Delicious and strong liqueur from plums at home. Plum tincture

08.09.2019 Desserts and cakes

Plum fruits are more used by housewives in the preparation of sweet dishes, such as jams, marmalades, marmalades and compotes. Fruit is popular in baking. Although you can find interesting plum wine recipes, plum liqueur is quite rare. Few lovers of natural alcoholic drinks undertake to make liqueurs, although plum liqueurs have a pleasant taste and their recipes are present in the national cuisines of many countries of the world. To prepare plum liqueur, it is not necessary to take moonshine as a basis, you can prepare a drink based on vodka or without it at all.

There is no single correct variety of plums for liqueur. You can collect yellow, blue or red fruits and get an amazing tasting drink. However, it should be noted that the fruits of certain varieties make the liqueur brighter, softer and more fragrant. . These include the following plum varieties:

All fruit must be clean and free of mold, caterpillar damage, and signs of disease. The fruits are needed ripe, but not too ripe - overripe plums are unsuitable for making plum liqueur, they will turn the drink into jelly.

You should not be afraid to get poisoned by a drink where there were fruits with seeds. Hydrocyanic acid in the bones contains negligible. But if the bones are removed from the raw materials, then the product will lose its unique almond flavor. The decision remains with those who are engaged in the preparation of plum liqueur with their own hands at home. There are many recipes for making a drink, but there are requirements and rules that must be met:

Every fan of making homemade alcoholic drinks has his secret ingredients in reserve. Taste preferences are individual, someone likes plum liqueur on vodka. Some improve the recipe by adding vanillin, cloves or cinnamon. Some people add orange or lemon zest.

Plum liqueur at home on vodka

The simplest recipe for making tincture is a drink using vodka. The tincture is prepared without additional equipment or fixtures. The time-tested recipe is described in cookery books of different years.

For cooking you will need:

  1. plum fruits - 1.5 kilograms;
  2. granulated sugar - 0.5 kilograms;
  3. vodka - 0.5 liters.

Plums with pits are placed in a glass container, it is not necessary to shake the container, so the fruits will be saturated with vodka from all sides.

The prepared container with fruits is filled with vodka so that the fruits are completely covered with it. The vessel must be tightly sealed and put away in a dark place, the temperature in which does not rise above 20 ° C. The container with the workpiece will stand for at least 45 days.

After 45 days, the juice from the container must be drained and sugar or sugar syrup added to the fruit. Please note that if you use sugar syrup, the strength of the drink will be reduced. But it is sugar syrup that will give the drink a strong flavor. Juice that has been drained must be stored in a cool place.

Plums with sugar or sugar syrup are also corked tightly and cleaned in a cool place for another month. After this time, the resulting syrup is drained from the fruit container. Juice and syrup are mixed, the resulting liquid is filtered through layers of gauze with cotton wool, poured into glass bottles and put on the refrigerator shelf. Slivyanka will stay there for about another six months. The drink is completely ready in 8 months. It can also be consumed young, but then you will not be able to feel the deep taste and aroma. The drink needs to be infused.

Alcohol tincture of plums

The drink recipe does not differ from plum tincture on vodka, but it is necessary to properly dilute the alcohol with water. To do this, you can use the formula: X = 100 NP / M - 100P.

Calculation example: you need to dilute 300 ml of 96% alcohol and get 40% alcohol. We calculate the volume of water. 100*96*3:40 -100*3 we get 420 ml.

According to the formula, X is the required amount of water. N is the main percentage of alcohol. P is the main volume of alcohol divided by 100. M is the desired percentage of alcohol in the output.

So, to prepare a tincture on plum stones, you need a kilogram of plums and 2 liters of diluted alcohol. Making the pour is easy. Fruit must be washed. It is not necessary to remove the stones or cut the fruits in half, otherwise the drink will get an unpleasant taste and be cloudy.

The fruits are placed in a jar or a suitable glass container. Diluted alcohol is poured into a jar so that it covers the fruit by 3 cm. The container is tightly closed. Air must not get inside. Put the workpiece in a dark place with a temperature of 16 to 25 ° C. The drink will stand there for 45 days.

After the time has elapsed, the contents of the jar are filtered through layers of cotton wool and gauze. Everything is bottled and corked tightly.

Plums themselves on alcohol can be used as a snack or used in the preparation of various dishes. Fruits are stored in the same container, in a dark, cool place.

The plum liqueur will have an alcohol content of 30%. The taste is light, plum. The shelf life of the liqueur is 3 years.

Pitted plum tincture without sugar

The method of preparation is similar to the recipe for a drink with vodka or alcohol, only there is no sugar or sugar syrup in the composition.

Would need: ripe plums - 1 kg; vodka, diluted alcohol or diluted moonshine - 2 l.

Preparation: the fruits are washed, placed in a glass bottle or jar, the fruits are poured with a strong liquid. Make sure that the fruit is completely covered with alcohol. The container is closed with a lid and put into a kitchen cabinet on the bottom shelf. Refrigeration is not required for this drink. The drink will be infused for at least 45 days.

After the infusion time has elapsed, the juice is filtered and bottled. You can store the drink in the cupboard, cool before drinking. The tincture turns out to be a liqueur fortress, about 30 degrees, but not sweet. The tincture is ready for use immediately after filtering.

Slivyanka on vodka without pits

This drink is also called plum liqueur. The drink is considered feminine, it is light, weak and sweet.

Required for cooking:

  1. plums - 1 kilogram;
  2. vodka, moonshine or alcohol - 0.5 l;
  3. granulated sugar - 150 g.

Cooking method:

Pouring without vodka

Not every person consumes liqueurs and tinctures using vodka. Plum tincture can be prepared without strong alcohol.

For cooking you will need: plum fruits - 6 kg; granulated sugar - 3 kg; boiled chilled water - 3 cups.

Cooking process:

Making an alcoholic drink at home is easy and simple. At the same time, you get incomparable pleasure from its use. After all, it is made by hand..

Attention, only TODAY!

Homemade plum liqueur is made relatively simply, while the drink has an amazing aroma and a pleasant, light taste. We will look at two of the best cooking recipes. The first requires vodka or other strong alcohol, the second requires only sugar and water. In each case, an excellent dessert spirit is obtained.

Fruit of any variety (blue, yellow, red) will do, but it is preferable to use Hungarian, renklod, mirabelle, canadian or egg plum. The main condition is that all plums must be ripe, but not overripe (otherwise, due to the high content of pectin, a jelly-like mass will turn out) without signs of spoilage or mold. Before cooking, the berries are carefully sorted. Even one bad plum will spoil the taste.

Another important nuance is to make plum liqueur with or without pits. Plum pits are believed to be poisonous because they contain cyanide and hydrocyanic acid. But the concentration of these dangerous substances is so small that it is almost impossible to get poisoned. The choice is yours, you can pre-seed, protecting yourself, but then the light almond flavor will disappear.

Plum liqueur with vodka

The simplest option, the liqueur is prepared by infusing the fruits with strong alcohol: store-bought vodka, diluted ethyl alcohol, well-purified moonshine or cheap cognac. The alcohol base should be without a sharp smell of fuselage.


  • plums - 1.5 kg;
  • sugar - 500 grams;
  • vodka (alcohol 40-45%, moonshine, cognac) - 0.5 liters.


1. Washed plums (if desired, remove the seeds) put in a glass jar or other container, pour vodka (should cover the fruit layer by at least 2-3 cm).

2. Close the container tightly and place in a dark place at room temperature for 40 days for exposure. Shake every 5 days.

3. Pour the vodka infused with plums into another bottle and close, and pour the plums themselves with sugar, close the jar and leave for 15 days in a dark place. Shake once a day. Then filter through cotton wool.

4. Mix the syrup obtained at the previous stage (sugar will draw out the remnants of alcohol and juice) with vodka infused with fruits.

5. Filter the drink through cotton wool or another filter (the amount of turbidity depends on the type of plums), pour into bottles, close tightly.

6. Keep homemade plum liqueur in a cool place (basement, cellar or refrigerator) for 6-8 months to improve the taste.

On vodka

Shelf life away from direct sunlight up to 3 years. Fortress - 24-28%.

Classic liqueur from plums without vodka

We get the fortress due to the natural fermentation on wild wine yeast of the added beet sugar and fructose in the fruits. The technology is similar to making wine. The taste of the drink is slightly softer than in the first case.


  • peeled plum (pitted) - 6 kg;
  • water - 3 glasses;
  • sugar - 2.8 kg.


1. Cut the plums in half, then remove the pits.

2. Put the pulp in a glass container, add sugar and water, mix.

3. Tie the neck with gauze to protect against insects, put the container for 2-4 days in a dark (can be covered), warm place (18-25°C).

4. At the first signs of fermentation (bubbles and foam are visible on the surface, a characteristic smell is felt), install a water seal or a medical glove with a hole (pierce with a needle) in one of the fingers on the bottle.

5. Keep the drink for 30-45 days until fermentation is over (the water seal stops bubbling or the glove deflates).

While the glove is "voting", the liquor is fermenting

6. Filter the plum filling through cheesecloth and cotton. Squeeze the pulp at the bottom with your hands, pass the resulting liquid again through a cotton filter and mix with the rest of the drink.

Not only before, but even now, various kinds of liqueurs and liqueurs are still popular. The advantage of home-made liqueurs, unlike purchased ones, is that they are prepared from the most real, fresh ingredients chosen by you personally. In stores here and there you can find solid chemistry, and in home-made tinctures there are exclusively natural fruits and berries, sugar, water, vodka or purified moonshine. And, this, in turn, is an indicator of the presence in drinks of a lot of useful vitamins, trace elements and substances.

The ingredients included in the tinctures not only improved the taste of drinks, but also have healing properties, therefore, drinks are used not only to cheer up, but also in the form of a medicine.

And, it is desirable that the moonshine be made on the basis of those berries from which you intend to prepare the tincture.

In the manufacture of tincture of plums, you can use the recipes for liqueurs from cherries, only sugar should be put in a smaller amount.

The recipe for homemade tinctures, liquors and liqueurs is very simple, and the result, which is beyond all praise, will not take long.

Plum tincture

Alcoholic drinks made are considered the simplest, healthiest and most delicious. For the manufacture of tinctures, it would be preferable to use moonshine, rather than vodka. But, it will be possible to do without it. The main principle of making tincture will be the preliminary infusion of selected fruits on vodka, as they say one to one, that is, in equal proportions by volume. Then, in the amount of tincture, sugar syrup is added. The output usually turns out to be a healthy and very tasty weak drink of 15-20 degrees. With such a drink, you can pleasantly surprise your guests and family. It is sometimes added to tea.

Weak drinks can be prepared from almost any berries (it is preferable to choose sweet berries), even wild ones, such as raspberries, strawberries, cherries, cranberries, blackberries, lingonberries. It would not be superfluous to say that such fragrant herbs and plants as mint, rosehip flowers, lemongrass will be a wonderful ingredient. You can add spices - cloves, vanilla.

Plums, try to choose the ripest and sweetest varieties. You can safely take even overripe fruits. They are just often used for liqueurs. To prepare a tincture of plums you will need (per 1 kg):

  • 2 kg plums
  • 300 g sugar
  • 1.5 liters of vodka

Ripe plums are washed, dried, cut in half and pitted. After, prepared plums are placed in jars, falling asleep in layers with sugar. At the same time, do not fill the jars to the very top. The jars are closed and exposed to the sun, so that the fruit releases the juice. Leave for one or two days before the appearance of juice. The jars are shaken from time to time to evenly wet the plums with the secreted juice. After that, the resulting mass, together with the juice, is poured with vodka, moonshine or alcohol (the fruit must be completely covered with liquid). Filled jars are closed with a lid and put in a dark and cool place, insisting for a month. It is encouraged to shake the jars from time to time. After the prescribed period, the plum tincture is filtered. When you filter, be careful. Plums due to soft pulp can give sediment in the bottle. This problem can be easily dealt with if you first strain the tincture into a larger container and let it stand for a while. Then the whole thing is filtered again and only then poured into jars.

Plum tincture is ready to use!

It is believed that it is better to infuse plums with seeds. Try this method too.

Plum liqueur

It's no secret that excellent plums are obtained. To make plum liqueur you will need:

  • 1 kg plums
  • 750 ml vodka
  • half a kilo of sugar
  • 3 plum petals
  • 3 cloves, a pinch of vanilla, a piece of nutmeg (optional)

Prepared plums are covered with sugar and seasonings are added. The mixture can be put in a warm place, and after 10 days, alcohol is added to it. After 4-5 weeks, the liquor is filtered through a sieve.

Plum seed liqueur

An analogue of plum liqueur is plum pit liqueur. To make plum pit liqueur, you will need:

  • 250 g dry plum stones;
  • 1 liter of vodka
  • thick sugar syrup (1000 g sugar and 500 ml water)

Plum stones are washed and dried. Then, they are crushed, placed in a prepared container (bottle) and poured with vodka. Bones filled with vodka can withstand a month. After the prescribed period, the finished mass is filtered and mixed with sugar syrup. The syrup is poured into the mixture slowly. Already ready liquor, it remains only to bottle and cork. Store received in a dry place up to 6 months (if possible).

Try the same way to cook cherry liqueur according to the following recipe.

Some families prefer home-made liqueurs on berries and fruits to alcoholic store-bought drinks. But for some reason, housewives often bypass such a beautiful and ripe berry as a plum. Therefore, for lovers of homemade tinctures, we offer to prepare alcoholic drinks from plums!


Step-by-step recipe for making Alcoholic drinks from plums with a photo

Plum wine without yeast

plums - 8 kg;
warm boiled water - 1 liter;
granulated sugar - 1 kg.

Let's get down to business:

First, sort the plums, rinse and dry. Then divide the plums into two halves and remove the stones. Next, you will need a ten-liter bottle, send halves of plums into it, fill it with water.

Take a wooden spatula and carefully remember the fruit. Send a bottle of plums for 5 days in a warm place. After the specified time, you need to drain the infusion, squeeze the plums, add sugar and mix thoroughly.

Pour the juice into a clean bottle, then make a water seal and put the bottle again in a warm and dark place for a month. After a month, the drink must be bottled, put again in a warm place for a couple of months. For a sweeter wine, you can add more sugar. That's it, plum wine without yeast is ready!

Plum wine with yeast

boiling water - 4 liters;
granulated sugar - 2 kg;
plums - 1.75 kg;
yeast - 1 pack.

Let's get down to business:

First you need to sort out the plums, wash them, transfer them to a container and pour boiling water over them. Stir the fruits and remember, use a wooden spatula. Set aside the container with plums in a warm place for 10 days.

After the specified time, you need to remove the mold that has appeared, strain the plum juice into a clean container, add sugar and add yeast. Cover the container, leave again in a warm place for three days, stir every day.

If you cannot understand whether fermentation is over, then use a water lock. If the fermentation is over, then after three days pour the liquor into bottles, rearrange them in a warm place and in six months the plum wine with yeast will be ready!

Plain plum wine

water - 4 liters;
plums - 2 kg;
granulated sugar - 800 grams;
vodka or alcohol - 500 milliliters.

Let's get down to business:

As always, you should sort out the berries, rinse and transfer to a glass bottle. Pour water into the pan, add sugar and boil the syrup. Pour plums with boiling syrup. Set them aside for 8 hours, then you need to drain the syrup again, bring it to a boil and pour the plums again.

Pour vodka into a bottle with fruits and syrup, pull a rubber glove over the neck. Leave the bottle with the contents in a warm place for 14 days. After the specified time, the infusion must be filtered and bottled, and that's all the simple plum wine is ready!

Plum liqueur

plums - 1 kg;
vodka - 750 milliliters;
alcohol - 750 milliliters;
granulated sugar - 200 grams.

Let's start cooking:

First you need to select ripe, but at the same time dense berries, wash them. Dry, and then cut each plum into 4 parts. Pour vodka, alcohol into the pan, mix. Transfer the plum pieces into a bottle, fill with alcohol mass. Close the container, send to a warm place for 4 months.

After the specified time, you need to drain the infusion into a clean container, and pour the plum pieces with fine sugar. The bottle should be shaken, sent to a warm place, let the fruits stand until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then the tincture should be poured back into the bottle with plums, closed and set aside in a warm place for another 4 months.

The finished liqueur should be filtered, the berries should be squeezed out, the drink should be bottled and sealed with sealing wax. When you serve such a liqueur to the table, do not forget to cool it!


dried plums;
sugar - 300 grams per liter of water.

Now let's get to work:

Select ripe berries, wash and transfer them to a bottle, fill the container up to the neck. Then pour water here, set aside the bottle with the contents in a warm place for 45 days.

After the specified time, the infusion that has turned out should be drained into another container and closed. In a saucepan, boil the syrup from sugar and water, pour the plums with hot syrup, let it infuse for a week, then drain the liquid, strain and pour into the first infusion. The drink that will turn out must be poured into bottles, closed and insisted for three months!

Plum tincture on cognac

cognac - 1 liter;
round plums - 1 kg;
granulated sugar - 200 grams;
green tea - 150 milliliters;
verbena - 3 sheets;

Let's get down to business:

First, you should prepare tea infusion and verbena infusion, cool them, add to the washed plums and leave for 12 hours. Then take out the plums, strain the infusion and cook syrup from it, adding sugar. Then the syrup should be cooled, pour in brandy, mix.

Send the plums to a glass bottle, pour the infusion with cognac here, close the container, put in a warm place for three months.

plum ratafia

alcohol 90%;
sugar - to your taste.

Let's start cooking:

Wash the plums well, cut them in half and remove the pits. Plum halves should be crushed and left aside for four hours. Then you need to wipe the plum pulp, use a sieve, add granulated sugar and alcohol in the same amount as sugar, you get a thick plum puree. Set the mass aside, preferably in a cool place for three months, then the drink should be filtered and bottled! That's all, now you know how fresh and aromatic plum alcoholic drinks are prepared at home!

Video recipe Alcoholic drinks from plums

Homemade plum drinks

The recipes for homemade plum drinks did not end there, and now we will tell you how plum liqueur with vodka is prepared!

So, in order to prepare the tincture according to this recipe, you will need:

plum - 1.5 kg;
sugar - 500 grams;
vodka - 0.5 liters.

Let's get down to business:

  1. Wash the plums thoroughly, transfer them to a glass container.
  2. Pour vodka into a bottle with plums, up to the very neck.
  3. Close the container and leave in a cool place for 50 days.
  4. After this time, pour the vodka from the bottle with plums into a clean container, pour the plums with sugar, close the bottle and leave in a warm place for two weeks.
  5. Pour the juice that the plums have released into a bottle of vodka tincture.
  6. Filter the infusion and seal tightly. Let the drink stand for six months, and then you can taste real homemade plum liqueur!
Enjoy your enjoyment!

Plum liqueur is prepared very simply, but at the same time it has an amazing taste and amazing aroma. In different countries, it is made according to completely different recipes and with the addition of various ingredients. We offer you some well-tested recipes for making plum liqueur.

Plum pouring on vodka

If you are a real gourmet and connoisseur of homemade alcoholic drinks, and also like to experiment, then try to prepare a delicious and rich liqueur according to the recipe described below.


  • ripe pitted plum - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 400 g;
  • vodka - 400 ml.


To prepare this liqueur, it is better to take a sweet and sour plum variety, such as Renklod. So, we thoroughly wash the berries, wipe them with a towel and remove the seeds. Then we put the plums in clean jars, sprinkling evenly with granulated sugar, but do not fill the container to the very top. We close the jars with a strong cloth and expose them to the sun for a couple of days. During this time, periodically shake them so that all the berries are well moistened with the juice that stands out.

After the specified period, fill the plums with clean vodka, tightly close the jars with lids and put them in a dark place for a month. During this time, you need to carefully pour the liqueur from a jar of berries into another container 3-4 times and then pour it back. A month later, the finished drink is filtered through cheesecloth and bottled. That's all, the pouring from the plums is ready! We look forward to the holidays and are happy to take a sample.

Plum liqueur recipe


  • pitted plum - 1.5 kg;
  • vodka - 1.5 l;
  • granulated sugar - 300g;
  • ginger root - 20 g;
  • cinnamon stick - 0.5 pcs.


Wash the plums well and dry them on a clean towel. Now we take a cinnamon stick, cut into pieces ginger root and lower it to the bottom of the jar so that the liquor has a rich aroma. After that, we fill a three-liter jar with plums, fill it with sugar and fill it with vodka, filling the container to the top with it, not reaching the neck by a few centimeters. Then we close the top with a plastic lid and remove the drink for 30 days to infuse in a dark, cool place. After a month, we carefully take a sample and pour the liquor into beautiful bottles.

Homemade plum liqueur

We offer you another recipe for making liquor, but not on vodka, but simply on water. In this case, the drink will turn out during natural fermentation.


  • pitted plum - 6 kg;
  • boiled water - 3 tbsp.;
  • granulated sugar - 3 kg.


Pour the plums into the sink, fill with warm water and rinse well. Then we transfer to a kitchen towel, dry and cut in half to carefully remove the bones from them. Next, we shift the fruits into a glass container, pour in granulated sugar and pour in boiled water. We tie the neck with clean gauze on top and put the container in a warm place for about 2-4 days.

When the first signs of fermentation appear, when bubbles and foam appear on the surface of the wort, bottle, install a water seal or simply put on a medical glove with a pierced hole in one finger. We stand the drink for 20-30 days until the fermentation is completely over. Now we filter the wort through gauze and cotton wool. We squeeze the pulp thoroughly with our hands, and again pass the resulting liquid through a cotton filter and mix with the rest of the drink. Pour the finished plum liqueur into bottles, cork tightly and keep for about 3 months in a cool, dark place. After the time has elapsed, the drink can be poured and served to the table for testing.