Salt marinated mushrooms the best recipes. Ryzhik marinated in own juice

06.08.2019 Desserts and cakes

Mushrooms belong to agaric mushrooms and are ideal for salting for the winter. Their name corresponds to their appearance: the plates under the caps are orange in color, the caps themselves are variegated. In the article, we will consider how to salt mushrooms for the winter at home.

The flesh of camelinas is orange and has juice that is not bitter, so they are not soaked for a long time, unlike milk mushrooms. When salting, it is not necessary to cook. Thick legs are hidden under the hats, which are just as good in a salty form as hats, which cannot be said about other mushrooms.

Redheads grow in spruce forests in colonies. The harvest season begins in mid-summer and continues until autumn.

The classic recipe for pickling mushrooms

Description of popular salting and pickling recipes I will start with the classics. The classic technology is universal and simple, because it does not involve the use of water. The mushrooms are salted in their own juice, retaining their original taste and aroma.


  • Ryzhik - 1 kg.
  • Salt - 40 g.


  1. Using a knife, clean the ingredients: make a new cut, put the legs in order.
  2. Put the peeled mushrooms in a bowl for salting in layers, sprinkling with salt. Place a weight on top. After 10 days, the dish is ready for tasting.
  3. Divide salted mushrooms into prepared jars and add brine. If there is little liquid, add a little chilled boiled water.
  4. Roll up jars with lids and sterilize for at least 30 minutes. Store canned food in a cool place.

Video recipe

I think you have not seen an easier way to pickle mushrooms before. This recipe does not include the use of any spices, but if you want to diversify the taste, turn on your imagination or simply put your favorite spices in the container. It will turn out a good side dish for classic French meat.

How to salt mushrooms for the winter

The classic recipe is good because it provides ample opportunities for experimentation, but not every housewife has enough time or courage to do this. Therefore, the cold and hot methods of salting mushrooms for the winter are more popular among the people, which have passed the test of time and have become perfect over the years.

hot way

The hot technology for preparing salted mushrooms is the most time-consuming, since it involves heat treatment. But she also has a huge advantage - any mushrooms, regardless of size, are suitable for harvesting for the winter.


  • Ryzhik - 5 kg.
  • Salt - 250 g.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves.
  • Carnation - 10 buds.
  • Black pepper - 10 peas.
  • Laurel - 10 leaves.
  • Currant leaves - 50 g.


  1. Sort the mushrooms, send the wormy ones to the bin, and cut the large ones into pieces.
  2. Place a large container of water on the stove and heat. Send the prepared mushrooms to the boiling liquid. It is important that they are completely submerged. After boiling again, boil on minimum heat for a few minutes, then reduce heat and hold on the stove for a few more minutes. Be sure to remove the foam.
  3. Throw the boiled mushrooms in a colander and cool to room temperature. Then fill the dishes for salting with mushrooms, laying them with hats up. Between layers, make a pillow of salt, black pepper, laurel and currant leaves.
  4. Place a large plate on top, cover with three-fold gauze and press down with a load. Place the container in a room where the temperature does not exceed 7 degrees. A basement, cellar, or the bottom shelf of a refrigerator will do.
  5. Observe the process periodically and analyze the color of the brine. If the liquid is brown, all is well. Black coloring indicates spoilage of the product.

After a month and a half, you can start tasting. Done right, mushrooms don't disappoint and make good company with fried potatoes or mashed potatoes. However, they are also good as a separate dish with the addition of chopped onions and vegetable oil.

cold way

Cold salting technology is good and this is a fact, because it is better suited for preservation for the winter, since the product retains its vitamin composition and benefits, and is also stored for a long time. The absence of a stage of heat treatment of raw materials adds to the attractiveness of the cold method.


  • Ryzhik - 2 kg.
  • Currant leaves - 40 g.
  • Garlic - 4 cloves.
  • Laurel - 20 leaves.
  • Allspice - 30 peas.
  • Salt - 100 g.


  1. Put the peeled mushrooms after water procedures on a towel. While the raw materials are drying, prepare a container for salting. A glass jar, wooden barrel, or enamel pot will work.
  2. Put spices at the bottom of the container, add salt. Put the mushrooms on top with the legs down, sprinkle with salt. Repeat several layers until you run out of ingredients. Cover the container with gauze, set oppression, leave for 6 hours. After the time has elapsed, the contents of the container will settle. It's time to add a new portion of mushrooms.
  3. Keep the container in a room with a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees. Change gauze every three days. After two weeks, distribute the mushrooms in glass jars and store in the cold. The shelf life of such canned food is 2 years.

Videos cooking

To properly salt or pickle mushrooms for the winter, it will take time and effort, but the result is worth it. The natural taste of mushrooms, complemented by the aroma of spices and spices, will not leave you indifferent and will give you a frantic pleasure.

The benefits and harms of mushrooms

Ryzhiks have always been valued for their incredible taste, and in many national cuisines they are considered a delicacy. Doctors recognize their great benefits, because mushrooms are not inferior to vegetables and fruits in terms of vitamin composition, and in terms of the amount of proteins they successfully compete even with meat. And the benefits don't end there.

  • The composition of mushrooms contains antioxidants that strengthen the immune system and support the body in the fight against infections. The high calcium content benefits people with arthritis.
  • There is no cholesterol and fat in mushrooms, which is why they are recommended for diabetics. This mushroom product has also been used in dietary nutrition, and it is indispensable in the prevention of heart disease. Additionally, mushrooms have a positive effect on men's health.
  • Scientists are closely studying the benefits of these mushrooms, which is due to the presence of selenium. The results of clinical studies, during which malignant tumors were affected by this mineral, showed that it reduces the likelihood of prostate cancer by 50 percent. Scientists say that the use of saffron milk mushrooms daily at 100 grams is tantamount to full-fledged chemotherapy.

If we talk about harm, mushrooms are not recommended for people with low acidity. Also, the product is contraindicated in pancreatitis and digestive problems, as it is poorly digested.

Mushrooms cause the greatest harm to the body when they are in the basket along with surprisingly similar inedible counterparts. At best, everything ends with nausea, vomiting, convulsions or severe poisoning, and at worst, insanity and death.

The positive or negative effect of mushrooms on the human body is individual and is often determined by the amount of delicacy eaten.

In the old days, per kilogram of mushrooms, they asked for an amount that was enough to buy several bottles of branded French perfumes. Today, these mushrooms have become available and remain in demand in home and restaurant food.

Salted mushrooms are an amazing dish that pleases with excellent taste. But often the mushroom delicacy spoils and ends up in the trash. To prevent this from happening, heed the following tips.

  1. Inexperienced mushroom pickers are interested in whether mushrooms are soaked before salting. As I have already said, this procedure is inappropriate. On the contrary, under the influence of water, the shape of the cap of delicacies changes. To avoid this, clean the mushrooms with a toothbrush or wipe with a rag.
  2. The storage of canned food deserves special attention. A cold-cooked delicacy is not friendly with high temperatures. It is better to store such preservation in a cellar or pantry, where it is not more than 10 degrees. Under such conditions, a salty dish will last up to two years.
  3. If we talk about the hot salting method, the product also reaches readiness in 1.5 months and heat treatment does not affect the cooking time. Many housewives like this recipe, as the risk of mold is close to zero.
  4. If the brine has acquired an unpleasant aftertaste, this is the first sign of souring. If such a problem has overtaken, remove the mushrooms from the pickling container, rinse with water, boil for 5 minutes and strain. Then spread in clean jars and fill with new brine. Roll up the lids and refrigerate.
  5. If mold appears on the surface of the brine, rinse the fabric in warm water with salt, remove the layer of moldy mushrooms, sprinkle healthy mushrooms with mustard powder, put a clean cloth, mug and weight on top.

The incredible variety of conservation that trade offers today cannot but rejoice. But there is nothing better than handmade. And even more so when it comes to mushrooms. The mushrooms collected in the summer for the winter will be useful for any occasion. And not only in the cold, but also during fasting, when protein is so needed and such an emphasis in food is so pleasant. Put on the festive table, participating in the preparation of all kinds of dishes, they become a key delicacy. And how many benefits are there from cute red forest dwellers in terms of vitamins, nutrients and elements ... Therefore, as soon as the season of quiet hunting comes, its fans use every minute, creating a sea of ​​recipes for preparations. This is salting in a cold and hot way, and pickling, and freezing, and even caviar from mushrooms!

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Redheads for the winter - freezing, step by step recipe with photo

Probably, it makes no sense to talk about the main difference between mushrooms that have undergone this harvesting method. Yes, salted and pickled are super tasty, healthy and appropriate for any meal. True, they are often assigned a more modest role - additives to the main dish. Plus, during processing, they still lose some useful qualities. And when dried or frozen, mushrooms for the winter are tasty, and retain many useful substances, and become the main dish. By the way, unlike dried ones, frozen ones even look prettier. So, to business!

Freezing Ingredients

  • mushrooms - 0.5-1 kg.

Step-by-step instructions on how to freeze mushrooms for the winter

  • First - you need to collect or purchase mushrooms from a reliable seller.

    Attention: we take only the freshest (of one day of collection) and the strongest.

  • Having cleared of sand, needles, leaves and other debris of this type, the mushrooms must be washed carefully under the tap.

    Attention: they must not touch the moisture!

  • Then we need to dry our red-haired heroes. A clean towel or raft will do.
  • Having laid them out on any plane, they are all sent to the freezer.
  • Attention:

  • it is important that the fruits do not touch each other;
  • if, when checking by tapping against each other (after twelve hours), a knock appears, as it were, of pebbles, you can change the container to a more convenient one for the freezer;
  • it is important to use these supplies within 6 months.
  • Do not rush to send rejected copies to the bucket! Having sorted them well, rinse them, dry them in the same way as whole ones, and freeze them in the same way. Nothing that they will be, as it were, “non-standard” - you can cook chic soups from them, salads, roasts, and so on. Especially if the crushed gifts of the forest are laid boiled or stewed in vegetable oil (in containers or simply in plastic bags). Having eaten this delicacy in winter, you will understand that this recipe for freezing mushrooms for the winter is unique!

    How to salt mushrooms for the winter - quick, cold and hot salting, delicious recipes

    Widely known in two types of salting mushrooms for winter - cold and hot. But those who like to preserve the royal mushroom, as our hero is also called, know the third way - salting in a quick way. Each recipe has a special taste, which is achieved by adding different spices. But the preparation for the process is largely the same - sort through the mushrooms, rinse well and clean of everything superfluous, and also pick up specimens of about the same size, then salting will be better and the treat will be more tasty. Let's now get acquainted with the recipes for salting mushrooms.

    Salted mushrooms for the winter in a cold way - recipe number 1 (in a jar)

    The main plus of salting for the winter in a cold way is the absence of heat treatment. And this means that all their usefulness and taste will be preserved. As for the amount of salt, it depends on where the mushroom preservation will be stored. And yes, this approach requires more time than with hot salting. But it's worth it. So let's salt!

    Ingredients for Winter Pickle Recipe in a Jar

    • mushrooms - 1 kilogram
    • ground black pepper - to taste
    • garlic - 2-3 cloves
    • black pepper - 15-20 peas
    • bay leaf - 10 pcs.
    • currant (or horseradish) - a few leaves
    • salt - 50 grams

    Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for salting mushrooms in a cold way

  • Taking young specimens, we clean them of excess and rinse under the tap.
  • Slightly dry, put in a bowl, scattering a little salt and spices along the bottom before that.
  • Mushrooms should be laid in layers, legs down.
  • Sprinkle each layer with salt and spices, cover the last one first with a currant leaf (or horseradish), and then with a clean cloth.
  • From above we will put up a plate or a wooden circle, on which we will put something heavy.

    Attention: if there is not enough brine, which should cover the entire mass, it is necessary to add boiled water.

  • After the required hour has passed, the mushrooms are laid out in sterile dry jars and, closed, sent to a cold place.
  • Salted mushrooms for the winter in a cold way - recipe number 2 (in a tub)

    Ingredients for the Cold Salt Recipe

    • mushrooms
    • Juniper
    • Leaves: horseradish, oak, cherry
    • Dill

    Step-by-step instructions for cooking mushrooms for the winter

  • They begin with the preparation of the tub - the juniper poured into it is poured with boiling water.
  • Having covered the container with something warm, hot stones are regularly placed inside (the released steam disinfects the vessel).
  • Mushrooms must be cleaned of debris and wiped with a clean cloth.
  • Folding in layers in a tub, they need to be shifted with herbs (oak leaf, cherry, horseradish, dill, garlic, etc.).
  • Put a bag of salt on top. Attention: the bag must completely cover everything with itself.
  • An oppression is placed on the bag, which will help the juice stand out. If there is a lot of liquid, it is removed.
  • In a month, while the mushrooms are salted, they will become very tasty!
  • How many days to salt mushrooms? Much depends on their type (for example, spruce will be salted faster, since they are smaller than pine forest). The cold method of salting will allow you to feast on the workpiece in 3-4-5 weeks.

    Salted mushrooms for the winter - hot recipe No. 1 (in jars)

    Having made stocks of mushrooms in the harvest year, caring hostesses, as we see, use different methods of harvesting, including hot. It's so great - you can eat the workpiece in 2-3 days! In addition, they will hardly change in appearance, that is, they will look appetizing. Well, they last longer. True, in order to enjoy them, you will have to work hard - get rid of the mucous plaque by soaking them for 1-2 days. And the fact that the finished product will slightly lose its usefulness does not matter - we have other blanks!

    Ingredients for a hot pickling recipe for the winter

    • Mushrooms - 1 kilogram
    • Salt - 50 grams
    • Allspice and black pepper - 5 peas each
    • Cinnamon - 5 sticks
    • Bay and currant leaves - 2-3 pcs.
    • Carnation - 2 pcs.

    Step-by-step instructions for a recipe for mushrooms for winter in a hot way

  • Boil raw materials in a liter of water, flavored with 50 gr. salt.
  • After 10 minutes, put the mushrooms in a colander and send them under a tap with cold water.
  • Let's prepare a brine from all spices, spices and salt (2 tablespoons),
  • After bubbles appear on the surface, put the boiled mushrooms in the pan and cook for 10 minutes.
  • We send them directly from the pan to sterile jars and close them with metal lids.
  • Yes, it took some effort. But, as soon as the jar with the workpiece has cooled down, it can be eaten. But let's not rush, because thanks to the recipe for salting mushrooms in a hot way, they are stored for a long time! And winter is ahead, and a jar of this yummy will be very useful to us.

    Pickled mushrooms for the winter in jars - hot recipe No. 2

    For this recipe for salting mushrooms in a hot way, specimens of any size will go.

    Hot salt recipe ingredients

    • Ryzhik - 1 kg
    • Salt - 50 grams
    • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
    • Horseradish (root)
    • Bay leaf
    • currant leaf
    • Dill (inflorescences)

    Hot salting step by step instructions

  • After cleaning, washing and drying, large hats are cut into identical pieces.
  • Fill with water, boil them for 3-5 minutes.
  • Attention: be sure to remove the foam!

  • Cool the raw materials thrown into a colander in a bowl.
  • In the prepared container, fold the layers with hats up.
  • Sprinkle them with salt and cooked seasonings.
  • Let's put a clean napkin, and oppression on it (say, a three-liter bottle of water).
  • It remains only to send it all to a cool place for a month.
  • Then we transfer the mushrooms to clean jars and put in the cold.
  • Salty mushrooms for the winter quickly - recipe with photo

    Here you don’t have to wait for winter either - you can eat mushrooms pickled in this way in a couple of days! True, they are stored for a short time. But it's also easy to prepare!

    Ingredients for a quick pickle recipe

    • Mushrooms
    • Dill
    • peppercorns
    • Bay leaf

    Step-by-step instructions for salting mushrooms quickly

  • We put young tiny mushrooms in a bowl with hats down.
  • Pour, without sparing, salt and spices.
  • Sprinkle salt on top as well.
  • The mushrooms will release juice.
  • When brown brine covers them, they can be placed on the table.
  • Marinated mushrooms for the winter in a hot way - a recipe without vinegar

    This preparation is also called Vyatka pickling. It does not require a lot of spices and seasonings. For this recipe, upland specimens are taken - they are tastier and more aromatic than spruce ones.

    Ingredients for hot pickling

    • mushrooms,
    • water (preferably spring water),
    • salt to taste.

    Step-by-step instructions for pickling mushrooms for the winter

  • After all the preparation procedures, hold the raw materials for a couple of hours in cold water.
  • After adding fresh water, boil everything and boil for a couple of minutes.
  • Then immediately put into cold water.
  • Put the mushrooms in a prepared jar (possibly in an enameled container) and fill it with cold salted water so that it does not completely cover them. Attention: during primary salting, 1 tbsp goes. salt, then its quantity is added.
  • Having closed the container with gauze, put oppression on it.
  • As soon as the mold appears, change the gauze, boil the oppression and the circle. Attention: pouring a little vegetable oil here (boiling it in advance), we will not let the contents of the jars get moldy.
  • Marinate the mushrooms until they stop settling. As a rule, it takes 1.5 months.
  • Caviar from mushrooms for the winter, a recipe with a photo

    These mushrooms are unique, because with their participation not only the first and second courses are prepared, but they also make incomparable preservation. Here is one of the best camelina caviar recipes for winter. Both on holidays and on weekdays, this snack will make any meal richer both in proteins and in taste. You can spread this beauty on bread, and add it to the side dish, and make it itself a side dish. For half an hour, you can either cook daily or preserve caviar from mushrooms.

    Ingredients for the recipe for camelina caviar for the winter

    • mushrooms - 1 kg.
    • onion - 3 pcs.
    • salt.

    Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for caviar from mushrooms

  • First, prepare the raw materials in the traditional way. It is better to prepare larger copies.
  • Put them in boiling water and cook for 20 minutes.
  • Add salt, then change the water once.
  • Cut the boiled mushrooms randomly.
  • Fry the chopped onion and put mushrooms to it.
  • Salt, fry for another 10 minutes.
  • After cooling the mass, grind it with a blender or through a meat grinder, pouring in a little boiled vegetable oil.
  • Ryzhik caviar needs to be warmed up again in a pan, and then sent to a container for freezing or rolled into jars with the addition of vinegar.
  • Ryzhik for the winter - unique blanks! This delicacy won the hearts of many gourmets with its specific taste and aroma, the ability to be absorbed by the body and such a filling with all useful vitamins A, B1, B2, C, PP, etc., amino acids, minerals, fiber, natural antibiotic lactarioviolin (destroyer of tuberculosis and bacteria). Regular use of these representatives of the forest fauna can improve metabolism by an order of magnitude, get rid of the unpleasant symptoms caused by these disorders, improve the condition of the skin, hair and eyesight. Let their calorie content be higher in salty form than that of meat, poultry, etc., but this calorie content wins at the expense of everything useful! Therefore, recipes for mushrooms for the winter - whether it is salting in a cold and hot way, freezing, pickling or caviar - it is always tasty, healthy and satisfying!

    The saffron mushrooms often remain in the shadow of the more productive wild mushrooms. But they occupied their niche of popular love. Mushroom pickers willingly collect young mushrooms, use them in cooking and prepare them for the winter. You can roll pickled mushrooms in jars, hot or cold pickled and even fried. The article contains the best recipes with mouth-watering photos.

    Redheads for the winter with cold salting

    First, prepare the main ingredient:

    • wash mushrooms well;
    • clean from specks;
    • dry at room temperature or wipe with a dry towel. These procedures are necessary before any method of harvesting mushrooms.

    Camelina tend to darken if left after the initial cut. To prevent this from happening, immediately place the mushrooms in a saline solution (20 g per 1 liter). You can't keep them there for long.

    Cold salting of mushrooms is the easiest and most useful way of canning. A wooden barrel, a large enameled or glass container is used:

    • lay layers of salt, currant leaves, allspice and black pepper, bay leaf, garlic cloves on the bottom;
    • lay the mushrooms with their hats up (2 kg in total will be needed) mixed with layers of spices;
    • when the container is completely full, cover it with gauze and a lid with a load.

    In this state, oxygen will be minimally supplied under the cover. At temperatures up to +20 ° C, mushrooms will perfectly salt. Change gauze 2 times a week. Maintain this salting regimen for about 3 weeks. Then put the mushrooms in sterile jars. It is not advisable to tightly close the salted billet.

    You can pickle mushrooms even easier. It is no coincidence that in the old days they went mushroom picking immediately with a barrel. The mushrooms were sprinkled with salt, pressed down, and so they retained their useful qualities before eating for several weeks. And today, without risk to health, you can eat pickled or pickled mushrooms in any way within a few days after the start of harvesting. Only mushrooms should be really forest, and not collected near highways and other unecological places.

    Recipe for pickling mushrooms in a hot way

    • 1 liter of water;
    • salt - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide + for cooking mushrooms;
    • black pepper - 5 peas;
    • allspice - 6 peas;
    • lavrushka - 2 leaves;
    • dried cloves - 2 pcs.;
    • cinnamon - 4 pieces;
    • currant leaf - 2 pcs.

    First you need to cut the mushrooms. Cut off the hardened parts. Large specimens may be divided into parts. Rinse again under water. Then prepare the pot:

    1. Fill it with water, bring to a boil.
    2. Salt thoroughly.
    3. Immediately after that, place the mushrooms in the water. Boil them for a maximum of 15 minutes until the liquid turns yellowish.
    4. Remove the saucepan from the heat and drain the broth into the sink through a colander. Rinse the mushrooms with plenty of water and leave to cool.
    5. Prepare jars: wash, sterilize, dry.
    6. Boil the brine. Fill a saucepan with water (1 l), bring to a boil. Pour all the seasonings and spices, mix them well until the salt (1 tablespoon with a slide) dissolves. Reduce the fire to a minimum.
    7. Boil the mushrooms in this boiling liquid for 10-15 minutes. Turn off the fire.
    8. Arrange the mushrooms in sterile jars.
    9. Fill with brine and roll up.

    Attention! Closed jars should be left upside down in a wrapped state for a couple of days. Then place them in a cool room. After opening the jar, mushrooms do not need to be cooked in any additional way.

    How to cook fried mushrooms for the winter

    Mushroom lovers will appreciate fried mushrooms. The first way to prepare pickles for the winter is classic:

    Attention! Fat or oil in the jar before closing the lid should be 1.5-2 cm above the top layer of mushrooms. If the filling is not enough, whip up an additional portion.

    Another recipe - in Bulgarian. It differs slightly from the classic, but will significantly change the taste of fried mushrooms.

    1. Prepare the vinegar. Finely chop the herbs to taste and chop the garlic clove into several pieces.
    2. Before corking, add to each jar 1-2 tbsp. l. vinegar 9%. It must first be mixed with melted fat or butter.
    3. Mix the fried mushrooms with garlic and herbs during the laying process.

    Mushrooms will be more tender if you boil them in two waters before blocking. With any of these recipes, you will only need to open the jar and heat the contents in a pan. You will get fried mushrooms "like in summer". Can be added to this fry to boiled potatoes or rice.

    Recipes for pickled mushrooms for the winter

    For the first method, for 1 kg of mushrooms, you will need the following list of spices:

    • black pepper - 7 pcs.;
    • carnation - 1 pc.;
    • allspice - 5 pcs.;
    • salt - 1 tsp;
    • half a glass of table vinegar 9%;
    • drinking water.

    Pickled mushrooms

    Marinated mushrooms are prepared like this:

    1. Start with the marinade. Mix an incomplete glass of water with the indicated proportions of spices, salt and vinegar.
    2. Boil and cool.
    3. Place clean and prepared mushrooms in a saucepan.
    4. Fill with boiling water. Salt.
    5. Turn on the fire and simmer the mushrooms under the lid for 3-4 minutes.
    6. Strain right away.
    7. Put the mushrooms in jars and fill with cold marinade.
    8. The clogging of cans occurs in the usual way.

    Another pickling option is longer and more thorough. The ingredients in this recipe are the same, only 1 medium onion, a bunch of dill and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. But there is no vinegar in the marinade. Step by step sealing process:

    1. Pour prepared mushrooms with plenty of cold water and boil for 4 minutes. Turn off the heat, drain the liquid from the pan.
    2. Add water again. Its level is a finger above the mushrooms. Now you can add chopped onion and spices to the pan.
    3. After boiling, hold the mushrooms for several minutes over medium heat, stirring and removing the foam.
    4. Add chopped dill and reduce heat. Leave to cook covered for about 25 minutes.
    5. For blockage, it is better to prepare and sterilize jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters. Pour oil and vinegar into the bottom of each.
    6. Arrange the mushrooms in jars. Their layer should not reach 1 cm to the edge.

    Close the lids, turn the jars upside down and leave under the insulating material. After a day, they can be moved to a cool and dark place. Pickled mushrooms are versatile in cooking and go well with many dishes, alcohol.

    So we rolled up for awesome-tasty and healthy mushrooms - for Ryzhik! And the catch was great! Why are they useful, you ask? How to prepare them for the winter? And where do they grow? Everything right now...

    Useful properties of ginger!

    The pulp of camelina contains a natural antibiotic lactarioviolin, which suppresses the development of bacterial infections, including tuberculosis. It is believed that this mushroom is able to have a therapeutic effect in metabolic disorders, such as vitiligo (spotted skin).

    In terms of calories (100 g of fresh mushrooms contain only 17 kcal, while salted mushrooms are much more nutritious) and nutritional value, salted camelina is superior to chicken and beef, while it is much easier to digest other types of mushrooms by the human body.

    Among the protein compounds of the fungus, there are a lot of essential amino acids that are absorbed in the digestive tract by about 80%. Mushrooms do not contain bitterness and can be eaten even raw without the slightest concern for health.

    Where do redheads grow?

    Redheads grow near spruce trees, in grass, on moss. We travel 60 km from the city. There is such a spruce forest - just impassable. After picking mushrooms for another fifteen minutes, we are freed from spruce needles that penetrate into all parts of clothing ...))) But it's worth it. I can hardly convey to you that state of mind when we return with full buckets and baskets of mushrooms! It's so cool!

    Recipe for salting mushrooms in Zepter dishes!

    I clean the mushrooms from the needles and proceed to the blanks. In the Zepter bowl, I salt a small amount of saffron milk mushrooms - to eat at once, to eat them after 8 hours. I divide the main part of the mushrooms in half: one for salting, mainly those that are larger, and those that are small for pickling.

    I spread the second layer of mushrooms and also salt, so to the top. Then I cover with a heavy plate and close the Waxy lid. I create a vacuum, turn the screw on the Klose and put the bowl in the refrigerator for 8 hours.

    After 8 hours I take it out, turn the screw to "Open" and .... !!! Mmm, yummy, I mix mushrooms with sour cream, boil potatoes and BON APPETITE, as they say.

    For the winter, the salting process is the same, but with the addition of dill umbrellas, I close the jar with a leaf on top, and press it with skewers, three layers of gauze over the jar and put it in the refrigerator. A day later, in principle, they are ready for use!

    Marinated mushrooms for the winter!

    To do this, I don’t boil mushrooms separately, but I cook them in a ready-made marinade. For the marinade, based on a liter of water, I take 1 tbsp. salt, 1.5 tbsp. sugar, 8 spoons of 9% apple cider vinegar, 3 cloves, 3 peas of allspice , 1g citric acid (so that the color does not deteriorate). The marinade boiled, I send mushrooms into it and simmer for 20 minutes over low heat.

    Pickled mushrooms are one of the most delicious and nutritious snacks of this kind and are very popular with mushroom pickers or gourmets. Due to the delicacy properties of the base product, preparations from it are always tasty and appetizing.

    How to pickle mushrooms?

    You can cook pickled mushrooms for the winter according to the classic recipe, or using more original and non-standard solutions. Each process of creating a treat has both its own personality and general rules.

    1. Ryzhik must be processed on the first day after harvest
    2. The mushroom mass is sorted out, getting rid of wormy or spoiled specimens.
    3. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly, washing away particles of earth, sand, grass or leaves.
    4. Raw or kept in a boiling marinade, laid out in sterile jars.

    Quick pickled mushrooms

    The priority way of any preparation is always versions with minimal labor costs and a worthy final result. One of these are marinated mushrooms "Five minutes". The minimum heat treatment time will allow you to save a maximum of valuable properties and get a crispy structure of mushrooms.


    • mushrooms - 2 kg;
    • water - 2 glasses;
    • sugar - 8 teaspoons;
    • salt - 4 teaspoons;
    • garlic - 6 cloves;
    • vinegar 6% - 200 ml;
    • laurel - 5-7 pcs.;
    • pepper.


    1. Boil water with salt, sugar, adding garlic, laurel and pepper.
    2. Vinegar is mixed into the marinade, mushrooms are laid.
    3. After boiling again, boil the contents of the pan for 5 minutes.
    4. Lay the mushrooms with the marinade in jars, cover with lids and put the pickled mushrooms in the cold for storage.

    How to pickle mushrooms for the winter in a hot way?

    No less tasty are pickled mushrooms for the winter in a hot way. With this preparation, the workpiece can be stored until the next season, delighting households and guests with its excellent characteristics. The composition of the spicy mix can be supplemented with garlic, cinnamon and other aromatic ingredients.


    • mushrooms - 2 kg;
    • water - 1.5 cups;
    • granulated sugar - 4 teaspoons;
    • salt - 7 teaspoons;
    • vinegar 9% - 7 tbsp. spoons;
    • laurel - 5-7 pcs.;
    • pepper, oil.


    1. Ryzhik lay in a container with water, bring to a boil.
    2. Add the remaining ingredients for the marinade, except for the oil, boil the mass for 15 minutes.
    3. Pickled hot saffron milk mushrooms are laid out in jars, oil is added to each, containers are sterilized for 10 minutes, corked, wrapped.

    How to pickle mushrooms in a cold way?

    Pickled mushrooms in a cold way are less attractive in appearance, but a hundred times tastier and healthier than those prepared using heat treatment. In the process of salting, the mushrooms acquire a dark brown, sometimes green color, which is normal and does not affect other characteristics of the snack.


    • mushrooms - 2 kg;
    • salt - 100 g;
    • garlic - 4 cloves;
    • laurel - 15-20 pieces;
    • allspice and currant leaves - 30 pcs.


    1. Mushrooms are cleaned of impurities. It is preferable in this case to avoid contact with water or dry the product thoroughly before salting.
    2. Mushrooms are placed in a container, sprinkling the layers with salt, leaves, garlic and pepper.
    3. From above, mushrooms are covered with gauze, the load is laid and kept at a temperature of 20 degrees for 2 weeks.
    4. The mushrooms are laid out in jars, covered loosely and sent to the cold for storage.

    Marinated crispy mushrooms - a recipe for the winter

    Pickled mushrooms, the recipe of which will be described next, are surprisingly crispy by adding horseradish root and leaves to the preparation. Effectively, to enhance the crunch of mushrooms, housewives also use oak leaves, which must be scalded with boiling water, and then added to the bottom of each jar.


    • mushrooms - 2 kg;
    • water - 3 glasses;
    • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
    • salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • vinegar 9% - 65 ml;
    • laurel - 4 pcs.;
    • peppercorns, horseradish root and leaves.


    1. The mushrooms are poured with water, placed on the stove and boiled for 10 minutes.
    2. Add salt and sugar, throw grated horseradish root, pepper, laurel, boil for 5 minutes.
    3. Vinegar is mixed in and after another 5 minutes of boiling, mushrooms are laid out in jars, on the bottom of which leaves are laid.
    4. Marinated crispy mushrooms are sterilized for 15 minutes, corked, wrapped.

    How to pickle mushrooms with citric acid?

    For those who do not like the taste of vinegar in the preparations, it is more advisable to prepare pickled mushrooms with citric acid, which will give the dish the necessary sourness and ensure the proper preservation of the snack. For flavor, dill umbrellas can be added to the marinade, and mustard grains will add additional piquancy to the dish.


    • mushrooms - 2 kg;
    • water - 4 glasses;
    • sugar - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
    • salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • citric acid - 0.5 tsp;
    • laurel and garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
    • mustard seeds - 1 teaspoon;
    • peppercorns, dill umbrellas.


    1. Boil mushrooms for 10 minutes, pour into a sieve, let drain.
    2. Marinade is boiled from water, salt, sugar and dill umbrellas, it is insisted for 20 minutes.
    3. Mushrooms are put into the boiled brine again, pepper, laurel, garlic, mustard seeds and citric acid are thrown.
    4. Boil the mass for 5 minutes and cork delicious pickled mushrooms for the winter in a sterile container, insulate until cool.

    Marinated mushrooms with butter

    Pickled mushrooms in jars, cooked with the addition of fragrant vegetable oil, acquire a special rich taste and aroma. The latter will not only enhance the fragrance of spices and impregnation of mushrooms with them, but will also contribute to more reliable storage of delicacies without unpleasant surprises.


    • mushrooms - 1.5 kg;
    • water - 1 l;
    • sugar - 40 g;
    • salt - 1-1.5 tbsp. a spoon;
    • vinegar - 100 ml;
    • unrefined oil - 100 ml;
    • garlic cloves and cloves - 7 pcs.;
    • peppercorns, laurel.


    1. Boil mushrooms in salted water for 15 minutes, let drain.
    2. Prepare the marinade by boiling water with salt, sugar and spices for 5 minutes.
    3. Add vinegar and oil, warm the mixture for a couple of minutes.
    4. Mushrooms are placed in jars, alternating with chopped garlic, poured with marinade.
    5. Sterilize containers for 15 minutes, cork, wrap.

    Pickled mushrooms - recipe with vinegar

    The next version for lovers with a pronounced sourness. The following simple recipe for pickled mushrooms is performed with an impressive portion of vinegar. In this case, juniper berries and chopped onions added directly to the jars will give a special taste to the appetizer.


    • mushrooms - 2 kg;
    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • mustard seeds - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • water - 1 l;
    • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons and 2 teaspoons;
    • vinegar - 400 ml;
    • juniper berries - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • mustard seeds - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • peppercorns, laurel.


    1. From water, juniper, spices, sugar and 2 teaspoons of salt, boil the marinade for 15 minutes, pour in the vinegar, boil for 2 minutes.
    2. The mushrooms are filled with water until completely covered, adding 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, leave for 20 minutes, washed.
    3. Mushrooms are laid out in jars with onions and mustard seeds, poured with marinade.
    4. Sterilize pickled mushrooms with vinegar for 30 minutes, cork, wrap.

    Pickled mushrooms with sugar

    Cooked pickled mushrooms at home according to the following recipe will delight you with a pleasant sweetish mild taste with moderate piquancy. The preservative component in this case is vinegar essence, which must be added to the marinade with mushrooms 5 minutes before the end of cooking.


    • mushrooms - 2 kg;
    • mustard seeds - 1 teaspoon;
    • water - 1 l;
    • sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons;
    • salt - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • vinegar essence 70% - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • allspice - 10 pcs.;
    • laurel - 3 pcs.


    1. The mushrooms are boiled for 10 minutes, transferred to the marinade, boiled from water, salt, sugar and spices.
    2. Cook mushrooms for 10 minutes, pour in acetic acid.
    3. After 5 minutes, the mass is laid out in sterile jars, sterilized for 15 minutes, corked, wrapped.

    Marinated mushrooms in tomato sauce

    Incredibly tasty and mouth-watering marinated mushrooms in tomato sauce will become a universal homemade preparation that can be served on its own, added to a salad, used in the preparation of pizza, other pastries, all kinds of soups, stews, and other second courses. Garlic and cloves can be added to the sauce if desired.


    • mushrooms - 1.5 kg;
    • tomato sauce and water - 1 glass each;
    • vegetable oil - 200 ml;
    • onion - 0.5 kg;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • salt - to taste;
    • allspice - 10 pcs.;
    • laurel - 2-3 pcs.


    1. Boil mushrooms for 5 minutes, let drain.
    2. Boil water with salt, sugar, spices, lay mushrooms, cook for 20 minutes.
    3. Add sauce, oil and chopped onion, add salt to taste, simmer for 30-40 minutes.
    4. Pickled mushrooms are laid out in a sterile container, corked, wrapped.

    Ryzhik marinated in own juice

    Pickled ones acquire a surprisingly rich taste, the degree of piquancy of which can be adjusted by adding all kinds of spices and seasonings. The appetizing color of mushrooms will help preserve citric acid, which in this case is also a preservative.


    • mushrooms - 2 kg;
    • water - 0.5 cups;
    • citric acid - 1 teaspoon;
    • salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
    • allspice - 10 pcs.;
    • laurel - 4 pcs.


    1. The mushrooms are placed in a saucepan.
    2. Salt and citric acid are dissolved in a small amount of water, poured over the mushrooms.
    3. Spices, spices are added, mushrooms are stewed for 20 minutes, laid out in jars.
    4. Sterilize the workpiece for 20 minutes, cork, wrap.

    Marinated mushrooms with garlic

    Delicious pickled mushrooms with a rich spicy aroma can be prepared by adding an impressive portion of garlic to the marinade at the end of cooking. Spicy lovers can put chili pepper rings directly into jars, and fans of fragrant preparations that are bright in taste can put cloves, cinnamon and other spices of their choice.


    • mushrooms - 2 kg;
    • garlic - 2 heads;
    • water - 0.5 l;
    • vinegar - 5 tbsp. spoons;
    • sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
    • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
    • allspice and black pepper - 10 pcs.;
    • laurel - 3 pcs.


    1. Boil mushrooms, let drain.
    2. Boil water with salt and sugar, adding spices.
    3. Lay mushrooms, boil for 10 minutes, add vinegar and garlic.
    4. After 5 minutes, the mass is laid out in containers, corked, wrapped.

    How to pickle mushrooms and volnushki?

    Having a striking external resemblance to saffron milk caps, they have completely different characteristics and require an individual approach when pickling. Mushrooms must first be soaked for a couple of days, changing the water periodically, and then boiled until sinking to the bottom. If mushrooms were collected during the time that the flakes were soaked, the mushrooms can be marinated together.