Che can be prepared from blueberries on the ground. Blueberries mashed with sugar without cooking - recipes for the winter, proportions

28.09.2020 Desserts and cakes

Blueberries in their own juice without sugar - well, a very simple recipe for the winter

Don’t want to cook jam for a long time, and then wash the pots in the sweat of your face? Then this recipe is for you! My mother taught me how to harvest blueberries for the winter without sugar in this way.

So, put the berries in a colander and rinse under running cold water. Let the water drain.

While the water is draining, we begin to sterilize the jars and lids. It is convenient to prepare blueberries in their own juice without sugar in 500-700 gram jars. It is enough to hold them over the steam for 10 minutes. Lids are sterilized for 15 minutes. During sterilization, the water must boil.

We lay out the berries in prepared, clean jars and cover with a lid (do not twist!). Pour cold water into a large saucepan, put a cotton cloth on the bottom and lower the jars. Turn on the gas and wait for the water to boil.

After boiling water, the berries will begin to secrete juice and decrease in volume. Therefore, with a clean tablespoon of berries in a jar, you need to slightly crush and add more berries.

Keep the berries in such a water bath for 40 minutes after boiling water. There is no need to stir this jam. Sugar is out too. Blueberries in their own juice, prepared according to this recipe, will be stored all winter.

At the end, we take out the jars of blueberries from the pan and twist the lids. Then each jar must first be turned on its side and rolled (I don’t know why, but my mother says so :)) And then turn it upside down and cover with a towel. We turn the cooled jars back and put them in the pantry or refrigerator.

What we love about this recipe is that the sugar-free blueberries are not cloying. If desired, before eating, you can add sugar to your taste. Since the berries are not boiled, but steamed in a water bath, they do not become limp, but float whole in their own juice. Beautiful and delicious 😉

Freezing blueberries

We take clean plastic containers or plastic bags. Wash the berries and put them in a colander.

Let the water drain and put the blueberries in a container.

You can freeze blueberries not with whole berries, but mash them first. Then they take up less space in the freezer. This method is good if there is not enough space in the freezer.

To date, there are many ways to preserve berries. But if you are looking for an answer to the question of how to prepare blueberries for the winter in order to preserve vitamins, then not all options will suit you. Which of them is best to choose, you will learn from this article.

Vitamins in blueberries

But before revealing the main topic, it is worth briefly talking about the benefits of blueberries. These wild berries contain vitamins B1, B6, PP and C, as well as minerals - potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium. In addition, there are other active substances in blueberries, but in a lower concentration.

Thanks to this, the berries have a number of useful properties that you want to save for the winter. Wild blueberries have a good effect on memory and vision, improve heart function, increase immunity, protect the body from infectious diseases and cancer, help maintain youth for a long time, and improve mood.

That is why it is desirable to cook from it not only tasty, but also healthy desserts. In addition, these berries are also used for medicinal purposes in traditional medicine recipes.

The best ways to harvest blueberries

frozen blueberries

The surest way to prepare blueberries for the winter in order to preserve vitamins is freezing. What is needed for this? Sort through the berries, removing all debris and leaving only the most even and strong fruits without spots. Next, they must be thoroughly washed. Then lay out on a flat surface in a thin layer and allow to dry a little.

When the berries are ready, place them in containers. It is best to use small jars. So you can easily get blueberries in small portions and consume them.

It remains only to put jars of berries in the freezer. Ideally, use shock freezing - this feature is available in some models of refrigerators and freezers. Store blueberries separately from meat and fish! Shelf life - no more than a year.

After defrosting, the berries are used for various purposes. They can be consumed without additives, but they will no longer be as elastic and juicy as fresh ones. Therefore, it is best to grind them with honey or sugar. Also, frozen blueberries will perfectly diversify the taste of your favorite porridge, become a filling for pancakes or a component of a fruit and berry dessert. If you adhere to a healthy lifestyle, including nutrition, then cook delicious and healthy fresh smoothies with these berries.

How to prepare blueberries for the winter: to preserve vitamins - you should dry, freeze or mix berries with sugar

dried blueberries

It happens that there is not enough space in the freezer, or for another reason you do not want to freeze berries. Then for you there is another option for harvesting blueberries with minimal loss of vitamins - this is drying. It can be done in different ways. But it all starts with the preliminary preparation of berries. They are washed, disassembled and dried, as before freezing.

Then you can go two ways. If you live in a private house or have a summer cottage, then it is best to use the outdoor drying method. To do this, spread the berries in a thin layer on a cotton fabric under a canopy. The main conditions are the presence of a shade, a low level of humidity and good ventilation. Top blueberries with gauze or other thin natural material. Check the berries every few hours and shake them. In total, it takes 3-4 days to dry.

But you can use an alternative method. To do this, spread the prepared blueberries in a thin layer on a baking sheet and send to the oven. The berries will dry for 4-8 hours at a minimum temperature and with the door open. Shake them from time to time.

There are also special dryers for berries and fruits. If you have one, then just follow the instructions.

Dried berries are most often used to add to tea and make medicinal decoctions. Store them in cotton or linen bags in a cool, dark place. Shelf life - about a year.

Blueberries with sugar

This option is easy to prepare and is suitable for storage in the refrigerator. Blueberries need to be disassembled and washed, put in a blender bowl along with sugar and grind thoroughly. As a result, you will retain the aroma and taste of fresh berries, as well as most of the vitamins.

How much sugar to take? First, it's a matter of taste. And secondly, the principle applies here - the more sugar, the longer the shelf life. If you want the workpiece to stand in the refrigerator until spring, then it should be taken twice as much as the volume of berries (for example, 2 cups of granulated sugar will be required for 1 cup of blueberries). If you know for sure that you will eat everything in a month, then a 1: 1 ratio will be enough.

Arrange the finished berry puree in sterilized jars and put in the refrigerator. It can be used as an independent dessert, added to ice cream, used as a filling for pancakes, spread on bread.

After learning how to prepare blueberries for the winter to preserve vitamins, you can choose the most suitable option or use all at once. As a result, healthy and tasty dishes and drinks with berries will be on your table all year round.

Blueberries are a very useful berry, sweet, tasty, juicy, with an indescribable aroma. If you like to pick blueberries, and every year you can boast of a good harvest, then you will probably be interested to know what useful blueberries you can make for the winter yourself. If you decide to cook from blueberries, then our article is for you.

Blueberries for jelly

In order to cook blueberries according to this recipe, you need to take the following:

A glass of blueberry juice;

A kilogram of blueberries.

First you need to sort out the berries very well from forest debris, lower them from a basin with cold water, wash them, changing the water several times. After that, you need to dry it all a little, pour in the blueberry juice that you prepared from some of the berries. After putting it all on fire, stir constantly, and thus bring to a boil. Next, you need to boil everything for 5 minutes and then put it in jars - dry and sterilized. Roll up the workpiece, store only in a cold place.

Blueberries prepared for the winter without sugar

All you need for this recipe is blueberries. We prepare them in the following way.

First, we sort out the blueberries, remove all rubbish from it, and then immerse the water and carefully, but gently wash it, changing the water several times. After that, blueberries need to be decomposed into bottles that you have sterilized in advance. Next, just cover the bottles with lids, put them in a saucepan for sterilization. At the bottom of the pan for this you need to lay a towel. Next, fill the pot with water. Boil everything closed for 20 minutes. After that, you need to close the bottles, and it is better to fill the neck with the cork with bitter paraffin.

Jam made from blueberries with red currants

To prepare an unusually tasty and fragrant jam, you will need to prepare the following products:

Blueberries - 3 kilograms;

Redcurrant - 3 cups;

Sugar - 4 kilograms.

You must first sort and wash all the berries. Be sure to separate the currant from the branches. After you need to make syrup. Red currants need to be transferred to a blender, grind into porridge. If there is no blender, you can easily mash the currants with a spoon or with your hands, whichever is more convenient for you. Next, you need to do the following. Transfer all the currants to an enameled saucepan, put everything on the fire, press until it boils. After that, you must remove everything from the stove, wait until it cools down a bit, squeeze out the juice that was formed during this. In the enameled basin, in which you will prepare the jam, you need to pour all the sugar, and then finish off the juice there. Stir, leave for 15 minutes to melt the sugar a little, and then stand on the stove. Make syrup from this mixture. As soon as the syrup begins to boil, you need to add berries to it, but in parts, not all at once. After that, cook everything over a fairly high heat for 40 minutes, stirring all the time. At the same time, you need to press blueberries all the time with a wooden spatula against the walls of the basin in which you are cooking. After this jam, which you get, is laid out in sterilized jars. In order to form a crust on this jam, which will protect it from damage all winter, you do not need to close the jar with a lid until it has cooled completely. After you can roll up.

Blueberries preserved in beetroot juice

This recipe allows you to cook blueberries without sugar. You need to take the following products for him:

Blueberries - 1 kilogram;

Fresh beetroot juice - 200 grams;

Citric acid - 3 grams.

You need to take the beets, peel them, wash them well, put them in a juicer, after cutting large root crops into large pieces. If there is no juicer, then you will have to strain the beet juice with your hands. To do this, you need to rub the beets without a grater, put the mass that you have formed, put it in gauze, clamp it in the resulting bag to such an extent that the juice separates. After that, you need to take blueberries, sort them out and wash them well, then give them time to dry a little. These berries need to be poured after the juice that you have prepared. Put everything in an enameled container on the fire, wait until it boils, cook for exactly 5 minutes, at the very end stir the citric acid, as soon as it dissolves, turn off the fire. After that, the mixture must be poured into dry jars that you previously boiled. Blueberries prepared in this way are rolled up only when hot.

pickled blueberries

In order to prepare pickled blueberries, you will need to prepare the following products:

Blueberries - 2 kilograms;

Sugar - 400 grams;

Water - 400 ml;

Vinegar at 9% - 200 grams;

Salt - 10 grams;

Carnation - 7 peas;

Allspice - 7 peas;

Cinnamon - 2 pieces.

To begin with, we sort out the blueberries, wash them thoroughly and dry them. After that, you need to take sugar. Put it in a container, dilute with water. Let everything boil. After you need to add vinegar to this syrup. We very carefully lower the blueberries into this liquid after it boils, in small parts. Boil everything together for 4 minutes. After you need to get the berries from the sauce, put them in dry jars that have previously been boiled. The marinade should remain on the fire for another 3-5 minutes. After that, it is taken directly from the heat and poured over blueberries. Roll up hot immediately.

You need to cool upside down, covering with a blanket.

Marmalade made from apples and blueberries for the winter

In order to make a very tasty blueberry and apple marmalade, you must take the following products in advance:

Apples and blueberries, for a kilogram of such puree you will need to take about 700 grams of granulated sugar;

Citric acid - 2 grams;

First you need to make puree. Wash apples, take better sweet and juicy varieties. After you need to clean them, remove the stalk and seeds, chop the apples themselves into small pieces. After that, you need to stir everything, cook in a small amount of water for about 15 minutes. After all this you need to pass through a meat grinder. You can also grind in a blender or food processor. After that, you need to sort through all the blueberries, select the most ripe and neat berries. Dip them in water, wash, changing the water several times for this. After you need to knead it with a tablespoon until it becomes homogeneous, you can also grind it with a blender or using a food processor. Next, you need to boil a little blueberry puree, and then add apple puree to it. As soon as it boils, mark the time, wait exactly 5 minutes, and then start adding sugar. First, add only a quarter of what is indicated in this recipe, mix, cook for at least 5 minutes, and then very carefully, in small parts, add the rest of the sugar. After that, you need to mix citric acid at the very end of cooking such a jam. For convenience, acids can first be dissolved in a tablespoon of boiled water, but only cold or slightly warm, not hot. Next, you must do the following - take the jars, sterilize them, dry them, and then put the marmalade that you have obtained into them. Roll up immediately while hot, chill without turning. Such marmalade should be stored in a cellar or basement.

Jam made from blueberries

In order to make jam from fresh blueberries, you need to take the following products:

A kilogram of blueberries;

600 grams of sugar.

This jam is not only tasty, it is also quite healthy, so this recipe will surely seem very interesting to you. In order to make it, you must first carefully select the berries, avoiding damaged or sour. After you need to place them in a container, wash them several times, put them on a sieve or in a colander so that everything dries. Move the berries to the blender bowl, fashionably into the food processor. Crush everything, after you need the mass that you got, cook on the weakest fire until it starts to boil. As soon as the volume of blueberries becomes half as much, you need to add sugar and cook until the jam is cooked. After the jam is cooked, you need to decompose it into jars that have been calcined in advance. After they need to be put on sterilization, jars of half a liter should be sterilized for 6 minutes, jars of one liter should be sterilized for 10 minutes.

Blueberry compote for the winter

If you like compotes, then they can be easily prepared from healthy blueberries, for this you will need to take the following products:

Blueberries - 1 kilogram;

For syrup, the amount of 1.5 liters - 1 liter of water, sugar - 820 grams.

In order to make such a compote, you must first rinse the berries in cold water in small quantities, and then put them in a colander so that the excess water is glassed. Next, you must pour the blueberries into the jars that you previously washed thoroughly, calcined and cooled. After that, you need to shake the jar a couple of times so that the berries are lighter and denser. Then you must prepare the syrup from the specified amount of water and sugar, once the syrup boils, fill it with blueberries. It is necessary to sterilize all this in boiling water, covering it with boiled lids. Banks per liter are sterilized for 15 minutes, banks for three - for half an hour.

Blueberries for the winter, cooked in syrup

For this recipe, you must take the following products:

Syrup of water and sugar.

To begin with, we sort through all the berries, wash them, it is better to wash them in a colander under running water in small quantities. After that, you need to wait until the water drains. After that, you need to lower the blueberries in portions in boiling water for about 15 seconds to lightly scald. You also need to prepare the jars, boil them, then put them in the oven so that they warm up. You need to place blanched blueberries in hot jars, so it's best to put them in the oven right away and keep them at the right temperature. After you need to shake the jars a little, so that the blueberries lie more densely. After you need to pour the jars with syrup directly from the fire, roll up.

Blueberry puree for the winter

Sugar - 1.5 kilograms;

Blueberries - 1 kilogram.

In order to make blueberry puree for the winter, you must take the berries, sort them thoroughly, rinse, and place them so that excess water from them is glass. After the berries are dry enough, you need to put them in a fairly large enameled pan, mix with sugar. After you need to take a blender and grind it all into porridge. After you need to decompose the puree into jars and store in the cold.

blueberry jelly

To make blueberry jelly, you will need the following:

Blueberry juice - for every 300 ml of juice, you need to take 50 grams of granulated sugar.

If you want to make blueberry jelly, you need to select the most ripe and juicy berries. After you need to wash the blueberries, dry them with a sieve or colander. Then everything is laid out in a small enameled pan and put on fire. We reduce the fire to a minimum and slowly simmer the berries so that they release the juice and become soft. You can simmer in a saucepan, having covered it with a lid first. After that, you need to leave it all overnight so that the juice drains into a colander or sieve. In the morning, you need to take the finished juice, if possible, then squeeze it out mechanically. After that, you need to mix the finished juice with sugar and cook on a small flame until the juice becomes thick enough so that its drop freezes on a spoon or plate. After that, you need to pour the jelly into jars that you have already managed to sterilize before, put it on sterilization again. Banks of half a liter should stand in boiling water for about 30 minutes. Banks per liter should be kept in boiling water for at least 50 minutes. After that, they roll everything up, cool it without turning it over, and take it out into the cold.

blueberry wine

Winemaking is very popular among housewives, because it is a great way to get a tasty and real, thick homemade wine without the addition of preservatives. Try to make blueberry wine at home, you will definitely like it.

In order to make grape wine, you will need the following:

Fresh blueberries - 5 kilograms;

Sugar - 1.5 kilograms;

Water - 5 liters.

Blueberries need to be sorted out well, after washing them in running water in a colander, after that you need to pour them into a large bottle, where the wine will be infused. After you need to take water, mix it with sugar and wait until it all dissolves. Then you can pour the resulting syrup over the berries. After that, you need to leave the bottle at room temperature for a week to start the fermentation process. As soon as fermentation is over, the wine is filtered. After that, you need to pour the wine into dry bottles, cork with corks that you previously soaked in wine, and put in the cold.

Blueberries for the winter without cooking- this is one of the best options for harvesting this "miracle berry". All useful substances, minerals and vitamins are preserved. There are several variations of the blank, pay attention to the following.

Blueberries with sugar for the winter without cooking

Required products:

2 kg sugar
- 1 kg of blueberries

Cooking method:

Prepare a crush, a jar with a plastic or metal lid, a bowl. Rinse utensils thoroughly and wipe dry. The containers should additionally be sterilized in the oven or another processing method should be used. Now you can start preparing the berries. Wash them, cut off the tails, leaves, remove all other debris. Pour the prepared fruits into a clean bowl, sprinkle with granulated sugar. The proportions are approximate, each hostess can choose the option that suits herself.

The next step is the crushing of the fruit. You can just take a blender and grind them in this way. However, the most juicy and tender blueberry mass is obtained by rubbing with your hands. The work is quite painstaking, but the result will certainly please you. If you use a meat grinder, replace the metal case with a plastic one so that the fruits do not oxidize and spoil the taste of the finished treat.

Add granulated sugar to the fragrant mixture, grind thoroughly again. The procedure will take about a quarter of an hour. As soon as the ingredients are prepared, pack the sweet contents, close the rolls, and place on the refrigerator shelf.

Prepare and.

Blueberry jam for the winter without cooking

You will need:

Blueberry fruits - 1 kg
- sugar - one and a half kilograms

Cooking features:

Sort the blueberries, rinse in a basin with clean water. After draining the remaining liquid, transfer the berries to a towel, dry. Combine blueberries with granulated sugar, scroll with a meat grinder (do not forget to replace the nozzle). Arrange the jam in dry, pre-treated jars, cover with lids. Store in a dark and dry place.

Harvesting blueberries for the winter without cooking

Wash 1 kg of berries, dry, push with a pusher. After grinding, add the same amount of granulated sugar, pound again using a wooden spoon. Let the mixture stand for approximately 2 hours. Stir the berries several times during this time so that the sugar crystals melt faster. Place clean containers for sterilization, fill with a sweet treat, tightly screw on the lids. For storage, rearrange in a cool room or cellar.

How to prepare blueberries for the winter without cooking

Another good harvesting option is freezing. It is suitable for those who are against heat treatment and prefer to use berries only in their pure form. Freezing blueberries is easy. Wash whole, fairly ripe berries properly, dry. Lay on a baking sheet so that they do not touch each other. Put the baking sheet with the contents in the freezer and leave for a couple of hours. As soon as the time is up, pour the berries into ziplock bags, close, squeezing out all the air possible. Stick stickers with the date of freezing on each bag, put it in the freezer. The harvest can be eaten only for 1 year.

Blueberries for the winter recipes without cooking


690 g pure water
- berries - 590 g
- 300 g sugar
- gin or strong vermouth - 3 tbsp. spoons
- 3 tbsp. spoons of gelatin

Subtleties of preparation:

Wash the fruits, put them in a bowl, beat with a blender to get a homogeneous berry mass. Set contents aside and let stand 20 minutes. Boil water, let cool at room temperature. Add gelatin to the water, let it swell, stir. In the gelatinous mass, add gin, the sugar that remains, stir until the sugar grains dissolve. Combine the blueberry and gelatin mass, put it in the refrigerator, let the jelly harden completely. Pack in jars, close with lids.

Please your family and.

Recipe with strawberries

Required products:

A little powdered sugar
- 1 kg of strawberry fruits
- granulated sugar - 2 kg
- blueberry fruits - 1 kg

Cooking features:

Wash the berries thoroughly, after sorting, wash in clean water. Tear off the leaves, rinse, put in a colander. Pass both types of fruits through a meat grinder, sprinkle with sugar, put in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. As soon as the sugar dissolves in the berry syrup, stir the mass completely, pack it in calcined jars, sprinkle a very thin layer of powdered sugar on top, cover with plastic caps. Store in refrigerator.

blackcurrant recipe

Sort 700 g of blueberries, tear off the leaves with tails, discard the spoiled fruits. Put in a colander, rinse with cool water. After draining the water, pour on a towel to dry. Fold in a deep bowl, pour sugar on top, beat with a blender, leave for about an hour, after mixing, put in a sterile container, screw with a seaming key.

Blueberries grow in the forests of central Russia, North America and all northern European countries. To preserve all the useful trace elements and vitamins, it is harvested for the winter in various ways.

When heated, any product loses most of its useful properties. Therefore, in all countries since ancient times they have been trying to do without the heat treatment of berries.

Blueberries for the winter without cooking are harvested in not too complicated ways. It can be stored without losing its useful properties until the next harvest.

Read about the beneficial properties of blueberries that are preserved after such a preparation.

Blueberries mashed with sugar for the winter

With this method, a delicious jam is obtained that has not been subjected to heat treatment, which means that it has retained all the benefits of the gift of nature for your family for the whole winter.


  • blueberries - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg.


  1. To begin with, the collected berries must be thoroughly rinsed with running water and dried thoroughly.
  2. Go through them and remove all leaves and bad berries.
  3. You can rub blueberries in different ways: through a sieve, using a wooden pusher, or using a food processor.
  4. Pour in the sugar mixture and mix thoroughly. After a while, stir the puree again.
  5. Arrange the prepared blueberry mass in a suitable container for storage. Your blanks must be tightly closed and stored in a refrigerator or cellar.

This method allows you to prepare a ready-made treat, which, if desired, can be used for filling in baking. Blueberries for the winter without cooking with sugar can also be stored in the freezer.

Frozen blueberries for the winter

There is an opinion that frozen blueberries contain more nutrients than fresh blueberries.


  • blueberries - 1 kg.


  1. To preserve the berry in this way, you need to carefully sort and rinse it.
  2. It is very important to freeze absolutely dry fruits, otherwise the remaining droplets of liquid will destroy the thin skin, and turn your workpiece into one continuous block of purple ice.
  3. Arrange the berries in a single layer on a tray and freeze them.
  4. Then you can pour them into bags or containers for storage.
  5. It is better to defrost them in the refrigerator so that the berries do not lose their shape and juice.


  • blueberries - 1 kg;
  • lemon juice - 2-3 tbsp.


  1. First, sort and rinse the berries. Lay out on a paper towel.
  2. Sprinkle the prepared fruits with lemon juice to preserve the color and give your berries a glossy sheen.
  3. You can dry blueberries in a special electric dryer or in the oven.
  4. If you have a special unit, then spread the berries in one layer on pallets and dry for 8-10 hours.
  5. If you use the oven, then it must be heated to 70 degrees. Arrange the fruits on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and dry for about 12 hours.
  6. Once your berries have dried, store them in a paper bag or linen bag.

Dried blueberries can be eaten as such, or can be added to other berries and fruits when preparing compote or baking.

In Siberia, honey is often used to preserve and preserve the harvest of berries for the whole winter. It is a light preservative, and in itself has.


  • berries - 1 kg .;
  • honey - 1 kg.


  1. For this recipe, it is better to use a mixture of wild berries. Take in equal proportions blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, lingonberries, wild raspberries. You can use any berries you have.
  2. Rinse and dry all forest gifts.
  3. Grind them in a wooden mortar, but not to a puree.
  4. Pour the finished mixture with honey and cork with a lid. It is better to use glass jars.
  5. It is better to store this useful sweetness in the cellar.

This composition is good for colds. A delicacy is also suitable for people who cannot consume sugar.

Choose any method that is convenient for you to harvest blueberries for the winter. This berry during the long winter will support your immunity and give pleasure to the taste of all the sweet tooth. Bon appetit!