Business: production of instant soups. Types of equipment, inventory, tools, utensils for cooking and dispensing dishes

16.08.2019 Egg dishes
  • 1.2. Soup classification
  • Soup classification
  • 3 Parts / 3 Parts
  • Mushrooms 1 part
  • Weight loss of vegetables during sautéing
  • Beet preparation
  • Blanching (scalding) cabbage and turnips. Fresh white cabbage, if it is a little bitter, and turnips are recommended to be scalded with boiling water before being put into soups.
  • 1.4. The main technological methods for preparing hot soups on broths and broths
  • The cooking time of certain foods and
  • 1.5. The range and features of the preparation of dressing soups
  • Features of cooking certain types of borscht
  • Features of the preparation of hodgepodges
  • 1.6. Soups-puree. Range. The main technological methods for making puree soups
  • 1.7. Clear soups. Technology for preparing clear broths and side dishes for clear soups
  • Cooking technology
  • 1.9. Cold soups. Cooking technology. Range
  • Range
  • 1.11. Soup quality requirements
  • Soup quality requirements
  • Topic 2. Cold dishes and snacks. Hot appetizers
  • 2.1. Importance of cold meals and snacks
  • 2.2. Sanitary requirements for the production of cold dishes and snacks
  • 2.3. General technological requirements for the production of cold dishes and snacks
  • The processing of used products for meals and snacks must be carried out in strict accordance with established sanitary rules.
  • 2.4. Sandwiches and banquet snacks. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • 2.5. Salads and vinaigrettes. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • 2.5.1. Raw vegetable salads
  • 2.5.2. Boiled vegetable salads and vinaigrettes
  • 2.6. Salads from meat, poultry, game and fish. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • 2.6.1. Egg snacks
  • 2.7. Snacks from vegetables and mushrooms. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • 2.8. Snacks from fish and non-fish aquatic raw materials. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • 2.8.1. Snacks from non-fish seafood
  • 2.9. Snacks and dishes from meat products, poultry, game. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • Cold dishes from boiled and fried meat
  • 2.10. Hot appetizers. Technological requirements for preparation, rules for serving. Range
  • 2.11. Requirements for the quality of cold dishes and snacks
  • Physico-chemical indicators of the quality of cold snacks are presented in Table. ten.
  • Physico-chemical indicators of the quality of cold appetizers
  • Topic 3. Sweet dishes
  • The value of sweet foods
  • Classification of sweet dishes
  • Technological properties of the components of sweet dishes
  • gelling agents
  • Fruits and berries are fresh and frozen. Preparation technology and filing rules
  • Topic 4. Drinks
  • 4.1. Beverage classification
  • 4.2. Hot drinks
  • Features of preparing and serving coffee
  • Russian hot punch
  • Hot raspberry punch
  • Punch "To health"
  • Drinks with wine
  • Grogi. These are hot mixed drinks with the addition of cognac, strong liqueurs. Grog is diluted with strong hot tea or boiled hot water. Add a slice of lemon for flavor.
  • 4.3. Cold drinks. Cooking technology, serving rules. Assortment Milk, dairy products
  • 4.4. Requirements for the quality of drinks
  • Topic 5. Chilled and quick-frozen dishes and culinary products
  • 5.1. Significance of the use of quick-frozen products in the development of public catering
  • 5.2. Feature of the technological process for the production of chilled and quick-frozen products
  • 5.3. Technological process of production and packaging of chilled products
  • 5.4. Assortment, packaging, packaging, labeling of chilled dishes and culinary products in functional containers. Terms and conditions of storage
  • 5.4.1. Chilled dishes and side dishes in functional containers
  • 5.4.2. Culinary products in functional containers
  • 5.5. Chilled meals and culinary products in sealed soft plastic bags. Packing, packing. Terms and conditions of storage
  • 5.6. Warming up and sale of chilled products
  • 5.7. Features of the technological process for the production of quick-frozen products
  • 5.8. Factors affecting the quality of quick-frozen products
  • Losses of ascorbic acid in different ways
  • 5.9. Assortment of frozen products. Terms and conditions of storage
  • Storage modes for quick-frozen semi-finished products and finished products
  • 5.10. Defrosting and reheating quick-frozen products
  • 5.11. Quality of chilled and quick-frozen products
  • Periodicals
  • Art editor L.P. Tokarev
  • 1.6. Soups-puree. Range. The main technological methods for making puree soups

    Puree soups owe their origin to French cuisine, in some old cookbooks they are called “French”.

    The basis of such soups is a liquid white sauce on a broth of meat, fish, poultry, mushrooms, vegetables (instead of white sauce, you can use a decoction of rice or pearl barley or milk sauce).

    Soups-puree on cereal broth are called soup helmets, on milk sauce cream soups.

    Puree-like soups are a homogeneous pureed mass with the consistency of thick cream. Thanks to this, puree soups are most widely used in children's, dietary and clinical nutrition, when it is necessary to provide mechanical sparing of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Range. Puree soups are prepared from the following products:

    Potatoes and vegetables (green peas, green beans, young corn, carrots, turnips, pumpkin, rutabaga, zucchini, fresh cucumbers, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels, savoy, spinach, lettuce, leek, tomatoes with apples, asparagus); legumes (peas, white beans, lentils);

    Groats (oatmeal, barley, rice);

    Poultry (chickens, broilers, turkeys, ducks);

    Mushrooms (porcini, champignons, morels);

    Offal (liver).

    Puree soups are prepared vegetarian, on bone broth, on decoctions or broth obtained by boiling or poaching the products included in the soup recipe, as well as on whole milk or on a mixture of milk and water.

    Products intended for puree soups are boiled, stewed or stewed until fully cooked, then wiped. So that the particles of mashed products are evenly distributed throughout the mass and do not settle to the bottom of the dishes, white sauce made from flour (sautéed with or without fat) and broth or vegetable broth is added to puree soups (except cereal soups).

    To increase the nutritional value and improve the taste, soups, in addition to “bean soup”, are seasoned with butter and hot milk or egg-milk mixture (lezon). Instead of milk and butter, cream can be used to dress soups. Butter for the preparation of puree soups according to the II and III columns of the collection can be replaced with table margarine. The dressing is introduced into ready-made puree soups, after which they are not boiled.

    When preparing vegetarian puree soups, the rate of investment of milk and eggs for dressing can be increased by 50% against that indicated in the recipe.

    To prepare the egg-milk mixture, stir the egg yolks, gradually add hot milk and boil with low heat in a water bath until thickened, not boiling, then filter.

    You can use industrially made cereal flour for making cereal puree soups.

    The main technological methods for the preparation of puree soups. To obtain a soup of a homogeneous consistency, the products included in its composition must be brought to readiness and crushed.

    Various methods of thermal cooking are used - boiling, poaching, frying, depending on the taste characteristics of the finished product. Before the end of the heat treatment, browned onions and roots are added to the main product and brought to softening. The products brought to readiness are turned into a puree-like mass. To do this, they are passed through a wiping machine or MIVP. Poultry, game, liver are crushed with a meat grinder, and then passed through a mashing machine.

    To prepare the liquid base of the soup, flour sautéing with or without fat is diluted with hot broth or broth, in which the main product is brought to readiness, and boiled. As a result of starch gelatinization, a viscous liquid base of the soup is formed. It is filtered and used to dilute crushed products. In this case, a stable suspension is formed, and the particles of the mashed mass do not settle to the bottom during subsequent storage of the soup on a food warmer.

    In soups made from starch-free products, flour sautéing can be replaced with rice. The flour used as a thickener can also be replaced with modified (phosphate) starch.

    After combining the liquid base of the soup with the crushed product, the semi-finished soup is thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed and must be brought to a boil.

    To improve the taste and consistency, boiled puree soups are seasoned with hot milk or cream, butter or ice cream. Soups are seasoned with lezon without bringing them to a boil, since due to denaturation and coagulation of proteins, the homogeneity of the soup consistency may be disturbed.

    Ready-made puree soups are stored in a water bath at a temperature of 80-85 ° C for no more than 1-1.5 hours until vacation.

    Part of the products included in the recipe can not be wiped and added to the soup when you leave as a side dish (15-20 g per serving).

    All puree soups can be separately served with corn or wheat flakes (25 g per serving), or pies, or croutons (20 g per serving). The croutons are served separately on a patty plate. For puree soups, croutons are made from dried wheat bread without crusts, cut into small cubes.

    Vegetable and mushroom soups. Carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms are cooked, other vegetables are boiled. Before the end of cooking, browned onions and roots are added and brought to readiness. Softened products are rubbed together with a decoction and combined with a liquid base. Fill and release these soups with croutons, as indicated above.

    Soups-puree from cereals and legumes. Cereals and legumes are boiled, adding sautéed onions and roots before the end of cooking and rubbing together with the broth. Bean soups are not seasoned with lezon. As a side dish, you can use part of the unmashed cereal.

    To reduce the loss of dry matter in the manufacture of cereal soups, cereals can be used in the form of flour. In this case, the manufacturing technology is simplified: the flour is diluted with warm (40-5 0 ° C) water or broth, boiled for 10-15 minutes and seasoned with the products provided for in the recipe. At the same time, the cooking time of soups is reduced by 6-8 times.

    Soup puree from offal and poultry. The liver is fried and stewed until cooked, the bird is boiled. Softened products are first passed through a meat grinder, and then through a mashing machine. Next, soups are prepared according to the general scheme.

    The products ground in a meat grinder can be ground in a mortar with butter and cooled, then season the white sauce with the resulting mass and, stirring gently, add to the soup, without bringing it to a boil to avoid “oiling”.


    Cook, confectioner

    (code, name of profession)

    Admitted to the defense

    Deputy Director of MMR

    ________ N.V. Osipenko


    Subject: The technological process of preparing a complex lunch:

    - Shchi with fresh cabbage. - Stuffed peppers. - Kissel. . - Baby bun.

    Student(s): Semenova O.V.

    Group No. 131 PCS

    Work is done _______

    Student(s) signature_____

    Head of work _______ L.N. Krasovskikh "___" _______ 2016

    Introduction 3

    Explanatory note 4-9

    Conclusion 10

    Literature 11

    Annex 12

    Introduction Cooking a complex lunch is a hot topic. In the modern age of speed, the main task of public catering enterprises is to feed the population quickly, tasty and as healthy as possible. For any category of the working population, it is possible to develop a lunch ration taking into account the required calorie content of dishes.

    The purpose of the written examination work "The technological process of preparing a complex lunch: ... .." is a description of the technological operations for preparing and decorating dishes and confectionery using modern equipment in accordance with the requirements of the qualification characteristics for the profession OK "Cook" 4 categories, OK "Confectioner" 3 categories .

    To achieve this goal, it is necessary to describe the sequence of stages of this work: 1. selection of products in accordance with the recipe and requirements for their quality; the sequence of cooking and confectionery; requirements for the quality of finished dishes and products, storage conditions and the timing of the sale of dishes and confectionery. 2. sanitary and hygienic requirements for the preparation of the workplace in the culinary and confectionery shops, the conduct of the technological process of cooking; 3. organization of the workplace in the shops; 4. types of equipment, inventory, tools, utensils used; 5. safety regulations for the performance of work.

    Explanatory note Shchi from fresh cabbage

    Cooking.Vegetables must be fresh, elastic in texture, with a color, taste and smell characteristic of the species, without strangers. Vegetables are well cleaned and washed. Cabbage is cut into checkers or strips, potatoes - into cubes or sticks, onions - into half rings, carrots - into strips. Onion, carrot, tomato -

    pass in fat. Cabbage is placed in boiling broth or water, brought to a boil, potatoes are placed, brought to a boil, passivation, salt, bay leaf are laid. Boil until cooked at a low boil. Ready cabbage soup is left to stand without boiling for 5-10 minutes to form the taste and smell. Meat is placed in a deep soup bowl, cabbage soup of medium density is poured, sour cream is added and finely chopped parsley or dill is sprinkled. Serving temperature + 65-70C.

    quality requirements: The consistency of the soup is medium thick. There are glitters of orange fat on the surface. The broth is transparent. The taste is slightly sweet, with the aroma of sautéed vegetables, moderately salty, without the smell of steamed cabbage. Vegetables should keep their cut shape.

    Stuffed Peppers(Collection of recipes 2010, page)

    Cooking. Wash the vegetables, remove the stem. Carrots, onions are cut into strips, sautéed with tomato. Then combined with boiled rice, salt, pepper, parsley and mixed. Prepared peppers are filled with minced meat, placed on a baking sheet or a portioned frying pan, poured with medium-thick sour cream and tomato sauce and baked in an oven until cooked at a temperature of 200-220C for 15-20 minutes. Served at a temperature of 65-70C. Store in the oven for no more than 2 hours.

    Quality requirements: The dish is covered with a golden crust, the texture is soft, juicy. Taste is mildly salty.

    Kissel from fresh berries:(Collection of recipes 2010, page)

    Cooking. The berries should be fresh, not crushed, without rot. The berries are sorted, washed, kneaded with a pestle, squeezed out the juice and stored in the refrigerator. The squeezed pulp is poured with water and boiled for 5-10 minutes. Filter. Starch is combined with water and stirred. The broth is combined with sugar, brought to a boil and poured in a solution of starch, juice from the refrigerator. Stir quickly and turn off the heat and sprinkle the surface with sugar so that a film does not form. Kissel is cooled and served in glasses at a temperature of +10-14C.

    Quality requirements: The color of jelly is saturated translucent, the taste and smell are pleasant, characteristic of used berries. Consistency is uniform. Film on the surface is not allowed. baby bun (Collection of solution of flour confectionery products 2010) Quality requirements: products should be of the correct shape, evenly sprinkled with sugar, golden in color, well baked, porous, soft, with a pleasant taste and smell, without strangers.

    Dough kneading: The quality of products is assessed by an organoleptic method in terms of appearance, color, smell, which must meet the requirements of GOST. Flour, sugar, salt - sifted using a Pioneer type sifter or a hand sieve to remove impurities. Margarine is freed from packaging, cleaned, softened. Melange is thawed in warm water and used up to 4 hours. Yeast is dissolved in warm water up to 40C and filtered. In the bowl of the dough mixing machine, the dough is kneaded from a solution of yeast, flour and milk. The dough is kneaded for 10 minutes and left to ferment for 2-3 hours. During fermentation, 1-2 punches are made. The finished dough is fluffy, porous, with an alcoholic smell and a sour taste. Forming and baking. The dough is cut on the table by 88 grams, rounded into a ball and placed on a confectionery sheet.

    Molded products are melted for 30-40 minutes on racks until doubled in size and baked in baking ovens at a temperature of 200-220C for 10-15 minutes until golden brown and with a pleasant aroma. Finished products are cooled.

    Quality requirements: products should be of the correct shape, evenly golden in color, well baked, porous, soft, with a pleasant taste and smell, without foreigners Yield: 80 grams. Terms and conditions of storage: store products on clean wooden trays, stacked in rows on their sides at a temperature of 18-20C, air humidity 65-70% for 12 hours.

    2.Sanitary and hygienic requirements:

    Salads are prepared in a cold shop, where strict sanitary rules, cleanliness of the room, labeling of inventory and utensils are observed, since most cold dishes are not subjected to heat treatment after cooking. All work surfaces, utensils, tools, hands of the cook are well washed with approved detergents and disinfected with disinfectants. Store finished products in refrigerators at a temperature of +4 to +8C and sell them within a strictly set time frame - salads 1 hour. Salads are served in salad bowls or snack plates. In the hot shop, they also observe the cleanliness of the premises and work tables, labeling of inventory, observing the proximity of products, semi-finished products and ready meals. Hot dishes are stored on a food warmer at a temperature of + 70-75C for 2-3 hours. Hot dishes are served in clean heated plates at a temperature of + 65-75C.

    3.Organization of the workplace. The area of ​​the working area is not less than 6 square meters per cook. The workshop must have heating, lighting, ventilation, hot and cold water supply. The workshop uses production tables for manual operations with built-in cabinets. The cook must have all the necessary types of equipment, inventory, tools and utensils. Cold dishes are prepared in a cold shop, first and second courses, drinks in a hot shop, flour products in a confectionery shop

    Types of equipment, inventory, tools, utensils for cooking and dispensing dishes.

    In the technological process of preparing a complex lunch, the following equipment was used: scales for weighing products; washing baths for washing products; a vegetable cutter for cutting vegetables, a refrigerator for storing semi-finished products, an electric or gas stove for cooking cabbage soup, cooking jelly, an oven for roasting peppers; food warmer for storing ready-made hot dishes. Inventory was also used: knives and cutting boards marked OS, MS, KC. For serving dishes, a 500-gram soup plate, a flat plate for the second dish or a portioned frying pan, a glass for jelly, a patty plate for a bun were used.

    5. Safety precautions when performing work: All electrical equipment must be grounded. There should be rubber mats in front of switches and machines. The safety of the machine depends on the design of the presence of fences, blocking devices. Before turning on the equipment, make sure that there are no foreign objects in the working chamber and near the moving parts. The correct assembly and serviceability of the vegetable cutting machine should be checked at idle. Do not overload the working chambers of machines with products, leave the switched on equipment unattended. Do not overheat the burners and oven to avoid damage. When working with hot containers, use oven mitts, lift hot containers only with two people. Do not overload the mixing bowl with dough. When installing the bowl, the locking mechanism must be securely fastened so that the bowl does not move when kneading the dough. After finishing work, turn off all equipment, cool it down and sanitize it.


    To carry out the written examination work, the theoretical material on the proposed literature was studied, the skills of cooking and confectionery were developed during the period of educational and industrial practice to perform practical qualifying work on the topic “Technological process of preparing a complex lunch:…..”. The set goals and objectives were met in full.

    The paper describes the technological processes of preparing culinary dishes and confectionery using modern equipment; description of sanitary and hygienic requirements, organization of the workplace and safety precautions at the workplace.

    A description was made of all stages of the preparation of culinary dishes and confectionery, the requirements for the quality of finished products, the rules for storing and dispensing dishes and products.
    The explanatory note is based on theoretical material, normative and technical documentation, SanPiN.

    Used Books

    1.Anfimova, N.A. Cooking: A textbook for the beginning. vocational education: Textbook for environments. Prof. Education / N.A.Anfimova L.L.Tatarskaya. -2nd ed.ster. - M .: Information Center "Academy", 2010.- 328s.

    2. Buteykis N.G. Technology for the preparation of flour confectionery products: Textbook for the beginning of vocational education / N.G. Buteykis, A.A. Zhukova. - 3rd ed.

    2. Zolin, V.P. Technological equipment of public catering establishments: A textbook for the beginning. prof. Education: Proc. allowance for Wednesdays. professional education / V.P. Zolin. -8th ed.ster.- M .: Information Center "Academy", 2010.- 320s.

    3. Matyukhina, Z.P. Merchandising of food products: A textbook for the beginning. prof. Education: Proc. Manual for secondary vocational education / Z.P. Matyukhina, E.P. Korolkova. - 4th ed. Ster. - M .: Information Center "Academy", 2009. -272s.

    4. Kharchenko, N.E. Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products: textbook. Allowance for the beginning. vocational education / N.E. Kharchenko.-3rd ed., Ster.-M.: Information Center "Academy", 2010-496s.

    The soup shop is one of the most critical areas in public catering establishments. Therefore, the correct organization of its work is of great importance.

    The workshop must have a daily work plan, drawn up and in accordance with the menu plan of the enterprise, indicating the number and range of dishes. The head of the workshop is obliged to timely and rationally arrange the workforce inside the workshop, and each cook must prepare his workplace in advance, check the serviceability of mechanical and thermal equipment, utensils, inventory, etc.

    A soup shop is being equipped depending on the capacity of the enterprise. The type of equipment heating is selected based on the available energy sources, gas, steam, electricity or solid fuel.

    For cooking meat, bone, fish broths, it is most rational

    use cooking kettles with a capacity of 125-250 liters In small canteens, you can also use stove-top boilers with a capacity of 40-60 liters. When calculating the capacity of dishes for preparing bone broth, one must proceed from the rate of laying the bones provided for one serving of soup. To cook 1 kg of bones, you need a 2.5 liter container.

    For cooking soups, it is also convenient to use cooking pots. The capacity of these boilers should be determined depending on the range and quantity of dishes and the timing of their implementation.

    Saucepans, baskets with two handles are used for sauteing vegetables, stewing cabbage, beets. Saucepans with one handle of different sizes are convenient for sauteing onions, a small amount of roots, cooking dumplings, fish, cooking hodgepodge, etc.

    A mashing machine must be installed in the soup shop. The workplace of the soup cook must be provided with the necessary utensils and production equipment. The cook should have at his disposal: special sheets for cutting quenelles, dumplings and profiteroles, a large or laboratory stone mortar and pestle (depending on the capacity of the enterprise), sieves with cells of different diameters for rubbing food and straining broths, screens, colanders and portion molds, scoops and pouring spoons of various sizes, measuring cylinders with graduations, skimmers, meat forks, chef's needles, table scales, boxes for spices, boards for cutting raw and cooked foods, chef's knives, graters, spatulas, strainers, etc.

    Equally important is the proper organization of the workplace of the cook at the distribution, especially in a public catering enterprise that has switched to self-service consumers.

    There should be a heated food warmer at the distribution. The first dishes transferred for sale must have a temperature of at least 70-75 °.

    For each type of soup, there should be a separate measuring spoon, a fork with a dumper for meat release.

    Tools, inventory, utensils, scales must be assigned to specific employees. This ensures the proper organization of the workplace and increases the responsibility of cooks for the serviceability of tools and equipment.

    Crockery and inventory

    To prepare soups, it is desirable to have two pots: one for cooking broths (with a capacity of 2.5-3 liters at the rate of 0.6 liters for each family member); the second - for cooking soups (at the rate of 0.5 liters per person). For sauteing vegetables, flour, tomato products, a saucepan is needed (the so-called pan with low sides or a frying pan. A wooden spatula (oar) or a wooden spoon is used to stir the sauteing.

    It is convenient to take out products from the broth with a slotted spoon, and pour the soup into bowls with a ladle. You also need a colander (or sieve) for discarding cereals and pasta, washing greens, a strainer for straining broths and a sieve with a metal mesh for wiping food. Facilitate the work of devices for cutting vegetables, a whisk for whipping, a metal or porcelain mortar with a pestle, molds for baking side dishes for transparent soups. It is also necessary to have wooden boards (separate for raw and finished products) and knives: rooted - for peeling vegetables, medium length.

    Some time ago, the fast food market in our country could be called profitable for investment. And this fact is not surprising, since the start of the development of this market in Russia was laid back in the early nineties. At that time, it was characterized by a phenomenal growth rate of 70% per year.

    Time passed, and analysts have already begun to note a slight decrease in market growth. In the middle of the 2000s, the market began to show negative dynamics, first of all in St. Petersburg and Moscow, and then in other cities.

    The main reasons for this development are the increase in the well-being of the population, which led to the rejection of fast food, as well as greater competition from other products that can be used as snacks on the go. Such products include various semi-finished products, dairy products, various kinds of snacks, etc. Another important reason was the development of fast food chains, as well as the increasing attention on the part of consumers to their health, which means a transition to better quality food products.

    Could this mean that the fast food market has lost its prospects and it is simply unprofitable to open your own production. According to experts, even despite the fact that the volumes of such products are falling, this market is open to solid investments. Here the main points will be the choice of the right niche.
    Instant soups are not a new invention at all.

    They have been widely used since the times of the USSR. Then they were treated as an inexpensive substitute product suitable for eating, as a rule, when it is not possible to cook a full-fledged soup and you are usually in nature (in the country, on a hike, etc.). From the 1990s until the mid-2000s, such a product became associated with unhealthy and low-quality food through the use of artificial additives and the transition to cheaper manufacturing technologies.

    In our time, when new recipes appear and production technologies are improved, the attitude towards such products is gradually beginning to change. Such changes are noticeable especially in large cities, whose share in sales is about 45% of the total sales of instant soups. Such a product as soup has been and remains the most popular and traditional dish among the majority of the inhabitants of our country.

    And most residents of cities with millions of people spend a significant amount of their time at work, and every day they simply do not have the opportunity to devote themselves to cooking homemade lunches or dinners. The level of their well-being is quite high, and they have the opportunity, and most importantly, the desire to pay for a quality product. So it turns out that premium soups of higher quality come to the forefront. In turn, manufacturers are gradually increasing the proportion of soups that need to be cooked in their assortment, and they are also increasing the number of products that facilitate the cooking process.

    Think over in advance the assortment of your soon-to-be-opened production. Now the biggest demand is for “home-made” soups such as pickle, pea soup, borscht, vermicelli soup in broth, kharcho, mushroom soup, etc.

    Instant food is produced on the Russian market using two main technologies - dehydrogenation and sublimation. Due to its low cost, the most widely used method of production is dehydrogenation. The second option is more expensive, but it was in this way that those famous USSR’s soups were made, poured into paper bags. The dehydration process consists in heating the raw material to a temperature of 100-120 ° C, removing moisture from it and thermally drying the products due to this.

    Such a process, on the one hand, does not allow harmful bacteria to multiply and quickly deteriorate products, and on the other hand, dehydration destroys the cellular structure, changes the consistency, smell and taste of the product, and also reduces the content of vitamins in it. That is why it is mandatory to add binders, various preservatives and flavors to the semi-finished product. Up to 90% of all instant soups on the market in Russia are made by dehydration. They are a mechanical mixture of the main component and fat, a small amount of meat and various flavors.

    To reduce the cost of the product, the main components are dried vegetables, pasta, potatoes and pre-boiled and dried legumes and cereals. In order to increase the nutritional value of the product, ingredients such as hydrolysates of protein substances and tomato products, flavorings and seasonings to improve and enhance taste, gelatin, agar, starch, pectins, alginates to change the consistency, antioxidants and other substances to extend the shelf life are used.

    To produce instant soups, you will need special equipment. The production line includes a 50 liter mixer made of stainless steel, an extruder with a capacity of 100 kg/h, a roller crusher for grinding cereals into “flakes”, a finger crusher, with which extruded cereals are converted into flour, a filling a device equipped with a dispenser for croutons and a semi-automatic device, the function of which is to pack the finished semi-finished product into bags and packaging containers, which are 10-12 containers made of stainless steel, with a volume of 50-60 liters and intended both for interoperational storage and for transporting products.

    Let us now consider the production process itself, which takes place on such equipment. First, cereals are poured into the mixer (buckwheat, rice, pea, corn, etc.). There they are thoroughly mixed and moistened. Next, this mixture is sent to the extruder, which subjects it to the extrusion process. Then the extruded grain goes to the crusher, where it is crushed and then it is again loaded into the original mixer. Preservatives, fats, aromatic and flavoring additives are also added there. At its last stage, the finished product enters the packaging machine.

    Surely, as you understood from the description of the process of production of instant soup and other products using the dehydration method, products, such products contain very few biologically active substances, because all the ingredients and components undergo a rather tough processing.

    The process of sublimation consists in the transition of a substance from a solid state of aggregation to a gaseous state. In this case, the liquid stage is not excluded. Initially, the raw material is subjected to rapid freezing. Next, the ingredients are sent to a special vacuum chamber, in which the pressure drops to 2.7-8 Pascals, due to which the ice quickly evaporates. In this process, heat is absorbed and the temperature of the product is lowered. To keep the temperature within the given parameters, it is necessary to sublimate ice, supplying heat from external sources to the drying zone.

    With sublimation, the most widespread option is drying products by radiating heat from plates that are heated by a hot liquid. These plates are installed in a vacuum chamber close to the products. The mass of products is significantly reduced during the evaporation of ice. To remove moisture that condenses, use plates with a temperature not lower than 55 ° C. During production, it is constantly necessary to ensure that the ice that forms on these plates is regularly cleaned off. Then the finished products are packaged in polyethylene. The most important requirement for packaging is its complete tightness.

    If this requirement is met, the products can be stored for a long period and they do not require any special temperature regimes or any special conditions.

    To remove moisture from quick-frozen products, special vacuum devices are used. Due to such procedures, raw materials preserve all nutrients, vitamins, microelements and their natural taste, color and smell. In order for the sublimated product to acquire its original form, you just need to add water to it. The main advantage of this production technology is the ability and possibility of long-term storage of products in any temperature conditions without deteriorating their consumer qualities for several years. The main disadvantage is the rather high cost.

    However, consumers are willing to spend money on high quality products, and gradually interest in this technology is increasing among those involved in the production of fast food. In our country today, a very small number of enterprises produce sublimated products. Competition is not growing by leaps and bounds in this market segment, because the search and purchase of the necessary equipment is a rather complicated process, just like the technology itself.

    In order to produce instant soups using the sublimation method, it is necessary to purchase equipment such as modular vacuum-sublimation units in the amount of several pieces used directly for drying liquid and viscous materials, low-temperature refrigerators in the amount of 6 pieces (2 for the main production and 4 for at procurement points) used for storage and preparation of raw materials, equipment used for receiving raw materials, marking and packaging equipment in the form of a vacuum packaging machine used for both filling and packaging products, disinfecting equipment, equipment used for cooking and processing of raw materials into soluble fractions.

    It is also important to remember about such things as transport trolleys (load capacity up to 100 kilograms), washing tables, cutting tables, pallets made of stainless steel (in the amount of 400 pieces). You will need space not only for the workshop, but also for the storage of finished products and raw materials. Such products should be stored in dry, clean and properly ventilated areas that are regularly treated for pests. At the same time, direct sunlight should be avoided on boxes with packages, as this can lead to rancidity of fat. In the room, the relative humidity of the air should be no more than 75%. Usually, soups are not briquetted, because this way of packaging causes vermicelli and diced vegetables to break.

    As packaging for soups, it is recommended to use foil or laminated paper bags. Quite often, packaging for easy opening is provided with additional notches on two or one side.

    Experts estimate the amount of investments for the organization of such a plant for the production of sublimated products with its production capacity of about 1,000 tons / year at least 15,000,000 USD. The payback period from the beginning of the lending process is from 5 years. This project, despite such significant investments, is estimated by experts as quite promising. There is practically no competition in this market segment for the production of high (premium) class fast food products. In Russia, only 2 factories are currently operating, producing sublimated products in a large assortment. However, they are unable to meet the demand that currently exists in the market.

    In addition to the production methods that we described above - sublimation and dehydration, there is another option for the production of instant soups. It is called the shock freezing method. The method itself is less expensive than the sublimation method. And products that are processed in this way are able to retain their nutritional and taste qualities. Many people know that the freezing process can extend the shelf life of food. But due to the fact that the air inside the freezer is very dry, the open parts of the products that come into contact with air over a long period release moisture during gradual freezing. The release of moisture leads to a deterioration in the structure of the product and its external condition (color changes). This phenomenon is called freezing by specialists.

    As a result of the use of shock freezing, the products retain their properties due to the fact that the freezing process takes place in a short time. The technology of shock freezing includes 3 main stages. The first stage is a gradual freezing of all components of the future semi-finished product at temperatures of +90 - +3 °C. The duration of the first stage is 1.5 hours. The second stage is the process of freezing and further crystallization of the structure of the ingredients to a temperature of -5 °C. The duration of the second stage is 40-40 minutes.

    The third stage is the process of intensive freezing of the dish at decreasing temperatures down to -18 °C. Due to the high freezing speed, it is possible to preserve the taste and organoleptic qualities of the product, as well as the very structure of the products. To prepare a dish in this way, it is necessary to use only fresh products. As their packaging, air- and moisture-proof materials of increased strength are used. Before the freezing process, vegetables are lightly scalded by immersing them for a short period of time in a vat of boiling salted water.

    Shock freezing technology is suitable for freezing any ready-made meals and various types of products. Using this method, you can process fish, meat, mushrooms, berries, fruits, vegetables, and even bakery products along with confectionery. It is used both for semi-finished products and for ready-made dishes. To carry out shock freezing, you will need to have equipment available, which includes the following components: modular quick freezing chambers, shock freezing cabinets, spiral quick freezers.

    I propose to consider in more detail the process of organizing an enterprise that will be engaged in the production of instant soups (and at the same time other dishes) using the shock freezing method. To equip a workshop with a capacity of 8,000 units in 1 week, it is necessary to install 4-5 freezers, 3 refrigerators, one stove, 2 combi steamers, one liquid product packaging machine and one bulk product packaging machine. In addition, include in the expense item the purchase of tables for the workshop, the necessary equipment, furniture for the office and other additional items. equipment.

    To accommodate all this equipment and organize warehouses, you will need to find a room with an area of ​​​​350-400 square meters. Depending on the location, the rental price will be from 200,000 rubles. The best option for locating such a production would be to place it on the outskirts of the city or in the suburbs. To carry out production maintenance, you will need five to seven workers, at least 2 packers, an accountant and administrative staff. The cost of paying salaries will be (in the case of 10-12 people in the state) about 200,000 rubles.

    Registration of all necessary permits for the production itself and for products will also require funds. The turnover of such production will be about 1,500,000 rubles / month, and the profit will be from 250,000 rubles / month. In general, monetary investments for the organization of such production are estimated by experts at 6,000,000 rubles. This figure includes the purchase of equipment, the payment of rent for the premises, as well as the payment of salaries to employees. These products are sold through grocery stores, retail chains and food distributors.

    There is one segment in the market of fast food products, in which there is also a positive growth trend. It is directly related to cooking. Presented in this market are various “dressings” that go to salads and first courses, various variations of seasonings, as well as crumbly and granulated broths. The biggest demand among the products listed above is for chicken-flavored supplements. Also quite popular are all kinds of “auxiliary” products that are used to prepare such familiar dishes as pilaf, goulash, julienne, sauce, etc. Experts estimate the profitability of the production of instant soups from 4 to 12%.

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    Organization of the cooking process and preparation of national soups

    1.8 Equipment and inventory required for the production of soups

    Workplaces for the preparation of first courses at large enterprises are equipped with digesters of various capacities, in which bone broths are boiled. The bones come from the meat shop crushed, previously washed with cold water. Boiled bones are unloaded into containers or other containers and removed from the workshop. For the preparation of soups, the preparation and stewing of soup sets, the same boilers are partially used in which the broths were prepared. The number of digesters and their capacity are calculated depending on the production program and the schedule for using the boilers for various purposes. Digesters are installed in such a way that internal workshop transport can be used when loading and unloading them, so the workplaces at each boiler must have an area sufficient for this transport.

    Boilers are placed in one line in twos or fours. Mobile bathtubs, trolleys, racks are used to supply raw materials and products. Boilers are unloaded with large manual scoops into food warmers or thermoses placed on wheelchairs. Electric or gas frying pans, or a stove are installed at the workplace.

    Also near the digesters there should be a continuous boiler, from which hot water is supplied to them through a pipeline.

    For sorting cereals, specialized or conventional production tables with sides and two holes in the lid are used.

    Along with the tables, an industrial sink with a ladder is attached to it to drain water when washing cereals. It is recommended to rinse in a colander installed on mobile stools above the ladder.

    For the preparation of homemade noodles, dumplings, flour dressings, the same production tables are used, on which cereals are moved. At the same time, for convenience, it is recommended to attach shelves or cabinets for spices and seasonings at the back of the table on the counter, and arrange a drawer for flour at the bottom of the table.

    Also, scoops, stewpans, skimmers, sieves, shovels, cutting boards, knives are used to prepare soups. In addition to stationary cooking pots, the soup cooking station includes a line of thermal equipment and a line of non-mechanical equipment. The distance between the lines should be 1.5 m.

    Workplace of the cook in the soup section of the hot shop:

    1 - digester boiler KPESM-60;

    2 - frying pan SESM-0.2;

    3 - insert VSM-420;

    4 - insert VSM-210;

    5 - four-burner stove PESM-4Sh;

    6 - a table with a built-in washing bath SMVSM;

    8 - table for the installation of small-scale mechanization SMMSM;

    9 - table with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide SOESM-3;

    10 - wall tablet for technological map

    The line of thermal equipment consists of electric (gas) stoves, electric frying pans.

    The stove is used for cooking first courses in small batches in stove-top boilers, stewing, sautéing vegetables, etc. An electric frying pan is used for browning vegetables.

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