Is there an effect from energy drinks. Why you need sports energy drinks

17.08.2019 Egg dishes

In the modern world, a person is characterized by multitasking, and in order to complete all the tasks, a boost of energy is needed. Many people, in order to constantly be in good shape, use stimulants for this: someone drinks coffee, and someone drinks energy drinks.

Some manufacturers claim that energy drinks (drinks) are safe, but this is far from being the case. Therefore, before you relieve fatigue with the help of an energy drink, think about the effect it has on the body.

The history of the first power engineers

Drinks that stimulate the brain and physical activity, - the invention is not new. The first such product was created back in the 12th century in Germany, but then it was not very popular.

In the 20th century, Smith-Klein Beechamon prepared a similar drink for the English sports team, but this almost led to mass poisoning laziness. However, this fact did not reduce the popularity of the stimulant.

In the 60s of the last century, Japanese scientists took up the creation of a new power engineer. They were based on the Beechamon theory. Such a drink entered mass production in the 80s of the XX century.

The most famous product - Red Bull - was developed by the Austrian Dietrich Matesets. It was on the basis of this drink that a large number of analogues were created.

Impact on the body

Due to the fact that in the composition of such a drink there is caffeine and glucose, it has an invigorating effect. And due to carbonation, the effect of its use begins to appear very quickly.

For athletes, special energy cocktails have been developed that have a stimulating effect, as they contain vitamins, inositol and sugar. A vigorous state after using such a remedy lasts for 4 hours. However, when this time passes, the person begins to feel severe fatigue and lethargy.

A positive effect on the body can be noticed only at the beginning of the use of energy drinks. People feel a strong surge of energy, their performance increases. However, at the same time, the body is subjected to severe stress and shaking.

The components that are present in the composition of the drink have a negative effect on sleep. Man starts suffer from insomnia the quality of sleep deteriorates significantly.

With the regular use of energy drinks, the likelihood of falling into depression increases. The person becomes depressed, he is constantly tormented by headaches. If you do not stop using this product in time, even a fatal outcome is possible.

During the constant use of such a drink, the following changes and lesions occur:

  • blood sugar rises above normal;
  • there are interruptions in the work of the heart, as it receives an excessive load;
  • blood pressure rises;
  • heartbeat is very fast;
  • the general defenses of the body fall.

The composition of the drink

Despite the fact that now there are many different varieties of this product, their composition is almost identical.

The composition of the power engineers includes the following components:

  • caffeine - a substance that activates the brain, and it also increases the heart rate;
  • melatonin is an antioxidant, it helps in the regulation of the human circadian rhythm;
  • taurine is an antioxidant that has a powerful effect by accelerating metabolism;
  • matein - a component that reduces the feeling of hunger and helps to lose extra pounds;
  • guarana and ginseng - natural extracts, they remove lactic acid from cells, and also cleanse the liver;
  • oxidizing fatty acids;
  • L-carnitine;
  • fructose, sucrose and glucose take an active part in stimulating the brain, helping a person not to fall asleep;
  • phenylalanine improves the taste of the product;
  • B vitamins help to normalize the functioning of the nervous system.

Consequences of an overdose

With excessive consumption of such a drink possible overdose which has the following symptoms:

  • stomach ache;
  • exacerbation of an ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • arrhythmia;
  • high body temperature;
  • diarrhea;
  • problems with the work of the heart;
  • fainting;
  • clouded consciousness;
  • vomit;
  • auditory and visual hallucinations.

If you notice such manifestations in yourself, you should immediately stop using a dangerous product and immediately seek qualified help.

The dangers of energy drinks

On the human body in a moderate dose, such a product does not have destructive effect. A negative reaction can occur when a person begins to abuse energy drinks.

Constant reception can cause:

  • the occurrence of diabetes;
  • problems with the central nervous system;
  • thrombosis;
  • decreased libido;
  • psychological disorders;
  • epilepsy;
  • problems in the work of the heart and the cardiovascular system as a whole.

Please note that these drinks can be addictive. They are very dangerous for teenagers, since their body is not yet fully formed and is quite sensitive to severe stress.

With regular use of these stimulants effects on the body can be as follows:

  • suicidal behavior;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • miscarriage if the drink was taken by a pregnant woman;
  • frequent and severe headaches;
  • psychological disorders;
  • disorder of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • exacerbation of phobias;
  • loss of performance.

Contraindications for taking energy drinks

  • children;
  • teenagers;
  • elderly people;
  • pregnant women;
  • women who are breastfeeding;
  • people who have chronic diseases;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus have chronically high blood pressure;
  • people who have heart disease, circulatory system or central nervous system.

If you use stimulants of this kind correctly, you can minimize the negative impact on the body. To maintain health and feel a surge of vigor, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Study the composition of the drink in detail and make sure that it does not contain components that can provoke an allergic reaction.
  2. You can drink no more than 500 ml of the stimulant per day.
  3. When the action of the energy drink is over, you need to have a good rest and sleep so that the body can fully recover.
  4. If you want to drink several cans, then this should be done with a short break.
  5. Athletes are advised to drink such a product before training.
  6. Do not combine energy with tea, coffee and medicines.
  7. Do not mix stimulants with alcohol.

List of natural energy drinks

Energy drinks can be seen with natural remedies that have a similar effect, but do not harm the body:

  • Citrus. In many countries, it is customary to drink orange or pomegranate juice in the morning. These drinks are high in vitamin C, so they can provide an energy boost throughout the day. It is not necessary to make juice from citrus fruits, you can just eat an orange in the morning.
  • Echinacea. This herb not only strengthens the immune system, but also gently stimulates the adrenal cortex, which produce hormones. It has anti-allergic and anti-rheumatic effects. There are several dosage forms of this plant in the pharmacy. So, you can find tablets, alcohol tincture, dry echinacea for brewing.
  • Eleutherococcus. This tincture is distinguished by its tonic, invigorating and restorative properties. Often it is prescribed for a deterioration in appetite and stress. This drug has the same invigorating effect as coffee, but does not have unpleasant side effects.
  • Lemongrass. The infusion is prepared from the fruits and leaves of lemongrass. The plant stimulates the cerebral cortex well. This tool is perfect for those who in the middle of the day begin to lose energy and cannot concentrate. Lemongrass will be useful for hypotensive patients, as the tincture raises blood pressure.
  • Ginseng. This tincture can be found in any pharmacy. It well stimulates the immune system, has a tonic effect. Take such a drug should be with overwork and depression. The tincture also helps relieve inflammation and improves the body's immunity.
  • Green tea. This natural energy is present in almost any home. Therefore, it is not recommended to drink it at night, as it not only tones, but also improves metabolism.
  • St. John's wort. The natural antidepressant is quite effective, so they can replace harmful drinks. St. John's wort reduces the amount of cortisol, which is a stress hormone. And also it enhances the production of dopamine and serotonin - anti-stress hormones.

You can prepare such a drug at home. This will require St. John's wort, pharmacy borage and verbena. All components should be taken on a spoon. Next, they need to pour a glass of boiling water. The broth must be filtered and only then drunk. The effect of such a remedy can be felt after 6 weeks. Please note that this remedy cannot be used in combination with other antidepressants.

Top 5 power engineers

Some of the most popular energy drinks include:

  1. Red Bull. Originally from Thailand, he appeared in 1980. It is not harmless, since it contains a huge amount of stimulants and harmful additives. Despite the huge number of dangerous components, this energy drink is the most popular.
  2. Berne. This drink was developed by Coca-Cola. One can of this drink contains the same amount of caffeine as a regular cup of coffee.
  3. Monster. The drink contains a huge amount of sugar and caffeine. Their norm is exceeded several times.
  4. cocaine. The content of caffeine and taurine in such energy is 350% more than in Red Bull. You will not find such a product in free sale, since its sale was prohibited immediately after the start of production.
  5. Rockstar. This non-alcoholic drink is especially popular with fans of extreme sports. However, neither athletes nor ordinary people should use such a product.

Other energy drinks include Dynamite, Effect, Adrenaline Rush. Energy drinks can be either non-alcoholic or alcoholic. The latter options and their impact on health are devastating.

Hello! Today we will talk about energy drinks. A question that I am often asked as a drug addiction doctor is: “Are energy drinks harmful? Or is this just another myth? I remember my husband and I went to St. Petersburg. He was driving for the second day. The eyes were closing on their own, it was necessary to urgently cheer up, mobilize their physical and mental capabilities. At the nearest gas station, we bought two cans of energy drink and safely reached our destination. I remember another case. A young guy was brought to the narcology department where I work in a state of acute psychosis (he was removed from the top of a tree), which developed after he drank an energy drink. I know that after coding for alcoholism, many are addicted to taking energy drinks. So, energy drinks: benefits and harms.

First, let's highlight the two most important contradictions.

One side: the use of energy drinks every year is gaining more and more popularity among young people.
The other side: the use of energy drinks in most cases does not bring success, victories and achievements, but on the contrary, more and more people turn to doctors with various ailments.

Medicine is skeptical and differently about the effects of these drinks on the body. Some argue that energy does not bring any harm and benefit and their use is meaningless. Others defend the point of view that the negative impact on the body is much greater than the positive.

Hundreds of advertisements on television say that for the vigor of the body it is necessary to use a jar of energy drinks, and then your performance will increase many times over, but is there any truth in these commercials? What is hidden behind advertising banners and labels?

Understanding Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are non-alcoholic drinks aimed at stimulating the body's performance.
It is believed that energy drinks appeared not so long ago, however, this is a delusion. Back in 1938, the first stimulant drink Lukozade was created for athletes, but this led to the departure of people.

Also, for example, back in 1994, the Redbull company was created, which to this day is gaining immense popularity among people who use energy drinks.

The main purpose of drinks is to make your body work as quickly as possible, however, all this leads to its complete exhaustion. Remember, nothing goes without consequences for the body.

The fact that energy drinks can be consumed before training is erroneous. Just think about what kind of load goes on the performance of your heart! He has to spend not only energy on stimulating your body, but also on the work that you do in the gym.

There are a huge number of cases of the negative impact of energy drinks. For example, one girl used some kind of energy drink before a disco, after a while she became so ill that she had to call an ambulance.

Or one young athlete decided to cheer up before the competition and drank a can of energy drink. When performing one of the exercises, his heart could not withstand the load and burst, this story ended, respectively, with a fatal outcome.

In some European countries, energy drinks can only be bought with a doctor's prescription at a pharmacy!

Energy drinks: benefits and harms

Energy drinks contain:

  1. Caffeine is a fairly well-known and common product that we use almost daily. Some energy drinks do not contain caffeine, but the equivalent is guarana instead. It contains about 4 times more caffeine than coffee.
  2. Taurine is an amino acid that affects the activity of the heart muscle. But recently I met the point of view that it has no effect on the body at all.
  3. Carnitine is a component that leads to a very rapid oxidation of fatty acids. It reduces fatigue and increases the endurance of the body.
  4. Medicinal plants (for example, ginseng) - reduce fatigue, and also cleanse the liver of toxins.
  5. B vitamins. They increase the activity of the nervous system and brain.
  6. Melatonin. This component is responsible for the correct human biorhythms.
  7. Matein. The main properties of this substance are hunger satisfaction and weight loss.

Pros of using

Who usually consumes energy drinks:

  • truck drivers;
  • people with night shift schedules;
  • students during the session;
  • office workers during reports;
  • lovers of hanging out and visiting nightclubs.

Why? Energy drinks:

  • stimulate mental activity;
  • increase physical endurance;
  • contain vitamins of various groups necessary for the body (mainly B and C), which do not cause a negative impact on human health;
  • really increase the efficiency of the body, but for a maximum of 1-1.5 hours;
  • cheer up and maintain it as such 2-3 times longer than a cup of coffee.

Why and to whom are energy drinks harmful?

If you still use energy drinks, the main thing is to comply with the dose.
Caffeine, which is abundant in the drink, definitely leads our nervous system to exhaustion. As a result, the state of health worsens, the mood drops and the working capacity decreases.
There are also side effects: diseases of the heart, nervous system, kidneys develop. Fatigue, irritation, drowsiness appear, which can soon turn into depression.

Energy drinks are strictly prohibited:

  • pregnant women;
  • children and adolescents;
  • To old people;
  • suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system (for example, hypertension or coronary artery disease);
  • patients with glaucoma;
  • with increased excitability;
  • with sleep disorders.

It is important to know!

As any potent energy substances are addictive!

How to drink energy drinks

It is highly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women. The use of energy drinks during this period can cause an irreparable blow to the health of the mother and her unborn baby.
You can not use the energy drink after heavy physical exertion. The work of your heart muscle was already at its limit, and exposure to an energy drink on it can lead to irreversible consequences.
Never mix an energy drink and alcohol!

The maximum daily dose of any energy drink is two cans!

In order to visually see the effect of the drinks in question on the body, you can conduct a simple experiment. To do this, you will need: a piece of chicken or beef meat and an energy drink. Put meat in a glass with a drink and leave it alone for 1 to 2 days. After a while, you will see how the meat decomposed and in what condition it is. Based on this experience, you see what effect energy drinks have on the tissues of your body and how destructive this effect is.

How to Boost Your Performance Without Energy Drinks

  1. Drink tea that does not increase blood pressure and does not cause a decline in performance later.
  2. Eat buckwheat, bananas and drink grape juice, as they contain complex carbohydrates.
  3. Nobody canceled healthy sleep!
  4. A couple of spoons of honey a day can bring back a good mood.
  5. Drugs that increase mental performance belong to the group of nootropics. A lot of them. The most famous are Piracetam, Picamilon, Calcium gopanthenate, Phenotropil, Cereton.
  6. And, of course, drugs that increase physical performance, raising the overall tone of the body and activating its adaptive abilities: Acetyl amino succinic acid, Melatonin, Calcium glycerophosphate, alcohol tinctures of ginseng, eleutherococcus and other medicinal plants. I like to repeat twice a year a monthly course of Eleutherococcus tincture: 25 drops in the morning and afternoon 25 minutes before meals. Try it!


Each person chooses his own life path: some succeed in sports achievements, while others do nothing and indulge themselves with various energy drinks that have harmful effects.

By consuming energy drinks, you voluntarily cause an irreparable blow to the state of the body. There are a huge number of cases and examples of the use of energy drinks, which ended in death. All the substances found in these drinks have an extremely negative and irreversible effect on your health.

When using energy drinks, many components of the drink, of course, give energy and increase efficiency, but all this is followed by a lot of side effects that are very difficult to eliminate.

Everyone chooses for himself what is more important - his own well-being and health, or the ruined, critical state of the body. Suppress the desire to be like everyone else and trust beautiful but false advertising! Before drinking energy drinks, evaluate their benefits and harms.

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A person has always cheered himself up with various energy substances and drinks, not too burdening himself with thoughts about their benefits and harms. And if earlier it was natural products, such as coca leaves, then among today's youth, various synthesized energy drinks are wildly successful.

The harm of energy drinks does not bother them in the least, and the extension of the time for enjoyment at a party or disco takes precedence over the understanding that the consequences of such fun will sooner or later make themselves felt.

Older people, on the contrary, tend to exaggerate the danger, but their concern is really justified. A string of deaths caused by an overdose or combination of energy drinks with alcohol or soft drugs has forced the governments of some countries to decide to outright ban or allow the sale of energy drinks only in pharmacy chains.

What are energy drinks

Energy drinks are, as a rule, carbonated drinks, the components of which have a stimulating effect on the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems and cause a feeling of a surge of strength and a feeling of cheerfulness from 1 to 2-3 hours.

Doctors say that taking even one allowable dose of energy drinks has such an invigorating effect on the adult body, but after the decline in euphoria, a mandatory 3-4 hour rest is necessary.

The era of modern energy drinks began with the strengthening of the famous Taiwanese tonic Krating Daeng by the Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz with modern chemical derivatives. As a result of this "adaptation" and aggressive advertising, the Red Bull energy drink conquered the youth on all continents.

But Red Bull did not long remain a monopoly in this sector of the market. Coca-Cola and Pepsi immediately joined the production of energy drinks. Each of the TMs has got its own energy drinks - Adrenaline Rush, Burn, AMP and NOS.

Other competing energy drinks are not as popular on the domestic market, but their effect on the body is no less dangerous. Among them are Red Devil, Non-Stop, B-52, Tiger, Jaguar, Revo, Hype, Rockstar, Monster, Frappuccino and Cocaine. The latter turned out to be so harmful that its release in the United States was banned twice. However, Reduz Beverages is not going to stop production, and the Cocaine energy drink can be freely bought in online stores.

Are energy drinks harmful? Yes, the negative impact of energy drinks on the body has been proven. However, manufacturers convince of their harmlessness, if you drink 1, maximum 2 cans per day. But even here, some companies resort to forbidden tricks that can have deadly consequences. For example, Mountain Dew Amp, an energy drink company, decided to give twice as much energy - this energy drink is sold only in 0.66 liter cans.

Components of energy drinks and isotonics

Purely technically, energy drinks are categorized as "Food Supplements". This is what allows manufacturers not to indicate the exact composition of the energy drink, and therefore intoxication and overdose of energy drinks has become a common problem.

In fact, all energy drinks consist of the same components - caffeine, taurine, glucose. To these “three whales”, each of the manufacturers adds components that enhance the stimulating effect of energy drinks on the body - ginseng or Chinese magnolia vine, extract from guarana seeds, melatonin, matein, as well as vitamins B, C and PP. It is this combination of active ingredients that causes the harm of energy drinks for teenagers.

For your information, in a jar of Red Bull (0.33 l) the daily norm of glucose is exceeded by 300 times, vitamin B6 by 2.5 times, vitamin B12 by 50%, and the caffeine content, as in 3 cups of strong coffee.

In addition, in the process of degradation of one of the components of the energy drink, the formation of cocaine is possible. What then can be said about how the Cocaine energy drink can act on a growing body, because its manufacturers claim a 350% superiority of all components over Red Bull.

For some reason, some teenagers are sure that when using energy drinks, some kind of energy cleansing of the body occurs. Although it is more appropriate to say here that the body will need to be cleansed of an excess of some of its components.

Some young athletes are sure that there is no difference between energy drinks and special "sports" drinks - isotonics. In fact, it is fundamental. Dry mixes or ready-made iso-osmotic drinks consist of fructose, vitamins and mineral salts, maltodextrin and an acidity regulator.

The iso-osmotic composition verified in medical laboratories helps during physical exertion - the body tolerates fluid deficiency more easily, the water-salt balance is maintained at a normal level, and the supply of glycogen, vitamins and minerals is replenished. The composition, dosage and method of using isotonics are detailed on the packages.

Why are energy drinks bad for the body?

The benefits and harms of energy drinks are incomparable, especially when you consider that now it is rare to find a completely healthy person. The active ingredients of energy force the body to work in a stressful state, and 2-3 hour hyperactivity leads to wear and tear of the resources of internal organs. After the end of the euphoric action of the energy drink, most experience a breakdown, irritability and depression.

If a person drank energy drinks, the following symptoms and consequences may be observed:

  • caffeine and mateine ​​- tachycardia, boundary changes in blood pressure, anxiety, cardiac arrest;
  • taurine - gastritis, exacerbation of ulcers, arrhythmia, increased nervousness;
  • vitamin B group - redness of the skin, severe sweating, swelling of the face, dizziness, numbness and trembling in the limbs, convulsions, suffocation, increased acidity of gastric juice, blockage of the renal tubules, triggering the development of fatty liver, allergic reactions, urticaria, pain in the heart, edema lungs, anaphylactic shock;
  • glucose, fructose - caries, obesity, diabetes;
  • melatonin - nausea, vomiting, relapse of allergic diseases, exacerbation of kidney disease, epilepsy attack;
  • guarana - side effects are little studied, but the symptoms are similar to caffeine overdose, since the seeds of the plant contain the natural pacemakers theophylline and theobromine;
  • ginseng - headache, dizziness, insomnia, a sharp drop in blood pressure, edema, tachycardia, fever, women may have miscarriages.

Of particular danger in the composition of energy drinks is glucuronolactone. This substance was created in the American military laboratory DARPA as part of the Supersoldier program.

In small therapeutic doses, it helps cleanse the body of harmful substances and fights fatigue. But the amount of glucuronolactone contained in energy drinks exacerbates liver pathologies and can cause hyperglycemic coma.

In addition to the above, energy drinks can cause addiction, withdrawal symptoms, and suicidal thoughts. Long-term intake of energy drinks leads to a decrease in sexual function, psychopathization of the personality, accompanied by a sharp change in mood, incontinence of affects, and social decline.

Is it possible to get poisoned by an energy drink and is it possible to die

Any reasoning on the topic of harm or benefit of energy drinks ends with facts that, not in theory, but in practice, have proven that their intake leads to death. The sad statistics are led by 5-Hour Energy and Monster. The main cause of death is suffocation and cardiac arrest.

Death from energy drinks can occur as a result of their simultaneous use with alcoholic beverages or drugs. You can get poisoned with an energy drink when mixing it with coffee, strong tea or mate.

Undesirable consequences, up to death, have been recorded when taking energy drinks the day before, during or after sports training.

However, the dishonesty of energy drinks manufacturers can also cause death due to an unintentional overdose (for example, you can drink 2 cans of energy drinks, but this does not apply to Cocaine, because its two standard cans contain a dose of 6 times the safe concentration). Many teenagers, remembering that you can drink 300-600 ml of drink, drink ten 60-ml bottles of Red Bull Shot without any fear, not realizing that they exceed the allowable dose by 20 times.

Who should not use energy drinks?

Despite the invented rules for the reasonable use of energy drinks, their intake is strictly prohibited to the following persons:

  • pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding;
  • children, adolescents under 18 and the elderly;
  • hypertensive patients and people with cardiovascular diseases and thrombophlebitis;
  • with renal and hepatic insufficiency, diseases of the pancreas;
  • with persistent sleep disorders;
  • ulcers, diabetics, epileptics;
  • people suffering from glaucoma.

Healthy people should remember that the harm or benefit of drinking energy drinks will depend solely on compliance with the dosage.

How to improve performance

If the body tolerates caffeine well, but a cup of coffee is not enough, then a mixture of instant coffee and Coca-Cola will invigorate well.

If you have a healthy stomach, then as a strong energy drink, you can try drinking 130-150 ml of freshly squeezed lemon juice once. However, it is also not recommended to get involved in such homemade energy drinks.

As a means of stimulating brain activity, it is not necessary to drink caffeine-containing energy drinks. It is enough to buy a pharmacy drug Taurine. However, before taking it, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications, and also remember that in large doses this amino acid leads to the opposite “calming” effect and inhibition of nervous processes occurs.

For people who are actively involved in sports or experiencing heavy physical exertion, it is possible to recommend taking not energy drinks, but isotonics. These energy drinks have no contraindications and contribute to a fairly rapid recovery of the body.

Energy are popular among people who are forced to engage in vigorous activity for a long time. These people do not have time to complete tasks due to the lack of strength, which they are trying to find in the notorious drinks.

The problem lies in the misunderstanding of the harm from this, because how can a “fortified invigorating cocktail” created by skilled marketers harm? And yet medicine treats such liquids strictly negatively. To realize the truth, it is worth weighing the real pros and cons.

What it is

Energy are soft drinks aimed at stimulating the active work of the body. Their main goal is to make the mind and body function at maximum efficiency without feeling tired.

A miracle cure appeared in 1938. Then the first invigorating drink called Lukozade was created, which was used to stimulate athletes. The latter showed excellent results, but then ended up in the hospital with food poisoning. For a very long time, the product was discontinued.

However, in 1994, Redbull appeared, creating its own brand and seemingly high-quality products that have become one of the most sought-after energy drinks on the market. There were no poisonings, so other corporations gradually arose, wishing to get their "piece of the pie" in a new promising niche. Today, there are more than a hundred brands that produce invigorating cocktails. And these are only the most famous in the CIS.

Video: Energy drinks harm and benefit.


The action of any energy drinks directly depends on their composition, the main components of which are:

  • caffeine;
  • ginseng;
  • guarana;
  • taurine;
  • B vitamins;
  • sugar.

Additional components, flavors, flavor enhancers are usually different for each manufacturer's products. It is clear that they do not carry anything useful, and an excessive amount of the same sugar leads to diabetes and vascular problems.

To understand the action of the ingredients, you need to learn about each of them in more detail.


Caffeine has long been known for its psychoactive and tonic properties. It contains adenosine, which suppresses communication with the central nervous system, due to which a person is not aware of fatigue. Under the influence of caffeine, adrenaline is produced, which supports and even increases energy resources, as well as mental activity.

The disadvantages of coffee lie in the depletion of the central nervous system, restless sleep or insomnia, physical dependence, problems with the cardiovascular system. To prevent this from happening, it is enough to drink no more than two or three small cups of coffee or one can of energy drink per day.


Taurine is an amino acid produced as a result of the metabolism of cysteine ​​and methionine. It is found in food (especially meat and fish), so a person even unconsciously consumes the necessary dose of the substance per day.

In energy drinks, the concentration of taurine exceeds 3180 mg / l, taking into account a daily dose of 400 mg / l. This amino acid is harmless to the body, but as an energy drink component, it simply "takes place" without any benefit.

It is added because of "rapid stimulation of brain activity and usefulness for cell membranes," according to marketers. But in fact, scientific evidence for such loud words has not been found.


Ginseng extract increases physical endurance, improves mood and human memory, stimulates psychomotor activity, mental activity. In general, this is a very useful plant that is added to many teas and various liquids.

There is no need to talk about the cons. One can only take into account the fact that during laboratory studies, scientists were unable to confirm or refute both the positive and negative sides of ginseng use.

B vitamins

Energy drinks also contain vitamins of group B, the amount of which exceeds the daily dose by 360% -2000%. However, you should not grab your heart, because unnecessary vitamins are excreted in the “classical” way and do not have a negative effect on the body. But their presence in drinks is not justified in the same way as taurine.

They also play the role of "baits" on which the consumer is led. After all, all of us, having heard the word “vitamins”, consider the product useful, right? Marketers skillfully manipulate this. Alas, the desired effect is not expected.


Guarana is an analogue of caffeine, extracted from the seeds of the Amazonian creeper. The properties of this substance are similar to those of caffeine, only the effectiveness is several times higher. For an approximate calculation, 40 mg of caffeine is equated to 1 g of guarana.

Energy producers combine both components to prolong the effect and make it as strong as possible. Thanks to this symbiosis, the body can stay awake for up to 5 hours without feeling tired. But then she will descend in full dress, forcing you to fall asleep on the go.


It cannot be said that energy drinks are not useful at all, otherwise they would not have become so in demand. The main argument "for" is the opportunity to cheer up and "find access" to the active work of the brain, sources of inspiration.

Pleases the time for which such an effect is achieved. It comes almost instantly and lasts at least three hours. For example, coffee or tea are not so effective, because they begin to act after 15 minutes, adding vigor for no more than an hour.

Another plus is ease of use. Just open a can and drink, even while driving. Coffee is usually consumed hot, so such tricks will not work with it - unless a thermos helps. In any case, the energy drink invigorates much better than coffee, tea or special medications.

Harm and contraindications

The harm of energy drinks outweighs the benefits. They are like a small bomb, which, when exploding, causes damage to all body systems. This is a carbonated sweet, which contains a lot of harmful or meaningless ingredients.

At a minimum, such a cocktail leads to the formation of caries, an increase in blood sugar, and a decrease in immunity. It depletes the nervous system, the consequences of which are poor health, decreased performance, loss of strength, irritability, and depression.

  • with gastritis, pancreatitis, ulcers;
  • To old people;
  • pregnant women;
  • with increased excitability and sleep disorders;
  • children and adolescents;
  • suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system, glaucoma, pressure problems;
  • with sensitivity to caffeine.

Side effects from excessive consumption of energy drinks include palpitations, tremors in the limbs, fatigue, and drowsiness. And an overdose leads to cardiac arrest and death or coma.

Scientists have found that the "killer" dose is 15-25 cans of liquid. The difference depends on the endurance of the body, the frequency of taking invigorating cocktails, even the weight of the person. Therefore, you should not lean on energy, even if you urgently need to cheer up.

How to use without harm to health

Despite all the warnings, energy drinks can be drunk without harm to health. To do this, it is enough to adhere to the daily dose of the substance - 2-3 cans. If you do not exceed it and allow the body to recover after taking the "potion", its effect will be neutralized.

You should not use it after playing sports, because the pressure will rise to dangerous levels. It is also undesirable to drink other drinks containing caffeine within 3-5 hours after taking the energy drink.

Do not mix energy drinks and alcohol. Although the effect of the cocktail removes any inhibitions, relaxes the mind, tones the body - this all happens only in the first few hours. Then there is a malfunction in the brain, the pressure rises, even a hypertensive crisis is possible.


Energy drinks still do more harm than good. The essence lies in their principle of action, because they do not bring energy, but take it out of the body's resources, take them, as it were, in advance. Therefore, in the future, when the miracle effect passes, the mind begins to slow down, and the body feels desperate fatigue, apathy, drowsiness.

Frequent use of invigorating drinks leads to various diseases, and an overdose - to death or coma. To reduce the harm from energy drinks, it is worth drinking no more than two or three cans per day. In this case, it is undesirable to drink coffee, tea or other liquids containing caffeine.

The answer to the main question "Is it possible to drink energy drinks?" - yes, when you urgently need to recharge your batteries. But it is advisable to do this at least once a week, so that the body has time to “cleanse itself”. You can't drink energy drinks every day. And it is important to monitor your own well-being in order to stop at the right time.

Today you can often hear about "wonderful" drinks that give a feeling of lightness, vivacity and a burst of energy. They began to be popular among athletes (in fitness centers) to achieve new records, students during exams, drivers and all those who need to be in a cheerful state. We are talking about energy drinks. But is it safe to use them, as presented by their manufacturers? Can they be used at all, and do they have a harmful effect on our body?

The use of stimulants has been known since time immemorial. So, for example, in the Middle East, coffee was used as a stimulant drink, in China and Asia - tea, in Africa - kola nuts. Siberia and the Far East were fond of lemongrass, aralia and ginseng. On an industrial scale, energy drinks began to be produced relatively recently, at the end of the twentieth century. The first popular energy drink, in addition to Coca-Cola and Pepsi, was Red Bull. Following him, Burn and Adrenaline Rush were put into production.

Energy drinks or “energy drinks” are a non-alcoholic or low-alcohol mixture that is designed to stimulate the human nervous system, increase its performance and eliminate lethargy and drowsiness. In addition, energy drinks are highly carbonated products (carbonic acid (H2CO3) is present in the composition in a significant dose), which accelerates the process of assimilation of the components and the onset of the effect.

Manufacturers of various types of energy drinks unanimously claim that their products are absolutely safe to consume. However, on the packaging of energy products, they indicate the maximum dose, the use of which does not cause harm to the body. In our country, a vigor drink can be purchased at any store, and even a child can do this, although, as it turned out, children are forbidden to drink this drink, and manufacturers do not indicate this fact on product packaging in principle. Meanwhile, in some countries of Western Europe (France, Denmark and Norway), energy drinks are officially banned. They are sold only in pharmacies, since energy products are considered medicine.

The extraordinary effect of energy drinks is achieved due to the tonic substances included in its composition, most often it is synthetic caffeine in large doses (up to 320 mg / l with an allowable 150 mg per day) (or gurana, tea or mate extracts containing caffeine), which increases performance and eliminates drowsiness, and taurine. In addition, energy drinks contain biologically active substances from medicinal plants (exceeding doses of which cause nausea and vomiting), as well as some B vitamins (B2, C, B5, PP, B6, B12), the quantitative content of which in one jar exceeds the daily intake. It is no secret that an excess of some vitamins causes more harm to the body than their deficiency. In this case, an increased dose of B vitamins increases the pulse rate and causes trembling in the limbs.

It is widely believed that energy drinks improve mood, relieve fatigue, and also activate mental activity. The duration of action of these drinks is twice the effect of drinking a cup of coffee. Caffeine, namely only part of it, is usually excreted from the body after three to five hours, therefore, during this period, it is not recommended to consume other drinks containing caffeine, as this may contribute to exceeding the permissible daily dose.

Most experts in the field of medicine claim that energy drinks are vitamin substitutes for natural coffee, but their effect is more dangerous for health. Many energy drinks contain a dangerous substance (chemical) glucuronolactone. The dose of this substance in two cans of an energy drink exceeds the daily norm by five hundred times! This substance was developed and used by the US military to boost the morale of American soldiers during the Vietnam War. The results were catastrophically devastating. As a result of taking this substance, soldiers developed brain tumors, as well as cirrhosis of the liver. Therefore, soon the drug was banned.

Manufacturers' claims that energy drinks replenish our body with energy are absolutely unfounded. The liquid itself does not contain any energy, it only stimulates our own energy reserves. In other words, we use our own energy, which we sort of borrow from ourselves. But this debt will have to be repaid only with interest in the form of insomnia, irritability, fatigue and depression. The carbohydrates, amino acids, vitamins, minerals contained in drinks only partially compensate for energy costs.

Of course, you can use energy drinks, but its doses should be single (no more than one can per day), since exceeding the use of permissible doses can lead to depletion of nerve cells. In addition, the frequent use of energy drinks due to increased workload on the heart can contribute to the development of tachycardia. Taurine also seriously affects the heart and can contribute to arrhythmia. In addition, taurine stimulates the production of gastric juice, an excess of which can cause the development of stomach ulcers or gastritis. In addition, the use of energy drinks affects the potency, significantly reducing it, leads to overwork and the development of insomnia, as well as the rapid depletion of the body's energy resources.

Despite all the assurances of manufacturers, energy drinks are addictive. This is due to the fact that adrenaline in the blood prevents the production of adrenaline in a natural way, significantly reducing it. And to get the desired result, an ever larger and larger dose of energy will be required. Exceeding the maximum possible dose of an energy drink can cause side effects: nervousness, depression, tachycardia, psychomotor agitation. Refusal to systematically use an energy drink can lead to a depressive state, drowsiness, and lethargy. This can be compensated by walking in the fresh air, physical activity. Particularly difficult cases require medical treatment.

Energy drinks that combine glucose and caffeine have an extremely harmful effect on a young body. Even in a calm state, without physical exertion, drinking an energy drink increases heart rate and blood pressure. “Hooked” on such drinks, children begin to use alcohol-containing cocktails. Energy drinks stimulate increased consumption of alcoholic beverages. Mixing energy drinks with alcohol is a direct road to death. Caffeine greatly enhances the effect of alcohol on the brain. In general, alcohol and caffeine have completely different effects on the body. Alcohol is relaxing, caffeine is stimulating. As a result, the heart wears out quickly. The popular mixing of energy drinks with alcohol has led to the production of ready-made cocktails such as Alcopop, which often contain taurine or guarana extract, which gives the drink a specific flavor. However, energy drinks, due to amphetamine-like action, can be used to restore the nervous system and relieve swelling in hangovers.

The use of energy drinks has many contraindications, which, as a rule, the manufacturer forgets to mention on the packaging of their product. And if it does, it's in small print, which most of us don't even pay attention to. Energy drinks are contraindicated for use by children, adolescents, women during pregnancy and lactation, the elderly, in the presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, arterial hypertension, hypertension, chronic and acute diseases of the stomach and pancreas. In addition, people suffering from insomnia, glaucoma, hyperexcitability and especially sensitive to caffeine are also not recommended to consume energy drinks and other energy products. Also, energy drinks are contraindicated for people who drive a car or operate any machines and mechanisms, since large doses of caffeine slow down the reaction and inadequate perception of their capabilities. Fitness enthusiasts should also know that caffeine has outstanding diuretic properties, so it is forbidden to drink an energy drink after a workout, since the workout itself contributes to a large loss of fluid.

Whether or not to drink energy drinks is up to you. Of course, there are times when a jar of an invigorating drink is simply necessary (night shift, preparation for exams). But, as you know, everything should be in moderation. Therefore, before using the second and next jar of energy drinks, think about it: is it worth risking your health for a jar of dubious liquid?

Man has always wanted to invent a perpetual motion machine, and now, it seems, the solution has already been found, if there is fatigue, no strength or no desire to do anything - you need to drink an energy drink, it will invigorate, give strength, increase working potential.

Manufacturers of "energy drinks" claim that their products bring only benefits - just one jar of a miracle drink, and a person is again fresh, cheerful and efficient. However, many doctors and scientists oppose such drinks, arguing that they are harmful to the body. Let's see how energy works on the body. What is more in them, good or bad?

Ingredients of energy drinks:

Currently, dozens of different names are being produced, but their principle of operation and composition are approximately the same.

First of all, energy drinks contain caffeine, it stimulates brain activity.

  • Another indispensable component - oxidizes fatty acids.
  • Matein - This substance is obtained from the South American "mate", it dulls the feeling of hunger and promotes weight loss.
  • Natural ginseng and guarana tonics tone up, activate the body's defenses, remove lactic acid from cells and help cleanse the liver.
  • Glucose and a complex of essential vitamins, including those that normalize the functioning of the nervous system and brain.
  • Energy drinks also contain melatonin, which is responsible for the human circadian rhythm, and taurine, a powerful antioxidant.

In addition, the composition of energy drinks includes carbohydrates: glucose, sucrose, fructose, as well as flavorings, dyes, flavoring and food additives. These additional inclusions are often harmful in themselves, and being in the composition of the drink, they can naturally harm the body.

When do they drink energy drinks and how do energy drinks affect the body:

Energy drinks are used when necessary to cheer up, focus, stimulate the brain.

  • The invigorating effect after taking the traditional one lasts a couple of hours, and after the energy drink 4-5, but then there is a sharp deterioration in well-being (insomnia, headache, depression).
  • All energy drinks are carbonated, which allows them to act almost instantly, but on the other hand, carbonated drinks cause tooth decay, increase sugar levels and reduce the body's defenses.

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  • Energy drinks increase blood sugar levels and blood pressure.
  • The drink itself does not saturate the body with energy, but acts at the expense of the internal reserves of the body, that is, after drinking an energy drink, it is as if you took strength “on credit” from yourself.
  • After the effect of the energy drink is over, insomnia, irritability, fatigue and depression will set in.
  • A large amount of caffeine depletes the nervous system and is addictive.
  • Excessive intake of vitamin B from an energy drink increases the heart rate and causes tremors in the limbs.
  • Almost every energy drink is high in calories.
  • An overdose of energy drinks can cause side effects: psychomotor agitation, nervousness, depression, and heart rhythm disturbances.

Mixing energy drinks with caffeinated drinks.

Around the world, they are growing faster and faster, overtaking even beer and similar products. This is easy to explain, because people today lead a busy life, and in order to feel cheerful throughout the day, many are used to “recharging” from time to time. However, it is dangerous to get involved in energy drinks: one can of such a drink, as a rule, contains three times more caffeine than a large glass of the strongest coffee. Unfortunately, such indicators do not stop everyone. We decided to compile the top most popular energy drinks in the world.


The gold of the list goes to the famous energy drinker Red Bull. He appeared back in 1980 in Thailand and almost immediately won universal love. Unfortunately, this drink is far from harmless - it contains a whole list of harmful additives and stimulants. Nevertheless, today Red Bull is the most popular invigorating drink in the world.

2 Energy Burn

Energy drink from . The energy drink Burn has 49 kcal per 100 grams of product. One can of Burn Energy Drink contains about the same amount of caffeine as one cup of coffee. Burn energy drink, according to the manufacturer, is not recommended to consume more than 500 ml per day, as well as children under 18 years old, pregnant and lactating mothers, the elderly, as well as people suffering from increased nervous irritability, insomnia, cardiac disorders, hypertension .


Another energy drink loaded with sugar and caffeine. In 2011, the producers of the drink were at the center of a scandal: they were sued by the family of a deceased girl who died within a day after drinking two cans of Monster. The connection between the death of the girl and the use of energy drinks could not be established in court, but the drink was still banned in the state of Montata.


It is 350% stronger than Red Bull - it contains a really shock dose of caffeine and taurine. You will no longer find this drink with a speaking name on free sale, since the US Food Control Administration immediately banned the product almost immediately after its release. True, finding it on the Internet is easy.


The invigorating product is mainly used by adherents of extreme sports. However, nutritionists do not recommend it to be used by either athletes or ordinary people. The reason for this is simple: Rockstar contains too much sugar (about the same amount as six donuts) and other harmful stimulants.


Despite the fact that this drink from Pepsi manufacturers contains a huge amount of caffeine, it is becoming more and more popular every day, especially among teenagers. Doctors warn that its excessive use can provoke a number of health problems: insomnia, poor health, obesity, etc.


A product of the Coca Cola Company. You need to drink it very carefully, as a huge dose of caffeine and sugar can give an unpredictable result. So, in America, a case was recorded when a teenager who drank two cans of Nos at a time lost consciousness.


This energy drink was released back in 1990 and, despite the large number of harmful ingredients, immediately gained popularity in more than 40 countries. It contains a high percentage of caffeine, sugar, taurine and other not very healthy products.


Manufacturers characterize it as a low-energy drink that is not harmful to health. Doctors strongly doubt this, since after research it turned out that caffeine in its composition is twice as much as in a cup of coffee. Regular use of the product can cause pressure drops, convulsions and even a heart attack.


The properties of this energy drink were greatly exaggerated at one time. Its creators said it contained herbal extracts, but in fact, Arizona Rx Energy contains only a small dose of caffeine and a huge amount of sugar - the same as in six packs of cookies.