Shelf life of stewed cabbage in the refrigerator. How to properly store cabbage in the refrigerator - do you need a bag? How much stewed cabbage is stored in the refrigerator

05.11.2019 Bakery products

White cabbage, despite its availability, is one of the healthiest vegetables. Even in ancient times, cabbage was appreciated for the fact that it could be eaten not only raw, but also fermented, salted and stewed, and also used in the preparation of a variety of dishes - from filling for pies to stews.

Useful properties of stewed cabbage

Stewed cabbage has almost the same beneficial composition as fresh cabbage. Its cabbage leaves contain enough nutrients: fiber, carbohydrates, as well as minerals and vitamins. In addition, white cabbage tolerates long-term storage well, and this does not affect the useful composition too critically.

Useful substances in stewed cabbage

  • Vitamins A, C, E;
  • Vitamin PP;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Calcium;
  • Magnesium;
  • Potassium.

Stewed cabbage leaves contain vitamin PP, which is beneficial for the circulatory system, as it promotes vasodilation and improves their condition.
In addition, cabbage dishes are a fairly significant source of vitamin C. Only 200 grams provide a daily dose.

Vitamin B2, which is also sufficient in stewed cabbage, helps to normalize energy metabolism and improves the condition of the mucous membrane, skin and hair.

The combination of vitamins and trace elements is an excellent strong antioxidant complex.

The benefits of stewed cabbage for weight loss

Braised cabbage - great as a dietary food for weight loss. Due to the saturation with fiber, it speeds up metabolism and activates intestinal motility. Stewed cabbage perfectly copes with constipation, passing through the digestive tract, it removes toxins and toxins from the body, destroys body fat.

And another pleasant bonus of the benefits of stewed cabbage for weight loss is its low calorie content. There are only 30.4 kcal in 200 grams of this dish. Of course, if you cook it in vegetable oil.

The benefits of stewed cabbage for diseases

Cabbage stewed in vegetable oil is often included in the diet of the elderly, as well as during the recovery period after complex and abdominal surgeries.
It quickly restores bowel function, due to its vitamin composition, it is useful for restoring strength and speeding up wound healing. Reduces the risk of complications by strengthening the immune system.

For whom is stewed cabbage harmful?

Due to the ability to increase the production of gastric juice, use should be limited to:

  • with enterocolitis;
  • increased acidity;
  • during an exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease;
  • with intestinal spasms.

How much braised cabbage can you eat

As already mentioned, this dish provokes the production of gastric juice, so you should limit yourself to 200-250 grams per day.

How to cook stewed cabbage to preserve its beneficial properties

  1. Separate the leaves, rinse under running water.
  2. Dice or chop.
  3. Fry quickly in vegetable oil, salt, then add a little water and simmer under a lid over low heat until tender.

The cooking time depends on the type of cabbage, so check the doneness every 5 minutes.

Healthy Stewed Cabbage Recipes

Cabbage is good because it is combined with most vegetables, mushrooms, meat and dough. By adding herbs and spices to it, you can create a new original dish every time.

Stewed cabbage with mushrooms

Peel the mushrooms, cut and fry in vegetable oil. Add finely chopped onion, salt and spices.
Chop the cabbage and add to the mushrooms. Add water, give a couple of bay leaves, a crushed garlic clove and simmer under a lid over low heat until tender.

Hungarian stewed cabbage pasta

Chop the onion finely, fry until golden brown. then in the same frying pan add chopped medium cabbage, salt, give sweet paprika and a little red hot pepper, add some water and simmer under the lid. While the cabbage is stewing, boil the pasta (bows or other large pasta will do).

When all the ingredients are ready, combine them, pour over tomato sauce, sprinkle with fresh herbs on top.

Cabbage is a unique vegetable. It looks good on all sides and is the perfect product for leanness. A crispy multi-layered head of cabbage in the hands of experienced chefs turns into a fragrant tasty dish in a matter of minutes. They know how much cabbage is stewed and how to make its taste as rich as possible. Let's find out their secrets.

The benefits of cabbage

The best helper for our body is cabbage. It is she who allows you to maintain balance in it, improve bowel function and normalize weight. The preservation of nutrients in it, especially vitamin C, which is simply found in excess here, completely depends on how much cabbage is stewed. With moderate heat treatment, the amount of ascorbic acid in the vegetable increases even more. Vitamin C (ascorbigen) not only helps to strengthen the immune system, but also has strong anti-tumor properties. In addition, cabbage contains a large amount of minerals and other beneficial compounds necessary for the body:

  • folic acid is responsible for blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  • sodium and potassium provide the withdrawal of excess fluid;
  • choline normalizes the amount of stored fats;
  • fiber contributes to the proper functioning of the intestines, the removal of toxins from it.

Cabbage is a low-calorie product, recommended by experts as a daily dish that helps to get rid of extra pounds and normalize the work of the whole body.

A matter of taste

How much cabbage is stewed in time depends on various factors. First of all, individual taste preferences play a role here. As a rule, the variety of the product also influences the readiness, and many believe that the true taste of the vegetable manifests itself when it darkens to the shade of "coffee with milk". At this stage of heat treatment, the cabbage becomes optimally soft, and a slight pungency appears in the taste.

However, some people prefer it only half-baked or as one of the ingredients in a vitamin salad. It should be noted that fresh cabbage can only be eaten by people with strong stomachs, it is less digestible and can lead to heaviness in it. Experts consider the stewed version to be the most gentle and useful in this case.

Having decided how long fresh cabbage is stewed and with the amount of additional bright ingredients to it, as a result we will get a delicious aromatic dish that will be appreciated by all homemade people, without exception.

Choosing the best cabbage

How much cabbage is stewed in time depends entirely on the correct choice of this healthy vegetable, and in order to avoid mistakes, a number of recommendations should be taken into account:

  • high-quality ripe cabbage should be dense, and when squeezed with your hands, it should not deform, but only crunch pleasantly;
  • consider a vegetable, outwardly it should be clean, without visible defects and spots indicating the development of putrefactive processes in it;
  • often sellers, in order to sell stale cabbage more profitably, remove its top leaves, this can be easily identified by the stump, on which traces of their breakage remain;
  • large heads of cabbage are cut and sold in halves for convenience; here it is worth paying attention to the cut, it should not be windy, white, the already faded edges and darkening of the stump indicate the staleness of this product.

Combination options

Braised cabbage is a primordially Russian dish that is cooked in every family. Our grandmothers knew how much cabbage is stewed and how to make it as tasty as possible. On the basis of this multi-layered vegetable, a lot of uncomplicated and very healthy recipes were made.

That only sauerkraut is worth, its taste cannot be compared with anything, and the benefits of its use are great. Always tasty, satisfying, inexpensive.

You can cook cabbage in any form - sauerkraut and fresh, supplemented with mushrooms, poultry, beef, rice, beans, spices. The stewing process can be different, it depends on a number of nuances, and as a result, the dish turns out to be completely different. That is why recipes with cabbage have not become boring for decades and include a number of subtleties and rules for their successful preparation.

Preparation for cooking

Any preparation should start by removing the top leaves, they are especially rough and can spoil the taste of the dish. A shredder follows. How long the cabbage is stewed depends entirely on the size of the sliced ​​pieces.

Fresh is cut into small cubes or chopped into strips, and sour must be sorted out and washed. If it is heavily salted, leave it in water for a while, chop large parts to equal strips. It is impossible to stew too peroxidized cabbage, during the heat treatment its taste becomes even more concentrated, and the finished dish becomes extra acidic.

How much cabbage is stewed

Basically, a white vegetable is prepared, but cauliflower is no less tasty in this form, the main thing here is to stew it correctly and pay special attention to some nuances.

  • a ten-minute heat treatment will be enough for a young head of cabbage with delicate leaves, but it is better to keep dense winter varieties on fire for forty minutes, or even an hour;
  • how much fresh or sauerkraut is stewed is always determined by its softness, color and taste - if it begins to darken, a bitterness and tenderness characteristic of the finished vegetable has appeared, then it’s time to turn off the fire;
  • it is not worth prolonging the stewing time, this will not improve the taste of the vegetable, rather, on the contrary, it will completely soften, turn into porridge and lose all vitamins;
  • it is very tasty to cook cabbage in the oven, but here it is necessary to set a low temperature so that the dish does not boil, but languishes for forty minutes;
  • how much cauliflower is stewed will also depend on personal preferences and the degree of maturity, 15-20 minutes is enough for a fresh young vegetable.

Cabbage can be stewed in any way - in a slow cooker, oven or on the stove in a dish with thick walls, it turns out to be harmonious and tasty everywhere.

Simple recipe

Before cooking, prepare vegetables, peel onions, carrots, cut them as you wish, chop the cabbage. In this recipe, you can use a fresh or pickled version of it.

  1. Such a dish is quickly and easily cooked in a regular frying pan. Fry the onions on it, add the carrots, bring the vegetables until golden brown.
  2. Add cabbage, some water and stir. Cover tightly, set to medium heat.
  3. After 10 minutes, the dish can be salted and tasted. How much cabbage is stewed, we also decide at this stage - a young vegetable can already be turned off, last year's will require a longer temperature treatment.
  4. At the very end of cooking, you can add tomato paste, garlic and your favorite spices.

In this way, adding additional ingredients (mushrooms, chicken), you can quickly and easily prepare a new version of the dish. Do not forget to let it brew. How much sauerkraut is stewed will depend solely on individual preferences: like dense and crispy - twenty minutes is enough, well-roasted coffee shade - you can stew for an hour.

Subtleties and tricks

There are secrets in the preparation of any dish, and in order for the cabbage to turn out to be really tasty, it is worth observing them:

  • it will turn out very appetizing if the chopped vegetable is first fried in butter, and then seasoned with broth and stewed under a closed lid;
  • it is better to put salt in cabbage five to ten minutes before the end of cooking;
  • ordinary flour makes the dish rich and tasty, fry it separately in a dry frying pan until golden brown and add a couple of minutes until cooked;
  • to get rid of the pungent cabbage smell, put a piece of stale brown bread on top of the chopped vegetable; during the cooking process, it will absorb all the aromas and prevent them from spreading throughout the house.

A variety of dishes are prepared from cabbage every day. In this regard, people form a certain supply of vegetables in the house so that they are always at hand. But, how should cabbage be stored so that it does not spoil? Can I use the refrigerator to keep the food safe?

In the refrigeration device for vegetables, you need to choose the coldest places where the temperature is constantly kept at 1 degree below zero. Refrigerators sold in the country have a compartment designed specifically for this.

Some models of refrigeration household appliances may not have such a vegetable compartment. Then the heads of cabbage are placed where vegetables are usually kept and the lowest temperature is set with the regulator. In such conditions, cabbage without loss of quality can lie for about 1 month. Sometimes, if placed in the wrong place, it can start to rot after a week of storage. Therefore, place the forks in the refrigerator correctly.

The hostess, in relation to cabbage, always has one task - to keep it in the refrigerator for as long as possible. For this, many different methods have been developed to protect the forks from moisture. You can prevent moisture from entering the stored head of cabbage if it is wrapped in plastic wrap when storing it.

But such preparation requires a series of actions in the following sequence:

  • select vegetables with elastic heads of cabbage, to which the integumentary leaves fit tightly;
  • cut off the stump so that it sticks out by 2 cm;
  • found damage, cut with a knife;
  • wrap the forks with cling film in 2-3 layers;
  • squeeze air out of the package, smooth out the folds of the package;
  • send the heads of cabbage to the refrigerator by placing them in the coldest compartment.

There is another interesting storage method. To do this, the heads of cabbage are wrapped in paper and placed one at a time in a perforated plastic bag. The paper will absorb the protruding moisture and the paper wrapping will need to be changed regularly.


With any storage option, one should strive to ensure that no droplets of moisture form on the heads of cabbage. Cabbage forks can be stored in the refrigerator for 1 week without a wrapper.

Preparing the head

Small dense forks need to be taken away for storage. If you bought them in late autumn, then this is most likely a late cabbage variety suitable for long-term storage.

You should avoid storing cabbage of other ripening periods, as well as loose heads of late varieties. Such specimens can lie without damage for no more than 3 months.

The preliminary preparation of the vegetable is of great importance in the selection of forks for storage. All forks are thoroughly examined and, if cracks, traces of damage from pests, dents from transportation are found, they are rejected and used as intended as soon as possible.

The remnants of the stem must be pruned. The shorter it is, the better for efficient storage. From the remains of the stems, cabbage during storage can release flower stalks or small heads of cabbage, which will have a bad effect on the quality of storage.


Forks, before storage, should be freed from the integumentary leaves, leaving no more than one pair of leaves. During storage, these leaves will protect the heads of cabbage from lesions of fungal and bacterial infections.

In addition, the heads of cabbage are washed in running water. By this method, harmful insects, particles of earth and sand are washed out of the forks. At the end of the preparatory activities, all forks are wiped with clean cloth rags to remove all moisture. Dried heads can be stored.

Features of storing different types of cabbage

The difference in storage duration is observed not only between types of cabbage, but also between varieties of the same species. Late ripening varieties can be stored much longer than early varieties. And according to the types of cabbage, it is known that the shelf life of cauliflower, as well as broccoli and Peking cabbage, is just over 2 weeks, and kohlrabi is up to 35 days.

How to properly store white cabbage

There are many suitable places where you can successfully store this cabbage. However, for the inhabitants of apartment buildings, the refrigerator has become a familiar place. By placing the vegetable in a special compartment, you can be sure that it will not spoil within 90 days.

It is worth noting that during storage, the cabbage will wilt and will not be so attractive. If you remove a couple of leaves from the head from time to time, it will turn out to slightly extend the storage duration. With this option, the forks will not lose their useful qualities, all vitamins, mineral salts will be preserved almost to the full.

The shelf life of cabbage in the refrigerator can be significantly extended by wrapping each fork in a protective film. It is argued that this approach will increase the safety of the product by 2 times, and the storage quality will be very different for the better - the cabbage will not lose its crunch and taste.

Balcony storage

This storage option also deserves attention if the balcony is glazed and properly insulated. On the balcony, for this they put a cabinet with shelving and a closing door. Forks are also wrapped in cling film and stored in one row on each rack. However, if in winter your temperature there drops to -2 degrees and below, then you should abandon this venture.


Sometimes, to preserve cabbage, city dwellers use the pantry available in the apartment. Forks, before storage, are also wrapped in cling film. Every 10 days, the heads of cabbage should be revised for rotting. In such conditions, the vegetable product will lie for 2-4 months. Cabbage, with different storage methods, can retain its qualities for different periods of time.

How much cabbage is stored in the apartment?

  1. Opened forks, at 20-24 degrees of heat, can be stored for no more than 7 days.
  2. Cabbage, properly stored on the balcony, may not lose its beneficial properties within six months.
  3. Forks wrapped in foil and placed in the refrigerator can be stored for 150 days.
  4. Cabbage frozen in the freezer will keep well for 300 days.
  5. Dried cabbage will retain its usefulness for 1 year.

For the successful storage of white cabbage, it is necessary to create the following conditions:

  • temperature - from minus 1 to +5 degrees;
  • air humidity - from 80 to 95%.

How to store cauliflower in the refrigerator

The way the cauliflower is kept in the refrigerator is far from the best. For a long time, it will not work to preserve the vegetable this way. It is guaranteed that it will lie in the refrigerator, without loss of quality, for about two weeks, and in the best case for 1 month.

It is not recommended to place the vegetable in the refrigerator when open. The cabbage should be well covered by wrapping it in 2 layers in cling film, thick paper, or placing it in an airtight plastic bag. For each head of cabbage, you need to pick up a separate package. The packaged cabbage is placed in the upper compartments of the refrigeration unit.


Some preparation is required before placing the vegetable in the refrigerator. All leaves and roots are cut from the fork.

If you want to store a vegetable for a long time, for example, one year, you need to place it in the freezer. Moreover, there, it can be saved both as a whole and in parts. Some housewives put cauliflower, previously steamed in boiling water, for storage in the freezer.

How to store broccoli in the refrigerator

Despite the good resistance of broccoli to low temperatures, its storage is fraught with difficulties. The big problem is that it fades very quickly and does not tolerate excess moisture. However, there are ways to store such cabbage throughout the year.

Broccoli should not be kept in a warm room with low air humidity. Because of this, a broccoli refrigerator is a good storage place. It requires a temperature from 0 to 10 degrees above zero and a relative humidity of 90-95%.

But even in such storage conditions, cabbage will retain its qualities for no more than 2 weeks. Long-term storage of broccoli for 6-12 months can be achieved by sending it to the freezer.

Over a long period of using broccoli, several effective ways of storing it in the refrigerator have been developed:

In a container with water. This method will keep the cabbage for 9 days. To do this, you need to take the following actions:

  • select a suitable container and pour some water into it;
  • place the cabbage in it so that the inflorescence is at the top;
  • cover the inflorescence with a perforated plastic bag;
  • send broccoli in containers to the refrigerator;
  • the water in the container should be changed daily.

Storage in a paper towel. This method is only suitable when you want to keep the broccoli for no more than 4 days. For which you need to do the following steps:

  • spray all inflorescences with a spray device;
  • wrap the broccoli loosely in paper napkins;
  • wipes should absorb excess moisture;
  • put the cabbage in the refrigerator.

Storage of cabbage in sachets in parts. The method is suitable if you want to ensure the safety of the vegetable for 3 days. For which you need to do the following:

  • take a synthetic bag and make 6 holes in it for ventilation;
  • put an inflorescence in each bag;
  • send the packaged vegetable to the refrigerator.


Broccoli does not tolerate excess moisture, so it is not washed when sent for storage. If the dirt is very strong, then you can wash it, but then the cabbage should be well dried.

For long-term storage, broccoli will need to be frozen. If this operation is performed according to the rules, the cabbage will not lose its useful qualities and good appearance. To freeze a vegetable, you need to properly prepare it:

  • vegetables selected for freezing must be washed well in a vinegar solution (3 teaspoons of vinegar per 5 liters of water);
  • keeping the cabbage in the vinegar solution for 20 minutes, rinse it with running water and dry it;
  • disassemble the forks into inflorescences 3 cm in diameter, the length should be the same;
  • Blanch the vegetables for 3 minutes, and then immediately dip the inflorescences in ice water;
  • dry the cabbage;
  • pack the inflorescences in bags, removing air from them;
  • put the broccoli bags in the freezer.

If the need arises to prepare a dish of broccoli, several bags are removed from the freezer and the product is thawed in heated water.

How to store sauerkraut in the refrigerator

White cabbage fermented by the usual method can be stored for several months under appropriate conditions. Therefore, it can be eaten throughout the fall, winter and even spring.

Of course, room temperature is not suitable for long-term storage. In such conditions, the product will quickly sour. The longest possible storage can be achieved by placing sauerkraut in the freezer. It is important to remember that for defrosting it will be necessary to take out their freezer as much cabbage as you are going to use. Re-freezing is undesirable.

It is considered optimal to store sauerkraut in glass jars, enamel pots in which it was fermented, at a temperature of 0 to +2 degrees. It is desirable that the temperature is kept in this range and even for a short time does not fall below 0 degrees.

Such conditions can be created in the refrigerator. In this household appliance, the temperature meets the requirements for storing such cabbage and there are no temperature jumps in it. The only drawback of the refrigerator is its small capacity. No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to put all the blanks in it.


As we have already said, sauerkraut in the refrigerator, without loss of quality, can be stored for several months.

How much stewed cabbage is stored in the refrigerator

  1. It is known that such a dish contains a lot of vitamin C, but after 24 hours, when stored at room temperature, most of it evaporates.
  2. It's another matter if you put the stewed cabbage in the refrigerator. There she is without loss of quality, maybe within 3 days. True, it was noticed that after 2-3 days of such storage, its taste does not change for the better.
  3. It is also allowed to place the stewed cabbage in the freezer for a longer preservation. In such conditions, it can be kept for up to six months. At the same time, its taste will not undergo changes.
  4. Before placing such a dish in the freezer, the stew must be prepared. Preparation consists in laying it out over small pots. It is not recommended to use packages for these purposes.

When you need to cook a dish from this cabbage, you need to remove the product from the freezer, heat it in the microwave, and only then put it in the pan to heat it up.

Can cabbage be stored in the freezer

Sauerkraut is allowed to be stored in the freezer. The vegetable is in brine, so even a ten-degree frost will not spoil the quality of the product. Long-term storage in the freezer is also suitable for cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli.

Freezing cauliflower

This vegetable has a delicious taste and contains many beneficial elements. To use cauliflower for culinary purposes throughout the calendar year, it must be frozen.

The process looks like this:

  1. Place the cabbage in salt water to drive out insects and their larvae.
  2. Then place the forks in boiling water for 3 minutes, to which lemon juice was previously added.
  3. After blanching, dip the forks in a container of cold water to cool the vegetable. This is necessary to preserve the valuable qualities of the vegetable, its appearance and juiciness.
  4. After drying, tear off or trim the leaves from the cabbage, as well as the spoiled fragments.
  5. Divide the cabbage into florets. Place each inflorescence in a separate sealed bag.


You can freeze broccoli or Brussels sprouts in the same way.

Freezing white cabbage

For long-term storage in low temperature ranges, select cabbage forks of the highest quality. It should be dense, juicy and not damaged in any way. The early varieties of cabbage are usually sent to the freezer. Such a vegetable cannot subsequently be used for making salads. This cabbage is perfect for frying, boiling and stewing.

The freezing process will look like this in stages:

  1. Find a vegetable that is suitable for freezing.
  2. Remove dried, limp, affected leaves, fragments with dark spots.
  3. Wash and dry the forks.
  4. Cut the cabbage into strips.
  5. Pour boiling water over the chopped vegetable. This will preserve the color and flavor of the cabbage.
  6. Pack the product in small sealed synthetic bags.
  7. Send the food to the freezer.

Experienced housewives, when preparing forks for storage, recommend performing the following actions:

  1. Soak each head in salt water before placing it in the refrigerator. This will be enough for 20 minutes.
  2. Then dry the heads of cabbage with a waffle towel. With this technique, you can rid the vegetable of insects stuck between the leaves.
  3. Inspect stored vegetables regularly. If you find that cabbage leaves have lost their usual color, remove the forks from the refrigerator and free it from the wrapper and decaying leaves.
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