How long does a boiled unpeeled egg keep. Factors affecting the shelf life of boiled eggs

05.08.2019 Desserts and cakes

The longest eggs can be stored in the refrigerator or in a cold basement (cellar)

Eggs have been eaten by humans since ancient times. And now they are an indispensable product that is added to salads, pastries, and many other dishes. Almost all people love eggs, both raw and boiled or fried, because they are nutritious, healthy and taste great. Therefore, almost every housewife always has these products in the refrigerator, and often tries to stock them up for future use. However, many do not know how long eggs can be stored in the refrigerator. To keep them fresh for a long time, you need to know how to store them properly.

Proper storage of eggs in the refrigerator

Many products are very easy to determine for spoilage: the presence of mold or an unpleasant odor immediately alerts the hostess, which allows you to get rid of the missing products in time and prevent food poisoning in the family. However, by the appearance of the egg, it is quite difficult to tell whether it is fresh or spoiled. When buying eggs in a store, you should always pay attention to the date of their packaging.

  • Immediately after the eggs are delivered from the store to your apartment, you should put them in the refrigerator.
  • Eggs that are planned to be stored for a long time do not need to be laid out in special cells on the refrigerator door, since in this place they are constantly in contact with warm air that enters the refrigerator when the door is opened. The best option for storing eggs "in reserve" is a box designed for vegetables and fruits. This is due to the fact that the box has the lowest temperature and moist air.
  • The optimum temperature for storing this product is no more than 2 degrees above zero.
  • Sometimes the question arises: where can you store eggs, besides the refrigerator? In the event that it is necessary to store a very large number of eggs for which there is not enough space in the refrigerator, they can be placed in the basement, the temperature in which should not exceed 10 degrees.
  • Eggs have a rather fragile shell, which is why they are often damaged. It happens that the hostess, having bought this product in the store, upon arrival home, finds that some of the eggs were crushed in the bag. Usually they are poured into a cup or glass and put in the refrigerator.

How long can you keep a broken egg in the refrigerator? This product should be consumed within two days. But if there were a lot of broken eggs, and you don’t plan to cook anything from them in the near future, then you should drain them into a plastic container and place them in the freezer. Frozen eggs keep for several months.

Storing eggs outside the refrigerator

There are several ways to store eggs without a refrigerator, while increasing their shelf life.

  • In the past, before refrigeration existed, people greased eggs and put them in a box filled with oats. In this case, the pointed tips should look down. Having laid them in this way, you also need to sprinkle oats on top.
  • Since ordinary kitchen salt is an excellent preservative, it can be used to store eggs. To do this, dissolve 20 grams of salt in 1 liter of water. In this salt water, placed in a cool, dark place, eggs are stored. Their shelf life in such conditions is 4-6 weeks.

  • A very effective way to keep an egg for quite a long time is to treat its surface with melted wax with vegetable oil or paraffin.
  • After processing the eggs in a solution of potassium permanganate, you can store them in a cool room for up to three weeks. To prepare the solution, stir such an amount of manganese in water that the water acquires a rich pink color. Then the eggs are lowered into the prepared solution for a few seconds and dried thoroughly.
  • You can make a mixture of bran and charcoal and put eggs in it. How long can eggs be stored this way without refrigeration? At room temperature, they will keep fresh for up to 2-3 weeks. In a cool and dark room, this period will increase significantly.
  • Previously, the following method was also used in the villages: one kg of sugar was diluted in one liter of water, the syrup was brought to a boil, cooled and the eggs were lowered into it for a couple of seconds. Then they should be removed from sweet water, dried and put in a box.
  • Plain paper can also be used to store this product. To do this, each testicle is wrapped in a sheet of paper, everything fits into a box and put away in a cool place.
  • Those who have a sufficient amount of chalk, talc, grain, peat or dry sawdust on the farm can hide the eggs in them for storage.
  • Also, to extend the shelf life of this product, glycerin or petroleum jelly is applied to the surface of each egg. After that, the eggs are put in a box and placed in a cool place with good air circulation.
  • For those who have enough table salt at home, you can hide the eggs in it so that they are not visible on the surface.
  • To increase the life of the eggs, you can put them in a cloth bag and drop them abruptly into a container of boiling water for a few seconds. After they should be dried and put away in a cool dark place with blunt ends up.

Video about how long you can store eggs

Shelf life of raw eggs

  • Eggs that have recently been laid by chickens can be stored in a room for about three weeks at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees, and the humidity of the room should be 70-85%.
  • How long can raw eggs be kept in the refrigerator? If you put them in the refrigerator, then the shelf life will increase significantly. At the same time, their freshness is important. Of course, if the product was purchased in a store, then it is simply impossible to find out when the chicken laid it down and how long it lay on the counter. But if the eggs are homemade and the owners know for sure that they are fresh, then in this case the shelf life can be up to 3 months, provided that the temperature in the chamber is no more than 2 degrees.
  • If you purchased the product in a supermarket, then it is recommended to use them no later than one month later.
  • Chicken eggs are the most common in terms of consumption, however, many people often buy quail eggs. In addition, people who live in the private sector and keep ducks, geese and other poultry also have goose or duck eggs. In terms of taste, they are somewhat inferior to chicken and quail, but nevertheless, they can also be added to the dough when baking or used in some other way. How many days can quail eggs be stored in the refrigerator? Caesar and quail can live in the refrigerator for up to six months.

How long do boiled eggs keep?

The life span of boiled eggs is much shorter than raw eggs. How long can you keep boiled eggs in the refrigerator? If eggs are hard boiled, then they can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 15 days. However, if a crack has formed on the shell during their cooking, then such eggs will live in the refrigerator for no more than 4-5 days. This is due to the fact that mold and pathogenic bacteria penetrate through cracks in the egg, which, multiplying, lead to spoilage of the product.

Signs of a spoiled egg

Although this product can be stored for quite a long time, it can still spoil under improper storage conditions. Eating as fresh eggs as possible is recommended due to the fact that salmonella may be present in this product, which, if stored for a long time in the wrong conditions, will actively multiply. The above recommendations on how many days you can store eggs in the refrigerator are based on the fact that products that have lain for more than 2-3 weeks will be eaten only after they have been cooked. If you doubt the suitability of an egg for consumption, you should pay attention to the following signs of their spoilage:

  • A rotten egg has a sharp unpleasant odor, which can sometimes be felt even with an intact shell.
  • If, nevertheless, there are doubts about the suitability of the product for consumption, and at the same time you do not feel an unpleasant smell from it, then you should shake the egg strongly and pay attention to whether its contents are hanging inside the shell. In the people, rotten eggs are called "talkers".
  • The shell of spoiled eggs has a smooth, shiny surface with dark spots.
  • You can also bring the egg to a bright lamp and see if there are any dark spots inside it. If they are, then the egg is rotten.

Video on how best to store eggs

Where and for how many days do you store raw and boiled eggs? Tell about it in

Eggs are quite an interesting product. After all, they consist simultaneously of liquid animal raw materials and a strong shell surrounding it. This article talks about how and how much you can save raw and boiled chicken eggs. depends on the temperature and other conditions in which they are located (humidity, ventilation, proximity to other products). It is these factors that divide the product into two categories of quality: dietary and table. The former provide for a very limited time of use, the latter can be stored much longer.

shelf life. Ways to extend it

Diet eggs should not be stored at excessively low temperatures - down to -2°C. The most favorable temperature is from 0°С to +3-4°С. But even in this case, eggs are considered dietary only within 7 days after being laid. The product, which is higher, is considered a table. Such eggs are usually kept in the refrigerator for up to 35-40 days, keeping the temperature in the range from -2°C to +5-7°C. When storing them for more than 8-10 days, it is not recommended to avoid spoilage.

But there are situations when, for example, refrigerators do not work or eggs have to be transported somewhere. In this case, the expiration date can be extended in one of the following ways:

Place them in a weak saline solution (for 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt);

Coat the eggs with a thin layer of one of the substances to prevent air from entering the pores: glycerin, petroleum jelly, butter or a mixture of wax and sunflower oil;

Wipe with a light pink solution of potassium permanganate;

Put the product in a container, filling the free space between the eggs with chalk, talc or clean, dry grain.

How to determine the expiration date of a chicken egg?

When buying them in a store, you need to find a stamp with which each is marked. Diet eggs are usually marked in red with category and date of lay. Similar information is found on table eggs, only the label will be blue. The absence of any seals on the last type of product is allowed. In this case, you can find out about the possible date of demolition or packaging from the seller by requesting sales documents. Things are easier with eggs from the farm. Here you yourself will surely know exactly from which date to start the countdown, since the removal of the demolished chicken products is carried out daily.

Shelf life of boiled eggs

The shelf life will depend to some extent on the method of preparation. Hard-boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, and those with a liquid interior (“soft-boiled”, “in a bag”) - no more than 2 days. Shelled products should be placed in containers, as they tend to absorb the smells of the surrounding products. But in this case, the shelf life should not exceed 2-3 days. Therefore, try to use the prepared dishes immediately.

shelf life

It is especially worth talking about ways to store painted Easter eggs. Many people forget that these beautiful holiday attributes are products with a certain shelf life. Therefore, do not forget to observe the temperature regime and the required dates by placing them in a cool place or in the refrigerator. Coloring with natural dyes does not affect the shelf life, and covering the eggs with thermal film significantly reduces it, as it contributes to additional heating of the product inside the shell.

Boiled eggs are very popular not only as a tasty and satisfying breakfast dish, but also widely used for preparing various dishes and salads, as well as a snack on the road or at work, so many will be interested to know how best to store boiled eggs and how much. they can be stored in the refrigerator and without a refrigerator on the road.

How long can boiled eggs be stored?

The shelf life of boiled eggs primarily depends on the storage conditions (temperature, storage location) and on the condition of the eggs themselves (in shell, peeled, cut). Let's take a closer look at how long a boiled egg can be stored:

  • How long can you keep boiled eggs in the refrigerator? The shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator is up to 20 days (if the eggs are in an intact shell) or 2-3 days if the eggs are shelled.
  • How long can boiled eggs be stored at room temperature? At room temperature, the shelf life of boiled eggs is on average 2-3 days if the eggs are in shell and only 12 hours for peeled eggs.

Note: The specified shelf life of boiled eggs is relevant for hard-boiled eggs (for example, soft-boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for only 2 days).

Having learned how long boiled chicken eggs are stored, we will consider further how to store them correctly and how to increase their shelf life.

How to properly store boiled eggs?

The answer to this question is obvious - in the refrigerator, and it is better to place boiled eggs not on the refrigerator door, but on the middle or lower shelf closer to the back wall of the refrigerator, after placing them in a special food container (for example, plastic).

It is always important to understand that unpeeled boiled eggs with a whole shell are best stored, as well as eggs boiled in onion peel (Easter) and eggs whose shells are lubricated with sunflower oil (this procedure creates a kind of protective layer on the egg shell, which additionally protects the eggs from damage).

In the case when boiled eggs need to be stored on the road or at home, but at room temperature, they should only be boiled hard-boiled and stored wrapped in paper or foil in a place protected from direct sunlight. Packing eggs in a plastic bag or storing them in a shelled state is not recommended.

On a note: fresh eggs, hard-boiled with a whole intact shell, are stored for the longest time.

If, when cleaning a boiled egg that has been stored for a long time, there is an unpleasant odor, or the egg itself has a grayish or bluish tint, it is better not to eat it so as not to get poisoned.

Today, eggs are always sold in cells, and when customers bring them from the store, the product is transferred to the refrigerator door or a special section of it. But it was not always so. Is there any other way to store this product? How long can a boiled egg and raw be stored without a refrigerator?

What about raw?

Putting eggs in a special compartment in the refrigerator can look quite nice, but it is still recommended to store them in the original box. Why is this needed? First, the cardboard protects the eggs and prevents them from absorbing strong odors and flavors from other foods that are stored in your refrigerator. This happens through thousands of tiny pores in the shell. Secondly, this will always show the expiration date, so you can guarantee freshness. Finally, eggs should always be stored wide end up as they are in a carton. This helps the yolk stay centered.

You can store them for up to a month. Without a refrigerator, raw eggs can remain edible for about 2-2.5 weeks.

What to do with boiled?

Boiled eggs cook quickly and are tasty and nutritious. This product is an excellent source of protein and other nutrients. Boiled eggs can be a convenient snack or a quick meal. It is important to store them properly to keep them fresh and safe to eat. Refrigeration, freezing, and salting are methods that will help you keep hard-boiled eggs for a long time while retaining their flavor. How long can boiled eggs be stored without a refrigerator and in the refrigerator?

Without refrigerator

Boiled eggs spoil much faster than raw ones. The most obvious sign that a product has fallen into disrepair is the sulphurous smell of decay. If you store eggs in their shells, you may not feel it right away. You may need to clean them to detect an unpleasant odor.

A gray or green yolk does not necessarily indicate that the egg is spoiled. The color of the yolk is usually the result of how long the product has been cooked. If the eggs are boiled too long, the edible product may develop this coloration.

How long do boiled eggs keep without refrigeration? Usually no more than three days. To maximize this period, you can follow a few simple steps. How to keep eggs fresh longer?

How to prepare the product?

Place the eggs in cold water immediately after boiling. Once they have cooled, pat them dry with paper towels and refrigerate immediately. This will help prevent the development of bacteria. Keep them in the cold for two hours.

If the eggs are not immediately refrigerated, they can become dangerous to eat in the future. Higher temperatures make the product more vulnerable to bacteria, especially salmonella. Do not store eggs that have not been refrigerated after cooking. Do not peel them off the shell, because it helps them not to deteriorate longer. If you have cleaned the product, it should be consumed as soon as possible. Remember that in this case, the expiration date of boiled eggs is calculated in hours, not in days. The boiled purified product can be kept without a refrigerator for no more than 12 hours.

How to refrigerate without a refrigerator?

Cool the boiled eggs in a bowl of cold water. This will help ensure a constant cool temperature. Change the water twice a day to keep the product fresh and to prevent contamination and bacterial growth. Store the product bowl in the coolest possible place, preferably in a draughty place.

How long can boiled eggs be stored without a refrigerator under such conditions? So they will remain suitable for about three days.

Alternative way

Alternatively, place boiled eggs in an airtight container. Do not add water to it, but place damp towels on top of the eggs. This will help them stay fresh and chilled. Change your towel regularly to keep it damp. The shelf life of the product in such conditions is also no more than three days.

with refrigerator

Where is the best place to store boiled eggs? Obviously in the fridge. What is the best way to organize such storage? This is done simply.

Boil the product and cool it in water, then wipe with paper towels. Don't clean them. Place the inshell product in egg trays or in a resealable container. Place the container in the refrigerator.

Do not store boiled eggs on the door. Constantly opening and closing the door can cause temperature changes, causing the product to spoil more quickly.

Also, store eggs away from foods with strong odors. Keep foods like garlic or cheese as far away as possible to prevent flavor changes.

How long do boiled eggs keep in the refrigerator? Try to consume them within one week. Even when unpeeled, boiled eggs will stay fresh for a maximum of 5-7 days. If they are kept longer, they can start to rot and become dangerous to eat.

in the freezer

How long can peeled boiled eggs be stored? Even in the refrigerator - no more than five days. But their shelf life can be extended by freezing the product. How to do it?

You can always freeze hard boiled yolks. They can be used as a side dish or ingredients for salads and other dishes. Freezing the whole egg is not recommended as the whites will become rubbery and tough. The thawing process can also cause discoloration of the egg.

Place the hard-boiled egg yolks in an airtight container or freezer bag. They should be frozen immediately after boiling the eggs. This will help reduce the risk of developing bacteria. They can be used for up to three months.

canned product

Canning is the easiest way to preserve eggs. To do this, wash the jar in hot soapy water. Then sterilize it in the oven at 140°C for 20-40 minutes.

Place the eggs in a saucepan and add cool water. Bring water to a boil, then boil for 14 minutes. If you are using very large eggs, let them cook for 17 minutes. When they are ready, rinse them with cold water, then remove the shell.

Prepare the brine. It will require 1.5 cups of water, 1.5 cups of distilled white vinegar, 1 minced garlic clove, a tablespoon of salt, and a bay leaf.

Combine water, vinegar and salt in a medium saucepan and bring to a boil. Add bay leaf and garlic. Turn the heat down and let the brine simmer for 10 minutes. Place eggs and brine in a sterilized jar and cover. Sterilize in a water bath and roll up.

How long can boiled eggs be stored in canned form? At least a few months. It is advisable not to open the jar for a week after canning so that the product absorbs the brine.

The egg is a frequent guest in every home. This product has a wide range of applications, so it is very popular. Eggs can be cooked as a separate dish or be part of a complex culinary masterpiece, baking is rarely complete without them.

They are often found as ingredients in various dishes. And not only chicken testicles are very popular, although they are leaders among their own kind, but also goose and quail. How long can you keep eggs in the refrigerator? Despite the wide distribution of delicacies, this information is not known for certain to every housewife.

How fresh is the product?

Eggs come to the table in various ways, some buy them in a store, some prefer to take them in the market from trading farmers, while others run their own household and have a homemade product. As for the issue of purchase, it is best to purchase store goods, since in this situation the egg will be labeled and have a production date, from which you can start by determining how and how much to store the purchase. Eggs bought on the market may not be the freshest, you should be careful with this.

Advice! When using eggs to cook a dish, do not break it directly into a bowl with the rest of the ingredients. It is better to break it into a separate container and pre-check for freshness.

How to define freshness? There are several options. The most common is to lower the specimen into a container of salt water. If it is fresh, it will lie on its side in a horizontal position. A week-old copy will take a position at an angle of 45 degrees, the egg of which will be located vertically, tip down, for 2-3 weeks. If the product has surfaced, carefully dispose of it, trying not to break it.

In addition, you can shake the questionable product near the ear. A high-quality egg does not make sounds, if squelching is heard, feel free to throw it away. If in a broken state it is found that the protein has a cloudy structure, then you should stop using it.

Storage of chicken products

Eggs can be stored not only in the refrigerator. Depending on the quantity, housewives may need information not only about storage in the refrigerator, but also without it.

Advice! When going to store eggs for storage, it is important not to wash them. The shell has a coating that protects against the penetration of air and pathogenic bacteria. However, be sure to wash them before use.

Without refrigerator

How many days can eggs be stored without refrigeration? How to keep them longer? These questions often arise among beginner poultry farmers, when chickens have already begun to actively lay eggs, and sales have not yet been established. There are several options to be aware of in this case.

    1. The surface of the eggs is smeared with fat or vegetable oil. The egg is placed point down in a box, the bottom of which is covered with shavings, ash and other loose substances, in order to avoid eggs touching each other and fighting. The container is covered with a thick cloth and placed in a cool room with a temperature of no more than 10 degrees. In this way, you can store the product for up to 3 months.
  1. Slaked lime will help extend the shelf life up to 6 months. To do this, the testicle is located tip down in a container of lime. After all specimens have been placed, completely fill them with a solution to hide the product from view. The storage temperature should be quite low, down to -10 degrees. This method has a negative feature, eggs preserved in this way have a characteristic aftertaste.

In the fridge

How long can chicken eggs be stored? Many will say that from the moment the chicken laid homemade eggs, you can count 28 days, and this will be the right time. And they will be absolutely right, but subject to some additional requirements.

The first and most important requirement is the temperature regime. Storage temperature should not exceed 2 degrees. Despite the fact that the egg compartment, located on the door of the refrigeration device, does not reach the norm, its temperature regime is on average about 8 degrees. In this regard, it is better to place the testicles on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Advice! If the testicles are in a special container, then the best option would be to place them with the tip down.

How much raw eggs can be stored in the refrigerator depends on how the product will be eaten. Eggs intended for fresh consumption should not be older than 7 days. Product aged 1-3 weeks requires boiling, and eggs older than 21 days should be hard-boiled.

boiled product

How long can you keep boiled eggs in the refrigerator? Boiled specimens lose significantly in terms. Hard-boiled specimens can be stored for up to 7 days, but only if the shell is not damaged. The shelf life of boiled eggs in a cleaned form or with a damaged shell is reduced to two days.

Where the boiled eggs will be stored does not matter. They are not as demanding on temperature as their raw counterparts. To what extent is it possible to extend their shelf life? In this case, the timing has a strict limitation, and a copy lying longer than the allotted time can cause harm to health.

We store quail products

How many days can quail eggs be stored? This type of product is also entrenched in the everyday life of most housewives. They are not only tasty, but also very useful.

Quail eggs are stored at higher temperatures. The egg compartment in the refrigerator door is perfect for them. At the same time, even at room temperature, they can be stored for a whole month. And at temperatures from 0 to -5 for two months.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in storing testicles. Under certain conditions, they can be stored for quite a long period of time. Approach the issue of storage correctly and eat only quality products.