What color to paint eggs for Easter. How to paint an Easter egg with paints? Very beautiful Easter eggs

30.10.2019 Desserts and cakes

A bright holiday is approaching, which means that you just need to know how to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands. So that the material does not seem banal, we will talk about dozens of ideas for coloring the main symbol of the Orthodox celebration. So, let's begin!

Why you need to paint eggs

stories there are many about why eggs are dyed for Easter: they start with banal everyday things and end with wonderful Orthodox legends.

If we consider the coloring of eggs from the life side, you can hear an interesting story. Nature is arranged in such a way that the hens did not stop laying eggs during the 40-day fast. Therefore, in order to use the testicles for food after the end of the Christian vigil, people put them in special baskets. To distinguish a fresh product, the peasants dyed the shell. Its color differed depending on the day it was received.

There are also other story, caressing the ear and being the main version of the origin of the tradition of dyeing eggs among Christians. Mary Magdalene presented an egg to Tiberius on the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ with the words "Christ is risen". The enraged emperor shouted that he did not believe in this: Resurrection is impossible in the same way as the fact that a white egg will turn red. At the same moment, the egg in Magdalena's hands turned bright red.

Which version to believe is up to you.. However, the tradition of decorating Easter eggs has not been canceled, so further we will tell you how to do it right.

What color to paint the eggs

The color of Easter eggs matters. Be sure to read this section before you start painting Easter symbols:

  • White
    The color symbolizes the purity of the soul and heavenly abode. It is recommended to leave the testicles white and apply dot decoration if there is a child in the house.
  • Red
    A bright color that says that God loves the human race. Dye eggs this color if you believe that Jesus is with you.
  • Yellow and orange
    Colors are symbols of wealth and prosperity. Be sure to use them to bring money into the house.
  • Blue
    The color of purity, kindness, tenderness. Recommended if there are children in the home.
  • Green
    Attracts prosperity to the family. Be sure to stock up on a few eggs of this color.
  • Black
    The color that characterizes misfortune. In this color to paint the Easter beginning absolutely impossible.

Coloring eggs with food coloring

Modern food coloring manufacturers offer high-quality and safe formulations. Color them with eggs without fear that they will deteriorate. Prepare the following:

  • white eggs
  • Pot
  • Vinegar
  • Paper towels
  • A bowl.

Eggs for coloring with food coloring should not be fresh: use products after 2-3 days of rest. Proceed as follows:

  1. Hard boil the eggs. Lay out on a paper towel, leave to dry.
  2. Prepare bowls for dye of each color: pour 250 ml of water into each, dilute with 80 ml of vinegar.
  3. Add 5-13 drops of food coloring: the more drops, the nicer and richer the color.
  4. Drop one egg into a bowl of each color. Leave to stain for 6 minutes.
  5. After the time has elapsed, remove the eggs, lay on paper towels. Wait for complete drying.

After coloring in the desired colors, proceed to decorate the Easter symbols. One of the brightest examples is pasta decor. You can read about it at

How to dye eggs with onion skins

Painting an Easter symbol with onion skins is a popular way to give an egg a vibrant rich burgundy color. To use this method, you do not need special knowledge, just carefully read instructions and execute it in the kitchen:

  1. Prepare a large amount of onion skins. Remember: quantity determines quality. The more material for painting, the richer the color will be in the end.
  2. Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan, place the husk there. Cook it over medium heat for 50 minutes.
  3. Cool the resulting mass, strain.
  4. Add ½ tablespoon of salt and the same amount of vinegar to the colored water purified from the husk.
  5. Place pre-prepared eggs in the mixture, cook for 10 minutes. After that, dry the product on a napkin.

For coloring in onion skins not necessary use white eggs.

Coloring eggs with beets

Have you noticed that after making beetroot vinaigrette, your hands have a pinkish color? This vegetable makes a great shade range: use it if you want your Easter eggs to have a pink or burgundy color. There are several ways to color eggs with beets. Check them out:

  • Method one
    Prepare freshly squeezed beetroot juice, place eggs in it for 12 hours. After the specified time, a rich burgundy color will turn out.
  • Method two
    Peel 3 beetroots, grate. Pour 100 ml of water and 1/2 tablespoon of food vinegar, put on fire, boil for 10 minutes. Dip the testicles in the broth, leave for a few hours.
  • Method three
    An economical and practical way, which consists in boiling beets with eggs.
  • Method four
    Grate the beets on a fine grater, dip the boiled eggs into the fresh gruel. Leave for 3-4 hours for a burgundy color.

How to dye eggs green

Anticipating the question, we answer: It's safe to dye eggs green. Therefore, arm yourself with cellophane gloves and start creating:

  1. Put the pan on the fire, add 2-3 tablespoons of salt.
  2. Add brilliant green: for a dark green color, pour the entire bottle, for a weak salad color - 3-4 drops.
  3. Boil 10 minutes until done.

By the way, to get interesting marble effect, use 5-6 drops of brilliant green when painting eggs with onion skins. When the product cools, you will see attractive red-green stains on the surface of the shell.

How to paint eggs with brilliant green with lace

We'll tell you about one more creative way coloring Easter eggs with greenery:

  1. Buy lace in a skein. It is not necessary to take expensive, the main thing is to like the drawing.
  2. Tie each egg with a piece of lace. Tie the ends of the ribbon with thread. It is important that the lace is firmly pressed to the surface, otherwise the pattern will be blurry.
  3. Cook in the usual way with the addition of greens.
  4. When ready, soak the eggs in cold water for 7 minutes. Then remove the lace and enjoy a pleasant pattern.

How to get green eggs

The desire of many people to play it safe is understandable. Not everyone decides to paint Easter symbols with greenery. If you really want to get green testicles, we advise you to pay attention to other natural dyes. These include:

  • Spinach
  • Dill
  • Parsley
  • Nettle.

Coloring eggs with violet flowers

To get lilac or purple eggs, use violet tincture. The instruction is simple:

  1. Stock up on violet petals. Fill them with hot water, let it brew for about an hour.
  2. Boil eggs with salt.
  3. Place the boiled product in violet tincture for 12-16 hours.

Natural dyes for vibrant colors

To get rich and interesting colors, it is not necessary to resort to food coloring from the store. Dig into the bins and you will surely find natural colors for easter eggs

  • Turmeric will color the shell into yellow. To do this, you need to cook the chicken product with it.
  • Brown color help get coffee beans or walnuts. Color saturation is determined by the concentration of dyes in the broth.
  • Dark blue color the shell will get after rubbing with cauliflower leaves.
  • Freshly squeezed carrot juice will color the shell in orange within 15 minutes.

To get magnificent specks on the treasured shell, apply the instruction:

  1. Prepare bowls with food coloring: the effect of marble is obtained only when using chemical compounds.
  2. Add to each 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil, mix.
  3. Dip the egg for 5-7 minutes.

To testicles were painted correctly and shone with colored barrels, use recommendations to prepare the product for the procedure:

  • To prevent the eggs from bursting during the cooking process, prepare them in advance. Remove from the refrigerator, wait until the surface temperature of the shell is equal to room temperature. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt.
  • To add shine, wipe the finished dyed eggs with a cotton cloth dipped in vegetable oil.

That's all! Now you know how to paint eggs for Easter with your own hands! We hope the material turned out to be useful and you will plunge into the world of Easter crafts with us with pleasure!

The tradition of dyeing eggs has come to us since ancient times. And since then, every year on the bright spring holiday of Easter, we do not forget about it, and create small creative masterpieces with our own hands. Just as we do not forget to cook and bake on these significant spring days

In my opinion, a wonderful tradition and a wonderful holiday! Day of the Resurrection of Christ! The day of spring awakening, the beginning of something new and beautiful! And for the holiday it is customary to prepare all sorts of treats, treat guests with them, and treat yourself.

And today we will paint eggs together with you. Our task is to learn how to do it in a variety of ways. And there are many such ways among the people. Each hostess probably has her favorite, which she uses from year to year. But each of us has a moment when we want to try something new.

And just today's article for such a case. I will share with you the methods that I managed to accumulate, as well as those that I myself have recently learned. In any case, there will be many ways, and I think that each of you will choose something to your liking. After all, painting them with your own hands is always akin to art.

After all, Orthodox Easter will come very soon. We will all visit each other with Easter cakes and krashenka, "beat" them. And to the statement: “Christ is Risen!”, receive the answer: “Truly Risen!” And together we will rejoice at the arrival of spring, the revival of nature, sunlight and warmth. Rejoice as if it were some kind of miracle, which once was the miracle of the resurrection of Christ.

Easter eggs are the basis and decoration of any table. At present, it is not difficult to decorate them beautifully; a large number of various dyes, materials for blending, decorating and other decoration are sold in stores.

For those who want to express their creativity, there are many interesting ways to design. The main requirement for this is that the painted samples should not be dark, gloomy. Spring colors are welcome, red is required, and all its shades. And the rest - as knowledge will tell, and what is enough imagination.

For proper staining, there are several basic rules.

  • for a better and uniform coloring, they must be washed and degreased. You can wash with soap and degrease with alcohol.
  • you need to cook them only when they lie down at room temperature for some
  • time. Then, while heating them in hot water, there will be no sharp temperature drop, and the shell will remain intact.
  • it is better to cook them with the addition of salt, about one tablespoon per 1-1.2 cups of water
  • in order for boiled and dyed samples to have a beautiful festive look, they must be dried and wiped with a cloth dipped in vegetable oil. Then carefully polish them with a dry cotton cloth. So they will turn out shiny and glossy.

For decorating Easter eggs, depending on the method of coloring, there are such concepts:

- dyes - painted in one color

speckles - painted in the main color, but there are blotches on them in the form of specks, spots or stripes of a different color

- drapanki - tinted in one color, but the pattern on them is scratched out by hand

Easter eggs - have an ornamental or plot pattern, hand-painted with paints or painted in a special way.

And so how can you decorate this Easter symbol beautifully and show your creativity?

Painting in onion skins

The most popular coloring method is the use of onion skins. Our great-grandmothers used this coloring method, and probably their great-grandmothers too. This is a very simple and affordable way to achieve a range of colors from light yellow to dark brown. The more you take the husk for coloring, the darker the color will turn out. The intensity of staining also makes its own adjustments to the shade.

And if you use various devices, you can get not only the intended color, but also the pattern.

Coloring in onion skins

1. Place the husk in a saucepan and pour water over it. Cook it over low heat for 30-40 minutes.

2. Turn off the heat, cover with a lid and leave to infuse for about 1 hour.

3. Remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance, let them lie at room temperature for 2 hours.

4. Strain the broth, freeing it from the husk, salt. Place eggs in it and cook for 7-10 minutes.

5. Take them out with a spoon and cool them in running cold water.

6. To get a more intense color, they can be returned to the infusion of the husk again, and hold them there until the desired color.

7. Dry and grease with gauze dipped in vegetable oil.

To get a rich red-brown color, you need to take the husk from 8-10 bulbs and pour it with two glasses of water.

There are different types of onions, and their husks vary in color from light yellow to dark brown. Depending on this, you can also get different colors.

Using this, you can color the samples in a very beautiful way.

Marble staining method

1. Prepare a husk of different colors, cut it arbitrarily into various geometric shapes, not more than 1 cm in size. Cut plain paper in the same way.

2. Mix the husk and paper.

3. Moisten eggs at room temperature with water, roll in the husk with paper.

4. Prepare a nylon stocking or gauze in advance. Cut it into squares 15 x 15 cm, so that you can put the product to be painted in them.

5. Put them in gauze. Tie the edges of the gauze tightly or secure with threads so that the husk fits snugly against the walls of the shell. The denser, the sharper the pattern.

6. Place the remaining husk in a saucepan, fill it with water and add 1-2 tablespoons of salt. Put eggs in a saucepan, put on fire, bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and simmer for 35-40 minutes.

7. Take them out with a spoon, place them under running cold water. Remove capron.

8. Dry and grease with gauze dipped in vegetable oil.

Marble method of staining in onion peel and brilliant green

1. Prepare the onion peel. If there is a husk of a different color, then this will give the best "marble" effect. Cut the husk as small as possible. There should be a lot of husks.

2. Moisten the main product at room temperature with water and cover generously with the husk. At first, you can simply roll them, and then apply them with your hands.

3. Wrap very tightly with gauze or nylon, tie the ends with threads.

4. Pour a glass of water into the pan, add a tablespoon of salt and pour a vial of brilliant green.

5. Place eggs with husks in a saucepan. They must be completely hidden under water. If there is not enough water, then you can add it.

6. Put on medium heat, bring to a boil. Cook for 7-10 minutes.

7. Rinse under running water. Then remove the gauze and rinse again.

8. Dry and grease with marlechka with sunflower oil. Polish and put on a dish.

I really like this method and use it often. And especially for you, we shot a video on this topic, which we are pleased to offer you for viewing.

I tried to tell and show everything in great detail, so that anyone who undertakes this task will get only an excellent result.

In onion peel with a pattern

An interesting pattern can be obtained using the same onion peel and rice. We will get the so-called krapanki. How to do it?

1. Moisten eggs at room temperature with water.

2. Apply dry rice to them and wrap them tightly with nylon or gauze, as in the previous version.

3. Place the onion peel in a saucepan, fill it with water and salt. Put prepared samples into it, put on fire, bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and simmer for 35-40 minutes.

4. Take them out with a spoon, place them under running cold water. Remove capron.

5. Dry and grease with gauze dipped in vegetable oil.

In onion peel with lace pattern

Drawings can be made using various plants, improvised materials or lace fabric. So, for example, such drawings as twigs and leaves are very loved by the people.

1. Prepare dill sprigs, parsley leaves, small leaves from other plants and blades of grass. You can make paper cutouts. The lace pattern is very beautiful. With this staining technique, an adhesive plaster is also used. Various shapes are cut out and glued. Or the drawing is applied with wax.

2. Moisten eggs at room temperature with water.

3. In random order, as fantasy tells, apply a drawing using the prepared material.

4. Wrap them tightly with nylon or gauze.

5. Place onion peel in a saucepan, fill it with water and pour 1-2 tbsp. spoons of salt. Place eggs in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat. Reduce heat and simmer for 35-40 minutes.

6. Take them out with a spoon, place them under running cold water. Remove capron.

7. Dry and grease with gauze dipped in vegetable oil.

Put on a plate and put on the table.

In onion peel with a pattern

Patterns on the egg can be created in several ways.

1. For example, wrapping a few rubber bands on it for money. Get strips of different widths. And if you change the position of the rubber bands, and alternately paint the surface with dyes of different colors, you will get multi-colored stripes. You need to paint from light to dark tone.

2. Threads can be wound in the same way. And then dip them into the dye solution.

3. Or stick narrow long strips of adhesive tape.

4. Beautiful patterns are obtained by wrapping the shell with lace and then holding it in the onion solution.

How to dye eggs with natural dyes

It is believed that the use of natural dyes is better than artificial ones. And you can't even explain why. The word "natural" says it all. While I don't think artificial food colorings are bad, if I have to choose between them, I always choose natural ones.

As you know, many plants, fruits and vegetables have a natural pigment that easily colors some things. And at all times people used this effect.

Let's look at what they are, and how you can use them to achieve a more saturated color.

  • Onion peel. When stained, it gives a rich palette from pale yellow to a beautiful, rich dark brown. How to paint, we discussed in detail above.
  • Beet juice. Thanks to him, you can get a color from pale pink to burgundy.

To dye in this color, grate the beets, pour water over it and boil for 20-30 minutes. Strain the resulting broth, add a few tablespoons of vinegar and a little salt. Then let it cool down a bit and put the eggs in it. Cook for 10 - 15 minutes, periodically checking what color is turned out. Then let it brew.

  • Spinach. When used, a bright saturated green color is obtained. Similarly, we prepare a decoction and boil eggs in it.

To prepare the infusion, you just need to boil the chopped spinach for 30-40 minutes. Then place the samples in a slightly cooled infusion.

  • Birch leaves. Thanks to the decoction and infusion of even fresh, even dry birch leaves, you can also get a beautiful green color.

Pour boiling water over them, let simmer over low heat until the solution becomes a saturated color, then turn off the fire, and insist the leaves in water for another 30 minutes. After that, dip the samples prepared for painting into the cooled solution and cook after boiling for 10 minutes

  • Nettle. It will also give a green color when dyed.
  • Lemon. Thanks to the infusion of lemon peel, various shades of yellow can be obtained.
  • Chamomile. Gives beautiful and very delicate shades of yellow.
  • Turmeric and saffron. Gives a lovely sunny orange color.
  • Orange. Its crusts, infused in a decoction, will give a magnificent golden-orange color.
  • Red cabbage. When preparing a decoction and painting eggs, it will give a blue color.
  • Coffee. Its infusion will give warm beige shades.

You can also color using raspberry juice, blueberries, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries. Or try making it in infused black tea.

For all of the above natural dyes, there is one staining scheme. Here she is.

Universal coloring method for all natural dyes

1. Pour cold water into a saucepan, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar. Place there the product, which will be a natural dye.

2. Bring to a boil, turn off the heat, cover and let it brew for 30-40 minutes.

3. Place eggs at room temperature in a cooled broth. Bring to a boil over low heat. Cook for 15-30 minutes until desired color.

4. Take them out with a spoon, cool under running water.

5. If you want to achieve a more intense color, then put them back into the broth. Leave for a longer time, you can even all night.

The fact is that natural pigments are less active, and therefore it takes more time to stain than usual.

6. Then dry and brush with vegetable oil.

Then put on a dish or in a basket and serve.

How to dye eggs with dyes at home

You can also paint eggs at home with the help of paint, which is sold in the store. Now you can buy it for every taste. Among the huge offer, you can find a palette of only 4 colors, or you can purchase it with a richer color range. I have seen packages with flowers up to 15 different shades.

As a rule, all packages have instructions for use. Please read it carefully and follow the instructions provided. Basically the recommendations are:

  • paint should be diluted immediately before use in a small amount of water
  • dilute it in small portions, as under the influence of light and air, it quickly loses its properties
  • do not store after use
  • when interacting with it, use rubber gloves so as not to stain the skin of the hands

By following the instructions, you will get different colors of eggs. If you keep the eggs in the dye for less time, then the color will turn out to be more delicate, and if longer, then more saturated.

But with such dyes, you can also decorate Easter eggs in a very original way!

Marble way without greenery

For this method, you need to have food coloring.

1. First you need to boil, and then paint the eggs in bright light colors. A good result is obtained from red, yellow and orange.

2. Then you should dry them.

3. Now we dilute dark colors with water - blue, green, purple. Each color in a separate bowl.

4. Add 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil to each color. We draw a toothpick through the oil to make oil paths. The more of them, the better.

5. Dip each cooked copy in a dark color only once. Use gloves for this. Then dry and grease with vegetable oil.

There are other equally interesting and creative ways to decorate Easter eggs. From the simplest decoration with beads, ribbons, fabrics to the famous Faberge eggs. Some of them are made for eating, and some for admiring.

And some for both. And let's look at just such interesting ways.

How fun to color eggs

If you use several colored dyes, and dip the egg in them not completely, but only half, or 1/3, then you can apply several layers of paint. And in this way you can set absolutely any colors, including rainbows.

The only thing to remember is that the paint must be allowed to dry after each applied layer.

To do this, you need to prepare either a lattice or some kind of stand, on which we will lay out partially painted products.

Since this process is not fast, you need to stock up on time and patience, but the result will be just great. And everyone will certainly ask how you achieved such a wonderful and original result.

Or you can apply the following method to obtain a rainbow color.

It turns out everything is very beautiful, quite simple and fast!

And you must admit that any housewife will want to have such beauty on the table!

Seven original ways of staining

1. In order to get patterns from matching strips of white and color, you can stick thin strips of adhesive tape on the eggs in random order. After the end of the staining and cooling process, remove the adhesive tape and beautiful geometric patterns will appear to our attention.

2. Thinner strips can be obtained by using rubber bands for money, as we did when dyeing with onion peel.

3. And when sticking rice, we get bright colorful dots. (the method is also described for staining with onion skins)

4. Beautiful specks can be easily obtained with a toothbrush. To do this, you must first set the main tone, and then use a brush to spray drops on them. This procedure can leave a lot of splashes on the table, so take care of this in advance and cover it with napkins.

5. And if you melt the wax and draw patterns or some kind of pattern on the shell, and then lower them into the dye, you can get magnificent beautiful samples that will decorate any holiday table.

It is important here that the paint is not hot, otherwise the wax will melt and the drawing will be smeared, or even invisible.

6. And the following method has recently become very popular. This is also a variant of marble staining, and newspaper is used as an aid in this. She breaks into small pieces. After that, the eggs are placed in a piece of nylon, and the newspaper is poured inside, like onion peel. Then the capron must be tightly tied and put to boil.

After they are cooked, cool them as usual and then remove the capron and remove the paper. The letters of the newspaper text will remain on the shell.

The method is spectacular, but I don’t use it, as I don’t really want to cook a food product together with printing ink.

7. Samples with a three-dimensional, so-called 3D effect look very nice. It is also not difficult to do this. As usual, we color it, either with natural or artificial food coloring, and dry it. In the meantime, take 200 - 250 grams of powdered sugar and mix it with ordinary water until a mushy state. We place the sugar mass in a confectionery syringe and apply beautiful three-dimensional patterns.

It turns out just great.

Decoupage with napkins

Recently, this technique has become incredibly popular in various fields of creativity. She did not pass by and Easter crafts.

When you watch such a video, you immediately want to leave everything and do such a wonderful kind of creativity as decoupage.

The only thing I would like to draw your attention to is choosing napkins with a small pattern suitable for the occasion, and then success is guaranteed to you. Such beauties usually fly like hot cakes.

By the way, this recipe uses egg white as glue. Gelatin can also be used. To do this, it must be poured with a small amount of water, allowed to swell slightly, then drain the excess water. Then heat it up and let it dissolve completely. Glue is ready. We arm ourselves with a brush, take a suitable napkin and create beauty.

Marble coloring with nail polish

Another interesting way to color with multi-colored nail polishes. The technique of water manicure is used.

1. Boil white eggs.

2. Pour water at room temperature into a bowl. Drip nail polish into it. You can use one, two or more colors.

3. When using several colors, they must be dripped in turn into the center.

4. Draw from varnish with a toothpick drawings in the form of abstractions, lines, cobwebs or flowers.

5. Put on gloves, take a sample and dip it first on one side, then on the other side. Let dry.

This method is interesting both in terms of design and in terms of creativity. Instances are original and beautiful. But it should be remembered that varnish is a chemical compound, not food coloring. Therefore, it may make sense to use the other methods listed above.

Or you can just draw figures on the shell with the same nail polish. There is also room for fantasy.

How to dye eggs in fabric

If you know that you have a fabric that has an unstable color, and in simple terms - sheds, then by wrapping an egg in it, you can dye it. For this purpose it is necessary to have samples with a white shell.

1. Wrap the prepared sample tightly in a shedding cloth. Tie the ends with thread.

2. Place it in cold water, add salt, bring to a boil. Boil 10 minutes.

3. Drain the hot water and pour the finished product with cold water. When it cools down, remove the fabric. Dry and grease with vegetable oil.

Lace can be used in the same way. In this case, a beautiful and original lace pattern will appear on the painted surface.

Why paint eggs for Easter

Many people ask themselves: “Why do they need to be painted for Easter?” The answer to this question should be sought even in the prehistoric period.

At all times, the egg was given great importance in absolutely all cultures. It was considered a symbol of rebirth, the spring Sun, which carries light, warmth, Life in all its manifestations, deliverance from winter shackles, darkness. The transition from non-existence to existence.

It was presented as gifts to the pagan ancient gods, and later they began to give it to their relatives and friends. It is known that already in ancient Egypt there was a tradition of coloring eggs. This was done during the flood of the Nile. This event in the life of the people was the most important, because the river brought life to people. Therefore, it was expected every year, like a kind of miracle. And when the spill happened, there were great celebrations. Painted eggs were exchanged, they were hung in temples and dwellings.

In the Indian Vedas, the god Brahma hatched from a Golden Egg.

In the East, there are legends that say that the world originated from Chaos, which was in a huge egg. Therefore, to this day they attach great importance to it there.

In ancient burials of completely different cultures, eggs are found, both natural and made from different materials. There are also painted ones among them. All the mythologies of the world keep legends associated with it, as a symbol of life, renewal, the source of the origin of everything that exists in this world.

They are also one of the main attributes of Christian Easter. According to ancient church tradition, the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene presented the first Easter egg to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. Krashenki are considered in Christian culture a symbol of the resurrection of Christ. Russian folk legends tell that at the time of the Resurrection of Christ, the stones on Golgotha ​​turned into red eggs.

By the way, everyone probably knows that they can be left until next year, using them in the treatment of various diseases, getting rid of the evil eye and spoilage. I always leave the one, the most beautiful, untouched. And although we do not heal with its help, and even more so we do not remove damage, but it lies in our house until next Easter. This is the custom passed down from my grandmother.

Well, perhaps that's all!

Today I tried to tell you as fully as possible about the methods of dyeing Easter eggs. Knowing these basic methods, and including fantasy, on their basis, you can come up with other, no less interesting ways.

And now I want to wish you peace, prosperity, kindness! As well as warmth, light, life without disease and sadness! If you wish all this on the eve or day of Easter, and eat a couple of painted Easter eggs, then everything will certainly come true!

Good health to all! And also Happy Easter! Christ is Risen!!!

There are a lot of variations in dyeing chicken eggs, but what remains unchanged is the process of preparing for dyeing. We share our tips with you:

1. So that the eggs do not burst during the cooking process, you need to get them out of the refrigerator in a couple of hours.

2. Gently wash all eggs under running water. So the paint will lie much more evenly.

3. Boil the eggs in salted water, again, this will prevent the shell from cracking.

4. In order for the eggs to be well cleaned, immediately after cooking, they must be poured with ice water until they cool completely.

5. Vegetable oil will help to give the painted eggs a shiny look. It is only necessary to dry the painted testicles and coat with refined oil.

We have finished with the preparation, now we can safely proceed to the main painting. We invite you to use our simple ideas.

Classic way

It involves painting eggs in onion skins. This is the method our ancestors used.

1. Rinse the husk (the more, the better) under water, transfer to a deep saucepan.

2. Add water to it, cook for about 40 minutes.

3. Turn off the fire and let the broth brew for a couple of hours.

4. Strain through a colander, removing all the husks.

5. Cook the prepared eggs. Cooking time depends on the color you want to get.

This process gives us solid eggs, if you want to give them prints of flowers, then you need to use nylon fabric and dried leaves.

Or apply the desired pattern with electrical tape, boil in the husk. Get rid of electrical tape. The drawing is ready.

Decoupage Easter eggs

This method is for those who do not want to bother with stickers and are used to doing everything themselves. We need patterned napkins, boiled eggs and gelatin.

1. Dilute gelatin as indicated on the package.

2. Cut out the drawings with thin scissors.

3. We apply the prepared drawing to the egg and apply gelatin glue to the surface of the napkin with a brush. We start gluing from the center and bring the brush to the edges.

Before serving, the eggs must be dried for 2 hours.

gradient fill

The whole point is that each egg is a tone darker than the previous one. We prepare dyes and eggs.

1. We breed food colorings in accordance with the instructions.

2. Lower the first egg for 20 seconds.

3. With the rest of the eggs, we carry out the previous method, only we increase the staining time for each egg by 20 seconds (the first 20, the second 40, the third 60, etc.).

As a result, you should get a whole series of eggs, which smoothly transitions from a light shade to a rich one.

If you are negative about purchased dyes, then use natural dyes.


This unusual method will allow you to draw whatever you want. We stock up on painted eggs, a cutter, a pencil and patience.

1. Eggs must be dried well after painting.

2. We select the drawing of interest, transfer it with a pencil to the shell.

3. With a cutter, carefully clean the paint from the shell, make sure that the egg does not break.

The process is long and laborious, but worth it.

Space Easter eggs

Love space? Then this method is exactly for you. We will need acrylic paints, a brush, dish sponge, toothbrush, white paint and water.

1. We cover the eggs with black paint in two layers.

2. Using a brush, apply various stains of dark blue and black-violet paints to the shell.

3. We take a sponge and dip it in dark colors, apply them on the egg with a sharp movement, then paint with bright ones.

4. We dilute the white paint with water, apply it to the toothbrush and spray it over the egg, giving the effect of stars.


After each layer, it is necessary to dry the egg well.

Fabric pattern

The easiest way. We choose suitable colored silk and white cotton fabrics, threads, a needle, water, vinegar and white raw eggs.

1. We wrap the egg with a colored cloth, the front side should be from the inside.

2. To make the drawing not blurry, we tightly sew it together.

3. Wrap with a white cloth, sew again.

4. In a saucepan, mix water and vinegar (3 tablespoons), lay eggs, cook for about 10-15 minutes after the water boils.

5. We cool the eggs in a natural way, without resorting to cold water.

A beautiful and bright drawing is provided to you.


You must have heard of these Easter eggs. And we will tell you how to make them, only for this you will need: brilliant green and onion peel.

1. So, we prepare the onion solution as described above.

2. Wrap raw eggs in onion peel, grind it first. We fix it with nylon fabric.

3. Cook. In the middle of the passed stage, add a spoonful of brilliant green to the water and cook until tender.

A "marble" egg will acquire a truly beautiful color if it is coated with vegetable oil.

Coloring with rice

In fact, the option is very unusual. An interesting texture and pattern, they will help us to give: rice, plastic cups and food coloring.

1. Fill 1/3 cup with rice.

2. Add 25-30 drops of dyes to it (if the paint is dry, then dilute it in a small amount of water).

3. Thoroughly mix the contents of the cup, evenly coloring the rice grains.

4. We lower the boiled egg to the rice, gently shake it several times. Leave it like this for five minutes.

In this way, you can paint one egg several times, while changing the color of the paint.

colorful palette

This method got its name for a reason. And why, you will find out in the process of painting. So, we need: knitting threads (or floss) of different colors, vinegar and raw eggs.

1. Each egg is completely wrapped with colored threads.

2. Cook in water with the addition of vinegar.

3. We shift it into a bowl, leave it like that until it cools completely.

4. Remove the threads.

Beautiful, isn't it? What bright and original testicles we got.

Decorate with wax crayons

The name speaks for itself, we need: wax pencils or crayons and eggs.

1. Boil the eggs.

2. We apply bright patterns to the warm shell.

3. Cool down.

As you draw, the wax will begin to melt, giving the egg its original design.

culinary ideas

This option is the cheapest, because there are cereals in every home. And we will use: fine grain (millet, egg, etc.) and wax candles.

1. Apply hot wax to the finished eggs.

2. Quickly sprinkle this area with grits.

3. Lubricate with refined oil.

Eggs can be used both natural and dyed.

And in conclusion…

You can choose one idea from the proposed options and paint the eggs, but just think what delight the guests will have if they see beautifully decorated eggs on your holiday table. Do not spare time and effort, because Easter is only once a year and make it unforgettable.

We offer you to watch a video in which you will learn a lot of useful information on painting eggs for Easter.



How to make sure that the eggs in your Easter basket are the most beautiful? We offer 20 ways - both proven for centuries, and completely innovative.

1. Marble patterns

If you add vegetable oil to the paint, then it will lie on the shell with beautiful stains.

Marble coloring of eggs is achieved with the help of oil. Photo shnyazhka.com

2. Paint splatter

Boil the eggs, cool. Take a toothbrush, dip it in the paint and spray the paint on the shell. Don't forget to wear an apron and squirt over the sink so you don't paint the entire kitchen in specks.

3. Lace and ribbons

Eggs must be boiled and cooled. To decorate the eggs, you will need small pieces of ribbons and lace. You can tie one or more ribbons at your discretion. Your basket will contain the most fashionable vintage eggs!

An original and easy way is to decorate the eggs with ribbons and lace. Photo news.online.ua

4. Colored stripes

Take bright woolen threads that shed, or floss. Wrap them around an egg and so, in threads, and boil. The dye from the threads will transfer to the shell and leave a striped pattern.

In order for the eggs to be striped, you need woolen threads that shed, or floss.

5. White striped

In order for the stripes to remain white, and the egg itself to become colored, first wrap the shell with thin elastic bands, and then lower it into the coloring broth.

Such eggs will be with the help of thin rubber bands. Photo aif.ua

6. Natural dyes

For those who do not want to use artificial colors, tea can be used, which will give the hibiscus a purple color; black coffee - from beige to brown; beet juice - from pink to red; turmeric - yellow; blue cabbage juice - from blue to dark blue. To get green, you must first color the eggs yellow and then blue. For orange - first to red, then to yellow.

Soft tones will give natural dyes. Photo lady.mail.ru

In order for the eggs to be evenly colored, the paint solution must be hot, and 4 tbsp must be added to 1 liter of the solution. vinegar and 1 tbsp. salt. The coloring time depends on the desired color intensity and can range from half an hour to overnight.

7. Colorful circles of confetti

You can use ready-made confetti or make your own with a hole puncher. You can stick confetti on glue or paste. Your eggs will look bright and festive.

Eggs decorated with confetti. Photo by photobank.ua

8. Onion peel

Eggs may turn yellow or dark brown, depending on the amount of husk.

One of the oldest methods is coloring eggs with onion skins. Photo supersadovnik.ru

Put the husks (calculated: husks from two onions per egg) in water (about 1 liter for 5 eggs) and boil for half an hour. Dip the eggs in the broth and cook for 10 minutes after they boil.

9. Herbs and leaves

From natural remedies for decoration, you can use the leaves and sprigs of parsley, dill, cilantro, thyme, rosemary and other spices and herbs. It is necessary to put a leaf to the boiled egg and cover it with gauze, tie the ends with a thread and cut off the excess. Next, paint the egg with paints or natural dyes. After the egg dries, free it from gauze and leaves. The gauze will let the paint through and leave beautiful prints on the eggs.

Decoration with leaves, herbs and twigs. Photo happy-giraffe.ru

10. Geometric patterns with adhesive tape

Boiled eggs should be pasted over with strips or squares of adhesive tape, lowered into the first dye. After extraction, you need to let the egg dry, and then remove the adhesive tape (you can stick it on other places), lower it into the second dye. Let it dry again and remove the tape.

Such geometric patterns can be obtained using adhesive tape. Photo lady.mail.ru

11. Decoupage technique

This will require beautiful table paper napkins. You need to cut out the drawings in small fragments. Dilute PVA glue in half with water (you can use a paste *), apply to boiled eggs and glue pieces of napkins. Let dry completely.

Decoupage eggs. Photo igrushka.kz

12. Cereals, grains and legumes

In order to create stripes on the egg, you need to apply glue with a strip, dip it in cereal, let it dry completely. Then make the second, third and so on strips from other cereals. Flowers can be laid out with tweezers, or you can simply roll the egg in tinted rice.

Almost like Faberge - decoration with cereals and legumes. Photo kotikit.ru

13. Funny little animals

From eggs you can make funny faces that will appeal to the kids. To do this, pre-boil and color the eggs. From colored paper, cut out noses and ears, glue to the eggs. Draw details with a black felt-tip pen - eyes, mouths.

Kids will definitely be happy with such eggs on the table. Photo lady.mail.ru

14. Sprinkle for Easter cakes

Eggs decorated with this multi-colored sweet sprinkle look very bright and attractive, and decorating takes a matter of minutes. It is necessary to apply glue to boiled eggs and roll them in colored sugar.

Sweet sprinkles can decorate not only Easter cakes, but also Easter eggs. Photo matrony.ru

15. Greenery

Throw a large bunch of greens (dill, parsley, cilantro) into the water in which you boil the eggs, and the shell will turn a delicate green color.

16. Muzzles and grimaces

One of the easiest ways to paint eggs. Here you don’t need to paint or glue anything, but simply use a felt-tip pen to draw faces on the eggs. Adhesive eyes can be purchased at the stationery store in the department for children's crafts, but if you don’t find any, then you can simply draw the eyes with a felt-tip pen.

One of the simple and original ways to decorate eggs. Photo radiosibir.ru

17. Using silk

You will need an unnecessary piece of silk with a beautiful pattern or an old silk tie. Wrap the egg with a shred (front side to the shell). From above, you can tightly tie gauze or tighten it into a nylon sock. Pour water into the pan, add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar, put the eggs and cook for 15 minutes after they boil. Then pour cold water over the eggs. Cool and remove the fabric. On the shell, the exact same pattern should remain as on the shred.

The silk pattern will easily transfer onto your egg when boiled. Photo homester.com.ua

Add a little vinegar to any decoction with paint, then the paint will lie flat. To make the eggs shine beautifully, after boiling, coat them with vegetable oil, and then rub with a towel.

If you paint with watercolors or paint with a brush yourself with any other dye, first wipe the shell with soapy water or vodka, then the paint will last a long time.

18. Spotted

Pour the rice onto the cheesecloth. Wrap an egg in cheesecloth with rice. Wrap tightly or put in a nylon sock and tie with a thread. Now boil the egg in paint or a decoction of onion peel. Expand - you get a speckled pattern.

19. Foil

The easiest way to decorate eggs for Easter. We take foil, you can look for a multi-colored one and wrap hard-boiled eggs in it.

Already boiled eggs can be wrapped in bright foil. Photo ikirov.ru

20. Powdered sugar

How to do it: take 1 cup of powdered sugar and stir it with a small amount of water until a thick homogeneous mass is formed. Then, with this mass, using a confectionery syringe, we paint the eggs boiled in onion peel or painted with any dye, placing them in coasters, and let them dry.

Decorating with powdered sugar. Photo news.online.ua

Good day to all! How do you feel? On the street, spring is in full swing, running, murmuring streams. Breathe easy!

Mood for 5+ And so I want to create and be weird, so today I want to show how unusual, original, tasteful and super beautiful you can decorate, paint eggs for Easter. Watch and choose the method you like, there is nothing complicated in this matter. I hope that these step-by-step descriptions in this article will help you with this. And your guests will be delighted.

Also, do not forget to cook Easter cakes and bake a delicious Easter. It seems to me that this is a wonderful tradition of preparing delicious treats on spring days and decorating testicles with your own hands.

Why paint eggs for Easter?

I do not want to write so much information about it. I will not delve into history, to be honest, I never liked history at school, although in vain, of course.

So, that's Why do they paint eggs for Easter? I answer.

At all times, the egg was considered a symbol of the birth, the rebirth of the Sun. The sun carried light and heat. Previously, eggs were presented to the gods, but now we present them to relatives and friends.

Even in ancient Egypt, they began to color eggs, and the inhabitants of this event were waiting for a whole year. For them it was a great miracle.

In the Indian Vedas, the god Brahma hatched from a Golden Egg.

It is known that in the East, according to legend, they said that the World originated from Chaos and was in an egg.

In our world, there are legends that say that the egg is a symbol of life.

Easter eggs are one of the main attributes of Christian Easter. According to ancient church tradition, the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene gave the first Easter egg to the Roman Emperor Tiberius. Painted eggs are considered in Christian culture as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ. Russian folk legends tell that at the time of the Resurrection of Christ, the stones on Golgotha ​​turned into red eggs.

How to paint eggs with your own hands?

Of course, no one will argue with the fact that Easter eggs are the decoration of the festive table on Easter days. The stores now have a very large variety of all sorts of interesting things for decorating eggs, these are stickers, dyes, decoupage materials and much more.

The main thing is that the decorated eggs turn out to be cheerful, not sad, that is, they should be executed in bright, sunny colors.

The presence of red is obligatory according to old Russian traditions, and the rest is your fantasy, imagination and creativity to help you.

There are several rules for painting eggs:

  • Eggs must be degreased and rinsed before painting or decorating. This is done with the help of laundry soap (washing) and alcohol (degreasing).
  • Eggs are not cooked immediately, that is, you cannot take them out of the refrigerator and put them immediately into boiling water. Take out the eggs and let them lie warm for a while. Then there will be no large temperature difference and the shell will not crack during cooking!
  • Boil the eggs by adding salt to the water, about 1 tbsp. for 1.5 cups of water.
  • In order for the eggs to shine after coloring, you need to dry them well and then grease them a little with vegetable oil, remove excess oil with a cloth.

Interesting:😆 Have you ever heard about Easter eggs, krapanki, Easter eggs and drapanki. Sounds awesome 🙂

  • dyes - paint in one color
  • specks - painted in one color, but have small specks of a different color
  • pysanky - on such eggs there is a small pattern
  • drapanki - a plain egg with a pattern, the pattern is done by hand, with the help of scratching

Coloring and decorating eggs for Easter

In this article, I want to teach you how to decorate, paint eggs in various interesting ways. And there are many ways to paint. Choose which one suits you and experiment. You will succeed. 🙂

Decorating eggs with wax crayons

This method is very easy and not very costly from the financial side.

We will need:

  • white eggs, food coloring, warm water, 9% vinegar, wax crayons

Stages of work:

1. Dilute the dyes according to the instructions on the package.

2. Add 1 tablespoon of vinegar to 250 ml of water.

3. Mix the vinegar and dye well.

4. Boil the eggs, but do not drain the water, because this method requires hot eggs.

5. Take the egg and soak it with a napkin.

6. Take pencils and paint the egg.

7. Dip the painted egg in the dye for 1 minute.

8. Remove the egg after the time has elapsed and dry on a stand. The stand can be made from foam and toothpicks. You can take a sponge for washing dishes and stick needles with beads into it, you will also get a good stand for drying eggs.

9. These are the beauties-testicles turned out 😎

Decoupage of Easter eggs from a napkin

We will need:

  • white eggs, patterned napkins, egg white and brush

1. Take a raw egg and separate the protein from it. Beat the egg white a little to make it thick. Many write that you can use PVA glue instead of protein, but it seems to me that this is not safe. Get your paper napkins ready.

2. Take a napkin and separate the topmost layer, which is with a pattern.

3. Now cut out from the napkins those elements that you want to reprint on your egg.

4. These are the elements turned out.

5. Take any element and attach it to the egg. Dip the brush in protein and coat the butterfly with protein.

6. You can miss the whole butterfly. To do this, do not remove the top layer with a pattern from the napkin.

Attach the butterfly, smear the middle of the butterfly with protein, remove the top layer from the butterfly, and brush the bottom with a brush with protein.

7. Easy and simple, and such a beauty!

When I was preparing for this article, I found one amazing video that I really liked. It also shows the original decoupage. See you won't regret it!

Master class "Do-it-yourself Easter egg design"

I liked the patterns, write to me through the feedback, I will send you an email.

Marble pattern with dyes

A good option for creative natures, also an original and not very difficult way.

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring, white napkins, spoon, gloves

Stages of work:

1. Wear gloves for work.

2. Be sure to cover the table with cling film or oilcloth.

3. Take an egg and wrap it in three paper white napkins.

4. Take a spoon and pick up a little of any dye in it, and then pour it on the egg.

5. Now take a different color of dye and apply it again on the egg. Continue applying dye to the areas where the napkin is white.

6. Press the paper towel firmly against the egg so that the dyes color the egg.

7. Leave the egg for 15-20 minutes on a special stand.

8. Then remove the napkin and look at your masterpiece result.

9. It turned out a marble pattern with a transition from color to color.

Painting with nylon and greenery

This way of painting eggs will require a little perseverance and dexterity from you.

We will need:

  • white eggs, food coloring, greens (parsley and dill), nylon, thread

Stages of work:

1. Take an egg and put parsley on it and carefully wrap the egg with nylon, pressing tightly and twisting.

2. Tie a nylon with a thread and dip the egg into the dye.

3. Remove the egg and place it on a stand to dry the egg.

4. A miracle testicle turned out.

You can use not only greens, for example, take adhesive tape or electrical tape and cut out different figures, and in the same way wrap it in nylon and dye it in dye.

Easter patterns with thermal stickers

We will need:

  • white eggs, hot water, Easter thermal stickers

Stages of work:

1. Take the hot-melt pattern and put it on the egg.

3. Easter egg with a pattern is ready!

Patterns from Easter stickers

The easiest way is to buy Easter stickers and decorate our holiday eggs in any way you like.

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring, easter stickers

Stages of work:

1. Paint the eggs any color you like. Or you can leave it white.

2. Take Easter stickers, they are sold in the store. Remove the stickers from the leaf and decorate the eggs.

Method using onion and beet husks

You can always use this method, as foods such as beets, onions, red cabbage and turmeric are almost always in the house. The only disadvantage of such painting is time. In this way, eggs are dyed much longer than with food coloring.

We will need:

  • white eggs, red cabbage, beets, water, onion peel, turmeric can be used

Stages of work:

1. Take the red cabbage and cut it into pieces with a knife.

2. Grate the beets. Pour boiling water over vegetables in separate cups. (Onion skins, if you are making a dye out of it, you need to pour water and boil this decoction for about 40 minutes. Then add the eggs and leave in the onion skins until the water cools down. After that, move the pan to the refrigerator overnight, on morning eggs in onion skins will be dyed).

3. Dip an egg in there.

4. Remove after a while and dip the eggs with a napkin.

5. Place the eggs on a stand to dry.

6. In this way, the eggs are not very bright, saturated. But these are real natural dyes!

We paint from improvised means at home

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring

Stages of work:

1. The egg must be dry, also an important condition, it must be warm or hot.

2. Dilute the dye with water, according to the instructions and add 1 tbsp to the dye with water. vinegar and mix thoroughly.

3. Do not completely lower the testicle into the paint, hold it a little in the dye for 2-3 minutes. Remove the egg and remove a drop of paint with a napkin.

4. Place the egg on a stand, let the paint dry.

6. Repeat step 4, 5 and again 4.

7. That's what happens approximately, an interesting design, I think 🙂

8. Place the colored egg on a stand and dry.

Painting eggs in a glass

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring, glass, syringe

Stages of work:

1. Take a glass, put an egg in it.

2. Draw the dye into the syringe and carefully pour the dye along the walls of the glass. Leave the egg like this for 30 minutes. Next, draw it into the syringe again and carefully pour it so that the egg is completely covered and leave it again for 20 minutes, and again draw paint into the syringe and hold for 10 minutes.

3. Remove the egg from the paint. Dip the egg gently with napkins, dry on a stand.

4. The egg will turn out to be monophonic, but the color will have 3 types on it: dark, lighter, very light.

Egg wrapping

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring, knitting threads

Stages of work:

1. Wrap the eggs with thread.

2. Dip the eggs in the dye for 10 minutes, let them dye.

3. Remove the eggs from the dye, blot the eggs with paper towels.

4. Remove the threads.

Coloring eggs with vegetable oil

It turns out very interesting, I never thought that vegetable oil in combination with a dye could give such an effect!

We will need:

  • eggs, food coloring, vegetable oil, water

Stages of work:

1. Color the egg in a light color like yellow.

2. Take a container with a dark dye, such as green, and add 1 tbsp. vegetable oil and stir.

3. Dip the egg in green dye, let it be dyed. Here's how original it turned out!

4. Take out the egg. Place on a stand to dry.

Decorate with fabric

I never thought that in this way, too, you can paint eggs. Watch and be surprised! How to dye Easter eggs with old ties! Silk coloring:

An interesting way, so you can take any fabric and paint eggs

Coloring eggs with nail polish

This method can be called water manicure in another way (or in the technique of water manicure). The method is quite attractive, but not very safe for health. Since varnish is chemistry, therefore, you can use this method, if at the same time you just give the egg, but do not eat it, I would not risk it.

We'll need:

  • white eggs, nail polish

Stages of work:

1. First boil the eggs and cool, dry.

2. Pour water at room temperature into a bowl and drip varnish (you can use one color, you can use several colors, it's up to you).

3. If you use several colors, remember that you need to drip the varnish into the center of the bowl alternately, then one, then another color.

4. Now take a toothpick and draw any abstract patterns. Or take an egg and dip it in a bowl, first one side, then the other. Let dry.

5. You can not dilute the varnish in water, but simply paint anything with varnish, flowers, horses, chickens, bunnies, etc. Let your imagination run wild!

Jelly Easter Eggs

When I was preparing for this article, I saw such an amazing video on how to make unusual jelly eggs. In the video, a child is filmed, very mischievous and cheerful. It turns out such a bright, sunny clearing of multi-colored shiny eggs.

In addition, who loves fun, or surprises relatives or friends, this idea is great to have fun with such eggs. To do this, you do not need to remove the shell from such eggs, just decorate the shell in any way. And it will turn out like just an Easter egg, but in fact, when they start cleaning they will see a surprise. Play your guests for Easter, none of the guests will remain indifferent. How many laughter and smiles!

Watch and see for yourself.

Such testicles (eggs) from jelly can be created with the child, as shown in this video. After all, the joint work of the child and mother is very uniting, bringing together. And most importantly, the child will be delighted.

If you have a desire, then you can decorate eggs with your child and make some funny souvenirs for Easter, about this I wrote another article on this topic:

Friends, I want to wish you all the best, peace, prosperity, kindness! May it always be warm, light in your life, life will be without illness and adversity! If you wish all this on the eve or day of Easter, and eat a couple of painted Easter eggs, then everything will certainly come true!

Good health to all! Happy Easter coming to you! Christ is Risen!!!

P.S By the way, Easter eggs can be left until next year, and then used in the treatment of various diseases, getting rid of the evil eye and spoilage. I never knew about it. This year, I will definitely leave one, the most unusual, beautiful egg untouched. Let it lie until next Easter, there will be such an interesting tradition in our family.
