  • Constipation. Fish fillet contains a lot of iron, and it has a binding effect and is contraindicated in large quantities for constipation.
  • Increased acidity of the body. With this phenomenon, it is strictly forbidden to eat hake. Meat and fish roe can further increase the level of acidity and cause an exacerbation.

Presence of heavy metals

Seawater contains heavy metals such as mercury and various fatty contaminants. They are absorbed by the algae, which in turn are used as fish food. As a result, harmful components penetrate the body of commercial fish, and subsequently - on the human table.

There is a list of species that can absorb heavy metals to the greatest extent. These primarily include cod, including hake.

Heavy metals have a negative effect on the human body, especially if it is weakened for any reason. The risk zone includes children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as the elderly. For these groups of people, the presence of hake in the diet should not be made regular.

The harmful effects of polyphosphates

When freezing and packaging fish, manufacturers use food additives / stabilizers - polyphosphates (denoted as E452). They are needed to retain moisture, retain their shape without deformation during defrosting, and extend the shelf life of the product.

Otherwise, the risk of infection remains - anisakiasis. Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, rumbling in the abdomen, flatulence, choking cough, extensive urticaria. If you experience one or more of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.

Hake or pollock?

Pollock is often compared to hake, considering them interchangeable products. Moreover, some buyers do not particularly understand the difference between these fish. But there are differences, and quite significant ones.

  1. Nutrients. If we compare the benefits of pollock and hake, then the second applicant wins (according to the total amount of vitamins, proteins and trace elements).
  2. Price policy. Pollock is the most budgetary fish product than hake.
  3. Taste qualities. Many gourmets believe that hake fillet is more tender and juicier. However, pollock liver is valued as an exquisite delicacy containing a large amount of vitamin A. And here the favorite is obvious.

When choosing between pollock and hake, rely on taste preferences, the usefulness of fish and financial capabilities.

Are all fish the same? We are looking for the most useful!

Fish is the most common and loved by many seafood. Freshly caught and properly cooked fish is not only tasty, but also very healthy. There are a lot of types and ways of preparing it: it can be white or red, fatty or dry, boiled, salted, baked, fried. Depending on the type of fish and the method of processing it, the usefulness can vary greatly, so it is very important to know which one can and is desirable to eat, and which one is better to avoid or minimize consumption.

General information

Fish is one of the few foods that contain almost all the useful elements necessary for humans: phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, D, E, zinc, calcium and iodine. But most importantly, it is an easily digestible protein, which is almost impossible to find in other foods.

The main useful properties of fish include:

  • The ability to positively influence the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • Improve overall well-being, brain function and emotional state;
  • The constant use of fish (at least a couple of times a week) provides the body with high-quality protein and lowers blood cholesterol levels;
  • Improve the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • The presence of OMEGA-3 helps to regulate blood clotting;
  • The ability not to increase body weight, which makes fish an excellent product for a variety of diets;
  • Easily digestible and healthy fish oil;
  • High calorie.

Which fish is more useful: sea or river?

Sea fish is considered one of the most useful products for humans and takes second place in this honorable list. With moderate daily use of it, you can protect yourself from many diseases of the cardiovascular system. In addition, sea fish contains many vitamins and polyunsaturated acids, thanks to which it has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, nails, hair, which makes this tasty product indispensable for women.

Among all types of marine fish, experts highlight red: salmon, chum salmon, salmon trout and pink salmon. The inclusion of these varieties in the regular diet helps to improve vision and slow down the aging process. At the same time, it is worth remembering that prolonged heat treatment leads to the destruction of most useful substances, so it is better to use such a fish salted or lightly salted.

You need to carefully consider the choice of red fish so as not to pay a lot of money for a low-quality product: it must be fresh, the color is delicate orange-pink, without third-party odors and mucus.

More affordable, but also useful varieties include pollock, cod and hake - this is a low-fat fish that is great for diet food. It is rich in protein, calcium and vitamin B12 and is recommended for pregnant women.

Cod liver and roe are of particular benefit, they contribute to:

  • Increased immunity;
  • Strengthening teeth and bones;
  • Improving mood, combating stress;
  • Saturation of the brain with oxygen;
  • Improving the condition of people suffering from arthritis and arthrosis.

Pollock is not as healthy as cod and has almost no taste of its own, so it is better to cook it with seasonings or sauces. But still, he has his pluses, we list them:

  • It strengthens teeth and bones;
  • Helps lower cholesterol levels;
  • Normalizes sugar levels;
  • Positively affects the nervous system;
  • Helps people suffering from thyroid diseases.

Herring have the most useful fats for the human body and are well absorbed. We list the most common fish of this family.

Herring is an affordable, tasty and healthy fish. Before choosing, pay attention to the following criteria: the carcass must be elastic, steel-colored and without foreign odors. Useful properties include:

  • Beneficial effect on the nervous, circulatory and digestive systems;
  • High content of protein and fat;
  • The content of useful trace elements and vitamins A, B and D.

Sardine is a fish of the herring family, its meat is well digested and has many useful properties:

  • Contains omega fatty acids, vitamins B12 and calcium;
  • Improves brain function and vision;
  • Helps to strengthen the immune system and prevents the appearance of blood clots;
  • Boiled sardine meat contains antioxidant Q10;
  • Can reduce the frequency of asthma attacks;
  • Has an anti-inflammatory effect.

River fish is more affordable, but not as valuable as sea fish. But despite this, there are many good types of river fish that are not only healthy, but also tasty. Their meat is easily digestible, contains a lot of proteins and is recommended for those who are on a diet.

Perch can be both sea and river. It has soft and juicy meat, as well as a minimum number of bones. It is especially tasty when boiled or fried. The advantage of this fish is that when frozen, it retains all its beneficial properties.

  • Meat contains antioxidants and phosphorus in large quantities;
  • Has the ability to regulate sugar levels;
  • Positive effect on the digestive and nervous systems.

Carp (carp) is a specially bred fish that lives in fresh water. It has large reserves of fat even at a young age, contains a large amount of useful substances, vitamins and minerals. In addition, she:

  • It has a beneficial effect on the skin and mucous membranes;
  • Acts as a regulator of metabolism;
  • Has easily digestible meat;
  • Contributes to the general stabilization of the body.

Carp has soft and slightly sweet meat, rich in protein, contains little fat. Has many useful properties:

  • Omega 3;
  • Easily digestible protein;
  • Well suited for the prevention of cancer and infectious diseases;
  • Low calorie.

Pike is classified as a dietary fish, it has natural antiseptic properties and contains a lot of protein. Being a delicacy, it is great for baking and frying. Like all other fish, it has many useful vitamins and elements.

Due to the fact that most of the earth's water bodies are now polluted, the accumulation of excess mercury in seafood, including fish, is possible. The larger the fish, the more it accumulates harmful substances in itself, so it is necessary to monitor both the size of the fish and the portion consumed. River fish are more prone to pollution than sea fish, due to the fact that sea water is usually cleaner.

Even though fish oil is very useful, you should not abuse it: it is unlikely that excess fat will help you control your weight.

After the smoking process, the fish passes from the category of useful products to harmful ones. During smoking of any product, carcinogens are formed that can cause cancer. The most dangerous is hot-smoked fish, because the smoke contains many harmful substances, including benzpyrene, a dangerous carcinogen, harmful even in very small quantities.

How to choose quality fish?

It is better to take the fish live, but if this is not possible, then with the help of simple rules you can choose a fresh and tasty fish.

We list the main ones:

  • Fresh fish has clean, transparent and bulging eyes.
  • Weak and natural smell. If it is too obvious, then it is better not to take such a fish.
  • The body itself must be elastic. This can be checked by pressing on it with your finger, if the form is quickly restored, then everything is fine with the product.
  • The gills should be pink or red in color without foreign smell.
  • A stale fish floats in water, while a fresh one sinks.

The quality of frozen fish is much more difficult to determine, practically the only option is to inspect the fish for damage and the integrity of the package.

What is hake fish useful for and how to cook it deliciously

During the Soviet Union, silver hake became famous for being the most frequent guest on catering tables on Thursday fish days. In this, he competed only with blue whiting fish. Hake was cheap, because then, in the era of shortages, it seemed like a kind of slop product that was served on the table in canteens and cafes only for the lack of more decent varieties of fish. Today, when we have a choice, we understand that hake is a fish worthy in almost every respect. Spoiled Europe even considers it the best of 31 species of cod fish. Why? This will be discussed below.

Description of the ocean guest

Hake is also called hake, and this predatory fish lives in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Its population is impressive, experts believe that the world reserves of all types of hake reach 10 million tons, although this number has recently been declining due to unrestrained fishing. The size of an adult hake ranges from 30 centimeters to one and a half meters.

Chemical composition

In its composition, hake is very similar to saffron cod, and in terms of the presence of fat, which is contained in it in an amount of about four percent, it is a champion among cod fish.


These elements valuable for health are presented in it impressively:


The palette of macro- and microelements is even more extensive:

Nutritional value and calorie content of hake

The record fat content for cod fish has already been mentioned, but it is also rich in protein, which its fillet contains up to 17 percent, amino acids and omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids.

About the benefits

Hake is useful for humans, but its various valuable qualities are in demand by different categories of people in their own way.

For adults

The presence of unsaturated fatty acids in hake meat is especially important for people at an age when there are problems with the cardiovascular system. These antioxidants help to normalize cholesterol levels in the blood and thereby help cleanse the walls of blood vessels. It is also useful for those suffering from endocrine disorders. The iodine present in hake has a very beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, but its caviar is very indicated for keeping the nervous system in good condition.

Diabetes slows down its destructive effect on the body when eating hake dishes, since hake fillet, as well as caviar, can lower blood sugar.

For kids

Due to the excellent digestibility of hake, its saturation with vitamins and minerals, dishes from it are highly recommended for older children.

Moreover, hake is indicated even for children who have impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The only contraindication is individual allergic reactions to it.

Separately about dietary nutrition

The almost perfect digestibility of hake culinary dishes, their low calorie content, its saturation with protein and low fat content - all this allows you to automatically convert hake into the category of dietary products.

Is it possible hake

People whose nutritional requirements are especially high have their own nuances regarding this fish.


High nutritional value, good digestibility and saturation with useful substances, it would seem, should bring hake to one of the first places in the menu of pregnant women. So it was even a few decades ago.

Of course, this does not mean a complete rejection of such a useful marine product. Just before acquiring it, it is advisable to ask about its origin.

Fish harvested off the coast of Japan, for example, is especially dangerous due to possible radioactive contamination after accidents at nuclear power plants there.


The same applies to breastfeeding mothers. The abundance of vitamins and minerals in fish helps them to increase the number of blood cells that decreased during childbirth. They also help keep teeth, hair, nails and skin in good shape, help fight fatigue and stress.

The basics of the right choice: how not to buy pollock

Merluza and her relative from the order of cod pollock are outwardly quite similar, but they differ somewhat in taste, composition and dietary properties, in which the hake is undoubtedly the leader.

This is also reflected in the price of the product, therefore, when buying, it is desirable that unscrupulous traders do not sell cheaper pollock to the buyer at the price of more expensive hake.

Meanwhile, it is not very difficult to distinguish these fish from each other:

  • hake is evenly elongated along the entire length of the body, and walleye pollock is wider near the head and narrower in the tail area;
  • hake has a silvery bottom of the sides and belly with a much darker back, while pollock is covered with dark spots all over its body.

How to cook delicious hake

Of course, this fish, recognized by Europeans as the best among its cod counterparts, is in great demand among consumers. Hence the mass of recipes for preparing delicious dishes from it.

Meat characteristics and taste

Hake meat, which is famous for its excellent digestibility, is also very tasty. Its white meat easily separates from the spine, does not spread when frying and is suitable for all types of heat treatment without visible harm to its original configuration.

This meat is also distinguished by juiciness, which favorably distinguishes it from the meat of the same pollock or cod.

Popular cooking recipes

Fish allows you to dream up and cook both ordinary dishes and festive ones. Here are a few recipes for preparing the product that are simple and do not require time.

Fried hake with onions

  • hake carcass of medium size - 1 pc.;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - as needed;
  • salt - to taste.
  • cut the hake carcass into pieces;
  • cut the onion into rings;
  • mix pieces of hake with onions;
  • add salt;
  • leave to marinate for half an hour;
  • breaded pieces of hake in flour;
  • fry in a pan with sunflower oil;
  • sauté onions;
  • add it to the fried hake.

Hake stew with vegetables

  • small hake carcasses - enough to fill the pan in rows;
  • bulb - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • tomato sauce - 100 g;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground pepper - to taste;
  • sunflower oil - as needed.
  • grease the pan with sunflower oil;
  • fill it with hake carcasses, tightly packed in rows;
  • salt;
  • cut the onion into rings;
  • cover them with hake;
  • chop the bell pepper into small pieces;
  • pour it in a layer on top of the onion layer;
  • add tomato sauce;
  • Spice up;
  • pour water to the edges of the pan;
  • add bay leaf;
  • cover the pan with a lid and simmer for a minute.

Hake baked in the oven

  • salt, pepper the carcasses, wrap each in foil;
  • send to the oven;
  • bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for half an hour;
  • sprinkle the finished dish with herbs.

What to serve fish with

Potatoes are considered the best side dish for hake. It harmonizes perfectly with fried vegetables, in particular, onions. Sauces of sour cream, cream and butter are good for this fish. Cooked hake goes well with lemon and herbs.

The fact that hake is sold everywhere without a head is not at all explained by the fact that it looks intimidating, especially with an open mouth in which sharp teeth stick out.

Not at all because of an unaesthetic appearance, but purely for practical reasons, when consumers injured their hands on these very sharp teeth while cooking fish, the heads are completely removed from the hake carcass.

Are there any contraindications

It has already been said about the possibility of fish accumulating poisonous salts of heavy metals, which makes it especially dangerous for pregnant and nursing mothers.

Like many other marine life, hake is also capable of causing allergic reactions in humans, which should be considered by potential consumers of this product.

How to replace hake

Although he is the best among his cod relatives, he is not completely indispensable. There are many other types of fish that can compete with hake in terms of usefulness and excellent taste.


Navaga is extremely similar to its marine relative. Their composition is almost the same, except that hake is superior to saffron cod in terms of fat content and, consequently, juiciness of meat.


This eternal rival of hake in the fish departments sometimes becomes his replacement for financial reasons, but he is unable to completely replace him, because he loses in all respects. The exception is caviar, which is considered more valuable in pollock.


The white meat of both of these fish, somewhat similar in taste, suggests their culinary interchangeability. In principle, the way it is, if it concerns fish cakes and other similar dishes.

However, when comparing their pure fried meat, you don't need to be an advanced gourmet to notice the flavor difference between them in favor of hake. Its meat is more tender, juicier and therefore tastier.

This fish is good in all respects: tasty, healthy, healing, nutritious. It is perfect for gourmet and dietary dishes. If today's predatory hake fishing is stopped, its huge population will be able to feed more than one generation of earthlings.

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Hake is a river or sea fish

Hake, a genus of marine fish of the cod family. In Europe, hake has long been recognized as the best representative of cod breeds. Hake meat is widely used in dietary nutrition and is very well absorbed by the body.

The average length of the fish is 20–70 cm and weighs up to 2.5–3 kg. It has an elongated body, one short and one long dorsal fin. The back of the hake is greyish-black, while the sides and belly are silver-gray. Hake meat is lean, tender, white, low-boned, sirloin plates are easily separated from the bones after cooking.

Most often, frozen fillets are on sale (dry-frozen and glazed), as well as gutted frozen carcasses with and without a head. Fresh hake tends to quickly lose its taste and aroma. Quick freezing helps to slow down/delay this process.

In the first years of life, the hake feeds on small shrimp, themisto, calanus, etc. After the onset of puberty, with a length of more than 31 cm, it becomes a predator and consumes schooling pelagic fish (herring, mackerel, menhaden), large invertebrates (shrimp and squid) . Silver hake spends winter at depths of more than 20 m.

When buying frozen fish, it is very important to be sure that it has not been re-frozen. As a rule, after freezing, the fish is covered with a thin layer of ice, which protects it from drying out. Be careful here: some manufacturers glaze the fish so that the ice layer becomes thicker than the seafood itself. Not only will you have to overpay for the weight of the ice, but the fish will also become tasteless after such manipulations.

If, on the contrary, the fish is too light, this means that it was frozen a very long time ago, and during this time it managed to dry out, even despite the ice cover. If the shape of the fish seems unnatural, broken, most likely, it was thawed several times, and then frozen again. The taste properties of the hake are lost in such cases.

Useful properties of hake

Hake is a rich source of proteins, it contains such macro and microelements as: calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, iron, iodine, zinc, copper, manganese, chromium, fluorine, cobalt, molyben and nickel. Hake contains vitamin C, E, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, A, PP, as well as hake contains saturated fatty acids, which have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Contains very little fat. You can cook many delicious dishes from hake. Hake meat is tastier than cod meat, it is more tender and fatter.

Hake is good for the thyroid gland, skin and mucous membranes, the nervous and digestive systems, it perfectly regulates blood sugar and is an antioxidant.

Scientists advise at least a minimal amount to regularly eat hake, salmon or lumpfish - even small portions of this fish completely satisfy our body with the omega-3 fatty acid necessary for health.

Omega-3 deficiency leads to a violation of the cardiovascular system, hypertension, depression, diabetes, reduces reproductive function and loosens the nervous system.

Dangerous properties of hake

At the same time, it is very important that the fish be frozen only once and properly stored according to the technology. Otherwise, the hake from an ice block, after defrosting, will turn into a structureless, tasteless mass.

So, you need to learn how to distinguish fresh-frozen hake from sluggish bad taste. Since frozen fish loses its taste and useful properties several times, when purchasing it, you need to make sure that it has not been re-frozen. To do this, pay attention to the weight of the fish. As a rule, after freezing, the hake is covered with a not very thick layer of ice, which protects it from drying out. The weight of the fish should correspond to its size. If it is too heavy for its own dimensions, then the manufacturers used a lot of ice to glaze it, which will make it tasteless. And if the hake is quite light, therefore, it was frozen a long time ago, and most likely, during this time it dried up.

One of the episodes of the program “Everything will be delicious” tells how to cook three delicious dishes from hake!

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Hake is a fish loved by many for its taste and beneficial properties. Cooked in any way, it is delicious, and all that remains is to diversify your menu by correctly using additional components and kitchen gadgets. We will learn what hake fish is, how to cook it deliciously in a pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker, and how this gift of nature is useful for the body. Also attached is a step-by-step recipe for hake in the oven in foil with potatoes and vegetables.

Hake in the oven in foil with potatoes


  • potatoes - 5-6 pieces;
  • carrot - 1 pc;
  • garlic - 2-3-4 large cloves;
  • spices;
  • oil - 3-4 tablespoons;
  • water - 2-3 tablespoons.

Wash the fish, cut into pieces.

Advice: do not defrost the fish to the end, when it is still a little hard, it is cut beautifully, evenly.

Place in a bowl.

Sprinkle with salt, pepper, spices (I have Italian herbs), squeeze out the garlic, pour over with oil.

Mix everything, leave the flavors to soak. Cut the peeled potatoes into slices, carrots into cubes.

Add a spoon or two of oils, spices, salt, herbs.

Mix all. Line a baking sheet with foil and lay out the vegetables. Pour in a couple of tablespoons of water, otherwise the fish will turn out to be dry.

Place the fish on top of them.

Cover everything with foil. Turn on the oven, send a baking sheet there, turn on 200 degrees.
After half an hour, pull out the baking sheet, open the foil, send it to the oven for another 10-15 minutes, it will brown.

Advice: if you are not an opponent of mayonnaise, then you can grease it with mayonnaise on top before re-sending it to the oven, it will be tastier.

Everything, our hake fish in the oven with potatoes, baked in foil, is ready, you can put it on plates and help yourself.

Benefit and harm

Hake fish contains a whole arsenal of useful ingredients and a lot of vitamins. Besides. It contains a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to our health in the best possible way. Therefore, it is recommended to cook this fish as carefully as possible, and although it is very tasty fried in a pan, even in batter, even in flour breading, it is still better to use the method of baking in the oven or steaming in a slow cooker. This preserves most of its useful properties.

look more, how to cook delicious fish cakes https://website/vtorye-blyuda/ryba-i-moreprodukty/rybnye-kotlety-iz-putassu/, tender and juicy, very tasty.

Hake fish is useful for:

  • problems with the thyroid gland;
  • with diabetes;
  • nervous exhaustion.

At the same time, hake is an ideal product for preparing dietary dishes.


Like everything good and useful, the fish has contraindications. You can not use it in large quantities for people suffering from constipation, because it contains a lot of iron. Also, if a person has high acidity, he can also be harmed by the use of hake, because he is able to increase acidity.

Many types of fish absorb heavy metals from the water, and cod fish are among them in the first place. Therefore, it is better to refrain from eating fish for children and people with weakened immune systems.

cooking recipes

In addition to the above recipe, there are many more cooking options for this valuable product, which I will briefly give below.

How to fry a hake in a pan

The easiest way to cook hake, and the result is always excellent.

Just rinse the fish, remove the black films. Cut.

Advice: it is better to cut the fish in a state that is not thawed at the bottom, when it is still dense, then the pieces are even and beautiful.

To increase the juiciness and enhance the taste of the fish, you can do this: first lightly fry, and then put in a saucepan and pour over the tomato-sour cream sauce.

Another option: . Separate the fish fillet, salt, sprinkle with pepper. Prepare the batter: beat the egg, add a spoonful of water, a little salt, pepper, beat again. Put some flour on a plate. Dip the fillets in flour, then in batter, and fry.

Tip: add a bit of crushed garlic to the batter, it will be spicy and more fragrant.

Hake with carrots and onions

Also an interesting recipe for a dietary dish.

Rinse and cut the fish, as in the previous version, add salt and pepper.

Stew onions and carrots in a pan, add tomato paste, a spoonful of sour cream, salt, add spices, pour in water, and pour over the fish to almost cover. Then you can put in the oven or just simmer on the stove for 30-40 minutes.

Fish in a slow cooker

Three options, personally tested by me, which I advise you.

First option

Prepare the fish as described above. Put on the grate of a double boiler, put a thick sauce of onion, tomato and tomato on top, and turn on steaming for 40 minutes. Do not forget to pour water into the multicooker bowl.

Second way

Put cereals (rice, buckwheat, or together rice, buckwheat, millet), barley, fill with water 1/3, salt, put a grill with fish on top. Turn on Porridge mode. I cooked this way, see the step by step recipe with photos.

Third option

Cut the potatoes, pour over with oil, salt, if there is, cut the vegetables: bell peppers, carrots, zucchini, cabbage, mix. Put in a bowl, pour a glass of water in which a spoonful of tomato and salt are diluted. Put the pieces of fish on top of the vegetables, turn on the stew mode.

For salads

If you want to cook a fish salad, boil the fish in water with salt, parsley, herbs and peppercorns. Cool and the fish is ready for further manipulations. Now you know what hake fish is, how to cook it deliciously in different ways. Bon appetit and culinary delights!


Hake fish, also known as hake, belongs to the marine predators of the hake family of the cod order. It is considered quite useful, as it contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and other valuable substances. Also noteworthy are the taste characteristics of hake and its ease of preparation, due to which it is actively used in cooking.

Where hake fish is found, as well as its benefits and possible harm to the body, we will tell in our article!

How to choose a quality hake

Hake fish, or hake, is found exclusively in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, mainly at the bottom of the continental shelves. The main criterion for choosing a product is the ratio of carcass weight and size.

Good fish should be heavy in moderation.

If you see that the hake is small enough, no more than two hundred grams in appearance, and the scales show twice as much, this may indicate that an unscrupulous manufacturer “saturated” the product with water from the heart.

As a result, you will pay more than you should., and in the end, buy not a fish, but a bunch of fibers with ice. At the same time, a small layer of ice glaze should still be present - it helps to preserve the taste and smell of the hake.

Fish can only be frozen once. It is also important that it is stored properly. Otherwise, after defrosting, it will lose all its characteristics.

Therefore, it is important to distinguish freshly frozen high-quality fish from a sluggish, tasteless product consisting only of water and ice.

Composition and calories

Most often, fish is sold frozen., thanks to which all its useful properties are preserved.

The composition includes many minerals, such as fluorine, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, chlorine, manganese, cobalt, nickel.

It also contains vitamins: A, C, E, PP, group B, omega-3 and other unsaturated fatty acids, easily digestible proteins.

The calorie content of the fish is quite low - 86 kcal per 100 grams.

It will be slightly different depending on the method of preparation:

  • Boiled hake - 95 kcal per 100 grams;
  • Stewed - 103 kcal;
  • Baked - 116 kcal;
  • Fried - 127 kcal.

Thus, in any form, fish contains quite a few calories, so it can be safely considered a dietary product.

On the pages of our site you will also learn how to cook! We have prepared several recipes for you.

Beneficial features

The rich composition of the fish provides its many beneficial properties, including the following:

  • Thanks to iodine, hake is good for the body in general. and especially for the thyroid gland.

    Using it regularly you can replenish the reserves in the body of this component, normalize the hormonal background and the work of the glands.

    In view of this, fish is especially useful for those who live or work in environmentally unfavorable conditions.

  • Micronutrients such as potassium, sodium and magnesium have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart., strengthen blood vessels, help normalize blood pressure.
  • Phosphorus helps improve brain function, improves memory and concentration.
  • Hake meat helps to restore the physical strength of the body, so it is especially useful for those who play sports or are constantly exposed to physical stress. The presence of magnesium in the composition ensures the prevention of seizures.
  • The beneficial effect of fish on vision is known- it improves it, reduces the risks of ophthalmic diseases.
  • Essential acids in the composition help improve the condition of hair, nails, teeth. The composition of the fish has a beneficial effect on the hands, preventing diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • The product has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, improving its tone and preventing early aging.
  • Meat and caviar of fish helps to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system and sleep.
  • Hake is of great use, as it normalizes.
  • The low calorie content of the product allows it to be included in the diet., especially in combination with vegetables, which enhance its beneficial properties.

What is useful for the body of different groups of people

Consider how eating hake can affect certain categories of people:

  • In the absence of contraindications for adult men and women, high-quality fish will be extremely useful.

    It will saturate the body with valuable components, strengthen it, will help prevent a number of diseases.

  • Pregnant and lactating women do not need to abuse hake. However, in moderation, it will be beneficial, help ensure the correct formation of the fetus or infant, strengthen the skeletal system, and also support the mother's body.
  • The use of hake is good for children. Substances in the composition of fish contribute to proper growth and development, ensure the strength of bones and teeth, and improve mental activity.
  • Useful fish and the elderly. It will prevent problems with the heart, blood vessels, bones, joints, and will also help slow down the aging process.
  • Hake fillets are recommended for athletes- proteins in the composition will provide muscle support.

Potential Health Hazard

Hake is an incredibly healthy fish with a unique composition. However, she has contraindications, as well as points that can offset the benefits and turn it into harm.

Among the contraindications are the following:

  • Allergic reaction. As well as other seafood, hake can provoke an allergic reaction in case of individual intolerance. If you have an allergy, you should refrain from using it.
  • constipation. If you are prone to them, you should use fish in moderation, as it contains a lot of iron, which has a binding effect.
  • Acidity. In this case, hake is contraindicated, as it can further increase the level of acidity and provoke an exacerbation.

Do not feed hake to very young children. Although it is easy enough to remove the bones from the fillet, small bones can remain, so there is a risk that the baby will choke, or that the bone will get stuck in his throat. This can be dangerous to the respiratory system, as well as provoke shock or fright in the child.

Several other points must be taken into account. Sea water may contain heavy metals, such as mercury, as well as various fatty pollutants absorbed by algae and eaten by fish, and then enter the human body along with it.

Codfish, and in particular hake, just belong to the category of these marine life. In view of these risks fish in limited quantities should be consumed by children, the elderly, pregnant and lactating mothers.

In the process of freezing and packaging hake, manufacturers can use food additives and stabilizers, in particular, polyphosphates, which serve to preserve the moisture and shape of the carcasses.

Although many of the additives are considered legal, they can affect the body in a negative way. To avoid negative consequences, buy fish in trusted places.

As such, there are no restrictions on the consumption of fish.. The best option is to eat it several times a week in the amount of 150-200 grams. You can boil it, stew, bake, fry, preparing a variety of dishes. Fish is good for minced meat, as there are practically no bones in it.

It is useful to use fillets along with vegetables and vegetable salads, which enhance the beneficial properties of the product.

Application in cooking

As already mentioned, with hake you can cook a huge number of dishes using different processing methods. Remember only that the meat itself is rather dry, therefore, when baking it, try to periodically moisten it with broth or fatty sauce.

For the same reason, when frying, cover the fillet with dough or a generous layer of breadcrumbs. As for cooking, there are no special recommendations. The finished dish can be served with a creamy or sour cream sauce. Consider how you can cook this fish.


Cut the carcass into portioned pieces, sprinkle it with seasoning and leave for 15 minutes. At this time, make the sauce by mixing a glass of sour cream and milk with two. Add salt and pepper.

Take a frying pan with high sides or a saucepan, pour vegetable oil into it. Now hake should be rolled in flour and fried for ten minutes, then turn over, add finely chopped onion and fry for another 7 minutes.

Pour in the sauce, reduce the heat to low, and cover the skillet or saucepan with a lid. After an hour, you will get a delicious stewed fish. As a side dish, mashed potatoes are suitable for it..


Fried hake will be very tasty. Be aware that due to its high moisture content, it can sizzle and shoot a lot in the pan.

In order to avoid this, prepare a batter. Mix a glass of milk, a raw egg, a tablespoon of flour and starch, salt and herbs. You can pour a spoonful of vodka to make the batter airy. Put the pan on the fire, pour enough vegetable oil. Roll the fish, divided into portions, in flour.

Then prick the pieces on a fork, dip them in batter and place in deep fat. Let the finished dish rest on paper towels. to drain excess fat from it.

You will learn another interesting recipe for cooking hake fish from the chef from the following video clip:

Use for weight loss

Eating hake fillet is recommended for those who want to lose weight. It has few calories and many useful substances that our body needs. The components of the composition of the fish will help maintain the beauty of hair, nails and skin, which often suffer when losing weight.

A number of useful substances of the composition promotes weight loss and speeds up metabolism. In addition, fish will saturate you with protein, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

Thus, hake fish is a worthy addition to your diet. High-quality fish in the absence of contraindications will only benefit the body, and this applies to both health and beauty.

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